The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, December 24, 1920, Image 2

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THE NEWNAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1920. THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, DEC. 24. Official Organ of Coweta County. ju. B. Brown. O. W. Passavant. BROWN & PASSAVANT Editor. and I'ubllaher.. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. The Horald office la located In the Goodrum Building, 12 Jaokaon Stroot. 'Phono 0. CHRISTMAS It is n happy thought thnt in tlm long procession of swiftly passing days thero nro soino in ovory year that speak, amid the waste of time, of immortal life and love. The flower blooms in beauty but an hour. Youth is immature, ngo is blighted with dorny, and the full, ripo manhood passes from the one to tho othor, as from porfoetion to imperfection, on to death. Tiino fur rows tho brow, silvors tho locks, bonds tho buck, and mnkes of tho heart itself n store-house of sad memories. In ovory sood thero is writton along with the promise of growth tho doom of decay. It iB tho lesson, of all history, and from tho moment thnt tho knowledge of this destiny bos ontorod consciousness -it is tho bitter dreg at tho bottom of ovory <;up of plonsuro. Tho- ,proudost structures of human prido crumble into ruins, and oven our air castles cast tlioir shadows. In vain wo dronm dreams and see visions; from our oblivious slumber, from our joyous rovory, wo nro awakened as prisoners for whom tho oxocutioner is waiting, Timo will novor dtuy his hand; but ns he turns the loaves of tho calondar of our allotted days wo come onco ovory yoor to tho illuminatad pago of Christ mas, and then from tho portals of tho grave our souls are lifted honvonwnrd on buoynnt wings of hope. Thnt is tho meaning of tho day— tho in nor reason of the rejoicing that It brings to all Christendom. Leave out that day and all the rest nro blanks. Tho world mny forgot this faith, ignoro it, or deny it; but doop within its honrt of hearts it is tho sourco of its Strength, tho inspiration of its ondouvor. From tho darkness of despair and doubt it has brought llfo and immortality to light,’ and given significance to deods that clso wore worthless. Christmas comes, nnd from tho bol- fry whence tho funeral knell wub tolled, joy bolls penl out tho prophecy of uni versal resurrection. Hence Christmas is the festival of humanity, the jubilee* of a world-wido emancipation. To tho •downtrodden ami oppressed of nil na tions, it declares tho equality of the whojo human family in tho fatherhood of <W and tho hrothorhood of Christ. To every griof a eonsolntion, to ovory ■wrong a comploto redross, it breaks tho prisoner’s chains; nnd to tho tyrnnt it soys, “Romombor, this thy slave iB thy brother, too. 1 ’ Here wo have tho koy to tho enigma of existence. Tho star that shone over Bethlehem shines on’all the blurred scroll of history, and between its linos wo traco tho linger of Providonco. The philoso phy of history Is found ih tho divine purpose which persists nnd works out good for civilization, onllghtonmont and f seed am. Otliorwlso tho mystory ijf fate baa no solution, and the happiest llfo of men and kingdoms is only a post ponement of inevitable sorrow and doso- Jution. Truo, wo aro not always wholly con scious of tho reason of Christmas re joicings. We celebrate the day as by a sort of traditional call to be happy; but we seldom quito forgot that it comes itlth a mission of love. We give good gifts to our children and our friends; we remember tho fatherless and the needy; wo clasp hands with our neigh bor nnd wish him joy. Thus far, at lonst, wo realize the spirit of Christian ity, though wo mny not call to mlml that on tho first Christmas God gave His most precious gift to innn, and the wise men brought gifts to tho Babe in tho manger. But remembering these things, wo give with hotter grace, mak ing what return wo can to the heavenly bounty when we give to tho least, tho lowliest, tlic most forlorn and needy of our brethren. “J’cncc nnd good will to men,” was the proclamation of tho angelic choir. Can wo not offer that? It is not much to ask from man to man, to whom so much has been given; but it is enough to restore to earth tho lost charm of its corthly Eden. Peace and good will. However wo mny differ, lot our end be ponce; and howovor wo may strive anil suffer, Jet our purpose bo ennobled with good will. Then tho light of Christinas will gladden all tho year, and every year will bo