The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 20, 1921, Image 9

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LUTHERVILLE. „ i n,ii-e Taylor hail ok her guest Mi ‘" t Mi ss Mattie Jarrell, of Green- I Bit "*** Movo Boert, Of Atlanta, visits.) M intihero this week. U ' 'r Cieero Norris spent Tl.m-silay in .Jrburn with His daughter, Mrs. Tom HeJinonl* Alontso Nnsli, of Atluh- oaests this week of Mr, am) Mrs. $j,?N&h apd Mr. and Mrs. Otjs Heed, Mr. Ralph Bexley and children, of , . and Mrs. Susie Haynes wore, gVnlny of Mr. and Mrs. Bort Hl f w Abner Hurst anil Mr. Byron wore in Nowuun Wednesday. MBs Myrtle Garrett, of Newnnn, was pie week end guest of her eonsln, ^Bliia^Tengle Is in Columbus tills wrt'^on^n 'vislt to her children, Mr. Will rimde mid Mrs. Louis Hamby. Mr Jns Norris) of Atlanta,, spent n or so last week with his parents, Mr nml Mrs. Jim Bob Norris. M Mrs Irn E. Smith, of College Park, ;< visiting her brother, Mr. Dan Patter- Mr mid Mrs. J. B. Massey and chtl- of ilovky Mount, were guests of jlr. and Mrs. Geo. Newalo for the week- "jj r „nil Mrs. Lem Wyehe, of Woos- ter, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. 1-1 Mrs? Kriiest Pry spent Thursday in A m1ss Jennie Trammell, wlio lias been teaching at-Mar.v P. Willingham School, CONTROL THE BOLL WEEW8L MAKE THE COTTON CROP PAY Dusting of Caldium Arsenate, for control of Boll Weevil, hast passed the experimental stage and is en dorsed and recommended by the U. S. Dept, and State of Georgia. Our machine, endorsed by State Board of Entomology and College of Agriculture, Is highly efficient Our Calcium Arsenate con forms to U. S. Government Standard. Our prices make dusting profitable. Immediate shipment of machines and material from Fort Valley. Write, ’phone or wire and our representative will call on you. SOUTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY Fort Valley, Georgia * Blue Ridgo, is now with her sister, Mrs. Earnest Fry, with whom she will spend her summer vacation. Miss Trammell is one of our finest young women, and we are glad to have her at home again. Mr. Leon Norris, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Joe Norris. Mr. Clms. Brow’er, Miss Ruth Brewer, Mr. Ernest Gower and Mr. Lninnr Gower, of Atlanta, were guests uf friends here Sunday. Mr. Borernnhi of Atlanta, was the guest of Miss Lottie. Nash Sunday. Mr. E. C. Reed, sr., Mr, and Mrs. E. 0. Reed, jr., and Mrs Jim Patten iuul children, of College Park, were guests Sunday of Mr. nml Mrs^ Will Cochran. Mis. Cochran returned home with them, where she will spend several days. Misses Evelyn and Minnie Lasseter, of Atlanta, were we^Jc-end guests of Mrs. I. 0. Albright. Miss Nellio Jackson, of Grnntville, is spending the week with Miss Eula Jack- son. Misses Edna and Florrie Clmmbless, of Atlanta,' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grif fith, Mr. Polk Duncan and Mr. Robt. Duncan, of Newnnn, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin, .from near town, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chambless. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson, of Grif fin, were guests ttyis wotik of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Patterson. Mr. Fort Nall, of . Atlanta, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. C. 0. Nall. Rev. Mr. Langford and wife, of Jef ferson, were called home last week by the serious illness of the latter’s father, “Uncle’’ Pomp McCarter. We trust he may soon be restored to his usual health. Mr. and MrB. Ben Highnote, of At lanta, were guests this week of Miss Eddie Belle Smith. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Hardaway had as guests Sunday Rev. R. C. Clockler, of LaGrange, Rev. H, E, Stipe, of More land, and Mr. Jim Culpepper and sister, Mrs. Zora Sewell, from near town. Mrs. T. M. Zellars, Mrs. John Lati mer, Mrs. John White and Mrs. John *Dean, of Grantville, attended church ser vices here Sunday. Our commencement exercises were greatly enjoyed, the program being one of the best ever given by Lutherville High School. The pupils did themselves much -credit, and the faculty lias beon highly commended for the fine record made during the year. Mrs. Lum Robertson, whose illness was noted, last week, is somewhat ipv .proved today. Misses May Reed, Mamie Nash and Lucy Milam returned home with MV. aud Mrs. Alozo