The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, June 03, 1921, Image 1

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NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 Vol. 56—No. 36 - v .. . ■ --Y. - !«•’* 7 *¥«&!' r ‘‘• Atlanta and West Paint RAILROAD ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS ATNEWNAN. GA. EFFECTIVE MAY 29, 1921. Bubjoot to change and typographical ' errors. NORTHBOUND! SOUTHBOUND! 7.0fi a. nv 8.50 iw-tinj 0.45 n. hi, Try The Herald's class! fled column for results. ; . LUTHERVILLE. N Our able superintendent, Mr. Gus Williams, and hia committee, Mrs. Lov- i,,k Sewell, Mr# "R. A. Hardaway and Mrs raid Cob oil, of the Methodist Suu- ,lav-school, directed “Children’s Day” exercises hero Inst, Sunday. The program was very interesting and impressive, and the children .did themselves and the com mittee much credit. Mrs. J. E. Strickland entertained ns guests on Sunday last Mr. nod Mrs. E. A. Strickland, Mrs. Fannie Strickland mid Miss Della Wood, of Alvnton. Mrs. W. E. Clmndlor, of Tifton, was the guest last week of her mothor, Mrs. Ada McWilliams. Mrs. 0. P. Allen and children, of At lanta, were week-end guests of Mr. Allen Chandler nnd Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chandler. , Mrs. Harrison Leverott nnd Miss Jes sie Leverett, of Allie, nnd Miss Lois O'Neal, of Chipley, were guests last week of Mrs. H. J. Lassoter and Miss Bessie Lassoter. Mr. and Mi's. Will Tcngie nnd cliil-. dren and Mrs, Louis Hamby nnd chil dren, of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Blnn Teagle. Mr. and Mrs. Fate Waller and Mrs. Rollins Nash nnd son, Franklin, spent" Saturday in Columbus. Mrs. John Taylor and Dr. J. W. Tay lor are attending the Eastern Star Con vention, at Macon, this week. Miss Janie Taylor of Whitesburg, Miss Jarrell of Greenville, and Mr. and Mrs. Lovick Taylor of Atlanta, are guests this week of Miss Louise, Taylor, Prof. Paul M. Cousins, of Shorter Col lege, Rome, is with his mother, Mrs, Ella Cousins, for his vacation. Mrs. Cousins had as her guests also on Sun day last Mr. and Mrs. John Peavy, of Manchester. Miss Irene Sewell has returnedfrom Wesleyan College, Macon, for. her sum mer vacation. Miss Olive Chambless, who has been teaching at Clinton, S. C., the. past year, is also at homo. Mr. Hiram Miller, of Roeky Mount., who lias been attending Locust Grove Institute, is at home for the summer. Mr. Ebbie Reed, of Atlanta, is spend ing a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nath Reed. Mr. Mercer Patterson and Miss Avis Pattorsou are at GrantvJlla this week assisting with the music at the Baptist revival meeting—Miss Patterson as pian ist nnd Mr, Patterson as chorister. Mr. and Mrs. Alvail Chandler entertain ed as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Atley Estes from near town, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Estes of Roeky Mount, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Estes, Mr. Horace Estes and Mr. Hiram Estes of Haralson, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Wood of Newnan, Mr. Ernest Gower and Mr. Buel Boze man, of Atlanta, were guests Sunday of Mr. J. D. Sp'ratlin. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hobbs ■ and chil dren, Mrs. Ella Hobbs and Mrs. White Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. Ossnr Mann, at Senoia, Sunday. Miss Clara Williams is visiting rela tives and friends in • LaGrnnge and At- SENOIA, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKulght nnd Mr, B. Smith, Miss Olive Chambless and Miss Bessie Lassoter visited friends and rela tives at Benna Vista on Saturday and Sunday last. ,i *'t r " and Mrs. Gus Williams visited their son, Mr. Lamar Williams, at Frank lin, this week. V rs - Joe Chandler and Mrs, Cliff Spiers, of