The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, July 29, 1921, Image 7

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1921 CLASSIFIED ADVER1ISEMEHTS RATES—One cent n word for «ach In sertion. Minimum charge, 10 cento. TERMS—Cash in advance. “ELMROSE.” The best' 5-ccnt cignr on ttio market today. Not j ce — Not responsible for any debts icurred by Mrs. 0. L. Hemstitching, Pleating, Buttons.— 'Prompt attention given all orders. Newnan Button & Pleating Works. Local Happenings Told in Short Paragraphs. ihvostmoaj, public as printer. They will be offered to the soon ns received from the NEWS AND PERSONAE ITEMS OP GENERAL INTEREST TO OUR LOCAL READERS. Dog dry’s. July has live'Sundays. Next Tuesday is sale-day. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Dodge light truck; 1ms boon used very little, and is ns good as new. New tires; cerd tires oil rear .wheels. F. Hanson. Wanted to Rent.—Three or four desir able rooms—or, preferably, a small eot- convenient tb business section of citv Address “ tyusoiinl, ” P. O, box 050’ or ’phone (during day) 89. Troup Superior Court convened Mon- ll "y. o- Grcnt inducements on all Indies’ ready- to-wear at Booiio’b. Civil Service Examinations for vacan cies in Postoffice, Railway Mall, Gov ernment Departments. Men, women, over 17; $120 monthly. Experience un necessary. Por free particulars , write j Leonard, (former Civil Service,exam iner,) 155 Equitable Bldg., Washington, I). 0. - . Born, on tho 18th hist., to Mi'ynild Mrs. Preston Atebison—a daughter. Regular monthly meeting of County Commissioners next Wednesday. Col. H-. *Y Hall lias been attending Troup Superior Court this week. FOR SALE. re-room house, on large level lot; wa ter and light conveniences; good neigh borhood. Terms—Small cash payment; Imlnucc $55 per month, which is rent, plus $20 savings. ■ 7-room house on Second avenue; lot about 80x250 feet; level and elevated. Price and terms right. House and lot on LaGrange street at ■a hig bargain. Small payment, and (terms to suit on balance. House and lot on Spence avenue. We can sell you this cheap.. Small cash pay meat; balaUco moittlily or artnunl pay- Te. PARKS INS. & REALTY CO. Mr. ffi. C. Pitts Bpont a .few days tho past week with relatives at Plains, Ga., The Jew remaining bathing Buits at half-price. Kersey & Prather. Wanted.—Your cleaning, pressing and tailoring. Thompson , & Hamrick. We cars. Palm Beach, suits, cleaned and proBsed for 75c. Thompson & Hamrick. ORCHARD BRAND Calcium Arsenate Will Save Your COTTON Stock On Hand Por IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WRITE OR CALL T. B. McRITCHIE & CO. NEWNAN, GA. Mr. Bernard Mathews -and young son, .of Ashburn, Ga., are with Newnan rela tives this week. 1 INSTALL A SANITARY WELL CURB —Permanent —No repairs —No replacement —-Pits any well. See us for prices. WE HAVE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Concrete Water Troughs Concrete Flower Boxes Concrete Well Piping. Concrete work of all kinds. Let us give you estimates. C. M. AMIS Newnan, Ga. Phone S40 THURSDAY, FRIDAY . and SATURDAY AUGUST 4, 5 and 6 On the above dates we wil have with us Mr. N. George , Gross, representative of the famous •house of Schloss Bros. &_'Co. If in need o: anything in the clothing line for the coming fall and win ter season, we invite you to come in and see the large selection of new woolens ; and have your measure tak en for what you may need, The prices wil] be very at tractive. P. F. CUTTINO ■& CO. Ruy now and save at Booiio’b. Ordinary’s Court next, Monday. ’Phone 85 far quick baggage transfer. — o— Tho dross sale starts today—Friday. Kersey & Prather. Big values In large and Small ruga. Boone’s. dross goods, shirtings and wnlstlngs— all fHst colors—over twenty stylos. Val ues up to 15c.; choice 10c. a yurd. Boone's. Wagons.