The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, July 08, 1921, Image 5

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' Constipation is the fore* runner of 85% of all i human ills. It brings on more suffering, more sleeplessness, more ill-temper than any other «ingle caiifce. But YOU CAN GET RID of constipation. 'A 11 Nor do ypu haVe to take \t V any nauseating, griping “ U* medicines to do it. Take RICH-LAX RICH-LAX is a new treatment It cleans the system, remoyes the poisons from the body, and puts you in shape to accomplish things. And RICH-LAX does this without leaving you weak and half-sick, as you ai ways feel after taking ordinary laxatives. Guaranteed at Our Store.. We are to tun that Rich-Lex util pleaie you that wa want you to come to our atore and nt a bottle end try it en- tirely at our riok. It it doesn't autt you. K it lant the beat laxative mtd cine you ever uaed, .Imply tell u» to and wa will promptly refund the. full purduae Pika. John R. Oates Drug Co., Newnan, Ga, Professional Cards. j. p. McPherson Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. ’ Sewerage systems, water systems, topographical surveys, maplng, accurate land surveys, pavingVoada. oSfiae, Ma sonic building, 'phone 675. Griffin, Gai MYRON H. FARMER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office over T. G. Farmer & Sons Co. Office 'phone 606! residence 'phone 72. L. E. MOORE Attorney-nt-Law Will practice in all courts. Prompt loans made on Improved farms in Cow eta County. Over Cates Drug Store. W. L. STALLINGS, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Will practice In all the Courts. Spe cial attention given to preparation of wills and the administration of estates in the Court of Ordinary. Office In Court House, 'phone 414. T. S. BAILEY’. Physician and Surgeon, Office upstairs In Kirby building, 11% Greenville street. 'Phone 87. (office and. residence.) - JOE B. PENIgTON, Physician nnd Surgeon. Office hours 8 to 10 a. m.i 3 to 6 p. in. Office with Dr. Paul Peniston. Office and residence 'phone 30. DR. J. E. MARSH Veterinary Surgeon Office at W. A. Potts Stable, 11 E. Broad St. Office phone 106, Res. 370J. A. SIDNEY CAMP, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office In Arnall Bldg., Court Square. R. H, MCDONALD, Physician nnd Surgeon. Office 3% East Broad Street, upstairs. Office hours B to 11 a ,m. and 3 to 6 p. m. Office 'phone 66 i residence 'phone 89J w m f H'J L Yl) Ay, ' Physician and Surgeon. Office over Lee-King Drug Co. Res idence ’phone 464. Office phone 216. Office Hours—9 to 11 a. m„ 2 to 4 p. m.. and 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday—9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. T. B. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon, Office—Sanltorium building. Office phone 6—1 call; residence 'phone 6— 1 calls. VV. A. TURNER. Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery and diseases of women. Office 19 Spring street. 'Phone 280. D. A. RANEY, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat, and-diseases of chest. W. L. WOODROOF, Physician and Surgeon. Office 11% Greenville street. 'Phone <61. Special attention given to dis eases of children. J. LITTLETON JONES, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention to legal business. LoanB made on farm lands. Office over EC. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.’s. THOS. G. FARMER, Jit., Attorney-at-Law. Will give oareful and prompt atten tion to all legal business entrusted to me. Money to loan. OBioo in court house. SARGENT. Tlio body of Alvin Hugh Harris ar rived from overseas Saturday and was carried out to New Hope church Sunday, where impressive funeral services wore held, Dr. Frank L. Hardy, Rev. \V. E. FoUor, Rev. F. A, Bone nnd Col. Sidnoy Camp taking pnrt in the obsequies. The botly was interred beside that of his brother, Marvin, who lost his life in a storm at Camp Wheeler in 1918. , The Canning Club girls’ camp hero' Inst week was greatly enjoyed by everyone. Miss liorino Collins, our county homo demonstration agent, and Mrs. Franklin Sibley, Spalding county’s agent, together with ton well-known Coweta teachers, had elinrgo of the camp. Forty club girls wore present. Wednesday night a picnic lunch was served, and everybody got acquainted’ with the other follow. Thursday night Superintendent Starr,' members of the Board of Education, Rev. W. E. Fuller