The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, April 08, 1921, Image 9

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, ^Sh + •• - r • ••' ■= " * ' , ■. • ‘ V ■■ - >'■>; ■ «. THE NEWNAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921 CLASSIFIED advertisements rri ES _Oiio cent a word lor each lu- nrtion Minimum charge, 10 cents. TERMS—Cash in advance, minted — Second-hand baby .carriage, good condition. -Phone 481J. Tomato Plants.—All kinds! -phone 182, ■vrlehes. “Golden Trophy” best for sand- "^re Meade long staple cotton seed. 'Sio tt short el 'tnpic Ua " J f ° r i. a N. Orr Co. "Tvidte Wyandotte eggs, 16. for $1 f. White Mrs. J. W. Speer, Route 3, Senoia. Ga. rnr Sale.—Nine-room house, 88 Spring HMde• lot 175x286 water and lights; feet AW-'J- t<> E ' * *#• ■2511V. -phone "wanted.—Infant’s cradle, with rock • Must be in good condition and ren sellable in price, Address “Baby,” P 0. box 493, Newnan. P. "Unr Sale.—Porto Rico sweet potato plants, f. o. b. Ty Ty, Ga., $1.50 per 1 000 ill lots of 10,000 and up. 1ST. M. Malcolm & Soil, Ty Ty, Ga. Local Happenings Told in Short Paragraphs. NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OP GENERAL INTEREST TO OUR LOOAL READERS. A real live mule, somewhat- advanced In years but able to got about, was sold at public outcry before the court-house Tuesday mid brought the opulent Bum of fifty cents. Tho animal was bid oil a negro, who afterwards tried to back out, ’' but the auctioneer wouldn't releiiso him. COTTON STATEMENT By J. H. Summers April 1, 1921. Year Rec‘d Stock Total Price 1910 13,682 2,670 18,857 14% 1911 16,406 1,314 10,055 14% 1912 21,796 1,844 22,171 11 1913 13,631 2,082 18,791 12% 1914 16,197 1,992 16,230 13% 1915 22,385 6,040 24,210 9 1916 16,013 7,376 16,645 11% 1917 12,309 3,220 12,450 19% 1918 11,410 3,182 11,792 30 1910 15,128 8,341 17,045 28 1920 14,331 4,160 16,370 43 1921 9,302 8,258 11 Not much doing Bale-day. Smoke ail “Elmroso”—5 cents. Bay your Bpring suit at Boone’s. Otis Skiuner, one of tho nation-s greatest actors, 1b seen la his .great suc cess, “Klsmot, ” at The Alamo next Tuesday. Extra Special.—One lot dress ging hams, 16c. yard. At 19c. we are’selling tlie- same dresk ginghams we sold at 35c. Inst fall. Boone Mr.- .T, M. McBride, of Columbine, Col., who came in January for a visit to his brother, Mr. W. C. McBride, un derwent an operation for gallstone at the Nowmm- Sanatorium a short time since. Ho Is still a patient at the insti tution, but wo nro pleased to note that lie is much improved. Messrs. Stanford Arnold, Robert Strickland and Bon Orr, of Newnnn, motored to Carrollton Sunday.—Carroll ton Free Press. Low-cut shoos for *n\en, women and children at very attractive prices. Ln li.'s’ oxfords $3 upi men’s oxfords $3,50; children's, $1.50 up. Boone's. , Don’t Rush Mo!—Have only buun able to get two export assistants; there fore am rushed to death. Will have another in a few days. ’Phone 108 and leave your order for sheet and metal work; oIbo, repairing and rebuilding your old refrigerators. I'll reach you in a few days. John Bowen, at Muncrbf'a. Farmers all over 'tho county are bus}' planting cotton. It is to bo hoped they won’t lot their plowB get ahead of their judgment in the operation. As It will be a bUB,y time with the farmers at that time there will be i-o session of tho City Court, tho third week in tho present, month, (tho regular quar terly term,) mid consequently no jurors " violins and Guitars Repaired.—Ail ■kinds of repairs on these instruments -made'in best workmanlike manner. Prices reasonable. Several violins for sale. See j, W. Michael, 07 Murray St., Newnan. Warning!—All persons are hereby warned not to harbor or employ my son, •Willie Mac Ble'dsoe, colored, aged 14, ■who has left home without my consent. This March 29, 1921, Mattie Grimes, R. F. D. 4, Newnan, Ga. -Phone 85 for quick baggage transfer. Big line oi: odd pants for, men and boys. Boone's. Memorial Day falls on Tuesday this year. Matting rugs, size 39x72, price 75c. each. ' P. F. Cuttino & Co. Wanted.