The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, December 31, 1920, Image 2

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letters of administration on the estate oil by ft vote of 92 to 65. Messrs. W. N. oT Mrs. Sarah A. Grimes* deceased, all THE NEWNAN HERALD HEWN AN, GA., FRIDAY, DEC. 31. Official Organ of Coweta County. jmm ej. Brown. O. W. Passavant. BROWN & PASSAVANT Editor. anil l‘iil>ll»hrr». SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2,00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. The Horalrt ofnee Is located In the Ooodrutn Building, II Jackson Streot. •Phono 8. LUTHERVILLE. MUs Lynda LnasoUcr, of Joncsville, 8. C'„ anil Mr*. “Shoti” nullaril and Ilttlo non, Hownrd, of Maelmn. nru upending thn holiday* with Mr*. II. Lassettor. Mr. W. N. Tcnglp, of Columhiis, *pont Sunday with relative* liore. Mr. anil Mr*. It. 0. Truininoll and lit tlo *on, of Hamilton, nrn gueHt* thi* woek of Mr. and Mr*. K 10. Fry. Mtb. Fivuik Bowlos, of Groonvillo, i* npending the wi>ek with friend* here. Mrs. W. E. Chandler, of Tlfton, nnd Mr. H, 8. McWilliams, of Atlanta, are spending the holiday* with their, mother, Mr*. Ada McWilliams. Mr*. (Jordon Glnsicr, of Decntnr, nnd Mr*. W. L. Orr, of I’erry, nro visiting their sister, Mr*. .1. IJ. McKoon. Mr*. Fate Stovnll, of Montgomery, Ala., is visiting Mis* He»Bio Liwsetter. Mr. nnd Mr*. Loon Holman, of We* ton, Mis* .lanio Taylor of Wliite*hurg, Mr. Will Tnylor of Atlanta, Mr. John Taylor of Chattanooga, nnd Mr. and Mr*. Lovic Taylor of Atlanta, liavo boon tlio guest* of their parent*, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Misses Minnie, Christine nnd Eliza beth Lnssettor and Mr. Lewis Lassottor, of Atlanta, nro upending the week witli their grnmiinothor, Mrs. Bunle Albright. Mrs. Ella Cdusins lintJ ns her gnests for Christmas Itov. and Mrs. Solon U. Cousins of Columbus, Mr. anil Mrs. John Peavy of Manchester, Prof. Paul Cousins of Shorter College, and Mr. Robert Cous ins of Locust Grove Institute. Mr. nnd Mr*. Fred Smith, of Atlnntn, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mordecal Davis. Mr. M. A. Chandler nnd Mrs. Evn Mont wore quietly married Inst Thurs day afternoon at the Methodist parson- ngo in Mnroland, Rov. H. E. Stlpo offi ciating. Mrs. Chunillor is tlia mother of Mr*. II. E. Btipo, of Morolnnd, nnd n women of rare personality nnd (inn Chris tian clmxaotor. Mr. CImndlor is one of Lutherville 'h best, citizen*. Dr. nnd Mr*. 11. A. llnrdnwoy had n* their guests Tuoadny Mrs. D. W. Boono, of Nownnii, Mr*. I.yda Hoone and Mi*s Edith Boono of Atlnntu, and Mr*. R. 0. Traninieil of Hamilton. Mr*. Ada MeWilllain* nniiounees the marriage of her daughter, Myrtlu, to Mr. James A. Hall, of Columbus, the ceremony taking place at the residence of Mr. nnil Mrs. R, N. Armstrong, ,'17.'l Poaohtroo streot, Atlanta, on Christian* Day. They loft immediately for Co lumbia, S. 0., and Nowport News, Vn., whore Mr. Ball hna extensive buHiuuss interests. They will make their homo iu Columbus, at the Ralston Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Mamin Hnynio ontor- tninod at n hIx o’clank dlniior on^Moiulny evening of lust week. Tlio dining-reoui was nrtistlcnlly docoratoil witli holly qml other Christmas greenery. Covers wore laid for sixteen. Mrs, Hnynio won assisted in entertaining by her son nnd daughter, Aubry nnd Vormn. Now, old and odd guinea wore played. One of tliu interesting feature* of tlio evening wiib the violin music furnished by Mr. Mer cer Pal*' ..on, of Luthervlllo, nnd Mr. Hard Hnynio, of Hoxton. TliOso invited were Misses Amilo Merle Estes, Etliel Garrett,, Etliel Estes, Estolio Gable,’ Alma Haynio, Cecil io Trammell, mid Nellie Jnckson of Grantville, Messrs. Merecr Pnttersou, Milner Trammell, Cloo Garrett, Olyim Hstos. Elinor Cable, Hoke Gable, and Plorco Young of Berton. Doe.. 28th. spend-the-dny gueets