Tifton, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynes and Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Chandler. Mrs. Bob Hopboh has returned from Wesley Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, where she underwent a Berious operation several weeks ago. We are glad to know that she is improving, and hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and! Mrs. Blau Teagle are with their daughter, Mrs. Lott Nelson, at Al- »V or a visit of several weeks. Miss Evelyn Benton is visiting Miss J torathy Askew, in Newnan. Mr. Ernest Fry has been quite ill for several days, but is some bettor at this wilting. Mrs. Jas. Gilbert, Miss Annie Dora, t/ a Vn Ur} ’’ ^ essra - Ulenn Bradbury, Les- r i r “I and Jas. Dunlap attended Sunday" ^ mee frng at Welcome last Mr; and Mrs Frank Garrison, of At- mata spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Jom Garrison. P ™ f ; *-'• C. Nall, superintendent of ialbotton High School, is at home for the summer. Ah!' 8 * 3 Lottie Nash left this week for n ata, where she will take a course in xr > he Business colleges! tennUi 8 ^ r yBeth Hurst, who has been week ln ^ ^ air B urn > returned hon^ this M »y 31st. Ben Me Knight have returned'from n trip to Leslie, ‘Americas nnd ljlaWBOii. Mr. B. P. Daniel lias been in Atlanta and Augusta for the past ten days, on business. Mrs. R. L. Longino spent several days in Atlanta last week. The junior and senior classes enter tained hist Thursday evning, with a pic nic. nt Starr’s .mill. i Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hand eliapofoued the party. I Mr, and Mrs. ,T. T. Williams have re turned from n visit to Athens nnd Comer. Messrs. Paul McKnight, Harry Hardy and J. B. Hutchinson attended the open ing of the Country Club, at Newnan, on Friday night Inst. Miss Boyd Arnall, who lias boon teach ing nt Coimuoi'co, is nt home for the sum-' mer. Mr. Harry Hardy attended the ball game in Atlanta last Saturday. Prof, Hill, principal of Senoia High School the past yenr, left Monday for his home. Mr. Paul McKnight, Miss Margaret McKnight and Miss Opul McKnight left Tuesday morning for Albany. Mrs. G. M. Byue, of Albany, who has been visit ing her brothers, Messrs. J. A. and J. H, McKnight, and other relatives here, nindc the trip home with thorn. Mr. Paul Mc Knight expects to make an extended tour of South Georgia and Florida before re turning home. Among the school boys and girls re turning homo the pnst few days are Fleming Arnall, Jim Wiley Arnnll, Glenn Camp and Jas. Camp, from Ala bama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn; Miss Carrie Belle Arnall, from Wesleyan College, Macon; Rush Camp, from New nan High School; Miss Emmie Lou Mann, from LaGrange Female College, Mrs, Emma Shinkle returned homo Saturday, after spending several days in Atlanta, where she was the guest of relntiycB Mrs. Goodmqn, of Fnirburn, lias been visiting her daughter, Mrs. H, H. Me Gahee. ■ Mrs, Rebecca Perdue, of Atlanta, k spending the summer witli her daughter, Mrs. B. P. Daniel. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Gardner have return ed from Calhoun, where they went Fri day to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gnrd- mer’s father. While operating a binder in his field the other day Mr. C, H. Kempson’s left hand #ot caught in the sprocket wheel of the'tllflohinc and was badly mnngled. Mr. J. D, Hunter and sister, Mrs. Em ma Benton, spoilt Tuesday in Atlanta. Miss Helen Matthews, of Barney, Ga., is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. J. D. Hunter. Miss Kate Murplioy'a ihhsic pupils gave a recital Friday evening at 'the school auditorium,• and aii intefe'st'iifg program was rendered. The remains of Mrs. Hattie Couch; wife of Dr. C./F. Couch, wore brought here Saturday for interment. She is survived by her husband; one child, Mar garet; a sister, Miss Mary Shields; two brothers, Dr. R. S. Shield!) and Mr. Foster Shields—all of Atlanta. She was lanta. this week. Mr mwl- TVTi-o f:,„ rn. 11 „» T Iv osier omciiis—an or Atlanta. Hhe was . ! ?