a typo of the mollonnium. . CHRISTMAS-TIME. Dr. Thos. B. Gregory. Away with all grouchinosS and greed, all doubt and despair! This is the Boa- son of lovo nnd good will, of hop© and glndnoss. Joy is always and evorywliero •‘orthodox” and in order. If you nro able to do so at no othor timo of tho yoar, during the Christmas timo rosolvo to have tho full courage of your nobio self, and to lot your wor thiest and bravest sontimont assert it self to tho full. Lot joy bo unconfinodt Again lot it bo said, ‘‘All is well.” Tho sun is not going to bo conquered by tho Frost King; tho anarchists aro not going to overthrow tho Constitution of the United States and tho govornmont that was in augurated by our vonorated Washing ton ; in spito of -tho little politicians who aro roady to ‘‘givo up to party what was moaHt for mankind,” the ways and moans of bottoring tho condition of man kind will suroly bo found; tho life of men nnd nations shall not lmvo boon in vnin; nnd ns for Old Donth, who awaits us nt tho ond of this little onrthly way, for all that wo think to tho contrary, ho mny turn out to bo our best friend. Tlioso who lmvo crossed tho north At lantic in winter nood not bo reminded of tho uplifting and joy-giving influonco of tho Gulf stronm. Thoso who lmvo folt it can novor forgot it. Onco fairly upon tho mysterious ‘‘rivor of tho son,” tho chill nml numbness of ono’s bdily nnd Houl dopnrt, tho rigid muBclbs re lax, tho pont-up foolinga let themselves loose in Binging, and clint, and nil-round sociability and onjoyinont, and all the world seems to bo refashioned for the bettor. And such is Christmas, witli its good will and good choor, its bravo confident nml Hpontimoous glmlnosH. It is tho Gulf Htroiun of life, warming us into tho sontimont of a common humanity, with its unsolflBlmosB and comradeship, nnd imparting to us nil a gliul sonso of se curity and victory. CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to thank all our neighbors and friends, for tho many kindnesses shown our dear mother in her long ill- ness.and for loving sympathy shown us in her death. May God’s richest bless ings bo on you all is our prayer. Mrs. Nancy Summers. J, It. Summers. S. F. Summers. E. O. Summers. Mrs. B. Arnold. E. G. Arnold. / o CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to thank our friends for nu rnerous kindnesses shown us upon the recent death of our dear wife and mother, and for tender 1 condolences extended us in our bereavement. W. S. Carmichael. Mrs. Seth Johnson. Mrs. B. P. Scruggs. Mrs. J. D. Coulcy. G. O. Carmichael. A lot of businesses are run upsido down these days nnd still making money. New Advertisements. MYRON H. FARMER, M. D, Physician nml Surgeon. Office over T. O. Farmer & Sons Co. Office ’phono GOO; residence ‘phone ,72. Notice of Discharge In Bankruptcy. In tho District Court of the United States, for tho Northern District of Georgia No. 1014. In Bankruptcy. Jn re Lee Bohannon, Bankrupt. A petition for discharge having been filed In conformity with law by above- named bankrupt, and the Court hav ing ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had on Jan. 22, 1921, at ten o’clock a. m, at the United States District Court-room, In the city of At lanta, Georgia, notice Is hereby given to all ooredltors and otner persons in Interest to appear at said time anu place and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge should not be gninted. O, C. FULLER, Clerk. W. C. WRIGHT, Attorney. BURGLARS BUSY IN LAGRANGE. LaGrange, Ga., Dec. 21.—Burglars of the amateur variety, judging by the na ture of their exploits, Saturday night broke into five stores in the downtown business section. Millinery and ready- to-wear garments were the chiqf items of Iobs sustained by the Btores burglar ized^ Considerable damage was done to tho interiors of Boveral of the stores by the marauders, who apparently were seek ing money as well as articlos of cloth ing. So far the police have not secured any definite clue as to the perpetrators of ttio crimes. • Another year is nearing its close and with its ending comes that glad timo, tho Christmas holiday season, The ab sent onoB are home again, or if they cannot come there are letters and tokens to be sent and received. — VJ- — ‘ Tomorrow is unborn, yesterday is dead, today is yours. SHERIFF’S SALE FOR JANUARY, GEORGIA—Coweta County: Will be sold before the court-house door In Newnan. said county, on the first Tuesday In January, 1921, to the highest and best bidder, the following described property, to-wlt: Five hundred pounds seed cotton, more or less; 00 bushels’cotton Seed, more OT re or leas; 140 bushels com ~ ui less: 1,000 lbs. hay, more o’r 7.