The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, April 29, 1921, Image 9

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Th£ NEWNAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1921. CLASSIFIED AOVERIISEMENTS . l-rTTonc cent a word for each in- ' P RATES u Mi imum obnrge, 10 coats, ~ Want eA-—^ 11111 or ' voman to m 2 kt ."\' • L 13 in tliib locality. Central TOstigatw^ Long Bench, Cal. Local Happenings Told in Short Paragraphs. NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OP GENERAL INTEREST TO OUR LOCAL READERS. T-'Mtigntion Co., ~~~ g a i e —American National baby I Ordinary ’a \'ourt next Monday. carriage. phomToilo. New waists of all kinds at Boone ’a, babv*. a' s0 . » r— ' -r-^_p orto Rico sweet potato ’ Phone 86 for_qifickbaggage transfer. nlnnts f. °- b - T - v T i’‘ ^' 5 Sr p w Next Tuesday Is sale-day, with noth- L000 la lots Of 10,000 and up. N. M. ing to soll . _ ■Malcolm & Bo —; - _____ g wee£ pons for sale ■ at 54 Spring COLLEGE NO. 1 COTTON. street, ’phone 319. flvflTC rarietle d s UCt under n bMl t weeyH One of our favorites, Billy Burke, at ^editions n t the Georgia Experiment rl . le Alamo Tuesday,. Station. Write for my seed Prices. Ad- Dr H w Torrelli o£ LaGrange, was <1 rcsa Earl S. Redwine, 69 IV. Mitchell Jn t ) 10 e | ty Wednesday. . a t„ Atlanta, Ga V Big assortment of fancy voiles priced from 89c a .third up. P. f\ Cuttluo & Co. Porto Rico potato slips now on.'sale, immediate delivery, nt $2 per thousand Johnson Hnrdwnro Company. We nre agents- for Gossnrd front-lace corsets. A style for every figure. P. F. Cuttluo & Co. City Tax Notice. Buy your work shirts, punts ntnl over alls nt Boono’s. It pays. H. H- Hulaes, 42 Second nvonuo, will , , , I pay 2Qc- a pound for lions- The citv tax books will be • ' J , ,;i 1 n„H nrnnertv- Popular Bobo Daniels in “Ducks and -opened April 1, and proper y Drake3 >, at T i le Alamo Monday. .owners are requested to make their returns promptly. Books close Tune 1. J- P- SHACKELFORD, City Clerk. I Six good milch cows with youug calves for sale. Apply to J. W. Mplson. Many new dreBses now on displny. Korsoy & Prather. Men’s umbrellas—special values at $1.85 each. F. P. Cuttino & Co. The specials now on sale represeiTt un usual values. Kersey & Prather. BUGGIES.; Style that pleases the boy. Comfort that pleases the mo-. ^ ^ ^ ! ther. Durability that pleases $7.50 a pair. p. f. .cuttino & Co. ■flip father. Prices that Great values in men’s and women’s ,1 W1C ... footwear at Boouo’b. /please t e lines. Good quality blue work shirts only 1. N. Orr Co 7Se each. P. F. Cnttino & Co. Fashionette hair nets 10c each. Kersey & Prather. Millinery attractively priced at Boone’s. Nice assortment of ladies’ muslin un dergarmonts at? half former prices. P.F: Cuttino & Co. Rond our advortlsemont for the spoo- inls—tlion seo the nierelmndiso. Kersey & Prather Dr. Rombert G. Smith will preach the sormoa at the approaching commence ment of the A. & M, School, Carrollton. ■ ■■ ■ —O' ■ ■ — Arrange to stay at Bonton-Wkeoler Springs Hotel during May and June Special rates offered for those months- ■ " —«>■- ■ », Loqt.—Snndny nfternoon, at Andrew Chapel, ladies’ gold wrist watch, with initials “ E. L. S. ” ■ Return to Lounello Sanders, Newnan. We-' do hemstitching and pleating, Machines tented *and repaired. ’Phono 157-W. Apply at office of Singer Sew iug Muehlne Co., Newnan, Ga. Mr, nnd Mrs. G. M. Duster .find duugh ter, Mrs. Marvin Allen, of Newnan, spent Sunday with Mr. Raymond Doster and family.