The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 18, 1921, Image 11

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS RATES One cent n word for each In sertion. Minimum charge, 10 cents. TERMS—Cash in advance. ‘^^Mcnde^ionB^Btapie^cotton seed, rvatnfi sells usually for almost double short staple. I. N. Orr Co. V« r hite Wyandotte eggs. 15 for $1 f. b Mrs. J. W. Speer, Route 3, Senoia, Oa. Farm Wanted.—Wanted to hear from owner of farm or good land for sale for -fall delivery. L. Jones, box 551, Olney, III. For Sale.—Porto Rico sweet potato Diants, f. o. b. Ty Ty, Gn„ *1.50 per 1 000 in lots of 10,000 and up. N. M. •Malcolm & Son, Ty Ty, Ga. POTATO SLIPS. Genuine Porto Rico plants for sale at per thousand. Am now booking or- >“ J for Mny anil June deliveries. E. C. Coats, Seuoia, Ga. 'PORTO RICO POTATO PLANTS. Two dollars per 1,000 up to 10,000, do- nvered. Write for prices on larger ou-intities. Large plants, and full count Guaranteed. ROY NORTH, Hatley, Ga. . Local Happenings Told in Short Paragraphs. NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OP GENERAL INTEREST TO OUR LOCAL READERS. Still dyeing. Hollis. Smoke nn “Elmrose”—5 cents. Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day. ’Phone 85 for quick baggage transfer. Baby caps and rosettes. ’Phone 22, Mrs. Hollis. Matting rugs, 30x72, only 75c. each. P. P. Cuttino & Oo. New silk dressse—a very speelnl value. Boone's. Rougb-nnd-Roady hose for boys, 39c. a pair. P. P. Cuttino & Co. New price. Ford touring ear at a special D. IV. Boone & Co. Good ynnl-widc Sea. Island 11c. a yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co. •New PREVENTS MITES— (j,, vour chickens by using tobacco stems in their nests. Several hundred poundH for sale by the Reese Cigar Co., 27% Court Spuare. spring ginghams 15c. Boone's, Plants.—Early and late varieties of Tomatoes, Chinese Giant Pepper. Egg Plants, Asters, Zinnias, Salvia, Mari golds. Henderson’s seed. Out-of-town orders promptly filled. Mrs. E. R. Barrett, 71 Spring Street. Spccial.- a yard. Millinery.—J list the hat you want for Ouster. Boone’s. Extra values in nrt squares just re ceived. Boouo’s. INSURE WITH THE I Planters’ and People’s Mutual Fire As sociation of Coweta. County. B L. Rodwine, president; T. B. San- j ders, vice-president;-J. M. Starr, Sec’y and Treasurer; C. M. Turner, Gen’l Agt, •r. F. D. No. 1., Sargent, Ga. COLLEGE NO. 1 COTTON. Ranks first in production in a test of i twenty-five varieties under boll weevil conditions at the Georgia Experiment station. Write for my, seed prices. Ad dress Earl S. Redwine, 69 W. Mitchell I »t., Atlanta, Ga. ' Frost-Proof Cabbage Plants.—Wake- | -field and Plat Duteii; postpaid, 500 for $1.25; 1,000 for $2.25; express collect, $1.50 per thousand. Genuine Porto Rico potato plants ready in April; postpaid 500 for *1.50; 1,000 for *2.50; express | collect, *2 per thousand. Satisfaction guaranteed; write for free offer. DASHER PLANT CO., Valdosta, Ga. BcHt quality yard-wide sheeting 14c. a yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co. New lot of men’s and boys’ enps just arrived. P. P. Cuttino & Co. Paints and varnishes for big nml lit tie jobs. Lee-ICing Drug Co. Wo are expecting, a quantity of new goods tlio coming week recently pur chased when our buyer wns in the East ern mnrkets. Boone’s. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Christian Imvo gone to Nownnn to reside, nftor having spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Puckett,—Carrollton Free Press. Nothing more,-trying than n leaky re frigerator or ice box. The right way Is to have Moncrlef fix it before you begin using ice. ’Phone 10S, o Wo do hemstitching and pleating. Machines rented nml repaired. ’Phono 157-W. Apply at office of Singer Sew ing Machine Co., Nownnn, On. We use only skilled meclinuics, no help ers, on your automobile repair work, and only charge *1 an hour for work. Strickland's Garage. O Money to Loan on Farm Lands.—Am prepared to make Joans on form lands lit a reasonable rate of interest. Loans closed without delay. T. G. Fnrmor, jr. O * We are agents in Nownnil for the celebrated Gossurd front-luce corsets. Have our corsettero to fit, you in n style to suit your figure. P. F. Cuttino & Co. The late Jacques Futrello wrote the story of “My Lndy’s Garter,’’ which will bo shown at The Alntqo next, Wed nesday, duction. land 83, *200; one Maxwell Sedan, *500; DEATH OP MRS. MISSOURI HER one Wulys Six, *800; one 5-pnsscnger RING. Ford, *200, These cars are In first-class I Tho Herald Is culled upon this week mechanical condition, and nil newly ( 0 ,.hronlcle the death of another old painted. n w ■ V. Barnes. I resident. Mrs. Missouri Herring passed Miss Diele Darden, of Lutherville, ' l ««.v Friday night at tho homo of her died Friday night nt the Nownnn Sana-1Mi. W. A. Herring, on \\. Wash- tarlum, following an operation for np-L 1 ' 8 * 0 ." ft ^ or 11 ol1 ? l ' 0,ll ' l,0,,u "L ’ pendlcltis. The body was carried Batur- M‘ or ,k '! lth >* u0 lm,ro to . M, ° h ! llrm ‘ day to tier home town, whore the funeral ° 8 , of t0 nn >' nl l' n ®n’ anil intorment took place Sunday morn-1 J 1 , 8 ; S l',° t u ' " u,0 'v oi tllit Ing. Sho is survived by her mothor and u . 1 ’ Haiston Herring, and at the time one sister, Mrs. John F. Hiudsmnn, both of t""' lwA 2?f hwl tl '° ri,, 2 Sg nf T.nfhnrvlll,. ago ol 84 yenrs. Stic was ono of tlio 1 dear, old-fashioned, women who loved her home, her neighbors, nnd her churoh The Alamo is fortunate in having so- only few of whom are now left, unforte cured the Borvices of Mr. C. T. Christian, nntely, ns examples for the younger gen the talented snxnphune plnyer, formerly oration. Needless to say, her death will of Griffin, nnd Mr. Mark Snndrieh, pi- be sincerely mourned by her many friends nnlBt, of Peusnooin, Fin., who will bo throughout the -county. She leaves two joined Monday by Mr. Don Roberts, vie- children, Mr. W. A. Hnrrlng and Mrs, Uniat, of Pensacola, making nn excel- H. W. Sell), both of this city, besides lent orchestra for the patrons of the, several grandchildren. The funeral took theatre, nml whose efforts to please the place Sunday afternoon nt 3 o’clock, people with good music will be greatly from the residence, services being eou- nppreeintod. ' | ducted by her pastor, Dr, Frank L ,, ?—; Hardy, assisted by Rev. Stacy Capers, The Herald regrets to note the death I ,,f linllidnylmrg, i’ll., nn old friend of ol Mrs. A. M. Meeks, nn estimable Indy I tlio t’mnilv visiting here nt the lime. The of the community which occurred 'L'UOs- hHonm-ut wns nt Oak Hill, day Afternoon, following a long and painful illness. She is survived by her DELEGATES TO SUNDAY-SCHOOL husband nnd a stepdaughter, Mrs. El- CONVENTION dridge V. Terrell. The funeral look place Wednesday afternoon from the ideneo on N. Jefferson stvoot.'Zv. I’.'X t'Vouty-tive ns a minimum quota of dele Roark conducting the service. The i«(- « l,h T to tho State SundnysrhooMonven- Tini tio», to no ho hi in Mueon on April ll», terment wns at Onkjlill. M , m(i o,. A „ s.mdny-school workers The revival meeting at the First Bap desiring to attend may do so, but the tint church, which begun Sunday ft