The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 13, 1921, Image 1

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The Newnan Herald " 77Sr T4RRALD (Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1366. i N ^ V tablished 1868. (Consolidated with Newnan News JanUary, 1016, i NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1921 Vol. 56—No. 3 3 What BROUGHT THE CROWDS? . MEN’S UNION SUITS! BARGAIN Nainsook; ath letic style; 2 for $1.25—Each— MEN’S BLUE SHIRTS! | Made of good cheviots; full cut —a wonderful \ value; sale price Crowds of eager and enthusiastic buyers from every- t w here—from 20 to 30 miles. They came to participate- ■ in so unusual a sale—unusual because of the character of the merchandise, and the ridiculously low prices at which it is being sold. DOLLAR BARGAINS MEN’S. OVERALLS MEN'S 'GOOD SUSPENDERS. 50 values; 25 C sa'le price Made of heavy 220 white back denim; full cut; today’s $1.75 sellers; all sizes, and plenty for all. Sale price MEN’S HOSE, Cotton hose, black or navy ; everyday Rockford hose, at... 9e WOMEN’S VILSTS | Summer vests for women—• Special—<j Sale of SILKS Friday and Saturday Dress Ginghams! Cheviots! • ‘• V ■ Printed Voiles! Great values, so everyone says; one big.lot; per yard— Sale price: .... [.Women’s ging- . ham dresses. Voile Waists— White Wash Skirts— ,, SILK RIBBONS y 4 OFF Middy twill 35c yard regular— Sale Price. \ 19c The Sale in Full Swing! JUST A MINUTE! Remember, that an Old^Fashion Bargain Sale at Boone’s does not happen every day in the year. No matter how fyusy you are it will pay you' to leave your work for a few hours to attend this. sale. You are actually making money by buying jvhat goods you need at these unheard-of sale prices.: f?yery price in this big store is madly cut. MEN’S ODD PANTS. 1.49 1.79 Men’s khaki pants— sale price. Men’s moleskin pants- sale price........... Men?s dress trousers—blue serge and striped patternsj one, 3.95 big Jot; sale-price'.. Men’sDress Trousers. All-wool , worsteds and - cassimeres;' gray,. brown, etc,; suit patterns that will mate, it easy to match your coat; values $7:50 'to $8.50-i- A QB BOYS’CLOTHING. At lowest prices in Years. •Boys’-khaki knee pants; d best grade; Special ...."• -P V V All boys’ suits are selling about half of former regular prices. MEN, LISTEN! ‘ If you value money and like GOOD clothes, dotet mi§s this sale of high-grade suits— ' One lot Copl Cloth suits— $5 —light, summer patterns.. Palm Beach suits; val- 9.95 ues to $1-7.50; sale price Men’s and young men’s wool worsted suits; a snap 14.95 at $25; sale price... " Men’s and young men’s suits; ip this assortment is Michael-Stern clothing; wide range of new pat terns and styles; this quality of clothing is sold everywhere to day at $45 and 50. Sale price— $24.75 and $27.50 MEN’ SHOES AND OXFORDS Men’s oxfords—over 150 pairs in this lot; black or ma hogany brown; English last or blucher style; all sizes; values to .$7,00; .these sold like hot cakes during 2.95 at $3.65; reduced for complete clearance Men’s oxfords—-this season’s $10 values; all styles; in this assortment you will find the favorite brogue ; 0.35 Special sale, price j . Every pair of shoes and oxfords in this entire stock greatly reduced for your benefit. VOILE. Now ahipureut oil -tlim dainty summor fabric just received. Summer voiles, smart,Shades of . blue, gi’qen liiid piirk; new. flpw- , er6d and- figured <M g% ‘ signs; spiteful pur Vjli’d dmCp L* Oyer 75; .styles^iJ^Siow,-. breezy' Summer voiles;' hfl? the desirable ' light 'and dark singles iu^Howerod r ‘iAnd figured-designs; the,-kind-you l , paid, $.1.00 a yarn - for last 'season; sale price.,. *** w BIG SPECIAL SALE OF SILKS. $1.25. silk poplins— A ’ Bor yard WC . Taffetas, messaliues/. 1 etc,, dark plaids’ 1 apd plain colors,*, one big lot ;; all go in tjhis sale QP ■ at,‘ per yard , ^ w v Silks—big assortment; .all desir- 'able shades;'regularly up to $2,50 per, yard; in this sale ^ ^0 at only per yard. All silks;.value ui $3,50 yard, going at; . All silks;. value, up. to 1.95 BLEACHED GOODS. 30-inch bleaching; soft-finished for. the iteedlO;'extra quality; per yard.... • A A C Indian Head—Special A f* per yard..;. A 57 C Seamless sheets; ex- 4 A A tra quality; special,’.'JL THERE ; ARE BARGAINS IN EVERY CORNER OF; THIS • STORE ’ WAITING FOR YOUR APPROVAL. WOMEN’S SILK DRESSES. . Offering a large selection of new taffeta dresses in all the season’s new modes; bought to.sell at $18!..50 arid $20. Theses dresses will-go at the remarkably low price of— S9.95 WOMEN’S READY-TO-WEAR Priced for Quick Selling. One. big lot of dresses ; our regu lar $25 values. $12.75 At $18.50 we offer you . excep tional values in silk dresses. Dame Fashion and low price sol idly linked in this offering of $30.00 dresses in $ Ig CQ this gale-for,..... " Silk waists in new stripe 9 05 effects; $3.50 values,, at Silk Waists in crepe de ghirie, Georgette, and-shan- 9 95 ,tung; $5.values at.. " Georgette waists, newest designs —$7.50 values go in 4.95 this sale ,at EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF BEDSPREADS!. Off eying u‘ large' assortment of a recent purchase at astonishing low prices— Bodspr<jmis—One big lot; values to $3.00; going in this QC Bedspreads—$4 und $4.50 values; they all go in this A OC sale at HigliOHt grade Bedspread; values to $0.5(1;; serviceable— QE ’sale price & ■ ^ 57 TOWELS. Huck towels; good size; <i A one bip lot at.. A w w 25c Huck towels going 4 Em at only. A^\# Turkish towels, medium . 4 A sizo^ special at.../. A^w Extra large Turkish tqwels; regular price’ $1.35 per' pair; A O saleo, each OXFORDS! PUMPS! . SUPPERS! They are selling in this sale fast—and the r.eason is that people realize the importance of being able to buy real high-class footwear at prices that would not buy the cheap est under ordinary conditions. ■ 1 You will find wonderful values—all styles and sizes. $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 Special.—Big assortment t of women’s oxfords 4.45 and pumps; many styles; values to $7.50; price ... All higher-priced lines reduced in proportion. SHOES! For Everybody—For Everyday One lot Elk Scout shoes $1.95 going at Men’s tan elkskin shoes, scout style-; in this lot also men’s calfskin $2.95 bluchers; $4.50 values All Boys’ Shoes and Oxfords Greatly Reduced. NEWNAN, OA. TABLE DAMASK—Great Reductions ! 66-inch table damask— . 45 C 75c regular; sale price. 72-inch table damask— 69 C $1.25 regular; sale price Fine mercerized table damask— 95 c $1.50 regular; sale price $2.00 table damask— 29 Fine quality, going at ** Great Old-Fashion Bargain Sale!