The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, January 21, 1921, Image 2

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THE NEWNAN HERALD HEWN AN, GA., FRIDAY, JAN. 21. Official Organ of Coweta County. Ju. M. Brown. 0. W. Pasaavant. BROWN & PASSAVANT lea lion and Publishers. -SDBSCRll’TlON PRICE 12.00 A YEAR IK ADVANCE. Th» Herald offloo la located In the Ooodrum Building. It Jackson Street 'Phono 2. AWARDS FOR 1920 GIRLS’ CLUB WORK AT COUNTY FAIR. First Prize—Olnrico Bridge*, B. F. D. 8, Newnan. Second Prixo—Martha Fincher, R. F. D. 1, Nownnn. Special Tomato Exhibit Fimt Prixo—Lena Forrcll, Madras. Second Prixo—Johnnie Mao Cnrnea, It F. I). 1, Newnan. Third Prize—Kathorlno Strong, B. F. D. 8, Nownnn. General Garden Exhibit. Fimt Prim—Louiao Story, Sargent Second Prize—Lizzie Wnrrcn, Sargent. Third Prixe—Innx Tumor, Snrgont. Fourtli Prixo—Kula Kidd, R. F. D. 1, Newnan. Special Pepper Exhibit. Fimt Prixe—Grneo Bridge*, Snrgont. Second Prixo—Suaio Smith, Snrgont. Special Grape Exhibit. Fimt Prixo—Milton Ifaynic, B. F. D. 4, Nownnn. Second Prixo—Sara Hammett, McCol lum. Third Prixe—Annio Lou McBurnott, Sargent. Pickle and Vinegar Exhibit'. Flrat Prixo—Donno Bridge*, Snrgont Second Prixo—Alma Lurklo, Snrgont. Third Prixo—Milton Haynle, B. F. D. 4, Nownnn. Special Fig Exhibit Firat Prixo—Camilla Dyer, B. F. D. .8, Nownnn. \ Special Peach Exhibit. Flint Prixo—Erma Gentry, Snrgont Fint Year Sowing. Fimt Prixo—Kathorlno Strong, B. F. T>. 8, Nownnn. • Second Prixo—Ruby Parrott, R. F. D. 1, McCollum. Third Prize—Kfflo Iltcka, B. F. D. 1, Sargent, * Fourth Prixo—Laura Jackaon, R. F. T). 1, Nownnn. Advanced Sewing. Fimt Prixo—Deane Bridge*, B. F. D. 1, Sargent. Second Prixo—JoHophluo Forbui, B. F, D. 1, Snrgont. Tldrd Prixo—Elalo Hlckn, It. F. I). 1, Snrgont. Fourth Prixo—Mary Knto Btor.v, B. F. I). 1, Snrgont. Poultry. Beat pen of flvo It I. Rod*—Ermu Mo Tamil, 8hnrp»hurg. Be*t pen of throe R. I. Boda—Emm Melanin, Slinr|i*hurg. Beat pair of R, I. Rod*—Milton Hay- xtlc, It. F. 1). <i, Nownnn. Best R. I, Cockerel- Milton Hoynio, Tt F. D. 4, Nownnn. J Boat pou of (ivo Hnrrod Rook*—Orn Jolumn, It F. D. 6, Nownnn. Boat pon of throe Barrod Rook*—Nan- nette Wnlton, R. F. I). 1, Nownnn. Beat Bnrrod Book lion—Florence Min ■tor, It F. D. 4, Nownnn. Boat Barrod Rook Oockerol—Cora Min- tor. It F. D. 4, Nownnn. Bread. Best Blaoult—ldi*lo Gnvondor, Mndrna, Second Boat Biacuit—Iiior. Tumor, Snrgi'nt. Boat Lonf of Broad—Elnlo Cnvondor, Martriin, s Prixo* Won at Soulhoaatern Fair. tMinlnrahip—Krmn Gentry. Surgut, fcum Ferrell, Marlin*—Second prixe an tlm apeelnl tomato exhibit. Louiao Story, Sargent—Second prim in Ronornl gnrilen contoat. Clnrico Bridge*. Snrgont—TWk-il prixo In npoclnl peppor oxhiblt Krum Gentry, Snrgont—Firat prl*o apodal |H«ncli exhibit Milton Hnynlo, Nownnn, Route 4 Firat prixo special grapo oxhiblt Martlin Flntmor, Nownnn, Routo 1 Second prixo in ptoklo and vlnogar ex hibit Donno Bridge*. Sargont—Second prixo in ndvnncod *owing. Priies Won at State Fair. Brace Bridge*.'Sargent—Second prixe •on jspecinl peppor oxhibit Katherine Strong, Nownnn, Route _ IFirrit priio in sowing for ilrat-yonr girl*. * THE CASH HABIT. Many people who complain of high prices nnd other business diilicultics, help exaggerate those conditions for every one by their persistent buying on credit Tlio credit habit adds to tbo cost of living — it tie* up the country’s resources, nnd in a drng on all business. If evoiy person in Nownan would pay bla debts for homo nnd personal sup plies, "nnd hereafter pny cnnli, it would . release n lot of local money now hold up ui! credits, Tlio merchant who has'to ’borrow heavily to offset the debts tlio public owe* him, could ,pay off those loans. This would out out the charge for'interest nud bnd debts which he now bus Vo add to tlio prieo of his goods. But even more Important, tt would ro lonao many thousands of dollars to be •nsed right around homo for business eu- '.terprises, building houses, helping far- hi era finance their next crop, etc. If more money were available for loans nil over tbo country interoat rates would •Como down, which would reduce one 1m •portant expense of production. Facto rio* thnt had slowed up on account of "high interest rates could go ahead with tfull force. The business disturbances of the past year were due principally to a shortage of capital. There was not enough