—Do you need a good wagon this fall. Wo sell tho host wagon made— the Weber. Priced right. -Will sell on satisfactory torms. See us before you buy. ' Powell & Koith, In a statoineiil. given to tho Carrollton papers Inst wcok Mr.,I. K, Smith, a well- known business nmn of that city, said:' "One Carroll county nmn told 1110 tlmt I10 nud his children picked up and burn ed cotton squares for forty days Inst year, working every day, mid made 11 biilo to the acre without poison, while an adjoining Held, noglbotod, made noth ing.” Wonder how many Coweta far mers Imyo been ns patient and persistent in fighting the boll weevil qs this Carroll county limn? Hartford batteries, ‘guaranteed for 18 months, Hold by ns. Wo repair any. ninke battery, recharge batteries, ami do genornl battery, work. Gfoil used bat teries cheap;, W, Y. Barnes. Ou the flrpt Sunday in August Rev. E. O. Smith will begin a week’s meet ing at Rocky Mount Baptist church. Ho will be assisted by Rev, R. A. Smith, of Camp Hill, Ala., who will do tho preach- hig. , Farmers throughout tills section nro becoming greatly Interested in tractor farming, and many will adopt them to meet now conditions. At 11 demonstra tion held Saturday oil tho Witcher farm, near Liberty church, tho FordHon trac tor was put through its puces, uiid over seventy-live farmers inspected Its work during the day. Tho ground was ratlmr rough mid rolling, ami full of stumps, but the visitors wore shown, /that ovdn under these conditions 11 tractor would perform satisfactorily. Judge W. M. Snssor, of Codnrtown, had some litigation in the City Court which required 1 his attendance Tuesday and Wednesday, and hml the plonBiiro of meeting innny old Cowetn ffionds while here. have some good valuoB in used 1 D. W. B00110 & Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chandler announce {lie birth of n sou on the 18th inst. Received this week new lot Arrow and Nitro smokeless shells. I. N. Orr Co. Bent the .lemon trust. Use limes— 18e. dozen. Lee-King Drug Go. .0 Col. Howard Perdue, of Birmingham, Ala., was here on legal business Monday. For Rent.—Four-room bungalow; gooTl garden; water and lights. Apply at this office. ■ . Mt. and Mrs. John Smith, of Atlnnta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Payne this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Zachery left Thursday for a visit witli relatives at Seimca, §. 0. There will, be an all-day singing at Rock Spring the first Sunday in August. Everybody invited. Miss Christine Wood, of Sharpsburg, is visiting Miss Jane Francos Reagin, —Carrollton Free Press. For Sale-^Jersey milch cow with third calf. Fresh in milk. Reasonable price. See L. W. Keith or G. N. Sewell. Mrs. Samantha Coggln lmd a virtit tills jiveok from Mr. E. 0. Lewis, of Oklahoma, u brother whom she had -not soon in forty-five’ years. Mr. S. B. Lewis, of Fayetteville, another. brother, visited her this week nlso, Mr. and Mfc. C. A. Payne had ns guests. Sunday Mr. E. 0. Loivia of Okla homa, Mi-. Win. Jnikson of Palmetto, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Atlnntn Miss Annie May Dixon ami Mr. S. B. Lowis of Fayetteville, and] Judge and Mrs. W. J. Coggin of McCollum. Mr. Farmer.— If your McCormick and Deering mowers and rakes need re- pairing .bring them to us now and wo will- put them in working order nt'rcnsonnblo cost. Be prepared, and thus avoid delay when your crops are ready to cut. Powell & Koith. Presbyterian Church.—Rev. J. E. Han nnh, pastor. Sunday-Bcliool 0:80 a. ill.) Frank Wilkinson and T. S. Parrott, su perintendents. Sermon at 11 a. ni. by tho pastor. The evening service will bo in charge of the Christian Endeavor boys. Prayer-meeting Wednesday 8 pi Mr. J. C. Austin and family,-of Sol inn, Ala., wore guests Saturday and Sun day of Mr. X. H. Bagley and family. Mr.' Austin is superintendent of the Selma division of tho Southern railway, with headquarters at Selma, and was formerly associated witli Mr. Bagley in railroad work. Mowers and Rakes.—Savo your liny crops, arid thus Bave feed money. Farm machinery will eliminate wnste and re duce harvesting expense. Wo sell the McCormick and Deering mowers and rakes. Will' sell on terms of one-third cash, balance six and twelve months. , - ’ ; Powell & Keith, Mi's. Snllie Hammond Hudson has loaned from Mrs. Lula Spender the 7- room house at 9- Perry street, and on ... . . room nouso at «■ r-erry • street, anti 011 We have many, many items m our_ g 1 w iU open a boarding-house tliero. July clearance sale that we can save you Af ' Wr , |fi| . J&j a year 01 . so ag0 ’"oney on ’ n Boone s. j£rs. Hudson went with ’her husband to Siriall lot of fine gabardine