Monday Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. MeKoy, of Rome; Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Sims, of Iloganaville; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Johnson and baby, of Carrollton; Miss Louise MeKoy, of For syth ; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Hoone and chi • dren nnd Mrs. Tom MeKoy nnd chil- '^M’r. Hamp Kidd nnd family vijilod Mrs. Susan Kiild Saturday and Suiulny. Mr. Andy Bilbo and family‘and Mr. Joe Bilbo ami fninily have moveil from our midst nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Leon 1 otts have mo vis I into our community. Mr. J. T. Brown nnd fnmily, of «• luntn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr*. J. A. Bilbo. , , . Mr. W. F. Thigpen and family at tended tlio funeral of tlio former s brother Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. J. C. Ncwniun enter tained their children Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Austin also entertained at a finally dinner Sunday. Miss Etliel Millions, of Romo, spent Christmas with her parents here. • Dec. 28tli. ' TURIN .... • e ’ vv li Steuben-1 wont the hold a commitment I lie remains of llev. W. I . boaring, but wns unnblo to do so on no- *on, whoso dentil occurred bore count of the nbsenco of Revenue Agents ilny of last week, wore ea ’ English nnd CauBoy, material witnesses ersvillc, On., whore the thc in the ense. Garrett's bond was set at mn.le with Masonic honors. Botoro the $2(5,000, which lie has been unablo to body loft . , niako, nnd the hearing 1ms been set for were hold at the Methodist church, con , ducted liy Presiding Elder Cloekor and • Dr. RCmbort 0. Smith, of Newnan. ^ slacker singing “Over Thero” and Many sorrowing friends attended the I fo88c(1 Christian Binging “I Want service, who felt tlio loss o a gom "'"' to Bo an Angel” nro sight's to make tlio nnd faith fill pastor, to whom they were . deeply attached. Mrs. Stophonson nnd I ,lovil ‘‘-hucklo. her young son will remain in Turin for tlio present, tlio former having ft posi tion as teacher in Turin High School. They Imvo the sympathy of ovoryono in their sail boroavement. Banks ami D. B. Lambort were re-elect ed members of the City Council without opposition.. Mrs, J. D. Moreland wns the first Orantville woman to cast a bal lot, nnd she voted for Mr. Hollars. At tlio last, regular communication of Orantville Lodge, No. 285, F, & A. M., officers for the ensuing year were elect ed ns follows: Luther Watkins, W. M,; Paul Btigg, 8. W.j John Jenkins, J. W.j Sowoll Dixon, Secretary; J. A. Latimer, Treasurer;. F. T. Mencham, Chaplain; Cliff Jackson, 8. D.; Grady Chaffin, J. D.; Walter Copolnnd, 8. S.; Ed .lenklns, J. 8.; John Shnddix, Tyler, Dec. 28th. —o NAPOLEON GARRETT BOUND OVER ON MURDER CHARGE. Macon, Ga„ Dec. 29.—Napoleon Gar rett, who was wounded during tho bat tle witli revenuo officers on Dec. 10, in wliieii Revenue Agent R. W. Jackson nnd John Oarrett wero killed, was re moved from tlio Macon hospital to tho Bibb county jail today. He has a gun shot wound in the rogion of the lung. U. S. Commiasiorter W. E. Martin porsons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Monday In January next, If any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Dee. 6, 1920. W. A. POST, Judge City Court of Newman, noting Ordinary. Betters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Wm. A. Hines having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administration on the estate of Jos. E. Hines, deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Monday In January next. If any they can, why said application Bhould not ho granted. This Deo. 7. 1020. W. A. POST. Judge City Court of Newnan, acting Ordinary. Letters of Administration, GEORGIA—Coweta County: W. B. CheBtnut the having applied to Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administration on the estate of J. T. Chestnut, deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Monday In January next, If any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Dec. 6. 