—Cnrrollton Free Press. Prof. B, F. Pickett has been elected president, of the Fourth District High School Association. The district meet will be hold next year in West Point. Best quality cotton checks only 11c a Peach, Apple Pear, Plum, Cherry, Pe-1 yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co. can, Shade and Ornamental trees. Finest Interwoven hosiery for men 40c and (budded nnd grnfted stock at before the 75c a pair. Kersey & Prather, war prices. Most all'sfruit trees- at 50c. j < < Alco f 1 clothes for men at money- -each prepaid. California privet s hodg61 saving prices. P. F. Cuttino & Co; plants, $2.00 per 1,000, postpaid. Half and Half Cotton Seed. Send a postal for our Fruit Book and Catalog. Beautiful $11.75. Bkirts on sale at Keraey & Prather. Good quality yard-wido Sea Island, only 10c a yard. ■ P. F. Cuttino & Co. b - - A. C. A. bed tick, only 25c a yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Both the honor roll of the city schools I It was oar pleasure to spend several for April and the report oP the county hours with the good people of Mt. Carmel school meet on Friday last; must ho de- j community on Saturday last, when nil furred until our next Issue, duo to their the countryside turned out to oelebrato longth nml tlm crowded condition of the completion of it handsome now scliqoi our columns. Wc regrot tilts, but It building erected by the piibUc-splrlted enu-’t be helped. * |.citizens of that section of the county. ' ° Tim celebration took the form of mi Their many friends are mueli gratified old-time Georgia linrlieeue nml basket by tlio encouraging reports received from dinner, nnd u more onjoynblo day we Mr, and Mrs, B. T. Thompson, both of have rarely experienced, Of course, m whom ^aro, nt the Dnvis-FiBclier Sanlta- enjoyed the dinnur, (ns our doctor Will rlum, "Atlanta—one recovering from an testify,)' but more limn all we enjoyed operation for prostatitis, nml the other mingling with the people,' than whom from an arm fracture. They wore ro- there nre nono more warm-hearted nnd ported yesterday ns doing-well. | hospitable In Georgia. Wo shall havn ', , 0 , , , , , nioro to sny In a later issue about our Cash prizes awarded rural colored vlait Ilmt whnt wo fmiml thero £or wu sehoolB for best exhibits made hero on L.oUeeted ou h mat0 , lal to lnako a Friday, 15th iiiBt., were ns follows: vomlnble article First, Corinth school, $25; socond, Sum- _ inpv Hill school, $15; third, McCollum One of the most Interesting nnd offl- school, $10; fourth, Bharpsburg school, I cieut llttlo nmolilnos over seen in New- $6 j fifth, St, John school, $5., | nan is tlio carpet cleaner bplng used by _. , _ , I?! T~ ■ , Mr, Frank Cook. If yon nover saw one, Binder Twine, Tills is n your when tnko tlme to look nt lt> Y ou hoar a the profit, or loss on a gram crop may llp j 80 | ikl , n w ln«tortn, nnd see two llttlo dopenc) i upon the use of n good or brushes going about. n thousand times ‘ cheap twine. It is no time to expor* L minute—nml behind the mnehine ns it intent. Dptit risk the Iobb of a smglo UV0V0B a i onR the cnvpot in n cloim. bundle. Wo soil the genuine Interim- bright path, whore the dirt has boon tlonpl binder t.wlne. Powoll & Keith. scrubbed out. Before tlio washing nm- Hog Sale Postponed.-Tho hog sale !“ "‘rong vacuum cleaner advertised for May 10 has been deferred ,’ n . MT'h* J? for a few weeks in order to nceonund ito kt u, t lp08 ° surface dirt, but it r6- somo of those who wore uunble to got IV" 1”, . th °, t0 . their hogs in good condition by ^athj" 114 r date. The date of sale will bo announced 80 ‘hat you don’t think It is soon. B. M. Drake, County Agent. ‘‘i 0 8a 'P " «■ ,lml in lc8a thn11 , a couplo / ' °f haul's the rug is dry nnd can be Hemstitching, Pleating and Cloth-1 Placed on tlio door, if you don’t lioliovo covered Buttons.