The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, January 28, 1921, Image 2

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THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, GA.. FRIDAY, JAN. 28. Official Organ of CowcU County. ju. K. Brown. O. W. I-naimvanu BROWN * PASSAVANX Kdltora and l , uhll«lirr«. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1,00 A YEAR IN AUVANCK. The Herald olllm la located In Die Ooodrum Building. It Jncltaon Street •Phone (. th# Nell Chnndlcr, Mnry I,jine, Kathryn croggin, Annio Dowdell Turner. Serenth Grade. Inner Circle—Ralph Keith, Virginia McBride,’Snrnb Parrott, Corrio Mac Mr Klroy. Honor Group—Edna McKoy, Odexea Slror.ler. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. C'hna. M. Patterson and none wleli to expreta their grateful appreciation to their many friend« for the numcroua neta of kindnma ahown and hcnutlful floral offeringe nent during th« illness anil upon thn death of the!/ wlfo and mother, Mr*. Chae. M. Patterson. Coweta nnd district nforeaald. bank rupt: Notice le hereby given that on January Slot, 10*1. the aald person waa adjudicated bankrupt! that the Aral meeting of creditors wljl be held In tho court-house In Newnan, On. ( on February S, 1931, at 1 o'clock p. m.. at which time credltora may nttrnd, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, exam ine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. j. c. Soldi van. • Referee In Bankruptcy. LaOrange, Oa., Jan. £4, 1021. Newnan Public Schools. HONOR ROLL FOR THE THIRD SCHOLASTIC MONTH. The Inner Circle. This group contains the names of pu pits who make an average of A In nil subject* mid A In deportment. The Honor Group. This group contains the names of pu pita whn mnko A In doportmnnt, and A In nt least one-half their subjects, with no grade leas than It. The elans to which each pupil belongs la indicated I)}' Uio number nfte% tho name. These rolls will he published from month to month. HIGH SCHOOL. 1 B Honor Roll. ' Inner Circle — Allen -Post, Olnudc Itrooke. Honor Group—George .Inoksoo, Mil- ton Askew, Ellis Arnnll, J. C. Brooks, Itullej Wllleoxon. 2 B Honor Roll. Inner Circle—None. Honor Group—Holxirt Hill, Phillips .Tones, Gena Newman, Harold Howell, Richard Thornton. , 3 B Honor Roll. Inner Circle—Mallory Atkthaon, Ham ilton Hall, dames Thoroughmnn. • Honor Group—Nono. 4 B Honor Roll. Inner Clrolo—None. Honor Group—Elbert Bradley. 1 G Honor Roll. Inner Clrclo—Marian Arnnll, Vlrglnln Banka, Susan Colo, Clara Colo, Mnrguc- rile Jackson. Honor Group—Ruth Boynton, Sara Brooko, Molllo Fanner, Daisy Vnuglmn. 3 G Honor Roll. Inner Circle—Mnry Glover, Laura Kersey, Jean A skua* Honor Group—Minina North, Isorn Fisher, Ammn Cook, Fannie Cole Hollis, Catharine Hudson, Vlrglnln Arnnll, Bes sie Byrnm, Mary Wllleoxon. 3 G Honor Roll. Inner Circle—Riolan Hogan. Honor Group—liosoliml Murphy, Oc tavio North, Elsie Hnglnud, 4 G Honor Roll. Inner Circle—Niue. Honor Group- Mnrgnret Barge, Mnry Ella Camp, Alice Copeland, Lillian Me Donnld, Eilnn Reynolds, Minnie Lee Smith, lues. Wurc, Elisabeth Wise. HONOR ROLL TEMPLE AVENUE ^GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Inner Circle. ' .George Poddy Cuttlno 1st, Rogers Unrilogreo .'id, Reboccn Kidd 3d, Fmmlo George Mnlionc 3d, Miirv Poole 4tli, Voliun Taylor 4th. Chrystnl Onrley nth, Blanche Nolan flth, Lnellus Htalllngs nth, Lille In Cates 7th, Mnrgnret Starr 7th. Honor Group. First Grade—lender Allen, Hart Odom, Harry Vaught, Unlit. Oxmore, Howard Puckett, Dick Rader, demos Wood, John Whatley, Preston North, Ruby Cnssel, Sarah Hubbard, Catherine Pickett, Nor ton Mae Wortham. ' Second Grade—Cliff Glover, Omer Lan drum, Wilnurn Holiness, Antoinette Mar tin, Helen Sandora, Harriet Tmpnoll. Third Grade—J. T. Jones, Rhodes. John ami, Herman Moore, William Pick ett, Kimble Reese, Ecb Smith, Audrey Kates, Hilda Jackson, Mattie Knto King, Llewellyn Pnrks. Fourth Grade—Myrtlco Kite, Ellon Cnvtmdor, Mnrgnret Trnpnoll, Netelle Curley, Littleton Glover, .Hulk Jackson. Fifth Grade—Born Orr, Julia Potts, Lucy Ware, Camille Robertson, Earnest I owel, Peter Leach. Ifni Jones, Willie Parker, Comoii Rader, Bon Moseley. Gimb'—Spencer Darden, Muw fuller, Huby Lovorn, William Moonev, Martha Cole, Bernice Eason, Gnrdio Held, Mildred Ooodrum. Mildred Hoi- rell, Howard Glover, Rutli Pnlmor Smith, Bettle Ruth Smith. Seventh Grade—Louise Taylor, Marjo rie Selh, Sara Plokett. Klranor Orr, i/ouiBQ Ca vendor. JJUhtn Johnson. HONOR ROLL ATKINSON GRAMMAR SCHOOL. First Grade. Inner Circle—Alley no Davis, Louise Meadow, Susiui Turner, Mary Catherine Wiiaou, Harold Arinistcad. Honor Grnnp—Gertrude Adeoek, Vie inn Cloueh, Ella Hopson. Opal Kern, Wll- lie Neii, Ellen Parrott, Frn»c.