The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 20, 1921, Image 10

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THE NEWMAN HERALD. NEWNAN. GA.. FRIDAY, MAY 20. 1921 and lie needs to be shown that on the contrary he would make more money if he had them. Most successful men in business today have learned accurate, detailed records of all the Slowly the old man entered the bank and stood for a moment nervously tapping the rail by the vice- president’s desk. For a week he had dreaded this interview. Night after night he had worked over his financial state ment, but now as he faced the ordeal he knew that the paper he held in his hand was a sorry mess of figures that he could not prove: It seemed to him that bankets wanted to know a lot of fussy details that no man could be expected to answer off hand and he hated to go thrc lgh all that —it seemed like a million questions to him. The trouble with this man, and so many others in the same boat with him, is that he has never had his eyes opened to the need of getting more figure facts about his business. that clear. departments and operations of their business are the best assurance of success. Machine methods of figuring and mechanical aids in bookkeeping and record keeping have simplified these operations so that it is no longer necessary to carry a heavy bookkeeping expense to get the necessary facts. With a Burroughs figuring machine an inexperienced clerk can work out automatically all the figure problems of business transactions as: adding sales and charge slips, footing all sorts of figure columns, proving postings, taking trial balances, checking invoices, distributing sales by clerks or departments, totaling weights and quantities and so on. He thinks the cost of making daily records would eat up all his profits Telephone the nearest Burroughs office and ask them to show you the type of machine you need and how to get the facts about your business. Burroughs Adding Machine Company —ATLANTA OFFICE— G. M. Greene, Manager, 61 North Pryor St Adding — Bookkeeping —. Calculating Machines Aro YOU too worn out A . to succeed? U Nothing will turn ambi tion into ill-tempered laziness quicker _ than constipation. And nothing will ren- __ der the ficdy more liable ,to dangerous diseases than this same poisonous condition. Don't be constipated! It isn't safe! It Isn’t sensible! It Isn't necessary! Be well—but don't rely on ordinary laxatives to help yoa Try instead tho newest scientific treatment for constipation — RICH-LAX Thia preparation not only overcomes con stipation, but it does away with all the nausea, cramping and deranged digestion caused by ordinary laxatives. CujrjntMd M pur Store. We are so sun that KJch.Lax will please .you that we waot you to come to our otore anil set a bottis and try it tl r!rrhiiTrrifL** DW .Tohn R. Oates Drug Co., Nownan, tin. Professional Cards. J, P. McPHERftON Civil Engineer find Surveyor. Sewornge systems, water systems, * r, Accurate jfflce, Ma- OrifTIn, On. CMJWOl If.BP SySvCHIH, wuier 1 topographical surveys, tnaplng, i land surveys, paving roads, off sonic building, 'ptione 676. Ori MYRON II. FARMER, M. II.. Physician and Burgeon. Office over T. O. Parmer & Hons Co. Office ’phono 606; residence 'phono 72. L. E. MOORE Attorney-nt-Ln«v Will practice In ul! courts. Prompt (loans made on improved farmH in Cow- «ata County. Over Cates Drug Store. W. L. STALLING*, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. ‘Will practice In all the Courts. Kpo- tclal attention given to preparation of •rills and the administration of estates <n the Court of Ordinary. Office in CoUrt House, ’phono 411. T. ft. DAILEY. Physician and Burgeon. Offloo upstairs In Kirby building, ll J A Oroonvllie street. ’Phone 87. (olllce and residence.) HARALSON. Mr. .T. W. Hutchinson has been quite sick since Monday, having suffered nn attack of acute indigestion. Several of our young people enjoyed a picnic nt Sullivan's mill Saturday. Mrs. W. H. Mashburn ami daughter, Lucile, of Scnoia, wore guests of Mrs. E. 1\ McGahoe