The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, July 08, 1921, Image 8

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I both good. Get a good tire cover for that spare tire and save it from damage by sunlight. It will pay. We have a complete line of GENUINE FORD PARTS. Let us serve you. It takes gas to make the car go—so get it from us—and Jwhen you do, don’t forget the Texas or Mobiloil for lubrication. Being on the job for your convenience is our business, and we do our best to attend to your needs every day and all the time. _ R. B. ASKEW & West Washington St., Newnan Phone 500 Omar Lamb left Monday on a motor Here’s why CAMELS the quality cigarette iECAUSE we put the utmost quality into this R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C, THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921 to Washington and Xw York. The LUTHERVILLE. Mrs. Susie Hnyncs lias returned from a visit to iter brother. Mr.. Jim Stephens, at Carrollton. While there she was roy- nlly entertained ut a “rnijnion” barbe cue, in celebration of the twin birthday of herself nod brother. Prof, end Mrs. Gordon Glausler and Christino Glnusior, of Decatur, and Mrs. ,J. IT. McKoon and two children are vis iting Mrs. Bob Brand) in Columbus. Mrs. Cicero Norris is spending the week with her dnuglitcr, Mrs. John Scogin, in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chandler and children and Mr. and Mrs. White Wil son and young son aro visiting Mrs. .loo Aliuon and Mr. IUiy WUhoii, in .Inck sonvllie, Pin. Mrs. Hugh Tnylor nnd son, Hugh, of Cuthliert, nnd Miss Janie Tnylor are vis iting Mri nnd Mrs. Lovick Tnylor, in Atlnntn. Mr. Mayo Rend, of Atlnntn, wns the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nnth Rood. Mrs. ,1 ns. A. Hall, of Columbia, 8. C., and Mr. it. S. McWilliams, of Atlanta, aro guests of their mother, Mrs. Adn McWilliams. Messrs. Joel nnd Leon Norris, of At lnntn, wero week-end guest* of their motlief, Mrs. .loo Norris. Mr. ,Tns. Norris, of Atliintn, is spend big the week with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim Bolt Norris. Mr. Port Nall, of Atlanta,' spent the wouk-eud with his parents, Prof, and Mrs. C. C. Nall. Miss Lillian Sowell, of Crniitville, is visiting her cousin, Mss Doisy Hnrdnwiiy Mr. and Mrs. John Ponvy, of Mnn- cheslor, spout Bmulny' with Mrs. 101 In Cousins. Dr, nnd Mrs. Hugh Tnylor nnd son, Hugh, liiivn rot limed to Cuthbert, after a visit to Dr. and Mrs. John Taylor. Mr. mid Mrs. Oawflll Albright, of At Jnntn, wore week-end guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alton Hobbs. Mias Annie Morin lOstes, of Atlanta, spoilt Snturdny night with Mr. and Mrs. Alloy rOstos, Mrs. Jessie Lussotor, of Atlnntn, and Mr. Lolnnd Upshaw, of Jacksonville, Pin., are visiting Mrs. 1, 0. Albright this week. Mr. Hal Williams, Miss Sudollo Wor tham and Mrs. Lily Bovis, of Nownnli, wero guests Sunday of Miss Alico Mc- T?oon. Mr. Hnmnr Thornton, of Columbus, igicnt a fow days tills week with Mr. and Mrs. Natli Upshaw. Mr, nnd Mrs. Taylor Davis, of Co lumbus, nro visiting tlioir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davis. Mrs, 1. O. Albright entertained Sun day at n family reunion. Those present wore Mrs. Jessie Lussotor, of Atlanta; Mr. Will Albright nnd family and Mr, Oscar Albright and family, of LaGrango; Mr. Lolninl Upshaw of Jacksonville, Pin.; Mrs. Albert Young and daughter, Mar jorie, of McCombs, Miss.; Mr. Alton Jlnhlis and family. Mrs. Alvan Chandler nnd children wore week-ond guests of relatives in Nmvnaa. Miss Daisy Hardaway entertained Frl- day evening for lior cousin, Miss Lillinn Sewoll, of Crantvllle. Dolieious refresh ments wero sorved. Miss Mury Turner, of LaGrango, was tlio guest