The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, February 04, 1921, Image 2

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921 THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWHAM, GA., FRIDAY, FEB. 4. Official Organ of Coweta County. JU E. Brown. O. W. Paaaavant. BROWN A PASSAVANT Mlton an4 Publlikm. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE *3.00 A YEAR IS ADVANCE. The Herald office la located In the Ooadrurn Building. It Jackson Street. 'Phoae «. And They Turned it Down! Still hoping for an ngiwmont upon •ome plan by which farm riomonatration work may l>o contlnupfl in thin county ,the prwwnt year—ftilll conviaecd of the great value of Ihia wrvicc, eapecinlly at a time when the farmera of Coweta need all the encouragement And aaaiat- ante possible in planning and market ing their eropa under conditions more unfavorable than thin generation hna ever before known—a committee from the County Chamber of Commerce np )>eare<l boforc tlie County Commianion era again Wednesday and renewed the request for nn appropriation of 41,200 with which to continue farm demonstra tion work in 1921. The reqnest was backed by a petition signed by more than three hundred well known business men and farmers, representing every sec tion of the county. The Commissioners were informed that if this request should l>e turned down the County Chamber of Commerce would obligate itself to con tribute half the sum asked, provided the county would assume the other half. The committee was accorded a respect ful hearing, after which the C-otmnis- sionera went into executive session and not ooly refused the original request, but squatted down wtyJi equal firmness on the alternative proposition submitted by the committee. Now, that the tlu-ee hundred and odd signers of the petition who were thus flouted by the County Commissioners may be known, wo print their nnines be low— The Motor Tractor Co., It. 8. Hol brook,, W\ M. 1‘oogc, W. If. Gilbert, «l. H. Taylor, IT. G. Howell, J. Littleton .I ones, T. I’. Zellers, G. K. Adams, O. H. Darden, W. J’, Genrrcld, Kills Mnnnour, C. T. Iluipee, P. M. Wnltom, Murray Mfg. Co.. Mangel Bros., .1. K. ifcvnnlds, K. II. Peniaton. T. 8. Bailey, W. II. Oooddy, J, It. MoCalla, I. N. Orr, John son Hardware (Jo., H, A. Parmer, W. P. Landers, K. T. Owens, 0. W. Howard, <\ H. Hummer, II. W. Arnull, Loo-King Drug Co., G. W. 8t. John, (J. A. Cranford, W. It. Bohannon, B. C. Kersey, W. K. Prather, W. M. Bohannon, A. A. Pnssolt, thor, W. M. Bonmnnon, A. A. Pnssolt, K. L. Wnltom, P. B. Murphey, H. 8. Hants, John K. Robinson, T. C». Burpee, John Kilgore, H. II. Murray, W. B. Da vis, L. N. Camp, T. B. Bradley, J. D, Brewster, C. T. Bailey, A. J. Houston, I. N. Orr (Jo., M. D. Burch, B. A. Mow- ley, Me Lei In n Htore* Co., C. A. Robert- A#n, O. L. Chandler, W. K. Woods, T. M. Goodrum, I. K. Walker, J. T. Pike, David Barnett, O. L. Broadwater, K. B. HolHs, J. D. Summers, J. P. Bailey, Boyd Stephens, L. B. Walthall, W. B. Chestnut, W. W. Crain, H. M. Kites, O. L. Seroggin, Joe Barnett, R. B. Askew, O. M. Ward, W. II. Stallings, W. W. Kirby, S. W. Freeman, C. A. King, D. W. Haskins, O. W. Jackson, Hubbard Bros., II. C. Pike, C. S. Smith, J. W. Owens Furniture Co., M. R. Bowen, J. P. Puller, J. C. Stripling, Virginia House, I). W. Boone k Co., E. P. Hurst, K. M. Curpentor, K. G. Henry, H. M. Bailey, J. M. Johnson, H. G. Bniley, L. T. Chestnut, A. R. Russell, L. W. Bowers, W. J. Carlton, W. H. Miller, J. P. Bni ley, K. T. Evans, B. B. Hanson, Ides Powell, H. O'. McKoy, C. J. Barron,, J. T. Bali, J. I). Barron, H. K. Barron, W. B. Parks, F. B. Cole, W\ P. Moore, W. L. Woodroof, L. C. Whittle, John R. Cntes, H. A. Hall, H. C. Glover, A. D. Cates, K. C. Goodwyn, K. Rozenburg, W. C. Walker, T. L. Arnold, Carl Snn dors, .T. R. Parker, T. J. Young, R. E. Bexley, K. M.