—Young men, women, over 7 for Postal Mail Service. $120 month, laminations April Experience unnec essary. For free particulars of instruc tion write John Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner,) 155 Equitable Bldg., '.Washington, D. C. • -■ Extra special values in silk_ dresses at Boone’s. Very special yard-wide bleaching at 15c. yard. Boone’s. Plants.—Early and late varieties of Tomatoes, Chinese Giant Pepper, Egg Plants, Asters, Zinnias, Salvia, Mari golds. Henderson’s seed. Out-of-town orders promptly filled. Mrs. E. B. Barrett, , 71 Spring Street. Values in men’s straw Cuttino. ’s. Bugs vacuum ’Phone 609. INSURE WITH THE Planters’ and People’s Mutual Fire As sociation of Coweta County. B. L. Redwine, president; T. B. San ders, vice-president; J. M. Starr, Sec’y .■and Treasurer; C. M. Turner, Gen’l Agt. ; 'R. P. D. No. 1., Sargent, Ga. Douglas Fairbanks next Saturday at The Alamo. , is money at P. F. More goods for leal Cuttino & Co.’s. Economize by wearing. Palm Beach and Kool Kloth suits. Boone’s. Cotton is coming up—but not in the right way, unfortunately. COLLEGE no: 1 COTTON. Ranks first in production in a test of twenty-five varieties under boll weevil ' conditions at the Georgia Experiment ■station. Write for my seed prices. Ad- ' dress Bari S. Redwine, 69 W. Mitchell -at., Atlanta, Ga. Tomato, pepper and egg plants for sale at 54 Spring street, ’phono 319. BUGGIES. Style that pleases the boy, ! jComfort that pleases the mo- rther. Durability that pleases | the father. , Prices that please the times. ■' I. N. Orr Co Up ■Do You Hate to Got in the Morning? /Perhaps your bowel action is not normal, Get some NYAL FIGSEN The Friendly Laxative. It is easy to take. It overcomes in 1 testinal sluggishness. It aids in the I restoration of general bodily activity. * In tinB only—three sizes. Coweta Drug & Book Co ‘Once a Trial—Always Nyal.” Bnrefoot sandals, all sizes; at Boono’s. Wo do hemstitching and pleating, Machines rented and repaired, ’Phone 157-W. Apply nt office of Shigov Sew ing Machine Co., Newnan, Ga. liavo boon drawn for service. Court will send a minimum of twenty-five delegates, oonvono in the usual form on tho third ami as many more ns will go. Each Mondny for tho purpose of hearing mo- church is requested to procood at oneo tlons, -otc„ but no jury enses will bo with the election of delegates to nt- triod. toad this convention, whore they will 1 , —~ , , I hear Siimlrijflschool workers of national Newnan s notion receipts up to April | reputation discuss present day problems, 25c Good hoslor.v for lndioks^nd children, ie., 35c. and 50c. Special prices on Silk. hosiory, 50e., $1, $1.50 and $2. Boone’s. Money to Loan on Farm Lands.—Am prepared to make loans on farm lands at a reasonable rate of interest. Loans closed without delay. T. G. Farmer, jr. Good yard-wide Sea Island only lOe. yard. P. F.'Cuttino & Co. at P, F, cleaned and washed. The report of the Farmers & Mer chants Bank of Grantville is reprinted in this issue to correct a printer’s. er ror’ which escaped notice when the proof was read last week. On account of the illness of tho oash- ier of the Southern, Cotton Oil Co', at Columbus, Gn„ Mr. Lorenzo Taylor has been filling, his pldce for the past three weeks. There will be a singing at Mt. Carmel church next Sunday afternoon. Several good singers from Newnan and other points will conduct the exercises. Every body invited. Splendid values in boys’ knee pants at P. F. Cuttino & Go. 's. See Irene Castle in “The Amateur Wife,” at The Alamo. Wednesday.' See that little favorite, Mary Miles Minter, at The Alamo next Friday.' If you .want to know what a snob is, see the play Monday at The Alamo. The right kind of shirts, at low prices. Boone’s. See pur rugs and art squares before you buy. It will pay you. Boone's. Lost.