The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, June 24, 1921, Image 5

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1921 MY DREAMS. I lmvc Known men bereft of nil they hml; I hove aeon women stripped of trink ets rare; A thousand towns may fall, 'their streets be sad, Their fame bo ccholess upon the air; But I have never known a dream to die, And 1 Inivo .dressed in dreams for many years;. And I have seeii around me careless lie Their careless trinketry as bright ns tears. For only the Impossible is true, And only tlm Improbable can stand; At last the Long Uncertainty will do, And I Imve found \it so in every land; I counted on a heart, to find it clay, But I live by the dream of it today. —Mary J. O’Neill. Constipation fc the fore- I runner of 85% of all human ills. It brings on more suffering, // more sleeplessness, //more ill-temper than //any other «ingle cause. / But YOU CAN GET * RID of constipations Nor do you have to take any nauseating,.grip— • < j_ fi. n Uj? any nauseating,, griping y Ut medicines to do it Take RICH-LAX RICH-LAX Is a new treatment It cleans the system, removes the poisons from the bodv and puts you In shape to accomplish ffis. And RICH-LAX does thie without leaving you week and half-sick, at you always feel after taking ordinary laxative*. reran teed at Our Store. We are to lure that Kich-Ux will please you thet wo went you t» 2Sa? KifettSS .Titter LONGSTREET. (Brought over from Inst week.) Rev. F. J. Amis, of Welcome, filled his appointment at Ebonezer church Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. B. Thompson, of Mc Collum, Bpent Sunday with Mr. Reuben Keith nnd family. Mrs. Roxie McDonald and Mrs. Leon Todd spent the week-ond with Mrs. Jay Wood, near Slmrpsburg, Little Misses Jewel and Ruby Thomp son, who Bpent Inst week with their uousin, Miss Edna Keith, returned Sun- | day to their home at McCollum, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byrd and Mr.' and Mrs. Al Byrd and children, of East Point, spent Sunday with Mr. Z. R. Vineyard and family. Mr. Alton Royeton, from near Ray mond, spent Thursday night with Mr. W. L, McLean. Next Sunday is regular preaching day at Coke's Chapel. Some of our people attended the sing ing at Ebenezer ohureh, Fayette county, Sunday. Mr. Jim McWilliams and family, * of Fayette county, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Willis. | Mr. Bob Collins and family spent the Tom Johnson and Newnan, Ga. Professional Cards. E VERY once in a while you hear a motorist say as he kicks a rear tire with an admiring foot, “there’s alucky tire I ” Give him a chance and he’ll tell you -all about it. And then you’ll find that what he calls “luck” is simply his first experience with a quality standard tire. THE U. S. USCO TREAD Here Is the U. S. Usco Tread, with a long-established standard of service among motorists w^o have an eye to value, as well as to price. While sell ing for less than the o.ther tires in the U. S. Fabric line, the Usco has earned a reputation for quality and depend able economy which is not exceeded by any tire in its class* MYRON H. FARMER, M. D„ Physician and Surgeon. Office over T. G. Farmer & Sons Co. Office ’phone 606; residence 'phone 72, L. E. MOORE Attorney-at-Lnw Will practice in all courts. Prompt loans made on Improved farms in Cow eta County. Over Cates Drug Store. It all comes to this—buy a U. S. Tire anywhere _ in this country and you get definite, predictable value for your money no matter what weight year |s] you drive. S3 The man who has been guessing his way through “overstocks," “discontinued lines,” “job lots” and the •fry* like, will find it refreshing to talk with the local U. S. JJI ^* re dealer who is concentrating on a full, com- pletely sized line of U. S. Tires. For the first time he will hear some straight quality ~ tire facts—and get the difference between chance and certainty in tire buying. The U. S. Tires he sees in stock are fresh, li ve tires. They come direct to the dealer from his neighboring Factory Branch. There are 92 of these Branches estab lished and maintained by the U. S. Tire makers. Giving your dealer a continuous moving stock of new, fresh tires built on the certainty of quality first every time W. L. STALLINGS, Attorney and Counvellor at Law. Will practice In all the Courts. Spe cial attention given to preparation of wills and the administration of estates in the Court of Ordinary. Office in Court House, 'phone 414. week-end with Mr. family, near Sharpsburg. A threshing machine is humming in our community today. Miss Bitha McLean had as guestB Fri day night Misses Erma and Sara McLeam of Sharpsburg, and Miss Rebie Roberts, T. 8. BAILEY. Physician and Surgeon. Office upstairs in Kirby building. 11% Greenville street. 