The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, January 14, 1921, Image 2

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THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JAN. 14. Official Organ of Coweta County. 4aa. B. Brown. O. W. I'assavant. BROWN ft PASSAVANT Editors and Publishers. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 12.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Tho Herald office la located in tho Oooiiruin Building, It Jaakaon Htroot. •Phono 6. Communicated, BETTER ROADS NEEDED. I notice that tho County Commission- 4*ra linvo refused to appropriate the sum of •l,200 with which to continue fnnn (lommiHtriitimi work for 1021. Now, if tho Coinmianianora Imvo more money then they need for highways anil autmnohilo apeedwnys, for (loil'a aako nml for the nnke of tho fnrmora of the eoimly lei tltom Mpenil that ♦1,200 in improving tho roads. We fnrmera got too much ehonp advlee oh it. la, which ia about all we ilo get. Don’t spend money to pny Home one juat to nit in tho nlmile and tell the farmers what to ilo. We need good rood*—1 menu country roada, not high- -ways—more than we do farm inatrue tora. Ah eonditioriH ate, farmers can’t go to church because of the bad roada. Give them roada they can travel over nml tho/ can get. along without a county agent. If romls in other aoctionn are na bad no they are in thin part of the county 1 would like to know where nod for what purpodo our tax money linn libon ■pent the print few yearn. .1. W. Story, Bnrgcnl It. F. D., Jan. 11. NOTICE TO VOTERS. 1. At tho election for tho office of Ordlnnry of Coweta county, to be held on’.Inn. 20, 1021, voters reniding In the anvnrnl militia districts of the county ■hall vote at tho entahlinhed court- ground of the dint riot, nml at that place only. * C. Any rcginlerod nml qualified voter who him changed Ida place of renidence from one militia dintrlct in thin county to another, between the time of regia- tration and the time of ttiin election, can havo bin name placed upon tho registered voters 1 lint of tho militia district into which lie him moved by making proper application to the registrars. .'I. No elinngo will lie made in tho list of qualified voters of any district nftor said lists Hindi havo been furnished to tho olcctlnn muungnrH of the several dia- trleta for tho election to In* hold on .Inn. 20, na aforesaid. Said lists of qualified voters will lie mailed by tho registrars to the mutmgera of the several polling- places not Inter than .Inn. IK, 1021. Voters lire urged nml requested to nee that nil corrections of errors, if liny, nhould bo made before the lists are fur nished by tho registrars to tho ddetion malingers of tin* respective districts. (Tin* foregoing 1h submitted for the infortunium of the voters of the county, in rompliiineo with the law defining the qunllfiriitloun of u voter in this State,) Board County ItegistrurH.. *!>•-"- • COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REOR GANIZE FOR NEW YEAR. At tlie regular monthly meeting of the County Commissioners on Wednesday of Inst week Messrs. Jounthiui Orr, U I,. Hutchinson nml J. (). Harris, elected in November, were sworn in nml duly Inducted into officii. Mr. Orr was elect ed clmtrmnn of the board, and Mr, 11. Ij. Ctnnp assistant to the chuirmnu. Other elect ions were ns follows— Clerk nml Attorney—T. f). Farmer, jr. County Physician—Dr. T. 8. Halley. ■Warden* W. L. Phillips. Road Hiiperiiiteudont—J. K. Gilbert. Superintendent Comity Farm—M. A. Oopeinnd. Road anpervisora for 1021 wore ap pointed ns follows— First district—R O. Adcock. Second district—E. R. Renton. Third district—O. R. Brooks. Fourth district—U. N. Strong. "Fifth district—H. O. Smith. Six til district—S. A. North. Seventh district—U. 15. J. Winkles. Cedar Creek district—J, It. Wise. Panther Creek district—E. R. Witcher. 