The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 09, 1921, Image 8

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i How’s ,your liver? C i\EGINERAT6R THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 County News Items Intercstind facts Gathered During tlw Week by Our Regular Correspondents. | Send roar name and ad- J dress to • Box SM, Atlanta, (in. And you will receive by I return mail a free copy of I the book entitled "The| Story of the Cells,” an directions for using Your Own Mind with Regoner-1 ator • for all Liver | Troubles. j, LUTHERVILLE. Mr. Paul Couch is now in chnrgo .of the garage nt this place. Misses Lillian Wyclio nnd Mngdnlono Hintlsiimn loft this week for the State Normal College, Athc|is, and Miss La- Bu'e Braswell for Locust Grove Institute. stitutc, nt Locust. Grove. M(SS Anilio Dora .ITmdtmry will have urge pf the music pines at the Hogans- iffo Bchool the copiing year, Jjlrs. Fred Mprtin and children, of Turin, woro guests £f tho former % mpthor, Mrs. Lou Wonhnin, for Boveral (lays last wook. ’ '.Our community is mourning tho (loath «if Mrs. CurtiB Reed, which occurred hero on Tuesday hist: Just a wcok ifrovlouB hor llttlo infant son whs buried. She was n woman of lino ChrlHllnn character, bqiovod by everyone. Wo extend to the young hUsbnnd our deepest sympathy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Toaglo and chll (Iron, M rH - Louis Hamby, Louis, jr., and Itatlmrlne Hamby, of Columbus, wore week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blau Tonglo. * Mr. and Mra. E. E. Pry uro spending awhllo nt Borden Si)rlngB. Mr. .Ins. A. Bull spoilt sovoral days with' Ids wife hero this week, He was on .route to Newport Nows, Vn., where ■ he will bo located for tho present. Mr. H. 8. McWilliams, of Atlanta, was tho week-end guest of his mother, Mrs. Ada McWilllinns. Mr. Lewis LnsscUor, of Atlanta, spout Sunday with ids aunt, Mrs. Alton Hobbs. Mr. Terrell Ilprst spent Tuesday in Nowunn, Mr. Widoninn Loo woh in Columbus Monday. Mrs. II. J. LnHscttuv, Miss Bessie Las- setter, MIkh Lynda jjasMOttor, Mrs. Pate Stovall. Mr. mid Mrs. Hoimim . Clinnillor nnd l)r, and Mrs. M. 8. Arclybr attend ed tlic funeral of Mr. “Slion” Bullard on Friday Inst, ■ wliicji toolf' plaoo lit his home town, Murium. Mrs. Bullard, ns Miss Vorr Lussetier, was one-of our most estimable yo'dng 1 wnmon, -and we citU-ud to her' and her llttlo soil our deepest sympathy, Mis Louise Colley left,Inst week to tnfy cblirgo of the iiinsic doimrtmout of the school nt Slindibrldgo. Miss Estelle dtslisa loft this week for Ony, and will tench'antuie in tlio school al that plnee. Mr. Port Null, of Atlanta, was the week-end guest of,'l’rof. ami Mrs. 1!. V. Nall. Uis brother, Mr, Charlie Nail, leaves this week for North Carolina, wildy lie will tench the coining your. Mr. and Mrs. Alvnn Chandler mid'chil dren were week end gausts of Nownan relatives. ( Mr. and Mrs. Wldpnmn Leo and chil- - droa visited Mr. and Mrs. Capo Lee, nt Lone Oak, Sunday. Miss Mary Wortham spout Saturday with relatives in Newnnn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Loviijk Taylor, of At lanta, wore week-olid guests of Dr. and Mrs. John Taylor. Mr.; ■ Glenn York, of Fayetteville, Teiin., lias been spending Ids vacation with ids pYreiits, Mr. uml Mrs. Lum York. .Mrs. John Tnlyor, Miss Loulso Tnylpr and Mra.'T. C. Wilson attended a moot ing of tub Oiglor of tho Eastern Star nt Warm Springs Inst week. Miss .Table Taylor, Miss Marjie Hoil- ilott and Mr. John Taylor, of Whites- burg, nnd Miss Mattie Jarrell, of Croon- vilio, wore