The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, July 15, 1921, Image 1

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The Newnan Herald atmwMAN HERALD. 1 Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1880. » N Established 1866. f Consolidated with Newnan News January. 1016. 1 NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1921 Vol. 56—No. 42 ,OUR ONLY TERMS SPOT CASH TO EVERYBODY Nothing Sent on Approval Nothing Taken Back or Ex changed No Telephone or Mail Orders Accepted—All Sales Final CUTTING’S OUR ONLY TERMS SPOT CASH TO EVERYBODY Nothing Sent on Approval Nothing Taken Back or Ex changed No Telephone or Mail Orders Accepted YOU’LL SAVE MANY A DOLLAR by taking advantage of this sale, which commences WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 20, AT 8:30 O’CLOCK and closes SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 30, AT 9 O’CLOCK. We are gratified to say that any article in our stock can now be sold profitably at a great discount over the high prices prevailing last year. We are offering in this, CLEARANCE SALE material reductions in prices from early in the season, and where we have odd lots of goods 6r where we are overstocked, we have cut prices way under replacement value. Come to our sale and help us “clean house.” We have many attractive goods at still more attractive prices. Our regular circular yvill reach you in due time; study it carefully. You’ll be surprised to see how far a dollar will go towards supplying'your needs. A Few Specials 'Women’s fine mercerized White Hose, 25c pair. 3 cakes Jergen’s Bath Tablets for 25 cents. 3 cakes Palmolive Soap for 25 cents. Paris Garters for men, 25 cents each. President Suspenders, 45 cents each. Yard-wide colored Organdies, 25 cents yard. Pine Check Flaxon, worth"50 cents; sale price 25 cents yard. Sterling 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, 40 cents yard. Good quality yard-wide Percale, 15 cents yard. Druid yard-wide Sea Island, 8 cents a yard. 72-inch Bleached Table Damask, 69 cents yard. Ladies’ knit Under Vests, good quality, 10c each Wash Goods Last call on all Voiles, Dimities, Swisses, etc. Prices are cut far below value. Lot 1—Values up to 50c; sale price 15c yard. Lot 2—Values up to $1.00; sale price 29 cents. Lot 3—Values up to,$1.50; sale price 39c yard. , Lot 4— $2.00 ; sale -price 49c,yard.. Lot 1 5—High-class Imported Novelties, wopth dodble; sale price 69 cents yard. Ready-to-Wear Garments Our entire stock of Ready-to-Wear will be offered in this sale at ridiculously low prices; many garments one-fifth of former value. We wish to clean out every garment, hence these extraordinary prices: LADIES’ SUITS— Lot 1 we offer at $9.75 each. Lot 2 we offer at $14.75 each. Lot 3 we offer at $19.75 each. Lot 4 we offer at $24.75 each. SILK DRESSES-^ Most of these are new, having just been re ceived and bought way under price. Five lots for your consideration—values up to $100.00. Lot 1 we offer at $7.75 each. Lot >2 we offer at $9.75 each. Lot 3 we offer at $12.75 each. Lot 4 we offer at $19.75 each. Lot 5 we offer at $24.75 each. SILK WAISTS— Small lot, regular prices up to $20.00. These will be sold from one-fifth to one-half former prices. • LINGERIE WAISTS— A big, lot of these beautiful Waists, which sold as high as $3.00. We are going to close them out at 95 cents each. • CHILDREN’S GINGHAM DRESSES — Every child’s Gingham Dress must be sold and for this reason we have priced them, with out regard to cost Lot 1 we offer at only 50 cents each. Lot 2 we offer at only 75 cents each. Lot 3 we offer at only $1.00 each. Lot 4 -wq offer at only $1.50 each. Lot 5 we offer at only $2.00 each. Straw Hats Last call on all Straw Hats. What we have left in Rnftx Straws will be sold at about 40 cents on the dollar. Other Straws at half price. — N ote carefully the prices at which we are selling merchandise during this sale compared With prices prevailing a year ago. See how much you can save. MEN’S WEAR 1 Palm Beach Suit.. . 