The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, April 08, 1921, Image 6

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THE’ •AY, APRIL 8, 1921. County News Items I Interesting Facts Gathered Durintf tho Week by Our Rctfular Correspondents. \ LUTHERVILLE. Mr. mu) Mrs. Hoi-ninn Chnmllor, Mr. John Williams, Miss Clara Williams anil Miss Bessie Lnssottcr attended at a Presbyterian church near Green ville Sunday. Mrs. Joe Norris was tho guest Sunday of Miss Rebecca Levorett, at AUie. Mrs. Jim Chandler and Miss Mary York Bpont Snturdny in Greenville. Mrs. Tpin Jennings, of liogansville, was tho week-end guest of Mrs. Arch ■Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Lum, Robertson and Misses Fay nnd Margaret Robertson spent tho week-end with Mr. nnd Mrs. Phil Mntthows, in Atlanta. Mr. Warren Lovett, of Rochester, N. Y., was the guest Sunday of his cousin, Miss Nellie Trammell. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jako Miller, of Rocky Mount, announce tlio birth of n son on April 3, who will bear tho nnmo of John Marshall. Mrs. Miller wns formerly Miss Ruby Martin,' of this place, one of our most belovod young womon. Mr. Will W. Wilson spent Sunday in Atlllntn. His daughter, Louise, who Iiub been at Wesley Momorlnl Hospital for an operation, wns able to return homo with him, Sho is reported ns doing nicely now. H] Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Stipe nnd llttldTk sons nnd Miss Davis, of Moreland, wore entertained Sunday by Mr. nnd Mrs, Ernest Fry. After residing in Atlanta for several months, Mr. and Mrs. Nnth Reed have returned to Lutherville. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arch Wlllimns spout Tuesday in Atlanta. Messrs. Will Tcnglo nnd Louise Ham by, of Columbus, came this weok to bo ■with their mother, Mrs. Blnn Tcnglo, who is quite nick. Mrs. Leon Holloman and little .daugh ter, of Columbus, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Tnylor. Misses Lydn Hardnwny nnd Beatrice Morris were guests of Miss Grace Estos at a birthday dinner Sunday. Rev. Solon B. Cousins, of Columbus, is the guest tills weok of his mother, Mrs. Ella Cousins, Mrs. Louiso Hnmby nnd children, of Columbus, nro spending tho week with the former's mother, Mrs. Blun ,p englo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Curtis Heed and Mrs, Alvnu Chandler spout, Wednesday with Mr, mid Mrs. Jus. Estes, in Neiviiaii. Mm, Otis Reed nnd little son are In Atlanta this wwek with tho former's daughter, Mrs. Alonso Nash. The senior class of the Baptist Bun- day-school will put on a special program , nt tho school auditorium Friday evening, (April S.) for tho benefit of tho Sunday- scliuol. Admission lOe. and loo. Every body invited. April 5tli, ' MADRAS. , Miss A linn Arnold, who Is attending colloge' at Gainesville, spent a few days with her mother, Airs. H. B. Arnold, tho past week. Mr. Floyd Ferrell, of Atlnuta, spout tho week-end with Ills parents, Air. and Mrs. J. T. Ferrell. Air. and Mrs. D. R. Cooper nnd slater, Betty, of Bethlehem, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs, 0. H. Brown. Mr. Luther Brown, of Atlnuta, spout the week-end with Aliases Annlo and Emma Brown. Mr. quit Mtu B. L, Howard mid daugh ter spout Snturdoy ond Sunday with their pnrentsj Air. and Airs. John How ard, at Riverside. Miss Lula Bello Wlngo, of Palmetto, spoilt tho week-end with AIndrns friends. Miss Annie Lon Coggin, of Atlanta, spent. Saturday and Sunday with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Coggin. Mrs. John Howard, of Riverside, spent Monday with Air. and Mrs. B. L. How aril. The singing glvon by Miss Elisabeth AVlse ono evening the past week was greatly enjoyed by those present. Miss Lena Ferrell, who is attending school In Nownnn, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. At. Ferrell. April 6th. TURIN. Nows of the death of Judge Presllo B. Cole, cnrrled In The Herald laBt week, brought sadness to the hearts of many fricndB in thiH section, for It was here that ho was born nnd spent Ids early life. Ho was a son of tho late Monroe Colo, who died mnny years ago. He leaves a brother, Mr. Millard Colo, ami three slaters, Mrs. J. J., Hunter nnd Misses Ruth nnd Alice Cole, all of this community. The wrltor joins their many friends in expressions of