The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, June 24, 1921, Image 7

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA„ FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1921 , (SOCIETY BROUGHT FORWARD) c h. Troutman, who has been -Siting relatives at Ft, Gaines, is ex pected home tomorrow. A A. Hutchens and children, of Atlanta, aro visiting Mrs. J. B. Hutch es, on Temple avenue. Pnnt r r 8. Parrott and family left vesterdny for a month’s visit with rela tives in Richmond, Va- Miss Ruth Spence, of Newunn, is the ffiiest of Miss Elizabeth Boykin.—Car- rollton Free Press. v ' Misses Grace Boone and Pauline Mur- nhoy are attending a house party at Opelika this week. Misses Bartow Wynn and Nora Flem ming are visiting Mrs. Ralph Lewis, at Hopkinsville, Ky. Mrs T. P,' White is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. M. Hughs, on East Broad street Miss Lyda Arnold, of Fayetteville, N. C„ is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. G. Far mer, jr. Local Happenings Told in Short Paragraphs. tativos two men so admirably fitted for the duties of the office to which tho peo ple have CHlled them, NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST TO OUR LOOAli READERS. It rnineth uofc We want yobr business , Boone’s. ’Phone 85 for quick baggage transfer. Miss Lois Hardy is tho guest of Miss Susie Tanner.—Carrollton Free Pross. Out 6f several hundred pupils enrolled in tho litornry department of Emory University the pnBt term only thirty- seven wore named on the honor roll, and it is a pleasure to noto that two of the number are Newnan boys—Harold At kinson and Wyatt Powell. Drink at our fount. We pay the war tax. Lee-King Drug Co. Forget the soda tax; we pay it. Lee-King Drug Co. Mr. W. M. Thomas is spending a few weeks at Borden Springs. The Ohnttahooohee Singing Convention will bo hold with tho Indian Crook Sing ing Convention, which will be held on the first Sunday in August, and on Fri- and Saturday boforo. All singors and lovers of Sacrod Harp singing aro re quested to attend.—Carrollton Free Press. Good hosiery for men, women and chil dren at 15c. a' pair, Bodne’s. Mrs Walker Camp, of West Point, is the guest of Mrs. S. V. Carpenter this •week. Bargains in summer footwear of all kinds at Boone’s. c Bathing suits for Prather’s. Miss Cnppe Wilson, of Allen, Toxas, is the guest of MisB Ida Lou Fincannon. Mrs. L. C. Rader and children are vis iting in North Carolina. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SATES—One cent a word for each in sertion. Minimum charge, 10 cents. TERMS—Cash in advance. Salesman Wanted.—Experienced sales man to cover local territory. Good op portunity and steady income. Address p 0. box 1173, Milwaukee, Wis. Public barbecue at Lake Raymond on ,Tuly 4. Swimming, boating and fishing. ^Everybody invited. O' Lost. — Somewhere in Newnan, on ’Thursday, 16th inst„ gold badge with • chain, boaring initials “F. V. P.” and “M. S.” Finder please return to The Herald office. PEARL SPRING PARK Is now open for the season. Swimming and boating. All conveniences for picnic i parties. Grounds free. W. A. McMICHAjEI, Manager. Wanted.—Automobile. Will pay cash Sor 1920 or 1921_ ‘1490” Chevrolet or Ford, with demountable rims, in good mechanical condition. Must bo a bar gain. Address W. C. F., P. O. Box •574, Newnan, Ga. 'Givil Service examinations will be held for tho positions of postmaster, railway rnali clerk, government clerk. Salaries, $1,500 to $2,200. Men, women, 18 to 05, Experience unnecessary. For free par tieulars write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner,) 155 Equitable build ing, Washington, D. C. all at KorBoy & Our little garden is on its last legs now, and if it doesn’t rain today it’s a goner. Dr. Hill McCaslan, of New York, is spending a few dayB with Newnan friends. Paul Jones middies are equal to tho best, and they are specially priced just now at Boone’s, Mr. E. W. Hammett Bpeut tho week end with his daughter, Mrs. L. B. Har rington, at Marietta, N C. Our entire