money in the country to do it* business on the inilntcd price level. Conditions ure es sentially sohud, since there is a good banking nud currency system which pro tects solvent business men, and stocks «f merchandise are not heavy. Business could go ahead with greater confidence if the peoplo will provide the loanable capital needed for maximum production. There are two ways for such capital to be provided. First, everyone to save -anoney and deposit it in the bank; thnt ' Iway* nori-wtnry. Second, CTeryono to quit buying on credit and pay eaih, so ns to release unnecessary loons. Con- ilering how this credit business costs, it in a wonder people don’t »eo it. When .oil make the dollar* work faster, you accomplish n* much a* if there were more of them. EVERY READER °HAS A HAND IN MAKING A NEWSPAPER. Sometime*, perhaps, tho reader* of Tho Herald think there i* nn item mim ing from the paper which should be there. There i* Just one reason why it la not there—because the editor did not know about it . There is nothing that an editor likea better thnn suggestion* which will make hi* paper n better paper. Of course, these suggestion* must be constructive and not somothlnif like this: An ir^o subscriber enters tho office tho day after press day,'and fixing hi* beady eye on tbo oil tor demands an ex planation of why his wife’s sister’s cousin dliln't get a w social notice. She’s been in town three days,” he eon eludes. Yes, it does look liko a bad case against tlio editor. Of course, no one told him said “couain” was in town; but ho is nn oditor nnd should have known It; tlint’s wbnt he's there for, to. Remember friends, an editor is just liko tlio rest of you, and bound to mnke mistakes now ami then. But granting thnt, no human ticing could cover nil tho flniil which an editor is expected to covor nnd not miss something occasionally. Hniil n society editor, ‘‘Wo try to get nil the porsonnls, but if somebody's wifo’s sister’s cousin doosn’t arrive un til about 10.30 at night, we can’t be ex pected to know it unless you toil us about it.” Hore’s a suggestion to the reader: If you have n party on tho same day thoro happens to bo a funeral, a foot ball game, nnd a runaway in town, just to mnke sure thnt tho oditor knows it, call him up and glvo .him the details. The editor U just as desirous to have ills paper full of nows as you nro to find it that way. GftANTVILLE. Miss Lucllo Sewell, of Atlanta, spent tlio wook-ood with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Einmott Sowell. Mrs. Nancy Bugg is spending sorno time with relatives in Cube. Miss Ethel Banks has returned from stay of sovoral days in Atlanta. Tho mnny frionds of Mr. Wilbur Sowell will regrot to learn of his illness at tho Nall Houso. Tho Woman’s Missionary Society mot at tho homo of Mrs. Thoopa Banks Mon day afternoon. There was n full nttend mice, mul an interesting program was rendered. Quito mi interest is being manifested in tlio night school, which i snow in ses sion. This Is a wondorful work, and with the n*sistni\co of tho teachers nnd Dr. nnd Mrs. Felton Williams they ex poet to accomplish great tilings. Mrs. Billy Bohnniion entertained nt n beautiful pnrty Thursday afternoon nt her handsome now homo in honor of Mis* Bossio Bohannon, of Atlanta. Miss Mario Sowell, of Atlanta, is spending soino timo with tier fattier, Mr Wilbur Sowell. Mrs. Bobo Banks was tlio charming hostess to tlio mombors of the Book Club Friday afternoon. Mayor Zellnrs had tho “city fathers nt his homo for an oyster supper Tues day night. Oysters, from blue point to stow and fry, wore thoroughly on- joyod—tho occasion affording an oppor tunity to discuss in detail various mat ter* relating to our city government. Jan. 19th. pirmcnts given, 317; shoes, 18 pairs; itockings, 19 pairs; caps, 9; hate, 1; quilts, 3; suite, 1; blankets, 1 pair; mattresses, 1; pillow-cases, 1; oranges, 3 doxon; apples, half- doxen; grape- jnlcc, 1 bottle; eggs, half-dozen; toma toes, 3 cans; beans, 2 cans; visits, 118; flowers, 5; trays, 45. It 1* proper to state that the above is only a partial list. Respectfully submitted, Mr*. T. J. Jones, Sec’y. STOP throwing away those worn tires, tubes and rubber articles when Superfix Seif-Curing Rubber will repair them and make them as good aa new without the uso of heat or tools, and saves you at least 80 per cent of your tiro bills. Every box guaranteed to