on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams, of Grif fin, wore recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams. Haralson school will close Friday night, 20th Inst., with the following pro gram— Song—“You Are Welcome If You Keep Right Still.” Rending—Rosaline Quick. Declamation—Grady McOnhee. Dialogue—Jack Swygert and Moise Williams. Dialogue—Six boys. Duct—Bashu Cnllnlmn ami Duello Gable. Rending—Ruth Murphy. Declamation— H. P. Counts. Rending—Bertha Jones. Declamation—John Vaughn. Rending—Mary Murphy. Monologue—Pauline James. Rending—Lois Miller. Declamation—Edward Stybbs. -Song, “Marjorie”—Three girls and three boys. Dialogue—Seven boys. Declamation“Advice to a Young Man "—Marshall Shuddix. Reading—Patricia Williams. Declamation, “Sold”—Oliver Quick. Quartette—' 4 The Bulldog.'' Reading, “The Now Fnngled School” —Mattie Lou Shaddix. Doclf imation, * 4 Composition 9 ’—Rosy Eady. \ Reading, “An Indignant Scot”— Martha Huddleston. Declamation, “I Got to Go to School” —Joel Wood. Song, “The Curse of An Aching Heart”—Eulico Garrison. Declamation—Robb Johns. Reuding—Moise Williams. Declamation—Win. Williams. Piano solo—Lucile McGnhee. Declamation, “Boys”—Hoke Wil liams. Reading, * 4 Patriotism ’ ’—Lillie Todd. Song— 4 4 Dream Girl. ’ ’ Declamation, “Our Baby”—Geo. Lee. Bofldiiig-r-Ruth Todd. Declamation—Irwin Miller. Reading—Mary Loo Callahan. Dialogue— 4 4 Doctoring Helen. ’' JOB I). PENISTON. 1’fiynlrlan and Burgeon, Office hours 8 to 10 a. m.; 8 to 6 p. m. Office with Dr. Paul Penlston. Office and residence 'phono 80. »H. J. 10. MARflII f Veterinary Burgeon *Omoo at W. A. Potts Stable, H E. 13roiul St. Office phone 10G, Hob. 370J. A. SIDNEY CAM P, Attorney and Counselor nt Law. Office In Arnull Bldg., Court Square. It. II. MCDONALD, Physician mid Burgeon. Office 3 East Broad Street, upstairs. Office hours U to 11 a .in, anil 3 to 6 D. in. Olllcs 'phono CD; residence 'phono 30J VV »1. 11 . t( 11 A Y . CTOu-iclan and Hurnctm. omce over Loo-King Drug Co. Roo- Idenoo 'phono 461. (J(Ueo 'phone 316. Ollloe Hours—I) to It n. in., 3 to 4 p. PI., mid 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday—a to 11 a, m. and 3 to 4 p. in. V. 11. UAV1X. l-h y.lelnn unit Hnrweun. omoe—Snnltuiluui building. Ofttee phone 6—1 call; rosldoneo phoiib 6— T o al It*. ' W. A. TUUMOIl. 1-hy.ielnn and Norgeon. Special attention given to suritnry and diseases of women. Otltoe li) nprlng street. 'Phone 380. O. A. HANKY. Physician and Nurgcon. Special attention to eye, ear, noBe and throat, and diseases of chest. tv. L. tvooimool*’. Physician and Surgeon. -omoe 11 Vi Oroonvllie street. 'Phone •»*1. Special attention given to dls •ases of ohlldron. J. LITTLETON JONES. AUoracy-at-Lawr. Prompt attention to legal business, i lawns mads on farm lands. Omoe over H. C, Arnall Mdse. Co.'s. THOM, O. FARMKIt. Jit, Attorney-at-t-aw. W.U1 (five careful and prompt atton i.lon Ao all leicnl business entrusted to fjne. hfoney to loan. OUluo In court mouse. MIM.IAM V. ATKINSON. • Attorney-at-Lsw. Offloe over Cuttlno's etors. K. tV. NT A lilt. Dentist. omoo over H. C. Arnall Mdse. Oo.'. Kitare. White patronage exclusively. ' Rosldoneo 'phone S8S-L. Rending, ' ‘ Examinations ’ 1 —Louiso Stubbs. Declamation—Emory MeGahee. Song, “Lonesome”—Hownrd Garrick. Reading—Sara Todd. Reading—Irene Emly. Dialogue, “Mrs. Brown’s Visitors”— Four girlB. Reading—Martha Rawls. ■ Dialogue—Eight girls and boys. Daet—Marthn Rnwls and Louise Hutchinson. Rending—Boshn Callahan. Song—' 1 Farewell to Thee. ’ ’ May 17th. To displease others, he pleased with yourself. LONE OAK. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Spence, of Trim ble, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mi Johnson. Mr. Clifford Johnson .spent the week end with friends at Shiloh. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Spence ami ehll- ren were guests of Mrk Winnie Spence Sunday. Misses Frances Mlddlcbrook, Virginia Clyntt nml Ruby C'lyatt spont the week end with Mrs. Wnrren Sewell, at Ho- gansvlllc. ' Mr. Perkerson, from near Orecnville, spent Stmdny witli Mr. H. L. Culpepper. Mr. W. A. Hammond lias returned to Nownan, where lie is employed In tin- ticket office of the A. & W. P. railroad. An interesting program lias been ar ranged for commencement nt Lone Oak High School, to take place Friday even ing. Several catchy and pleasing plays will be presented, together with ihiisi.