stock of gray hosiery priced half and less than half real value. Kersey & Prather. Tho Alnmo offer's for next week u va ried program, beginning Monday with Doris Koimo in ‘‘Ronmnoo,” followed Tuesday by ‘‘A Message froth Mars,” with Bert Lytell. Wednesday Mary Pick- ford, In ‘‘Through tho Back Door,” will bo shown, mul Thursday Bobo Daniels and Walter Heirs will be seen in ‘‘Two Weeks With Pay.” Viola Dana, In ‘Cinderella's Twin,” is tho Friday at traction, and the wook will close with Franklin Fnrnum in a Westorn play Sat urday, togethor with the first number of nn Eddie Polo serial, * 1 Do or Dio.' ’ “ EverypurpoBe ” cloth is a bargain snlo item that will interest you; fast colors. Also, 1,100 yards of nssorted fnBt-color olmmbrays and dress lawns at 10c. a yard. By the way, you should spo our 10c. eountor. You eon save money on many articles found thore. Boone’s. Attention, Potato Growers,—In vlow of tho fact that tho Coweta Cotton Oil Co. has decided not to build a potato ouring-house, all farmors in the vicinity of Newnan who have planted sweet pota toes for market, and any other pooplo who nrny bp interested In tho building of a potato euring-houso in Nownnn, aro invited to meot nt tho Ohnnjbor of Com morce at 3 p. m. Wednesdny, Juno 29, to dlBcuss a plan for providing proper storage for the potntoos raised in this vicinity. B. M, Drake, County Agent. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Hollis, accompa nied by Misses Margaret and LoiB Hollis, have returned from a two-weeks’ trip through Northeast Georgia and South Carolina. Four days were spent, with their sister, Mrs. L. W. Smith, nt Fair fax, 8, C.i and while there the party ran down to Tyboe for a day, Mrs. Smith returned with them. Coweta girls graduating fropi tho G.' N. & I. College, Millodgeville, at the re cent commencement are: Zlpporah Davis Kidd, Abbie Elmyrali Sowell, Louise Mitcham and Ida Sue Sewell, Nowrian;.' Grace Elizabeth Carmichael, Floy Wil- limns and Catherine Dennis Crook, Se- noia; Blanche Nadine Lambert,. Grant- ville; ilttnlie Moses, Turin. Worry about no more ponnieB at our soda fount. Everything oven money. Lee-King Drug Co. , Until sold, we offer about 300 pairs of fine gray hose at special prices. Kersey & Prather. Our 'prices on all millinery have been out deep. See us for your hat. i . Boono’s. If you use gray hose you surely win by taking advantage of our gray sale. Kersey & Prather. X Visit our remnant counter. Many items will be found there' at a saving. Boone’s. Dr. Solon B. Cousins, paBtor of tho Firet Baptist church, stated that he would loavo for Richmond Sopt. 1, to ac cept the pastorate of the Socond Baptist church of that city. Dr. Cousins also stated that, beginning Aug, 1, he woqld take a month’s vacation, and at the ex- piroation of that time would go to Rich-' mond.—Columbus Enquirer-Bun. Figures for Coweta county, announced Inst wook by tho U. S. Consus Bureau, show that of the totnl population of 29,047 in 1920, 58.7 per cent., or 15,598, wore negroes, nil othor being 40.3 per cent,, or 18,449. Negro population de clined from 50,5 por cent, in 1910, a net loss of 2.8 por cont,, or a numerical loss of 069 in tho ton yenrs. The totnl pop ulation of the county increased 247 dur ing the census period, or about .82 por cent. Tho net gain in white population was 910. For the first time in the his tory of tho county, it would appear that the whites may Boon outnumbor the ne groeB. PROUD OF ITS RECORD IN CHRIS TIAN EDUCATION CAMPAIGN. Our Methodist friends are quite proud of tho record made In raising Nownnn’s quota of $18,000 for the Christian Edu cation enuso. In fact, tho First Meth odist church oxcoedod its quota by nearly $200, and wns tho only church in the LnGrnngo' district to moot its assessment. Even LnGrnngo, usually so llbornl in con tributing to worthy causes, fell far Bhort of her quotn, reporting only $12,000, al though her nllotmont was tho same ns Nownnn’b, Tho amounts reported by tho different tomes are given below— Tomn No. 