givo satisfac- tion if used according to directions. If your dealer can’t supply you with it, NOW, while it is fresh in your mind, cut out coupon below and mail with a dollar bill to the Southern Supcrfix Rub ber Co;, Box 568, Atlanta, Ga., and be convinced. AGENTS wanted everywhere. ANNUAL report of secretary OF THE benevolent union. Tlio record of iiolpful work done by tho Bonovolont Union during tho yenr , ust closed is tho largest in its history. ::t hns boon a year fillod with work; tho call* fer relief have been many. In Jausary wo knd tlio “,flu” epidemic, whisk demanded Immediate relief. Wo wor* enabled to render valuable service through special contributions from tho oitlwm* amounting to $890.80, which was collected by Cnpt. W. L. Gilbert, chief of tlio fire department, and turned ovor to our treasurer. Wo wisli to thank Cnpt. Gilbert nnd tho donors for coming so goncrously to our aid in helping to rollovo -tho situation at that timo. Our meetings have been Jjold regularly oneli month. Our annual duos are $2 per membor, and v(o havo now n member ship of 74. Wo havo no salaried officers. Botli officors and mombors glvo freely of thoir timo and monoy to moot the cnlU ns they are recolvod. They do this willingly and gladly, believing that in no doing thoy are serving ‘‘Him who wont about doing good.” A special contribution of clothing and shoes was made by the school children in December. Christmas baskote- of fruits, candy, vegetables, canned goods, etc.', (thirty baskote in all,) wore nlsn contributed by tho grammar grades of Temple avenue and Atkirison schools, for which wo wish to publicly thank the school children as , well ns our splendid spuerintondent, Prof. B. F. Pickett, Mrs. B. B. Babaon and Miss Mnggle Brown, teachers, on behalf of tlioso who enjoyed theso loving gifts, nnd, - needless to say, the members of tho union enjoyed tho privilege of dig tributing them. By tho death of Mrs. G. W, Byram and Mrs. H. C. Arnall, sr., we lost two val uable members, and our hearts go out in sympathy to thoso whoso homes were thus made desolate. In April our president. Miss Laura Poddy, divided the city into four dis trict* nnd appointed n committee for each. These she named ‘‘lookout com mittees, * ’ nnd thoy were directed to visit and render aid when and where needed. Six new members were added during tho year, vix: Mrs. John Miller, Miss Rai*y Baddy, Mrs. R. W. Jaekson, Miss Fannie Butts, and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Stevens. Special contributions of $25 from Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Stevens and $5 from Mrs. Battle Jones call for our thanks. We wish also to thank the Beil Cross and the Newnan Herald for their generous co operation In our work during - the year. Summary.—Members, 74; dues collect ed, $134.19; contributions from Thanks giving service, $41.64; special contrihn tions, $30; collected by Capt W. L. Gil bert, $290.50. Disbursements, $380.52, Number of families helped, 36. Other beneficences to be noted were as folows Tuition paid for one high school pupil New Advertisement*. 000,00, with the privilege of Increasing mime not to exceed 1100,000.00; that said charter of the said Johnson Hard ware Company be amended so as to give authority to the said Johnson Hardware Company to do a wholesale hardware business aa well as a retail hardware bunlness; that application be made to the Superior Court of said county for the renewal of said charter for the period of twenty years, as set out In the original act of Incorpora tion. and for the renewal of all amend ment* thereto, and that said renewal take effect from the date of the expi ration of the present charter.__^^^ “Resolved, further. That the officers snd directors of said corporation be and they are hereby authorised and directed to take all necessary stepB and Institute all necessary proceed ings to carry Into effect the foregoing resolution.” Therefore, to effectuate and carry out tho forgoing resplutlon. be It re solved by ths directors of said corpor- atlon'’that a petition be filed by T. G. Farmer. Jr., attorney. In the' name of the corporation, addressed to the Superior Court of said county, pray ing for amendments to said charter aH set out In the above resolution. Resolved, further, that the *aid T. G. Farmer. Jr., attorney as aforesaid. Is hereby authorized take all proper and necessary, step to carry Into effect this resolution. GEORGIA—Coweta County: , I hereby certify that the aboye afid foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the dlr 0 e “t° r ®. ^Swing Johnson Hardware Company, showing the adoption ' of the resolutions which the above la a copy. pas«« d °Jj same 3 appears upon’th^'rcifordB^ofO'aa^d C0 Witness n 'my Hand and the seal of the said Johnson Hardware Company this 14th day of Januar^mi. ND (Seal.) Secretary A Treaserer. At Chambere. Carrollton. Oa.. Jan. 16. 