The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 20, 1921, Image 12

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nMnum 'V’7/vy\ THE NEWMAN" HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1921 M Hfefflsferfssl Finish i© a WimmSeffuH Safe I THE END OF THE 1-Fashion Bargain Sale! 2 SNAPPY DAYS OF THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS! Now for the two biggest days of this splendid Old-Fashion Bargain Sale—offering the greatest values ever given.. Final reductions made for complete clearance of certain lines. THE END OF THE Dld-Fashion Bargain Sale! The response of the people to this sale has been so enthusiastic, so immediate and so whole-hearted, and we have been so .busy waiting on the great crowds of eager buyers that we have not time to say much more than— IF YOU HAVEN’T BEEN HERE YET-HUSTLEl 'The wonderful business we have done in the last ten days has not even made a hole in this large stock of merchandise. Lines will be complete until the last customer leaves this store Saturday night. Many new goods are being received every day, and you will be able to find as good an assortment in all departments now as when the sale started. So, come and make the most of this splendid opportunjty. Remember, Friday and Saturday will see the closing of this great sale. MEN’S ’ MEN’S OXFORDS SEA ISLAND * CHEVIOTS NEW, SUMMER VOILE BLUE SHIRTS High-Grade Oxfords— many styles, black or mahogany; this years $5 and $6 values—last SHEETING GINGHAMS Dark or light patterns; flowered and figured .Made of good Cheviot, full cut— - 5,000 yards 27-inch Sea Island— LAST CALL New Household Cloth. LAST CALL designs; the kind you have paid $1 a yard for. LAST CALL call— , per yard—■ per yard— LAST-CALL i 49c 2.95 5c 10c 39c More Days Only BEGINNING 20 REMNANT SALE —Thousands of Remnants to Go On Sale. TURKISH TOWEL SPECIAL.. Cents Remnants of all goods that accumulated during the heavy selling of the last two weeks. You will find here many lengths from half a yard to 6 and 8 yard pieces, .all will be put on sale for the last 2 days at great reductions from the salefprices. Don’t IMiss the Remnant Bargains. BLEACHING Soft-finished, 36 inches- wide, 10 yards Cents MEN—YOUR LAST CHANCE I TO BUY HIGH-GRADE CLOTHING AT THESE PRICES! Men’s Wool Worsted 1 A QE Suits. LAST CALL.. Men’s new Spring- Suits—blue, brown and Other desirable shades and patterns; styles for men and young men; actually IQ 50 good values at $35;.. * Men’s high-grade Suits—the kind that are selling everywhere right now for $45 and $50—in this lot all Michael-Stern fa- 24 75 mous cloths; last call Men’ Cool-Cloth Suits—light sum mer patterns; a few 5.00 left at Men’s Palm Beach Suits—actual values up to $17.50; 9.95 going at ALL BOYS’ CLOTHING SELL ING AT HALF OFF FORMER PRICES. Furnishings and Shoes Will Never Be Cheaper! Men’8 Handkerchiefs— /j ^ LAST GALL Men’s Handkerchiefs, I5c regu- "9 4* lar. LAST CALL.. i Soft Collars, whito or fancy OC** silk; last call; 2 for *# Men’s Athletic Union Suits. LAST CALL , Mon’8 Shirts and 'Drawers—balbriggan; 60c values— Men’s Dress Shirts; great assortment; values *1.80 to $2.00— QQ ^ LAST CALL 09 U Men’s all-silk Hose; values to — $1.25. LAST CALL., wC Men’s Cotton Hose. Q LAST CALL 9 C Lisle Hose; 86c values; all <i Q colors. LAST CALL A9C Men's Suspenders; good 60c g? values. LAST CALL. sfeOC Sensational Values in Women’s Ready-to-Wear for the Last Two Days DRESSES, .50 Silk Dresses* large selection of Taffeta and New Crepe—all individual models —no two alike. We have added to this group many of our higher price dresses for cpmplete clearance in the last two days. Don’t[miss this splendid offer A FEW SHOE PRICES. 1.95 One lot. of Elk Scouts, LAST CALL Men’s 'black blucher Work ^ yg Shoes. LAST CALL AiH a 3 Men’s Elkskin Scouts and black Blu chers; these are values up O OC to $4.50. LAST CALL... fc«99 ALL DRESS SHOES AND OXFORDS • ESPECIALLY REDUCED FOR THE LAST TWO DAYS! Women’s Oxfords and Pumps. A. big lot of Low Shoes; many styles; all sizes; ■ \ QC broken lines ...... ^ 9 Many styles of new Summer Pumps, Louis heel; also black kid Oxfords; military or high heels; new, clean stock; group ed for fast sell- QC ing; going at.... m «99 WIND-UP SALE OF MIL LINERY OFFERS RE MARKABLE VALUES! Astonishing Bargains! Yard-wide Percale, light and •§ Ji g* dark patterns; big assortment V High-grade Dress Ginghams, Tull-de- Nords, Romper Cloth; Junior Cloth, .Lia- enes, Pajama Checks, Middy Twills; values in this lot up to 46C; ■# per yard. LAST CALL.... *9C Imported' Scotch Ginghams; a bargain this year at the regular price of 75 cents per yard— EXTRA SPECIAL <39V Calico—about 500 yds. left —will be sold 10-yards for "9t Here You Are, Ladies! Women’s Summer Vests— 4 A/* LAST CALL. * Women’s Lisle Hose—black or brown- values to 35c— \ Q LAST CALL * v v Women’s Silk and Lisle Hose; this year’s regular 85c values; all Jl R r colors. LAST CALL -*+*** Women’s Summer. Union /| Q f Suits. LAS’! .CALL ~ Women’s Munsing Union 4 Suits. LAST CALL * "f" Silk Waist?—Crepe and Pongee Sdks^- many styles to select from; O O K values to $5. LAST, CALL A* of Millinery! 1.95 Clean-Sweep Sales Big lot of Hats— -LAST CALL ..... Hats priced during sale at 3.00 $3.95—some $4.95; now New Leghorns, Sport Hats, Etc All Reduced. DOLLAR BARGAINS GINGHAM DRESSES FOR £1.00 WOMEN AND CHILDREN.. WASH SKIRTS—WHITE £1.00 OR SPORT STRfPES VOILE WAISTS— £1.00 NEW SELECTION ^ NEWNAN GEORGIA BOONE’S Sale Closes Saturday, May 21 NEWNAN G.E O R G I A The Wind-Up of the Greatest Sale in Years!