—Work done promptly, there is nay dirt in your carpets, you and satisfaction -guaranteed. Wo will should soo what coinos from some rather niipreciato your pntronngo. Mnll ordoira j cloau-lonkliig rugs whon the mncliiho Is will receive prompt attention. emptied. Some of Nownan’s best liouso- Nownan Button & Pleating Works. -I keepers hnvo been surprised nt tlio won- 4Vj W. Wnsliington stroot. -1 dovful results of this machine. ■ n • -O■ - 1 1 Cotton Seed.—I have a quantity of CORN AND PIG CLUB PRIZES pure-strain Wannamakor’s Clovcland Big AWARDED.. Boll cotton coed, for sale at $1 per At tho count , moot on Fri(lny rr "" flrst 1,ri? A° ttt A ^ Cowota last prizes wore awarded to members of, County lair. A. A, Rcobo, the Boys’ Corn nnd Pig Clubs for 1020 „ Newnan, Ga. aB follows— On Saturday night, May 7, Dr. Lowls *' orn Prizes - Fowler will give a lecture on the Holy | First prize, ($25 scholarship, short Coots’ 160-yard spool cotton, 4 Bpools | for 25c. P. F. Cuttino & Co. We’ll save you money on nil kinds of | Work shoes. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Every cigar manufactured by the | Reese Cigar Co. is cold strictly on its uerits. _'■• Potato plants for sale ut $1.50 ‘per I thousand. Write W. E. Chandler, Tif- | ton, Ga. Mr. J. M. Milner, of Savannah, spent I Tuesday here with his sister, Miss Car olyn Milner.' ALBANY, ALA. IT IS IMPORTANT (In the prevention of many diseases, that Wo action of the bowels Tbc kept regular, NYAL FIGSEN ThS Friendly LdXfitlVO I ilton Sills comes to The Alamo next Regulates the bowels gently and eflea- “ The Faith Hea lor”-a l tively- It may keep you out of the siek- great pictuie. I bed. No trouble to take it—it’s a lozenge. In tins on}y—three ^sizes. 10c 50c I Coweta Drug & Book Co. "Once a Trial—-Always Nyal.’'’ A PLAIN The amusing play, “The Village 1 Sleuth,” with Charles Ray, at The Ala- |mo Wednesday. .For Sale.—Mahogany sewing tabje, 1125 years old. Answers to “M-, B.,” I care The Herald. Mr. Wyatt Jackson, of Newnan, I spent the week-end with liis parents here. |—Carrollton Free Press. See Mae Murray in “The Gilded I Lily” at The Alamo next Friday! It’s I a play that will interest you. Excellent quality taffeta silk in navy, I brown and black, only $2 a yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co, Special.—Children’s'Nu-Style Lonsdale middy dresses, 0 to 16 years, $3.50 val ues, at $1.98. Stripling’s. ill former advertisements Beautiful patterns in silk shirtings, I we have etreuaerl the fact $l.o0 a yard. I ,' stresses me idci p. f. Cuttino & Co. that Reese s Cigars were ° 1« 1 here at home, L re kce pj n g the goods moving. I of the best Tobacco ob- Boone’s. Itainable, “by expert work- Red Seal zephyr ginghams ill pretty I men,’’ etc. Now we don’t plaids and solhLcolors, only 20e a yard. I - '1 • ’ ^ P. F. Cuttino & Co. 1 Dase our claim to your pat ronage on these facts alone. I Special.— Children’s Nu-style • fine If you don’t find them at U^arn dresses, 7 to 14 year^at ®8. east equal to ANY Cigar at Ch31flren ,; gingha “ dralse^izes 4 to | me same price, your money h years, only $1.75'each. [will be cheerfully refunded.I p - p - outtmo & Co. Ome smokers say they arei Pulm Beach suits are -the^most econom- LETTER. field clothes for summer. Get them at All we ask of the cigar- Boones. ’ .... .1 <<a b You Li^e It” silk hose in black, cordovan and grays, only $1.75 a pair. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Cultivators.