and Mrs. W. C. Mc Bride were invited out to supper.' After a delicious repast, propared and. served by the third and fourth year club girls, nil enjoyed short, inspiring talks by Mrs, McBride, Superintendent Starr ami Prof. B. M. Drake. Friday night was a Boolal occasion, nnd quite a number of friends and visitors dropped in for an hour or so. Mr. Will Harris, a student nt tho Stato Agricultural College, was at homo for the week-end. Mr. Alton Murphy, of Carrollton, vis ited here Sunday and Monday. Miss Almeda Kinnard, of Newnan, spent the week-end with MisseB Eunice and Irene Allen. Miss Olivia Young, of Newnan, visit ed Miss Gertrude Weldon last week, Mrs. Martha Warren and Miss Hattie Bridges spent -Wednesday nght and Thursday with Miss Ora Copeland, in Newnan. ' MiBs Alice Copeland and Miss Eloise Sewell, of Newnan, were Miss Deane Bridges’ guests Sunday. Mr. 'Camp Fuller, of Newnan, was a visitor here Sunday afternoon. Miss Ora Copeland, of Newnan, visit ed friends here laBt week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carter, of Wel come, spent Monday with relatives here. Little Elizabeth Walker, who has been quite sick for several days, is roported better today. Misses Nelle Austin and Mattie Sue Bridges took up their school duties at Mt. Carmel Monday morning. Rev. -W. E. Fuller, of Newnan, was here Monday. Misses Pauline arid Edna Holeman spent Monday with relatives at Dodson. July 5th. o RAYMOND. Mr. Heard Crain, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with his parents here. Miss Elizabeth Fry, of Atlanta, is speeding the week wth her mother,. Mrs, Mollio Fry. Mrs. W. L. Stevenson had as guests Monday Mrs. John Sallery. and children, Mi-s. Luther Lowe and children, Mrs. Robt. L. Stephens nnd son ami Mrs. Charlie Tuggle and, son, of Cednrtown. A large .crowd attended the barbecue n,t Lake Raymond Monday. Messrs. Alvan McDonald, Wm. Mc Donald, Tom Graves, Rufus Robertson aniT fithers attended the Wntsori-Hard- wick speaking at Union City Monday. The Sharpsbui-g B. Y. • P. U. eamo over Sunday night nnd rendered a very interesting program at the church, which was enjoyed by a largo congregation. Mary Ray Memorial School began its summer session Monday with a good at tendance. Misses Octavia North nnd Marjorie Smith, of Newnan, were guests last week of Mrs. Tom Hendrix. Mr. and. Mrs. Luther Winslette and children', of Atlanta, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Donegan. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harville, of Atlan ta, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Martin, Mrs. Claude Stevenson returned home Sunday, after spending several days with her parents in Hogansville. Mrs. Cecil Darby, of Columbus, was tho, guest lant week of Mrs. W; L. Ste venson. Mrs. J. R. Hayes, who has been visit ing relatives in Alabama, returned home last week. Mrs. R. L. Moon has returned to Hol land,? after spending several days with her (laughter,. Miss Inez Moon. Miss Inez Moon had as a guest on Sunday last Mr. G. R. Greer, of Bir mingham. Mrs. Claude Stevenson and Miss Alice Stevenson spent Thursday in Newnan shopping. July 5th; WILLIAM Y. ATKINSON, Attorney-at-Law. Office over Outtlno’s store. K. W. STARR, Dentist. Office over H. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.’s ■tore. White patronage exclusively. Residence 'phone 382-L. PONDVIEW. Our fnrmors have been quite busy the past few days trying to rid tho cotton of boll weevils. Tho protracted drought has about ruined onrly corn, but wo Have a goodly supply of wheat and are planning for a now garden—ao why worry aboqt hard times! Miss Norliie North, of Longstroet, was the guest of Miss Lucy Lee Sunday af ternoon. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Hunter and Miss Mary Hunter, of Turin, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Christopher. Mossrs. Reginald Cnrmichael and Clnv- ris LaBseter visited friends at Aberdeen Friday night. The writer had tho pleasure of attend ing the bnrbeouo at Union City Monday ami heard Senator Watson, Gov. Hard wick, Congressman Upshaw and others deliver eloquent addresses. It was tho largest gathering of peoplo we ever wit nessed. >> Mr. Herbert Gnmol, of Longstroot, en- tertained a number pf friends with an enjoyable party Saturday ovening. Among those present were Misses Mary Suo Mooro, Annie L, 'Hammock, Verna Hammock, Frances