—Leather raincoat, with belt. Reward if returned to The Herald office. The neat regular meeting of the County Commissioners will be held tho first Mon day in May instead of the first Wednes, day. -Persons having business with the board should keep this in mind. Our last tailoring opening for season will he held on Friday and urday, Apyil 15 and 16. Come in; and let Ub measure you for your'new suit. P...F. Cuttino & Co. Announcement of tho death of Mibb Frankie Price, which occurred Saturday morning at tho homo of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Royoton, on E. Washington street, caused much sorrow to her many friends throughout tho comity. Her health lie gnn to fall about a yonr ago, and for several weeks prior to her death she had been confined to her lied. She formerly resided with her brother, Mr. J. 8, Price, In the Sixth district,, but upon his dontli something over a year ago she onme to Newnan and mode hor homo with hor sister. Sho was a warm-hearted, lova ble wopimi, niul hold in tender regard by all w ho know hor. Sho was a daugh ter of the into Shannon Price, and at the time of her death lmd reached the ripe age of 78 years. Her nearest living relative is Mrs. J. A. Royeton, of this city, all other members of tho Price family having passod away. Tho funeral nnd interment took plney Sunday after noon nt tho old Selby buvylng-ground, in tho Second district, Rev. R. S. Hari-h conducting tho service. The Georgia Sunday-school Associa tion will hold its annual convention at Macbn on April 19, 20 mid 21, to which nil Sunday-school Workers nro earnestly invited. Coweta county is supposed to had the honor of greeting within her gntoH so many eminent men—aminont in every line of Ihdustry and commerce— nnd tholr visit was appreciated. They wont from hero to LaGrnngo, CARD OF THANKS. We are deeply grateful to our friends for nil kindnesses shown us during the long illness and upon the dentil di our dear sister, TIiobo attentions are sin- covely appreciated, Mr. nnd Mrs. J.-A. Royoton. Some people think that because salva tion is free, the services of tho preacher might bo dispensed with. We Knew It Would Be Found Some Day. 1 totaled 9,302 bnies the smallest since j Among those who will deliver addresses 1003, when the total was 11,105 bnlos. nro Dr. Wm. A, Brown of Chicago, Dr. According tn Mr. .T, H. Summers, Now- h. E. Trallo of Philadelphia, Dr. Goo. nan's cotton statistician, the hoaviost n. Btuart of Blrmlnglmm, Myron O, Sot- receipts mi to April 1 in any your since tie of Kansas City, mid Mrs. Mnudo J. 1909 was in 1915, when tho total reached Baldwin of Chicago. Tho railroads have 22,885 halos., Tho lowest, price on the authorized round-trip fares at one and same date during that period was in .tho ono-half of tho adult- rogulur one way same year—9 cents. ’ |fnro for tho round trip upon proseuta- _ _ T tioii of identification certificates of the Z tor '"' «hich will be furnished at my office at the court-house toi the pur | railroad stations. Anyone desiring fim pose of receiving State.find county tax thoi . j,.formation sho 4, oaU upo “ Col . returns until Monday, Mny 2, Will lie Uy Q Post| olminlmlli who wll , bo m mitil noonf’aml in Haralson, same-1 ploo8 ° a to reml ° 1 ' ovo, 'y se, ' vico p08aibl °' day from 12.80 to 2 p. m. Taxpayers, „ are urged to make returns at their car- L 8 T u,,or ?' 80 I viC0B for Private Oharltou Best 'convenience. B. Paul Smith, L0nul1 - whose wmolas arrived from Tn* Receiver I h raiico on Thursday of last woek, wore hold Friday afternoon, and n sadder or Local-nlumnao of Flora McDonald Col- more impressive ceremonial was never lege, Red Springs, N. 0., have received -wltnosBod in Ncwhfln. Thu casket coii- the official program of “homecoming tnlniug tho corpse was conveyed from week/" May 22 to 25, inclusive, in cole- the homo of the young man’s parents, bration of tho twenty-fifth anniversary "l 1 '- and Mrs. J. C. Leach, to Oak Hill of the founding of that institution, which eomotery, followod by, ex-service mon as rill be commencement week.. Alumnae 6 11 honorary CBcort, by the Mayor and residing hero nro Mrs. Ray Cole, Miss Alderman, by the Boy Scouts, and citi- Eiiznbdth Parks and MIsb Mary Barge. zo| ib generally. Sorvlees at tho grave Newnan is represented in tho student wore conducted by Dr. E. W. Stoho, no body at present by Miss Mary Moonoy. slstqd by Dr. ltembert Q, Smith, both of o whom paid feeling-and fitting tribute to Ohas. J. Brewer, a merchant of Lu-1 the fine character ami standing of : tho Overall Specials.