-s Pnrks. Rebecca WUklns, Ralph Hnyaes, Robert Hannah, Daniel Negas. Davis Moseley. ■ Second Grade. Inner Circle—Eunice Alford, Patsy ■IVoodroof. Honor Group—Hilliard Turnipseesl, Maurice Spender, Gibson North. Inex Houston, Marguerite Mangel. Dorothy Shatkeiford. Third Grade. Inner Circle—Ruth Martin, Daisy Sago. BiUy ABkew, Hugh Murray. Honor Group—Mary Gilbert. Nelli* MoMiohael, Cniiie Gordon Sewell, Eugene Brooke. Fourth Grade, loner Circle—Lillie Marshall Lucilo McKoy, Nolle Starr. • Honor Group—Arthur Fowler. William Killgo, Edwin McKoy, O. F. Nixon, Richard Potts. Miriam Chnndlcr, Mnrv Emily Garrett, Margaret Grimes, Vera Lane, Louise Shackelford. Fifth Grade. Inuer Circle—Noue. Honor Group—Sarah Bailey, Willie Mae Holt, Margaret Me.Ritchic, Samuel . Hanks, Cecil Hurst, Edward Wilkinson, Elmo Causey. Sixth Grade. Inner Circle—Bessie May Wortham Catherine Hilt. Honor Group—Mary ‘ Bohannon, Mar New Advertisements. > Not Ire of FI rat Mretlnic of Creditors In the Dlatrlct Court of the United Blatea for tho Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of H. V. Smiths Bankrupt. No. 7057, In Hankruptcy. To the creditor* of the above-named parson of Newnan, Oa., In the county of PETITION FOR CHARTER* GEORGIA—Coweta County: To the Superior Court of aald county: The petition of P.. W. Harcourf. of Upaon county, Oa., and J. A. Kirkland and J. M. Dunbar, of Coweta county. Go. respectfully phowa-— 1. That they dealre for themselves, their associates, successor* and as sign* to be Incorporated and made a body politic under tho laws of the State of Georgia for the period of twenty yearn, with tho privlleKc of re newal at the expiration of nald term, under the name and style of UNITED DAKEIIIES COMPANY. 2. The object of the propoaed cor porutlon In pecuniary gain to Itnelf and ltn atockholdera. 3. Thr principal office and place of hUHlncHB of aald corporation shall be in the city of Newnan, aald county and State, hut petltloncra dealre the right to establish. bakeries. branch offices, a tores and agencies within thin State and' elsewhere whenever the holder* of a majority of the atock may no de termine. . , _ 4. The bunlneas l« be carried on by aald corporation la to buy, sell, manu facture and deal In bread, roll*, buna, cakea, pastries, nnd any and all klnda of food product* at wholesale or re tail: to operate biikerlea, ovena, and any and all klnda of ateam or electrical machinery necessary and incident to the management ana operation of bak eries, and the production and aalc of the product* thereof. , 5. The capital stock .of aald corpora tion ahall be Ten Thousand 1110,000.00) Dotiara, aald atock to be .divided Into ahnrea of Twenty-Five (125.00) Dol lar* each. Twenty-five per cent of the amount of capital to be employed by them haw been paid Into aald bunlneas. 6. Petitioner* dealre the right to sue nnd be aued; to plend and be Implead ed; to contract nnd to be contracted with; to have and uae a common*seal: to make all neceaaary by-laws and regulations, and to do all other things r Low Shoe Prices I No matter what they cost— No matter what the price has been— It’s what they are worth today ! We have put a moving price on our Shoes. They are in our windows with the new prices. Look them over. Don’t forget to have your Shoes re paired. Shoe repairing saves, you the cost of a new pair. Our Shoe repairing is the best. The Shoe Shop ! *»,-• mav be necessary for the sue ceMful carrying on off said Including the right to buy. ••"if'.J?