The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 20, 1921, Image 3

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NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY.THE NEW NAN HERALD, MAY 20, 1921 • Hr. and Mrs. John Kite announce the birth of a son on the 14th hint. Rev. R. E. Hardaway, of Columbia, S. C,, spent a day or so with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Atkinson this week, etl route from Chattanooga, Tenn., where ho attended tho Southern Baptist Cdnvention. Sarah Dickinson Chapter, D. A. R., will meet Monday afternoon nt 8 o’clock at the homo of Mrs. T. J, Jones, on Jefferson atreot. Every member is urged to be present. Mrs. Rebecca Bowel, who has been quite ill for several days, shows no im provement, wo regret to learn. Her con dition yesterday was far from satisfac tory, it is suid. PROGRAM FOR WEEK BEGINNING MAY 23 MONDAY Alice Brady THURSDAY Ethel Clayton Further on in Life’s garden, where the llowers were few, 1 looked for hours through tho mist and dew, ’Till I found my ideal—and mother, my mother, ’twna you I , Mr. Egbert' Armistonil entertained nt n “prom.” pnrty Friday evening, nt. Ida home on Greopvillo street. Those invited were Misson Isom Fisher, Lucia Mnrphoy Mrs. A. E. Long ilnd little daughters, of llhicngo, cmno this week for n visit to the former’s parents, Mr. nud Mrs. Jonnthan Orr, on Spring street. Mrs. M. F. Golo and Miss May Colo are expect® tomorrow from Macon, where thby have been visiting Mrs. W. G, Lee. Out of the Chorus ‘The Sins of Rosanne’ The story from which this play far made' is by Cynthia Stockley, published originally in a popular magazine under the name of “Rosanne Ozanne,” feuds itself most admirably to screen adap tation, with its element of mystery, the atmosphere of the Orient, and the re sult is another success added to EtfteT Clayton’s already long list of triumphs. We find that for eight months every picture Miss Clayton has made has been superior to her preceding ones. You will recall her in “Young Mrs. Wirt- throp,” which was one of her best, bufc this picture is said to be better. It is not a “crook” story, but one of the most fascinating mystery plays ever screened; and, of course, has a love-in terest that makes it all in all a very in teresting and entertaining picture - - Fox News. Fox News will give a picture of the little four-year-old child that crossed the ocean alone; also, scenes from the opening of the Million Dollar Fur Shaw in New York. services were hold at Coko’a Uiapoi this (Wednesday) afternoon, conducted by Rev. Win. Johnson, of Atlanta, and Rev. H. S. Rees, of Turin. ‘ Tho interment was made at tho same place. Tho sorrowing one have our sincere sympa thy. j The tragic death of Deputy Sheriff Al bert Kempson wns a profound shock to his many friends in this community. To bo thus snatched away in the prime of life, leaving his family without tho protecting care of a husband and father, was inexpressibly sad, besides being a loss to tho county. May God coiflfort his loved ones thus bereft. We had ns dinner guests on Sunday I last Mr. and Mrs. J . J. Reese and son | and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. .Roeso and daugh- j tor, of Newnan. Little damage done in this section by the hail last week. Mr. C. W. Rees had a good mule to die Sunday. Rev. Z. Speer and wife paid us a visit Monday afternoon, which was much ap preciated. / Rev. W. S. Gaines, of Grantville, vis ited relatives hero last week. Miss Mary Shell, who attended Jig Vocational and Agricultural School nt Baldwin, Ga., the past year, is at homo for the surnmor. We are glad to report Mrs. Judson Harris and Mrs. A. S. Carmichael as now convalescent, aftqr their recent ill ness. May 18th. It is a powerful story of a girl’s de votion. She was only a chorus girl, but she proved that love is stronger than blood, or caste—stronger than doubt or contempt. Driven almost mad with suspicion planted by his blue-blooded relatives, Ross Van Beekman rushed into her room one night and demanded that she open her closet door. When she hesitated he fired five shots in the door. A few moments later she found a trail of blood leading from the closet to the open window. There you have a hint of the thrilling story in which Alice Brady plays the most dramatic role of her brilliant career. Second Episode of ‘The Son of Tarzan’ The first episode proved to be very good, and you will like this orie. See it. j .....w—v. Catherine Passolt, Carolyn Mnnget, Elizabeth Murray, Emma North, Martha. North, Sara O’Kelley, Iola Mn- l,one, Catherine Hudson, Virginia Arnall, Kathryn Bagley, Jean Askew, Clara Cole, Susan Cole, Rebecca Hill, Louise Fisher, Mary Glover, Messrs. Dan Mnn get, Simril Bryant, Henry McBride, Jim Wilkinson, R. A. Field, ji\. Poole Pick ett, Alonzo Norris, Joe Brown Meyer, Hamilton Hall, Tom Glover, David Cut* tino, Phillips Jones, Noon Hudson, Eu gene • Mnnget, Kimball Mooney, Allen post, Berryman Good rum, Cleone Estes, Jns. St. John, Tlios. * Me Ritchie, Robt. Hill and Richard Thornton. Miss Evelyn Clower entertained yes- day afternoon at an attractive card par ty, at her home in Graydon Park. The rooms were decorated with spring flow ers and ferns. Auction bridge was play ed at four, tables, with a prize for tho highest score at each table. Miss Clow er s guests included Mrs. Milton R. Dan iels, of Washington; Mrs. James M. Jordan, Mrs. Robert Flickinger, Misses Alys Lee Wood, Lduisa Green, Bland Robertson, Lee Parks, Charlotte Wales, Lois Strasenbergh, df Rochester, N. Y.; Blanche White, Catherine Oldfield, Mary Butler McKinney, Lillian Simpson, Viv ian Gregory and Mildred Clower.