—We are showing all sizes in a good full-cut, standard-made overalls at $1.50 pair; fast eplors. O’Bryan’s “Duck Head” overall^,' $2. BooneJs.' Sir tiiervillo, lias filed a voluntary petition young man In civil .life, and to Ids hero with tho clerk of tho U. S. District Court ism in war. Appropriate and qpprocin- at Columbus, in which ho acknowledges tivo remarks wore made Also by Mayor bankruptcy, scheduling Ids liabilities at Kiimnnl apd- by Col. A. Sidney -damp, $1,554.51,' with assets amounting to $1,- commander of ,Alvin Hugh Hfirrls Post, 178,75. His principal creditors arc E. A'inoricnh. jLoglon. At the close • of ’ the P. Hurst, Newnan, $135; Lutherville service taps'w.orc'sounded'by Scout Rnl- Banking- Co., $450; Carpentor & Gar- oigli Arriall., Stores wore closed during i-ett, Newnnn, $275; McClure Ton Coiit the funoral-ljour, nnd the obsequies wore Store, Atlanta, $314. attomlod by five or six' hundred pooplo, -Private Lolicli Miss Fannie Butts has the sym of many friends in the bereaveniout.oc- casioned by the death of her sister, Mrs. E, L. MeGee, of Tliomaston, Ga" wliicu B Lg,\ill- occuri-ed Monday, following a lon^. noss. ' v‘- Special prices to clo^e out all auto tires. See us before you buy. Boone’s. The bill collector is greeted by more scowls tHan smiles on his rounds these days. At the monthly flleeting of the Couhfy Commissioners Wednesday it was deoide.rt to extend the time for payment of rqad tax at the four-dollar rate until tlio first' Monday in May. After that date./the tax will be $5. f Something 1 new in bags just received. You’ll want one of these when ypu see them. , . P. F. Cuttino & Co. For Sale.—One 2-horse Tennessee wagon, in good condition. Apply to R. O. Jones. Winston Churchill’s ‘ ‘ Inside ' of the Cup” is presented with a strong cast at The Alamo next Thursday. Beautiful patterns in silk shirtings only $1.50 a yard. P. F. Cuttino & Cd7 Cotton Seed.—I have a quantity of pure-strain Wannamaker’B Cleveland Big Boll cotton seed for sale at $T: per bushel. Took first prize at last Coweta County Fair. A. A. Reese,, Newnan, Ga. Dr. Frank L. Hardy dosed .a two- weeks ’ meeting at the First Baptist church in Cairo, Ga., on Friday night last. There were sixty-three additions to the church, forty-nine being received on profession of faith. 1 /Federal Prohibition Agent A. C. Sow-; IT; ■eu, of Atlanta, and Deputy Marshal' fcf,' A'i. r. Barber made a raid in Carroll county seven days prior to the armistice, ’ ,’ last Tuesday afternoon, destroyed twoi- y;—;—-.- ■“pioonshipe” stills nnd arrested Walter ORDINARY’S COURT, FiillDr, white putative owner and opera- Tho following business was disposed tor of one of the outfits. Ho was held I of-,'the. regular monthly term df the to the Federal grand jury under bond Court of Ordinary on Monday Inst, to- of $300. Deputy Sheriffs Loo Burn- wit— - liam, J. W. Brown and C. B. Boyd, of 13;. O. McKoy, administratori-on tho .Carroll coqivty, joined the Federal offi- estate pf Mrs. Sarah A, Grimes, .granted cei-8 on tile raid. |loavo to sell,lands belonging t6 deceased. ° ... -Last will iuid testament of John D. There,has,been a sharp decline in the and Lpuisa ,P. Simms admitted to pro- prlee of' fertilizers within the past bate in solemn form. , - month, and as a consequence trade in Division in kind -among - the heirs of that, line .is now quite brisk, The two properly belonging to the estuto of Mrs. grades most in demand nro d d-2-2 and Daisy H. Kirby, deceased, ordered. ■3-3, which are now soiling nt $28.85- Year’s support set apart tp tho widow for the first; and- $33 for