week counties reaching their quoin will re- ngo, has been wonderfully succossfill. I * special recognition. Special roc It’s a Maurice Tournier pro- Hoard Superior Court next week. will convene For garden and flower seed ’phone double-six. Lee-King Drug Co. Straw cleaned. hut time. Have ’Phone 22. the old one Hollis. President suspenders only 45c. n pair nt P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. New spring clothes from Michaels- Stern Co. just received. Boone’s. O • Plymouth Rock eggs for sale. Apply to Mrs. B. P. Cook, 86 Jackson street. One-year-old rose bushes, all varieties, *3.50 per dozen-. Lee-King Drug (Jo. o For coal, wood, charcoal and kind ling see Mrs. J. H. Plunkett, ’phono 85. Big lot middy blouses, all sizes, priced nt 90c. and *1.25. P. F. Cuttino & Co. FIT TREES! Peach, Apple Pear, Plum, Cherry, Pe l-can, Shade and Ornamental trees. Finest ft added and grafted stock at before the I war prices. Most all fruit trees at 50c. [.each prepaid. California privet hedge -plants, $2.00 per 1,000, postpaid. Half (and Half Cotton Seed. Send a postal | for our Fruit Book and Catalog. Male Nurseries ALBANY, ALA. Beautiful patterns in figured voiles, priced attractively P. F. Cuthino & Co. Ray battery station—repairing and charging of batteries. Strickland’b Garage. Imperial chambrays in pretty checks and solid colors, 29c, a yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Do you know about the “eyes of the heart?” Find out Monday at Tlio Ala mo. We are booking orders for Porto Rico potato plants for delivery in April or May. Lee-King Drug Co. o A regular eat- ’em-alive Western pic ture, with Tom Mix, at The Alamo next Saturday. Fertilizer.—Come to see us before buy ing your fertilizers. We sell Old Domin ion goods. Powell & Keith. LIBEL FOB DIVORCE. Jesse Story vs. Odelia Story. Libel for Divorce In Superior Court of Coweta county, Oa., Septem ber Term. 1921. To the defendant, Odelia Story: Vou are hereby required, in person or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court, to be held in and for said county on the first Monday In September, 1921, then and there to answer the plaintiff in an action for a total divorce, as In de fault of such appearance said Court Vlll proceed thereon as to Justice may appertain. Witness the Hon. C. E. Roop, Judge pf said Court, this the ISth day of darch, 1921. L. TURNER, W. U Stallings. Clerk. Attorney. - IS AN — (i EL BOWENA” — OR — bmpi-Bowem Straight* (registered) CIGAR | The filler is pure Havana To icco; they burn smooth and even pd retail at 10c I Most dealers handle them. | Cam. for 'em ! feese Cigar Co 27% Court Square. It’s not all luxury and pleasure in the city, ns you will see in.“Tlio City Spnr- row,” shown at The Alamo noxt Friday, in which Ethel Clayton nnd Walter Hiqrs are stars. After spending two or three weeks with his wife hero Mr. ,1. L, I vaster hns returned to the U. S. Public Service hos pital nt Greenville, S. C„ for further treatment. Lost.—Saturday night, in front of W. C. McBride’s residence, a large lav ender woolen scarf with black border and fringe. Reward if returned to 14 Robinson stroot. If you have never eloped, or tried to help someone to, you can see liow not to do it in “Her First Elopement” at The Alamo next Tuesday, ns portrayed by Wanda Hawley. Regular communication of Oowotn Lodge, No. 60, F. & A. M., next Tues day night nt 7.3(1 o’clock. Work in M M. degree. A full attendance of the membership is desired. O Mr. W. E. Burruss wns called to Mad ison, Ga., Wednesday by n telegram bringing the end intelligence of the doatli of his father, Rev. T. H. Burruss, a well- known Baptist minister. How would you like to be u very young bachelor principal of a select girls’ school? That’B what happens to Wal lace Reid in “The Charm School” at The Alamo next Thursday. City Street Tax.