The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, July 01, 1921, Image 5

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THE. NEWNAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1921 Arc 13 Iqo worn out. {o Stt^ pt,? Nothing wi l turn ambi tion into ill-tempered <■ laziness quicker - - than constipation. And nothing will ren- _ der the body more.liable to dangerous diseases than this same poisonous condition. Don't be constipatedl It inn’t sifel It Un't sensible! It isn’t necessaryl Be well—but don’t rely on ordinary laxatives help you. Try instead the newest scientific treatment for constipation— RICH-LAX This preparation not only overcomes con stipation, but it does away with all the nausea, cramping and deranged digestion caused by ordinary laxatives. R.iaranteed at Our Store. We are ao sum that RkSIax will please you that we want you to come to our etore and get o bottle and try it en- (irely at our risk.. I£ It doesn't suit you, If it Isn't h. best laxative medicine you over used, simply ell us ao aSd we will oromptly refund the full purchase price* John B. Cates Drug Co., Newnan, Ga, Professional Cards. rv ^^^^jrpr»^BrHERsoN~ % Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. Sewerage systems, water systems, topographical surveys, maping, accurate land surveys, paving roads, Office, Ma sonic^ 3 biildin^!^phone076 ; _Grifein^ HVRON H. PARMER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office over T. G. Parmer & Sons Co. Office 'phone 606; residence 'phone 72. TURIN. Messrs. H. 8. Rees, jr.i nnd 8. W. Rain any, of EuBt Point, paid us u visit Sunday. Mr. Ramsey is a prominent merchant of Ids town, and a successful fruit-grower as well. Re remembered us with a quantity uf fine penehos, for which wo return thanks. By the way, Mrs. -H, S. Roes, jr., is taking a spocial course in langutages at tho State Univer sity this sunfmer. The annual memorial singing at Lino Creek church last Sunday was largely attended, and tlirf fine musift rendered furnished much enjoyment to lovors of tho old songs. A splendml dinner was served at tho noon hour by the good people of tho community. Rev. W. S. Gninos pad family spent a few days last week with relatives here. Wo are glad to note that Bro. Gaines’ health is so much improved that ho con templates resuming his work in tho fall. Tho many friends of Mrs. Mary. Cole will bo grieved to learn of her critical Illness, with but little hope of recovery. Miss Julia Powell visited relatives in Newnan the past week. Miss Alice Drake is visiting friends at Douglasville this ,week. Rev. Z. Speer’s mother is with him for an extended visit. • Quite a number of our club gb'ls join ed Miss Lorine Collins on a camping trip at Sargent this week. Mrs. Elizabeth Arnall is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mamie Spiers, in At lanta. We regret to learn that Dr. Jim Ware, who makes his home with ids nieces, the Misses Wynn, at Kedvon, is in a very low state of health. June 28th. L. E. MOORE Attorney-nt-Lmv -Will, practice In all courts, ’Prompt loans made on improved farms in CoV- eta County. Over Cates Drug Store. W. li. STALLINGS, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Will practice In all the Courts. Spe cial attention given to preparation of wills and the administration of estates in the Court of Ordinary. Office in Court House, 'phone 414. T. S. BAILEY, Physician and Surgeon. Office upstairs in Kirby building, 11% Greenville street. 'Phone 87. (offloe and residence.) JOB B. PENISTOJV, Physician nnd Surgeon. Offloe hours 8 to 10 a. m.; 3 to 6 p. m Office with Dr. Paul Peniston. Office and residence ’phone 80. DR. J. E. MARSH Veterinary Surgeon Office at W. A. Potts Stable. 11 E, Broad St. Office phone 106, Res. 370J. A. SIDNEY CAMP, Attorney nh<t Counselor at Law. Office in Arnall ^ldg., Court Square. It. H. MCDONALD, Pliysiulan and Surgeon. Office 3% EaBt Broad Street, upstairs, Office hours 9 to 11 a ,m. and 3 to 6 p. m. Office ’phone 66; residence 'phone 39J WM. H. LYDAY, Physician and Surgeon. Office over Lee-King Drug Co. Res idence 'phone 464.