white skirts Atlanta. They spent several months at $2.05- -values $5.75 and $7.50, Kersey & Prather. Old- Look over our remnant counter, time values -will be found tliero. Boone's Wonderful values in pretty blouses at $1.50 and'$3.95. Korsey & Prather. Lookout Mountain seed Irish potatoes for sale. Now is the time to plant. Lee-King Drug Co. Mr. William Glenij Haynio, who 011 liBted in tho U. S. Arriiy three years ago arrived home yesterday, his torm of 011- liatmont having’ expired. He was sta tioned 011 the Mexicnn border during the eutiro period of his service, being en gaged in patrol duty most of the time, lie is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Haynio. We want you to (yttond the clearance sale of dresses, if only to see the values. Kersey & Prather. Have you tried limoB in your ice tea? W% sell them; 18c. dozen. Lee-King Drug Co. The clean-ups of summer apparel throughout the store offer many unusual values.' Kersey & Prather, n Hnta-cleaned and blocked. New bands inside and out, if needed, - Thompson & Hamrick. Cane Mills.—See us for prices - on syr up cane mills and pans. Powell & Keith. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lee, of Newnan, there, but are now living nt Lirfevillo, Ala. Our Methodist friends of Madras community have commenced work on their new church building, selecting sito near where the old church Btood, and tho committee in charge expect to hurry it to completion before summer is over, The now building will' be of brick veneer and when finished will bo one of the handsomest country churches in the county. Central Baptist Church.—Frank L. Hardy, D.- D., minister. Sunday-school 9.30 a. m.; B. M. Blackburn, superin tendent. Morning worship \\ a. in subject, "Lessons from tho Mountains, Evening worship 8 p. m.; subject, “Three Famous Fools.” B. Y. P. U. 7 p. 111.; Tlios. Glover, president. Prqycr-meeting Wednesday 8 p. in; Public invited to all services.' Announcement of tho nppronchiug marriage of Rev. M. D, Coliiim and Mins Mary Cochran, of Palmetto, is of more than passing .bitorost to their ninny friends thtouglibut the State. Miss Cochran is a very accomplished and lov able young Woman, nud doscends from one of Campbell’s eldest and liiokt aris tocratic. families, being a daughter of the late Berry Cochran mill Mrs. Alleo Broivster Cochran, and a niece ol' Col. P. H, Brewster. Mr. Cqlliiis is our pop ular County School Superintendent. Ho lias boon pastor of several churches throughout tho country, is widely nnd favorably known, nud numbers his friends by the scoro.T-Fuirburn Nowb. Tho man is about 25 yours of nge, nnd was identified ns one J. L, Miller, a farmer residing near Roanoke, Ala. Af- tr his arrest lie cunfesiied to n Jong list of dolinguonclcH, including tho theft of four Buick automobiles from dlfl'oroat persons within the past thirty days, one of which wns Mr. Welboru Duvls’ enr, stolon tlirco or four weeks ngo from in front of Mnrbury’s furniture Htoro, nml afterwards ulmmloncd nt Bonnoke, He nlso confessed to having passed t'orgod checks during tho pnst month nt nearly every town between bore nnd Roanoke. Ho la snld to bo well connected, a brother being 0110 of Gnrrollton's licst- kuov'11 business men, The Boone car was fully covered by Insurance, but Mr. Boone declares ho would rather have hml tho thief caught than ^to have collected the insurance lie carrion. Col. Tom Farmer bought a now Ford touring car Inst week, and, having solno business in Macon, drove it down to that city, Friday. Upon arriving ho parked the car in front of the hotel where I10 was stopping. WI1011 I10 got ready to start home imaglino his consternation upon iliscovbriiig that someone hud swiped his brand-now Ford mid gotten away with it, loaving no traeo whatover. Fnrtuuhtoly for ]ts owner tho car was insured for $500, mill therefore the ac tual loss sustained wns less than $100. Miss Lorino Collins lost her cur in At. lnntn a fow days ngo under tho snmu circumstances. She carried some jnaur mice, but not nearly enough to cover lior loan- —. • SHAMPOO Keeps the hair dean and sweet — FOR SALE BY — LEE-KING DRUG CO. CORN COLLODIAN New officers of Oakland Lodge, No. 09, K. of - P., ivoro installed Monday night, who will hold ofllco until. Jan. 1. They wore: Chancellor Commander, Sanford Hubbard; . Vlee-Chmicellor, J. E. McClure; Pfolnto, W. F. Conk; Keeper of Records nml Sonl and Mas ter of Finance; G. P. Wilkinson; MiiBtor of Work, Stanford Arnold; Master at Arms, L..E. Snead; Master of Excheq uer, 0. J.