1, (Mre. T. E. Atkinson, captain,) $1,098.50. Team No 2, (Mrs. D. S. Outtlno, cap tain,) $2,108.25. Tonm No. 3, (Mrs. R. W, Freeman, (saptain,) $i,032!50. Team No. 4, (R. W. Froomnn, cap tain,) $1,318.50. Tonm No, 5, (Gnrlnnd M. Jonos, cap tain,) $1,370. Tontn No. 0, (R. O. Jonos, captain,) $1,212,50. Tonm No. 7, (Mrs. D, T. Mangot, cap tain,) $3,580.75. Team No 8, (H, H. Murray, cnptnln,) $1,053.50. Team No. 0, (T, B. McRltchie, cap tain,) $1,043.50. Team No. 10, (Mrs. G. W. St. John, captain,) $3,012.50. Acknowledging these generous contri butions Mr. D. T. Mnnget, director of tho campaign, Bays; ‘‘I wish to express my hearty appreciation for tho response of tho church to this call, and for the earnest work of tho tennis. Our church has done a noblo thing, in spite of dif ficulties. ’ ’ New Advertisements. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. GEORGIA—Coweta County; Notloo Ik hereby given that the firm ot Lipscomb & Broadwater, heretofore engaged In tho meat market and gro cery business in tho City of Newnan, Coweta oounty, Ga„ Is this day dissolv ed by mutual oonsent, O. L. Broadwater retiring thorofrom. Tho business wilt bo conducted at tho same place by J. H. Lipscomb, and the said J. H. Lipscomb will settle all firm liabilities and re- oolpt for all Indebtedness duo the firm. This 22nd day of June. 1921. J. H. LIPSCOMB. OTIS L. BROADWATER. Notice of First Meeting of Creditor*. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of Chns. A. King, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of the above-named person of Newnan, Ga., In the county of Cowota and distrlot aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notloo-ls hereby given that on June 9, 1921. #he said person wns adjudicated bankrupt; and that the firet meeting of creditors will ho held In the oourt- Iiouro In Newnan, Ga„ on July 1, 1921, at 1 o’olock p. m„ at which time tho said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, exam ine tho bankrupt and transact such othor business as may properly come boforo said meeting. J. C. SULLIVAN,, - Referee In Bankruptcy. LnGrange, Qa„ Juno 18, 1921. The rovivnl meeting, which begun at the First Methodist church Sunday, is arousing a deep interest, nil services be ing well attended. , Rev. G. M.Enkes, of Decatur, is in charge of the meeting and has beon preaching some fine Sermons. Two services are held each day—-at 9 a. m. and 8 p. m. There will be* a special service for men Sunday afternoon at 3 o ’clock. A family reunion at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. L. J. R. Copeland, near town was a recent happy event, oightoon chil dreriTand grandchildren having assembled for the occasion. Those present woro Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Copeland of Colum- .bus, Mr. and Mrs. T, H. HaineB of.Sar- geiit, Mrs. Ethol C. Wood of LnGrnngo, Mr.-anil Mrs. W. G. Copeland of Opoli- ka, Miss Ora Copeland and Mr. E, T. Gopelnnd of Newnnn, and twelve grand children.. Friends who callod during the day to meot tho out-of-town children were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jones, Messrs. Eck Milllnns, Sonb Millinns, Ralph War ren, Ira Walker, Young Scroggin and Jett Austin. An elegant dinner wns en joyed nt the noon hour. LOST OR MISLAID Policy No. 238,665, issued by The "Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, •on the life of James D. Hunter. The finder will please return it to the ■undersigned. An application has been made for the issuing of a duplicate. JAMES D. HUNTER, Senoia, Ga. Oyer three thousand ‘ ‘ Fashionette ” hair nets just received. All styles, 10c. Kersey & Prather. vFe are having a splendid business. Good -merchaadise-at right .prices - is the reason. Boone’s. During July and August our store will dose Thursdays at 1. o’clock. Kersey & Prather. Hemstitching, Pleating, Buttons.— Prompt attention given all orders. Newnan Button & Pleating Works. Mules at Public Outcry.