The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 27, 1921, Image 3

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THE NEWMAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA„ FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921 iSOCIETYf TELEPHONE 447 0ne of the most beautiful children’z of the season was that given Wed- l ay afternoon by Mrs. Roger Bryant t her home on College street In oomph- . t tn her young son, Everett, celebrat- Sfthe fatter-s third birthday The children were seated at a Pettily dec orated table, in the center of which was » hmte basket filled with pink roses. In front of the honor guest was placod a e frosted birthday cake, surmounted hv three small pink tapers, and pink nnd „l,lte mints wore effectively arranged to little pink baskets. The guests in- eluded Bill Lee, Billy Fuller, Tom Far mer 3d, Charlie Farmer, jr„ Geo.. Fisher, T G Hhmilton, John CateB, jr., Albert p’owell, Lewis Powell 3d, Frank Arnall and Edward Buchanan. Next Monday morning (May 301 memorial popples will be on Bale in the business portion of town by the following Young matrons: Mrs. Joe Ponlston, Mrs. Anierlcus Mitchell, Mrs. Ysobel .Odom, Mrs. Ruth Sponclor, Mrs. R, 0. Word, Mrs. Walter Hopkins, Mrs. Roger Bry ant ami Mrs. Mac Manley. Mrs. Man ley is kindly giving her time and atten tion to the sale of the little flower, which has been: adopted ns tlie official memorial symbol of the American Legion iu mem ory of those who made the “supremo sacrifice” In t)ie world war, The poppy is to bo worn.on National Memorial Day, lest wo forgot that—, “Iu Flahders fields tho poppios grow Between tho crosses, row on row.” Mrs. Ji R. King entertalnod her bridge club Friday afternoon, at her homo on Wesley street. Tho hall, parlor and dining-room were attractively decorated with vart-oolored sweet peas and roses. After the game a delicious salad course was served at the small card itableB, which were placed on the spacious veran- Jda. The guests included Mrs. Jim Far- FOR Looks like the weather is getting right for ice cream—and we are right with the ice cream that will meet every requirement. We sell Gate City Cream—a deli cious, full-bodied cream, made in a sanitary plant,-by men*who understand how to make it right, and DO IT! just received a lot of fine ice cream packers to send your order out in- clean and cold, and no rust or dirt to offend. Let us send you some cream—very soon. J. R. McCalla -"\ For the Girl and Boy Graduates Have you a friend, sweetheart, relative or child graduating this year? What would be more pleasant and appropriate than a Graduation Gift? Come in. and let us show you our selection, and help yoii to choose a suitable gift. Stationery \ Kodaks Fountain Pehs A few things we suggest are: Ivory Sets Ivory Pieces Traveling Sets mer and her guest, Mrs. John D. Whist- rtnnt- of Summorville, Mrs. Welboni Da vis, Mrs. Robt. Mann, Mrs. John Couth, Mrs. Sanl Cook, Mrs. Walter Hopkins, Mrs. Pal Bradley, Mrs. R. C. Word, Mrs. Ruth Sponclor, Mrs. Harry Jones, Mrs. Lofoy Mann nnd Miss Ruth Thompson.' Sarah Dickinson Chapter,* D. A, R., was ontortuined Monday afternoon by MrB. H. C. Glover nnd Mrs. T. J. Jones, nt tho homo of tho lnttor on Jofforson street. A vory Interesting program was given, Mrs. J. H. Powell prosiding. Mrs. J. 8. Powell,.Mrs. J. R. Wilkinson and Miss Mattlo Roid Robinson woro appointed ns a committee to revise tho constitution and by-laws, A delightful soclnl half-hour followed, when ice cream and cake were served. MrB, N. E. Powol was hostoBS for tho Tuesday Afternoon Brldgo Club this week at her homo on College street. Mrs. J. P...Tones, jr„ won the prism, a pair of Bilk hose. Mrs. Eph Dent and Mrs. Bob Wilkinson woro the only guests [besldos the club members. Miss Margaret Carmichael, who 1ms been tonchlng in South Carolina, is now with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Car. miehael, near Moreland, for her vaea. tlon. The town will bo overrun with visitors during commencement, and the Country Club will be the soeno of a number of enjoyable affairs while they aro our guests. Dr. and Mrs. Z . Greene will move this week into their now bungalow near town. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murphey will Occu py the apartments at Mrs. Mary What ley’s,' on W. Broad Btreot, vacated by Dr. and Mrs. Greene. , Miss Sara Stallings, who lmB been tak ing a business courso at Bessie Tift Col lege, is now at home and will have ns her guest for the week-end Miss Estelle Hughie, of College Park. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Farmer, jr., en tertained the ' Thursday Morning Rook Club this week at the Country Club. Tho time wns spent in making arrange ments for the reception this evening, which will bo a briliant event. Miss Effio Street has returned home, after spending several days with friends and relatives in Atlanta and at Stone Mountain. —Many other attractive gifts— Flowers for Graduation.—We represent the best florists, and can arrange to have flowers sent direct to any address you desire. JUST RECEIVED! NORRIS’ CANDY—FRESH SHIPMENT. Candy Makes an Excellent Graduation Gift for Girls Norris’ Assorted Chocolates, $1 lb. Norris’ Bon Bons and Chocolate, $1 lb. Norris’ Chocolate Covered Nuts, $1.50 lb. Norris’ Gold Box, $2 lb. Norris’ Crytallizqd Fruit, $L75 lb. COWETA DRUG AND BOOK CO. —Agents for— Faultless Rubber Goods Schaeffer Fountain Pens Everready Flashlights National Mazda Lamps Fversharp Pencils Ansco Kodaks; and Supplies %al’s Remedies Nunnally and Norris Candies Mr. nnd Mrs. E. B. Douglas, of Miami, Fla., and Mrs. F. J. Paxon, of Atlanta, aro spending today with Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Cuttino. Miss Mary Mooney, who 1ms been at tending Flora. McDonald College, Rod Springs! N. C,> will come home next week for her vacation. Mr, and Mrs. D. T. Mnnget. entertained their rook club Friday evening at their home on Temple nvonuc, guests for five tables being invited. Mrs. Tyre Watson and children, of CarroRton, spent tho week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M | Lee, on LaGvange street. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Hollis had. as • j their guests this week Mr. and Mrs; John R Nanfo dpnd .'children; .arid . Mrs.’ MeNeily- | and Miss McNoily, of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. L.. C. Rader and young I sons motored to Byron, Ga., for the week- I end. Miss Ina Hamrick entertained twenty I school girls of her grade at a pienio on Saturday last. Mr. Walker Carqenter,' of Chicago, is I on a visit to hiB purents, Mr. and Mrs. 18. V. Carpenter, Mrs. R. W, Hamrick spent Sunday in I Carrollton with her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. J; T. Moore. MrB. J. M. Milner and little daughter, I of Savannah, are spending the week with I Miss Carolyn Milner, Mrs. John D. Wbistnant, of Summer- Iville, is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Farmer, I on LaGrange street. Mrs. Ealph^Lewia and baby, of Hop- Ikinsville, Ky., are guests of Miss Katie Arnall, on College street. Mrs. I. C. MeCrory, of Atlanta, is I visiting her parents, Capt. and Mrs. J. J. |Goodrum, on Jackson street,, Mrs. r Elizabeth Christian, of West I Point, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. |C. D. Hdllis, for several days this week. MrB. B. M. Blackburn returned yoster- I day from Rome, where, she attended a reunion of hor class- at) Shorter College. Mrs. W. 8. Winter, pf Atlanta, and I Mrs. H. G. Swanson, of Falrbum, are | guests of Mrs. G. W. St. • John this week. Miss Oma Hudson is visiting Miss Ro- |berta Curry, at Clanton, Ala. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Marsh announce I the birth of a daughter on the 21st jnst. SENOIA. The friends of Mrs. C. C. Mcknight will bo delighted to know that she is getting- along nicely, after undergoing an operation at a private saiintnrlum in Atlanta sovoral' days ago. Mrs. Harry Cnllawny, of LnGvnngo, spent Tuesday with hor mother, Mrs. Lee Hand. Mrs. Gii8slo Edwards entertained Tues day at a midday dlnuor. Those enjoy ing her hpHpitullty wore Rev. and Mrs. C. 0. Kisiir, Mrs. Ralph MoKntght, Mrs. Jns. Tribble, Mrs. Leo Hand and Mrs. Maude Atkiuson, Mr. and Mrs, ,T. H. Jones nnd Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Gibson spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mrs. Ella Vlulng, of Birmingham, Ala., has been the guest of hor sister, Mrs. Nixon Arnall, for sovornl days. Mrs. Blnnslie Hines, of Nownan, Is spondlng a few days here, the guest of Mrs. M. E. lunch. Dr. niul Mrs. J. C. Gardner and little daughter, Mnry, are spending a few days In Rome. Miss Margaret McKnlght, who has boon the gueBt of Mrs. Bob Gordon in Atlanta, returned homo Supdny. Miss Emily Arnall loft Tuesday morn ing to visit friends in Atlanta. Mrs. d. D. Hunter is spending Bovoral days. in Savannah, the guest of her niece,- Mrs. Crane. Last spring the, Coweta Chapter, U, D, C., offered a five-dollar gold-piCco ns o prize for tho best essay on the subject, “Tho Truth About Captain Wirz.” Forty-olght esSnys were written by the pupils' of the high school dopnrtmont, Hiss Virginia Walter Arnall winning tho trophy. Sharing honors with hor as second and third best were Miss Edith Atkinson and Miss Virginia Chatfield Ar nall. The prize was dollvorod at tho commencement exercises Monday evening by the president, Mrs. Nixon Arnall. Tho Rodpnth Chautauqua will open three days’ engagement In Senoiu next ■Monday. Mrs. J. T. Henry loft Tuesday morn ing for hor homo in North Carolina. Mr, W. 8. Travis has boon spondlng several days In Nownan with' his daugh ter, Mrs. O. B. McDaniel. May 25th. o TURIN. We sympathize with Bro. Sam Woods, of Newnan, in the loss of his dear com panion. Those hoartwronching trialB come to us all soonor or later, and must be borne with ns much fortitude us wo enn command. It was our plensure to sit Ht tho hos pitable bonrd of Mr. and MrB. E. C. Ba ker one duy last week, nnd to say that we fared sumptuously only partly do scribes our enjoyment. Nownan, spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 0. Sowell. , Mrs. Ella Edwards Is visiting rela tives In Nownan this wook. _____ Mr. nnd Mrs. Leigh Purls and children nnd Mrs. J, C. Grant, of Roanoke, Ain., visited Mr. nnd Mrs. B. M. Ware tho past week * May 25th. BETHEL. Our Sunday fschool continues to im prove, nnd wo hope thnt more will como out and help us. Mrs. R. F. Byroin spoilt several duys last week with her mother, MrB. J. P. Morgan, at Standing Rock. Mossrs. L. C. and W. A. Balloy nnd Mr. Clark Hurdhi visited Mr. Paul Bni- loy, nt Welcome, Sundny. Mr. Albort Crawford nnd children at tended church services at HnralBon Sun day. Mr. S. J. Elder, of Atlanta, was in our community one day the past Wepk on business. Mr, J. E. Brittain, Missos Bessie and Vora Brittain and Miss Mary Overby, of Nownan, visitod Mr.' and Mrs. W. A. Bnlloy the past week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Nixon, of Nownan, ami Mrs. Will Peek, of Sonola, visitor’ • Mrs. L. 0. Bailey one day last week. Mr. J. W. Higgins, of Senoiu. vp.lf ■ in our community the, other day on bus iness. Mrs. W. A. Bnlloy entertained hot Sunday-school"' class Saturday evening with a taekey party. May 24th. o CARD OF THANKS. We doslro to thank our friends and nolghbot-B fpr thoir kindnesses during tho Illness and upon tho death of onr darllng baby and brothor; also Dr. EL B. Jackson and Dr, A. A. Burge for - thoir faithful attentiona May heavenV- richcsb blessings rest upon each noth every one of them- is our earnest, prayer.. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Morrow: nnd Children. CARD OF THANKS. I wish to thank all tho good citizen*’ who aided in tho capture of tho munksex- of my brother, J. Albert Kcmpson. Hie’ family are also grateful for numerous’ klndnossos shown them during tho anx ious hours following the brutal attack: made upon him, and for the tender ex pressions of condolence received since be passed away. C. H. Kcmpson. Alamo Theatre Program for Week Beginning May 30> x ' MONDAY. Douglas Fairbanks -IN— This is said to be a dis- nct departure from any- ling previously done by this ever-active star. Our audiences have become ac customed to seeing “Doug” eap from house-top to rouse-top, but in this one will see entirely new stunts. ortraying- a love-lorn in ventor, he invents his way On qur rounds last week wo wore tunnhlo nnrl tVipn in- grntlfiod to observe extensive fields of mtO ITOUDie, anu I'llCII in small grain, nil nearly ready for tlio reaper- and promising good yields, While those- crops are bettor than usual, cotton is not so prbmisiug. , It is lute, and the stands arfi about ns pool- and un satisfactory as Is tho price. Tho boll weevil lias already mndo its appearance in some localities, The fruit crop in this suction Is not vory promising, although wo liavo black berries in abundance. There is a noticeable decrease in joy riding.-bj’ nqgropp those days, which. ’1s hut"oijfflndlcatlon of the “hard times wo rirf-'^Lii rlo'w experiencing. Thpy do thoir gn'lltyanting On foot now, which is chopper!'' find certainly safer for the- average -Wnyfttrer on • our public roads. Miss Margaret Powell, who has been teaching at. Plneliurst (ho - past year, is at homeI for (ho summer. Mrs. Egbert Johnson, from hoar New- nan, spent the week-end with relatives here. Our school closed Friday night with a very interesting entertainment, which was much enjoyed by the large .crowd present,, . . i • Miss Essie Lnsseter, of Anniston. Ala., is spending the summer with her slstor, Mrs. Lester Proux. Miss Dorothy Ingram, of Senola, vis ited friends here the past week. We regret to lose Mrs. W. D. Steph enson from our schoopand community by her removal to Bowersvlllo. Ool. Sidney Camp, of Newnan, gavo a 'very interesting talk at the Methodist church hero Sunday on behalf of the Christian Education movement. As ho was once a Turin boy we naturally have a very tender feeling for him. Misses Lorine Collins and Ruth Var ner, of| Newnan, were guests of Miss Jerolino Thompson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Moses motored up to Atlanta Sunday. Miss Bohnie Hunter, who has boon attending the Baptist Training School nt Louisville, Ky., is at home for the sum mer. Mr. and-Mrs. S. F. Summers, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Summers and children, Oscar and Ruth, all of Cordele, and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and children, of Montgomery, Ala., spent the week-end, with Mrs. Blu ford Arnold, Misses Rosa Arnold and Louise Sum mere are visiting relatives in Montgom ery. May 24thin. vents his way out, all for the sake of a girl. The story is aid in Greenwich village and furnishes a pictorial tour of this noted quarter. Third Episode, “The Son of Tarzan.” MIDWAY. Mrs. D. L. Hardegreq and Mr. Ernest I Herndon visited in Newnan Sunday. Mr. Wade Luckie and family, of Buck eye, spent Sunday at the home*af Mr. Robt. Eady. I Mrs. Alice Davis and children and Mr. and Mrs. J; M. Kidd, of Newnan, spent the week-end in our community. Mr. and Mts. J, M. Walkef entertained la few friends with an ice cream supper Saturday night. 11 Grandma#’ Jackson is visiting her (daughter, Mrs. John Kidd, in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Stephens spent Saturday night with their daughter,. Mrs. Albert Lyle, at Buckeye. Our Sunday-school was slimly attehded’ 'Sunday, only two teacjiejs being present. Let everybody come oyt next Sunday ami make it more encouraging to our super- | intendent. Misses Johnnie Mae and Nellie Carnes [visited their cousin, Miss Susie Smith, at Springview, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lyle, of Buckeye, spent Sunday in our community. Little Sophronia Hardegree, of Handy, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. [Lewis Stephens. May &4th: ROSCOE. . Our school closed Friday, and an en joyable program was rendered Friday night. “Ouf Awful .Aunt/’ a snappy Comedy, was