—City streot tax Is now due. If paid by April 1, *3, up to July 1, *4; after July 1, *5. W. E. Askew, City Marshal. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gooddy and Mrs. W. A. Turner, jr.„ attended the Lay men 's Conference of the Southern Pres byterian church, which met in Greenville, C., on the 8th and 9th lasts. Coweta county has been allotted SUNDAY SERVICES. Presbyterian Church.—Rov. J. H. Hannah, pastor. Sunday-school 9i30 a. m.; Frank Wilkinson, superintendent. Services at 11 n. in, nnd 7.30 p. in. At 11 n, m. the subject will be “A King dom Spoiling Boo.” (This will bo a variety Borvlco; “Mon vs. Women.” Road up on the Progressive Program and lie ready.) At 7i30 p. in. tho subject Will bo ‘ * Another Message From the Cross.” Christian Endeavor 6.30 p. m. Prnyor-ineotlng Wednesday 7.30 p. in. Central Baptist Church.—Frank L. Hardy, D. D„ pastor. Sunday-school 0i30 n. m.; B. M. Blnckburn, superin tendent. (Attendance last Sunday, 341; thoro wore 120 toon present. Our nltn for this Sunday is 350.) Morn ing worship II a. m.j subject “God With Us,' ’ Evening worship 7.30 p. in.; subject, ‘ ‘ Propnre to Moot God.' ’ B. V. P. U. 6.31V m.; J. R. King, president Prayer-meeting Wednesday 7.30 p. in.; Bro. B. M. Blnckburn will have charge, Sunday morning the church will celebrate the Lord’s Supper. (Want ed—Every member of the church In tho Sunday-school next Sunday.) Public in vited to all services. Lovcjoy Memorial Church.—Uev. Vic tor A. Roark, pastor. Sunday-school 9.45 n. m.; M. E. Spragglns, superin tendent. Preneliing every Sunday even ing nt 7.30 and on the third Sunday morning nt II o’clock. Following the Epworth Dengue meeting next Sundny evening there will lie nn installation ser vice, when the lengue officers will bo in- shilled, We hope to Imvo a very profi table sendee nt this hour, ns Hicbo youths lake upon themselves tho solemn obit- time that he spunks. Ho is n grout I dologntes. Low railroad rates on tlio proncher, nml when ho leaves for Ids | certificate pliiu have been granted, nml home’ to-morrow ho will carry with him hoard will bo provided nt reasonable the lovo nnd beat wishes of hundreds of Irates also. Further Information mny be Nownnn people. There lirnl boon iibout souured from the officers of the County fifty additions to tho membership up to I Sunday-school, Association, who ace as last night. follows: \V. G. Post, Nownnn, pros!- «, dent; A. D. Harris, Sargent, vluo-presl- Mr. Henry T. Shores, who wns for dent; R. 8. Arnold, Nownnn, seeretnry; ninny yenrs n eitlzon of this county, died Mrs. W. N. Bunks, Grnntvlllo, nuporln- on Friday morning Inst at the homo of toiuiont children's division; Mrs. O. S. his granddaughter, Mra. K. E. Foster, Colley, Urnntvillo, superintendent young in College Park. A fow weeks ago Mr, pooplo.’s division; 1). W. Boono, Now- Shores wns injured in an automobile nnn, "adult superintendent; or from CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friends for tho ninny kindnesses shown us upon tho dentil of our beloved mother nnd grand mother Mr. tiud Mrs. B, T. Camp. Mr. arid Mrs. E, F, Chandler. Miss Bennie Camp. Atlanta, Gn„ Mnreli 14th. CARD OF THANKS, We wish to sincerely tlmnk everybody (which includes the doctors, nurses, necidont, nnd ns a result of injuries bus-I either of the following ilistrlet presi-1 