'Phone *87. (office and residence.) JOE B. PENISTON* Physician and Surgeon. Office hours 8 to 10 a. m.: 3 to 6 p. r Office with Dr. Paul Peniston, Offli and residence 'phone 30. VACATION. Exchange. Vacation time I What memories cling around this happy season of youth 1 Do you recall the dreams of wondrous achievement that filled your mind when you graduated? Can you remember the proud ambitions that thrilled your breast when you badp goodbye to your school days and stood at the threshold of that wonderful career’ that stretched before you? "What would you not give to be able to set back the hands on the dial of Time and stand once more with those >t, uyottLiio. equates, the clean, unsoiled pages of and 3 to 6 your life lying white before you ? T The poefc truly has said, “Of all sad pnone asj wor( j 8 0 f tongue or pen, the 'saddest are Y, these, ‘it might have beenV- But it eon. is not a good habit to mourn over spill- ? Co. Res- ed milk, and we waste our time grieving ’phone 316. over the mistakes of.‘the past. Still, a iy_.9°to ft fellow—and a lass, too, for that matter —who graduated a lot of years ago can J t help kicking himself sometimes for the blunders he has made. But what right have we has-been6 to butt in, anyway? This season belongs to the class of 1921. The young gentle men and ladies who stand today in all the pride and beauty of their youth are having their commencement, and they are entitled to the spotlight and the centre of the stage. We, do not envy them, fpr. Fresh, live U. S. Tires come direct to the dealer fYom his neighboring Fac tory Branch." DR. J. E. MARSH Veterinary Surgeon Office at W. A. Potts Stable. 11 E. Broad St. Office phone 106, Res. 370J. His first experience with U- S. quality Standard Titoa." T. B. DAVIS, Phyaidan and Surgeon. Office—-Samtorlum building. Office phone 6—1 call; residence 'phone 6— 1 calls. W. A. TURNER* Phyaiclan and Surgeon* Special attention given to Burgery and diseases of women. Office 19 Spring street. 'Phone 230. R. B. ASKEW & CO., Newuan, Ga. C. C. McKNIGHT & BROS., Senoia, Ga. D. A* HANEY, Phyaiclan and Surgeon. Special attention to eye, ear,, nose Mid throat, and diseases of chest. w. L. WOODROOF* JPhyaldan and Surgeon. Office 11% Greenville street. 'Phone IbL j Special attention gtfren to dis eases of children. J. LITTLETON JONES, Attorney-ut-Law. Prompt attention to legal business. Loans made ,on‘ farm lands. Office over H. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.’s. THOS. G. FARMER* J1U. . Attorney-at-Law. Will give careful and prompt atten tion to all legal business entrusted to me. Money to loan. Office in court house. Not only does the car owner want the thin ^ ^ .. -wren W*. -WT TV _ Not only does the car owner want the things necessary for running his car, but he wants SERVICE in buying them. Service means more than the ability and willingness to properly meet the demands of the purchaser, with good merchandise and fair prices—it also means, we think, that the patron is entitled to the best judgment, the careful thought, of the various members of our organizatipn, in seeing that nothing is overlooked toward assuring the patron of contin ued operation of his car, at MINIMUM EXPENSE. Good service will not permit rash statements about purchases, or the purchase of unsuitable mer chandise of any kind. It will not permit damage to oc cur if our experience and judgment can prevent. Ser vice of the right kind is a trust undertaken by the or ganization and every member of it to make it a person- WILLIAM Y. ATKINSON. Attorney-at-Law. Office over Cuttino’s store. K* W. STARR, Dentlat. Office over H. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.'b •tore. White patronage exclusively. Residence 'phone 382-L. “You are safe in accepting an invita tion to a ‘ moonshine * party at Bibbles 1 bouse. ’ * “Why 80?“ “He Keeps a supply of guinea pigs on the premises. When a new consignment of i moonshine 1 is received a spoonful is | given to a guinea pig. If the patient shows signs of merriment and then lies down for a nap, the festivities are' start ed. If he drops dedd the party is off.” CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. Effective May 29, 1921. ARRIVE FROM Cedartown . . 6.45 a. m. Columbus... 9.55 a. m. 6.25 p. m. Chattanooga . 1.00 p. m. Carrollton.. 4.38 p. m. Baymond .. . 5.22 p. m. Griffin .... 11.18 a. m. 6.52 p. m. DEPART FOR Griffin 6.45 a. m. 1.00 p. m. Columbus... 9.50 a. m. 5.22 p. m. Chattanooga 11.18 a. m. Raymond... 4.38 p. m. Carrollton. . . 5.25 p. in. Cedartown . . 6.52 p. m. GHIGHESTERS PILLS BRAND RATS al matter to see that every patron receives the treat ment he himself would desire under the same conditions. Our service assures you of maximum results for your money. and mice—that’s RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes—no mixing with othefr food. Your money back if It failsf size <i cake) enough for Pantry, ■Kitchen or Cellar. 65c. (2 cakeM) for chicken House, an *all buildings, size <5 cakes> enough for all jarm and out-bulldinga, storage build- ,n |8. or factory buildings, sola and Guaranteed by DRUG COMPANY. LOW ETA DRUG A BOOK COMPANY. . It’s j. and SNAP .... -- dogs won't touch It. Guaranteed. 35c. size (1 cake) enough for Pantry. Kitchen or Cellar. «5e. size <2 cakes) for Chicken House, coops, or Bmall buildings. *1.25 size (5 cake*) enough fOT al) farm and out-buildings, storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY. COWETA DRUG BOOK COMPANY. mice, after you use RAT-SNAP, sure rodent killer. Try a Pkg- QVe it. Rats killed with RAT-5 ive no smell. Cats or Herald Want Ads. Pay. :;'V .'.4. : HWSm