—Will be'sold before tho court-house door in Newnan on Saturday, July 2, at 10 o’clock a. m,, a number of firBt-elass mules—all in good condition and suitable for . farm work or grading. These mules are sold’ only because the county: had too many for its ubo. Terms cash. Commissioners of Roads- and Revenue, Couweta County. Mr. Glenn Hopson went to Luther ville Sunday to attend the funeral of his uncle, Judge J. E. Justiss, whoso [ death occurred there Saturday. Deceas- 1 n/1 -tirna nln/ifn/1 4,1. „ /*t!i /I A CORN COLLODIAN Removes corns, bunions, and callouses without p&in or soreness. Manufactured, guaranteed and sold by LEE-KING DRUG CO. Newnan, Ga. We are selling our goods on the basis ■ eil was elected Judge of the City Court of today’s cost, and not on tho basis of | of Greenville nboiit a year ago, bub ow- wliflt. wo nnirl for tfinm. Sa,V0 money ' m a 1- -.i i .’ :-:S__ Mr. J. T. Calhoun, who lives oil the Waltom place, in Raymond district, brought nn enormous sugar boot to The Herald office Wednesday which ^as a cufiosity for this soction. The boot wns 16 inches in longtli, 25 inches in circum ference, and weighed 14 pounds. Tho top grew to a hoight of 5 feet and 8 inches, Mr. Calhoun received the seed from a friond in Idaho who Is engaged in growing beets for sale to sugar re fineries, and planted them last Au gust. Most of the • crop was taken up with .his ..sweet potatoes, and averaged 5 Hpupds in weight, This big fOllow/wns loft lii the field os, an experiment to tle- terihilie just what size it would attain. The succoss of Mr. Calhoun’s experi ment; raises tho interesting quostion us to,whether sugar boot culture might not be commercially profitable In tills soc- ti0 ?-‘ - what we paid for thorn, by trading at Boone’s, Mr. T. J. Thurman, of Newnan, sec retary-treasurer of the Southern Chock ing to illness wns able to preside only era’ Association, Mondayed in our midst. —Columbus Bnqirer-Sun. For Rent.-—Three unfurnished rooms; water and light; close in. Prico very, very, very reasonable. Apply at Herald office. Possession July. 1. Master Ben C. Moseley heard the si lent voice calling him to the wilds,, and is spending his vacation with his undo, Mr. W. -P. Chappell, near Welcome. Keep the hair clean and sweet with Mulsified Cocoanut O i 1 Shampoo— 50c. Lee-King Drug Co, Two Phones—66 ORCHARD BRAND Arsenate Will Save Your COTTON Stock On iHand For l' immediate oeuvery WRI.TE OR CALL T. B. McRITCHtE & CO. NEWNAN, GA. Try The Herald’s elassi- column for results. . We mp-ke a eigpr for every taste and purse—from 5c to 150. Every one guar anteed to be as represented or mony re funded. Reese Cigar Co. Notice.—For the convenience of my patrons I have arranged to be in New nan hereafter on Tuesdays and Fridays. Sam Btadshaw, Osteopath. Tuesday was the longest day of the year, the sun rising at 4:53 a. m. and setting at 7:07 pi m. It also marked the beginning of the summer solstice. 0- Money to Loan on Farm Lands.—Am prepared to make loans on farm lands at a reasonable rate of interest. Loans closed without delay. T. G. Farmer, jr. Scattered showers have fallen in dif ferent parts of the county this week, but other sections are still- suffering from the effects of the protracted drought. Miss Jeroline Thompson, the efficient principal of Turin High School the past year, is taking the summer course at Peabody Normal Institute, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Pete Lewis, of Newnan, has been in Carrollton since last week with her daughter, Mrs. Will Murphy, who is very ill at the Memorial Hospital.—Carrollton Free Press. Miss Evelyn Newton, of Sargent, and Miss Laura Bledsoe, of Whitesburg, came Thursday on a visi t to Misses Maude and Jennie Mae Witcher.