'Grnntvlllo district—T. L, l.ambert. Turin district—J. W. Williams. Haralson district—A. H. Johnson. Hurricane district—R. L. Pitman. Raymond district—To be supplied. Snpi'rvisors will receive $2.60 per day Tor actual service rendered; team and driver/$!t tier day; mule and plow, $1 per day; laborers, $1 per day. BANK MEETINGS. The annual meeting of the stockhol der* of the Newnan Bank ft Trust Co. wna held on Wednesday of last week, when all tho old officers nml directors were to-elec ted, vis: A. II. Freeman, praddent; T. M. Ooodnnn. II. C. Ar- nail, jr., and C. C. Mc.Knlght, vics-presi- Oenta; H. W. Arnall, cashier; E. C. Lamg, assistant cashier. Directors—B. T. Thompson, chairman, A. H. Freeman, T. M. Goodrmn, 11. C. Arnall, jr., C, •C, MeKnight, J. T. Swint, J. P. Jones, A. IN. Arnall, J. R. Brown, Garland M, Jonee, F. M. Arnall, R. J. Barnett, W. N. Hanks, K. M. Camp, D. 8. Outline, T. N. Orr. E. M. Colo, jr., T. B. Davis. -At it prior meeting of the directors n ■acini-annual dividend of 4 per cent wns -declared. IV First National Bonk’s sharehol ders bold their annual meeting on Tues- da last. The officers chosen to ninnngo the bank’s affairs the present year are: N. E. Powol, president ; R. W. Freoman, "W. C. Wriglit and Mike Powell, vice- tpmaidonU; J. II. Powell, cashier; J, S. Hardaway, jr., assistant cashier. The only change in tho directorate wns the election of J. II. Powell to the vacancy caused by the death some months ago of the lamented M. F. Cole. The board as now constituted is as follows: N. E. Powel, R. W. Freeman, W. C. Wright, .1. H. Powell, Robt Orr. II. A. Hall, Mike Powell, J. G. Arnall, G. R. Blnck, R. A. Field, H. C. Glover, M. G. Keith, W. C. Kinnnrd. Gordon Doe,- F. L. Stev ens, J. H. /Powell. Previous to tl»o stoek- halders’ meeting the directors met and, ordered tlio payment of a semi-annual -dividend of 7 per cent The stockholders of the Manufacturers National Bonk held their annual meeting -on Tuesday also, officers and directors being, elected as follows: H. H. North, president; R. D. Oole, vice-president; Vf. B. Parks, cashier, G. J. Smith, as sistant cnnlilpr. Dlrcctora—II. II. North, R, I). Cole, F. B. Colo, 15. G. Cole, B. M. Blackburn, It. O. Jones, T, O. Far mer, It. C. Glover, It. 8. Mann. Tho only change in the directorate was the addition of Mr. Mann to the board. At a meeting of tho directors ia December a serni-iinhlial dividend of ;t per cent, was declared. CARD 0F°THANKS. We take this menus of expressing our thanks and appreciation to each and every one who so thoughtfully remem- Wed us in our recent bereavement. Mny Ood ’a richest blessings rest upon euch one of them. Mrs. H. B. Arnold nml Family. Madras, On., Jan. _12th. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thnnk the good people of Turin for tho mnny kindnesses shown us during the sickness nml upon the death of our dear husband and father. Mrs. W. D. Stephenson and Sons. Turin, On., .Inn. Oth. ——■— -n ■ — SCHEDULE CHANGES ATLANTA ft WEST POINT RAILROAD. Effective Sunday, Jim. 10, the sched ules on passenger trains passing Newnan will be changed us follows: Train No. .‘(4, 5.20 p. m.; train No. M0, 10.20 p. in. J. P. Billups, General Passenger Agent. Not every one limy havo a suporsix and skim tho asphalt paths of ease, but a henedrent Providence Ims endowed most of iih with a pair of good legs. New Advertisements. HA 1,10 NOTICE. Offloo of Supervising Federal Prohi bition Agent. Atlanta, On., .Ian. 11. 1921, Pile following described property, seised for violation of Section 34B0 It. H.. will be sold as provided for undor Section 9400 It. S„ In front of tho post- office building, at Newnan, On., on Saturday, Fob. 12. 1921, between the hours of 10 u. in. and 2 p. in., lit public auction, for ensh, unless claim Is filed within the time provided by law: One Ford aiitomohflo. motor No. 1B80985, seized April 17, 1920, by Agent Jnck- snii nt al, as the property of W. J. Adams, D. .1. OA NTT, Supervising Federal Prohibition Agent. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: To whom It may ooncorn: Thomas H. Powers, of said Htuto and county, having In propor form applied for per manent letters of administration on the estate of O. B. Powers, late of said county, ilecennod, HiIh Ih to cite all and Hlngulnr tho creditors and next of kin of Hnld O. 8. Powera to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county al tho February term, 1921, and show cause, If any thoy have, or can, why permanent letters of administration should not bo. granted to tho said Thomas 8. Powers on said estate. Wit ness my official signature this the 7th day of January. 