The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 06, 1921, Image 6

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA„ FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1921 3,500,000 CHILDREN FACING STARVATION Vast Relief Effort Launched by Eight Leading American Organ* izations to Avert Tragedy. The most spontaneous ns well ns the largest consolidation of effort In the litslory of American relief and charita ble organizations has grown out of the disaster which threatens 8,000,000 'European children this winter. To the {headquarters of every agency that dis penses American mercy overseas has come one steady cry for months past; the children, most helpless and blame- 'less sufferers In the truck of-war, will perish by the thousands before next harvest unless America saves them I When Dr. IJvIngston Farrnnd, chair man of the Central Committee of the American Red Cross, returnod from s recent trip abroad. Ills report throbbed with the need of the children. From the feedlng-stntlons of the American Belief Administration throughout east ern snd central Europe came letters, cables, pleas of every sort. The Pro testant churches sent Investigators into sfter-wnr conditions and every report breathed the Impending tragedy of starving and diseased children. Protestant, Catholic ,and Jewish, the child life of Europe Is threatened with heartrending misery. The European Relief Council, with ^Herbert Hoover ns chairman and the 'whole power of American chnrltable thought and effort behind It, hns been formed. Tt consists of Edgar Rick ard, representing the American Relief ^Administration; Dr, Livingston Far- rand, 'representing the American Red Cross: Felix Warburg,, representing the Jewish Joint Distribution Comnjlt- tee; Wilbur K. Thomas, representing f ; the American Friends’ Service Com- .mlllee; James A. Flaherty, represent ing the Knights of Columbus; Dr v C. •V. Hibbard, representing the Voting Wen’s Christian . Association ;< Miss • Sarah S. Lynn] ^presenting the Young Women’s Christian Association; Dr. Arthur Rrown. representing the- Fed eral Council of Churches. It is the purpose of the Council to raise $88,000,000, In an upponl center ing at the Christmas holidays, to the end that the stlmitlon regarding child life may he met. In every town and community of the nnflnn, It Is hoped, local committees, representing all the co-operating agencies will lie formed to secure the vitally neeessnry hinds. Of the amount nought, $'.28,000,Olid will be uaed for basic fund. For every one of ilirso American dollars the local governments and communities aided will furnish two dollars, In t'lie form 1 of transportation, labor, guards, cleri cal help, cash contributions and such food supplies ns lire locally obtainable. No children receive the free food ex cept after medical tests showing them to he seriously uuder-ppurlshed. The renmlolng $10,out),000 of the fund Is Just as urgently needed for mcdjcnl service lo the children. The Burnpenn Relief Council will do much more Ilian, effect economise'In' the raising of the chlldsuvlng fund. It will, with the Inspecting forces of- 'eight gveni agciude", keep a constant joye on Hie administration of America’s .merciful gift. In order that there shall {lie no wastage slid u< tendency toward pauperization. PLIGHT OF EUROPE’S CHILDREN STAGGERS 3,500,000 Facing Starvation Can Only Be Saved by America’s < Response to Joint Appeal. It Is utterly Impossible for one who has not actually seen the-misery of the early Autumn In Europe to visual ize what the children of the Eastern and Central portions of thi continent face this winter. To say that 8,500,000 chlldrea have do alternative to starva tion or death from disease except American aid, Ip startling, but Independ ent observers by the score and care ful scientific surveys of the economic and crop conditions overseas brand the figure as conservative. Id Poland, for Instance, where 1,808,- 000 youngsters last year subsisted al most entirely ou the one free Ameri can meal a day that they received, con ditions as winter closes down, are worse then ever before. The Bolshe vik Invasion stripped large p irtlons of the country of all grain. Professor B. D. Durand, Food Advisor to the Polish government, after an exhaustive survey, has reported that ooly forty per cent Is available of the food neces sary to carry the population through the winter. In the city of Vienna tests conducted In the American Relief Administration food kitchens showed that 62 per cent of the children between the ages of 6 and 14 were “seriously under-nourish ed." Thirty-three per cent were mark edly nnder-nourished, 11 per cent were ■lightly subnormal sad only 4 per cent approached the state of a normal American child. The Amerl -aa Relief Administration la feeding 900,000 Austrian children every day now, and there Is no chance of dlmunltlon of need before nex harveit. The spectacle of the medical nends of Europe's chlldron Is equally ap palling. Estimates reaching the Amer ican Red Cross -s to needs for medical service In the destitute areas this win ter Include: Old Avstrla-Hingary, 760,- OOO; new Poland, 1,500,1^0; Czecho slovakia, 200,000; Serbia, 