—Reduce your farm la bor expense by using' riding cultivators. We have reduced the price. Come to sec us. Powell & Keith. Wo are selling lots of rugB nnd Art squares. We have put on new low prices, and have a large stock to select from. Boone ’a. Beautiful quality transparent organ dies in white, blue, Bunset, orchid, brown and gray, at 85c n yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co. The 1921 Buick ear is beyond ques tion the greatest car, value on the mar ket. Wo have one for immediate deliv ery. D. W. Boone & Co. Harrows.—We have tlio cutaway, disk and drag harrows—tlio 1 boat farm tools you can use. Prices night. Powell and Keith. W. M. S. Meeting.—The Woman’s Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will meet next Monday afternoon at 3 o ’clock. Mrs. H. E. Copley, Sec ’y. Money to Loan on Farm Lands.—Am prepared to make ioans on farm lands at a reasonable rate of interest. Loans closed without delay. T. G. Farmer,, jr. Miss Annie Bello Hutchinson mid Miss Lois Hardy, of Senoia, were tho attractive guests of Mrs. Harry Calla way Friday and Saturday.—LaGrange Reporter. Mr, J. H. Reynolds will represent Newnan. Lodge, No. 102, I. O. 6. F., at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Atli-' ens on May 27. Mr, • J. R. Rainwater is his alternate . The county singing for May will ’bo held at Providence church, Wtdcome, next Sunday nfternoon at 2 o’clock. All singers nre urged to attend, mid every body is invited. r Mr. R. F. Hunter returned Monday from Tifton, where lie spent the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Pat/ Thurman. His many friends are glad to have him at home again. Hull, two long tables being required to accommodate the guests. Veterans re sponding to tho dinner cull wore Rev. W. M. Winn, W. T. Lnzonby, G. W, Tur- uipsced, J. L. Brown, M. C. Hubbard, ,1. T. Kidd, M. R. Attaway, A. M. Keith, M. Beavers, J. W. Caldwell, S. G. Al loa, A. J. Smith, ,T. R. Moore, R. K. Brandenburg, W, B. Slinrp, D. T. Pope, J. C, Newman, J. N. Austin, J. C. Cook, ,T. W. A. Rowland, A. B. Catos, J. H, Menelmin, J. B. Strong, S. W. Wood, L W. Bowers, J. H. Summers, R. H. Biirnes, J. R. HodgA, W. H, Summers, ,T. M, Kllgo, T. O. Bnnks, R. F, Hunter, M. S. Morgnn, O. M. Gnvemler, G. W. St, John, G. H. Carmieal, P. A. Cnrwicnl, P. M. Wnltom, J. D. Johnson, T. F. Curlton, J. J. Goodrum, Hugh Roan. The Indies Immodiutoly In charge of tho dinner arrangements, and who gave personal attention to tho comfort of the moats, wore Mrs. W. A. Steed, Mrs. Mnttle II. Strickland, Mrs. J. H. Powell, Mrs. W. J. Perry, Mrs. N. B. Hudson, Mrs. Mary G. Jones, Mrs. W. T, Lnzenby, Miss Helen Long, Miss Lucy Mnnn, MIbs Omn Hudson nml Miss Mnrinn Bryant, it was a well planned nnd well managed nffnlr, mid we nro qutto sure none of the ladies who presided over entertained a more delighted or a more appreciative conipnny. JiiBt before dinner Hie veterans formed n group on tho north portico of the court-house and wore photographed by- Mr. Will F. Nelson, Nowimn'B wojl- known artist, -c' The finished picture Is tlio best wo hnvo over sooii of so large h group. Tlio features of cneli of the forty-three veterans in tlio group are , brought out with roinnrknblo clearness, nnd the picture has nttrncted much fa- - vornblo notice !th a renl work of art. Land at Macedonia church, of which ho cou ™> nt State College of Agriculture,) is the able and popular pastor. Tho loc- for 1,01)1 combination ylold, profit, record ture will bo illustrated with stcroopti- 1111(1 exhibit.