-Smith; Inner Guard, H. E. Smith; Outer Guard, J. T. Staples. The retiring chancellor, Stnnford Arnold, wns nominated for appointment as Dep uty Grand Chancellor, to suoceod O, W. Pnssavant. Tho lodge will moot next ■Monday night and work in tho rank of Esquire. . , ... ■•. . ,. Tho annual meeting of' the Fourth spent the " , eek-enil with their daughterMasonic Convention Will be held Mrs. Tyre Wat^ont—Carrollton Fran £ Newnall (m Thur9(layi A ug. 4. There Presa ' - are sixty lodges in the district, and about one hundred and fifty delegates are ex- Mrs. E. W. Causey has-returned to Newnan, sifter wisiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Young, for a week.—Columbus Enquirer-Sun. Mr, and Mrs. John Simms annonrico the birth of a sort on the Z3nl inst. • Mrs. Simms was formerly Miss Corinne Bass. —Carrollton Free Press. ■0 Men’s coats and ladies’ cloaks lined by Rachel Parrott, whose needle work is wonderful. 1 Thompson & Hamrick. Money to Loan on Farm Lands.—Am prepared to make loans on farm lands at a reasonable rate of interest Loiins closed without delay. T. G. Fanner, 'jr. Farmers are waging war on the boil weevil, ami fighting desperately to nave their cotton crop. Unfortunately, though, the odds scefti thus far to be in favor of the enemy. I pected at the convntion. Mr. J. T. Wil liams,' of Sonoia, who' was elected Wor shipful Master at the last meeting, will preside. -Capt. W. L. Gilbert, of New- uan, is secretary. CRIMINAL CASES IN CITY COURT. Convictions have been securqd in criminal cases tried at tho present torm of tho City Court ns follows— Jim Greet; violating Btate prohibition law; twelve months, without tho alter native of a fine. John Bailey; violating prohibition law; $50 or six months. ■ Dond Hill; violating prohibition ,laiv; $75 .or twelve months. Isom Bryant; violating prohibition, law; $100 or twolvo months. Green West; violating prohibition law; $200 or twolvo months. Buford Washington; playing and bet ting; $40 or twelve months. Bolsie, Lipscomb; playing and hot ting; $00 or eight months. John Jennings; playing nnd hotting; $40 or six months. Will Cook; playing nnd betting; $35 dr six months. Henry Bennett; iplnying nnd hotting; $40 or uix months. iNowlis Johnson; playing and betting; $40 of ton months. Josse Whitaker; carrying, concealed weapons nriil carrying pistol without li cense, (twp casos;) $05 or eight months in first case, nnd $35 or four months in second chhc. * Albert Hill;.carrying concealed weap ons; $75 or twelve months. Will Gay; carrying concealed weap ons;. $100 or eight months. Geo. Bowen; carrying pistol without license; $50 or twolvo months. Bon Reed; carrying pistol without li cense; $30 or threo months, Henry Tolbert; cheating and swind ling; $30 or five months. Haywooil Jonos; stealing ( rid e on train; $40 or four months. Ed Hunt; cruelty, to animals; $40 or ten months. Bob Ross; simple lnyceny; $100 or twelve months. Clarenfc Haines; fornication urid adultory; $50 or eight months. COUNTY SUNDAY-SCHOOL CON VENTION HERE NEXT WEEK. As 11 Sunday-school worker lire you in terested lu hearing how 01m cradle roll grew from a mure handful of babies to more than 750 children under 4 years of age 1 Thou hear Mrs. Floyd Flolil, of Atlanta, nt the , Go wot a County Sitndny- sclmol Convention and lonm wlmt enn be accomplished for the ImbioB (and the mother of those babies) in the Siimlny- school. The Coweta County Sunday-school Qortvoiition will lyoot in the I’rosbyto- rlnu church, Nowiimi, next WodflCsdny, Aug. 3. Two sessions, morning and af ternoon,' will bo held. All Sunday- schools in tho county nro Invited to send representatives, as tho convention 1s open to Suiidiiy-sclioer workers of nil dononi- liatlouH. It 1h expected tlmt Prof, and Mra. Floyd Field nnd Miss Corn Holland, all of Atlnntn, will bo on the program. These nro nil practical Sunday-school workers, having had largo nnd success ful experience I11 vurlOiiB linos of Sunday- school