The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, July 22, 1921, Image 8

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THE NEWNAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1921 County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During tho Week by Our Regular Correspondents. LUTHERVILLE. Mr. mill Mrs. Jah. A. Ball, of Uolum- lila, S. <!,, Mr. II. 8. McWilliams, of Atlanta, nml Mrs. Ada, McWilliams apont Sunday at Warm Springs and Manchester. Miss Evelyn Wnrlick, of Fnirliurn, and Miss Lucy Murphy, of Fayottovillo, score guests last week of Miss Maryhuth Burst) , , „ Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Allen and chil dren, of Atlanta, are guests this wook of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chandler and Mrs. Joe Norris. Misses Ethel Garrett and Opal Mc- Koon spent several days with relatives and frionds In Newnan last wcok. Mr. and Mrs. Dnn Patterson, Miss Avis Patterson and Mrs. Loundcr Col ley spent. Saturday in Newnan. Misses Mary York and Louise Colley -woro week-end guests of MisH Lurllnu Almon, at Oakland. Miss Veola Jarrell, of Oreouville, is the guest this wook of Miss LouIbo Tny- lor. Dr. .Tns. *W. Taylor spent Snturdny ‘with Mr. and Mrs. Loon Holloman, in Colunihus. Mrs. Lula White, of Atlanta, was tho guest last week of her sisters, Mrs. W. I. Upslmw nml Mrs, I, 0. Albright. Mr. and Mrs. Loon Holloman, of Co lumbus, nunounco the. birth of a son on tho ,16th Inst., who has been givon the, nnmo of .Inines Loon, Mrs. Holloman, ns Miss Miriam Taylor, was before, her marriage ono of our most popular and beloved young women. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Upshaw nro chap eroning a camping party at Elat Shoals this week. Mr. Jns. A. Ball, of Columbia, 8. C., joined his wifo last, week on a visit to lior mother, Mrs. Ada McWilliams. Messrs. Loon Norris and H, S, Mc Williams, of Atlnntn, woro wook-oud guests of homofolks hero. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, of St. Clmrlos, spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna Ulnrk. Mr. Lamar Willinins loft last; week for Tenncssoo, where ho has a good po- aitlon. Miss Mnrybotli Uurat onotortniued FridOy evening with n prom, pnrty in honor of her visitors, Misses Evelyn War- llok and Lucy Mur[)liy. About forty guests wore Invited, and at a lute hour delirious refreshments were served. Snturdny afternoon Miss Lynda Lns- aotler entertained at a lawn party \in honor of Miss Mnrybotli Hurst ami tho latter’s guests, Gnmos of different kinds wore enjoyed, after which a delicious aalnd course was served. Mrs. C. C. Nail, Mrs. “Buck” Wilson, Misses Lillian Wyotio and Eliznboth Me- Kjion attended tlio Woman’s Missionary Conference at Morolnud last wook. Dr. It, A. Hardaway spoat last week in Atlanta attending ,tho elinlcs nt Em ory University. Mr. aud Mrs. W. I. Upshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Eorl Upslmw, Mrs. I. 0. Alliriglit, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hobbs, Mr. Albort Young, Mrs. Lula White, Mr. and Mrs. <lus Williams and Mr. Lolaud Upslmw -enjoyed a flBhfry on Wliito Oak crook last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cochran and Mr. Morvin Coelirnn Spent Sunday at Cur- -Tollton nml Boopvillo. Misses Evolyn and Minnie Imssottor, ■of Atlanta, nro spending a few days with Mrs. I. 0. Albright and Mrs. Alton Hobbs. Mr. nml Mrs Bob Powlodgo and chil dren, of Atlnntn, nro guosts this wook of Mr. Jim Culpoppov and Mrs. Zorn Ar. and Mrs. Ed Avera, of Atlanta, ■aro Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joo Malcolm ‘♦his week. Mr. N. H. Upshaw, jr., and Mr. niul Mrs. Allon and son, of Birmingham, Ala., aro guosts this wook of Mr. Nath Upshaw mid Mrs. Jaa. Gilbert. Misses Susie and Margaret Carmlehnoi entortniheil Monday nt a spond-tho-dny party. Thoso present woro Missos Mnrybotli Hurst, Lucy Murphoy, Evolyn Wnrlick, Ruth Norris and Lymla Las ■Better. Rev. Bill Uushaw and Mr. Wilson Seogin, of Atlanta, woro week-end guosts cof Mr. -J. L. Colley. Mrs. L. D. Sowell, Misses Irene Sow- ■ell, Eddie Belle Smith and Lynda Las- ; oetter spent Tuesday in Newnan. HARALSON. Misses Opal Garrick, Lucilo Mash- burn nml Julia GrovensteSn are visiting Miss Elsie Counts this wook. ' Miss Hortha Hutchinson has returned from a throe-weeks’ visit with relatives in Atlnntn. Mrs. Anna Willinins is visiting her son, Jesse, nt Colbert, On. Mr. Bon Crawford ami family, of Fort Worth, Texas, nro visiting Mrs. Bill Crawford. linrnison baseball tcnin continues to hold the championship in this section. Tho past week they bent Sfiarpsburg 0 to (i, Hollonvillo Kl to 0, and Boxton !5 to 0. Miss Thelma Bonner, of Carrollton, Is visiting Mihs Myrl Wood this week. Tho Lutheran protracted mooting be gan Monday and lasted through Wed nesday. Tho Baptist mooting begins to day, (Thursday,) and will continue'un til next Thursday, Rov. B. ,J. W. Gra ham conducting tho services. MIsh Myrl Wood entertainod Tuesday evening in honor of her visitor, Miss Tholnm Bonner, of Carrollton, and all limi a delightful time. Mi-h. S. A. Foster passed away on the 7th last, at tho home of her son, Mr. Allio Foster, in Atlnntn. Her body was brought to Haralson the following dny, nml funeral services were conducted at tho Lutheran church. Frionds nml relatives in our community woro doeply saddened by her dontli, for stio was loved by ovoiyone. Slio was an 'ideal Christian, amf a friend to everybody. Mr. and Mrs. Allio Foster and children of Atlanta, Mrs. Julia Foster of Lump kin, Mr. Will Almon of Lutherville, and other rolativos attended tho funeral. Miss Kate Alford, of Atlanta, ami Miss Floy Winn, of Seuoin, nro visiting Miss Bortlm Hutchinson tliiB wook. Mr. and Mrs. Will Foster and daugh ter, Lorn Kathryn, have boon visiting rolativos in Atlanta this wook. Wo regret to joarn of Miss Anna Foster’s illness, and hope slio will recover soon. MT. CARMEL. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beavers and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bonvors and children attended the picnic at Homewood on Friday last. Mr. nml Mrs. L. Gordon nml children, of Welcome, spoilt Sunday with M,r. Gene Payton and family. Mr. .Hold.. Wallace, of Welcome, Spout Sunday with Mr. C. I. Wallace and fam ily- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Birming ham, Ala., spent Friday night with Mr. C. T. Wnlliulo and family . Messrs. Leon Little and .T. D. Meda- ris, of Sargont, nttonded Sunduy-school hero Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Clifford Story and Fred Tur ner motored ovor to Longstroot Sunday nftornoon. Mr. Loo Payton, of Homewod, at tended Sundny-Bchool here Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Pioreo Wallace spent tho week-end with frionds in Carroll county. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Graham, of Sargent, spent Thursday night with Mr. Gone Payton and family. Mrs. Brook Henson was in Newnan Saturday shopping. Miss Oorinne Wortham, who lias been visiting relatives hero, returned to At lanta Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Boavers, Mrs. J. B. Beavers nml Mrs. Johnnie John son spoilt Sunday with relatives at Homowood. Miss Lizzie Hutohens and little grand daughter, Hazoi Hutchens, of Newnau, are spending the week with Mrs. Aaron Sowoll. Mr. W. II. Wood is attending court in Nownnn this week. LONE OAK. A marriage of more than ordinary in terest to a host of frionds wns that of Miss Gcorgello Parker and Mr. Clifford Johnson, which occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ]{. Parker, nt Shiloh, on the afternoon of tlio 14th inst. Only a few friends and relatives woro present! Mrs. E. B. Doyle, sister of tlio bridoj wns the lat ter’s only attendant, while Mr. Doyle acted an best man. Tho ceremony wns performed in a very impressive manner by Rev. Paul Muse, of Columbus, tho bridal pnrty standing before an impro vised altar of palms and ferns. The parlor and living-room wore attractive ly decorated with pot plants and gurdeti lloiyers. Punch was served on tlio spa cious vorandu. Tho bride wore a coat suit of blue tricotino, which wns given n bright touch by a corsago bouquet of Killn'rney rosos and valley, lilies. After the ceremony tlio bridal pnrty left for the homo of the groom’s parents here, where an elaborate supper awaited them. After supper the bride and groom, Mr. Fred Willingham and Miss Larue Wise, of this place, anil-Mr. Story, of Shiloh, with Miss Iona Johnson, of Hogans- ville, attended a theatre party in New- nan. Mrs. Johnson wns a member of the 1030 class nt Shorter College, and since her graduation hns been doing higli school work In her home town. Mr. Johnson was reared in this community, and enjoys the esteem of all who know him. They will make their home for the present with the groom’s parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Tho annual .reunion of tho family of Mr. Burkes Nall wns celebrated with a barbecue Sunday, at the home of Mr. Elmer Nnll. All the children and grand children were present, and during the afternoon quite a number of friends called and congratulated them upon the fact tlint so large n family had been permitted to live ^ind enjoy life with so fbw broken links. May