160,000, nnd Ronmanlo, 100,000. In the 8 si’a I year of 1010-20 the Red Cross has reached with the vi rltnble gift of life 1,600,000 children In the affected .wens. Tuber culosis Is prevalent lo a terrlfllc degree. Five children out of seven In the city of Warsaw, for Instance, P.nve been found to bo tubercular. Typhus Is widespread ; rickets, the right hand of Under-im'urlshn.ent Is ulimii,* universal, and cholera lifts.Its grim bend con- Htnmly In or.e place nnd unother. The European Relief Council, com prising the American Relief Adminis tration, the Air.orlcun Red Cross, the American Friends' Service Committee (Quakers), (lie Jewish Joint Distribu tion Ci .nmlttee, the Federal Council Af the Churches of Christ In Ameri ca, the Knights of Columbus, the V. M, O. A and the I. W. a A.» seeks *88,v 000,000 with which to meet the Situa tion. It has estimated that at least *28,000.000 must be htd for food and *10,000,000 for medical service to avert absolute disaster amorx the threatened children. Cheeks mhy be sent to your local committee or to Franklin K. Lane, treasurer European Relief Council, 42 Broadway, New Tork, dr to the Child Feeding Fund, Lite ary Digest, New .York City. Oldtime Sleeping Couchee. The ancients slept on skins, but later beds were made of rushes, heather and straw. The Romans were the first to tise feathers to make their beds more comfortable. Uellognbalus, 218 B. C„ Is credited with having em ployed plr cushions, and air beds were used generally In the Sixteenth cen tury. Country Adapted to Wild Animals. There are large, areas In Siberia admirably fitted for the development of fur-bearing animals. Immeasura ble forests, Inaccessible mountains, and sparse population provide the ani mals with (he best conditions tor prop agation, The most favorable local ity, a kind of nntural zoological park, Is the Prlamur region. * Renew your health by purifying your system with Coke as Substitute for Sandpaper. A sandpaper substitute that has spe cial merit for removing rust fronl tools without scratching Is made from crush ed ookft. The coke Is crushed to the reqilllf^d degree of fineness and sifted through n piece of cloth onto a piece of coarse paper, which haB been coated with glue. After the glue has dried, the paper Is ready for use. Arp YOU too worn out to succppd? lr vr'jia Nothing will turn ambi- tion into ill-tempered laziness quicker than constipation.' And nothing will ren-^®*^ der the bedy more .liable to dangerous diseases than this same poisonous condition. Don’t be constlpatedl It Isn’t safe! It lint sensible) • It isn’t necessary! Be well—but don’t rely on ordinary laxatives to help you. Try instead the newest scientific treatment for constipation — RICH-LAX This preparation not only overcome* con- stipatlon, but it does away with *11 the nausea, cramping and deranged digestion caused by ordinary laxatives. £ u 575? f<, ..f t 9” store. We are so sure that RJvh-lA* .wUCPleMe you thit we went you »o COfllP (A fHtF'OfnMl fend .Bel a KaIIYa A' Sm— la - our. More; end get« bottle and tty jr-nr-f our rlek. Ifitdot.n't suit you, if Icne-t ta **y»* medicine you over ueed, •imply tell be so and we will bromoUy refund the full Purchase erica* John R. Cates Drug Co., Newnan, Gn. Quick nnd delightful re lief for biliousness, colds, constipation, headaches, and stomach, liver nnd blood troubles. The genuine nre sold only in 35c packages. Avoid imitations. NO MORE RATS Professional Cards. j. p. McPherson Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Sewerage systems, water systems, topographical surveys, maplng, accurate and surveys, paving roads. Office, Ma sonic building, 'phone 676. Griffin, Ga. MYRON H. PARMER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office over T. G. Parmer & Sons Co. Office 'phone 606; residence 'phone 72. L. E. MOORE Attorncy-nt-Law Will practice In all courts. Prompt toanu made on improved farms in Cow eta County. Over Cates Drug Store. W, L. STALLINGS, Attorney and Gounnellor at Law. Will practice in all the Courts. Spe cial attention fclven to preparation of wills and the administration of estr' ‘ in the Court of Ordinary. Ortlee in Court House, ’phone 414. or mice, after you use HAT-SNAP. It’s a sure rodent killer. Try a Pkg. ahd prove it. Rats killed with RAT-SNAP eavo no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Guaranteed. 35c. nice <1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 05c. ftlae (2 caken) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. 91.25 Mice (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY. COWETA DRUG & BOOK COMPANY. i;- LIBEL f6r DIVORCE. Jesse Story vs. Ode!la Story. Libel" for Divorce in Superior Court of Coweta county, Ga., Septem ber Term, 1921. To the defendant, Odelia Story: You are hereby required, ih person or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court, to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in September, 1921, then and there to answer the plaintiff in an action for a total divorce, as in de fault of such appearance said Court will proceed thereon as to justice may appertain. Witness the Hon. C. E. Roop, Judge of said Court, this the 15th day of March, 1921. L. TURNER, W. L. Stallings, Clerk. f Attorney. T. S. BAILEY, Phyaldan and Surgeon. Office upstairs in Kirby building, 11 Vb Greenville street. 