‘ Young, G. Y. Chestnut, J. W. Young, John L. Hemphill, J. F. Russell, H. K. Cnrrnicnl, .1. T. Bexley, W. G. Arnold, J. A. Shackelford, J. L. Swilling, G. (J. Pitts, Jno. A. Perry, T. B. Davis, W. Y. Barnes, O. K, Parker, J. H. Broadwater, L. C. Gentry, M. B. Mooney, .1. B. Mooney, T. H. Stephens, (J. C. Orr, L. P. Hancock, J B. Penis- ton, A. Sidney Camp, R. W. Thomas, J. D. Johnson, jr., J. D. Adcock, H. Glazier, H. K. Richards, J. T. Young, J. Rowland Young, R. L. Bowers, T. II. Mattox, W. N. Walthall, W. L. Car- micnl, J. E. Walthall, P. A. Carmical, W. H. Tuckor, W. 8. Bailey, K. W. Htnrr, A. II. Freeman, N, K, Powel, W. A. Herring, P. F. Cuttino Sc Co., H. II. North, C. J. Smith, X. II. Bagley, J. W. Stripling, J. N. Kersey, Garland Jones, Olovcr-Jones Co., Wright Brid ges, II. M. >}stes, R. P. Parks, H. G. Hutchens, W. L. Weldon, J. L. Barge, J. J, Hunter, J. A. Daniel, H. F. Tenny, Leon Crook, J. B. Hunter, R. F. Shell, K. L. Merrill. W. P. Christopher, T. E. Shell, T. It. Neely, Mrs. J. D, .Johnson, jr., Jeroline Thompson, Mrs. E. L, Mer rill, G. P. A mall, W. T. Moore, O. B. Hnyos, C. II. Brown, II. H. Cntes, J. 0. Cook, J. H. WUIner, R. 8. Moses, W. A. Shell, R. L. Johnson, Z. Christopher, A. T. Neely, J. B. Shell, Mrs. J. T. Sims, Mrs. Z. Spcor, A. ,J. Hyde, B. L. Red wine, H. P. Cates, J. F. Cook, Word Redwinc, Albert Cntes, F. M. Beavers, J. A. Royeton, C, (J. Arnold, J, C. Hun ter, W. (’. Russell, G. T. Hunter, C. W. Reese, T. H. Neely, Mrs. Frad Hunter, Mrs. W. D. Stephenson, Mrs. J. J. Hun ter, Fred Hunter, J. C. Herring, AI Sewell, W. B. Handers, G. W. Coggin, G. W. Smith, (J. J. Owens, W. Y. Sum mer, J. (J. McKoy, .1. W. Summer, C. I. Wallace, C. II. Latimer, M. L. Story, (J. S. Story, K. Payton, TI. H. Bonvers, J. B. Beavers, T. I). Austin, W. M. Tur ner, A. E. Boone, J. J. Johnson, II. (.’. ('nNseI, J. W. Turner, C. J. Millions, J. T. Haisteu, J. T. Story, jr., L. M. Gor don, T. A. Crowder, C. 8. Pearson, T. A. Ellis, Paul O. Smith, K. S. Kelby, B. C. McCollum, L. 8. Bradley, L. D. ElUs, W. M. Phillips, J. P. Coursey, Carl B. Phillips, O. H. Wingo, F. M. Bryant, C. M. Turner. W. A. Herring, W. H. Dyer, A. D. Harris, J. T. Roebuck, An gelo Grcngn, H. J. Israel, B. B. Mabson, jr.. Mrs. T. B. Banders, J. M. Starr. Hugh Gloss, I*. H. Gibson, E. R. Witch er, C. S. Hayes, A. B. Harris, A. .T. Morgan, R. A. Freeman, E. C. Adcock, II. H. Arnold. T. M. Hyde, E. K. Hyde. W. H. Hyife, S. S. Bridges, F. M. Hicks, A. A. Copeland, J. T. Walker, J. A. Bil bo, R. 8. Moore, J. A. Carter, W. P. Dukes, J. N. Cochran, W. B. Cook, C. W. Reese, 8. L. Hill. C. A. Gillespie, T. H. Mattox, W. H. Cavender, T. A. Man ning, W. M. Haynic, T. B. Sanders, W. L. Ward, 8. G. Dukes, Jacobus Petty, W. B. Witcher, A. E. Hayes, W. H. H. Hayes, Haynic Summers, J. B. Coppedge, J. S. Adcock, Jim Chappell, E. G. Sum mers, E. T. Carter, J. A. Hyde, K. Paul Warren, J. A. Holeman, W. A. Bridges, O. M. Gordon, J. E. Boone, L. G. Moore, C. W. Carter, P. G. Morrow, J. G. Ar- nall, R. J. Stewart, R. J. Barnett, J. I>. Johnson. his appointment here Sunday morning, preaching a fine sermon. He has accept ed a call to preach for us once a month. Misses Annie dcGraffenreid and Fan nie Butts, of Newnan, spent Monday with Mrs. Lynn Wood. Miss Mattie Haines, of Xewnnn, is visiting her sisler, Mrs. G. O. Estep. Feb. 1st. CARD OF THANKS. We wish sincerely to thank our neigh bors and friends for appreciated atten tions shown during our recent distress ami subsequent bereavement. They were exceedingly kind and thoughtful, ami we are deeply grateful. Mrs. L. P. Neill k Children. G. R. Bradley. Miss Drain Bradley. The mule