The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 20, 1921, Image 8

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THfi NEWNAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1921 X Interesting Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. i*: SENOIA. Mrs. Vein 1ms rolurncd to Thpmson', After s|iondin({ sovornl ilnys with hor sister, Mrs. C. C, Kiser. Mrs. Nixon Arnnll spent Weclitesilny In Mnmdiester, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Uonry Mnthvln. Mrs. G. L. How is in Atlanta this week with her sister, Mrs. 0. C. Me- Knight, who is in a private sanatorium in that city. Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Freeman entor- tnined at dinner Sunday Miss Duello North, of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. It. I., Hardy, Misses Annie Lou ami Lois Har dy, and Mr, Harry Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gay, Miss Emma Guy and Mr. Alvnn Keith, of Gay, and Mrs. d. W. Dean, of Montgomery, Ala., were guests of Mr. nml Mrs. E. II. Estos Sunday. Three handsome memorial windows wero dedicated at tho Methodist church Sundny morning with beautiful nnd im pressive ceremonies, One of the win dows wns given by Mr. nml Mrs. .1. A. McCrary, Dr. nnd Mrs. W. It. McCrary nnd Mrs. .1. H. McCrary, of Decntar, ns a memorial to their parents; another by Mrs. H, M. North, of Atlnntn, in mem ory of hur husband; nnd another by Mrs. ,L A. Sasser, of Atlanta, in mom- pry of her mother, Mrs. Green? All tho donors named were present at tho service, Mr. W. 0. Stphons, Held organiser of tho Hoy Scouts of America for tho •S'purth Congressional district, wns hero Tuesday for tho purpose of organizing a troop to 1)0 composed of Sonoia hoys, Quito a mutibar wero ourollod, and al ready the boys nrn planning for a camp this Hitmmor. Mr. B, 1’. Daniel was elec ted ehnirnmn of tho local advisory, board nnd Rev, 8. B. Strout, seoutnmstor, Thu meeting lit which these ofllcors were chosen wns well attended by our citi zens, who seemed ns much interested ns wero the boys. The board of education at its regular meeting last week ro-eluetod Miss Lola Lu Smith tin superintendent of Senoin public schools for another year.. Miss Smith Ims not yot neeoptod. Mr. Wilbur Hutchinson, of Haralson, hml an attack of acute indigestion Mon day mnrniug, and is reported iu a crit ical condition today. Mr. nml Mrs. Lee Hand have returned from Chattanooga, Twin, Bud Dorsey, colored, whs shot and in stantly killed Sunday night by “Boy” Morgun, ulso colored, iih they wero on their way homo from church, From re ports It scorns there wiih no provocation for the killing, as Dorsoy wns shot, lu the back, two bolls taking effect. Tho shooting occurred just across tho Fay ette county Hue, and ShorlfP Khrllti, of that, county, has offered a reward, of $50 for the arrest of tho murderer. Mrs. G. M. BynK of Albany, is spend ing several ilnys with Mrs. J, A, Me- Knight. Dr. G. C. Tuggle nnd family, who.havo resided hero for several years, moved to Carrollton n few ilnys rtgo. Mrs. Hope Harris, of Roekmnrt, is tho guest of Miss Jiniinn Simms this Mrs. R, J. Daniel, of Oriffln, 1ms been the guest of Mrs. \V. II. Mnshburn for several days. Mr. P, B. Brantloy nnd family lmvo returned home, after spending several months in Florida. Mrs. Corn Arnnll loft' Thursday for Nashville, Twin., wlioro she will spend the summer with .her daughter, Mrs. .15, R. Bogle. Mr. P, T. Cnrmlohnel, of Woodbury, and Mr. W. E. Colo and wife, of Ft. Worth, Texas, lmvo been guests of Mr. nml Mrs, A. P. Carmichael for sovornl days. * Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Hoductt, sr. Mr, nnd Mrs. H. .1. Hodnott, ;|r„ Mr. Ralph Hoductt nnd Miss Kntlo Suo Schaffpor, of West Point wero guoBts of Mr, nnd Mrs. L. L. Hutchinson Sundny. Mrs, It, M. North, of Atlanta, ims boon the guest of