The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 11, 1921, Image 3

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1921. WOMEN’S CLASS IN CITIZENSHIP Lesson No. 7—Weilnosdny, March 16, 6 p. in*; subject, “ Congress and Its Work’’; instructor, Col. H. A. Hall. Lesson No.' S.—March 23, 2 p. m.; subject, "Our Federal Judiciary■ in structor, Hon. W. C. Wright. 1. Name tlie Judge, District Attorney Slid Marshal in your Federal district. c. Give the order of rank of the Stnte and Federal laws in their relationship to the Federal Constitution. 3. What is the English common law! How does it operate respecting women/ 4. Who has power to create Federal Courts/ Give your authority. ». How many Supreme Court Justices are there! Givo the name of the Chief Justice. tl. Name several classes of cases com- lug within the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts. 7. Dellnc •• appellate jurisdiction ’’ and *;original jurisdiction.” Cite a cause where the Supreme Court dins . original jurisdiction. 5. Describe the opening of each ses sion of the Supreme Court. !). What are the duties of the District Attorney! 10. What are the duties of the United States Marshal f 11. Whnt is the Court of Claims/ Over what hail it jurisdiction / References.—"School Civics,” Boyn ton; "Government in Stnte ami Na tion,” James and Stanford; "The New Civics,” Ashley; "Preparing for -Citi zenship,” Uuitteau. Dry Clean at the Capital City N ew Things for Springtime Mean sending old things to the Capital City. ■ I Our famous Dry Cleaning and Perfect Dye- brings back the bloom to any garment— giving you another season’s wear. New for Old. This Is the South’s new Economy. “Parcel Poet Your Package—Look to Vo for Results.” Capital City Dry Cleaning & Dye Works Yesterday morning, at the Control. Baptist parsonage, Miss El loll Simms Dunbar was united in marriage to Mr. W, 0. Knowles, of Columbus, On., Dr. Frank U Hardy officiating. Wedding plans previously nindo were abandoned, owing to ( recent bereavements in tbe bride’s family, and just a simplo Cere mony wris had instead. The bride is the lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. john/F. Dupbar, and the groom is a popular and progressive young business man of Columbus, where the couple will make their home. In honor of Miss Sara Davis, an at tractive bride-elect of the month, Miss Annie Drake entertained delightfully at bridge Tuesday afternoon at her home on Spring street The houso was pret tily decorated in jonquils and potted plants. Guests for four tables were in vited. Miss Johnnie Caldwell will com pliment Miss Davis with a bridge party tomorrow afternoon, when Misses Mil dred and Martha Caldwell will assist in entertaining. Mrs. Do Witt Pgolo, was hostess for the Tuesday Bridge Club this \ve6k, ain’t also entertained two tables of rook in honor of Mrs. Muc Manley. Mrs. J, P. Jones, jr., won the bridgo prize mid Mrs. Garland Jones the , rook trophy. After tho gamo dolicious refreshments were served at tho small card tables. Miss Marian Richardson, of Byron, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L, C. Rndor* Miss Grace Horn, who is a star in “Ex perience, ’* showing at the Atlanta The atre this week, spent Monday with Miss The Woman's Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. Fred Camp next Tues day. Mrs. Addle Rollins is spending some time in Now nan with her daughter, Mrs. Boh Parker. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Lamb announce the birth of a son on the 4th lust, who has been given the name of Robert Don aid . Mr. ami Mrs. John Powledge announce the birth of a daughter on March 0. Mrs. .1. It. Bexley, of Grnntville, spent a few days this week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Griffin. Mr. Mallard Chaffin has gone to Co lumbus, where he has a good position. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Albright ami sons, of LnGrnugo, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 10. P. Floyd. We regret to learn that Dr. L. 8. Young is quita feeble. Mnroh Oth. . InCase of Sickness You must have prescriptions dispensed exactly as the physician orders. Everything possible for proper care and comfort of the patient. We always give particular attention to this ser vice—everything necessary for the care and com fort of the sick is in our stock and can be in your hands in a few minutes’ time whenever needed. Your doctor’s prescriptions will be filled ex actly as he wants them if sent here, and our ample and diverse stock of medicines is entirely at his com mand for the selection of the exact remedy he needs for the particular case in hand. THIS IS OUR SPECIALTY ELKAY’S HAT DYE— GOLORITE HAT DYE— With these hat dyes you can convert your old hat into a new one at small cost and with perfect results. 