- Office, 'phone 216. Office'Hours—9 to 11 a. m„ 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to '8 p. m, Sunday—9 to 11 a m. and 2 to 4 p. m. T. B. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. Office—Santtorlum building. Office phone 6—1 call; residence 'phone b— 1 calls. DODSON. The farmers in this section are re joicing over Hie fine rniu which foil Mon day night. . . _ Mr. Jacobus Petty visited Mf. Geo,- Sowell, near Newnan, Friday afternoon. Master Rex Hyde and little sister, WlHeno, are visiting their aunt at Ilnppy Valley. .. Miss Mattie Lou Lambert, spent the week-end with her sister, near Palmetto. Mrs. Ab Crawford and little son, of South Georgia, spent Friday night with the former’s brother, Mr. Will Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. Will Summerlin and lit tle dnughtor sponut Sunday with rela tives in Atlanta. Miss Inez Hyde ’and brother, Ray, visited relatives near ltoscoe Friday. Mrs. Hugh Glass and young son Wslted Mrs. W. C. Treadaway, In Newnan, Fri day afternoon. Misses Joy Williams nnd Dorothy KingBbovry returned to Carrollton Thurs day, after spending a few duys with Miss Emmie Rno. Gibson. Mrs. Alvnn Spraybevry and young son nnd Mrs. Martha Garmieal, of Roscoo, spout Monday afternoon with the latter’s daughter hero. Miss Etlifol Ward, of Newnan, Bpont a few days-the past week with her cousin, Miss Opal Ward. Mr. Onuio Lambert spent Friday af ternoon with relatives nt Happy Valley. Mr. and .Mrs. W. H. H. Hayes and son, Cauloy, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. Marion Sewell, at Happy Vnl ley. June 28tli. .. Ml road stake on the'east'slob of the sitki rlght^of-wa.v, about (tu yards from the mad leading from the J U, Crano placo to the public road running from New- mtn to Sargent; run from snld stalto in a straight lino east to the cornet' of H. A. Hall and the County Farm lamia )\tst east, of the branch 112 chains and j0 links; thence south along tho line of snld County Farm to the line of C. It, Glover 16 chains nnd 17 Halts; thence west iftong the line of said C, 13, Glover 15 chains and 27 links to WELCOME. Messrs. C. F. and W. H. Wood Bpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrk Tommie Rob ison, near Bowdon Our school will open next Monday. We hope all pupils will be present on opening day, for a day lost in school can never be recovered. While cranking his car Monday Rev. F. J. Amis sustained a badly sprained arm. Dr. T. ,B. Davis, of Newnan, was called and dressed the injured member, and at last accounts he was doing very well. Miss Katherine Strong is attending the camp at Sargent given by Misb Loi'- ine Collihs for the club girls of the county. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood spent Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hous ton, in Newnan lira. P. P. Salter and daughter,, who have been on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. W Summer, are spending this week with relatives and friei*ls at White Oak, Mrs. Lee Stovall and children, who have keen visiting Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Amis, returned to Atlanta Tuesday. June 28th. LONE OAK. Messrs J. T. Turner, J. M. Johnson and Fred Willingham have gone to West Point as delegates to the Methodist Dis trict Conference. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bass and Mr. Bob Spence and family, of Trimble, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gene Latimer. Capt. Henry Lee, Mrs. Geo. Culpep per, Miss Florence Culpepper nnd Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lee-motored to Fbr- syth and spent Sundny with Mrs, S. W*. Eallace, Miss Clays Paulk is the attractive' guest of Mrs. Wm. Lee, jr. Mr. Clifford —ohnson went over to Shiloh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sewell, of Ho gans ville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. N. P, Sewell. Mr. and Mrs. A, Johnson, of Atlanta, visited relatives here the pnst week' We have been favored with good raitts recently, which came in good time to Save the large corn crop which has been planted. 