Mrs. .1. H. Reid for several days. Funeral services for Mr. J. Albert Kempson, whose death occurred lit ids home hero Saturday morning, wero con ducted Sundny afternoon at tho Meth odist church. A touching discourse by Rev. A. W. Bnllentine, a beautiful trib ute by Rev. 8. B. Strout, and tender expressions of sorrow nnd regret by sev eral friends in the congregation, con stituted n most improssivo service. The floral tributes wero profuse, nnd lovely .beyond description. Deceased was 311 years of age, his death resulting from pistol shots at tho hands of a negro named Ross, whom he wns attempting to put undor arrest on a thieving charge near Haralson Wodhosdny morning. On account- of his fearlessness nnd pro nounced convictions iu opposition to tho illicit traffic in whiskey, lie wns appointed 1 a deputy by Sheriff Browster a few years :igo. lie discharged tho duties of this office with characteristic courage and faithfulness, nnd became a terror to *‘ moonshiners” amt “bootleggers” in this part of tile county. Not only is his death widely mourned in tills communi ty, but by law-abiding people in tho counties around ns, ns was attested by the immense concourse attending the funeral services Sundny afternoon, llis body wns laid to rest iu tho cemetery here. Mr. Kempson moved with his fam ily to Senoin from his farm in HllU. Besides his widow, he leaves four chil dren—Gertrude, Dorothy,, Frank nml .Inline. He is survived also by a brother, Mr. C. It. Kempson, and one sister, Mrs. W. H. Scott, residing near Griffiu. WELCOME. Miss Edith Boone, of Atlanta, visited Mrs. .1. E. Boone tho post week. Mr. Andrew Houston nml fnmily, of Nuwnnii, nnd Mrs. Elbert Wood and chil dren, of Homewood, ..spent Sundny with Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Wood. Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Cnswell, of Hoard county, spent tho week-end with Mr. and. Mrs. Hainp Kidd. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Bowers, ,jr., of While Onk, spent. Thursday witli Mr. and Mrs .1. W. Summit's. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. II ov lotto Grimes—a son. Mr. Otis Houston visited his nephew, Mr. Henry Houston, lit Cookeville, Inst week. Misses Mary Nowmnn nnd Mary Grimes, who graduated tho past week from tho Mary P. Willingham School, at Blue Ridge, are at homo. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Witcher spent Sundny in Nowiinn, tho guests of Mr. nnd Mtb. Ambrose Powers. Tim Dentil Angel visited tho homo of Mr. mid Mrs. W. II. Amis Snturdny, and carried their baby boy to ids heavenly homo, Tho little baby was laid to rest at Providence church Sundny morning. Rev. F. ./. Amis and Rev. W. 15. Fuller conducted tho burial service. Wo extend our dcopeat sympathy to tho bereaved parents. Miss Mnry Bledsoe, who has boen on a visit to Miss Burn Stephens, returned homo Saturday. She wuh accompanied by Mr. J. 15. Davis nnd Miss Sara Stu- ,lilions. Wo rogret to roport Mr. R. L. Pitman on tho sick list this week. Mrs. Jennie Houston, of Hognnsvillo, visited Mrs. F. J. Amis Monday. Misses Kate and' Mary Pitman nnd Mr. Homer Pitbinn, of the Third dis trict, nnd Mrs. J. D. Newman, of At lanta, Bpcnt Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pitman. Mr. J. D. Dukes, of Birmingham, Ain., is spending the wock with ids imrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rob. Dukes. A marriage! of much interest to muny friends hero wns that of Mr. Brondus 0. Bilbo, of Atlanta, and Miss Ivn Helon Rogors, of Wnynesvillo, N. C. Tho oer-. emony took plncu in Atlanta on tho 4th. Inst. Owing to a recent beronvomont iti tho groom’s fnmily tho wedding was n quiot affair. Wo extend to tho young couple our host wishes. Mny 17th , 0-- — DRESDEN. Our community wns visited by a severe hailstorm on Wednesday afternoon of Inst week. Somo of the hailstones were ns largo na hen eggs. Fruit trees and gurdons wore somewhat damaged, but crops did not suffer so much. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Meriwothor, no- conip'anloiT by Mr. T. P. Moreiwothor, left: for Valdosta Wednesday. The latter was returning from ids brother’s funeral to Ids homo at Tampa, Fla. Miss Annie Meriwothor, of Tampa, FIft:, is on an extended visit to relatives bore. Miss Ruth MUlinns, of Welcome, wns tho guest of Miss Fannio Lizzie Mitcham for Bovornl days last week. Little Miss Juliotto Bnkor, of Newnnn, spout tho wook-onil with her cousin, Vir ginia Mitohnm, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Duvis Bpent Sun day with relatives at Hognnsvillo. Mrs. R. L. Davis nnd Mrs. Kato Davis visited Mrs. Ed MilHans nnd Mrs. Jim Bilbo, at Welcome, Saturday.. Mrs. W. B. Mitcham, Mrs. Lizzie Mitohnm and Mr. Roy Mitclmm spoilt Sunday with Mrs. Bertie Wallace, at Fnirbnrn. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. MilHans, of Corner Branch, visited iu our community Thurs day afternoon. Miss Lorlne Collins, county homo dem- onsotrntion agent, gave a bread-making demonstration at Dresden school-houso Thursday afternoon, Mr. Alfrod Lnzenby and Miss Mar tha Fincher wero nmong tho guests at a party given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Brifivn, at Corner Branch, Snturdny night. Born, on tho 22d inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Hondricks Crowdor—a son. Vogotnblos nro several weeks earlier tills spring than usual. Somo of us are enjoying snap beans, along with other good tilings from tho garden, such ns Irish potatoes, boots, pens, onions nml cabbage. Spring “friers” nro also ready for tho tablo. May 17th. " GRANTVILLE. Misses Bessie Bohnnnon and Lovie Burnside have returned to their homes, nftor n delightful visit to Mrs. Billie Hohnniion. Mrs. John Dean, Mrs. Roy White, Mrs. Joint Latimer, Mrs. T. M. Hollars nnd Miss Mi llie Hollars heard the baccalaure ate sermon by Rev. R. C. Clcckler at Lutherville Sundny morning. Miss Love Ponder has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. Bobo Banks, Misses Mabel Sew ell, Evelyn Lambert, Elizabeth Park and Ruth Ponder wero in Newnnn Saturday. Miss Eloise Lee returned Monday from Elizabeth Mather College, whero she graduated with lionora lust week. The pupils of Mrs. J. D. Moreland’s music class will give a recital nt the Bchool auditorium Tuesday night. An interesting program Ims been arranged, ami the public is cordially invited to'at tend. Misses Martha nnd Mabel Andrews linvc returned front Nortli Carolina, where they taught bcIiooI tho past year. Mrs. Chas. Arnold entertained two tables of rook at her homo Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Willio White, Mrs. Irby White mid Mrs. S. T. Lambert went up to New- nnn Tuesday afternoon. Miss Kate Folsom Ims returned to hor home at Andalusia, Ala., after a visit to Mrs. John Latimer. Mrs. Irene Banks, of Newiiun, wns the. week-end guest of Mrs. Thoopa Banks. Miss Lucia Murphey, of Newnnn, will ppend commencement, week with Miss Kliznboth Bunks. MiBBCs Mary Glover nnd Curolyn Mail- got, of Newnnn, will bo the week-end guests of Miss Mollie Zollars. Mny 18th. o HOMEWOOD^ Misses Jennie and Lizzie .Luckio were tiio first in our community to enjoy snap beans. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Payton, of Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Story. Mrs. Arnold Broyles, of Atlanta, spent n few days Inst week with Misses Jennie nnd Lizzie Luckie. Wo nro glad to roport that little Kath erine Grimes, who ims been quite lick, is rapidly improving. 