1921. L. TURNER, Clerk Superior Court, and acting Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: To whom It may concern: Mrs. L. A. Perdue, or said State and county, having In proper form applied for per manent letters of administration on the estate of L. A. Perduf, late of said county, deceased, thin Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin or said L. A. Perdue to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county nt the February term, 1921, and show cause, If any they have, or can, why permanent letters of ad ministration should not be granted to the said Mrs. 1«. A. Perdue on said estate. Witness my official signature this the 7th day of January. 1921. L. TURNER, Clerk Superior Court, and acting Clerk of tho Court of Ordinary of Bald county. Letters of Administration. OEORGIA—Coweta County: To whom It may concern: Mrs. Vir ginia H. Jones, of said State and county, having In proper form applied to rnn for lotters of ndmlnlHtration de bonis non with the will annoxed on tho estnte of Mrs. Salllo C. McGee, late of said county, deceased, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said Mrs. Salllo C. McGee to be and appear at the Febru ary term, 1921, of the Court of Ordi nary of said county to show cause. If any thoy can, why letters of adminis tration de honls non with the will annexed should not bo granted to said Mrs. Virginia H, Jones on the estate of Mrs. Salllo (-. McGee. Witness my official signature this the 7th day of January, 1921. L. TURNER. Clerk Superior Court, and acting Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. Notice of Discharge In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia No. 6933. In Bankruptcy. In re Robert E. Bakor. Bankrupt. A petition for discharge having been died In conformity with law by above- named bankrupt, and the Court hav ing ordered that tho hearing upon said petition be had on Feb. B, 1921, at ten o’clock a. m. at the United States District Court-room, In tho olty of At lanta. Georgia, notice Is hereby given to all ceredltors and otner persons in Interest to appear at Bald time ana place and show cause, If i-ny they have, why tho prayer of tho bankrupt for discharge should not bo granted. O. C, FULLER, Clerk. R. 8. Arnold, Attorney. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. In tho District Court of tho United StnteH for the Northern District of Oeorglo. In tho matter of Marvin D. Wallace, Bankrupt. No. 7036, In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of the above-named porson of Newnan, On., In tho county of Coweta and district aforesaid, bank rupt: Notice Is hereby given that on January 12. 1921, tho said person was adjudicated bankrupt; that the first meeting of creditors will he hold In tho eourt-houso In Newnan, Ga., on Jna. 22, 1921, at 1 o’clock p. m„ at which time creditors may attend, prove tholr claims, appoint a trustee, exam ine tho bankrupt, and transact such DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS -IN- SAVANNAH m ON ^^SAVINGS "SpgTY FOR SAVINGS” 6^ ^^DEPOSITS SAVINGS ft LOAN CO. 10 E.BRYAN ST. capital *500.000.00 ORGANIZED 1885 Snvnnnnh is tho oldest city in tho Stnte. Savannah has never hml n bank .fnlluro. Savannah exports more Roods -than nny othor Atlantic port—except Now York. Savannah is conservative nml substantial. Tills company Iuih boon in business for more than ,15 yoarB; its affairs arc conservatively mamiRcd by prominent business men; it lins a largo capital; pnys the hiRlu-Ht rates of interest, nod nil of its funds are invested in first liens on improved city renl estate. Wo have already loaned n great deal of money on Newnan real estate, and want to lend more. WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR ACCOUNT. othei- business as may properly come before »ald meeting. J, C. SULLIVAN, Referee In Bankruptcy. LaGrangc. Ga.. Jan. 12, 1931. APPLICATION' TO HELL LAND FOB REINVESTMENT, GBOROIA—Coweta County: After four weeks notice, pursuant to law, a petition of which a true and correct copy Is subjoined, will be pre sented to the Hon. C. E. Roop, Judge of the Superior Court, at his chambers In tho court-house at Newnan, Coweta county, Ga., on the 12th day of Feb ruary, 1921. HALL & JONES, Attorneys for Polly Bledsoe, Guardian for Katie Bledsoe and Bessie Bled soe Stinson. GEORGIA—Coweta County: To the Honorable C. B. Roop, Judge of Tho Superior Court of Said County: The petition of Polly BledBoe re spectfully shows — 1. That'she Is tho guardian of Katie Bledsoe and Bessie Bledsoe Stinson, heretofore duly appointed as Buch guar dian In said county. 