sympathy in their soil bereavement. Tho writer wishes to express his sin cere appreciation of tho visits mid other kindnesses from sympathetic friends during his recent UlneHB. Good friends uro to bo osteemod at all times, but es pecially in affliction. Looking through the second volume of Dr. Graham’s “Biographies of Baptist Ministers” nnd prominent laymon of tho Western Association, It caused it feeling of Bndnoss to read sketches of Dr, S. B. Cousins, Judge .1. B. Ware, Judge A. D. Froemnn, Capt. J, D. Simms, Hon. I. N. Orr anil Capt. Levi Ballard, nil of ,whom have boon gathered with the saintB since tho book was published. Verily; tho passing of those noble men makes .tlio world poorer, and we may never know tlioir like again. Their example, both in Stnto and church affairs, cannot bo estimated too Jiighly by tho young men of tho present generation. Wo enjoyed a visit Sunday from Mr. Lorn Brown and wlfo, of Line Crook community. Mrs. John AfcKniglit- niul Mrs. Jns. McKnlght, of Senoin, wero guests Mon- dny of Mrs. R. W. Adamson nnd Alias Rebio Rooso. Owing to a wreck on tho Central rood the pastor wns unnblo to fill Ills appoint ment nt the Bnptnit church Sunday, but a prnlBO mid prayer service was enjoyed by the assembled worshipers. Col. R. W. Adamson is attoniling court In Cnrrollton tills wwek, April 6th. GRANTVILLE. Air. Frank Atoaclmm, of Emory Uni versify, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. T. Men- clmni. Airs. Cecil White nnd children, of AVnre Slionls, S. nro 1 guests of the former's mother, Airs. Holloway. Alias Cordie Hopson, of Atlanta, spent, the week-end with her mother here. Mr. Lewis Dean, who-is now traveling out of St. Louis, spent a few days with Ids family last week. Alias Kloise Lee, of Elizabeth Aiather College, Atlanta, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 0. Lee. She will graduate in Juno with honor?. Mrs. Cliff England, of Atlanta, Is vis Ring Mr. nnd Mrs. Emmett Sowell. Mrs. J. F. Brasch, Mrs. T. -M. Zellnrs, Airs. Bobo Banks, Airs. Carl Sewell, Mrs. Elgin Stallings and Mrs. John Latimer went lip to Ncwnan Monday aftornnon to attend the lecture at the I’resbytii’ion church given by Mrs. Martin, a r 'turned missionary from Africa. Mrs. Chns. Arnold, Mrs. Horry Baxler, Mr. John Baxter mid Mr. Eric Baxter were in Newnan Monday afternoon. Miss Clara Brasch returned recently from a delightful visit to friends in Columbus. Miss Mellie Zellars entertained at o jolly Easter egg hunt Saturday after noon for her Sunday-school class and tne younger children of the town. About fifty joined in the hunt, and it was an occasion long to he remembered by the young folks. April 5th. LONE OAK. Miss Alda Sowell, of Manchester, Is spemling a short vacation with her pa rents here. Mrs. Jnko Strickland 1ms returned to lior home, after a visit to Mr. and Airs. Guy Strickland, Mr. mid Mrs. Wilbur Culpepper anil Miss Mary Culpepper, of" Groonville, spent Sunday with Air. and Airs. Edgar Cnlpoppor. Miss Alary Nall lias returned to New- nftii, after a two-weeks’ visit to her grandparents, Air. und Mrs. John White. Airs. Haines, of Lutherville, spent Sunday hero with her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Nnll. Mosilfunes Bon Hamby and Gone Lat imer spent Monday In Nownnh. Air. ni)d MrB. J. M. Johnson were in LaG range Tuesday. Dr. and Airs. Roswell Leo, of La- Grnngo, and Mrs. Win. Leo were dinner guests of Air. und Airs. Clmrlio Leo Sun day. Airs. GoD. Little' and young son, of Duluth, wore recent guests of Mrs. Little’s sister, Airs. Lonndor Powledgo. Frionds of Alios Mira Sims were in terested to learn of lior approaching marriage to Mr. Stonewall .Jackson, of Morgan, On. Mr. John Whlto made u business trip to Newnnn Friday. Air. and Mrs. T. H. Spenco, of Trim ble, spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gone Lntimer. Miss Mao Spouee, also of Trimblo, spent tho weeit-end with rel atives hero. Miss Biby Turner lins returned to her studios nt LnGrnngo Female Collogo, uf- tor a short visit homo. The farmers of this section linvc made splendid progress toward thplr 1031 crop. More corn than usual is being plnutod, wheat and oats nro- reported good, nnd not so much guano is being used under cotton, nor is the cotton acreage so largo. Gardens are well advanced, nnd