> s ° 3 half-sister of Mr. W. S. Travis. DRESDEN. tile ( R° rl v n 0m our community attended bumla" * Convention at Welcome p ir ^', an '] Mrs. I. P. Manley, of Corner 8,10 " V !? lteJ Mr ' aiut Mr s- J- E. Bilbo sun,l ay afternoon. nii,! A,I " a Mitcham spent Thursday nan WI ^ 1 ^ 18s Mildred Baker, in New* duh^il'V >r ’ ne Collins gave the canning Th„. i '- a demonstration on sewing Ihursday at the school-house. the lot* > ^ rs ‘ Crad.v Thompson visited f’ U rlli ter i 8 T, parent8 - Mr. and Mrs. Will ji? w ' at Bethel, Sunday, her J!? n ?3? Euth Davis complimented Ne/SSt Ml8S Annie BelIe Chandler, of Jlusie ° PC ” a l )art y Saturday night, when r?- S . en -i°yeil until a late hour, served " e “ eiou * cak e and cream were Mini _, ea couples were present, week n.-rr 1 wl la Eincher is spending the nan ^ lSB ^* Ina Beynolds, in New-, WELCOME. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. T. Witcher and Mrs. Hnmp Kidd ai)d children spent Monday uttgrnoon witli Mr, and Mrs. Ernest AVI teller, at Roscoe. \ Miss' Louise McKoy, who has beeii a student nt Besslo Tift College, is nt homo for her vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Bowers, of White, Oak, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sum mers Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Smith and Miss Dorothy Smith, of Alta Vista, Vn., and Mr. G. T. Snow, ol; Atlanta, spent Sunday and* Monday with tho family of Mr. J, B. Strong. Rev. W. S. Gaines, of Grmitville, nnd Rev. V. A. Roark, of Newnnn, wore slinking hnnds with friends in our com munity Saturday afternoon. Tho former was pnstor of Mt. Carmel church 13 years ago, and his friends hero woro glad to see him. Mr. ahd Mrs. W. T. Moore, of Mndras, and Mr. W. L. McKoy, of Newnan, vis ited Mrs. ,G N. Strong and Mrs. W. 8, Summers Sunday afternoon Rov. and Mrs. F. J. Amis and Mr. J. L. McKoy attended tho “hoiu.ecoming’’ service nt Yellow Dirt Baptist church Sunday. We regret to report Miss Lucy McKoy on tho sick list this weOk. Mr. and Mrs. Brondus Bilbo, of At lanta, spent tho week-end witli Mr. and' Mrs. J. A. Bilbo. Mr, anil Mrs. J'. W. Smith, of Hogans- rillo, and Mr. and Mrs. Snowden Swy- Mr. and Mrs.. O. R, Simo, of Hogans- ylUe, spent tho week-end with Mr. ni|d Mrs. ,1. C. Mokoy, ■ The B. Y. P. U. Convention of the Western Assoointion oonvonod at I’rovi- douce church Sunday, and, nocdlesB to suj’, tho dny was an inspiration to all. Must of the unions in tho association wore represented. The address by Rev. dfijank Loavoll wns well worth tho trip, not to montion other good speakers on tiio program. Wo hope to have this body Hth us ugain. Sir, Ralph McKoy spout the wook-oncl fit'll Mr. Wm. Anderson nnd other friends ,’ at MountviUe. gert, of Haralson, spent Sunday' witl; Mrs. Junio Hodnett and daughters. HOMEWOOD. ! Our Sundny-sohool continues to im prove, nnd we hope Hint more will come (ml and help us. [Mr, and Mrs. Jimmie Story attended services at Mt. Carmel Sunday and dined with Mr, nnd Mrs. Otis Grimes. Miss Myrtle Childers uml Mr. Loon Little, of Sargent, attended Sunday school here Sunday oftornoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Hnrdegree, of Han oi,V, were guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Story Sunday. -Mr, and Mrs. Vollie Howard' and Mr. i.oo’ Story visited ut Snrgout Sundny nt'- CltlOOll. ■ My«. Wade Lnckio nnd Miss Louise jltpfy wero in Nownnn Saturday shop- liii'g. ff,Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Story spent Satnr- w hi Newnan with Mr. and M!rs. Soab SMlllioim JJ Tho singing given by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Story Sundny night wns greatly' enjoyed by the largo congregation, Ho Ten for 10 cents. Handy size. Dealers carry both. 10 for lOe; 20 for 20c. It’s toasted. Mrs. Couch was ‘the daughter of Mr.