The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 06, 1921, Image 5

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Hard times made easy. Now you can buy the things you’ve wanted to buy. FOLKS, IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME ONE HUNDRED MILES TO THIS SALE! Here you have the chance you’ve been longing for. Think over what you‘need. It may be men’s or women’s clothing; may, be something for children; it may be bed- , ding or a rug, or may be one of a thousand articles we can save you money on. ASTONISHING BARGAINS. BIG VALUES. STAPLE DRY GOODS. STAPLE DRY GOODS. 15c 19c —GROUP— —GROUP— Dress, ginghams, Iurgo ‘ quantify; many patterns; regular 25c gootls. Jndinn Mend blenelr. Bungalow orotonno; regular 25c yard'. .id-melt \yl»lto linen; rogulnr 25c yard. Romper cloth; regular 35e. yard. Yitrd-wido' percale; light ami dark pat.* terns; rogulnr 2Ge yard. Linen suitings; 30e. value. 1 ‘Blue Boll meroeyized cheviots— Pajama ehccljs; formerly 20e yard. 15c 19c \ ' SEA ISLAND SHEETING. 2000 yards good quality, 27 I inch Sheeting will start the I opening day at— 5 "INUE WOMEN’S FURNISHINGS Summer vests; 10c one big lot at Summer union suits; 49c special , . Munsing union suits, pink or white; $2 values; 1.39 sale price ■ j- Bungalow aprons; 69 c new patterns Middy blouses? 1.50, values; sale price.... ' Paul Jones middies; all color combinations; $3.00 1.59 values; sale price Lisle hose for women and chil dren; 35c values; 19 c sale price Women’s silk hose, 45c lisle top; sale price:. .Women’s silk hose, back seam, all colors; $1.50 val- 95c ues; sale price Children’s gingham dresses; all sizes; values up 98 c to $2.25; sale price.. 8 YARDS CALICO, 39c The first 25 ladies that en ter our store Friday morning will receive a ticket enabling them to buy 8 yards of any cal ico in the house for— Borgia EIVED—COME EARLY! Dry Goods Department. 36-in. Bleaching, blue ribbon, soft-finished, for the lie needle; per yard.... Curtain scrim; beauti- 19c ful patterns; special.. Middy twill, regular 29c 60c quality; yard.... Riverside plaids and lie checks; per yard.... .tlffr Quilt Calico 10c per yard Oilcloth^ white of fan- 33 C cy; fine quality; yard. Novelty silks for un- 49 C derwear; worth $1.25 Silk poplins; value 69C $1.26; sale price £ Yd. wide snow white gc longcloth; 10 yards Flowered and plain ,29c voile; 50c yalue yard Dark plaid silks and 95 C plain colors; $2.50 val. One lot of silks; val- 1.49 ues to $3; yer yard TABLE DAMASKS Big lot 64-in Table 45 C Damask; special.... 72-inch Table Dam- 69 C ask; worth $1.25, at All Notions at Reduced Prices. WOMEN’S OXFORDS AND PUMPS. Real Old-Time Prices. WBmen’s Oxfords and pumps; many styles; military or Louis heels; cheap at $5J)0. /They $2.95 go m this sale at ■>........ v ...... ^ Women’s “Red Cross’’ high-grade oxfords and puifips, all.desirable styles and heels; all sizes and 6.95 widths; regular $8.50 and $10 values.... • Women’s Ready-to-Wear. Gorgeous display of the season’s newest fabrics and styles. EARLY BIRD SPECIALS. White wash skirts, house- dresses, voile . waists, assort ment of millinery; value up to $3.5Q. Choice— dresses. One lot of women’s silk dresses, indiyidual models, in taffeta and crepe; all the de sirable shades— 9.95 Women’s silk dresses, the latest word in fashion; good assortment of fabrics and models; regular $25 values. Sale price — 12.75 *' One special group of high- grade dresses; here you will find canton crepe, kitten’s ear crepe, and other new silk fab rics. These are priced low at $30. Sale price— 18.50 SILK WAISTS. Silk waists in new striped effects; regular $4 2.25 values; sale price.. Silk waists—pongee, Geor gette and crepe de chine— cheap at today’s selling price of $5.00. They go in O 95 this sale for -Georgette waists; this sea son’s newest models and shades; hand - embroidered and beaded designs. 3.95 Special price SKIRTS. White skirts; high-grade material;, values to 2.95 $6.50; will go at.. .... Sport skirts, new stripes; choicest fabrics; val- 4.95 ues up to $12.50; now Wanted! Extra ies Apply at Once RUGS. 27x54 small rugs Special 27x54 Axminstersffl $5 values,, at 2.25 3.85 6x9 Crex rugs,. ■will go at 3.95 9x12 Crex rugs, reduced to 6.45 9x12 Axminster . 32 50 rugs, now BUY SOME OF THESE— Huck towels; ope big 1 Hr lot at ‘ 25c Huck towels, red bordered; large 15c Turkish towels, regulation • size; worth 35c; go in this sale at... 19c • MILLINERY. Our millinery department is a big store by itself. You will find some wonderful values at 1.00 2.95 4.95 - PEPPERELL 9-4 BLEACHED SHEETING. Everyone knows,this, brand to be the best; lowest price quoted in years. Per yard— Our Guarantee! We GUARANTEE every statement herein made, and every price quoted to be just as represented. Our refu tation of 25 years of honorable business dealings stands back of every purchase. YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED! Any purchase can be exchanged and money refund ed on any article not suitable for any reason.