the higher and minor children of Ben H., Gilbort ji-ade. Acid : phoBpliate (16 por cent.), put of the estate of said-deceased, is’ selling today at $16.50 por ton. and Year’s support sot apart to the widow nitrate of soda at $60 por ton. These and minor children of R. W. Jackson out are time prices. A discount of 10 por of. the ostate of said deeoasod. ceuti is allowed for cash. | Year’s support sot apart to the widow of G. S. Bowers out of the estate of. said New lot of men’s neckwear at 25c,j 50c. and 90c. each. P. F. Cpttino & Co. Al>out time for Mayor Kinnard to pro claim “Clean-up Week’’ in Newnan. People are getting careless about, ao-, cumulations of rubbish in their back-’ yardB, and Bhould be reminded of tfieir. duty to the community. t Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Williford, of At lanta, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Freeman Sunday. “As You Like It” silk hose for wo men only $1.75 a pair. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Miss Caroline Boykin spent the week end with Mrs. J. P. Bradley, in Nev/- —Carrollton Free Press. All silk crepe de chine, 40 inches wide, all shades, $1.25 a yard. P. F. Cuttino jSt Co. ■ Mr. G. W. Moore, of Whitesburg, spent Saturday and Sunday with his grand- .ter, Mrs. R. P. Parks. daughte (( -IS AN- EL BOWENA’ — OR — [Tampa-Bowena Straight’ (registered) CIGAR The Dae Be u" er ' s pure Havana To- Lnd 1 tbe Y burn smooth and even, H retail at stock exactly half former prices. P. F. Cuttino & Co. “Alco” clothes for men. New spring garments attractively priced. P. F. Cuttino & Co. The case against Napoleon, Alfred and Enoch Garrett, charged with murder in connection with the killing of Fed eral- Prohibition Agent R. W. Jackson pn Dee. 18, was set for trial in Taylor Superior Court yesterday. Friday night, April 8, .tho children of Ray Memorial School, Raymond, wRi- en gage in a spelling match with the grown ups, and from reports the children Will have to hustle to carry off tho victory. Everybody is invited to come out and' at-, tend the contest. U. S. Senator Wm. J. Harris lias /ac cepted an invitation to be tho guest of the Friday Lunch Club at its Weekly luncheon this evening. Congressman Wright will preside, and plans have being made to give the distinguished yisi- tor a big reception. If you need a hat. or a cap we can suit you. New felts arid straws. Boone’s. Mr. Roy Merrell, of Newnan, spent Sunday here with his mother, Mrs. Annie Merrell.—Carrollton Free Press. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore, of La- Grange, are spending a few days with the former’s parents, Mr.'nnd Mrs. .W. T. Moore, at Madras. Mr. Moore .'re cently underwent an operation for 'rip pendicitis, and spent several weeks-at a hospital in LaGraligc. Pasturage.—Will pasture some cattle cheap until fall. Paul Dominick, R. F. D. 6, Newnan. 10c 9\ Most dealers handle them. LAU, for ’em-! te Cigar Co. 27 Va Court Square. Don’t forget our tailoring Opening Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 10. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Let us sell you your millinery. A com plete and attractive stock to select from. Boone's. Men’s oxfords brought over from last season at exactly half former prices. P.-F. Cuttino & Co. Mr. Geo. Weldon, who was with the Reese Cigar Co. for several months, left Monday for his old home at Cassopolis, Mich, A car-load of cotton waste in transit from LaGrange to Carrollton caught fire near the junction Wednesday morning, and the fire department had a merry time for an hour or so trying to extin guish the smouldering mass. The treacli erous blaze was finally subdued. Hemstitching, Pleating and Cioth- covered Buttons.—Work done promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. We will appreciate your patronago. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Newnan Bntton & Pleating Works. 4% W. Washington street. — y Take Your Turn.