The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, April 29, 1921, Image 10

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NEWNAN, GA„ FRIDAY. THE NEWNAN HERALD, APRIL 29, 1921 Miss Mattie Lewis, from near Nnwn(in, is upending the week with lior sister, Mrs. W. C. Stephens. Miss Belle Todd ontertnlned her sixth, soventh nnd eighth grade pupils, togetlior with the teacher and seventh and eighth Krnde pupils of Klim school, Saturday evening nt nn lee crenm festivnl. Games were played, nnd nil hnd nn onjoyalilo time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Chambers, of Car- spont Sunday nt the home of rollton, . Mrs. S. 8. Kidd. Miss Newell Wiggins is spending t'no week with hor sister, Mrs. J. H. ; Stephens, in Heard county. Mr. nnd Mrs. Huekahy, of Carrollton, are visiting relatives here this wook. We regret to report thnt Mrs. Fannie Millions, who hns Buffered from a lotg .illness, is worse nt this writing. A good crowd enjoyed a singing at the homo of Mr. 1). L, Hardogron Sun- dny night. Miss Sarah Carnes, of Newnnn, spont the week end with liomefolks hero. April 28th. FRIDAY—SATURDAY—MONDAY A series of special offerings that keep us on our mettle, and keeps others guessing. LONE OAK. Quarterly meeting at Prospect church Hnturdn.v, with dinner on the grounds, was the feature of the wcok. Presiding Elder Clcoklor preached a most forcofni uorinon on the Christian Education Movement, n largo congregation boing present, Miss Hattie Combs, of Bay Springs, was the week end guest of Mrs. W. P. Sowell. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leroy Sewell, of Ilqgnnsvillc, spent Sunday with Mrs. Sewell also. Miss Blby Tumor, of LaGrango Ko ranic College, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mrs. Wm. Wright, of Hawkinsvlllo, is on an oxtonded visit to relatives hero. Mrs. Leandor Powlodgo complimented the young folks with a most oujoyable ■social Saturday evening. Mrs. G. 0. Culpoppor was hostess for the Kpwortli league Friday evening. Light refreshments wore served, and a short musleal program was rondored, Mrs. Lovick Nall, Miss Mary Nall and Mr. Rufus Nall, of Nownnn, woro gdosts of relatives hero Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. Bail Phillips and Mr. Nath Culpepper, of Groonvillo, vislteil la Lone Oak Sunday. Beautiful styles and qualities, the same as heretofore selling for 3.75 to 5.75 Such Camisoles as these make excel lent gifts. Identical to those regularly valued at Blouses of no better value are sold today for Silks—Flannels—W oolens HOMEWOOD. Homnwood school and n few visitors enjoy oil a picnic on Thursday last. Tho visitors wore Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Story, Mrs. A. B. Story, Mrs. Jobbc Grimes nnd Mrs. O. M. (loggia. It wns grimily enjoyed by ovoryono present. Mr. Joe Story visited frlonda nonr 'Sargent Sunday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. MeWliortor, of ' Contrnllmtchoo, woro guosts of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. 8tor,v Sunday. Messrs. B. B. Beavers and Elinor Nowb.v, of Newnnn, end Mr. Leon Lit tle, ,of Sargent, nttondod Sumlny-sehool Am Sunday afternoon, Mr, nnd Mrs. Volllo Howard spont the weok-ond with Mr. ami Mrs. J. T. How ard, nonr Sargent. The singing given by Miss Mary Llsido 'Hutchens Sunday night waa much on- .'joyed by tlioBO present. Mr. anil Mrs. 0. 0, Story spont Sun- • dny with Mr. nnd Mrs. M. R. Story .and family, at Mt. Carmel. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lylo woro wook- -end guests of rolatlvca at Midway. Mr. J, W. Story, of Mt. Garmol,, at- • tended Sunduy-scbool horo Sunday after- i noon. Homewood school needs a largor ' building. Wo have forty pupils onroll- ■ ed now, and will have tnoro when tho summer term opciiH. Wo have also a largo Sunday-school. April 20th. ‘Miss Saratoga” Middies and Middy. Skirts are the best made; all sizes 1.65 each 8 to 22 years. The very finest collection of good Pet ticoats we have ever offered for 3.95 Jerseys—Satins—Taffetas. The final Clearance of our Novelty Suits—selling earlier for 60.00 to 85.00 Very fine Suits—every one of them, RAYMOND. Mr. Warner Brower lms returned to Savannah, aftor spending several days with his parents near here. ' Mr. W. E. Moroo and family and Mr. nnd Mrs. I, J, Winslott nnd daughter, Louise, wore guoate Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. N, McWhorter, in Palmetto. Miss WiHene Jackson, of Codnrtowu, was the guest Sunday of Miss Etta Lou ♦Stevenson. Mr. G. R, Greer, of Macon, was the guest Sunday of Miss 1 no* Moon. Mr. J. R. Jackson, tologrnph operator here for several wooka past, has returned to Codnrtowu to resume his position as train dispatcher. Mr. W. M, Gay, of Lavender, hns taken Mr. Jacksou’s place. Misses Loth a Starr nnd Grace Hamby spent the week end in Nownnn. The B. Y. P. U. rendered an interest ing program at the Methodist church .“Sunday night. A largo crowd wns pres ent, *wluch neenned* to encourage tho young fjeople. Miss Mary McGarlty, of Scnoia, was the week-end guest of Miss Etta Steven* son. Values 35.00 to 49.50 Values 27.50 to 39.75 Actual values 18.50 to 25.00 NOTE—The above lot of Dresses does not include assortment, but the specials advertised represent the derful VALUE event we have given. ■■ Some oh! men who claim to lie so Inme ami crlpploil up thnt they can hardly move, will jump up so quick they bust a 1 ■ gallus ’ ’ strap to -look at a pretty girl when alio passes- All SPECIALS—FRIDAY—SATURDAY—MONDAY—ALl SPECIALS Australian Railroads Multiply. Drought In AukIi-hMu, as (amino In India, Is no longer the tlrend enemy that It was. Come see them—come early Railways have multi plied, making the movement of- stock to unstricken •easy. though stales keep accurate records of each day’s rainfall mid this Information Is posted dally for all to sec and is easi ly‘available to the owners of the re motest statlous. So a man threatened by; loss of stock through drought may keep his huger on the rainfall of the whole continent mid know where-he may send Ills stock If he gets no rain himself. areas comparatively expensive. All states keep accurate records of KERSEY & PRATHER