guests of Miss .Louise Tay lor for several days the past wcok. Mrs. Woody of Birmingham, Ain., and Mrs. Carroll, of Chattanooga, Tonn., mothor nnd sister of Mrs. Cuvtls Hood; woro with tho latter this week in hor last illness, Mr, Vorlin Reed, of Nownan, nnd Mr, Julian Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. Alonso 'Nash and Miss Lottlo Nnsli, of Atlanta, nt- -tciidod tho funeral of Mrs. Curtis Hood Wednesday. SARGENT. Bov. W. E. Puller filled ids appoint mont here Snturday and Sunday., Tho 20-duy singing school taught here, by Prof. C. H. Button™, of Riverdalo, closed Saturday wltb a concert at night. Mr. and Mrs. Camp, Mrs, C. H. Buttoms and Messrs. McKinney and Kouniltroo, of ftiverdalc, were visitors horo i Saturday. The fall term of our school opened Mondny, with Miss Lillian Greene as principal' nnd teacher of the seventh, gdgiith a ad ninth grades; - Miss Zipporiili Kidd, Of Newnnn, tedchor of the fifth nnd sixth grades; Miss Delia-Bridges, teacher of .the third and fourth grades; ami Mrs. T. B. Newton, teacher of tho first 1 an<l ; second grades. Ninety-seven pupils were enrolled on opening day. The party given by Mr. Rny Warren Thursday evening wuh a very onjoyablo affair.' Gaines nn(l niu.Bic wore.enjoyed until a into hour, wiion refreshments woro sorvod tho guests by MiBsos Lizzie Warren, Lucllo Scroggln, Pauline Hole- man and Lizzie Copeland. Our conupunlty was shocked and grieved to loam of the dontli of Mrs. Georgia Nowtcju, which occurred Smutty night. Sho had many' frlomlB hero dnd. their sincore symputliy is oxtondod the boroaved family. Mr. nnd Mrs. 'I'. B. Newton, Miss Evolyh Newton find Miss Mnttio jjjue Brjdgos attended “homecoming day” exorcises at Ellin church. Sunday. Mr. Alton l)yor, an Emory University student, and Mr; Will Harris, a student of tile State Collogo ol’ Agriculture, an? at homo on a short vacation. Miss Gertrudo Weldon left Wednesday to resume her school duties at Lowndes- ville, S. C. . Mr. Dan -Chumllnr, of West. Point, was u visitor here Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick'Bryant, of At- lnilta, spoilt tho week-end hero. Miss Rattle Stamps, of Happy Valley, is with hor sister, Mrs. Charles Turner, who has boon quito sick for several days. Mr, and Mrs. (J, K. Bledsoe, Miss Laura Bledsoe and Mr. Fred Tinn y, of Wliitcsburg, attended the concert hero Sntnnlny night. Miss' Lillian Mumli.v left Tuesday for (', where .'(in 1 ' will spend some timo'witli her aunt, Mrs. J. It, M. Cur- tor, Miss Johnson and Mr. Ira Carr, from near Franklin, wove visitors here Sn'tui'r (lay. N Mr, Dorsey (\ut, of Franklin, entered Behind here Monday. — , Mrs, Sue Wnrren, ef Newiiniiv visit ed rulntivcs here Sundn'y. Mr. and Mrs. 13/P. Wnrrep and c.lill- di'on, Mrs. Mnrthft Wnrren, vMr. J. S. Ciirmieal.'Mr, T'ln-si Witclier, Mrn.'John Smith, jr., and Misses'Louise, Emdco nnd Irene Allen attended the barbecue at Lake Raymond on Tuesday of Iasi, week. Mr. nnd Mrs, Jim Bullard nnd two children, of Atlanta, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Copeland last week. % r MADRAS. 1 Rev. V. A. Hoark filled his appoint ment here Saturday nnd Sunday" Mra. L. M. Smith, whose Illness was mentioned last .week, passed away Thurs day at her homo near Madras, following a long illness. She is survived by ’ her husband and onp' child; also by hor pa rents, brothers nnd Bisters, who have the sympathy of everyone in their sad be reavement. f Mrs. H. B. Arnold and children visit ed relatives in Carroll county Sunday. Prof. Murphy opened school here Mon- with a good attendance .of pupils. >r. R. E. Brown Uml wife, of Atlanta, were week-end guests of their Bistor, 'Miss Annie Brown. Miss Editli Rodwino ami little brother, Edwin, of LaGrango, are visiting their .