'Phone 8Jf,t (office and residence.) Try The VHerald’s classi fied column- for results. . . Is the care and accuricy with which your doctors’ prescriptions are filled THINK WHAT IT MEANS! When you are sick you first see a doctor. Your doctor prescribes the things best for your cure. To get the results the doctor intended, your pre scriptions must be properly com pounded. Efficiency, care, and the expert knowledge of compounding medicines makes our prescription department the most dependable. Bring us your prescriptions or ’phoUe and we will send for them. y ’PHONE 18 COWETA DRUG AND DOOK CD. “The Up-to-Date Drug Store,” JOB B. PENI9TC*N, " i Phyulclan and Surgeon. Office hours 8 to 10 a. m.; 3 to 5 p. m;. Office with Dr. Paul Penlston. Office And residence 'phone 30. DR. J. E. MARSH Veterinary Surgeon Office at W.. A. Potts Stable, 11 B, Broad St. Offloe’phone 105,-Hes. fib ST A. SIDNEY CAMP. Attorney and Connector at Lnw. Office In Arnall Bldg.. Court Square. it- h. McDonald, Phyaldan and Surgeon. Office 3 East Broad Street, upstairs. Office hours 9 to 11 a .m. and 3 to 5 i. m. ; Office ’phone 55; residence ’phone 39 W M . H . L Y D A T , Physician and Surgeon. Office over Lee-Ktng Drug Qo. Rea- dence ’phone 164. Office phone 213. Office Hours—9 to 11 a. m„ 2 to 4 p. n„ and 1 to 8 p. m. Sunday—8 to ll a m. and 2 tQ 4 p. m. T. U. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. Office—Sanitorlum building. Office phone 6—1 call; restdonce ’phone 5— i oalls. W. A. TURNER. Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to eurgery .nd diseases of women. Office 19 Spring street. ’Phone 230. D. A. HANEY, Physician nnd Surgeon. Special attention to eye, ear, nose .nd throat, and diseases of chest. W. L. WOODROOF, Physician and Surgeon. Offioe 11H Greenville dtreet. ’Phone ,51. Special attention giVen to dls- •sees of children. The features of this girl portray tne finest type of Polish childhood that now lies engulfed In hunger and dis ease and all their attendant miseries. Relief already administered by Amer ica has preserved her beauty and freshness, albeit her eyes betray the suffering she has seen, but literally millions In her own and adjacent coun tries still have no oue to look to bat America as another winter of horror closes In upon them. To the end that their prayer may not go uuanswered eight leading American relief organiza tions have banded together In a Joint appeal In behalf of Europe’s suffering children. They nre the American Re lief Administration, the American Red Cross, the American Friends' Relief Committee (Quakers), the Jewish Jolut Distribution Committee, the Federal Churelies of Christ In America, the Knights of Columbus, the T. 11. C. and the V. W. C. A. Before this five-year-old Vlennn girl was operated upon In the'American Convalescent Home her leg was even more horribly deformed from rickets and she was in constant Instead of In termittent pain. Now at least her leg is straight again, aud by degrees she Is relearning lo wait. Rickets Is the aftermath of utjtler-nutrltlon, and It Is to cut down the harrowing prevalence of such disease as this among the chil dren of Europe that eight American re lief organizations are making a joint appeal under the name of the European Relief Council for funds to succor the millions that fare a winter of horror. They are,ilie America Relief Adminis tration, the American Red Cross, the Aim;.-lean Frltnds’ Servlc, Committee (Quakers), the Jewish Joint Distribu tion committee, the Federal Council of Churches of Christ In America, the Knights of Columbus, the V. M. C. A. and the t. W. G A. J. LITTLETON JONES, Atturn.y-at-Lanr, Prompt attention to legal business. ,oana made on farm lands. Office over I. O. Arnall Mdse. Co.’s. THUS. G. FAIIAI EH, JR. Attorney-al-Lnw. Will give careful and prompt atten- ■lon to all legal Ituslaess entrusted to ne. Money to loan, tioicu in court louse. WILLIAM Y. ATKINSON, Al tot ncy-at-Lnw. Office over Cuttlno’e store. K. W. STARR. Dentin t. Office over H. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.’a tore. White patronage exclusively, testdence ’phone 382-L J^ILLS'RATS and mice—that’s RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes? in cakes—no mixing with other food. Your money back if It fails. 83*. isUe tl coke) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 05c. site (2 cake*) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. 91*23 *t*e (3 cake*) enough for all farm aud out-buildings, storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by ^ LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY. COWETA DRUG & ROOK COMPANY. PECIAL AL E Saturday Only! Ladies’ Dark Brown Low-heel Walkiug Oxfords ($7.50 value) for / , ' A few pair of plain Pumps; also, Oxfords in brown, black, kid and patent, with high Louis heels —THIS LOT TO GO AT— ONE-HALF PRICE All Men’s Low Shoes at ONE-HALF PRICE $15.00 Values $7.50 14.50 Values 7.25 12.00 Values 6.00 Have ju^t received this week a new lot of J. & K. Brown Kid Oxfords, low heels. GLOVER-JONES COMPANY