2. That she desires to sell for rein vestment at private sale the following property belonging to the estate of said wards, to-wlt. Two-ninths (each of said wardfl own- Ing a one-ninth) undivided iiiteredt In remainder In nnd to the following tracts or oarc^Ia of lftnd, both In tno original Fifth land diatrictofead State and county, one of said tracts containing two (2) acres with the house thereon nnd on land lot No. si. and more fully described tm follows. Beginning on land line between lots N-OH.87 and 88 at point 35 feet north of the house and run east 70 and thence south 140 yatd*' thence wf»at 70 vardH to land line between lotaNos. 87 and 88; thence north along said lino 140 yards. fR(n Also, a tract containing fifty (BU> acres of land out of the north part of the south half of lot of land No. 88 and a small part of the north^-east part of south half of lot No. 89, and more fully described as follows. Be- gin on the north side of Wahoo Creek and on the cast side of the At lanta road where the north s do of said creek touches the dast side of said road: thonce north along the east side of said road to lands owned in 1909 by J. W. T. GtbBon, 8.31 chains, thence east along lines of J. W- T. Gibson and Jack Powell to lands own ed In 1909 by L. R. Powell; thence south crossing little Wahoo Creek 20 chains; thence northwesterly to be ginning point—right-of-way through tho above two tracts to. the Atlanta road reserved. _ . _ 3. Petitioner shows that the undi vided two-ninths remainder Interest In said land belonging to her said wards yields no Income; that the other own ers of said land have contracted to sell their Interest In said land at an advantageous price and If petitioner is allowed she can sell her wards’ In terest to the same purchaser at a good and an advantageous price. 4, Petitioner desires to Invest the proceeds of such sale In Liberty Bonds of the United StateB. 6. Petitioner shows that notice of her Intention to make this application has been published once a week for four weeks In The Newnan Herald, being the newspaper In which county adver tisements are usually published as re- pulred by law - pOLIj y ^BLEDSOE. HALL & JONES, mark. Attorneys. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 11th day of January, 1921. S. COOK, Notary Public, Coweta > County Ga. The Ounce Of Prevention Is said to be worth a pound of cure, but we believe it’s worth more, and we urge you to avoid bad colds and other winter troubles by taking- some of the simple remedies that pre vent sickness by keeping your system in good condition. We have a line of standard preparations for coughs, colds, etc., that are veiy satisfactory. Get them here when in need of such medicines. CANDY SPECIAL STILL GOING STRONG! Chocolates—Extra high- 75c grade—per pound.... J. R. McCalla Liquid Meat Smokel Smoke your meat with Liquid Meat Smoke. It is easy to use; it improves the flavor of the meat; it is economical. A 40-ounce bottle is enough for 400 lbs. of meat, and costs Only $1.25 a Bottle It has been used for several years, and is no experiment. STOP THAT COUGH OR COLD—We have many valuable aids in combatting the pests— White Pine Cough Syrup Laxative Cold Breakers Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets Vick’s Salve SqUibb’s Castor Oil Tasteless Castor Oil C. C. Pills Aspirin Tablets, Calotabs Raymond’s Pectoral Plasters A. P. C. Whooping Cough Plasters Penslar Cramp Remedies Penslar Sore Throat Gargle LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY "A GOOD DRUG STORE'-'PHONE 66 PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED MENU OF SPECIALS HOT CHOCOLATE— \ Jq (With whipped cream and tea flakes) TOMATO BOUILLON— 11C (With all the seasoning) I BEEF BOUILLON— 11C (With all the seasoning) HOT MAPLE FUDGE SUNDAE— (Something out of the ordinary—come in and try one) <. butter Scotch sundad— (Just the thing for that sweet tooth) i. CARAMEL CREAM SUNDAE— (That rich, mellow, caramel flavor—it satisfies) \ DELICIOUS says everybody who drinks our ice cream soda or partakes of our cream and sundaes. And our fountain service is on a par with the flavor and goodness of our soda and creams. Why not drop in here the next time you are in our neigh- borhood and convince yourself? The Book Store Phone 393—23 Court Square