* by the piano class. May 17th. o— A black eye 1b usually proof tlmt the fellow got wfiat he wus lifter—trouble. IS YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY SUPPING? Interesting Experience of • Tex** Lady Who Declares That if Mora Women Knew About Cardui They Would Be Spared Much Sickness and Worry. Navasota, Texas.—Mrs. W. M. Peden, of this place, relates the following interest ing account of how she recovered her strength, having realized that she was actually losing her health: “Health is the greatest thing in the world, and when you feel that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what I did sometime ago when I found myself in a very nervous, run-down condition of health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless I could hardly go at all. “I was just no Account for work. I would get a bucket of water and would feel so weak I would have to set It down beforel felt like I could lift it to the shelf. In this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a taste almost im possible to accomplish. “1 was .. . nervous and easily upset. I couldn’t rest well at night and wait. .. just lifeless. “I heard of Cardui and after reading I decided I had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cardui and began it . . "In a very short while after I began the Cardui Home Treatment I saw an im provement and it wasn’t long until I was an right—good appetite, splendid rest, and much stranger so that I easily did my house work. “Later I took a bottle of Cardui as a tonic. lean recommend Cardtd and glad ly do so, for if more women knew, it would save a great deal of worry and sickness.” The enthusiastic praise of thousands ol other women who have found Cardui helpful should convince you that it is ^»TCH! If HUNTS GUARANTEED | SKIN DIBEASE REMEDIES (Hunt’s Salve and Soap), fall In the treatment of Itch, Ecxeme, Ringworm, Tetter or other Iteh- ing akin effeeeuea. Try tbto treatment at our risk, For Sale by John R. Cates Drug Co. Antipodes Island, not Tar fio m No» tealand. was thus named because it u llrertly opposite to l-midon RATS DIE so do mice, once they eat Rat.qwt. And they leave no odor behind rw; take our word for It—try a 1 Cats and dog** won’t touch 1 It* k i?£ e Ttfree^’alzes 1 r ° 0d l ° wt KA^AP. itfc'l'kt 1 en ° UBh Psntry. OBe. sine (2 oaken) for Chicken Mm., coops, or small buildings. 1 House ' *1.2(1 Htxc (5 oaken) enough fnr farm and out-buildlngs, 8toraie lufiM mgs, or factory buildings. l,uild * Sold and Guaranteed by LEE-IKING DRUG COMPANY COWETA DRUG & BOOK COMPANY. A long as you are a renter you will be * ** al mover. High Moving Costs costs. a periodical mover. High Moving Costs must be included in high rental costs. LICIT SOMEWIESE—BUILD A HOME OF YOU* OWN R. D. COLE MANUFACTURING CO. Newnan, Georgia. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. Effective Nov. 14, 1920. ARRIVE FROM CedartoTvu . 6.45 a. in. Columbus .. 9.40 ii. in. 8.25 p. m. Chattanooga 1.00 p. m. Carrollton . 4.48 p. in. Raymond .. 5.22 p. m.‘ Griffin .... 11.18 a. in. 6.52 p. m. DEPART FOB Griffin .... 6.45 n. m. 1,00 p. m. Columbus .. . 8.25 n. m. 5.22 p. lit. Chattanooga 11.18 a. in. Raymond .. 4.48 p. m. Carrollton . 5.25 p. in. Odurtown . . 6.52 p. m. RILLS RATS nnd mice—tlmt*8 .RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes In . cakes—no mixing with other food. "Your money back If it falls. 35c. *l*e (1 t nkcl enough for Pantry. Kitchen or Cellar. 03c. alar (2 rakes* > for Chicken House, ..coops, or small buildings. *1.23 wlr.r (5 oaken) enough for all farm and nut-buildings, storage build ings, or factory buildings. 4 Sold and Guaranteed by • LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY. , -«;owktj\ drug a book company. Herald Want Ads. Pay. C j r .j / o