spring chickens nro plentiful. April 5th. WELCOME. Miss Ximeun Strong, of Nowiinn, spent the week-end at home. Mr. und Airs. J. W. Summer Jiad as guests for tho week-end Air. mid Airs. L. W. Bowers, jr., of White Onk, Mrs. J. A. Johnson mid baby, of Ma con. are-on a visit to Air. mid Airs. J, C. MeKoy. Miss Louise McKoy lies returned to Bessie Tift College, after a week’s stay at home. We wish to thank Tho Herald for one of tlio splendid tnnps of Coweta county, received last week. It is complete in every detail, and should ho in every home in tho county. Tho Herald is en titled to praise for its enterprise in bring ing it out Several from our community attended the piny at Mt. Carmel school-house Sat urday evening. Planting and planning is the order of the day with our farmers now. ■ A good deal of corn is being planted, mid less acreage given to cotton. Some are re sorting to potatoes as a secondary money crop nnd some to pcimhts, while others, nlnsl are still depending on cotton, Time will tell whether this policy will work out satisfactorily. The cotton farmer can only “work and wail,” April 5th. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friends nnd neighbors for all the kindnesses shown us during the illness and upou the denth of our dear father. Wo are deeply grate- lul to each and everyone.- Mr. and Airs. A. T. Havaes. Mrs. J. A. Webb. K. J. Haynes. E. M. Haynes. J. F. Haynei. Mrs. G. W. Ferrell. W. P. Haynes Ainu la like n sausage, Stuffed up ill a skin, And you onn’t always tell How much hog is within. SARGENT. Mr. Jack Copeland spent the week end with friends at Whiteshurg. Mr, Wnltor Burdett, Miss Irene Bur- ilett, Miss Mary Lizzie Brooks and Mr. Dumas Bhaddlr, of Senoia, spent Satur day night nnd Suiiffay with Misses Nan nie Mao and Pauline Harris. Several from our community attonded the play at Mt. Carmel school-house Sat urday night. Masters Earl and Eugene Murphy, of Bremen, Bpont Sunday with Mrs. J. S. Carinical. Messrs Jack Bridges, Alton Dyer nnd Elmor Gordon visited friends at Happy Valley Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Thomas and chil dren, of Newnan, spent Sunday after noon with Airs. Dora'Holeman. Mr; Elmer Gordon visited relatives in Atlanta last week. Mr. Hall Carmlcal, Mrs. .Rose Martin and Miss Jimmie Lou Lyle, ol: Newiiiin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Newton. Mrs. J. S. Cnrmicnl entertained her “Sunbeam” bnnd very delightfully with an egg hunt Friday afternoon. Benj. Lasscter received the prize for finding the largest, number of eggs; Gussie How ard also was rewarded for finding tlio prize egg. Mm. W. L. Alien nnd daughter, Irene, visited relatives at Roscoe Friday after noon. The pupils of the upper grades of our school, accompanied by two of the teach- ors, enjoyed a flower hunt from 2 to 4.50 ou Friday afternoon. April 5th, DRESDEN. Air. W. H. Meriwether is at homo from South Georgia for a fow days. ' 'Misses Fannie Lizzie and Alma Mitch am spent Friday with Misses Maude and Tholma Millinns, nt Welcome. Aliss Daisy Jackson, of Bowilon. spent Friday night with Dr, and Mrs. H. B. Jackson. Air. am] Mrs. J. W. Meriwethor and little son spent the weok-ond with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fuller, in Atlanta. Mr. J. E. Bilbo motored to Atlanta Tuesday on business. Messrs. John Grain and Aubrey Mor row, of Welcome, accompanied by MlBses Alma Reynolds and Martha Fjnchor, at tended the entertainment given by Miss Annie Belle Chandler, of New Hope com munity, Saturday night. .Air. and Mrs. Minor Millinns and daughter, Frances, of Corner Branch, visited in our eommeunity Friday. Mrs. Alice Davis, Mrs. John Staples, Airs. Edgar Pritchett, Mrs. J. B. Hutch- oils, Mrs. J. AI. Kidd nnd Miss Georgia Scroggin, all of Newnan, visited friends and relatives in our community Tuesday. Tho literary society of Emory Chapel school will meet Friday evening, April 15, at 7,110 o’clock. An interesting pro gram has boon arranged for tho meeting. April 5th. When a girl gets looney ovor dancing, and joy rides at night, and spenriB a lot of time at the telephone, giggling and chatting with the boys—there’s some thing working loose, and her folks had better keep a watch on her. We’ll Fix Itl Is there a broken chair or* any other piece of furniture around your home that needs attention? We’ll fix it. Our facilities ffcr expert repairing, re finishing, upholstering, enameling, etc.