—Special boy at tho telephone to receive and book orders for sheet and metal work, and rebuilding and repairing refrigerators and icc boxes Call 'phone — 108 > and take your turn. Impossible to reach all at once. John Bowen, at Moncrief’s. was a men Bisfei- Since tho nutomobllo wns invented, it hna boon tho dream of chemists to in vent a preparation to keep tho carbon out of the cylinders. To do this has been no easy matter. Thousands have spont their life’s work nnd fnllod. A Toledo chemist ImB finally found-the secret and worked it out on scientific linos; finding tho accumulation of car* bon in auto cylinders was a natural for* mntion j knowing everything Nature ere* - atos 1ms life to it. For every natural r substance thbre is an artificial death. Ho lias worked .out a death for carbon. So perfect. Is his preparation, that tho moment It touohos carbon, tho carbon will curl up and loosen from tho iron and motnl in loss than two seconds. It is done so quickly tho -naked o>o looking direct nt it can hardly catch tho ac tion. . , , . It is a wonderful discovery nnd 1s in- toresting to ovary ear owner. For with it tho owner of a cur enu clean the car bon from tho cylinders in ten minutes by simply removing tho spark plug and iujooting some of this preparation in tho cylinders so it hits tho enrboned parts: inunodlntoly roplaco tho plug and start your .motor. In two minutes the carbon trouble in your cyllndors is elim inated j no danger-to-the motor and the cost is about seventy five corits a oar. A number of loading citizens in At lanta have formed a Corporation to take over tho sale of this groat preparation in tho Southern States and httvc incor porated a Company and oponod up offi ces and display room nt 615 Peachtree etroot and market the product under the trade nnnio of CARBON-EATER. Tho application of C A RBON-E AT hit is so simple any motor owner can ubc it. A froe domonBtrntion of the wonderful work of CARBON-EATER Vb now being given at No. II Jackson streot, and you are very cordially - invited to bring your ear around for a FREE DEMONSTRA TION. Watch it eliminate tho crirbon from your car while you wait. Cards aro being sent to auto owners 1n Newnan, inviting them to bring their cars around to bo cleaned of cay bon, without charge. Tho distributors of this roumtknblo product positively warrant that they' v.’ill not koop your motor out. of sm-iefl U-ri.i than thirty minutes .while removing the carbon, and that thore is absolutely .’-ho Injurious action to tho' motor or any, part of it. At a meeting of tho Daughters of ti e deceased. Confederacy Tuesday afternoon it was Otliel Morgan qualified as guardian of decided to give a dinner on Mui-.ioriiil Rogers W. Morgan, lunatic. Day for the old veterans, and this notice Wm, A. Sutherland granted letters is intended as a special invitation to of ndmlnistration on tho estate of R. e.vory Confederate soldier in the county W. Mattox, deceased, to be their guest on that day. Veterans Mi-b, Eddie North qualified oh natural tire requested to assemble in the eoiiit- guavdien of her minor children, house promptly at 11.30 a. m., whore Beulah Cook granted letters of nd- oach ono will bo decorated with a mild- ministration on the estate of Nathan 'ature Confederate flag. At i2 o’clock Cook, deceased. they will march in a body to the Chain- A. M. Mcoks qualified as guardian of her of Commerce, where the dinner will Bartow B. Jenkins, ninor. bo served. (It will bo a good dinner, (In reporting the proceedings of tho too.) Regular Memorial -_Dny eiorclses March term, ol' the Ordinary’s Court will be held of 2.30 p. m„ the full pro- the statement was mode that G. H. Mnr- grnni to bo given in The I-Ierald next tin had been granted letters of ndminis- week. ti-ation on the estate of Mrs. Susan L. Martin. This wns an error. Letters of A number of Newnan people attended dismission wore granted in this case.) tho Baptist Sunday-school Convention in Atlanta this week. Those going from Imp,,,,, totidtctc utadmtv ou tlie First church wore Mrs. Hattie Free- T ECH. TOURISTS . WARMLY