25c. -V EASTER TOYS— DYES—CANDY EGGS— Our window is full of attractive Easter novelties for the little folks. A few cents . spent here will add much to their happi ness. GARDEN SEED IN BULK A "° V£’£K, OUAU - We can save you much on your garden seed, be sides giving you better quality, for our seeds are bought in bulk and we package them ourselves, in plain, inexpensive envelopes. We charge you 5c. for what other seedsmen ask 10c., and we know that our seeds are perfectly fresh and are from the finest growers in the business. Let us have your order. Maximum Hot Water Bottles, (2-qt.) guaranteed.$1.79 Maximum Fountain Syringes, (2-qt.) guaranteed. 1.79 I John R. Cates Drug Company NEXT DOOR TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK Store. Richardson. Miss Horn’s stage name iMng tho week with Miss Lovo Carpenter. Messrs. J. R, and I, M. Colo wont over to Moreland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs G. S. Hardy had ns dinner guests Sunday—Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holm anon of Nownnn ( Miss Lila Hardy of Cedurtown, Mr. and Mrs. John Haines, Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Cook, Mr. (’. H. North and Misses Eva North and Cecil Cole. Mrs. Gale North, who has been quite sick, is some better today. Mr. ami Mrs. John 7 McLean were in Seuoia Tuesday. SHARPSBTJRG. Mrs. A L. Glints and children, of At lanta, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. R. Colo. Mr. P. M. Smith and Mrs. Roxlo Bridges spent Saturday in New nan. Miss Lila Hardy, of Codnrtown, spent, tho week-end with her parents, Mr. ami Mi's. G. 8. Hardy. Mr. OUh Bridges, of Atlanta, spent. Sunday with Mrs. Roxie Bridges. Mr. W. B. Sharp has roturnod home, after a month’s stay at Hatley, Ga. Mvr. ltcuvy Povrynmn, of Mississippi, spent tho past week with Mrs. H. G. AVnllis Miss Mary Hunter, of Turin, is spend BUGGIES. Style that pleases the boy.. Comfort that pleases the mo ther. Durability that pleases, the father. Prices that please the times. I N. Orr Co Willn. Willorby. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Orr. of Oitrn, Fltt.y nro guests of tho formers parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jonathan Orr, on Spring streot. This is their first visit to Nownnn since their mnrringo, and they have been given a cordial woleome. , Mrs. Tiios. McMnidn entertained the Young Matrons’ Rook Club on Friday afternoon last nt her homo near town; This afternoon Mrs. Edgar Long will be hostess for tho same club. Mr. andl Mrs. L. 13. Wnltjmll, Mrs, Sadie Young, Miss Olivia Young nncf: * Miss Lillie Young worshiped nt More land Presbyterian church Sunday, and dinod with Mr. and Mrs. T. H, CarmicaL The Benevolent Union will meet next Monday aftornoon at 2.30 o’clock, at tho County Club. AH' members uro urged' to attend. Miss Pink Stnrr, who is teaching in. the public, schools at Jonesboro, spent the week-end with her- mother, Mrs. O, M. Stnrr. Mrs. J. N. Nix, of Carrollton, who has boon spending several days with her sis ter, Mrs. O. H. Newton, roturnod homo today. Dr. and Mrs. Willis Jones, of At lanta, were week-end guoBts of Mr. and Mrs. OtiH Jones, at Riverside. Mrs.. Ruth Kramer and Miss Marie. Bradley, of Carrollton, spent the weok- eml with Mrs. Pal )3radley. Mrs. W. M. Whigham, of Louisville, Ga., is the guest of Misses Lucia ami Ethel • Smith, Mrs. Tom' fcolbert spent last weedin' LaGrange with her cousin, Mrs. W. L. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Avera, of Rocky Mount, N. 0., announce’ the birth’ of a son. Mrs. W.^O. Seomons, of Atlanta, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. P. Zellars. Mrs. W. 0.