The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 25, 1921, Image 9

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MARCH 25. 1921. LUTHERVILLE. Mrs. Ailelino Smith, wifo of Mr. Henry Smith, Hied Inst week—nged 88 years. Sho had been in feeble honltli for some lime, suffering from Brights disease, but heart fnilure was the immediate enuse of her ileath. She wob a member of tho Primitive Baptist church, and had lived n beautiful Christian life. She was l>eloved by all who knew her. Funeral services were conducted at Moreland by Elder Reeves Prather, and the body was laid to rest in Qrantville iemetory. She is survived by her husband and four rldldren—Lee, Taylor, John Aaron and Allen Smith. We extend to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy. Miss Louise Wilson, who underwent an operation for appendicitis last week at Wesley Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, is reported as doing nicely. Her many friends wish for her a speedy rocovcry. ' Dr. and Mrs; M. 8. Archor and little sons have returned from a week's’visit to relatives at Decatur. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moreland, of Wood bury, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. McKoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Couch, Walker and Nell Couch spent Sunday with relatives in Atlanta. ■ Mrs. Dora York, of Atlanta, is spend ing the week with hor daughter, Mrs. Paul Couch. Mrs. Cliff Howard, of Ncwnnn, was tho week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Lum Robertson. Messrs. R. J, Tengle, Herman Chnnd- lcd and Sid Benton wove in LnGrnngo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jule Garrett and Julian Garrett spent Sunday with relatives at Primrose. Mrs. Louis Hamby and two children, of Columbus, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blan Tengle. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Broeknwny, of Macon, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davis. Mrs. Rebecca Leverett aud young son have returned home, after a visit of several days to relatives at Allie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mor- deepi Davis. Mrs. Davis returned with them for a short visit. Miss Janie Taylor, of Whitesburg, spent the week-end with hor sister, Miss Louise Taylor. Miss Estelle Holland was the guest of friends at Durand for the week-end. Sidney Benton, jr., spent the week-end with his cousin, Milton Askew, in Ncw- uan. Mrs. Bert Haynes entertained several of her friends a* a spond-the-day party last Friday. - Mrs. Jim. Gilbert and little daughter returned Sunday from Birmingham, Ala., where they spent several days with the former’s sister, Mrs. Allen, who has been critically ill., Mr. and Mrs. Arch Williams spent' Sunday in Ncwnan and Tuesday'in La- Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Chandler and chil dren visited Mr. and Mrs. .Tas. Estes, in Newnan, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bill Lovett, Dr. J. W. Lambort, Mrs. Lubie Lambert, Mrs. Walter Ben ton and Miss Frances Benton went up to Newnan Tuesday. The Epworth League has been invited to present the suffragette piny at Grant- villa on Frlduy night, April 1. Tho play made quite n ‘‘hit” when given here. Mrs. Kuln Almon, Sara Almon, Mrs, Earl Upshaw and baby were guests Tues day of Mrs. .John Dunlap, at Rooky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, of Turin, visited relatives here this week. , March 228. DODSON. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dukes, of Wel come, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sewell. Mrs. W. H. Tanner, of Roscoc, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs, .1. D. Lambert. Miss Emmie Rae Gibson spent a few, days the past week with her grandmo ther in Newnnn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, of Heard county, spent a few days the past week with the latter’s parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. F. .Touos. Mrs. S. G. Dukes and her visitor, Miss Annlo Lou Dukes, of Happy Valloy, spent Wednesday with the former’s mo ther in Newnnn. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. P«^cwell spent Sun day in Whitesburg with the latter’a pa rents. Mr. H. K. Kidson nnd fnmdy spent Sunday with relatives in Campbell county; Mrs. Alvin Sprnyberry, of Roscoc, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Hyde, Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. M. Hyde nnd Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cnrter s|ient the week-end at Turin. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woodall nnd Mrs. L. P. Glnss and children, of Fnirburn, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mattie Hyde. Mr., .1. E. Eidson and family, of Pal metto, spent- Sunday with relatives liure. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. C. Mooro, of Happy Valley, and Mrs. Fannie Hyde nnd son, Tom, of Madras, wore dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Hyde Sunday. Mr. mid Mrs. L. C. Whittle, of. Sav- gent, dined with Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hyde Sunday. -Mr. Frank Cook and fnmhy, Mr. J. T. Jones and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chnr- lio Sowell and Mr. O. B. Hayes and family, nil of Madras, wore dinner guosts of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H, H, Hayes Sunday. Miss Louise Whittle, of Snrgent, spent Sunday with Misses Eva and Flayce Hyde. , , „ : Mr. and Mvs. L. M. Smith, of Mad ras, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glass Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bruner of Happy Valley, Dr. Ed, Thurman of Amorous, Messrs. Claude Pitts and Paul Boynolds of Newnan, and Mr. P. H. Gibson and family of Dodson, wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Dukes Sunday. The pound party given by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Eidson Saturday night was much-enjoyed by those presopt. - ■ Misses Lillie Maude, Emma Kate and Mattie Lou Lambert visited Mrs. C. L. Sewell, near Roscoe, Monday. March 22d. o Ym, InSisd. It li too bad tbat our ancestor! did not live long enough to realize how ■■hart we are.