endeavor. ■ -■ Mra. Field la superintendent of St. Pnul Methodist cradlo rrfll. This erndle roll is tho lnrgoat oust of the Mississippi river, nnd Is doing n most offoctlve work. Prof. Fiold wns for a number of years Httpprlntondent of a Sundny-scliool, later becoming one of the orgnuizors of a moil’s Bible .class, which liqcame one of the largest in Atlanta, attracting the moil liGciuiBO of tho lino program prepared, each Sunday morning, Miss Holland, tho office secretary of tho Georgia Sundny-scliool Association, cunio last November from South Carolliin, whore she was for soVoral years children’s di vision Huporiiitoiidoiit of the South Car olina Sundny-scliool Association. With that background of exiioricuco, she is now devoting lfbr time to tho work with in termediates In tho Sunday-school,- and will speak 011 this branch of the work at tho convention. ■ Special topics 011 the convention pro gram include the following; “Lnjdng the Foundation,” by Mra. Floyd Field; “Story Tolling Period,” by Miss Hol land; “Tho.School Tlmt Makes Good,” by. Prof. Fiold; “Successful Methods,” by MIbh Holland. TI10 Sundny-scliool having tho largest attendance outside of Newnan will be publicly tiwnrdcd an attendance] banner. This banner Is given to tho school hav ing the largest uttondanco according to tho number of miles traveled. It is ex pected that a number of the schools will Removes corns, bunions, and callouses without pain or soreness. Manufactured, guaranteed and sold by LEE-KING DRUG CO. Newnan, Ga. ALAMO THEATRE Week'Commencing Monday, Aug. I —9 ' MONDAY Cosmopolitan Production "THE PASSIONATE PILGRIM” . “Son of Tnrzan” No 12 Jurors einpannoled for sofvivo during tho second wcok of City Court are J. A. Terrell, J. W. L. Caldwell, J. P. Dunbar, W. B.'Sandora, P. R. Fry, E. P. Warren, J. D. Murphy, H. A. Waltom, J. J. Reese, J. A. Weldon, R. V. Webb, or., A. T. Neely, W. Y. Barnes, W. H. Os- burn, E.'R. Witcher, L. M. Smith, John Haines, J. R. Wilkinson, Frank Wilkin son, J. F. Cook, L. P. Scwoil, T. W. Orr. Mr. Marvin Crane, who is now on the Redpath chautauqua circuit'ini chalk ar tist and entertainer,' is spending a short vacation wifh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Crane.-' Herald Want Ads. Pay. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Millians had as guests the past week- Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pitman of Macon, Mr. and ■ Mrs. Tom Hudson of LaGrange, 4 ami Mrs. F. Amis of Welcome. J. Five thousand yards The annual teachers’ examination will be held in Newnan today, anil tomorrow. White teachers will meet for'examine tidh in the high school'building, and colored teachers in the Pinson street school building. All classes of teachers will lie examined—those seeking license to teach the cojning year, as well as those whose licenses have expired, together with such teachers as may hold licenses from other Slates. Bonds to the amount of $10,000, voted by the citizens of Starr school district on June 28 for the purpose of defraying part of tlie cost of a school building, to be erected in said district, were validated by the Superior Court on Saturday last. The bondB bear 7 per cent, interest, run BOLD AUTO THEFT AND SWIFT ' CAPTURE. About tho boldest auto thief who ev.or operated in tills section paid Newnan a visit Saturday, and about 1 o’clock in tbo 'afternoon inado off witli a jiracto- cally new Buick car belonging to D. W. Boone & Co., which Imil been parked in front of the Boone stores not more than ton minutes previously. Fortunately tho thief was observed ns he drove off by Mr. G. IC. Hardaway, one of the Boone 'Co.’s salesmen, and a hot chase followed, but tho man succeeded for a time in eluding his pursuers. As good luck Would have it Glover Sowell, young son of Mr. A. F. Sewell, happened to bo standing near with his bicycle nnd im mediately took after the flying automo bile, keeping it in sight until lie saw the machine swerve into tho Carrollton rend. IIo.quickly passed the word to Mr. Har daway, Mr. Walter Carmical -and Mr. Ralph Dial, who were in one of the pur suing cars. These gontlomn lost no time in taking up the trail, and made such speed that they overtook the thief at Whitesburg, whore he stopped to havo his gas tank filled! Ho was brought back to town in triumph by his captors, sev eral automobiles that had joined in tho chase following in their wake. ‘ He was turned'over to Sheriff Brewster, and is now held 'in jail in default of bond, was fixed at $5,000. coinpoto for tho banner. TURIN. Miss Noll iTolifison, -of Carrollton, was the guest last week of Miss Tommlo Lambert. Several parties wore given in hor honor. ' Mr. and .Mrs. J. A. Daniel and Misses Enmgonc and Ruth Daniel visited rela tives in Hognnsvillo Sunday. Miss Mary Hunter was the.guftgt last wcok of Mra. Milton Poivor, in Newnan. 