1920. W. A. POST. Judge City Court of Newman, acting Ordinary. New Advertisements. ... . PETITION TO AMEND GHAIITEH. Relative* hero are in receipt of nows GEORGIA—Coweta County: of the death of Mrs. Wm. Jones, a sister To the Superior Court of said County: of Rev. J. O. Camp, a Baptist minister The^et. Con oWoa.. Motor gom .may, formerly well known in tins section. respectfully shows— Mr and Mrs. L. T. Moboh announce I l. That petitioner Is a corporation il,„ i,i,.tli n dninrhtnr heretofore Incorporated and chartered th Mis B Em°ageno Daffi is at homo from|«”i “ *• Bessie Tift Collogo for tho holidays. 2. Petitioner shows that ,it deslre3 MIhh Margaret Powell, who is teach- t° amend Its charter by ohhnglng Its " , 7 . „ , . ,!• „ I corporate name from Jones Motor lag at Pinohurst, On., is spending tlio I compnny to holidays witli her mothor. "THE MOTOR-TRACTOR COMPANY.” Mbs Mary Shell is at homo from 3. That at a mooting of the stock- ti Ti t rt-iin-n iini.nruimm fniintv holdors of said corporation a resolu- Bnldwin College, in Habersham county, j t | on waH d U i y passed by a unanimous Mr. Willinm Bailoy, of Oklahoma, is vote of the stockholders authorizing visiting his paronts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. tho said change, and directing that * petition be filod to carry same into jjftiioy. I effect, Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Hubbard, or 4, Wherefore petitioner prays that North Georgia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. a Judgment be granted so amending I n ai.,.11 t- R» Charter as aforesaid. J. B. Snell, jr. „ „ STANFORD ARNOLD, Mr. Folsom Moses, of Sholby, N. C., Potltloner’s Attorney. WELCOME. Tlio holiday* luivo boon very quiet in our community. Only throe- moro day* of 1920 remain. Wo aro almost, ready to turn a new pago in our life. We can look back on tho past yonr and seo so t ':i’ ,K i H "J 1 ! "‘i* 1 ' 1 ’""J 0 don .°< nl >d is uiuicnou in ino t'acilie Moot, wui i aim m nf , B l0U d ,l0 . t done < t '' 1 't wo on a tour around tlio world in June. Filed In office this Deo. 23, 1920, L. TURNER, Clerk S. C. C. C. GEORGIA—Coweta County: 1 I, L. Turner, said co is with relatives hero this wook, Mi*H Dora Morrill, of LaGrango Fo unds Collogo, is with lior parents during tlm holidays. . . , a - - Mis* Ettnlto Moses is at home from courhf s^d®count?, dS-hewby c^ fy C. N. & 1, College to spend tho holidays, that ‘tho above ancl foregoing is a Rev. Mr. Hurtis, of Oklahoma, is viB- true and correct copy of tho original iting hi* daughter, Mrs. W. D. Stephen- MOTOR COMPANY Hon. Ho Hllo.l tlio pulpit nt tho Motlio- appears of fill In m? oS? C e. nam °’ a “ (list church Sunduy, preaching an interest- Witness my hand and official seal inir ho nil on thlH 23d day of December, 1920 Miss Mnliol Watson, of Atlanta, is I U TURNKK - Clerk S. C. C. C. tlio attractive Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Reese, of Now-1 Legal Notices, nan; wore dinner guests, of Mr. and Mrs.. . J. W. Williams on Christmas Dny. ot Administration Mr. and Mr*. Robert Dominick wi u |aEO R GIA-Coweta County: ^ move soon into tlioir beautiful now liomo, Court C 'of M o^dlnary if £r 8atd P county for which is nonring completion. 1 Tho marringo of MIbh Arlonn Wil liams and Mr. Itobt. H. Dominick, which was Holotnnizod on Thursday cVening . of I luBt woek, wn* a brilliant ovont, uniting tlio lives and destinies of two of Turin’s most popular young people. . Rev. John V. Eden, of Atlanta, officiated at the | ceremony, which took plnco nt tlio Bap tist church, in tho presoneo of a lnrgo I nHHomblugo of friend*. Tho young | couple bogln umrriod life under tlio hnp- piost auHpieo*. and tho writer offers his | bo*k wisliOB for tlioir continued liapiii- lioss in tlio years to come. Wo Imvo rooolvod mimorous ciiooring I Clirlstmns mossngos from our frionds, | which aro much appreciated. Wo wish Tlio Harold nnd all its road- ors a lmppy mid prosperous New Year. 1 Dec. 28th. SHERIFF’S SALE FOR JANUARY. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Will be sold before the court-house door In Newnan. said county, on the first Tuesday In January. 1921, to the highest and best bidder, the following described property, to-wlt: Five hundred pounds seed cotton more or less; 60 bushels cotton seed, more or less; 140 bushels corn, more or loss: 1.000 lbs. hay, more or less, stored In house on Leigh Potts’ farm. Levied on as the property of John Perdue to satisfy a forclosure lien In favor of Leigh Potts vs. the said John Perdue. This Nov. 16, 1920. Prs. fee 24.48. J. D. BREWSTER, Sheriff. Notice of Discharge In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia No. 4614. In Bankruptcy. In re Lee Bohannon, Bankrupt. A petition for discharge having been filed In conformity with law by above- named bankrupt, and the Court hav ing ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had on Jan. 22, 1921, at ten o’olock a. m. at the United States District Court-room, In the city of At lanta, Georgia, notice is hereby given to all cereditors and otner persons m Interest to appear at said time ana place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge should not be granted. a C. FULLER, Clerk. W. C. WRIGHT, Attorney. NOTICE OF APPRAISEMENT. GEORGIA—Coweta County: To L. L. Brown, administrator of J. S. Anderson, Geo. D. Anderson, John S. Anderson, David H. Anderson, Mill- ledge Anderson, Mrs. Emma A. Bled soe, Miss Bessie Anderson, John A. Thomas, A. M. Hartsfleld, C. P. Harts- fleld, Cornelia H. Brown, Frances H, Drake, F. S. Murray, C. W. Murray, Mrs. Mollle Jones, C. B. Anderson, .Edward H. Anderson, Clifford G. An derson, Harvlland C. Nance. Gray Carl- thers, William Carlthers, and to C. J'. Owens, Tax Colieotor of Coweta couhty, and H. J. Fullbright, State Tax Com missioner: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 29th day of* December, 1920, at the court-house of said Coweta county, at 10 o’clock a. m„ the undersigned, as the duly ap pointed appraisers to fix the value of all property belonging to the estate of John S. Anderson, late of said county, deceased, subject to the In heritance tax under the laws of said State, will appraise all the property of said estate subject J;o said tax, in accordance with the provisions of the law. This 21st day of December, 1920. G. WYNN SMITH, GEO. W. MEYER, R, S. ARNOLD, Appraisers. Despite depressed business con ditions the past few months this has I been our most successful business year.. We are grateful to our friends and customers for their generosity. We have fried to give good service in the past, and pledge ourselves to give the best possible in the future. Our business is built on fair dealings and good service. We take pleasure in serving you, - and assure you of courteous, efficient service. We wish you a happy and pros perous New Year. Lee King Drug Co. A GOOD DRUG STORE 66—TWO PHONES—66 GRANTVILLE. Ensign Thomas Edward Zellars is at home for tlio holidays. Ho will join his ship, tlio U. 8, S. “Mississippi,” on Jan. 0, anil sail for South America, re turning to tlio homo port, San Pedro, Cal., about March 1. His ship, which is attached to tlio Pacific licet, will start ure loath to recognize tlio page n» ours. Resolutions nro oasily made, and just ns easily broken; but may wo eaeli re solve that, our record for 1921 shall bo ■a far bettor one than tlio past. Although the holidays liavo been quite, •wo hope eucli ono had a good Christmas, and that the now year will prove a happy and prosperous ono. Rev. W, E. Fuller filled his appoint ment nt Providence church Saturday and Sunday. Misses Mary Grimes and Mary New man, from Mnry P. Willingham