of Miss Ethel Garrett for sev eral days last. week. Mrs, Joe Bradbury ami children are visiting the former’s mother, at Vienna. Miss Lueilo Norris is at homo from Atlanta for the Hammer. Mr. and Mrs. Riley, of Union Springs, Alu., and Miss Bessie Dunn, of Salem, Ala., are guests of Mr. mid Mrs. K. 0. Norris. Mr. Hiram Jlmdaway, of Primrose, entertained at a fish-fry Monday in lion- or, of Miss Lillian Sewell nnd the Misses Lotson, of Grantvlllo, Dr. and Mrs. R, A. Ifnrdiiwny, Misses Daisy nnd Lydu Hardaway, Mr. J. W. Trammell and family, Mr. Lint Colloy, Miss Emily Col ley, Miss Mnttio Estelle Scogin, and Mr. .Karl Upshaw. Miss Marybcth Hurst entertained' nt a _ spend-tho-dny party Saturday for Misses Ruth Norris, Lynda Lnsseter, Simio Ciirmielmel nnd Margaret Car michael. The L, T. L, children had a parade on ‘the Fourth, singing tlio national anthem and other songs, Mrs. Jus, Gilbert and Miss Mary both Hurst Imd them in charge. Miss Ludlo Norris gave n‘ 1 swell ’' party Saturday evening in honor of liel- guest, Miss Bessie Dunn, Different forms of entortniiiniont wore enjoyed until a Into hour, when dolieious refresh- -meats wore sorved. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haynes and dmigli ter, of College Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bexley and children, of Box/ton, wore guests Sunday of Mrs. Susie . Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Boles, of Green ville, visited Dr. nnd Mrs. R. A. Hartla- T way tide wnok, Mr. Louis Jackson, Mr. Willard Hurst, Misses Dewey Plant, Daisy Hardaway and Lillian Sowell enjoyed tlio movies al Newnan Tuesday evening. Miss Mattie Jarrell, (if Greenville, is visiting Miss Louise Taylor this week. They left Monday morning for White Sulphur Springs, whore they joined n ramping party. Mr. AJinon York, of Atlanta, is spend ing the week with Mr. mil Mrs. Luin York. Mr, and Mrs. Alonso Nash and Miss .Lottie Nash, of Atlanta, are spending some time with relatives bore. July 6th. SENOIA. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. Gibson nnd their guests, Mrs. A. B. Alexander and daugh ter, spent Friday in Atlanta. Miss Ellen Kiser, who Ims been visit ing her brother, Rev. C. C. Kiser, Ims returned to her home in Atlnntn. Master Lee Hand is entertaining a few. friends at u camping purty this week. Mrs. Zcllner and children, of Birming ham, are visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Carmichael. Messrs. J. G. Nixon, Willmr Nixon mid W. M. Keitli went up to Union City on tlie Fourth. Mrs. Clins. Anderson, of Atlnntn, is tlie guoBt. of Mrs. E. 8. Ware this week. Mrs. E. H. Estes spent Monday with friends at Gay. Mr. Paul MeKniglit wns in Augustn ono day last week. Mrs. M. H. Condi is now nt home, nftor spending sopie timo in Florida, At lnntn and Birmingham. M!hs Verona Longino attended tlio re cent B ,Y. P, U. Convention in Snvnn- nail. Miss Eflio Tribble/ of Atliiiitn, is spending n few days here, the guost of Mrs. J. M. Tribble. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunter nnd Miss Helen Matthews spent. Thursday in At lanta. Tlie friends of Miss Annie Lee Travis will regret to learn tlint she la quite sick. Miss Itnchpl Huddleston, of Haralson, is spending the week with her grand mother, Mrs. W. A. Huddleston. Miss Mary Claire Zorn, of Thomaston, is the guest- of MrH. K. L. Hooten. Miss Opnl Sheppard, a recent popular visitor hero, Ims returned to her homo in Nnshvillo, On. Mr. and Mrs. Karnlienrt, who made their homo lioro tlio pnst winter, have moved to Monroe, Miss. Mrs. U. W. Freeman and daughter, Mary, loft Thursday moriing for town, whore tlioy will spend soveral dnys with relatives. Mrs. Lukehcnrt nnd baby, of Atlnntn, nro on a visit to tlio former’s