1 Miss Rebecca Sewell, of I-Iogansville, visited here Sunday. Miss Louise Johnson is spending few days with relatives nt Trimble. June 28tli. W. A. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery and diseases of women. Office 19 spring street. 'Phone 280. D. A. HANEY, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat, and diseases of chest. W. L. WOODROOF, Physician and Surgeon. Office 11% Greenville street. 'Phone Special attention given to dis eases of children. J. LITTLETON JONES, Attorney-at-Lavr. Prompt attention to legal business. Loans made on farm lands. Office over *3- C. Arnall Mdse. Co.’s. RAYMOND. The young people of Raymond and vicinity enjoyed a community singing at the home of Miss Inez Moon Sunday evening. Miss Annie Sue Donegan was the charming hostess at a conversation party Saturday evening, complimentary to her visitors, Misses Oliver and Heath, of Ben Hilbv About-.thirty-five guests enjoyed the occasion. The Misses Banks had as recent guests tho Misses Allen, of Atlanta. The B, Y. P. U. will have its meeting ■next Sunday at Mt. Gilead’ Methodist’ church, near town. The Woman’s Club of Raymond will meet Friday evening at. tho club-room. All members are urged to attend. Much .is to be done, and let’s get to work on our school' first. Misses Starr and Hamby will begin school here next Monday. It is hoped that we shall begin with a good attend ance, and make this a successful session. Quite a number of Raymond people enjoyed a delightful picnic at Ray spring last Thursday. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter McWaters, of Newnan, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Graves. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Walker, of Newnan, and Mrs. Austin Bailey, of Bethel com munity, visited friends here the past week. June 20tli/ THOS. G. FARMER, JR., Attorney-nt-Ln.v. Will give careful and prompt atten tion to all legal business entrusted to ffie. Money to loan, Offiuo in court house. WILLIAM Y. ATKINSON, Attorney-at-Laxv, Office over Cuttlno’s store. K. W. STARR, Dentist, Office over H. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.’s ii, White patronage exclusively. Residence Ohone 382-L. Mother—“Jolnmny, you said been to Sunday-school. ” Johnny (with a far-away Yes, mamma.” Mother—‘ ‘ How does it happen your hands smell of fish?” Johnny—"I carried home the Sunday- school paper, and tho outside page is all' about Jonah and tho wlmlo,” you’d look) that D AT-SNAP KILLS RATS Also mlqe. Absolutely prevents odors from carcass. Oite.package proves this. RAT-SNAP comes In cakes—no mixing -with other food. Guaranteed. i!5o. alze (I rake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. (ISe,. nice (2 cakes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. 91.S6 size (t! oaken) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by LEU-KING DRUG COMPANY, COWETA DRUG di: BOOK COMPANY. the said right-of-way of the Central of Georgia railway; thence north along tho said right-of-way to the beginning point at sukl stake II chains and 27 links, and cohtqlnlng twenty-live and ono-hnlL' (26 Vj) acres, bounded on the wost: by Central of Georgia rlghteof- wny, on the north by lands of 1. H. Mel-Coy, on the east by County Farm, and on tho south by C. B, Glovor—In pursuance of a bond for title made by L, A. Perdue to the snld G. W. Jackson In hlH lifetime, the said G. W. Jackson alleging that he Ims fully mot Ills ob ligations In said bond. Tills Is there fore to notify Mrs. Ij. A. Perdue, on administrator on tho estate of L. A. Perdue, and Mrs, L, A. Perdue and Mrs. Nina P Davis, helrs-at-law of the Said L. A. Perdue, deceased, to bo and ap pear at the July term. 1U2I, of the Court of Ordinary of CovVeta county and show causa, If any they have, why tho said administrator should not bo required to make sulci riood, as prayed for by the said G. W. Jackson, petition er, This June 6, 1921. J. A. R. CAMP, Ordinary. CITATION TO COMPEL TITLE. GEORGIA—Coweta County; G. W. Jackson having applied to tho Ordinary by petition asking that Mrs. L. A. Perdue, as administrator on the estate of L. A. Perfiue, late of said county, deceased, be required,, to mako to him a deed to the following describ ed lands/ to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In the original Fifth, now Hurricane district, of said county, on the east side of the Central of Georgia railway, and front ing on said railway right-of-way, and T CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. Effective May 29, 1921.;. ARRIVE FROM Cedartown . , 6.45 a. m. Columbus... Chattanooga Carrollton.. Baymond .. Griffin .... 