Hardy, Norinc North, Catherine Phillips, Alice Phillips, Lucy Leo, Minnie Opal Gomel, Messrs. Clarris Lnssetor, Roy LaBseter, B. D. Loo, Lewis Smith, Ross McDonald, Earl McDonald', Oharlie Gamol, Eddie Bridges, Lehman Hudson, Geo. Lasseter nnd Theodore McDonald. Games and music were en joyed until a late hour, when a delicious ice course was served. Quarterly meeting will be held at Coke’s Chapel the third Sunday in the present month. Presiding Elder decider, of LaGrange, and Rev. H. E. Stipe, of Moreland, will be with us on that occa; sion. These able and popular ministers are both Campbell county boys, and we used to spend our. childhood days in that dear old county. July 14 lias been chosen ns the day for cleaning off the church grounds,, and all who can help us are requested to be on hand bf 7 or 8 o’clock on the date named. MrB. W. O. Harper and sons, Tommie and Durwood, of Newnan, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lasseter, of Tu rin, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Z, Christopher. Miss Ruth Christopher entertained sev eral friends with a picnic at Lake Ray mond Saturday ovening. July 5th. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. Effective May 29, 1921. ARRIVE FROM Cedptown . . 6.45 a. m. Columbus... 9.55 a. m. 6.25 p. m. Chattanooga . 1.00 p. m. Carrollton.. 4.38 p. m. Raymond .. . 5.22 p. m. Griffin .... 11.18 a. m. 6.52 p. m. DEPART FOB Griffin 6.45 a. m. 1.00 p. m. Columbus... 9.50 a. m. 5.22 p. m. Chattanooga 11.18 a. m. Raymond... 4.38 p. m. Carrollton . . 5.25 p. m. Cedartown . . 6.52 p. m. J^ILLS RATS and mice—that's RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes—no mixing with other food. Your money back if it fails. ■me. »i*e (1 cake) enough for Pantry. Kitchen or Cellar. Ooc. Site (2 calces) for Chicken House, co £P 8 .,or small buildings. *1.25 size (5 cakes) enough for all ‘arm and out-buildings, storage build- ln f 8 - or factory buildings. “Old and Guaranteed by LEK-KI.VG drug company. COWETA DRUG & BOOK COMPANY. BEXTON. Misses Katie and Viola Bexley enter tained a few friends at an ice cream party Saturday evening. It. was a nice affair and much enjoyed. After a visit to Misses Katie and Viola Bexley, Miss Thelma Haynes has returned to Moreland. •Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Haynie and Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Hunter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. Y. Hunter, at Turin. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Haynie, Mr. Bar tow Haynie, Misses Ophelia and Hettie Hunter and little Miss Carrie Hunter, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. OtSa Smith, in Grantville. Misses Mary Bexley and Inez Bent-iri spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Jixfi Gilbert, in Lutherville. Miss, Susie Mae Spratling, of St, Charles', and Miss Colima Camp, (of Moreland, visited Miss Mary Young Monday afternoon. Mr. "R. E. Bexley and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Elmer Nall, at Lone Oak. Mrs. P. P. 8alter and little daughter, of Goodwater, Ala., spent Friday with Mrs. T. Jeff Young. Several from our community attend ed the funeral of Miss Corille Hines, at Lutherville, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis entertained the little folks with a party Saturday af ternoon. Mrs. J. E. Walthall and children, of White Oak, spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. T. Jeff Young. July 5th. MT. CARMEL. The picnic given by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Beavers Saturday was greatly en joyed by the largo crowd present. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sowell and ^Ir, Luther - Story attended tho barbecue at the convict ’camp Saturday. Miss Coriniio Wortham, of Atlanta, and Mr. Cliff Payton, of, I-Iomowood, attend ed Sunday-school hero Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Madison Turner has been on the sick list for several dayB. , Misses Mnry Kate and Katie Suo Sto ry were with the club girls in camp nt Snrgnnt Inst week. Mr. 0. S. Story and daughter, Annie Mne, spout Sunday with Mr, J. T. Story, ri , sr., and family, at Homewood. • Messrs. 1511 Ve J and 'Joe ‘'Wortham','" oF -Bubl Handy, attended the picnic at Mr. Beav ers.’ Saturday . Mr. anil Mrs. Grady Robison, of New- lian, spent the week-end with tho latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Story. Mrs. Amanda Crawley and Mrs; Jesse Adams, of Atlanta, spent/Sunday night with Mr. M. R. Story and family. Mr. W. H. Wood attended tho barbe cue given by Mr. I. 1J. Payton, at Home- wood, Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Robison and son, Fred, and Miss Alice Ingram, of New nan, spent Monday with Mr. M. R. Sto ry and family. Mr. J. W. Story, jr., attended Sunday- school at Homewood Sunday afternoon. Miss Mattie Pearl Howard, of Sar gent, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Johnnie Johnson. Little Miss Cassoll, of Newnan, spent last week with Evelyn Boone. Mrs. Cassell, of New Hope, spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Boone. Mrs. Mel son Forbus and children, of Homewood, spent Saturday with Mr. C. S. Forbus and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. It. Stpr.v and son, Hugh, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace and baby spent Sunday with Mrs. Geor gia Payton, at Homewood. Mr. and Mrs. Madison Turner and’ baby spent Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Tom Payton, at Homewood. Mr. and Mrs. CJaude Bullington, of Milledgeville, and Miss Ollie Rigsby, of Newnan, visited Miss Ruth Wallace Sun day morning. July 5th. WELCOME, On account of the,’rain Saturday ovon- lug the B. Y. P. U. entertainment given at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. ,1. W. Summov was slimly attended. However, those present onjoyod tho occasion to tho fullest, pronouuclng the supper us one fit for the gods.” Miss Snllie MIIHnns, of Nownnn, vis ited Misses Maude and Thelma Mllllnns the past. wook. Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Amis ami daugh ters, of Franklin, spoilt Sunday with Rdv. and Mrs. F. J. Amis. Mr. ami Mrs. X. O. Nowmnn spout Sunday with Col. and Mrs. J. C- New man, la Newnan. MV, mid Mrs. 0. F. Wood and Mr. Otis Houston attendod' a barbecue nt Mr. “Conn” Payton’s on tho Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. McKoy, Mr. J ,B. McKoy ami Mrs. J. A. Johnson and baby spent Sunday with relatives at Palmetto. Mrs. Frank Chappell, Miss Loo Clmp- poll, Mr. W. P. Chappell mid Master Ben Moseley spent Wednesday at East Point, whore they were the guests of Mrs. Clyde Hendrix. Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. F. Wood spout Sat urday at Moreland. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Summer lmd ns apeud-tho-day guests on the Fourth Mr. nnd Mis. Andrew Bowers ami Mr. and Mrs. ,L. W. BowevB, jr., of Wlilto Oak, MIsb Oliva Young of Newnan, and Mrs. P. P. Salter and daughter of Gooihvoter, Ala. The Fourth passed off Juietly in our community. Some attended bnrbocuea, some picnics, some silt at home grouch ing over ‘‘hard times,” while others Worked. Some celebration, Wu’d any. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boone ‘and chil dren I visited Dr. and Mrs. W.* W. Car- mical, nt Hampton, Sunday. Mr. Howlotto Grimes Is nt home from Florida. Our school opened Monday with a good attendance. Rev. F. J. Amis was able to (111 his appointment at Elim 1 church Sunday, al though still sufferng a good deal with his injurod arm. Next Saturday and Sunday are regu lar preaching days at Providence church. Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Moore, of Newnan, and Mr. L. 0. Mooro, of Atlanta, were guoats Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. P. G. Morrow. July 5th. o- MIDWAY. Miss Bello Todd will resume her school here next Monday. It Is hoped that she will begin with a good attendance and have a successful term. She is a due .teacher, and hns boon elected for lunth- } jer> year. Mrs. S. S. Kidd is visiting her daugh ter, Mi’s. Alice Davis, in Nownnn. Miss Nowell Wiggins spent Saturday llijjht with Mrs. Bruce Harilogreo, in Heard county. The ruin Just wook came just in time to save.(lorn nnd late bonus. Miss Sum CnrneH, of Nownnn, spout tlie week-end with hdmefolka here. Misses Ruby Millions, Bula Kidd, Jolinnia Mao Camus mul.Liuirn JnckHon, Canning Club girls, onjoyod a camp at Sargent Inst wook. Fred Millimis nnd family mid Mr. Hubbard and son, of Noivnan, spent Sunday at tlio homo of Mrs. Fan nie Millin'iis. Mr, nml Mrs. Bruce Harilogreo, of Heard county, spent Sunday nt the homo of Mr. W. 8. Kidd. Tho B. Y. P. U. meeting at Elim church Sunday wns well attended. It is hoped more will be present next Smi- dny nnd give the president their full co operation. (;In a previous letter wo named Mrs. Lee Stephens ns one of tho group- lender^. This, wc(s n mistake. Wo meant Mrs, LewiB Stephens). Thore is no improvement in Mrs. Fan nie MiJlians’ condition,, wo regret to re port. Mr. Jim Smith, of Sprlngview, visited Messrs. Cranfill and William Kidd Sun day. On account of a fractured arm Rev. F. J’,' Amis did not fill his pulpit nt Elim church Saturday, but wns on hand Sunday, preaching a fine sermon. Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Walker entertain ed. an outing on Mountain creek Monday par Monday night- July 5th. WHITE OAK. Quite a number from our neighborhood attendod tlio funeral of Miss Corille Hines, at Lutherville, on Friday last. We deeply regret the loss of such a lovoly girl from our community, and ex tend to the horenved family our sincere sympnthy. Mr. .1. T. Young and family visited Mr. and Mrs, Walter Loo, at Lone Oak, Sunday. The reunion of tho Young family at. Mr, .1, W. Young’s on Sunday lust wbh attended by Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lambert of Grantville, Mr. ami Mrs. Robt. John son of Turin, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Crengh Llnch and daughter of East Point. Mr. Hunter Johnson, pf St. Oharlos, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Johnson. * Mrs. Ralph Bowers visited rolntlves and friends near Raymond on Saturday and Sunday liiBt. Mr .and Mrs. Lawson Chestnut and children spent Sunday with friends near Raymond. Miss Lueila Walthall spout Suudny with MIrb Daisy Webb, at Morolnml. Rov. R. S. Harris filled fils appointment nt Moreland A. It. P. church Sunday morning. Misses Mary and Anniu Carmionl nnd MIhbob Mnry Jean, Martha and Hannah Mattox motored to Pearl Spring Park Monday afternoon, and thonco to Now- unn. The Hemphill neighborhood celebrated tho Fourth with a fish-fry at Young’s bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bowors visited tho latter's parents near Welcome on Monday last. Itecl hor sister, Mrs. Norman Patterson, this week, Mr. Roy Lnssetor, of Newnan, visited in our community Sunday afternoon. ^ITCH! witnoui question GUARANTEED , D1SBA8B REMEDIES I (Hunt’s Sslve and Soap), fall In the treatment of Itch, Benina, Ringworm, Tetter or other Itch ing ekln diaeaaea. Try this treatment at our risk. For Sale by John R. Cates Drug Co, NO MORE RATS or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP. It'B a sure rodent Itillor. Try a Pbg. and prove It. Rats killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell.' Cats or dogs won t touch It, auaranteod. . . nun. Nine (I enke) enough for Pantry. Kitchen or Collar. , line, slue (3 cukes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. 91.25 Hire (5 rake*) enough for all farm and out-bulldtngs, storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by LKE-K1NG DRUG COMPANY. COWETA DI1UO «. BOOK COMPANY. HOMEWOOD. Our school opened Tuesday morning, with twenty-eight pupils enrolled. Mr. J. T. Howard, of Snrgont, spoilt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vollie How ard. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Luckio visited Mr. and Mrs. John Beavers, at Mt. Car mel, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Adams, of At lanta, spent tlio week-end with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Payton. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Story, of Mt. Car mel, visited Mrs. Georgia Payton Sun day. Mr. O. S. Story and daughter, of Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday with Mr. und Mrs, J. T. Story. Miss GuBsio* Howard, of Sargent, is staying with her brother, Mr. Vollio Howard, and attending school hflro. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Payton had as guosts Sunday Mr. and Mrs. MaillBon Tumor, Mr. and Mrs, Elbert Wood and Mrs. Brook Hanson, of Mt. Carmel. Sovernl from our community onjoyod nn ice cream stippor at Mr. and MrB. Jimmie Story’s Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Beavers ami sons, of Mt. Carmel, attended the ico ream festival at Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Story’s Saturday night, Sovernl from our community attended services at Elim church Sunday. Mr. Charlie Story visited friends nt Sargent Sunday afternoon. — o LONGSTREET. Miss Elizabeth Vineyard, lmd as spend- tlio-dny guosts Inst Wednesday Misses Sura Wynn, Ethel McLean mid Doris McLean, together with hor visitor, Miss