\ Moses Shields, and for a number of yennf resided here. A short sorvieo was held at the grave, Rev. C. C, Kiser officiating. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alton Hobbs, Mrs. Ellen Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. WilBon and children, of Lutherville, wero guosts of Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Mann Sunday. A large umnber of Senone people at-' tended the Methodist Sundny-scliool rally at Haralson last Sunday. It was an ali- day affair, dinner being sorved on tho grounds. A telegram has been received by Mrs. J. A. Kempson stating that her uncle, Mr. Marvin Fambrough, was killed this inoniing in an automobile wreck near Boston, Ga. Mr. Fambrough was roared near Senoia, and lived here a number of years, but- in&veil to South Georgia abont fifteen years ago. No particulars were given. June 1st. iMta _£l ar k\ °f Rome, is spending GRANTVILLE. Mrs. Bobo Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Banks, Miss Elizabeth Banks and Mrs. Leila White spent Monday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Banks and Mrs. Tlieopa Banks are spending some time in New York. - Misses Laura and Lillian Sewell en tertained the Rook Club most delight fully Friday afternoon. Miss Clara Cole, of Newnan, was a recent guest of Miss Mellie Zellars. The friends of Miss Blanche Lambert are receiving invitations to the gradua ting exercises of the G. N. & I. College, at Milledgeville, whieli will be held Tues day morning. Miss Lambert has made a fine record at college, and her friends prophecy a bright future for her. Miss Leona Letson, who lias been at tending Wesleyan College, Macon, is at home for the summer. Mrs. C. C. Cooper, of Andalusia, Ala., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Latimer. She will leave Sunday for Asheville, N. C., where she will spend the summer. Mr. Lewis Dean spent tile week-end with hi's fomily here. • The revival meeting at the Baptist church is arousing a deep interest. Rev. F. A. Bone is a preacher of marked abil ity, and great results are expected from, the series of meetings. Miss Avis Pat terson and Mr. Mercer Patterson, of Lutherville, have charge of the music. Miss Cordie Hopsoii, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs; Billy Hopson. Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Lurid tort are in Atlanta' for' several days. Mrs. C. G. Perry and young son, of Anierii-us, will arrive in a few dayB on a visit, to the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dean. June 1st. awhile ... ' Auine, js speniung ^ CW,ler. er daUt?llter ' MrB " Hen - B , r r i . < . t ? es ' of SaTgent, and ited nr:?, 3 ^idhans, of Welcome, vis- noon MlSS ^ a rtha Fincher Sunday after- ilay 31st. Nor Have W<; Jud lhiiikins says he lias no use fat the economise who eats live-dollar (undies downtown anil kicks for dollar dinners ut Imme. Fashionette GOLF HUTS (Green Brim) 75c The pleasure of good clothes is greatly increased when they are acquired at REASONABLE PRICES. Nevety^-our many years Of merchandising experi ence, have we offeredDbetter intrinsic values in pretty things for summer than now. SPORTS WEAR SPECIALIZED Blouses 2.25 5.75 Skirts Dresses 7.50 t0 15.00 5.75 35.00 Petticoats 1.45 7.00 Fine Cotton Skirts 5.75 ^ 6.75 Sport Sweaters 9.50 Silk Hosiery Parasols Neckwear Black—white Brown—gray 1.10 <° 1.95 Rain—sun 5-95 to 9.50 Colors. Gloves Handkerchiefs Hand Bags BATHING SUITS FOR MEN 2.00 to 5.00 FOR WOMEN 3.00 to 8.50 FOR CHILDREN 1.50 to 3.00 SEE, EXAMINE AND COMPARE VALUES