RE- frnan, Mrs. W, Y. Atkinson, jr„ Mr. and CEXVED HERE. Mrs.'John ®.,Catos, Mr. and Mrs. G. ELI The Georgia Toch. Tourists, nearly ono Adams, Mrs. E. O. Reese, Mrs. E. R. hundred strong, reached Newnan on thoir Barrett, Mrs. Annie F. Orr, Mrs. J. B. special train Monday afternoon nt 5.80 Fuller, Mys. Arthur Murphoy, Mrs. B. o’clock, according to the schedule pre- C. Sanders, Mrs. Sue Wnrren, Miss Ida viously announced. They were mot at Lou Fincanrion, Miss Mary Willie Estes, tho union station by the local company Miss Marie Self, Miss Athagene Kersey, of Boy Scouts, hoadod by tho Lyric Con- Miss Cora Hornsby, Messrs, J. H. LipB- cert Band, and escorted to tho court- comb, C. J. OwenH, A. B. Catos. Jim house. The spacious auditorium filled Ball. D. W. Boone, Robt. Orr, R. B. up rapidly, and in a few minutes nearly Hubbard and John Kite, The Central every scat was occupied. Mayor If! ihurch was represented by Mrs. Mary G. nard welcomed the tourists in a graceful roneB, Miss Virginia Glover, Miss Ethel and spirited addrosB, praising thu imuur- Smith, Messrs. H. C. Glover, John T. taking upon which they had embarked, BankB, J. Litt Jones, Hugh Stephens, and assuring them (that the campaign for ,T. W. A. Rowland and Byran Blackburn, a Greater Toch. would rcceivo lioarty anil : , 0 substantial support from tho progressive Sixty members of the Friday Lnncl. «»«««■' Club were registered at tho regular Response on behalf of the tourists was Weekly luncheon on Friday evening last made by Mr. W. B. Pierce, of Augusta, -the largest number that had ever been Short addresses were made also by Mr. assembled at ono of these enjoy Jde y ic ^? r Allen, of Buford, Ga„ Mayor Jas. functions. The principal speakers were L- Key, of Atlanta, and Gov. Hugh M. Messrs. T. M. Goodrum, B. M. Black- Dorsey. Each speaker dwelt -upon the burn and R. D. Cole, who had been importance of expanding the scope and solemnly warned beforehand not to men-1 usefulness of Georgia’s great industrial tion “hard times/’ They observed this institute, to tho end that larger and bet- injunction strictly in tho course of their tor opportunities may be afforded young remarks, and with- very happy effect, men am 1Soys of the State for efficient each guest feeling so uplifted as to won- rec-hnicm traimng m the various branch- der whether “hard timeBJ’ wa&n*t after cs taught there. Dr. K. G. Metheaori, ail more a matter of mood than a real- president of tho State School of loch- ity. Messrs. Cliff Kersey and Alton nology, presented the speakers in the Addy were hosts for the evening, the J order named. Other distinguished Geoi- former presiding and the latter acting 18 manB were in Hie party, including ex- as major dome in looking after the com- Gov. Jos. M. Brown, but as the special fort of the guests. The luncheon itself tram carrying the tourists was scheduled furnished additional and pleasing proof to leare at 6.15 no opportumtx-was given of Mrs. Lazenbv’s skill ns a caterer. I them to be hoard. Newanu has seldom 315 Peachtree St,, Altanta, Ga. C. K. WILSON, Manager. Advertisement. Trrrr^ • • • . "Deliriously DlfTerant 3 , / • * m. POLKADOT THAT ONI) WORD mil solve your baking troubles. POLKA- DOT has no, superior for all around goodness and dependabil ity. AND THE FLAVOR! It’s in comparable. A patented process looks after that. POLKADOT is exclusive. It combines all tho good points of the best with the delicious nut-like flavor of newly crushed wheat. THE JOY and satisfaction of 1 a real baking will not be yours until you try POLKADOT. No more failures, no more bother, but beautiful biscuit, broad or cake to delight the oye and Satisfy - the most particular. Order a sack from your grocer today, or ask us, You’ll be surprised. SMITH MERCHANDISE CO. ■'Newnan, Ga. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS. City Tax Notice. Tbe city tax books will be opened April 1, apd property- owners are requested to make their returns promptly. Books close June 1. J. P. SHACKELE • ..Jkufi 1 j-