The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 09, 1921, Image 1

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NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 wmWNAN HBRAtD I Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1888. Established 1888. f Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1916. Vol. 56—No. 50 inestic, science, in the public, schools. Messrs. Fleming and Jim Arnall leff. Tuesday for Auburn, Aln„ to resume tfceir scliool work at the Alabama Poly technic Institute. , * Mr. M. H. Travis left Monday, for Asbury College, Louisville, Ky. Miss Annie Mae Arnall left Monday for Matter, Ga„ where she Iiob accepted a place” in the music department of the school there. Miss Annih Bello Hutchinson left Pun- ilay for Jesup, where she will teach in the public schools. „ ' Mrs. H. G. Hutfdipison and children -have returned from a month >s, visit to Mrs. Hutchinson’s parents in Ohio. Mr. J. B. Hoyle, of Columbus, spent Saturday and Sunday here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKnjght. Messrs. Viiulox and Douglas Hand, of Griffin, were here ISuqBay. Miss Lucile Morgan ’ is spending a few, days in Atlanta. Mrs. Alice Fall was in Atlanta Sat-’ urijay, . Mr. W. E. Herrin, who travels South- Georgin and -Florida for a clothing house, fs at home on a short vacation. Miss Homoln Davis will leave Friilay for Montezuma,'Where she will teach in the public schools the coming year. Bev. Luke Johnson, presiding elder of the Griffin district, preached to a large congregation here Sunday morn ing. Col. Chas. Arnall, of Newnan, spent Sunday . here.. He has just returned from a trip to Tennessee. Mr. O. S, Maun was in Macon Thurs day on business. Mias Irene Williams has returned. from Comer,- Ga„ whdre she wus the guest of Mrs. J. C. Greer for several days. .Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Shields, Miss Mary Shields, Miss Margaret Crouch, of At- struek tho rails 4t, the crossing it was I going at such rapid spoojl that he was 1 thrown clear of tho bicycle. His head 1 Struck ' the iron rail! Cutting ' an ugly gash in his head and knocking him un conscious. It wns several hours beforo he rogained consciousness. A number , of stitches had to be taken in dressing 1 the wound. . A very enjoyable affair' of Monday was a reception given by tho Metho- 1 dist Sunday,school in honor of the boys, and girls who are leaving this fall for the various schools and colleges—qultp a number' going back to resume their studies, and others to take up school work. Tlie"large grove surrounding the church was, illuminated for the occasion. Several short_ talks were made , by the pastor and laymen, after, which, ice and cake were served. S. _ Senoia public schools -opened Monday txercises, with, morning with appropi Df uuiuumou, v. > of Newnan, and MrS. Joe Thrash of Greenville, 8. C., Othef guests included Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Freeman, ^liss Maty Free man, Mr and Mrs. Nixon Arnall, Miss Margaret McKnight, Miss Opal Mc Knight, Miss Etta Steed,; Mrs. & ,L. Bow, Mrs. J. H. McKnight, .Mrs. /J. A. McKnight, Mrs. J.^ E. Sasser, Mr. Wm. Row, Mr. Henry Fuller and Dr. aud Mrs. J. C. Gardner. Mrs. H. L. Alexander and children have returned from a short visit in At lanta. Mrs.' G. D. Pollock has returned to her home in Birmingham, after an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. M. H. Couch. Mrs. Annie Davis, Miss Romola Davis, Mrs. Maude Atkinson, Miss Edith At kinson and Mk Fleming Arnall Spent Saturday in Atlanta. Miss Emily Arnall entertained the B. Y. F. U. at a party Thursday evening. Ices and cake .were served. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gibson spent Sunday in Forsyth, the guests of Mrs. A. B. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. .Lee -Hand, Mr. B. P. Daniel .and Mr. C. F. Ilollberg spent Thursday in Atlanta. Miss Olive Merrill, of Turin, is the guest of Miss Alice Ingram this w$ek. Mrs. Joe Thrasher, of Greenville,,; S. C.; is tiio guest of her -jistur, Mrs. E. H. Estes. Miss Nell Fielder, of Cedartown,* spent Sunday iftitli her sister, Mrs. R. W. Free man. _ ' , Miss Olivo Dent Manget,- of-Newnan,- ?wns the'-guest • o£'Miss Etta Stefed for several days , lapt weak.. Mr. S. B. Steed, 6£ Tampa, Fla., is spending several days wifft friends aiid relatives here.' .. Mr. and Mrs. J. E; Scott, of Hollon- villp, spent Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Speer. ( Miss Boyd Arnall left Wednesday for Commerce, Ga., where she will , teach do- Shoes that not only look good-hold the shape and wear well—but the most important feature—they ar£ comfortable. Fashion has decreed that oxford and strap pumps are to be worn this fall; with only a few high shoes. We have anticipated this demand, and are showing a number of the VERY NEWEST in low and medium walking heels; also the higher dressy heels in high Louis and Baby Louis heels. Patent Leather for dress, with Tan, Brpwn vising* .cotton market. Boijn, on the 7th inst„ to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kerapson—a daughter; and the seventh to the tenth grade at Sharpburg, under Prof, and Mrs. J. C. Sorrell and Mibb Lucile Sanders as teach er^. We hope to be in our new school building by Jan. 1. Mrs. Pearl Ligon of Atlanta, Miss Lila Pitman of Newnan, Miss Cecil Cole and Mrs. J. R. Cole spent Friday in Griffin, the guests of Mrs. A. J. Mills. Mr. ail'd -Mrs. Alvin Ingram, of Atv lanta, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ingram. Mr. C. R. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. S. 1 W. Glass, Mrs. Roy Askew and Miss Julia, Askew vtere in Atlanta Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. T\. L, Graves, at Raymond, Sunday Mr. John Ogdc-n, of Knoxville/ Tenu,,-; was the guest of Mr. J. L. Hallies Sat urday. Miss Bonnie Hunter, of Turin, .cariie oyer* Tuesday rifad gave tVc W. M. S. an interesting talk, on ‘ * Soul It was much enjoyed by the members present..... ' . .. ■ Mrs! Pearl Ligon lias returned Jq* At lanta, after, spending the week-end with Mrs. J. *R. Cole. .. MiijS Lila Pitman has returned* tq Newnan, after spending some time with Miss Cecil Cole. She was accompanied home by Miss Cole, who will be her, guest for several* days. iel and children, of iNAwnan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W*/S. Travis Sunday. Mr. W. S. Travis is spending the week in Atlanta. Mrs. Hollingsworth and Mrs. ' Clias. Redwine, of Fayetteville, /were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams on Thurs day Igst. . Miss Loia. Haiuty, who has been bn the road for’a.lyceum, company for some time, returned horfie a few days ago. She will leave this week for Mississippi, wft'ere she has accepted a place as teacher of expression,, in. .one of the load ing schools of that State. . t ■ , , Mrs. M. # H. Couch has gone to At lanta to s*pend a few days with her daughter, Mrs; S. J. Elder. Miss Grace , Carmiehaol leaves this week for . Temple, Ga., \wjierc she /bus 4KM'rpted a place US'*,teacher ju the pub lic, schools, ‘ * Mrs. J. H. -. jou’ek. anjl Mrs. - J. M. Tribble, 'have- returned Yrom\ a visit to relatives at Zeb,ulon. Walter Banks, tho young son ojT'Mr. B. -Jj. Banks;* met with, a”" serious acci dent on Thursday afterno'on last while out riding, his bicycle. He was coast ing down the hill leading tq the A., B. \fc A. railroad, agd. when /tfie wheel and Black for street wear. We carry all widths and sizes. Prices on our best Shoes— \ T.SO , to 11.50 FULL LINE OF CHILDRENS’ SHOES Pull for Newnan, Having made our purchases in advance on Cotton and Woolen Dress Goods-and Silks, we are in position to m^ke some rather attractive prices on these lines of merchandise, which arc now in stock awaiting your inspection. Take a tip from us— „ • Buy Now—Buy Conservatively at the Present Prices DO NOT WAIT! , Goods will not be as cheap in 30 days as they are today. r / *T _ • — , — - - I 'l . m m • - - * Cotton has advanced 10 cents per pound in six weeks, and today there is a scarcity of cot ton goods in many lines, such as gingham, percales, etc. We buy for Cash and sell for Cash, and only DEPENDABLE merchandise. We are in po sition to save you money on present prices. < ‘ Thank you, PAY LESS PAY CASH