neighbors, relatives and friends,) for tallied pneumonia developed, which wns dents,, viz: C. J. Owens, Nownnn; Paul the kindnesses and sympathy shown tm .tho immediate cause of Mb death. Do- Warren, Sargent; E, J. Daniel, Soiloiu; I during the illness nnd upon the dentil conseil wns a votoran of the Civil War, W. B. Cook, Madras; Emmett Sewell, nnd formerly resided near Grnntville. Grnntvillo; or from liemlqimrters of the Bosldos his widow, ho leaves two dniigh- Georgia Sundny-seliool Association, 917 tors, Mrs. A. J. Crowley nnd Mrs, A. II. Hurt building, Atlanta. of our ilonr daughter nnd slstor. Mrs. F. W. T. Durden. Mr, nnd Mrs. J. T. Hindsmnn. Lutherville, Gn., Mnreli 15th. Miller. 1 COWETA CAMP, U, C. V., ELECTS OFFICERS AND DELEGATES CARD OF THANKS, We wish to tlmnk our friends and. Pursuant to u call issued by Coniman-1 neighbors for klndnosHes-shown us dtir- dor ,1. L. Brown, Oowotn Camp, Nn. 1161, ing the illness and upon the death of in tho court-house on I our donr wife nnd mother; nnd wo es- After disposing of rou- poelnlly thank Dr. W. A. Post nnd the sfficors for tho ensuing trained nurse, Mrs. loss, for their fnlth- A serious necidont occurred, Monday I evening just above the Wright place | when Varnon Burdett, driving Mr. Roe Henrn's truck, with Ms brother, Glenn, I -[}" C. V., mot ran into Mr. A. H. S. Thompson, who y,‘ c , .gy, J.,.. , „ wns in his buggy, Mr. Thompson was t i, 10 ‘business, offYcors "for tiio ensuing I , - „ 'coming town ids town nnd the truck was V(ml . vvuro eloctod, as follows: J. L. fill attentions. May God’s blessings going in tho opposite direction, Mr. rn,. owni commander; Goo. H. Onrmicul, rest mi encli nnd every one, in mu- prayer. Thompson is suffering from n fyuetured v i,. 0 .c 0n „uuiido r ; John N. Aifttin, ml-1 J. D. Null, hip ns a result of the accident. The two jqtivnt; Rov, W. J. Cotter, chaplain, boys'were thrown out. Tho front wheel ,f 0 | ln n, Austin nnd S. W. Woods I of tho ,buggy nnd the harness were do* 1 wore chosen ns delegates to represent, molishod, but tho mulo wns unhurt. Tlio tlio camp ut tlio annual State reunion, truck was only slightly dnmngod,—Frank- to l)0 |,cl<l nt Albany on May 13 and 14. lin News and Banner. | Following !h a list of comrades who | ° 'have died since tho lust annual mooting The Friday Lunch Club lms ehangoil . its lunolWPi. hour from noon to 0 p. m„ | , t , 1Dh w. ’ Mothvin, Co. E, 10th Gu. For Sale.—Big red-top syrup enno seed. Apply to Thos. R. Sweatmon, Newnan, Ga. Children’s socks, all sizes, in black, cordovan, navy, and fancy tops, at P. Cuttino & Co.’s. For Sale.—Pure-bred S. C. R. I. Red lock and cockerels; also eggs for hatch ing. ’Phone 92, Newnan. Concrete well curbing, any size, for immediate delivery. Apply to C. Mi Amis, ’phone 540, Newnan. For Rent.—Furnished room in very desirable neighborhood, all conveniences. Address “X,” care. The Herald. For Sale.—A good young cow, freBh in milk. Apply to Mrs. D. W. McCol lum, 1% miles south of Raymond. Potato Slips.—Plaee your ordere now for potato slips; *2.50 per thousand, delivered. Phone 41. Fuller Bros, o Nitrate of Soda.—Increase your grain yield by using soda. We have on hand several tons for sale. Powell & Keith. Get your refrigerator in shape before using ice. Let ub fix it for you now. Don’t delay. Moncrief’B, ’phone 108. Farmers, Take Notice.—Until further notice we will grind feed only on Fri days and Saturdays Potts & McBride. Corn is coming up, roses are in bloom, fish are biting—these are unmistakable signs of the return of the vernal season. If you want that ice box or refrig erator fixed before hot weather, get to Moncrief’s shop right away.