*" and sell real estate and personal prop erty suitable to the purposes of the corporation; to encumber real and per sonal property; to execute notes hiui bonds aa evidences of indebtedness in curred. or which may be Incurred In the conduct of the affairs of the cor poration. and to secure the same M mortgage, security deed, or any other forrfi of lien under existing laws. 7. The affairs of said corporation ahall be managed and. conducted by a board of directors consisting of *uch number as may be fixed by the cor porate action of said corporation, and at all meetings of said shareholders each shareholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he owns shares ap pearing In his name on the books of the corporation. 8. Petitioners desire at any time dur ing the life of the corporation the privilege of liquidating the affairs of the corporation and the dissolution of tho same by a two-thirds vote of the stockholders • at any annuar meeting, or at a regular meeting duly callfed In accordance with the by-laws of the corporation. Wherefore, your petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the powers, priv ileges and immunities herein set forth, as are now or may hereafter be al lowed a corporation of similar charac ter under the laws of the State of Georgia. ’ GARLAND JONES, Petitioners* Attorney, Filed In office this 24th day of Jan uary, 1921. L. TURNER. Clerk Superior Court Coweta county, Georgia. « OEORGIA—Cowetk County:, I, L. Turner, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby cer tify, that the foregoing la a true and correct copy of the original petition for. charter of United Bakeries Com pany, as appears of record in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 24th day of January, 1921. L. TURNER, Clerk Superior Court Coweta county, Georgia. ,The Herald's classified 'columns get results. “ON THE SQUARE—NORTH SIDE.” | W. M. Askew. ’Phone 326. 4 Allen Brothers’ Quote Prices for Ooe Week! EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED! FLOUR Plain—48 lbs. Pl&in—24 lbs Self-Rising—48 lbs Self-Rising—24 lbs. ...... Postell’s—24 lbs .... $2.75 1.40 2.80 .. ..1.50 1.95 No. 10 Pure Lard $1.90 No. 4 Pure Lard 95 Pure Lard—lb ;. 18 Compound Lard—lb 13 Side Meat—lb. .. .* . .18 Salt—100 lbs. ..... 1.30 Salt—25 lbs .50 Government Bacon—lb. .. ...... IW* Government Roast Beef—2 lbs... .22 Corn Beef Hash—lb 14 Cotton Seed Meal—lOO lbs.... . .$1.85 Beet Pulp—100 lbs. ..' 3.25 Shorts—75 lbs 2.65 Hulls—100 lbs. 1.00 Hen Feed—100 lbs 2.95 Horse Feed—100 lbs. , 2.65 I ' BRING ALL YOUR CHICKENS AND EGGS—WE PAY CASH IN ANY QUANTITY. Allen Brothers PHONE 546 NEWNAN Rubber Goods and Sundries GOODS OF QUALITY AND DURABILITY Hot Water Bottles Fountain Syringes Combination Outfits Rubber Tubing Bed Pans Douche Pans •Whirlirig Sprays Bulb Syringes - Hard Rubber Syringes Glass' Syringes Ear and Ulcer Syringes Infants’ Syringes Finger Cots Bottles and Nipples Baby Pacifiers Baby Rattlers Breast Pumps t jttipple Shields Bottle Brushes Atomizers and Bulbs Catheters 'Surgeons’ Gloves Household Rubber Gloves Medicine Glasses Drinking Tubes Thermometers 'Surgical Dressings and Antiseptics Adhesive Plaster Tincture Iodine Plain Gauze Antiseptic Tablets Gauze Bandage Lysol , . Absorbent Cotton Creolin Lambs’ Wool Surgeons’ Soap Whooping Cough Plasters - Lukosine SMOKE YOUR MEAT WITH K. C. LIQUID MEAT SMOKE ^ LEE-KING DRUG COM PANY / "A GOOD DRUG STORE '-’RHONE 66 PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED PAY CASH PAY LESS Four Days Only You have four days more to avail your self of the great values in our half-price sale of piece gcxpds, as February first our entire stock will be, remarked at the new prices for cash. New goods are being purchased daily and, with few exceptions, the new goods will command higher prices than you can buy them at today. v If you need White Goods, Sheets, 10-4 Sheeting, Pillow Cases, Table Damask, Linen, Half Linen or Mefcerized Cotton' Damask, Percales, Kiddy Cloths, Chev iots .or Outings of any kind, Longcloths, Nainsook, Cambrics or Bleachings, buy them during the last four days’, sale and SAVE YOURSELF SOME GOOD .MONEY. - • Prices on Suits, Coats, Dresses and all Ready-to-Wear continued. Glover-Jones Go. PAY CASH- -PAY LESS