1 MIbh India Sorrolls, of Stockbrldge, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Wil liams. ■ Mr, Hurnion Russell, of Atlanta, is spending a fow ilyns witli his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Russell, • Miss Julia Harris, of Nownan, Is vis iting her slstor, Mrs. Jimmlo Powell. Mr. J. O. Sorrells spent Sunday in Hguipton. Miss Lorlne Collins, home dotfioustra- tiori agent, mot with the girls’ and woman's clubs hero Friday. Rev. Z. Spoor is conducting n protract ed ineotlng at tho Methodist church this wek. ' Work bus begun on -the now Starr dis trict school grounds, an approach from the highway to tho grounds Being mado this week. MILLS CHAPEL. - Mra. Ruth Ewing, of Atlanta, visited her sister, Mra. I*. A. Smith, last week. Mr. V. A. Dougherty is spending some time with relatives in Alabama., 'Mr. B. B. Thomason, of LnGrango, spout, Sunday with his son, Mr. J. W. Thomason. * Mr. W. 3, Lassetter, of LaGrange, died at the homo of his slaughter, Mrs. Mattie Futral, on Wednesday of last week, from an attack ofUmouiiionia. De ceased was 85 years of ago, nnd is sur vived by eight children—four sons and four daughters—who have the sympathy of the entire community in their be- reavemont. Tho rdeent rains have added a great deal to the appearance of our. gurdensj but wo cannot figure out where our meat is coming from. Mr. Jiiri Davis made a 'business trip to Atlanta Saturday. . Wo took our stand Saturday ta rap- turn at least one of. Mr, Boono’s chick ens, or fi-guinea, but tho whole bunch seemed to be afraid of ns, Mr. O, W. Smith, of-Trion, is visiting his brother, Mr. P. A. Smith. A Sacred Harp singing class was or ganized nt Mills Chapel Sunday after noon, and will meet the sccoilbd Sunday afternoon in each month nt 2 o’clock. Mr, Thos. Brittain was mado chairman, nnd an arranging committee appointed. All Bingors nro cordially invited to ‘meet with us. TUESDAY Special Production '’CALL OF YOUTH” Pathe News WEDNESDAY Ethel Clrtyton In 1 “SHAM” Comedy, “Hubby, Behave” THURSDAY •THE BRONZE BELL’ Pathe. News According to a statement made in Jackson Wednesday by Mr. J. W. Nas- worthy, a Monroo county farmer re cently lost two mulee as a result of the animals licking tho syrup oolcium arso ; natu mixture from their logs after they had been plowed, in a field where, the poiBon had been applied. As a matter of safety and precaution it would bo n good idea to thoroughly wash the poison from tho limbs of animals that have been plowed in a field where the poison bus been used.—Jackson Progress. FRIDAY Super-Special . “A WISE FOOL” -wtiP’WN' SATURDAY Siren of- the Jungles Clyde Cook, “THE HUNTSMAN” t 1 Eddie Polo, “DO OR DIE” No. 6. : Be Independent Own Your Own Business O NE OE ’THE, LARGEST . beBt-known (storage battery companies it) America, witji a pres ent organization of 2,500 service stations, offers a splendid opportu nity to men of Character and abili ty to own and operate on a small capital a profitable service station in Newnan, Ga. Experience in the sale, care and repair of automobiles and storage batteries preferred, but not. abso lutely essential. » Good standing in your commu nity will have a lot to do with placing the service station' fran chise in your hands. Write for particulars F. E. HORNER Distriot Sales Manager 213 Atlanta National Bank Building, Atlanta, Georgia and The West Pit Route offer Sumer Excursion Fares to North Carolina South Carolina Colorado California Michigan New York Which include attractive steamship trips. , For full information write J. P. Billups, General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, I to V>; -: ■