is a sure-footed beast, which makes it unsafe to stand behind him. SHARPSBURG. Mr. John McLean spent the week-end in Fayetteville. Mr. Lewis Ingram, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mrs. Roy Bridges. Mr. Arthur Morgan and family spent Tuesday in Henoin. Mrs. Mattie Ingram has returned home, after a visit to Mrs. Allie Love, in Atlanta. Mr. Ros McDonald spent Sunday with Mrs. Koxic McDonald, at Longstreet Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pitman enter tained the young people with a dance Friday evening, which was much en joyed. Mr. Ralph Brown and family, of At lanta, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Brown Saturday and Sunday. Rev. W. E. Fuller, of Newnan, filled give a woman nn engagement ring?'* “The woman, my boy.” Specials for Friday and 5 No. 10 Compound Lard Saturday! $1.26 No. 4 Compound Lard 64c Uncle Mack Coffee—lb 20c ! Gold Medal Corn Flakes—package... 9c H. M. ESTES & SON 21 COURT SQUARE its toasted GROW IT AT HOME! Do you never tire of living out of paper bags ? Do you know the difference between vegetables fresh from the garden and the “paper-bag” variety. You would do well to resolve to have a garden. And the best start is to get fresh seeds—the kind we handle—seeds of high germinating power that make strong, vigorous and healthy plants and veg etables. BEANS . CORN SQUASH COLLARD TURNIP ENGLISH PEAS RADISH TOMATOES CABBAGE LETTUCE And all the rest of them. Cabbage Plants, 30c per hundred SMOKE YOUR MEAT WITH K. C. LIQUID MEAT SMOKE LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY “A GOOD DRUG STORE ’- PHONE 66 PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED 10-Day Specials in Groceries! PHONE FULLER BROS. YOUR WANTS GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY AT YOUR DOOR 10 lhs, Sugnr 10 Bars Export Soap 10 lbs. Irish Potatoes 84c 39c 29c Porto Rico Kiln Dried Sweet P.otntocs 10 lbs. Fresh Water Ground Meal 48 lbs. Best Self-Rising or Plain Flour 4c lb. 29c " $2.90 45c Can California Asparagus Tips 1 lb. Can Cnlumct Baking Powder Feed Oats—Best Grade Bushel 36c 25c 75c 24 lbs. Best Self-Rising or Plain Flour 6 Packages Arm & Ham mer Brand Soda 2 Cans Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco $1.45 ' 25c 25c No. 3 Can Dessert Peaches 4 lbs. Regular 40c Coffee 10c Can Pork and Beans 39c $1.00 6c Full line of heavy feed—Mixed Feed, Hay and Dairy Feed. —FRESH FISH— Shipments every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. BIG, FINE MULLETS Give us your orders as early as possible. Every sale guaranteed to give satisfaction. PHONE -11 FULLER BROS. SUCCESSORS TO A. L. FULLER 10 JACKSON STREET NEWNAN. GEORGIA Avoid False Economy! Neglect is the Mother of Waste and Waste is the Forerunner of Want! If you are in your right mind you don’t go to the bank for cash, and throw it to the winds because you have _ only half as muchas you once had, or not as much as Bill Smith has. When money is scarce TRUE ECONOMY is indeed wisdom. TAKE CARE OF YOUR CAR It represents an investment, which, neglected, is subject to rapid deterioration. Never was care of your car worth more than it is today—simply because it means the avoid ance of WASTE. If your investment in car, truck, or its equipment means anything, LOOK AFTER IT, or have our compe tent men do it for you. It’s a business proposition, and we are making it to your financial interest to see that your * . car investment is protected. Have your car cleaned up—greased with the RIGHT lubricant regularly—keep the tires inflated—have small cuts and bruises vulcanized. In short, be a business man—look after your car investment. Our service io you is REAL ECONOMY, Try it. R. B. ASKEW & CO. 8 West Washington St., Newnan, Ga. Phone 500