1 Blue Serge Suit 3.... 27.50 Clearance Sale Price , .$10.00 pair French Oxfords. 3irts at $1.35 ’... 8.10 7.50 Last Year’s Price $22.50 65.00 15.00 24.00 6 suits of Underwear.. ..... 1.511 .;.... 7.50 i . ... 3.00 4.0U 13.50 1 Straw Hat 8.00 1 Necktie 6 Collars { . 75 1.50 1.35 . S . .. . . .25 1.80 1 pair Garters... .50 1 pair Suspended .... •••••• -45 1.00 1 Belt 90 1.50 Total .,....$68.80 ' $158.80 ’ LADIES’ WEAR Clearance Sale Price iSsI Year’s Price 1 Silk Dress $12.75 $ 35.00 1 6 Union Suits 4.14 1 9.00 6 pairs Silk Hosei 10.50 21.00 6 pairs Lisle Hose.... 2.70 6.00 1 Corset ............ 2.50 4.00 1 Brassiere 69 1.00 1 pair Oxfords 5.50 10.00 1 tailor-made Suit .... 24.75 100.00 1 Silk Petticoat . .. . 3.75 8.00 1 Georgette Grepe Waist... 3.95 10.00 1 Wash Waist 95 3.00 6 Gowns 8.70 18.00 6 pairs Teddies ..... 5.70 12.00 Total i, $86.58 $237.00 Housekeeping Need a Clearance » Sale Price Last Year’s Price 6 Sheets $7.50 $19.50 6 Pillow Cases 2.10 4.50 1 Bed Spread 2.50 5.00 12 Huck Towels 1.50 4.20 12 Turkish Towels.... 3.00 9.00 3 yds. Table Damask.. 2.07 4.50 Total $18.67 $46.70 Staple Dry Goods Note well these prices; they are far cheaper than others are selling the same goods for: Advertiser yard-wide Bleaching, 10 cents yard. Hope yard-wide Bleaching, 14 cents yard. Hill yard-wide Bleaching, I6I/2C a yard. Fruit-of-the-Loom yard-wide Bleaching, 17%c. Best quality Cheviot Shirting, 12i/ 2 cents yard. Best quality Plaids, 10 cents yard. Extra quality yard-wide Unbleached Sheeting, 8 cents a yard. Extra quality yard-wide Sea Island, 8 cents yd. Peppered 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, 45c yard. One lot 32-inch Dress Ginghams, value 40 cents, at 25 cents a yard. Utility, Red Seal and Toile du Nerd Ginghams, value 25 cents, at 19 cents a yard. Red Star Diaper Cloth,-24 inches wide (10-yard bolts), at $1.50 a bolt. Best Quality White Table Oilcloth, 35-cents yd. Indian Head, yard-wide, 22 cents a yard. One. lot 46x36 Pillow Cases, 45 cents each. 1 Wearwell Bheets, size 81x90, $1.26 each. One lot Turkish Bath Towels, 22 cents each. One lot Cannon-make Towels, red borders, 12% cents each. Wool Dress Goods Now is the time to buy Wool Dress Goods for next fall. At prices named you can’t afford to wait: 54-inch fine French Serge, formerly $6.00; sale price $2.95 a yard. One lot of Serges, formerly $3.00; sale price $1.65 a yard. One lot of fancy wool Plaids, formerly $6.00; sale price $2.96 a yard. Silks One lot 40-inch Crepe de Chine, value $2.00; sale price $145 a yard. One lot of Taffeta Silk, value $2.50; sale price $1.75 a yard. One lot of Taffeta Silk, value $3.50; sale price $2.40 a yard. One lot of Canton Crepes, value $3.00; sale price $2.40 a yard. Our Silks are way below present values. A Few Special Items si™ Las pJr White Table Oilcloth, yd. $ .35 $ .75 Hill Bleaching 16% -40 Good Sea Island 08 .35 Good Quality Overalls, pair.... 1.00 3.50 Good Quality Work Shirt) 69 1.50 Pepperell 10-4 Sheeting, yd 45 1.25 Indian Head; yd < 22 .65 Peppered Middy Twill, yd 25 .75 27-inch Red Star Diaper Cloth— bolt 1.55 4.00 Good Quality Check Flaxon, yd. .25 .75 Fashion Silk Dress Lining, yd.. .50 1.25 Remember, Sale Commences Wednesday, July 20th, and Closes Saturday, July 30th. Clothing One lot of Palm Beach Suits, worth and sold everywhere from $15.00 to 20.00; sale price price $10.00 a suit. One lot of fine Mohair Suits, sold regularly at $18.00; sale price $13.75 each. Our entire stock of men’s and boys’ Clothing has been marked way under half what they were- a year ago. Footwear Our entire stock of low-cut Shoes, Oxfords, etc., for men, women and children is offered at about 20 per cent, from regular prices. These are this Season’s goods. A11 low-cut Shoes brought over from last sea son are in this sale at one-half and less than than one-half former prices. Ad high-cut Shoes at one-half former prices. These Shoes will av erage 25 per cent cheaper than you will be able able to buy them next fall. 1 P. F. Cuttino dr Co.