they be able to enjoy many more rounions. Mr. J. T. Turner has rbturned from a visit of several weeks to his daughter, Mrs. Cal Harmon, at Stovall. The lat ter Inis been quite ill, aud is still con- flned to' her. home. The young folks enjoyed a moonlight picnic in the grove in front of the school-liouso Monday evening, Miss Mar garet Herring acting as chaperone. Messrs. Clarence Nall, P. M. Sheffield nnd Warren Johnson were present' from Hogansvillo. Messrs. Sam Woods nnd Eugene Price, of Atlanta, were guests Monday of Mr. nad Mrs. Lenmler Powledge. .Mrs. Virginia Lee anil Misses Lizzie and Sara Loo attended the Speor-Scott- wedding at Senoia last week. Mi-. Charlie Lee had the misfortune a few days ago to lose a valuable mule of his own and ono belonging to Mr. John Frank Buss, of Hogansville, both being killed by a stroko of ligtliing fir ing a severe thunderstorm. BETHEL. Several from our community attended the Sacred Harp singing at Standing Rock church Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Win. Harrison and children, of Orchard Hill, spent the week-end with Mr. L. C. Bailey and family. Mrs, J. E. Brittain and son have re turned to Newnan, after spending sev- ornl days with Mr. and Mrs. W. "A. Bailey. Miss Lillian Coates, of Standing Rock, spoilt Sunday with Miss Ruth Hardin. Mr. Albert Crawford and children spent Monday witli Mrs. Tilda Craw ford, near Haralson. ^tiss Annie Laura Morgan, of Chat tanooga, Tenn.„ is spending several days witli Miss Lueile Hardin. Messrs. L. C. Bailey and Clark Har din attended quarterly meeting at Coke’s Chapel Sunday. o Pull for Newnan. WHITE OAK. DRESDEN. We continue to liavo showers, and as •» result crops are looking fine. Mrs. Hendrix Crowdor had us guests . for tho week-end Misses Margaret Tilley, Mary Clark and Mary Hodnett, of Home, and Miss Estelle Hughes, of Washington, D. C. Messrs. E. F. Baker, Glenn Under wood and Misses Emily Tyner and Mar jorie Sneed, of Cedi^|own, spent tlio week-end with the, MIhscs Mitcham. Miss Annie Belie Chandler, of Now Hope, and Mr. Ben Davis, jr„ of Corner Branch, were guests of Miss Ralph Bil bo Sunday afternoon. Miss Margaret Davis, of Nownnn, is -spending- the week with Miss Mnrtlm Fincher. Miss Mnrtha Fincher and Mr. Alfred Lazenby spent Suuday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fincher, at Handy.. Miss Alma Mitcham Bpont the week end with Miss Sallle Millions, in New nan. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Thompson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fincher, at Bethel, for the wcek-ond. Mr. Alfred Lazenby, Mr. A. J. Finch er, Miss Martha Fincher and lior guest, Miss Margaret Davis; of Newnan, vis ited at the home of Mr. Ben Davis, at Corner Branch, Monday. Mr. W. B. Mitcham and family are snoring to Newnan this week. We re grot very much to lose these estimable people from our community. Drr and Mrs. H. B. Jackson :visited Mr. and Mrs, Henry Crain, in .Newnan, Monday. Arguments are settled by facts, not by force. A delightful event of Friday night wns the Y. P. C. U. social nt Mr. anil Mrs. W. N. Walthall’s. Those who attended the ball game at Bexton Saturday afternoon were cuught in a rainstorm, and had trouble getting their ears homo. Mr. Lee EvnnB and Miss Annie Car- micnl visited Miss Larue Wise, at Lone Oak, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Joe Robert Young, of Fitzgerald, hns been visiting his parents liore the past few days. Messrs. Clyde Benton and Pat Carmi- cal left last wcok for the West. Mr. Joe Robort Young and Misses Mary Carmicnl, Rosa Young, Sadie Young and Martha Mattox motored. up to Newnan Sunday afternoon. Mr. T. H. Mattox, Mr. J, M. Johnson nnd Misses Mary Jean, Martha and Han nah Mattox went over to Grnntville Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bowers visited the Intter’s parents, near Welcome, Sun day. Next Wednesday night (27tli inst.) the White Oak Dramatic Club will pre sent a four-aot play, “Home Ties,” at. White Oak school-house, with the follow lug cast of characters: "Martin Winn,” Wilson Bowers; “Leonard Everett,” Jack Carlton; “Harold Vincent,” Wal ter Evans; ‘ ‘ J osiuli Tizzard, ’ > Lee Evans; “Ruth Winn,” Viola Bexley; “Alma Wayne,” MaTy Carmical; “Aunt Melissa,” Mary Jean Mattox; “Mrs. Poplin,” Marthn Mattox; “Lindy Jane,” Clara Young. Time, two nnd a half hours. Admission 15c. In large cities of the United States, more than 90 per cent, of the commer cial business is done by checks or drafts, loss than 10 per cent, being done for cash. As a result of the drop in the price of farm products and food stuffs in the last few. months, the