1 MiBB Atlmgeno Wortham, of Atlanta, spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Georgia Payton. Mr. Will Hutchens, of Florida, lias boon visiting his boh, Mr. C. W. Hutch ens. Misses Jennie and -Lizzie Luekie, ac-. companiod by their gucBt,- Mrs. Arnold Broyles, of Atlnnta, attended services at Sargent Sunday. Miss Mildred Stephens, of Midway, spent a few days last week witli her sis ter, Mrs. Albert Lyle,. Mny 17th. Bible Figures. The total number of verses In the Bible Is 31,172. Others figures are: letters, 3,39(1,480; words, 773(746; tlmpters, 1,189; books, 60. The two tentral verses tire 32 nnd 33 In Psnlra bncvlll. 1 McCOLLUM. The fnnners of our community arc very busy this week replanting their cot ton. Mrs. Androw Smallwood and children lmvo returned homo, after a two-weeks’ visit with relatives in MnncliCBter. Miss Edna Keith, of Longstrcet, was a recent guest of her cousin, Miss Essie Phillips. Mrs. Looney West spent tile week-end witli Mrs. Hobt. Wiiigo, in the Sixth dis trict. 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Smallwood and bnby are spending a few days with rel atives in Manchester. Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Barfield, of At lanta, and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bagwell nnd Mr. W. M. Bagwell, of East Point, wore guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Phil lips Sunday. Mr, W. H. Smallwood, of Manchester, visited his son, Mr. Henry Smallwood, Sunday. Little MisB Pollyo Phillips and Master Hugh phillips woro wook-end guosts of their grandfather, Mr. W. M. Bagwell, at East Point. Sirs- Lowis Whittemoro nnd Mrs. Jake Eoggin, pf Mndras, Bpent Tuesday witli Mrs. Galvin Alexander. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. D. PhillipB, of College Park, wore guests Sunday of tho latter’s parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. JohnBon. Mr. Alton West, of LnGrange, was in our community Tuesday afternoon. 1 Mrs. W. SI. Phillips and Miss Virginia Phillips wore in Atlanta Saturday shop ping. Mr. Hardy JohnBon, of Newnnn, and Mr. Homer Johnson and fnmily, from near .Goodes, were week-end guests of relatives, iiere. Mr. W. M. Phillips and children and Sir. W. M. Bagwell, of East Point, at tended services at Hamah church, near Palmetto, Bunday. May 18th. Newnan Sanatorium, continues to im prove and will be able soon to return to his home at Whltesburg. We are informed that tho Douglasville ball toarn will play the Newnnn Cotton Mill team here Saturday. Owing to the rain Sunday, nfternoon the singing at Mills Chapel wns not very 'well attended. The funeral of Mrs. Mnry Sims, of Columbus, wns conducted at Ltwejoy Memorial church Sunday afternoon We nre glad to announce that X[|. Minnie Hudson, who underwent an on elation recently, id rapidly improving May 18th. *' Bad hnliits hnve a liking for men. good If time wore n w-omnn would it wait for a limn I 1 SHARPSBURG. Sirs. Roxie Bridges is spending tho week in Barnesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bridges wero in Atlnnta Wednesday. Miss Laura Spence is spending a few days in Newnan. Mr. Jeff North, of Ft, Worth, Texas, id sponding tho weok with his father, Mr. N. A. North. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bridges and Messrs. J. R. Ingram and W. B. North wore in Atlanta Wednesday. Mrs. Otis Pilcher and children have returned to Macon, after spending a week with Dr. and Mrs. H. Q. Wallis. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler, of Barnesville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Roxie Bridges. Mr. N. A. North entertained a num ber of friends with a barbecue Saturday in honor of bis son, Mr. Jeff North, of Ft. Worth, Texas, MILLS CHAPEL. Mrs.' Dougherty, of whom we made mention Inst week, is .still living, but hor family have given up all hope of her recovery. Mrs. A. E. Parks, who was on the sick list last week, has about recovered. Mr. F. M. Richards, who is at the They tell it that tile young daughter of a Birmingham man whose father pos sibly takes her to