The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, June 24, 1921, Image 3

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I THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1921 ^SOCIETY! TELEPHONE 447 Mias Carey Troartnway ami Mr. James Alton Adiiy, of Newaan, wore married the Second Baptist church Thursday afternoon, the pastor, Dr. Henry Alford Porter, officiating.—Atlanta Journal, lt, Tlie"foregoing announcement was read witli much interest by the many friends of the young couple here. The happy Lent had been anticipated for some time but no date had been set, and the time and place chosen foh its consum mation was a pleasant surprise. Mrs. A.ldv was for several years an efficient member of the faculty of Atkinson Grammar School, and is one of Newnan’s most talented young women. Mr. Addy is a member of the Art* of D. W. Boone & Co., and both - prominent and popular in the business community. They are spending the week at Signal Mountain, Tenn., and upon returning will be at home to their friends at 12 Savannah street. - Miss Mary Clinton Orr is entertaining Bix pretty girl friends from ouj-of-town points at a house party this'week, and doing the honors as hostess in her usual charming manner. Her guests include Misses Mildred Payne, Martha Gutten- berger, Martha Lowe and Marian El liott, of Macon, and. Misses Mary Janie Hill and Celeste Dunson, of LaGrange. Wednesday evening Messrs. Bob and Ben Orr gave a dance at the Country Club for their niece’s guests, the presence of a number of out-of-town people adding to the pleasure of the occasion. Music was furnished by an orchestra, and it' 1 was easily one of the nicest affairs of the season. Mrs. Albert Dunson, of La- Grange, and Mrs. Annie F. Ofr were the chnperbnes and assisted in receiving. Lost evening Miss Orr gave a ‘‘prom” party at $te home of hor grandmother, Mrs. Dora Orr, on LaGrange street, to which forty couples were invited. MIbb Frances Cole is entertaining n group of charming visitors at a house party this week, and several nice t.l*- fairs have been given in honor of her guests, who are Miss Carrie Mae Jordan of MaCott, MIsb Martha Hart of W jst Point, and Misses Catherine Stubbs tnd Alice Callaway of Atlanta. Tuesday evening Miss Cole gave a swimming pa> ty and picnic luncheon for her visitors at the Country Club, thirty guests being invited. Wednesday morning Mrs. T. J. Fisher and Miss Alice McBride gave a rook party for MIbb Colo’s guests, at the homo of the former, Miss Mary Clin ton Orr’s visitors being also members of the party. Miss Sara Brown will outor- tain for the visitors at a similar function this morning. Miss Ruth Thompson entertained six tables of bridge at the Country Club Monday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Berryman Longino, of Columbus, who spent a’ few dayB this week as the guest of Mrs. Garland Jones. The main room of the club was effectively decoruted with baskets of gladioli. Mrs. Garland Jones assisted in entertaining. Guests included members of of Miss Thompson’s bridge club and several invited quests,. Mrs. Neil Glass was hostess at a beau tiful reception Tuesday afternoon, in compliment to Mrs. John D. Faver, a recent bride, and to Mrs. Wm. Rogers, of Anniston, Ala., Mrs. E. W. McKenzie, of Atlanta, Mrs. S. L. Faver, of Lav Grange, and Miss Ethel Smith, of New- nan.—LaGrange Graphic. Mr6. Cleveland Orr entertained at rook Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Delmar Owen, of Moreland. Nasturtiums ■3 Dry Clean—Dye at the Capital City Judgment— , Sound judgment is back of every; move in the Capital City work rooms. We know how; that’s why we’re so well known in thousands of South ern homes. WE RENEW Furs Gloves > Sweaters Carpets^ Rugs “Parcel Post Your Package— Look To Ue For Results” Capital City Dry Cleaning & Dye Works ATLANTA, GA. at a l i We never know how much we can stand' until we have gone through it, and then we wonder, perhaps,^whether it was as bad as we thought it was. Among other troubles, don’t get cra zy with the heat. Heat pays no atten tion to you—all you can do is to get un der the cooling fans in our store, and have a refreshing drink. Of 'course troubles always end—some way—but 1 don’t think your brain is big enough to take the whole world’s headaches thru the curing process- One day at a time—that’s all we live, anyway—so keep your head cool and your conscience clear. J. R. McCalla decorated the room \vhei;o.tlio game was played. After the gnnio a delicious menu was served at the small card tables.- Guests for three tables of. rook were in vited. Mrs. R. W. Freeman was called to Anderson, S. 0., Saturday by\tho illness of her daughter, Mrs. W. K. Stringer, who . had undergone an operation for appendicitis. Miss Mnry Freeman, who was visiting Mrs. Stringor at the time, has returned home. Mr. R. D. Colo carried his grandchil dren. to Warm Springs Saturday for a day’s outing. Tho young people forming the. jolly party were Misses Frances, Susan and Annie Colo, Misses Fannie Cole and Ruth Blackburn and Master Edward Cole. Mrs. Pal Bradley entertained five ta bles of rook Tuesday afternoon at her home on MadiBqn street, the roomB where the game was played being effectively decorated in garden flowerB. After sev eral games a dainty salad course, wbb served. Mrs. Welborn DaviB and MisB Lutie Powell entertained with a tea Saturday afternoon in honor of their mother, Mrs. Steve Powell, at their home on Spring street. The guests included