—Gus Hnynlo, Nownnn, can views of tho various scones nnd Second prize, ($12 cash)—G. W. Vlek, points of intorest described, Tho public Bandy- , ' Jhvltod. ' Tliinj prizo, ($10 cash)—John Bniloy, - o J Raymond. Judge C. E. Roop„ of Carrollton, came C°lo L-ophy for , largest yield 82.06 over Wednesday to hear argument for I bushels)—G. W. Vick, Handy, and Against confirmation of tho nudi- Registered Pig Club Prizes, tor’s award of attorney’s fees in a I First prize, ($10 cash)—Clnudo War- contested ;wjl| ease from Troup county, ren, Sargent. Lawyers representing opposing sides in Socond prize, ($5 enHli)—Billy Llneli, the legal wmnglo were A. H. Thompson Turin, and Hatton Lovojoy, of LaGrange, and I Coweta Livestock Markotlng Assocla- Sidney Holdernoss, of Carrollton. tion prize ($25 cash) for host pork hog ——o undtp 12 months old—Walter Sandora, Miss Christine' Stubbs entertained Macodonln. (Prize pig was 9 months Friday evening at a dance. at her homo and 10 (lays old, and weighed 465 lbs.) on West Poaelitree street in compliment to her guest, Miss Francos Colo, of Now- NEWNAN RE-RATED BY FIRE IN- nmi. Tho home wns' attractivoly deco- SURANCE COMPANIES, rated with vases ami baskets filled with Not on , la c t w _ u QUbort clliof -AUantn Jouraal y B " Wflr ° 1,1 |°f_tHe fire department, an efficient and ■ effective fire fighter, but lie is one of n ... I Nownan’s most progroBsivo nnd publio- „ spirited citizens. His long-time habit l w > K N'aapine W' °»° V* °T> Ba while on fej'f 1 a [duty bus qualified him to' see quicker and relwffrom fhn'rli.mnno hv^fho^AtauniiSmi a "' 1 hotter tlimi moBt Of UH, and tills glrod f rom the by, the^Ltaerlcan )laH ena blocl him to do Nownnn n B 00 ' 1 turn more than onco. For oxam- a fitting ihemo inl to tho American sol- , in viow o£ Newnan’s smnll fire loss dlor, and find an npproprlato place thfl t £flw y 0ttrs _ (ll , B wll0 „ y ument '' — ' ' Co,,fo,lorato mon '|tp tho efficiency of his department, it should ho said—ho sot about to seeufo MEMORIAL DAY. Nownnn lins novor witnessed more brilliant or inspiring exorcises tlinn those which marked tha observance of Memo rial Day on Tuesday, nftornoon Inst. An nudienco composed of ono tliousnnd peo- plo, moved by a common Impulse, assem bled In tho largo auditorium to pay trib ute to our soldier (load, nml to honor the old lierooB of tlio gray yet left with us as renmnnts of a valiant host that fought and dlod for a enuse which, though lost, is still cherished in the hearts of all true Southrons. The votornns occupied the front row of seats, tlielr gray heads gleaming like patches of Bnow In a scene so vibrant with youth nnd color, ns to mute the contrast pathetic. The stage, upon which were sented the Daughters of the Confederacy nnd a few prominent citizens, was draped in the Confederate colors, nnd the Stars and Bars waved a silent though eloquent welcome to every loyal, reverential spirit present. Splon- dld music wns rendered at. intervals by the Lyj'ie Concert Band, and no detail was lacking, no foaturo omitted, to make tho occasion whnt It wns designed to be— a hallowed one. Mr. ft. L. Brown, commandor of Coweta Camp, U. 0, V., acted as master of cer emonies, introducing first Dr. Rombert G. Smith, who made tho invocation. He wns followed 1 by Tom .Touch Glover, whose declamation, “Whnt Did tho Prlv vates Do?” wns delivered la flno style, marking the young innn ns an orator of no moan pnrts. Ono of the happy events of .tlio occasion was Miss Helen Long's beautiful and graceful speech of intro duction In presenting the orator of.,the. day, Mrs. Bottio Reynolds Cobb, of Carrollton; and wo are quite sure New- nltn people never listoned to a more elo quent address upon nny similar occasion, or ono tlintr stirred the emotions more i thrivingly. To sn,y that sho charmed H „ , I from the insurance companies a roratlng evoryono in the vast audience with her > i of tllG business section of the town. How smoking