1921. Read and considered, it 1b ordered— (a) That the foregoing petition of Johnson Hardware Company be heat * 1 * ! before nie at the caurt-house In New nan, Ga., Coweta county, at 10 o clock a. m. on the 7th day of 192 L. lt .v, (b) That the foregoing petition with the exhibits thereto, together with this order, be filed In the offloe of the Clerk or Superior Court of Coweta county. Georgia. (c) That a copy of said -petition with the exhibits thereto, together with a copy of this order, be published once a week for four weeks- in the newspaper where the Sheriff’s, sales for Coweta county are published. (d) That all persons concerned show cause at said hearing any reason they can why the prayer of said p e . tltioher should not be granted. C. E. ROOP. J. S. C. C. C. Filed In dfflce thlB January 17, 1921 L- TURNER, Clerk S. C. C. C, GEORGIA—Coweta County: 1, Li. Turner, Clerk of tho Superior Court in nnd for said county, do here- by certify that the above and forego ing Is a true and correct copy of th» original petition of Johnson Hardware Compapy for renewal of and amend- ment to its charter and the order for a hearing, as appears of file in my offloe. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this the 17th day of J an . uary, 1921. ' L. Clerk S. C. C. c. Southern Superfix Rubber Co., Box 568, Atlanta, Oa. Please find enclosed $1.00, for which send mo one box of Superfix Self-Curing Rubber, which is guaran teed to give satisfaction to me if used according to your directions. Nhmo • Street or R. F. D., . City State ... PETITION TO AMEND CHARTER. GEORGIA—Coweta County: To the Superior Court of said county: The petition of the Johnson Hardware Company shows that It Is tlon organized and doing buaihosB tin der the name of JOHNSON'- HARD WARE COMPANY, and that It^deslres to amend Its charter—- 1st. Petitioner was originally Incor porated under the name of Johnson lardware Company, and br virtue of ts Incorporation to- authorized to en-1 re In the retail hardware business. _d. Petitioner was originally - Incor porated on the day of March, 1902, at the regular March term of the Su perior Court of ss,Id county. 2d. Petitioner desires an amendment to Its charter, so aB to give authority to the said Johnson Hardware Company to do a wholesale hardware business, as well as a retail hardware business, and to deal In hardware at wholesale, buying and selling for caBh or on cred it of such articles and things as are usually embraced In the wholesale hardware business, and all such arti cles and things aB may be profitably handled and sold In connection there with. nnd to exorcise tho usual powers and to <lo all usual, necessary and ironer acts which pertain to and may io connected with the business of 1 wholesale dealers. In tho articles named. 4th. Petitioner desires an amend ment to Its chartor so as to Increaso tho capital stock from 24,000.00 to i!6,000.00, with the privilege of Increas- ng same not to exceed 2100,000.00. 6th. That petitioner desires a renew al of ItH said charter, as sot out In the original act of Incorporation and tho amendments thereto, for a term of twonty years from tho date of the oxpiratlon of petitioner's original char- tor. with tho privilege of renewal at tho, ond of that time. ,6th. Petitioner shows that applica tion for renewal and the amendment* us sot out herein were duly authorized >y proper oorporato notion,, by reso lutions duly passed by tho stockhol ders of the Bala Johnson Hardware Com pany and tho directors of the John son Hardware Company, a copy of said resolutions bolng attached horeto and made a part hereof and marked exhibit "A" and exhibit "B". Wherefore petitioner prays— 1st. .That an order for the usual ci tation bo granted. 