—Nor folk (Va.) Virginian Pilot, 15th inst. Mrs. H. H. Murray will entertain this evening, at her home on Greenville street, in honor of her sister, Miss Helen Quin, of Washington, Ga., who has been her guest this week. Rook will be ploy ed. The guests invited include Missfes Annie Pickett, Mary Freeman, Mary At kinson, Janie Lee Johnson, Mildred Ar nall, Virginia Glover, and Messrs. Ed win Cole, Wm. Askew, Thos. Bradley, David Welch, Edgar Hollis, Ellis Penis- ton, Ham Allen, Frank Wilkinson and Harold Pickett. • , Wednesday evening, at the close of prayer-meeting service at the Central Baptist church, Miss Annie Daniel and Mr. J. Stocks Smith presented themselves at the altar and were united' in marriage by Dr. Frank L. Hardy. They are a popular young couple, the bride being the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hanson, while the-groom is one of Newnan’s successful young business .men. They have... the . best- wishes oil- many friends. The following girls of the high school set gave a pound party at Miss Frances Cole’8 Friday evening, viz:, Misses Ola Mooney, Edna Harris, Virginia Parks, Elizabeth Darden, Thelma' Nixon, Sara Brown, Mary Clinton Orr, Harriet Jones, Mary Ella Featherston, Mary Stallings and Frances Cole. Thirty guests were invited, and the affair was a most en joyable one. The Thursday Morning Rook Club was delightfully entertained this week by Mrs. T. J. Fisher, at her home on Green ville street. An interesting game was played until the noon hour, when a de licious menu was served at the small card tables. Assisting in entertaining Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Avera end baby, of Rocky Mount, N. 0., are guests this week of Mrs. Avera’s parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. R. Herring. Dr. and Mrs. Z. Greeno and Mrs. A. L. Joarnlgnn, of White Plains, spent tho week-end with friends in West Point. Mrs. J. G; Arnall is spending some time at Union Springs, Ala., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jones, of Madras, hail Mrs. Fannie Baker, of LaGrange, ns their guest for tho week-end. Miss Helen Quin, of Washington, Ga., is the attractive guest this week of her sister, Mrs. II. H. Murray. Miss Marion Barr, of Nannpoha, Ain., iR on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. G. B. Barr, on E Broad street. Miss Gladys Moore and Mr. L. B. Mil lions spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hudson, at LaGrange. Lieut. D. G. Barr, of Camp Bemiing, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs* G. B, Barr. Mr.; and Mrs. E. T. Owens announce TUESDAY A COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION “Straight is the Way” Have you a little Ouija board in your home? If so, we want to tell you of one of the most interesting Ouija board stories you’ve ever heard. Ethel Munsford wrote it as “The Manifesta tion of Henry Ort, and it made millions of readers laugh. Then Frances Mar ion wrote a scenario from it, retaining all the bubbling fun and thrills that Mrs. Munsford put into it. It has lots of good .thrills—it bubbles with laugh- Neglect opportunity, and opportunity will neglect you. xu. i. in. xi, l , v/ »» . i o aiiiiuuuvv the birth of a daughter on the 18th inst. Mrs. J., D. Cook, of Atlanta, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. R. E. Thornton. Tho door of opportunity novor stands long ajar. FRIDAY Lois Wilson and Conrad Nagd‘ —IN— ‘WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS’ This is a woman’s story, written by one of the greatest playrights, and! made famous on the stage by one of the most famous actresses of the world, is coming to The Alamo next weefc- t—none, other than DeMille’s production of" James M. Barrie’s play, “What Every Woman Knows,” in which the talented STRIKE ried t<4 an ambitious politician, who, un,- known to himself, wins success because of the clever touches his wife injects; into his speeches when she types them. This is, indeed, a feature, and will long; be remembered. Lois Wilson and Core- rad Nagel have the leading roles. Iffs a picture EVERY woman should see.. Comedy, Snub Pollard and Sanr. 10 cigarettes for 10 eta Handyand convenient; try them. Dealers now carry both sizes: 10 for 10 cts; 20 for 20 cts. WEDNESDAY Wallace Reid SATURDAY “Dead or Alive” —WITH— Jack Hoxie • This is a Western picture with thrills and daring that will hold yots throughout its showing. Full of life and action, and portraying vivid scenes of a rough and exciting life, it will hold “The Love Special” If you were a railroad engineer and went ninety-six hours without sleep, and you were expecting a stenographer to write some important correspond ence, and just as you got started at dic tation the stenographer were to leave you indignantly, what would YOU do? Probably just as Wallace Reid did in his latest picture, “The Love Special,” which has been proclaimed as his best picture up to date, full of dramatic ac tion as any picture you ever saw. Beau tiful Agnes Ayers plays the opposite role. You will recall that she was lead ing lady in “Forbidden Fruit,” shown here & short time ago. If you did not see her, ask some one who did. With these two sparkling star's you are as sured of a clever and entertaining play —one that you will be delighted with. Christie Comedy. Pipe-smokers enjoy their tobacco. Packed away in your old pipe it seems to possess a fragrance and potency not available in any other method of using the “weed.” Line up for smoking contentment with one of our pipes, and a supply of good tobacco. We can fix you td the king’s taste—and if you use one of our pipes, and smoke our tobacco, we guar antee results. Of course, we sell all the good cigars and cigarettes—if you prefer - your smoke that way—and glad to sell you, too. COMING SOON: CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in STRAIGHT FROM PARIS