public is to give] rhera a fair trial. teese Cigar Co. _ 27*4 Court Square. IRats die New things in sample hats for ladies | at about half regular value. Boone’s. . Crepe meteors, charmeuse satins,, etc., I in all the leading shades, reasonably priced. - P. F. Cuttino & Co. Take a look throngh our millinery de partment. before buying a hat. It will I pay you. Boone’s. ladies The regular May .meeting, of the Coun ty Commissioners will be hold next Mon day instead of Wednesday. Keep this in mind, if you have any matters to bring before the board. Binder Repairs.—Grain ’ harvesting time is near at hand. . .Are your Mc Cormick and Deering binders ready for tho harvest? Lot us have your order for ne'eded repairs. Powoll & Keith, Cultivators.—Learn to use riding cul tivators in cultivating your crops. They will " reduce your farming expense, Stop paying and feeding so much farm labor. Powell & Keith. We are selling overalls for $4 that are the equals of any sold in Newnan for $2. This is a plain, 100 per cent., un varnished, all wool-and-u-yard-wide truth, help us. I. N. Orr Co. Binders.—We sell the Deering and Mc Cormick—the heat made. Get repairs for your binders and be ready when your grain Is ready to harvest. Powell & Keith. An entertainment will be- giveir at Mary Ray Memorial School, Raymond, on Thursday night next for the purpoBO of raising funds with which to pur chase playground equipment for tho school. Everybody invited. On Wednesday afternoon next, at Lee Park, the high school team will meet the clerks, middle-weightB and town loafers in a smashing game of baseball. An ad mission fee of 25c. will be charged, the entire receipts will go to the Chinese famine fund. We liavq. received word from people wMa.-Uaw seen “Skirts,” which . r()bu ff B i, 0 mot with in dealing will bo shown at The Alamo next Sntur- with % hfl ton or ' ft dozell apoc | a i Inspectors day, that it is ono of t|ie cleanest nml I,. horfl to |ook , uto the „it lm t,io n nml brightest pictures made m a long time. talk lnftttorH ove an( , , 10w ea ch time lie It’s a circus picture, and the six nris dflcllna( i to a * 0[1 t the scale proposed by are Racked full of wonderful action, with ^ inapBetorSi would make a long story, lots of comedy. It will be spocially at- Bufflee ' | t to payi ho ftn nlly secured n .tractive fob ;the children. So come your- L rntll|g n pl ' lt ’ a New.,® in a bettor Bolf, and bring them. ^ ( ,j a89) r0 Bufflig in n premium reduction r 011 inswablo property in the businhsa 8 * w ,, * n Boction amounting to nearly $0,000 a my officeV the court-house for the pur- to pr0 porty owners. This saving pose of receiving State and county tax t0 tho city j a d J a n!nloat eu ti,, 0 ly to the retuins urftil Monday, May 2. Wl11 jiersisifflft efforts put forth by Clliof in Senoia Friday, April 15, from s 3' 1 Gilbert, and he deserves full credit for it. a. m. until noon, and m Haralson same 0 day from ; 12.30 to 2 p. m. Taxpayers MISS EMOGENE DANIEL IN are urged to make returnH at their car-1 t>dtt t taw'p dhtt'pat liest convenience. B. Paul Smith, BRILLIANT RECITAL. Tnk Receiver. On the ovening of Friday, April 35, i o In joint recital of untmual interest and Notice to Shippers and Consignees.