the movies oftener than to Sunday-school, lind u little vis itor the other day. They got down the biblo and wero looking nt tho pictures in it when the following conversation took place: “This is the picture of Jesus and Mary. ’ ’ “Mary whof” “I dunno, oept'n it’s Mary Pick- ford. ’ ’ RAYMOND. Miss Elizabeth Fry, of Atlanta, spent tho wook-end with her mother, Mrs. Mol lie Fry. Mr. Jesse McDonald, of Atlanta, is spending n few days with ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McDonald. Mr. nnd Mrs. Archie Hyde entertain ed the .young people Thursdny night with tin ieo cream supper. * A large company enjoyed tho occasion. Mr. G. R. Greer, of Montgoriiery, Ala., was the guest Sunday of Miss Inez Moon. Mr. I. D. Hicks spent Sundny nfter noon , with liomefolks nt Brooks. Mrs. J. R. Gable entertained the B. Y. 1’, U. Friday night nt n social gath ering. Misses Lucile McDonald and Nellie Almond, of Brooks, spent Saturday with Miss Ettalu Stovenson. They were en route to Lutherville. Miss Ettalu Setvenson will leave Sat urday for Atlanta, to be present nt the marriage of her sister, Miss Opal Ste venson, and Mr. Seaborn L. Priekett, of that city. The ceremony will be per formed lit high noon Sunday at. St. Paul 'a Methodist church. Mr. and Xirs. Claude Stevenson spent tho week-end with the' latter’s parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Daniel, nt St, Mark's. May 17th. o How laland Got Name. Antipodes Island, not far from New teilnnd. was thus named because It Is llrectly opposite to London. The "Thrift” Tire Quality does not nec essarily mean high price — but Hood Tires mean money saved on your year’s run. Any tire dealer can get *bem from a nearby distributing point. Seo Tire Rate Book. i Hood Rubber Products Co., Inc., Watertown, Mass. For sale by R. B. ASKEW & CO., Newnan, Ga. AN OPPORTUNITY 1 N Aluminum Ware DOUBLE BOILERS, 2 Qt.— $ 1 .59 $3.00 Value SETS SAUCE PANS, 1,T$£ and 2 Qt.— $1 .59 $3.00 Value COVERED SAUCE PANS; 4 Qt.— 5 ± .59 $2.75 Value • PERCOLATORS, 8 Cup $1.59 $2.75 Value. TEA KETTLES, 5 Qt.— $1.59 $4.50 Value PRESERVING KETTLES, 6 Qt.— $1.59 $3.50 Value SELF-BASTING ROASTERS— $ 1.59 $2.75 Value.. ( . - PLEASE NOTE THIS FACT! This is genuine “QUALITY BRAND” Aluminum Ware, guaranteed to wear 20 years. ON SALE NOW. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. Colley-Lambert Company, FOR CASH FOR LESS GRANTVILLE, GA. FULLER BROS. GIVE SERVICE, WITH GOOD GROCERIES We are building up our business on selling good quality goods and giving the housewife prompt and careful delivery. Call ’phone 41 for good service. Some Selected Prices—Good Values Sugar, per lb. .... 7y 2 c Sugar, 13 lbs. for ' $1.00 Full Cream Cheese, lb 25c Calumet Baking Powder, lb 25c Best grade Coffee, ground or grain, lb 20c WOTAN COFFEE—A well-known brand, lb. 39c LUZIANNE COFFEE, lb 39c Carnival brand Coffee, 3 lbs. for. $1.00 12 lbs. Government Bacon.,. .$1.85 Good meat at LOW Price. , Pound can good Salmon 10c Water-ground Com Meal, bushel.... $1.10 Cotton Seed Hulls, 100 lbs 85c Cotton Seed Meal, 100 lbs $1.75 FULLER BROTHERS PHONE 41 10 JACKSON ST. Mr. Smoker, our stock of smoking materials is one of the largest to be found in this section, and is kept fresh at all times. If you are not a regular customer of our cigar department, we want you to give it a trial. Special prices on Cgiarettes by the cartoh. Special prices on Cigars by the box. Some of the Cigarettes and “Little Ci gars in Stock -CIGARETTES— Pall Mall Herbert Tarreyton Melachrino London Spirits Chesterfield Fatima Home Run Piedmont Sovereign One Eleven Murad Red Kamels Omar Philip Moms Camels London Life Picayune Lucky Strike Spur Sunshine —LITTLE CIGARS— El Toro Royal Bengals Between the Acts Sub Rosa Hoffman House LeRoy Piccadilly SMOKE HERE! COWETA DRUG AND BOOK CD. 8 GREENVILLE ST. PTHONES 18—9106