2d. That Its charter be amended as hereinbefore sot out. *■ 2d. Thnt n renewal of Its said char ter ns set out In tho original act of Incorporation and the amendments thereto, together with tho amendments Herein set Out, be granted for the pe riod of twenty years, with the privilege; of renewal at the end of that time, T. O. FARMER, JR.. Petitioner’s Attorney. EXHIBIT “A." GEORGIA—Coweta County: Resolved, by tho stockholders of the Johnson Hardware Company, at a meeting of said stockholders held for the purposo on this 21st day of Decem ber. 1920, at which said meeting all of the stock of said company Is duly represented, that 1 application be made to the Superloh Court of Coweta county, Ga., for tho amendment of the original chartor of tho sold Johnson Hardware Company as follows, to- wlt: That said charter be amended so as to Increase the capital stock of said corporation from 24,009.00 to *26,- 000.09, with-the privilege of Increas ing same not to exceed 2100,000.00; that said charter of tho said Johnson Hardware Company bo amended so as to give authority to the said John son Hardware Company, to do a whole sale hardware business, as well as a retail hardware business; (hat appli cation bo made to the Superior Court of said county for the renewal of said charter for tho period of twenty years, as set out In the original act of In corporation, and for the renewal of all amendments thereto, and that said renewal take effect from the date ,of the expiration of the present charter. Resolved, further. That the officers and directors of said corporation be and thoy are hereby authorised and di rected to take all necessary steps and 1 Institute all necessary proceedings to carry Into effect the foregoing resolu tions. GEORGIA—Cowetfc County: 1 hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a true and correct oopy of the minutes of the stockholders of the Johnson Hardware Company, show ing the adoption of the resolutions of which the above Is a copy, passed on the 21st day of December, 1920, as name appears upon the records of said corporation. Witness my hand and the seal of the said Johnson Hardware Company this 14th day of January, 1921. H. E. RAGLAND, (Seal.) Secretary & Treasurer. EXHIBIT “B.” At a meeting- of tho directors of the Johnson Hardware Company, held on the Slst day of December, 1920, tho following resolution was passed, to- wtt: “Resolved by the directors of the Johnson Hardware Company, That In pursuance of a resolution passed by the stockholders of said company, which resolution was as follows, to wn: “Resolved by the stockholders of the Johnson Hardware Company, at a meeting of said stockholders held for the purpose, on this day of De cember, 1920, at which said meeting all of tho stock of said company Is duly represented, that application be made to the Superior Court of Coweta county. Ga. for the .amendment of the original charter of the said Johnson Hardware Company as follows, to- wtt: That said charter be amended so as to Increase the capital stock- of mid corporation from $4,000.00 to 226,- School and Office Supplies \We stock a large assortment of school supplies—everything . except the text books. We have best quality, full ccAint, at low est prices. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Note Books, Composition Books, Palmer Paper, Examination Tablets, Book Straps, Erasers, Fountain Pens. SPECIAL PRICES IN QUANTITIES. I —OFFICE SUPPLIES- Arnold’s, Carter’s, and Stafford’s Inks, Mucilage, Cico Paste, Glue, Ink Erasers, Typewriter Ribbons, Carbon Paper, Bank Pins, Cash Books, Ledgers, Journals, Receipt Books, Time Books, Or der Books, Box Letter Files, Arch Files, Rubber Bands, Envelopes. Fine Stationery in white and colors. 25c “> 52.50 LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY "A GOOD DRUG STORE”—'PHONE 66 PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Spring Tailoring Opening ! MR. P. D. REESER, Representing the STORRS-SCHAEFER CO. With an elegant line of all-wool goods, and sum mer fabrics, will be at our store on the above dates to measure for you a suit. The materials, fit and workmanship are guaranteed. SPECIAL NOTICE!—All suits purchased at this opening will be subject to the special guar antee of the company to refund to every purchaser any difference in price between now and May 15. You are protected against price declines! See this elegant line and make your selection. Hundreds of satisfied customers in Coweta county have bought these extra good tailored clothes. THE DATES—JANUARY 28-29 % Kersey & PraHter