American farmers have lost approximately $5,000,000,000 in shrinkage Of crop values. —o A change of 21' engines is needed to pull the fastest present day passenger express train between New York and San Francisco. GHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND C LADIES | lift Ztf&SR'StsMJ 0 *' Cni-CHES-TER S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in RBD and. Coin metallic bora, aealtd with Bluet Ribbon. Takb no ornaa. Box sTvow Bracabt aad ask for OBI.OBKS.TRKS - DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twentr-flvO years regarded at Best,Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS everywhere gggfi validation Notice. State o£ Georgia vs. Starr School Dis trict. Petition to Confirm and Validate Bonds. In the Superior Court of Coweta county. Notioe is hereby given to the public that on the 6th day of July. 1921, Wil liam Y. Atkinson, Solicitor-General of the Coweta Judicial Circuit, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Coweta county. Ga., the above-stated petition, being a suit in the name of the State of Georgia against the Starr School District, of said Coweta county. Ga., to confirm and yalidate Ten Thousand (110,000.00) Dollars of bonds of said Starr School pistriot, alleged to have been author ized by the legally qualified voters of said Starr School District at an elec tion held on the 28th day of June, 1921. it being alleged that the bonds were for the purpose of building and equipping a school-house or houses for said Starr School District. By virtue of an order of the Honor able C. E. Roop, Judge of the Superior Court of Coweta county, passed on the 6th day of July, 1921. said petition will be heard and determined by the Su perior Court of Coweta county, Ga„ at 2 o’clock p. m„ on July 23, 1921, at the court-house in the olty of New nan. Coweta county, Ga,. and any citi zen of the State of Georgia residing within said Starr School District, or any other person, wherever resident, who has a right to object, may become a party to these proceedings. This notice is given in pursuance of an order granted by tho Honorable C. E. Roop, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Coweta Circuit on the 6th day of July. 1921. This the 6th day of July. 1921. L. TURNER, Clerk Superior Court of Coweta county. AT-SNAP KILLS rats Also mice. Absolutely prevents odors from carcass. One package proves this. RAT-SNAP comes In cakes—no mixing with other food. Guaranteed. 33c. aloe (I cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. «3c. alae (3 cakea) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. *1313 alae (.5 cakea) enough for all farm and out-butldlngs, storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY. COWETA DRUG * BOOK COMPANY. | 1 i, \ I Everything for QUALITY -nothing For show T H A T ’*S OUR IDEA in making CAMELS—the Quality Cigarette. Why, just buy Camels and look at the package! It’s the best packing science has devised to keep cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste. Heavy paper outside—secure foil wrapping inside and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack age and keep it air-tight. And note this! There’s nothing flashy about the Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of thg quality of the tobacco. Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on merit alone. Because, men smoke Camels who want the taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly blended. Men smoke Camels for- Camels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga- retty aftertaste. Camels are made for men who think for them- R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. Just Business Our business is to help you SAVE MONEY, as well as to sell you the things you need for your car. The best sav- ing we have to offer is in the Vulcanizing Department. Through accident or carelessness the life of a 6,000 or 8 ,'ooo-mile casing is shortened by half. Can you afford to Lose half the price of your tires, or even one-fourth? We say that you can’t afford to lose ANY of the guarenteed mileage of a good tire, so we vulcanize to make you get what you paid for It’s a business proposition, and we want your work on a i business basis—value received, plus! We have the material, equipment, and skill—and we guarantee our work to be RIGHT. , > * If you are not a patron of our vulcanizing department you ought to be, for your financial gain."' J-oin the bunch that gets more mileage through our vulcanizing. $ R. B, ASKEW & CO. 8 West Washington St., Newnan, Ga. Phone 500 When your subesription expires the paper must stop. We do Job Printing-