parents, Mr. and MrH. Will Harris. Mrs. Will Brantley is spending the week in Doentur, tlio guest of her daughter, Mrs. Cole. Mr. O. S. Mann nnd fumily spent Sun day In Lutherville. Sonola enjoyed n glorious Fourth, beating tlio Fayettovillo ball team in the afternoon by the score of 11 to 10. July Oth. o DODSON. Mr. Willie Ward, of Atlanta, spent CORNER BRANCH. Little Missos Miriam Chandler, ofl nnn, and Mildred Dial, of Welcome, were guests Inst week of little Miss Sybil Brooks. Mr. mid Mrs. T. A. Garner, of New- nmi, spent Wednesday with Mr. Tillman Garner. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, of New Hope, spent Tuesday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Fannie Brown. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Brooks, of Nownnnl, were week-ond gnosts of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. B. Brooks. Mr. Pete Davis spoilt. Monday in Atlanta. Mr. L P. Manley wont up to Union City on tlio Fourth to attend the Wat- son-Hardwlck blowout. Mr. and Mrs. Minor MiHimis and laughter, Francos, opont tlio Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Ed MiHimis, nt Welcome. Mesdmnes T. ,P. Mnnloy and P, J, Davis spent Monday with Mrs. Fulton MiHimis, near Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Mauley, of At lanta, were guests of tlie former’s pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. X. P. Manley, Sun day. Our school opened Monday with a large enrollment. , Rev. R. M. Stevens, of Ncwnmi, wns the guest Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed die Brown, / * Mr. “Kit” Millions and children, of Welcome, were guests Thursday of Mr. nnd Mrs. Minor Millions. Mrs. W. H. Stephens and children, of Palmetto, are visiting Mrs. Stephens’ parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Morrison. Misses Olydo and Lunelle Staples, of Roopvlllo, nro guests of Mrs. Eddie Brown this week. Mosdnmes Bon Davis, sr., and Joniiio Mae Thompson visited Mi's. Jeff Fin cher, at Dresden, Friday. Mr. J. W. Staples,'of Roopvillo, vis ited relatives and friends here last week, Mr. and Airs. Millard Grimes have gone for n visit of two weoks to relatives in South Georgio. The peach-packing senson will open July 7, and it is estimated that about li),000 crates of Ethertns will be gather ed from Banks-Wilkinson Co. 's largo orchard. J uly Oth. o ; ■ \ Mr. W11I1C huiui u* the week-ond with his parents here. Messrs. T. B. Sanders anrl P. H. Gib son went to Paulding county on a Ash ing trip last week. Mrs. T. F. Jones spent a fow dnys last week with relatives near Newnan. Messrs. Hugh Glass and Will Bennett Sanders went up to Lakewood Saturday. Several of the young people of our community attended the picnic nt Sew ell’s mill Saturday given by Miss Lou- lietto Carmichael, of Roscoe, in honor of her cousin, Miss Eloiso Carmichael, of Hampton. Mr. Curtis Sprnyborry, of Happy Val ley, spent Suiulny with Mr. Onnie Lam bort. i . Mr. T. B. Sanders ,aml children, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sanders arid Wm. Gib soil wont up to Lakewctoil Monday. Mrs. C. H. Newton, of Newnan, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hyde, Misses An nie Mao nnd Inez Hyde and Mr. E. T. Carter attended tlie funeral of Alvin Hugh Hiirris at New Hope church Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Will Summerlin and little daugh ter nro visiting the former’s parents at Morelmid. « Messrs. Errett and Cauley Hayes, Mr. Golden Hyde and Mrs. S. G. Dukes and daughter, Carolyn, attended the Wliite- Reesc memorial Hinging nt Old Carroll ton church Sunday. Miss Lueilo Sanders visited Miss Ev elyn Moore, at Happy Valley, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. R. Sewell, Mrs. J. B. Sowell