9.55 a. m. 6.25 1.00 p. m. 4.38 p. m. . 5.22 p. m. 11.18 a. nu 6.52 p p. m. ‘ DEPART FOR GHffin ...... 6.45a.m. 1.00p.m. Muumbus... 9.50 a. m. 5.22 -p. m. '”Jattandoga .11.18 a. ml oaymond... 4.38 p. m. Carrollton . . 5.25 p. m. cedartown . . 6.52 p. m. Summer Excursion Fares ' ) Atlanta & West Point R. R.-The Western Railway of Alabama offers reduced round-trip fares to points EAST and WEST. Let us plan your vacation trip. Tickets on sale daily good for stop-overs. For full information communicate with J. P. BILLUPS, Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. '.omy paid mi m rmi I |||ptP jkd&^dhmhmoml - £ A'«y«vsr* - I r i in./. r iajva IW: J^ILLS RATS rehahu! ce , that<8 RAT-SNAP, the old cakeo-1.. ro<1 ent destroyer. Comes in Yonr m il "S with other food. 35r ™, oney ba ok it R fails. Kitchen or < Ce^r e) enough for Pantry ' coon's - "nr'-i? for Chicken House, *f?,V or small buildings. ana'mfl vakvi) enough for all ine" o? f»°» u . Ubu y dln Ss. storage build- §°ld anf C & ry buildings. Q f nd Guaranteed by CO IVETA ^ I* u G COMPANY. — E-1A DRUG & BOOK COMPANY. Herald Want Ads. Pay. ms BUILD—AND SAVE! See us for FREE Building Helps, Plans and Cost Estimates— R. D. COLE MANUFACTURING CO. Newnan, Georgia. T Prince Albert’s a new note in Talking about rolling your own cigarettes, we’ll tell you right here that Prince Albert tobacco has ’em all lashed to the mast! \ You’ve got a handful-of- happiness coming your di rection when you pal it with P.. A. and the makin’s papers! For Prince Albert is not only delightful to your taste and pleasing in its refreshing aroma, but our exclusive patented process frees it from bite and parch! And, for a fact, rolling up Prince Albert is mighty easy! P. A. is crimp cut and stays put and you whisk it into shape before you can count three! And, the next instant you’re puffing away to beat the band! Prince Albert is so good that it has led four men to smoke jimmy pipes where one was smoked before! It’s the greatest old buddy- smoke that ever found its way into a pipe or cigarette! Prune* Albert h sold in toppy rod begs* tidy rod tins• handsome pound and half pound tin humidors andinths pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top. the national joy smoke Copyright 1821 by R- J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Wbutoo-Salom. \ N, C. apples to all sizes— without reservation The name of Goodrich on a tire means just one tiring—quality. And that quality is always the highest that can be produced. Each tire is specially designed for the ser vice it must deliver. Goodrich Fabrics, in the popular sizes, have established them selves as unusual values from the stand point of real economy. Silvertown Cords in their class have always held first place in the esteem of motorists, not only be cause of their symmetrical perfection of finish, but furthermore, by reason of their long life, complete dependability and sat isfactory performance. Your dealer will supply you at these fair prices: SILVERTOWN CORDS S1ZB AtJt(>Skid Safety Trend TUBBS 30x3* $24.50 $2.55 32x3* 32.90 2.90 32x4 - 41.85 3,55 33x4 43.10 3.70 . 32x4* 47.30 4.50 33x4* 48.40 . 4.65 34x4* 49.65 4.75 33x5 58.90 5,55 35x5 61.90 5.80 L J, 1 The arlti-skid safety tread Silvertown Cord _ _y& Lower Prices The fepodrich price redtaffion which'took effect May 2nd waj without reservation. It included Silvertowna together with Good rich Fabric tirea and Goodrich Red and Gray inner tubes. FABRIC TIRES Smooth 30x3 $12.00 Safety 30x3 13.45 Safety 30x3* 16.00 Safety 32x3* $20.25 Safety 32x4 26.90 Safety 33x4 28.30 THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY aAkron, Ohio