* Phone 108. Edmond’s army last shoes—a good semi-dress shoe. All sizes and widths, price *5.95 a pair. P. F. Cuttino & Co. While we have the Buick service sta tion, and look after Buicks, we do satis factory work on any make car. ’ Strickland’s Garage. A new car of the genuine Clover Fork lump coal. See A. B. Cates, or ’phone John B. Cates Drug Co., for immediate delivery. Mrs. R. A. Reese, of LaGrange, is spending a few days with her daughter in-law, Mrs. B. A. Reese, who continues quite ill. _ Cotton Seed.—I have a quantity of pure-strain Wannamaker ’» Cleveland Big Boll cotton seed for sole at *1 per bushel. Took first prize at last Coweta County Fair. A. A. Reese, Newnan, Ga. S- The early gardener lms the laugh on Ms more cautious neighbors this season. While they’re still wuiting for the frosts predicted by old inhabitants he’s eat- ng fresh vegetables every day, Make your spring cleaning thorough and complete by having your rugs and carpets washed the Hamilton-Beach way —tlie only perfect method of washing carpets and rugs. Satisfaction guarnn teed. Prices reasonable. ’Phone 609. Beginning Monday morning, March 21, nnd for one woek only, we will wash anybody’s motor free. The only cost will be oil used in washing, We will also make minor adjustments free. This offer for one week only. W. Y. Burnes. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leach received a telegram from the War Department Sun day stating that the body of their son, Charlton, who died in France, was duo to arrive at New York today, and that it would be forwarded to Newnan with out delay. If started promptly it should reach here Monday or Tuesday. The guests are enjoying hom* IBeroggh,. Co. D, Phillips’ Le- cooked viands of such excellent quality » . ’ under Mrs. Lnzenby’s management that > A ;. H> Bohannon, bo. B, 1st Gn. Cuv- there is a scramble every .Friday ovon- . ing to secure seats at her table, and they | 1 J’ A Cttvon(lori Co , r , t 0th Ga. In fantry. Emmett Null. Aden Null. Hugh Null. Johnnie Null. Preston Nall. Tomirilo Nnll. Lizzlo Mno Nall. Lutliorvlllo, Ga., March 14th. and meals are being prepared and served now by Mrs. W. T. Luzonby, secretary | R ‘| of the home service section of the Red Cross. Boost the Chamber of Commerce. Jns. Bird, Oo. F, 16th Gu. Bnttnlion, invarinbly pass their plates for 1 ‘ more of tlio samo ’ ’—for bo It known that Mrs. Lazenby 1b one of Newnan’s fa mous cooks. She makes no clinrge for R. B. Perkins, Co. D, Phillips’ Le gion. J. D„ Simms, captain Co.„F, 16th Gu. her services, and whatover remains after -RnttnUnn cnvnlrv |B G A Bolton. Co. A, ’12th Ga. Battel ion, infantry, E, C. Pulmer, Co. G, 9th Gn. Infail deducting the nctuul cost of the pro visions Is termed into the Rod Cross treasury; hence those who attend the luncheons not only get a first-clues meal, 11 ^ but contribute to a good cuuso ns well. | ^{, , r E ntrokin, Co. H, 4th Gu. Cnv ulry. J. M. Stallings, Co. B, 1st Gu. Cavalry. TAX RECEIVER'S NOTICE. Third and Lost Round. Grantvillo, Tuesday,’ March 22, 8 a. in. to 12 noon. St, ChnrlcH, Tuesday, March 22, 1 to 2 p, m, Moreland, Tuesday, March 22, 2.30 to 5 p. m. Madras, Wednesday, Mnreli 23, 7.30 to 8 u. m. McCollum, Wednesday, March 23, 8.15 to 9 n. in, Hall’s Store, Wednesday, March 23, 9.30 to 10 a. in. Pnlmotto, Weilnpsday, March 23, 10.30 n. m. to 12 noon, Roscoo, Thursday, March 24, 8 to 9 D. C. Neely, Co. D, Phillips’ Legion. |«• Thurgday( March g 4i 9,30 to 2.30 a. m. Handy, Thursday, March 24, 1.30 to 2.30 p. m. Raymond, Friday, March 