sixteen of Mrs. Powell’s most intimate friendB. Mr. and Mrs. ?. J. Williams entertain ed Monday evening in honor of their niece, Miss Agnes Allen, of Atlanta. Music and games were enjoyed until a .late hour, when refreshments wore serv ed* Thirty guests were invited. Mrs. F. O. Landrum and,. children have returned from a week’s visit to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wellborn, at Co lumbus. They were accompanied home by Miss Louise Wellborn, who will spen,d some time here. After a visit of two weeks to hor cou sin, Miss Ola Mooney, Miss Marie Tib 1 betts returned Wednesday to her home at Athens. She was. accompanied by Miss Mooney, who will spend some time as her guest. After a short visit to her sister, Mrs. Lily Bevis, Mrs. Chas. Newell has re turned to her home at Norton, Va, She was accompanied by her nephew, Harold Bevis, who will spend his vacation there. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnson, of More land, announce the engagement of their daughter, Katie Irene, to Arthur Hudson Boone, of Newnan, the marriage to takd place ht a later date.: No cards/ . * After spending several days with Rel atives in Newnan and ‘vicinity, Mrs. J. N. Nix and granddaughters, Misses Joy Williams and Dorothy Kingsberry, re turned to Carrollton yesterday. Mrs. Mamie Hughes Thompson and Miss Ruth Thompson loft Tuesday for Decatur, where they will be the guests, of Mrs. Frank Hughes for several days. Mrs. Roger Bryant was hostess for her rook club Wednesday afternoon at the Country Club. After the game elaborate refreshments were served. Mrs. W. M. Haynie visited her sister. Mrs. W. H. M.urphy, at Bremen, last week. Miss Minnie.JQUBg > ..{mo i ther. sis|or, hccompaniedi>-li6r home. v ;7.- After a week’s visit' to Miss Jewell Gentry, near town, Miss Alline Ward- law, has returned to. her home at Mont gomery, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Berryman Longino, of Columbus, spent several days this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Jones. Mrs. Hattie G. North, who has been, the guest of Mrs. O. W. Passavant for two weeks, left yesterday for Dothan, Ala. MisB Louise Byram, who has been teaching in the public schools qt Fort Valley, is. at home for her vacation. Mrs. T. P. Zellars and Miss Martha Wynn Zellars are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Orr, in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Etta Watkins has returned to.- Palmetto, after Bpending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Byram. Mr. apdi Mrs. John Staples announce the birth of a daughter, who will bear the name of Eugenia Louise. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tibbetts, of Ath ens, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M /B. Mooney the first of the week. Mr. J. S. Hardaway, jr., is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Harda way, at Thomasville, N. C. Miss Annie Clifford Grimes loft Sun day for a visit to her cousin> Miss Mary Grimes,* at Fort Valley. Col. and Mrs. Geo. F. Baltzell, of Washington, D. C., are guests of Mrs. Susie M Atkinson this week. Miss Emmie Lois. Heard, of Texas, Ga., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. G. Barber, on Temple avenue. July Fourth Celebration! July 2d and 4th SOUTHEASTERN FAIR GROUNDS, ATLANTA Auto, Motorcycle and Horse Races Fireworks—Band Concerts TWO BIG DAYS OF SPORT CARNIVAL! v„ —— j 4 To Our Friends And Customers % ON AND AFTER JULY 1 Our business will be conducted on a strictly CASH BASIS—no charges or tickets will be made to anyone. Only after serious and careful consideration for all interests concerned, and adhering more closely to the three fundamentals upon which a great bus iness has been built— STYLE, VALUE, SERVICE- did we make the above decision. During the economical period through which we are now passing we believe such a movement will mean savings for all. In anticipation of your full co-operation with the above resolution, y * We thank you. 1 KERSEY & PRATHER Because chiropractic is here to stay, and it should be governed 'by proper restrictions for the good of the people and for the pro tection of the qualified practitioner. Because a well-drawn bill will insure the qualified chiropractor examination by a board versed in the science the applicant seeks to practice. A “mixed” board will be unsatisfactory, for the chiropractor does not intend to or seek to practice medicine, and no medical doctor, unfamiliar with chiropractic, is qualified to determine the fitness of a chiropractor. Because the chiropractor graduating from a high-grade school has successfully passed through a rigid course of study of stand ard works on anatomy, physiology, symptomatology, chemis try. obstetrics, histology, philosophy and hygiene, in ad dition to special chiropractic works on studies taught by chiro practic schools only. The bill proposed places rigid training re quirements on those who seek to follow the profession in Georgia. Because the experience of hundreds of people in this country, thousands in the State, and millions in the nation, who have been benefited by chiropractic, is proof positive that it is worthy of. the recognition by the State of Georgia. If you have been benefited by chiropractic, write your legis lators, Hon. B. T. Thompson and Hon- J. L. Jones, care Winecoff Hotel, Atlanta, a brief letter telling them of the results you have obtained; and ask them to support the chiropractic bill, W. Brown CHIROPRACTOR, Newnan, Ga.