The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, June 03, 1921, Image 6

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. ...» - • ,• /■' -V. • - ^ tv THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 our brands: The following brands of Cigars aie made by ys exclusively and are sold by leading druggists and grocerymen generally— “El Bowena” “Havana Beauty” “La Corona de Cuba” “Bo-Re-Co” “Tampa*Bowena Straight” “Elmrose” 10 Cents C and 8 Cents your dealer doesn’t cany above brands insist on.hlm doing so REESE CIGAR CO. 27, 2 If Court Sq. Douse Shoes, Home Shoes, Comfort Shoes For the hot summer time you want your feet just as lightly covered as is possible. Here is one you cannot get around just to meet, this demand— A light and soft-strap slipper with low, flat heels, Grover’s make, at $5.00. A light and soft-strap slipper at $2.95. A light and soft-strap slipper at $3.00. We want you to see these real COMFORT slip- : pers at a price to suit every buyer. Another big bargain for you— A great big lot of KOOL-KLOTH and PALM BEACH caps, in men’s sizes, to close out at 25c each. All our felt and straw hats, including genuine PANAMA and BANGKOK hats, to close out, at $3.50. Most of these are $7.50 and $8.00 hats. P. S.—Don’t forget our shoe repairing. Our shoe repairing is the best. The Shoe Shop “ON THE SQUARE—NORTH SIDE.” W. M. Askew. ’Phone 326. TURIN. Lost week wan n Irony one with tho fanners of this so'etion. They have har vested their Binall grain crops, and are rejoicing over the flue yields obtained' of both wheat and oats. These cropB will go far toward keeping them out of debt for something to eat, the remainder of the year. Mrs. R. W. Anderson treated her fam ily to a real country dlnndr Monday, consisting of home-raised Irish potatoes, snap beanB, squash, roasting ears, and other relishable eatables. In a few days we will have also good wholesome bis cuit from home-raised flour. Such 1b Ilfo in the country—If wo choose to make it so. Chappell’s sawmill is nq,w located on Mr. C. W. Rees’ farm. Miss Rebie Rees is visiting her Bister, Mrs. Elam Derackon, in Senoia. Tho many friends of Mr. Edgar T. Whatley sympathize with him in the death of his sister, Miss Sue Whatley, which occurred at his homo in Savannah a few days ago. After the death of their brothor, Hon. S. L. Whatloy, she wont to live with Mr. Edgar Whatloy, they being tho only children remaining of a once large family. Now only ho is loft. Her reimilns wore brought from Savan nah and interred in the family lot at Smyrna. Misses Nora Page, Margaret Shell and Edna Shell and Mr. Richard Shell, of Turin, and Mrs. Will Wood and Miss Helen Wood, of Sharpsburg, spent Sun day with Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Gaines, in (irantville. Mr. J. J. Reoso, of Newnan, spent Wednesday here. Mrs. Tallulah Mobley visited Mrs. Jennie Orr, in Newnan, tho past week. , Muy 31st. 'The Store* Eastman Kodaks, $2 to $7 per set ‘Bwieiebl m Under this Puretest brand, packed in air-tight boxes, you can obtain at this store only the finest quality common or household drugs ever marketed. Every one is much better than ordinary, as a few personal tests will easily prove to you. Specify Puretest when next you buy. Borax Rochello Salt Stea rente Zinc Sugar Milk , Many other drugs are packed in this line;—these are the most commonly used. Epsom Salts ‘Boric Acid Bow’d Alum Cream Tartar Sugar Milk Castor Oil Senna Leaves Cuaoara mm Ch oco 1 a te s — the Candy with the wonder cen t r e s — " continues to grow in popularity, and deservedly so, for no finer assortment of Chocolates is uu uuvii aooui tuivuv vi vMivwuiaico ic is packed by-any maker for the mod erate price charged — for the “Won' Box.’’ Per p 01 $1.00 John .J John R. Cates Drug Company ft RAYMOND. Delegates attending the convention of the B. Y. P. U. of the Western Associa tion at Welcome last Sunday were Misses Ruth, Banks, Willie Banks, Etta Lou Stevenson, ,Messrs. Wm. Banks, Tom Johnson and Emory Upshaw. They re port an enjoyable day, with a sumptuous dinner, as well as a fine meeting. Mr. Q. R. Greer, of Montgomery, is visiting Miss Inez Moon. The B. Y. P. U. will give an interest ing program at the Methodist church Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Everybody cordially invited. Rev. J. H. Reynolds, of Newnan, preached an able and impressive sermon at the Baptist church here Sunday morn ing. Several of our young people attended the picture show in Newnan Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hyde entertained the B. Y. P. U. Friday night, a large crowd enjoying the evening. After in : teresting games a delicious ice course was Berved. May 1st. CORNER BRANCH, This dry weather is said to be unheal thy for the boll weevil, but the house wife knows it to be severe on the gardens. Among those who attended the B. Y. Pi U. iConvention at Welcome on Suhday last were Mr. and Mrs. Q. B. Brooks and children, Mr. Bon Davis, jr., Mrs. Jennie Mae Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Minor Millions and children, Mrs. Fannie Brown, Mr. Emmett Brown and Mr, Dewey Davis. Mrs. Fannie Brown had as guests last week Mrs. Fletch Formby and Mr. Amos Webb, of Corinth. Miss Mary Staples, who has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Eddie Brown, returned last week to her home at Roopville. Mosdames Eddie Brown and O. B. Brooks attended the unveiling of the memorial tablet in Newnan Monday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown and son, J. , jr., of New Hope, spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Brown. Mrs. 0.' B. Brooks is attending com mencement oxercises in Newnan today. Mr. and Mrs. Will Webb spent Sunday in Corinth. Master Tom Staples, of Roopville, is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Eddie Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, o£ New, Hope, spent Tuesday afternoon with the former’s mother, Mrs. Fannie Brown, We are having some fine weather for liarvesting small grain. Mr. Eddie Brown, who has been quite sick, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie'Brown lmd as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Neal and Mr. Joe Brown, of 'New Hope, and Mr. Walter Lunsford, of Love joy. June 1st. MILLS CHAPEL. Wc are glad to report that Mrs. Moss, ^vho underwent a serious operation sev eral days agb, is doing nicely at this time and will be able soon to return home. Mrs. J. W. Hutson, who has been sick for some time, is still confined to her home. Our school closed Tuesday evening, ahd a splendid program was rendered by the pupils. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Houseworth spent the week-end. with their parents at More land. Rev. G.' W. Jones will fill liis appoint ment at Mills Chapel next Saturday night and Sunday. Everybody invited to be with us. Mr. J. G. Dougherty has sold his crop, mule and wagon and invested the pro ceeds in an automobile. He doesn’t in tend for anybody to get ahead of him. Peace is a beautiful thing, but Wore we spend too much time in dreaming of the peace of the world we should take practical steps to restore peace at home. There is a deadly war on right here in America—a war to the finish. It is a war between the criminal element and respectability. Murderers, bank robbers, mail looters, hold-up men and cheap thugs are becoming too numerous. Their -depredations are of daily and nightly oc currence in the big . cities. The criminal element is becoming so bold, so power ful and so insolent as to constitute a distinct menace to law and order and decency in this country. Probably the most alarming phase of the whole un savory mess is the facility with which sthese gangsters escape punishment. It jis easy for a murderer or hold-up man to 'manufacture a fictitious alibi. And there is always some lawyer crook ready to aid him in perjuring his neck out of the noose. The outlook is not conducive to that sound ahd refreshing sleep which country people wish to' enjoy.—Mays- ville Enterprise., A Harvard undergraduate, contrary to the regulations, was entertaining his sis ter, when they hoard some one on the stairs. Hastily hiding the girl behind a curtain, he went- to the door and con fronted an aged man who was revisiting the scones of his youth and was desirous of seeing his old rooms. Obtaining per mission he remarked: “Ah, yes, the Bame old room. ’ ’ Going to the window, he said, “Ah, yes, the same old view,’’ and, peeping behind the curtain, he ex claimed, “Ah, yes, the same old game.” “My sister, sir,’’ explained the stu dent. Ah, yos,’’ replied the visitor, “the same old story.’’ Some of these old fellows who finally declare that life isn’t worth livin’, seem to have a good time findin ’ it out. SOLD ONLY BY John R. Cates Drag Co. 1 EXT DOOR TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK 'The Store IN JUNE Those “perfect days” of June are with us, with summer sunshine, June brides, sweet young graduates, and June thirst! “What is so rare as a day in June! Then, if ever, come the perfect days.” So said the poet—and so say we all, but the enjoyment of those perfect days will be greater if you can escape the heat of the sun, get into a cool place, and take a refreshing drink, or eat a delicious ice. Join us in the summer days, under cooling fans, and drink heartily of our delightful fountain drinks. There’s no regret—only pleasure, and the thank ful satisfaction of knowing one of the simple and healthful pleasures life af fords. - J R. MeCalla FOR SUMMER HEALTH AND CLEANLINESS We have just received a new and attractive line of Bath Caps, Shoes, Garters and Suit Bags. The big-pool at the Country Club is now open- looks mighty good, too. Then there are other places to take your plunge—and get away from the heat— it’s the only cure. Come in and make your selection of Swimming Goods before they are picked over. —DEODORANTS- Prevent perspiration odors in summer with a good deodorant or talcum powder. We carry a large and varied stock. Hid Mum Odomo Neet —TALCUM POWDERS— Mennen Hudnut Mavis Vantine And many othres, Colgate Lazelle Djer Kiss Squibb a 1 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PHONE ORDERS COWETA DRUG AND BOOK CO. PHONE 18 8 Greenville St 2 Solid Cars Fruit Jars READY CANNING TIME? In the past few years our siore has become headquarters for the thrifty, housewife who wishes to provide for the family by canning and preserving fruits and vegetables. Again this year we have made ample preparations for the season, and invite your attention to the facilities provided for your needs. Have been received and are now awaiting your demands. A Solid Car of A Solid Car of. ’$ Perfect Mason Atlas “E-Z Seal” Jars FRUIT JARS The Peer of them all PRICES PRICES Pints, doz.. $ .95 Pints, doz.._.- SjJjJ Quarts, doz 1.10 Quarts, doz J-iW Half-gal.,.'doz, 1.50 Half-gal., doz L75 “RED GIANT” Jar Rubbers, 10c. dozen,’three dozen for 2Sc: Jar Tops, per doz., 3Sc. Jelly MolLs, doz. 50c. Johnson Hardware Co.