25, 7.30 to 8.30 a. m. Shurpsburg, Friday, March 25, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Turin, Friday, -March 25, 1 to 4 p. m. Nownnn, Saturday, March 26, 7 a. m, B. Y. P. U. RALLY. On Sunday afternoon noxt there will be held nt the Baptist church in Serioiu I A. H. Arnold, Oo. F, 16th Ga. Battel n _B. Y. P. U. rally for the fourth dis- ion, cavalry. trict of the Western Association, the H, T, Shores, Co. D, 8th Ga. Infantry, session to last from 2 to 4. All chilrchcM in the distrjet, whether they havo B. Y. P. U organizations or not, are cordially invited to be present. The program will be as follows— 2 p. m., song, T . Iconsont verdicts wore agreed to in other I 2.10 p. m., devotional—Mr. Cliff Lof- L age9( B0 that by Tuesday afternoon tho Bei f oia , Monday, March 28, 9 a o 0fln M „ D - .. „ .. rf (locket hurl boon cleared and court pd- t 4 f , m Miuu Vie/rinin AlnaiAa of the Meeting” | j 0llrnc(] for the term. Taken altogether | °Haralson, Tuesday, March 29, 9 a. in. COURT NOTES. Superior court reconvened Mondny | morning, when the crimiiiul docket was , T „ „ taken up. Pleas of puilty were entered Loyalty — Gongrc- | )y lll0Ht „f the defendants, however, and tin. Mr. John W. Franck foil dead in his store at Hannah, near Wliitesburg, Wed nesday evening, 9th inBt. Mr. Franck had only one child, Mrs. T. F. Hodnett, whose home wns destroyed by fire on the 4th inst. His remains were carried to Haralson Friday, where funeral ser vices were held and the interment was made.—Carrollton Free Press. Dr. E. Y. Mullins, president of tho Southern Baptist Theological Seminar}-, will speak in the First Baptist church next Friday, (March 25,) at 2 p. m. on the 75 Million Campaign. Dr. Mul lins is one of the leaders among South ern Baptists, and his coming to Newnan will afford a rare opportunity of hearing and meeting him. —Miss Virginia Glover, 2.30 p. m., “Why tlio Church Neoils a B. Y. P. U.”—Mr. J. R. King 2.40 p; m., special song—Rev. C. C. Kiser. 2.46 p. m., “Value of Study Course” —Rev W. E. Fuller. 3 p. m,, “Standard of Excellence,” (discussion)—Rev. W. H. Barrett. 3.25 p. m., song. 3.30 p. m., Round Table Discussion— Mr. H. Lewis Batts. 4 p. m., prayer—Tom Glover. Attention, Ladies 1—We are prepared to do hemstitching, picoting, accordion, box and flat tunic pleating, and make cloth-covered buttons. We will appre ciate your patronage, and do your work- promptly.' Newnan Button & Pleating Works. 4% W, Washington street. Friends of Miss Mary Rainey were grieved to learn of ber death yesterday morning, after an illness of less than a week for an attack of pneumonia. 'She passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs. Driskill Saxon, on E. Washington street. She was about 20 years of age, and the daughter of Mrs. Viola Rainey. Automobile Bargains.—One Haynes seven-passenger, *500; one Briscoe 5- passenger, *600; two 90 Overlands, *350 each; one Overland 4, *600; one XJver- NEWNAN REPRESENTED AT MA CON MEETING. Representatives of local manufactur ing interests attending the State Indus tries Meeting in Macon on Tuesday last were R. D. Cole, president, and B. M. Blackburn, chief engineer, of the R. D. Cole Mfg, Co.; L. H, Hill, secretary and treasurer of the Newnan Cotton Mills; H, C. Arnall, sr., president of the Ar- nail Mills, and vice-president of the Mc Intosh Mills; W. N. Banks, president of the GrantvUle Hosiery Mills; L. B. Mann, president of the Newnan Hosiery Mills; H. H. North, president of the Manufacturers Bank; D. W. Boone, of D. W. Boone & Co. According to these gentlemen, who returned home Wednes day, it