Nash, nnd will spend several days in Atlanta. Old Gloiy is now on the Seven Seas' 1 Ship and Sail under the Stars and Stripes to all parts , of the world Y OU em now travel, or ship your good?, to aiiy part of the world on American owned and American operated ships, flying the American 'Flag. American (ships are modern, scientifically designed anid constructed, new ships built for satisfactory service. American ships wiy carry you in comfort to South America, England, Europe, the Mediter ranean and the Fdr East, And the further from home you go, the more of a thrill you’ll have to see the Stars and Stripes floating above your head. ■ •<**• President Harding says:. “We know full well we cannot sell where we do not buy and we cannot sell successfully where we do not carry." Operators of Passenger Services 1* Admiral Line 17 State St., New Yprk, N. Y. Seattle to Yokohama, Kobe, Hongkong, Shanghai, Singa pore, and occasionally to Manila and Herat!!. Matson Navigation Yo. 26 So. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. Baltimore to Havana, Pan- , «ma Canal, Lob Angeles, San Francisco, and Hawaii. Munson Steam Ship Lino 82 Beaver St„ New York New York to Bio de Janerio, Montivldeo, and Buenos • Aires. New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co. * 11 ® r °adway, New York, N. Y. New York to Porto Rico. Pacific Mail S. S. Co. 46 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Seattle to Yokohama, Kobe, Hongkong, Shanghai, Singa pore, Tirntsin, and occasion ally to Manila and Hawaii. U. S. Mail S. S. Co. 46 Broadway, New York, N. Y. New York to Boulogne and London. New York to Bre men and Danzig. Emigrant Service to Genoa and Naples. Ward Line (New York and Cuba Mail S. S. Co.) Foot of Wall St,, New York, N. Y. . New . York to Havana and Spanish ports rVigo, La Coruna, Santander, Gijon, Bilbao. Free Use of Shipping Board Filins Use of Shipping Board motion Picture films of four reels free on request of any mayor, Postmaster, pastor or organi zation. An interesting edu cational picture of ships and the sea. Write for Informa tion to H. Laue, Director information Bureau, Room ?11. 1319 Washini 319 "F" Street, N. W., ngton. D. C. For Sale Steel and Wood Ships and Wood Hulls and Ocean - Going Tugs (To American Citizens Only) Steel steamers are both eil and coal burners. Further information may he obtained by request tent to the Ship Sales Division, 1319 “F” Street. N. W„ Washing ton. D. C. For sailings of freight ships to all parts of the world, write Division of Operations, Traffic Department, U.S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corp., Washington, D. C. DODSON. Elder L. W. Stone, of East l'ojnt, filled his appointment- at Liberty Chris tian church Sunday. Mr. Will Dukes nnd son, Harris, of Happy Valley, «ero dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Sowell Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Marion Herring, of Mud- rns, visited Mr. nnd Mrs. T. F, Jones Sunday nl’tornoon. Misses Lilllo Mauilo nml Emma Kato Lambert spent. Saturday night and Sun day With Misses Annie Lon anil Ora Dukes, at Happy Vnlloy. Mrs. Elslo Holoman, of Snrgont, is visiting lior mother, Mrs. Drew Hyde. Miss'Mary Palmer, of Madras, was the guest of Mrs. E. R. Hyde Sunday. Wo aro plensod to note that. Mr. Gol den Hyde, who line been quite sick, is much bettor at this writing. Mr. Onnie Lambert visited friends at Welcome Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Eldson spent Fri day with the former’b mother in Camp bell county. Mrs. T. A. Sowell was lii Newnnn Friday shopping. Messrs. T. B. Sanders, W. B. Sanders nml P. H. Gibson spoilt Tuesday on the river llshlng. Mr. Hugh Gibson, of Nowiinn, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. H. Gibson. Mr. T. B. Forroll, of Happy Volley, and Mr. Horace Gullntte, of Campbell county, visited in our community Sunday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Lambert had ns guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J.,E. Eldson, of Palmetto, and Messrs. Dewey Smith nnd Robt. A. Sewell, of Happy Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brooks and Miss Annie Mae Hyde,' of Atlanta, are visiting Messrs. T. B. Sanders, W. B. Sanders, Hugh Glass and L P. Sewell attended the funeral of Mr. Albert ICempson, at Senoift, Sunday. MIsb Annie Lou Dukes! of Happy -Val ley, spent