—Cedar- town Standard. a fow times. He was la good lawyer and popular citizen, and Ids doafli is mlieh lamented in Luthervillo, o On Monday of last woek our young friond, Carl Boone, graduated from the State School of Technology,. having com pleted the full commercial course at that institution. The next day he was of fered a position with the Johnson-Dallis Advertising Agency, of Atlanta, one of the strongest and b,est known organiza tions of its kind in the South, it iB a fine opening for the young man, and* we feel sure that fie will- improve the oppor tunities which the position offers. Numerous cotton blooms are reported this week from different' parts of the county. Among those sending blooms to The Herald office were Mr. Monroe TaUey, from Mb farm near town; Mr. T. D. Smith, superintendent of the W. A. PottB farm, in ttys Third district; and Mr. W. O. Long, superintendent of F. M. Lee’s farms near town. All re ported boll weevil infestation, with the certain prospect of more serious damage to the crop as the season advances. The housewarming given by Mr. and Mrs. C. H Summers last week was quite an enjoyable affair.- Their guests dur ing the week were Mrs. R.‘ P. Dial and children of Welcome, Mrs. O. B. Brooks and daughter of Corner Branch, Mr, and Mrs. J. J; Solar and cMldren of Atlan ta, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Amis and chil- dren, Mr and Mrs. Harold Upshaw, and Mrs. T. M. Amis and little son. Notice to Teachers.-The regular an nual State teachers’ examination will be held at the Newnan- High School building on July 29 and 30. Examination for colored teachers will be held at the Pin son Street School on same dates. Those applying for examination must bring pen or pencil. The summer term of th county schools will op-.n the second Mon day m July J. M . Starr, County Superintendent of Schools. Rev. J. E. Hannah and family are spending a couple of weeks with rela tives in Thomaston. For this reason there wiil be no preaching at the Pres byterian church next Sunday. After a month's visit with her aunts, Mrs. W. H. Summerlin, of Dodson, and Mrs. / R. E. Sewell, of Happy Valley, Miss Emma Lizzie Haynes returned this week to her home at Moreland. Misses Ethel and Mary Hines, of Moreland, left Tuesday for Athens, where they will take the summer course at the University of Georgia before taking up their school duties in the fall— the former in Florida and the latter in South Georgia. The Herald had a pleasant call Wed nesday afternoon from two old news paper friends, Messrs. C. O. Coffee and J[.° x Baabston, present and former editors of the West Point News, reopect- ively. They were returning from At- w 5 0r ® bo * h ^?re interested spec- tators at the Speakership fight which waged fiercely for two days and,nights m the Kimball Houhg lnhhv f . Kira ball House lobby. Naturally they were much elated over Cecil Neill’s victory, for whom they had been “root- mg. 1 T iSS* B v T ’ Thompson and Hon. J. Littleton Jones were promptly on hand at roll-call when, the Legislature con vened Wednesday morning. Both were earnest supporters of Hon. Cecil Neill for the Speakership, and in view of their prominence and recognized abilities it is assumed of coutse that they will receive desirable assignments when the Speaker comes to make up his committees. Cow eta is fortunate in having as Represen- AN ORDINANCE. GEORGIA, COWETA OOUNTY—CITY OF NEWNAN. Tho Friday Lunch Club held a most ititefesting meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Friday evening, Major R. J.‘Guinn, of Atlanta, being the principal speaker. Major Guinh’s address wns alofig ■ somewhat unusual lines, the wain idoas brought out relating to the funda mental principles which must underlio the life of the community, and of tho in dividual, in order that real and lasting civic health and morality might bo at tained. The speaker stressed the, impor tance of Sunday observance and a proper regard for our laws, city and State, His talk made a deep impression on tho large body of business men present, Prof! W. S. Fentherston, of Atlanta, was also a guest, ns was Capt. J. J. Goodrum, both of whom made short talks. Messre. D. S. Cuttino and W. L, Gilbert were in charge of tho meeting, and the attend ance of fifty of Newnan's representative men was a compliment to their faithful work and to the speakers of the evening, NEWNAN BOY SCOUTS WILL CAMP AT BORDEN-WHEELER