— Character was given by Miss Emogcne Beginning .May 1 and continuing in of- Kniiiol, pianist, mid Miss Ina Ledford, effect until Aug. 1, tho freight ware 1 roador, ... houses of the Atlanta and Wost Point Mihh Daniel’s program was composed railroad and 'the Central of Georgia of three sets of pieces—the first a group railway will close at noon on Saturdays- from the works of seventeenth century The newest Btyles in ladies' and low-cut Bhoes are here for your P. F. Cutting. & Co. , d- - miaaea iv' *04 thev!k„ once the 7 eat HAT-SNAP, inspection. - ke mr L av f no odor behind. Don’t 1 J* and dogt won't - toTch 1 it a0l Ram T1,i8 18 spring-cleaning time and new r * n b a>l food to get RAT-SNAP, rug and art square time. Coweta coun- - * . ***• I ty’s largest stock is at * Boone’s. Heavy blue denim overalls for men, Eonly $1.25 a pair. P. F. Cuttino & Co. enough for Pantry. ^>0[is for Chicken House. •hW buildings. r n^ar."l J rakes > enough for all S 0 aJ . 0 'J t -bUiidings. storage build- ,d and Guaranteed 1 *^- I Binder Twine.—We sell the Interna'- DBCC company. I tional twine. Guaranteed for length, “* Oruc a sock COMP AMY. I strength and weight. Powell & Keith, W. B. Barr, Agent A. & W- P- Railroad- • O B. McDaniel, Agent Central of Georgia Railway- composers, which was interpreted with splciiiihl appreciation of tho tonal values of the antique Clnveclnists’ stylo. Tho second group, the beautiful Magnolia Suite of Nathaniel Dott, (a modern Judge J. A. R. Camp received Monday making varied deirmnds upon tho from the‘-State Pension 'Commissioner | intorpretor,)^, was inspirlngly rendered, a check for $12,520, with which to pay the old class of pensioners in Coweta county. This payment does not include the $25 added to each pension allotment by the last Legislature, all being paid on the old hasiH. Money for the new class of pensioners "is nowhere' in sight, nor likely to be for a good long spell, owing to the depleted condition of tho State Treasury. Dr. Frank L. Hardy left Monday for; Dublin, whore he is conducting a revival meeting in the Second Baptist chinch of that city. His pulpit will he occu pied Sunday by Dr. John F. Purser, of Atlanta, who will preach both at 11 a. m. anil 7:30 p. ni. • If the Central of Georgia Railway Co. has a politer or more entertaining con ductor than Hon. Henry Cjay Sapp, named for one of our great American ■' statesmen, we would just like for the aforesaid O. of G. to trot him ont.— Columbus Enquirer-Sun. Friends' of Mr. F. A. Grimes, a former member of Newnan’s bachelor contin gent, will be interested to lourn that ho has at last fallen a victim to the wiles of tiie gentler sex and abandoned forever the state of Bingle blessedness in which he had luxuriated for so long a time that he wns regarded as hopeless, On Monday evening last, at the Methodist parsonage in Miller, he was united in marriage to Mrs. H. A. Jones, of that place. He and his bride uro expected in Newnan today, and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. JfeKoy for a fed- days. Coweta County Progressive Singing Convention.-cThe Coweta County Pro gressive Singing Convention, which is hold semi-annually, will convene at,-Sar gent Baptist church oh Saturday before the second Sunday in May. Under the leadership of our efficient president, Prof. J. H. Lipscomb, wc hope to have the greatest session yet held. Wc rank high among the singing conventions of the State, and will have with us upon this occasion some fine, singers, such as Prof. Wliatloy of Fayette county, Prof. Combs of Locust Grove, Prof. Beall or Douglasville, Prof. MullinB of Carroll county, and others. All lovers of music are invited. J. Millard Jackson, Sec y. The color effects were remarkable.. Tho Inst sot, typical of the modern school of composition, was btilliantly performed. Miss Daniel's stage presence was charming. She won her audience from the beginning of the program, nml made it feel and see bh sho felt and appreciate the beauties and messages of her num bers. A pleasing feature of tho evening was tho explanation of ouch composition which prefaced its performance. Miss Daniel’s remarks were clear and concise, showing intelligent appreciation of tha historical background and the art value of each. Mias Ina Ledford read her own adap tation of “Tho Music Muster,” by Charles Klein. Her impersonations were splendid, her diction faultless, and the audienco was won from the very first words by the charm of her per sonality.