nnd MiHs Hattie Sewell, of Roscoe, vis ited Mrs. C. T. Hyde Sunday afternoon. Mrs. H. '13. Eldson and family, Mr. T. F. Jones and Mr. Onnie Lambert at tended tlio barbecuo at Union City.. Mon day. Mr. Jacobus Petty had- ns dinner guests Sunday Mr. anti Mrs. W. B. San ders nnd Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glass and little son.' Ella .Too, tlie littlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hyde, is quite sick with whooping cough. Tho trustees of Macedonia school mot Saturday and elected Miss Helen B, Rowland, of Newumi, ns teacher for an other term. July 6th, nan, wero guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Todd. ‘ ' Mr. W. B. Lamb mill Mr. and Mrs. expect to retuhi about Sept. 1, and be accompanied home by Mrs. W n Lamb, who has been visiting In York. ST. CHARLES. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Amick, of Atlanta, spent the week-ond witli Mr. R. L. Bras well and family. Miss Annie Lriurie Scott lias returned from a visit of soveral days with rela tives in Atlanta. Miss Bernice Malcolm, of Lutherville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs., T. M, Todd. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kidd and Mr. Sam Scott, of Newnan, spent tho week- ond with tlioir parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott. , Little Misses Katherine ond Frances Davis nnd Mr. Bexley Davis are on au extended visit to tlioir grandparents in Carrollton. Miss Ruby Spratling, of Atlanta, spent Suiulny nnd Monday witli homo- folks here. Mi', and, Mrs.' Edgar ’Pritchett^ of Newnan, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Powledge for the past ineek. > Air. and Airs, J. D. Bexley, Mr. and Airs. J. R. Spratling nnd Miss Ruby Spratling wore dinner guests Suuday of' Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Camp, in More land. Mr. J. D. Boxloy spent Alonday in Union City, and while mingling with the throng at tlio Watson-Hardwick rallj tlieie a pickpocket doftly relieved Him of his purse, containing soveral dollars. Mr.' Paul Haynes spent Sunday in Madras. Miss Colima Camp, of Moreland, spent Alonday with Aliss Susie Alan Spratling. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. U. Morgan of New- LADIESI {oT CHI-CHE9-TER S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and/ COED metallic boxes, sealed with Bluet Ribbon. TAKB no OTHER, Bn; of Tour' Drasslst and ask for OUI.01IES.TBBS DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty.five years regarded aa Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TRIED EVERYWHERE gggg' ( Tlie case laid reached a critical stage. Even tho judge seemed to awaken to a lively- interest in tho proceedings, for tho. moat important witness wns about to She airosa-oxauiineiL VJ3o you aro tho lady’s maldf” bo- gnu the relentless lawyer, “Yes, sir.’’ “And where wore you at 7 o’clock on tlie evening in question f' ’ ‘ ‘ 1 was in, my lady’s room, sir. ’ ’ “For what purposef” “I wns dressing my lady’s hair, sir. The lawyer leaned forward and spoke slowly and impressively. “Now, think,” he said. “I want you to lie very careful in answering this question. Was or wns not your mistress in tlie room nt the time l” -a HARALSON. Air. nnd Mrs. Walter Grovcnsteiu and children, Julia, Angus and W. A. jr., are spending some time with relatives and friends here, after which they will go to their new home in Chattanooga, Tonn. Alias Aluggie Vaughan, of Griffin, is spending the week with Miss Nellie Vauglmn. Air. and Jesse Williams, of Col bert, Gn„ anr spending a few days witli Air. and Mrs. Wilbur Williams. Aliss Anna Williams will return to Griffin with thorn for a visit. Miss Mary Blanton is visiting in Grif fin tlus