°. r , e stored in house on Leigh Potts’ Levied on aB the property of Perdue to satisfy a forcloshre lien h iS favor of Leigh Potts vs. the said t.*™ Perdue. This Nov. 16. 1920. p;, Jo > $4.48. J. D. BRBWBTER, Sheriff* 1 Army Overcoats Dyed, $4.50 HOLLIS CLEANER DYER TAILOR NEWNAN, GA. OFFICE: 3 1-2 COURT SQUARE CLEANING AND DYE WORKS: 33 E. BROAD STREET FOR LATE SHOPPERS Our store offers a splendid assortment of GIFTS OF THE MOMENT /■ TO CLOSE CHRISTMAS DAY. Wo, tho undersigned merchants of Nownnn, lioroby ngreo to close our stores all day Saturday, Doc. 25, (Christmas Day. P. F, Cuttino & Co. D. W. Boone & Co. H. C. Arnall McIbo. Co. T. G. Farmer & Sons Co. F. H. Arnold. Hubbard Bros. I. N. Orr Co., Korsoy & Prathor. Barnott-St. Johu Co. Mrs. Lola Adams. C. A. King. M. B. Mooney. Wm. Askew. McLollan Stores Co. H. O. Glover. Glovor-Jonos Co. Boost tho Chamber of Commorcc. NOTICE OF APPRAISEMENT. GEORGIA—Coweta County: To L. L. Brown, administrator of J. S. Anderson, Geo. D. Anderson, John S. Anderson, David H. Anderson, Mll- lodgo Anderson, Mrs. ^mma A. Bled soe, Miss Bessie Anderson, John A. Thomas, A. M. Hartsfleld, C. P. Harts- fleld, Cornelia H. Brown, Frances H. Drake, F. S. Murray, C. W. Murray, Mrs. Motile Jones, C. B. Anderson, Edward H. Anderson, Clifford G. An- dorson, Harvlland C. Nance, Gray Carl- tliers, William Carlthors, and to C. -J. Owens, Tax Collector of Coweta county, and H. J, ,-Fullbrlght, State Tax Com missioner: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 29th day of December, 1920, at the court-house of said Coweta county, at 10 o'clock a. m„ tho undersigned, as the duly ap pointed appraisers to fix tho value of all property belonging to the estate of John S. Anderson, late of said county, deceased, subject to the In heritance tax under tho laws of said State, will appraise all the property of said ostate subject to said tax, In accordance with the provisions of the law. This 21st day of December, 1920. G. WYNN SMITH, GEO. W. MEYER, R. S. ARNOLD, Appraisers. Nice Gifts Serviceable Gifts • ■ • * i Indispensable Gifts Gifts that will be readily appreciated. LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY 'A GOOD DRUG STORE • -'PHONE 66 Whitman’s Candy Norris’ Candy Tags, Seals, Tissue Paper, Crepe Paper, Bells, Etc. Conklin’s Fountain Pens Waterman’s Fountain Pens Eastman Kodaks Everything for Christmas Legal Notices. licttcris of AdmlnlMtrntlon. GEORGIA—Coweta County: f E. C. McICoy having applied? to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administration on the estate of Mr. 1 *. Sarah A. Grimes, deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in January next, if any they can, vhy saw application should not be granted. This Dec. 6, 1920. W. A. POST, Judge City Court of Newnan, acting Ordinary. LetterM of AdmlniHtrutlon. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Wm. A. Hiftes having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administration on the estate of Jas. E. Hines, deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in January .next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Doc. 7. 1920. W. A. POST, Judgo City Court of Newnan, acting Ordinary. S O f Letter* ot Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: W. B. Chestnut having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administration on the estate of J. T. Chestnut, deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Monday In January next. If any they can, why Bald application should not be granted. This Dec. 6. 1920. W. A. POST. Judge City Court of Newnan, acting Ordinary. Our Sale of % Off Will Be Continued TUI. Jan. 1 LAST CHANCE For Christmas Toys for Girls and Boys SKATES W-e have a few pairs of Roller Skates left. Be prompt if you want to buy a pair. Price very reasonable. GIFT STJGGETIONS WAGONS There is quite a saying to you in many lines of goods —useful for Xmas remem brances—such as Hosiery, Gloves, Hand Bags, Hand- , • \ kerchiefs and Ivory . . . Still have a few good Wagons on hand. Come quick if you want a coas ter Wagon, or a good steel Wagon. VELOCIPEDES IRISH MAIL COASTERS AIR RIFLES FOOT BALLS FLASH LIGHTS HARPS KNIVES BOY SCOUT HATCHETS LEGGINS AIR RIFLE SHOT Get Your Christmas Horn or Whistle Here All Suits, Dresses, Waists and Furs Priced at One-Half s Glover-Jones Co. Johnson Hardware Go. B