* Wright is witli relatives and friends in Codartown this week. Mrs. Pal Bradley is visiting her fa ther in Atlanta this week. Mrs. Harry Jones has returned from a visit to Atlahta. Miss Mnryclln Camp, of Nownau, spent the week-end with Miss Edna liar vis. , Mrs. Tom Wood, of Codnrtown, was the guest of Mrs. John Iinines Sunday. The SATURDAY MARKET. Umlor tho auspices of tho Woman’s Boaril of the Country Club a snle of "gobcbthings” to oat will bo conducted at tho .Chamber of Commerce on Saturf day, March 12, from I) n. in', 'to 12 ni. Tho articles for .sale will be prepared by Nownan houso wives from their favorite recipes, and a varied and delicious as sortment is assured. Como early andff select a ehoico supply for yopr 'Sunday dinner. Prices will bo reasonable. Tho ladies contributing are giving their services, merely charging a small prolit aliove actual cost of material. The com mittee in charge will bo Mrs. T. G. Far mer, jr,', chairman, Mrti. N. 13. Hudson, Mrs. F. M. Bryant, Mrs. Guy Colo and Mrs. Hugh Johnson. At a called meeting of tho Woman’s Board of tho Country fjlub Monday af ternoon reports wore made of tho two benefit parties given last week, showjng the net sum of *21)6.60. As a moans of raising additional funds toward furnishing tho Country Club the next effort of the Woman’s Board will lie a minstrel show by borne talent, to be given aboiit the first of April. Tlie committee in charge of the arrangements is composed of Mrs. Rus sel) Wilkinson, chairman, Mrs. W. M. Askew, Mrs. D. T. Poole, Mrs. T. 8. Bailey, Mr. P. G. Manget, .Mr. T. 8. Parrott. Tho following standing committees of tho Woman’s Board of the Country Club have been appointed— Furnishings—Mrs. (}. M. Jones, Mrs. T. 8. Bailey, Mrs. II. J. Israel. Grounds—Mrs. G. W. St. John, Mrs. W. G. Post, Mrs. F. L. Stevens. Finance—Mrs. D. 8. Cuttino, Mrs. T. J. Jones, Mrs. .7. JO. Featherston, Mrs. J. T. Kirby, Mrs. T. Q. Farmer, jr. Publicity—Mrs. Frank Wilkinson. MORELAND. Tlie Rook Club entertained nt a pic ture show party for Mrs. .J. W. Cole Tuesday afternoon, delicious refresh ments being served afterwards at The Book Store. Twelve ladies were in tlie party. Mrs. Betty Lyon is visiting friends In CartemviUe this week. The Bible -Study Class met with Mrs. R- V, Webb Tuesday, ,-lml heard a splen did report from Mrs. Dclmar Owen, del- legate, to the Woman’s Missionary Con ference at Gainesville. GENUINE <91 BULL DURHAM tobacco makes 50 flood ciflarettes for 10c Grocery Specials ^Wilson’s" Certified Sliced Bacon, lb 49 C Fresh Water-Ground Meal, 24 lbs. for... 65C No. 2 Can Tomatoes, 2 cans for • • 15C Just a few more left. Snowdrift No. 10 $1.25 s Snowdrift No. 5 65c No. 1 Can Libby’s Pack Roast Beef 17 C Post Toasties, 2 packages for 25c Purity Oats, 2 packages for 25 C Fancy Whole Grain Rice, peck 97 C 35c quality Pruries, per lb • • 19 C TRY OUR COFFEE TODAY! 15 different grades, prices and flavors to choose from. | 20C t0 50C ap°und. Please Note.—When you buy a pound or a bar rel of Coffee from us, and you are not pleased m every respect, bring it back and we will give you Coffee you will be pleased with, or, it that isnt satisfactory, we will refund your money. Can we make it any fairer? W. E. WOODS GROCERY PHONE 78 NEWNAN, GA. SPRING-TIME CLEANING IS HERE! I | MAIvE IT EASY With our many fine, and labor-saving helps. Below we list a number of articles—and their uses. Furniture Polishes— To brighten up your furniture. O’Cedar Polish Liquid Veneer Shine-Easy Furniture Polish Dry Cleaing Preparations— Fo!r taking out stains, spots and grease. Energine Putnam’s Dry Cleaner j Carbona Mufti Silver and Brass Polish— For brightening up silver, also shining brass beds, etc. Wright’s Silver Cream Putz Cream, 4 oz. Putz Cream, 8 oz. Putz Cream, pint. Putz Cream, quart. Sunbright Metal Polish Metal Glow Metal Polish Floor Wax— Johnson’s Prepared Floor Wax Johnson’s Liquid Floor Wax Johnson’s Dancing Floor Wax Soaps and Washing Powders— Octagon Soap Ivory Soap Ivory Soap Flakes 20-Mule Borax Chips Old Dutch Cleanser Bon Ami Sapolio Disinfectants— Kills germs and prevents disease; be sure and disinfect thoroughly before summer comes. Creolin Pearson C. N. (chloro naptholeum) Kreso Sanax SPECIAL— 25c Gee Go Wonder Soap 15c For removing grease, dirt and stains it has no equal. Try a can and see how it will save labor. Insect Powders— Bee Brand Nilate El Vampiro Hofstra Our main thought is to increase the service to our customers.—Phone us your orders. Coweta Drug & Book Co Phones 17 and 9106—8 Greenville Street