week. , Air. W. T. Coppngc, of Williamson, is visiting Ills sister, Airs. Foote Wil liams. Airs. Hubbard and children, of Brooks, are visiting Air. and Airs. W. T. Thomas. Air. and Mrs. Howlette McGnhee and daughter. Elizabeth, of Senoia, visited Mr. and Airs. Emory McGaheo this week. Aliss Rachael Huddleston is visiting relatives in Sonoiu. Mr. Emory AleGnhee, Mr. Lewis Hutch iiison and others from our community attended the rally at Union City Monday. Haralson eelebratod the Fourth with a picnic on Line creek, and lmd a big time. Messrs. Carmichael and Dukes, of Griffiu, visited friends here Alonday. Our section has been blessed with par tial showers, but we are still quite dry— too dry for eorn. “Ethel, can’t you toll us tlie shape, of tho world,”, asked teacher, encouraging iy- “Yessum; it’s in a pretty bad shape just now,” replied tho precocious child, who had hoard hor daddy say n few things at home. We may lie young, but wo have loam ed in tho same old way that others hai to learn—that you can’t, please every body. It is “be d—d if you, and be d—d if you you don’t,” so we have about come to the conclusion that wo “be d—d if we care.”—Manchester Mercury. CHICHESTER* PILLS DIAMOND ,6°' Co** BRAND Mania and West Point RAILROAD ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AT NEWNAN, GA. EFFECTIVE MAY 29. 1921, Subject to change and typographical errors. NORTHBOUNDi No. 42 ...6.45 a. m. No. 15 30.00 a. m. No. 88 .11.18 a. m. No. 40 1.00 p. m. No. 20 6.30 p. m. No. 34 5.20 p. m. No. 36 10,26 p. m. SOUTHBOUNDl No. 35 7.06 a. m. No. 10 8.50 a. m. No. 33 9.45 a. m. No. 39 2.46 p. m. No. 17 5.20 p. m. No. 41 6.52 p. in. No. 37 7.19 p. m. J. P. BILLUPS, G. P. A, so do mice, once they eat RAT-SNAP. — O(lo] LEE-KING DRUG COMPANV. COWETA DRUG A BOOK COMPANY. one brand. Camels are as good as it’s pos sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to make a cigarette. Nothing is too good for Camels. And bear this in mind! Everything is done to make Camels the best cigarette it’s possible to buy. Nothing is done simply for show. ' Take the Camel package for instance. It’s the most perfect packing science can devise to pro tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper —secure foil wrapping—revenue stamp to seal the fold and make the package air-tight. But there’s nothing flashy about jit You’ll find no extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows. Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And remember—you must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality. If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest .cigarette you can imagine—and one entirely free from cigaretty aftertaste, It’s Camels for you. PLAIN STUFF! It’s the “plain stuff” that keeps your car on the move—that makes it possible for you to use it from day to day, with satisfaction and at low cost. We have the things you need, and want to supply you. Brake linings—both Raybestos and Tbermoid *• —two very reliable linings are here for you. Then you want springs occasionally, and we have both the Harvey spring and the Tuthill “Titanic” break less spr/ng. If you “polish your own” we recommend No ble’s Auto Polish, which is so good we use it our selves. Probably you carry extra spark plugs—if so, either “A. C.” or “Champion”— tire and RATS DIE And they leave no odor behind. Don’t take our word for It—try a package. Cats and dogs won't touch it. Rats pass up all food to get RAT-SNAP. Three sixes. 35e, mIxc (I rake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. C3c, alxe (2 rakes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. $1.25 alxe (5 cakes) enough tor all farm and out-buildlngs, storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by