SPRINGS. Tho Nownnn Boy Scouts will camp at Bordon-Wheolor Springs, Ain., July 11 to 18, leaving Nownnn on the morning of July 11, and going to tho camp in .trucks and automobllos. Scoute will camp in tents, and the camp wll bo undor scout ruloB and laws. Each scout will carry ond bod Back, two blankets or comforts, one bathing suit, pair overalls or old clothes for futiguo, one towel, enko Bonp, one toothbrush, and mossi kit. Each scout will bo In uniform, and may carry koduk, fishing tackle, scout knife, nxo cooking outfit, cantoon or such equipment, but no rifles or other firearms will be -allowed in comp. Hikes have boon arranged .for various dates and places. Cavo Springs and other places of interest in the vicinity of tho camp will bo visited. No permission to leave enriip will bo given except undor urgont circumstances. Scoutmasters and thoir assistants will bo in ohnrgo at all times. A junior medical Btudont will instruct in. first aid to tho injured. Drilling, seouternft, wdodcraft and enmp- eraft will bo studied oaeh day. • The first day will bo spent in ranching and sotting up camp. Each suout will carry his lunch with him for that day. Regular scout routine will bo observed in camp, viz: First call at 6:00 a. m.; dinner at 1 p. m.j supper nt 0.30; camp lire at 8; taps at 10. Tho BooutmaBters figure that $7 will cover the expense of tho camp.for. .each, scout, which’ sum will be paid into tho treasury at the boginning of. the camp. The hotel at Borden-Whooler has made spocial rates for parents who may wish to go with the scouts,- rind several have already signified their intention of going. Tho following are tho scoutmasters and thoir assistants, viz; A, Sidney Camp, B." 0. Pemberton, Wyatt H. Powell, Harold Atkinson, George P. Klnnrirdj P B. Murphoy, L. Y. Pendergrass and Snm McElroy , . ''' ST——.Qi (TO CLOSE Jt/LY 4. Wo, the undofsigned ituifcliaiitn of Newnan, hereby flgfdd to clofid oiir stores all day Monday, July 4, as has boon ollr custom for a number of yours: P, F. Cuttino & Co., D. W. Boone & Co., H. S, Arnnll Merchandise Co., M, B. Mooney, Allen Bros.,., F. H. Arnold, J. W. Owens Furniture Co,, Ellis Monsor; T, G. Farmer & Sons Co., Johnson Hardware Co., Hubbard Bros., Joe Barnott, J. N. Morbury, Kersey & Prather, W. R. Bo hannon, Sarnett-St. J[ohn Co., Drirdon- Camp Hardware Co„ Glover-Jonos Co., Mrs. Lola Adams, H. S: Banta, Y. C. Foster, W. H. Reynolds Furniture Co., I. N. Orr Co. On Monday, July 4, Alvin Hugh Har ris Post of the American Legion will have a barbecue at Pearl Spring Park, to which the public is invitod—especially ox-service men and their families. Speak ers from, the Bureau of War Risk Insur ance and from the Federal Board of Vo cational Education will address the gath ering, and it is of special importance that every white ex-service man in the county be present. They will learn at first hand what the Government is doing for disabled soldiers, Bailors and marines. It is also planned to organize a woman’b auxiliary, and for this reason it is par ticularly desired that every ex-service man bring his wife, sister and mother. Tickets will be on sale nt all the' city drug stores at $1 for adults and 60c. for children under 12 years of age. No tickets will be sold after June 30, Come, bring your folks and spend the day. There will bo boating and swim ming, and the best barbecue dinner that can be served, The U. S. Civil Service Commission has ordered an open competitive exam ination for the position of postmaster at Senoia, the term of Mr. B, A. Nolan, the present incumbent, having expired on May 2, 1921. The examination will bo held in Newnan on July 23, 1921. Appli cation blanks, (form 2,241 and form 2,223,) containing full information as to the requirements to be met and the character of the examination to be given, may be obtained from the postmaster at Senoia or Newnan, or from the U, S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, D; C. Applications must be properly executed and filed with the Civil Service