school; Miss Louise MeKoy, from Bessie Tift College; Mr. Brandos Amis, form On. Tech.; mid Misses Wiluier Crain and Sophia Dial, from Nuwmiu High School, are spending the holidays nt home. Miss Elsie Butler nml Mr. F. C. Me- 3u>.v were married on Christmas Dnv at BarnosvvUo. Tho bride’s mother is n Onweta giri, and Mr. MeKoy is onu -of our finest young men. Ho 1ms a po sition with tho Walker Electric Co. nt Rome. They spent several .lays with the poomls parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MeKoy, tills week. Mr. Lewis MeKoy hntl the misfortune to shoot n part of his foot off Christ mas Day. The gun wns cocked, nnd Ito Accidentally hit the trigger, causing the ar«UB to go off and putting tlio entire Joad of shot in his right foot Dr. Joe I’eiustbo. of Nowiiiiii, wns called, and be found it necessary to amputate one .of .tho toes. Lewis is doing nicely now ■we are pleased to report. Rov. and Mrs. F. J. Amis entertained at a family dinner Saturday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stovall and - children nml Mr. Brondus Amis of Atlanta; Mr. Cims. Amis and family, of Newnan; Dr. F. J. Amis and family, of Franklin; Mr. Will Amis and family nnd Mr. and Mrs. 'Lcou Potts, of Wei come. We regret to report Mr. J. C. New man on the’ sick list this week. Mr. Will Boone and family, of At lanta, and Mr. Waiter Boone and family, of Nowimn, wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Boono Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Arnold spent Cliristmua in Macon. Mrs. Hollnud Melson is entertaining .. number of our coltoge girls this week nt her home in Hogansvillo. Miss Emily Zellar#, who 1* attending school in Now York, .is at home for tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Banks entertain ed at a beautiful dinner party oil Christman eve. Tho Christmas troo at the Baptist | church was a great suceosa. Dr. Will Post impersonated Santa Claus, ami made a great hit The little folks shout ed with glee at his witty saying*, nnd hro still amazed at his coming by air plane. Miss Dunbar, from LaGrango Female College, stopped on her way liomo from school for a short visit to Mrs. Roy White. Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Sadler, Mrs. J. D. Moreland and Mr. Lowndes Sadler spent Christmas Day witli Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Jones, in Newnan. Mr. Jim Lambert, of West Point, was in Grnntville for the week-end. Mr. Clifford Hopson, of Selma, Ain., is tho guest tliis week of his mother. , Clifford tins mi important position witli the Bell Telephone Co., being division manager nt Selma. Mr. Will Cotton is visiting bis sister. Mrs. J. F. Brasch. Mr. nnd Airs. W. B. Smith, of At lanta. wero guests Sunday of their mother. They ure always welcome visi ters in Grnntville. Mrs. Smith is one of tho executive officers of the Georgia Federation of Clubs, Mrs. John Latimer will return liomo I Tuesday, after an extended visit to her father at Andnlusin, Ala. Mrs, Ethel White Smith, of Thomson, wns the guest Christmas Day of her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Micajnli White. Tho mayoralty race on Thursday last! was quite an interesting event—rendered especially so for tho reason that it was tlio first election in which the women of Grantville participated as voters. Thirty suffragettes voted, n majority casting their ballots for Mr. T. M. Zellars, who Priced less than cost of material of which they are made. • 59 Dresses 7 Coats 38 Skirts 6 Furs 32 Suits 33 Petticoats 14 Kimonos §2 Blouses 23 sweaters The assortments may afford, the very garment you want—and at very much less than you expected to pay. -COME SEE THEM- FASHI0NETTE HAIR NETS 10c Each SILK HOSIERY HEW LOW PRICES JS, 1500110 oun<I!lj\ uiuir uauuis u#r oar. i. ai. cellars, wilt Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MeKoy had as defeated his opponent, Mr. Emmett Sew