-, of old furni ture, are the very best, and our many, years of ex perience in this line enables us s to assure you the utmost satisfaction. We have the best possible connection in the whole country on fine tapestries, silk and cotton velours, and all upholstery fabrics, securing these goods at lowest mill costs. We specialize on Antique and Art Furniture of all periods, and offer rare bargains in these pieces. Our prices for work will be proved the lowest to be had, and your job will have the very best atten tion.. Call ’phone 213, and our truck will call and get the job, and it will be executed in the very best manner. We buy Antiques—tell us what you have to .sell. Marbury Furniture Store 9 GREENVILLE STREET. m. a. mooneyi* / Thirty-two special offerings are listed below that will attract the attention of the thrifty shoppers. Prices are now on a pre-war level: TAFFETA SILKS An exceptional quality of yard-wide Taffeta- in two shades of navy blue, gray, black, and evening $1.95 shades; $2.50 grades at.. DRESS VOILE Handsome lot of dark Voiles, 40 inches wide; real value 69c 39c and 75c. Special PLAIN NAINSOOK A special run on very fine underwear Nainsook, yard wide. Special, 15c pnee LACE COLLARS Extra special lot of Lace Collars, white and cream; 50c and 25c 75c values,, at SEA ISLAND Light weight, smooth woven Sea Is land, 40 inches wide; extra $1.00 special, 12 yards for VOILE REMNANTS Dark Voiles, 40 inches wide, in loom ends—lengths suitable for 25c dresses; yard ENGLISH LONGCLOTH Extra special bargain in yard-wide Longcloth, which is marked 121c down to HOUSE APRONS New lot of pretty House-dress Aprons. See these at $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 CHILDREN’S SOCKS The pretty fadeless colors in Socks are now 35c and 39c CRETONNE Two wonderful values in fancy Cre tonne on special sale at 25c aiid 35c V WHITE ORGANDY 40-inch crisp Organdy for dresses and trimmings; extra special 35c -in this sale at. LONG GLOVES Factory samples ladies’ long silk Gloves; $2.50 and $3.00 £ .50 grades, at VAL. LACES .Wonderful values in Val. and round- thread Laces, in match 5c and 6c sets, at . . ..: SEAMLESS SHEETING Round-thread Seamless Sheeting, 81 inches wide, better than Peppered. 8 I 1 Unbleached Bleached 42 ic 45c RIC-RAC BRAID White and colored Ric-Rac Braid in all widths 10c 15c and 25c PICOT RIBBONS New Picot Ribbon Trimmings in all the 10c new colors 15c and 25c DRESS SATINS) B Soft Satins in all the street and even- .M; ing shades, full yard-wide. $ 1 CQ 11 Special... W DRESS ORGANDY II Hundreds of pretty styles in 40-inch f|' Organdy, in both light and 39 C il and dark colors. Ill LISLE HOSE B “Buster Brown” lisle thread Hose— 19 seam in back—run of mills; 13c H 50c grade, at.. .1 9 LACE REMNANTS B Hundreds of Val., Torchon and B Round-Thread Laces in lengths of from HI. 1 to 6 yards. HALF-VALUE! || PLAID GINGHAM B Hundreds of new spring patterns in 11- good quality fadeless Ging- 19 c Hi ham at ... Ill LISLE UNION SUITS B Ladies’ lisle-thread Union Suits for the hot weather ! 75c 85c $1.00 ; PLAY SUITS ] Wash Suits, for the little fellows; 2 to 6 years. Extra special— 83 C in this sale SUMMER PETTICOATS Made of Bates’ seersucker in com-M fortable widths; fadeless 75c H colors .... . . . .....; .^ CURTAIN SCRIM Bi ; Big lot of new Scrim in white and B ecru. Extra special value— 10 C B in this sale j TURKISH TOWELS | Extra-size bath Towels; real value 50c; on sale now and reduced 23 C to the low price of ’ r \ ’ I SILK HOSE “Buster Brown” pure-thread, silk Hose—white, black, brown $1.00 and gray " If HANDKERCHIEFS B Special lot of very fine embroidered IH Handkerchiefs; 50c and 75c 25C I values, at ....... ....... 1 PEARL BUTTONS 1 Thousands of cards fine Pearl But- 1 tons in all sizes; road samples; ],Qc 1 25c grades, at I HUCK TOWELS J Full-size Huck Towels that formerly If sold at 25c; now marked 15 C 11 down-to ; I|| SILK SHIRTINGS If Yai’d-wide Broadcldth Silk Shirtings ||| that formerly sold at Cl 25 III $3.50, now : B A _ |[|| HAIR RIBBONS || Heavy hair bow Ribbons, in plain 11 and fancy colors, reduced 39 C 111 from 69c to 1 M M. B. MOO l\IE V IBMBMBKlwTlffi . I--- - • HhHBmHb