Sunday night with the Misses Lambert. > Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Cook, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Hayes nml Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlie Sowell, of Madras, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Hayes Sunday. Rev. L. W. Stone, of .East Point, was entertained Sunday by Mr, and Mrs. Albort Hyde. Mr. OurtiB Hayes, of Atlanta, spout the week-end with his parents here. Mrs. P. H, Gibson, Mrs. S. G. Dukes and Mrs. W. B. Sanders went to Newnnn Sundny to be with Mrs. E. R. Witcher, who underwent nil operation at the New- nan Sanatarium on that day. May T7th. o : MT. CARMEL. Miss Lorine Collins, county home deni- castration agent, Monday after- noon. Wo deeply sympathize with-Mr. Clove Gentry and sister in the bereavement occasioneilby. the deatlr of their father, Mr. John Gentry, which occurred Satur day evening. He was buried hero Sun day afternoon, funeral services bciug conducted by Rev. F. ,T. AmlB, of Wel come, and Rev. W. E. Fuller, of'Newnnn. Mrs..' J. E. Wood and children spent Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. C. F. Wood, at Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Vollic Howard, of Buck eye, spent Monday night with Mr, John nie Johnson and family. Misses Mnmillo and Fannie Kate Wal lace s|ient the week-end with friends in Carroll county. Mises Nannie Mae nnd Pauline Harris, of Sargent, spent Sundny night with Miss Fannie Kate Wallace. We me glad to report, that little Tom-.’ mio Lee Grimes, who has been quite sick, is now convalescent. Mrs. Byrd Beavers spent, Thursday nf tor noon with her daughter, Mrs. Mitch ell Johnson, at Buckeye, Mixs Atlmgonc Wortham, who hns been visiting relatives here, returned to At lantn Sunday. She was accompanied home by her cousin, Pauline Payton. Mr. i'opq Dyer, of Sargent, spent Sunday with Mr. nml Mrs. Win. Dyer. . May 17th. o Woman's Suffrage. The first state to grant full tniffrage to women was Colorado, in 18flH. How ever, the Wyoming territory. In 18«'J. had enfranchised women, Tlte eitv tax books will be opened April 1, and property- owners are requested to make their returns promptly. Books close June 1. J. P. SHACKELFORD, City Clerk. You’ll enjoy the sport of rolling ’em with P. A«! Prince Albert is sold in toppy red bags, tidy red tins, hand some pound and halt pound tiri humidors and in tha ptSund crystal glass humi dor with sponge moistsnsr top. F IRST thing you do next —go get some makin’s papers and some Prince Albert tobacco and puff away on a home made cigarette that will hit on all your smoke cylinders! No use sitting-by and say ing maybe you’ll cash this hunch tomorrow. Do it while the going’s good, for man-o- man, you can’t figure put what you’re passing by! Such flavor, such coolness, such more-ish-ness—well, the only way to get the words em phatic enough is to go to it and know yourself! And, besides Prince Albert’s delightful flavor,. there’s its freedom from bite and parch which i&cut out by our exclusive patented proc ess! Certainly—you smoke P. A. from sun up till you slip between the sheets with out a comeback. Prince Albert is the tobac co that revolutionized pipe smoking. If you never could smoke a pipe — forget it!. You can—AND YOU WILL -r-if you use Prince Albert for packing! It’s a smoke revelation in a jimmy pipe or a cigarette! Copyright 1021 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Wlncton-Salom, N.C. the national joy smbke fo.b . Day ion. O. L IKE al] other Delco-Light' plants, 2 this model at $295 has the famous valve-in-head, four-cycle, air-cooled motor. It is self-cranking. There is only one place to oil. It runs on kero sene, is economical and easy to operate. Years of Delco-Light engineering development, together with the experi ence gained from over 135,000 users have combined to produce the value that is represented in all Delco-Light Products. There are twenty- five styles and sizes of Delco-Light plants, to meet every need of farms, stores, country homes and all those places where individual lightinjg plants are a necessity. Write for catalog or come in and let us tell you what Delco-Light can do for you. Delco-Light betters living con ditions and pays for itself. DELCO-LIGHT COMPANY DAYTON, OHIO DOMESTIC ELECTRIC CORPORATION, Distributors, Atlanta, 'Ga. F. HANSON, Dealer, Newnan, Ga.