—Detroit Journal. TURIN. Tho many friends of Rev, H. 8. Rees will regret to learn of his illness, but are hopeful of a speedy recovery under tho skilled attentions of Dr, H. H. Kemp, of 8cno!n, nnd Dr. J. C. Stovall, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Reese, of Newnnn, and Mrs. Elam Dornekou, of Senoin, were nt the bedside of their father, llev. II. 8. Rees, Sunday. Tho many friends of Mrs. ,1. A. Hyde will he glnd to know of her improved condition, after a painful illness. Dr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Owen, of Griffin, spent several days with the latter’s mo ther, Mrs. A. 8. Jones, the past week. Mrs. L. T. Moses, sr., Is visiting hor daughter, Mrs. V. B. Ingram, in Se- noin. Mrs. A. C. Hubbard, of Baldwin, Ga., is on a visit to her grandfather, Rev. H. 8. Rees. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Ingram nnd chil dren, of Raymond', visited Mr. T, P. Sholl tho past wook. Miss Lois Jones, of Atlanta, was the guest of hor aunt, Miss Norn Page, for sovornl dnys last week. Wo nro pleased to note that our effi cient teacher, Mrs. J. T. Simms, is back at hor place in school, after an absence of two weeks on account of sickness, March 22d. NEW HOPE. Our Sunday-school at New Hope is progressing nicely. Messrs. • Howard Dnvis and Harvey Gontry, from near Newnnn, attended Suflday-sehool nt New’Hope church Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis nnd son, Dewey, ‘ spent Saturday night with Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Harris, nt Grantvillo. Messrs. Carl Nall nnd Lnnmr Shnddix, of Grnntville, attended Sunday-school at Now Hope church Sunday afternoon. Misses Willie Osburn,' Sallio Osburn nnd Lueile Powors Bpont the week end with Mrs. Milton Harris, in Graut- ville. The pnrty given by Mr. Luther O’Neal Friday night was much enjoyed by the young people. March 22d. Ill For Six Months Kuttama, 'Ky.—"About eighteen years ago I was bedfast off nnd on tor about six' months, suffer ing from fem inine trouble. I doctored with two d 1 f f erent doctors, but nothing seemed to do me any good, I waB. getri . ting worse, alp, the time. A friend 'came and told- i me td ’k'rlte to.-the.specialists at Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., as the doctors here couldn't do me any good, so I wrote and they told me to take Dr. Flerce’a Favorite Prescription, Golden Medical Discov ery, and Pleasant Pellets according to directions, and In a short time I was well.”—MRS. KATE SMITH, | Route 3, Box. 92. All druggists. /'A •ikUmtiustlMa . Clothes Made for the Man Who> Wants Satisfaction. Collegian Clothes are guaranteed to please you—or your money back. So the makers make sure they are- right in every detail. Good tailoring holds the smart lines permanently. The materials are all-wool for durability- Yet? the prices must be right—and they are. $22.50 to $37.50 See yourself in the new pencil stripes, club checks and ' herringbpaes. Come in today and dress for Easter. NEWNAN HUBBARD BROS. Collegian Clothes Keep You Looking Your Best GEORGIA OUR ONLY TERMS SPOT CASH TO EVERYBODY NOTHING CHARGED NO TICKETS MADE OUR ONLY TERMS SPOT CASH TO EVERYBODY NOTHING CHARGED NO TICKETS MADE- For Five Days Only, Commencing Monday, March 28th Ladies’ Silk and Lingerie Waists, In and supply your needs during We will hold a special sale of warm weather necessities, such as Muslin Underwear, Wash Dresses and Middy Blouses. Come these Jive days. ' Silk Waists These have been arranged in two lots. Former prices were up to $16.50 each, but we are offering them at such ridiculously low prices that you cannot afford to pass them by. Sale prices are— Lot 1 only $3.95 each. Lot 2 only $5.95 each. Muslin Underwear— All Muslin Underwear, such as Gowns, Teddies, etc., including our entire stock of hand embroidered garments, and a few silk ones, Will be in this sale at prices? that in many instances are less than the cost of the material. These are grouped in five lots and the prices are— Lingerie Waists- Wash Dresses Lot 4 only Lot 5 only . ,75c each. . .95c each. $1.45 each. .$1.95 each $2.45 each. A beautiful assortment oi' Voile and y Organ dig Waists, including some hand em broidered Voile Waists and hand made Phillipine Waists; values up to $12.50 each. These have been arranged for your conven ience in three lots and the sale prices will be— Lot 1 only $1.45 each. Lot 2 only '. .$1.95 each. Lot 3 only $2.95 each. 1 'Wy . ’ ' * a Just received—Lot of Umbrellas for men and women—very special values. Men’s size - - '$1.85 Women's size - $1.75 Most of these Dresses are brand new, having just been received and are special ly priced for quick selling.' One lot children’s Gingham Dresses,, size 7 to 14 years at $1.75 each. .... . One lot ladies house and porch. Dresses made of Amoskeag Ginghams; all sizes at $1.85 each. A number of ladies’ and children’s Dresses brought over from last season* made of Voile and Gingham; these we offer at about one-third former prices. Middy Blouses— One lot Middy Blouses, all sizes, made of Lonsdale Jeans. Special price 90c each. Still another lot of Middies, of better quality, at $1.25 each. Paul Jones Middies, former price $3.50, sale price $1.50 each. Paul Jones Middies, former price $5.00, sale price $2.00 each. OOm 'a t MiniIH 'ii 2££ii3.iLl£iL; ; --1,,. ^-.--^ X,. ..T. ~"t ~in iumwhiii li i 1