Commission at Washington in time to arrange for the examination. The Senoia office is in the third class, and pays $1,700 per annum. It is understood that among those who will apply for ex amination are Mr. B. A. Nolan, tho pres ent popular and efficient postmaster, Mr. H. B. Sasser, Mrs. Alice Fall and Mr. W. M.Keith. a ‘‘The best and surest method of ad vice should spare the person, tho' it brands the vice.” Bo It ordained by the Mayor and Al dermen ot the City of Newnan, and It Is hereby ordained by authority of the same, That under tho terms of an Aot of tho General Assembly of Georgia, approved AugUBt 15. 1010, tho unpayod surfaou ot tho aldewalks in said city, to-wlt: All of tile unpaved surface of tho sidewalks on tho north and eouth sides of Salblde avenue from Thomp son stroot to RobinBon street—be and the said sidewalks aro hereby ordered Improved by'havlng the unpaved sur face ot said sidewalks paved with ooment as follows: The paving shall bo laid on a foundation composed of sand, cement and atone or olnders, pro portioned three of Band, ono of oement and live of Btono. If cinders are used, proportioned one of cemont, two of sand and four of olnders, which said foundation shall bo tamped to aUhlok- noss ot two Inches and topped with a top composed ot sand and oemont one Inch thick, proportioned ono of cement and two of Band. Driveways shall be of the same material and of tho same proportions, but the foundation to be throe Inohes when tampefi, and the top to be two Inches thick. The said paving shall oxtond In width not less than four foot from the property line. Tho aotunl cost of said' pavement shall ho paid by tho abutting proporty-own- ors according to frontage and the width of the pavement, and the same Is hereby assessed against the real GHtato abutting on tho said sidewalk so paved, and against the owner of the real estate abutting on the sidewalk so paved, according to frontage and tho width of tho pavement on the side walk so paved, tho purpose of this or dinance being that no property, nor the ownor of any property, shall he re quired to pay for paving any sidewalk except the sidewalk abutting his prop erty. Bo It Curthor ordained by said au thorities undbr tho authority aforesaid. That tho roadway of said Salblde ave nue be also Improved by having a curbing, drains and guttera laid on the north and south Bide of 1 said roadway —-tho Bald curbing, dralnri and catch- baHln to ho of the.following material: I S urblng and gutter to bo of Hand, oo- lOrn- arid stone' or binders/ six Ifichos by twelve lnohos; ono of'cement, three of sand, and' flvo Of stono or cinders, topped with ooment one Inch thick, Com posed one of cement and, two of sand. The oost of said curbing, drains and guttors shall bo paid as follows: Af ter tho total cost of the Bald work shall have beon ascertained, one-third shall be paid by the olty of Nowiian, ono-thlrd ot tho cost by the owners of tho property at tho drito of the adop tion of this ordinance- abutting bn ntld side oI said Salbldo avonuo; uooerdlng t(T frontage, and the. other ono-thlrd of the cost to be paid by the ownetri of tho property as of this date abutting on tho othpr* side of said street acriord-. Iny to frontage—that Is to say, ohd- . rd of the cost of said Improvement Is to bo pall , by, the owners of the propirty at the date of tho adoption of this ordinance, adcordtng to front age, on' each side of said atroot, and tho pro rata amount of the cost of Said RAYMOND. Mr. Hoard Crain left Wednesday for Atlanta, after spending two weeks with hie parents hore. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Puckett and son, of Atlanta, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stevenson, Miss EHtollo Moon, of Holland, is spending several days with her sister, Miss Inez' Moon. 1 Mr. J. P. Brittain left this week for Texas, to be absent several months. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald are visiting relatives in Newnan this week. The B. Y. P, U. held its regular meet ing at the Baptist church Sunday nigbt, and an interesting program was render ed. Miss Fannie Sue Donegan has return ed home, after spending several days with frionds at Bea Hill. .June 22d. It was their first real quarrel. “If I were you,” she said, during a lull in the domestic Btorm, “I would have more sense.” “Of coarse you would,” he retorted decisively. She is still puzzling over his words. GET GOLF GOODS AT THE COUN- TRY CLUB. We have put in a well-selected line of the best quality golf goods at the Coun try Oinb, right where you need them, and invite all chili members to keep their supplies up from our line. We guaran tee the qtmrrty-— Burke’s golf balls $1.00 go “Royal X" balls 1.00 Dunlop bells l.oo $1 MacGregor balls for 90 Taplow golf balls 65 Ropainted ball in perfect condition .50 Rubber tees 50 Golf ball paint, large size 1.25 Golf bags $2.50 to .7.50 SPECIAL BEGINNERS’ SET—four dubs and bag for .'.,$12.50 Complete liae for the Golf Player. MARTIN & PINSON Be It further ordalited.. That the Work of laying the said I paVetaeht, curbing and gutters shall ho done by tho city of Nownan, under the super vision of the Street Committee of said city, and the owners of the propriety abutting on the said sidewalks order ed paved aB aforesaid shall not have the right to have tho pavement, curb ing and gutters laid on the said Hide- walk abutting his property by him- If, or by contract at. his Instance. Bo It further ordained, That when the cost of said Improvement has been ascertained tho City Clerk shall noti fy, by registered mall, each abutting property owner, or agent In oharge, or tenant In possession thereof, the amount, assessed against the real es tate. and assessod against the owner of the real estate, abutting on the said Sidewalk for said Improvements, and It shall bo the duty of each owner, agent In charge, or tenant in posses- slori thereof to pay the amount of the assessment within thirty days from the reoolpt of the notice aforesaid; Pro vided, that should any owner, agent in charge,, or tenant In possession there of, fall or refuse to pay the amourit of the assessment within thirty days from the receipt of the notice herein pro vided for, then It ehall be the duty of the City Clerk to Issue an execution for tho amount- of the assessment against the real estate so assessed, and against the owner of the real estate so assessed, which execution shall he levied by tho Marshal of said olty on such real estate, and after advertising and other proceedings, as In cases of sales of realty for city taxes, as pre scribed in the ordinances of the city of Newnan, the same Bhajl be sold, at public outcry to satisfy said execu tion; Provided, further, thht the de fendant shall have the right to Hie an affidavit of Illegality denying that the whole or any part of tho amount for which the execution Issued Is due. and stating what amount ho udmlts to be due. If any, which amount so admitted to be due shall be paid before the af fidavit shall be received, which affida vit, when received, shall be returned to the Superior Court of Coweta coun ty and there tried and tho Issue deter mined us In cases of Illegalities, sub ject to all the penalties provided by law In cases of Illegalities filed for de lay only. Be It further ordained, That the owners of the property abutting on that part of Salblde avenue ordered Improved an aforesaid shall be given notice of said contemplated Improve ments, and the manner of assessing the cost thereof, by publishing this or dinance In the issue of The Newnan He raid to appear June 24, 1921, and at the meeting of the Mayor and Al- dormen of said city of Newnan to be UiSSU- ctiUZr A'b Country Club. . • J * * . 1 . :_-r i v.t— j 8 o'clock p, m., at In Bald city, the owner of the „.w„. abutting on tho sidewalk ordered proved as aforesaid shall right to be and appear either or by attorney, at said it bo heard on any question said paving, and the mann sing the cost tl Be It further _ dlnances or parts filet with this o same are hereby Adopted In oi J* I