—Forsyth Advertiser. Miss Daniel is the talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dimlcl, of Turin, and has been a student at Bessie Tift for tho past threo years. Sho will graduate in June. LADIES ENTERTAIN VETERANS AT DINNER. “The women of Nownnn are the finest on earth,” was the emphatic comment of one grizzled veteran ns he pushod his chair away from the table and wiped his chin after feasting on tho splendid din ner provided for tho old Bohliers Tuesday by the good women of the city. And it was heartily seconded by other comrades who heard it. Indeed, it was a fine dinner, and provided in such abundance that as many more could have been fed with what remained from the feast, The dinner was served in the Masonic glowing periods, her burning patriotism/ nnd her tender end touching tribute tol tho South'h idolized heroes, both living and dead, is but u feeble expression of tho praise duo her. Wo,had intended printing tho address In connection with this very unsatisfactory account of the day’s exorclsoB, together with Miss Long's speech of introduction, but find it Impossible to do so., This wo regret exceedingly, but promlso onr readers both addresses in our next issue. At the conclusion of the excrclBOS. in the auditorium tlio audience dispersed, joining tho hundreds of school children in tho street below and marching to .the ceiiiotery, where, tho latter covored the soldiers’ graves with wreutliB of ever green and flowors, The final ceremony was the sounding of “taps” by Scout Rnloigli Arnnll, Col. A.. Sidney Onrnp ami Col. J. Littleton Jones served- as hinrslmls of the iluy. SUNDAY SERVICES. Central Baptist -Church.—Frank L Hnrdy, D. D-, pastor- Sunday-school 9:30 a- in-; B. M- Blnckhurn superin tendent. (Attendance last Sunday, 331; average attendance for April, 375. Present in Men's Bible Glass, 01.) Dr. John F. . Purser, of Atlanta, will preach both morning nnd evoning. B! Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m.'; J. R, King, president, Pub lic invited to ell services. Presbyterian Church.—Rev, J. E. Han nah, pastor. Sunday-school 0.30 a. m.,;- Frank Wilkinson and T. S. Parrott, su perintendents. Preaching hours 11 n.m. and 7.30 p. In. , Morning subject, “An Outstanding Man;” evening' subject, “Tho Centurion's Testimony.” Chris tian Endeavor 6.30 p. m. Prayer meet ing Wednesday 7.30 p. m. (Sunday school offering at 0.30 a. m. will be for Chinese famine sufferers.) MUSIC RECITAL. A muBic recital will be given in the Moreland-St. Charles school auditorium oil Friday overling, May 0. The solo numbers will be rendered by Gertrude Braswell, piano, and Evelyn Orr, voice. These girls will tnkqjhe initiative parts of the program, but will be assisted by other pupils? viz: Frances Powlcdge; Annie Laurie Scott, Elizabeth Camp, Ella Camp, Gladney Cureton and Mar garet Camp. Violin—Roy Webb and Duke Camp. Reading—Susie Mao Spratliilg. The public cordially invited. No ad mission fco. O. W. Tnff, Director of Music., Communing With Herself. One day while mother went to town Bobby was left In grandmn’s care. Who, always being nloqe, had devel oped the linblt of thinking aloud. Aft- fcr watching her going about her work, talking to lierseir the while, Bobby innocebily asked: “Is you tollin'your* self smntxlua gnunlnin?"