given by the eighth grade, in which Mr. Willis Edwards, Pete, 99 a 11 sassy 1 * negro, made quite all deserve praise for thoir splendid im personations. , Besides the comedy, i one-act play was rendered by the pri mary and intermediate grades. ■ , At a recent meeting of the trustees of the Kbscoe school the very efficient and popular teachers were re-elected for the fall term. Prof, and Mrs. Marvin Starr and Mar vin, j^r., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Boone, at Welcome. Miss Cnrrio Taylor, of Carroll county, was the attractive guest of Mrs. W. If. Tanner last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Barnes and chil dren.. from near Palmetto, were guests Sunday of Prof, wul Mrs. 0. it. Sewell, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Moore, of Moreland, visitod Mr. anti Mrs. J. C. Hood Sunday. ‘Littlej Miss Edis Doster and Master BUJy poster, of Newuon, spent the week end with their grandparents/ Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Edwards. Mr. Glenn Sanders, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oban. P. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Osburn, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Sewell and Mr. Ed Sewell, of TUESDAY Bert tytell -IN- “The Nut” ‘The Prico of Redemption’’ We feel that we cannot- commend this picture too strongly to you. In a word,,, we can say it is Bert Lytell at his best, and if you recall his work in recent pictures,- you will know that a treat- awaits you. We believe that, you’ll like this picture. Mr, Lytell is supported by Seena. Owen and Cleo Madison,, and their co-operation in sures a good production- Shown for one day only, be ginning promptly at 2 p. m- Fox Newsr- WEDNESDAY Elliott Dexter -IN- “The Witching Hour” When we are able, as in this case, to offer our pat rons a William D. Taylor production, we aire indeed fortunate. Elliott Dexter will appear in the picture from the celebrated play, “The Witching Hour.” It is a de lightful story, filled with great dramatic situations, and plenty of thrills. From every standpoint it is one of the most remarkable pic tures shown this season. The cast includes Elliott Dexter, Mary Allen, Winter Hall, 'Ruth Renick, Robert Gain and Edward Souther land. Good Comedy Today. FRIDAY O.W. Griffith’s Production “The Love Flower” Which is the greatest love? Of all love, which is the greatest in your mind? ^ . - . Some people think mother a hit, as did Miss Inez Hyde u’s “Aunt i • or fLp 1 ove Matilda,” a typical old maid. In fact, J0 „ v ® If greatest, Or ine JOVe of father for son, while oth ers contend for one kind or another—love of gold,- love of ease—white’it has been said that “Greater love hath no man than he should give his life for a friend.” Which do you believe is 'greatest? See this picture, “The Love Flower.” THURSDAY Viola Dana —IN— 99 “Blackmail It has been some time* since we have been able to* show this star, and we think, we; have secured her best: picture. This star is well known in Newnan, and for this reason we will not gtr- into detail about this pic ture, only reminding you: that we are showing thisr feature on Thursday, and that you wil be assured of a good hour or two of enter tainment. Fox News SATURDAY “Heart of the West" It’s another of those great Western pictures that is full of action and thrills, and' played by some of the best- actors in this class of pic tures. In addition to this-' feature we will show one of the . Bruce Scenic Reels, which are interesting from every angle, and always show some new and novel things you never thought of. This is a good program. Special!—In addition to the regular program for Wednesday, June 8, we will try to bring back memories, of ten years ago in motion pictures. We will show as our regular program Mary Pickfqrd in “Suds," and as- an added attraction we will show her in “Friends,” her first picture, as well as a comedy by Charlie Chaplin and other stars about ten years .ago. Watch for other announcements.