was one of the most important meetings of the kind ever held in Geor gia, over two hundred of the State’s leading industrial enterprises being rep resented, “it was a gathering of really big men,” said one of the Newnan dele gates yesterday, ‘ ‘ men who do big things and some big plans for a bigger and better Georgia were outlined at the meet ing. Of course, we missed the vocal and impressive presence of J. J. Brown and Harvic Jordan, who are usually on hand at State gatherings fit every character- but we contrived to get along without them, much to ray surprise. Don’t un derstand wby they allowed this one to get by. Must not have heard about it. But it was a great meeting, all the same. ’ ’ March 30, to | Mny 1, inclusive. Please meet me and make your tax I returns. This Is the Inst round at the it was the dullest nnd most uneventful ^ noon! Hussion of tho Superior Court hold in Newnun, Wednesday, many years. . . Criminal cases disposed of this week | were os follows— utuo , . „„„ Lawrence Allen; Irog-steuling; f° ur above-mentioned places, years. Sam Heard alias Jas. Dorsey; forgery; 12 months^ * The dote for reckoning State and Henry Arnold; cowstealing; four county ta , ca j„ j an , i ( 1921. years. . . Employers must make returns for em- Arthur Bless; murder; life term. ployecs and tenants, or furnish Tax Re- Claronce Hodnott; having liquor 1 noivcr with a list of same, possession; 12 months. Tux Receiver’s boqks are open from Jonah Tenny alias Jonah1 Reese; lar- Feb _ x to Mfty 1( i nc | U8 i V e. ceny from house; six months on otate I law requires you to return all faun- . ,, .... buildings and Improvements at a sepa- Jcsse Lester; making liquor; *100 or I valuation’ from that of your farm 12 months. I lands and real estate. Mose Barnes; car-breuking; *100 or I Qlve make Vi your automobile, and 12 months. I year made. Jack Kilgore; simple larceny; five Please make returns at your earliest yeara, convenience. You will avoid the rush *by Boyse English; larceny from house; doing g0| and save both' time and trouble. *150 or 12 months. b. PAUL SMITH, Aubry Berry, (two rases;> assuuit to Tax murder; 12 months in each case. M. 0, Herring; rape; 16 yenrs. 1 notice. Jurors drawn to serve this week were The nnnua i meeting of the Btockhol- ns follows ' ers of THH ATLANTA & WEST POINT Traverse Jurors.—P. R. cry, J. T. ItiaILROAD COMPANY will be held in W. H. BRUCE. Secretary. Bohannon, J. A. Terrell, Hugh M. Camp, room Ko. 9, Atlanta Terminal 8tation, R. E. Bexley, W. L. Carmical, Clmrlic I Atlanta, Georgia, on Tuesday, April Carter, II. C. Pike, J, H. Couch, J. P. 19, 1921, a t 12 o’clock noon. Askew, J. W. Stripling, W. C. Latimer, C. S, Flncannon, E. C. Long, J. A. Hole- man, 8. 8. Bridges, J. A. Bradbury, W. Notice to DeMore aad Creditor*. 8. McDonald, W, 8. Johnson, E. G. Cole, I GEORGIA—Coweta County: W. L. Brimer, C. T. Witcher, T, L. Ar-1 All creditors of the estate of Mrs. mill . .1 P Horne. Halite C. MAOce, late of Coweta county, Talcs Jurors.—J. L. Flowers, Sum L. gS' de Wffi. d ir “d^msWo MdeV? Cook, J. H. Linderrnan, E. L. McKoy, Nigned according to law; and all per- T. H, Crimea, jr., L. G. Moore, H. B. * OI ? H J n a debte< ! said entate are re- Haines, CL A. Payne, R. W. Turner, Mike This ^Tern pa >™ ent 10 Powell, P. A. Herndon, S. O. Dukes, J. W. Melson, B. E, McKnight, G. Wynn Smith, B. L. Haynie, John W. Kersey, F. M. Bryant, Millard F. Crain, A. A. I Reese, J. N. Austin, sr., Glenn Sewell, I MRS. VIRGINIA H. JONES. , Adm'r with will annexed. Madras, Go. Try The Herald’s classi- jSf«Sa£t?&S * **■ '»ed column for results.