Virginia Lewis, of Nownnn. Everybody interested is asked to meet nt Coke’s Chapel on Thursday, July 14, nnd assist ill eloawng off tlio grounds, Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Haines and chil dren spent tlie week-end witli relatives near Newnan. Miss Virginia Lewis, who spent last week with Miss Elizabeth Vineyard, 1ms returned to Nownnn, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams Hpent Sunday with relatives ftt Sliarpsburg. Mi-h. J. Ei McLean, of Sharpsburg, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Z. R. Vine yard, Tho ice. cream supper given nt tlio homo of Mr. J,. H. Game] Saturday ovening was much onjoyed by those pres ent. Mr. Irwin McDonald, who lias been staying with his aunt, Mrs. Roxlo Mc Donald, lias returned to Atlanta. Mr. Alvan Hammock and fnmiiy, of McCollum, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hammock. Miss Y7il.Ho Lnssoter, of Atlanta, vis- PIDTITION FOB CHARTER. GEORGIA-—Coweta County: To tho Superior Court of said oounty: Tho petition of E. Dominick, R-. H. Dominick, Dominick Mercantile Com pany. .1. B. Shell, W. H. Summers, L. S. Pago, J D Johnson, O W Shell, Judson Harris! J A. Daniel, Z. ChHstoplier, B. T. 'Thompson, Miss Ruth Thompson, Mrs. Annlo Hun tor.Caldwell, Mrs. Put tie Hunter Drake, Mrs. Minnie Hunter Colo, all of Cowofu County, On., shows: 1. That they deslro for themselvos, tholr associates, successors and as signs to bo Incorporated and made a body politic under the Hiwb of Georgia for tho period of twenty years, with tho privilege of renewal at the expir ation of said term, under the name and style of TURIN WAREHOUSE COM- Old papers for sale here. “I see where a married man objected to being locked up with women jurors and was excused. ” "Well, the proprieties must be ob served. Besides, the question of per sonal safety entered into the case. What chance would he have bad if he had disagreed with the eleven ladies of the jury.” DRESDEN. Our section was visited by a heavy rain and windstorm Saturday afternoon. Trees were uprooted, and Mr. W. B. Mitcham’s bam was unroofed, as wore two or three other outhouses in the com munity. A number from our community enjoy ed an outing on Mountain creek Monday afternoon. • Miss Alma Reynolds, of Newnan, opened heV^sohool here Monday. ' Mr. arid ■Mwi.j.R. L. Davis, Mrs. Davis, Miss,Annie Ruth Davis and Miss Alma Mitclibfn. attended services at Elim church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Minor Stephens, Mr. and MrB. Lee Stephens, Mr. and Mr's. H. M. Raiford, Mrs. Sophie Crowder a*nd Mrs. Meilie Wood, of Handy, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix Crowder Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis spent Mon day with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pritchett, at Hogansvilje. Miss Martha Fincher returned Satur- day from Sargent, where the Canning (lub girls were in camp several days. Mr. W. H. Meriwether returned from Valdosta Wednesday, accompanied by his granddaughter, Miss Louise Dickin son, who will spend several weeks here. A crowd pf our young'people visited the skating rink in Newnan Saturday night. Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Jackson and chil dren. spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walton, at Bethel, J The body of Ed Stegall, colored, who died m France, was buried at Emory Chapel Sunday afternoon. July 5th. The healthy stomach is nothing if not conservative, Few radicals have good digestion.—Samuel Butler. BETHEL. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Barge anil chil dren, of Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Morgan and Mrs. Margaret McCul lough, of Standing Rock, wore spend- tlie-day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Byrom Monday. Mr. Paul Bailey, of Welcome, Bpont the week-end with his parents here. Miss Ruth Hardin has returned homo, after spending several dayB witli Mrs. J. F. Bailey, in Newnan. MisB LeVora Brittain, of Newnan, spent a few days tho past week with hor sister, Mrs. W. A. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bailey and little Ellen Hardin visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bailey, in Newnan, the post week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cook and children and Miss Sallie Thompson, of Senoia, visted relatives in our community Sun day afternoon. Misses Bessie and LeVora Brittain, Miss Emmie Sue Newby, Mr, Elmer Newby and Mr. J. F. Alsnbrook, of New nan, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bailey. Mrs. W. E. Hardin, Misses Lucile, Ruth and Laura Hardin and Mrs. W. A. Bailey visited Mrs. T. W. Cook, in So- noia, last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bailey and baby spent Monday with relatives in Newnan. July '5th. Why will the moving picture people insist upon throwing bed - room scenes upon the screen? Hardly a night pusses without some suggestive and incongru ous patchwork in counterpane and pillow cases. Since tho daring headline on Broadway, ‘‘Up in Mabel’s Room,” no map of social life seems to be- complote without a display of what the French call ‘Miterie. ”—Savannah Press. Mrs.' Styles—“1 see by this paper that a woman in it Western town has hit upon a novel plan of obtaining a separa tion from her husband without going to the expense of court proceedings.” Mr. Styles—‘‘That’s interesting. What has she done?” Mrs. Styles—‘ ‘ Why, she scat her hus baqd out to match a piece of dress goods and told him not to return until lie had matched it. He’s still out.” tyle i pAny. 2. The object of tho proposed corpor ation la poounlary gain to Itself and its stockholders. 8. The principal office and place of business of said corporation shall he In the town of Turin, said ootirtty e.nd Stato. 4. The business to be carried on by said corporation Is to receive, store nnd weigh cotton nnd other farm pro ducts, guano, fertilizers, and such other artloloB desired; and to do any and all things Incident and necessary to the conduct of the business of a -Irst- class warehouse, B. Tho oapltnl stook of said corpor ation shall be Six Thousand Four Hun dred Dollars, all of which 1b paid In In oaHh, and tho Bald incorporators hereby desire tho privilege of increas ing the same to Ton Thousand Dollare, aB may bo determined by its lnaorpor- ators. The shares of stock to be of the par value of One Hundred Dollars por share. 6. Petitioners desire the right to suo anil be sued; to plead and be Impleaded; to contract and ho eon,traded with; to have nnd pHo a common seal; to mnko by-laws' and regulations neces sary for the conduct of Bald business, Including the right to pwn, buy, hold ‘and sell veal estate and personal prop erty suitable to the purposes of Bald Corporation; to encumber said proper ty owned by them, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of Indebtedness Incurred, or which may be Incurred In tho conduct of the affairs of said cor poration, and to secure tho same by mortgage, security deed, or any other form of security lien under existing law, 7. Tho affaire of said corporation, shall be managed and conducted by a-, board of directors aonslstlng of such.- number as may be fixed by the corpor ate action of said corporation, and your petitioners further desire tho privilege at any time during the life of said corporation of liquidating the affairs of t.lie same, or a dissolution of tho same'by a two-thirds vote 6f the stock holder!! of tho same, aceorilibB to tho. by-lftws of Hqld corporation. WHEREFORE your petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, .with the powers, priv ileges and Immunities herein Bet forth, and as are now or may hereafter be allowed a corporation of similar char acter under tho laws of the State of Georgia. GARLAND M. JONES. Petitioner’s Attorney. Filed In office tills 8th day of Juhe, 1921. It. TURNER. Clerk Superior Court, Coweta County GEORGIA—Coweta County; I, L. Turner, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby cer tify that the foregoing is a true and correct aopy of the original petition for charter of TURIN WAREHOUSE COMPANY, as appears of record 1 In my office. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 8th day of June, 1921. „ L. TURNHft.' Clerk Superior Court, Coweta County. Summer Excursion Tares Atlanta & West Point R. R.-The Western Railway of Alabama offers reduced round-trip fares to points C EAST and WEST. Let us plan your vacation trip. \ Tickets on sale daily good for stop-overs. For full information communicate with J. P. BILLUPS, Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. iney paid cut in rent is gone forever-money paid cn a home is money SKVED BUILD—AND SAVE! See us for FREE Building Helps, Plans and Cost Estimates— R. D. COLE MANUFACTURING CO. Newnan, Georgia. r rtf A