■grandmother, Mrs. L. P. Redwiho . Miss Kmum Brown is visiting her (bristlier, Rev. \V. E. Brown, at Brooks. Mr. Bob Arnold has returned from a piynth ‘j .Yifitt to relatives and friends at Barnesvilie. Mr. P. H. Brown went un to Atlauta on I'bnsiiitss Thursday. The Epworth League of Love joy Me morial church gnvo a very interesting program nt^ Jones Chapel on Suudny night last. Mra Lutjier Smith nnd children, of Anniston, Ala., are visiting the former’s risthr, Mrs. Cliff Herring. Miss Caroline Arnold 1ms returned from a visit to relatives at Bartlesville. Miss Annie Lou Coggin, of Atlanta, is at home for a two weeks’ vacation. Mrs. E. M. Johnson, of Atlanta, is visiting her. mother, Mra L. 8. Whit- temorc. Mrs. Ras Bussell was the guest of Mrs. J. T, Jones tlio |>ast week. Mr. and Mra J. P. Atchison, of Now lin u, and. Mr agd Mra Alvan Hyde and children visited their mother, Mra J. K. Atchison, Sunday. ' Mrs. C. H. Brown and childrcn visited Mrs. D. .RyCooper, near Bctlileliem, Sun- , DRESDEN. Mr. Alfred Lazenby and Miss Hattie Loyolndy surprised their many, friends by getting married Sunday. They were among tho largo crowd attending “home coming” services at Elim church, nnd accompanied by n few friends they .re paired to tho homo of n family near by, wlioro they were happily married. Wo extend our heartiest tgooil wishes to this estimable* ami popular couple. Mrs. Alice Davis, Miss Margaret Dnvis, Mrs. Edgnr Pritchett and Mrs, John Staples, of Nownau, visited in our community Mondny afternoon. Mr, -nml Mrs. J. A. Powleilge, of St. Charles, nud Mr, nml Mrs. Edgar Prlt- ehot# wore guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis Pritohott Sunday afternoon. Dr. nnd Mrs. H. B. Jackson visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown, nt Corner Branch, Monday. Mrs. Lowis Pritchett' is cojivnlestsing from hor reoentvllluess, we are glad to report. Her mother, Mrs. Stephens, of Botliol community, is witli tier this wook. Mr. nnd Mrs. R, L. Dnvis entertained at 'dinner Wednesday for Mr. and Mra. Alfred Lnzonby. KO MORE RAJS use RAT-SNAP. It's ler. Try a Pkg. and lied with RAT-SNAP I von’t or mice, aftor you a sure rodent killer, prove It. Rata killed leave no smell. Cats or dogs touch It. Guaranteed. :t5c. also (1 call*) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. (1.1c. xUr (3 cakes) tor Chlcken'Houae, coqps. or small buildings. *1.2.1 Mime (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-butldings. storage build ings, or faotory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by LHK-KING DRUG COMPANY. COWETA DRUG A BOOK. COMPANY. .. ■JSwttKEV srfi-.fa ,' MT. CARMEL. . Syriip-innkliig is the order of the day in our community. v Mrs. G. TI. Doyal, of Cddartown, spent the week-end with Tier sister, Mrs. C. S. Story. Several from our community attend ed “homocoming dny” exercises at Elim church Sunday. 1 Mr. C. 8. Fortius, who hns been quite sick, is improving slowly. Misses Ruth anil Manolle Wallace: who have been teaching at different points, are at home now on vacation. Mr. Robt. Wallace, of Welcome, was a visitor here Sunday afternoon. Miss Martha Story spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Georgia Payton, at Horilewood, Mr.' Bill Pearson, of Meriwether county, visited relatives here laBt week. Mr. find Mrs. Frank Wallace; Mr. Ralph Story and Miss Katherine Story spent Sunday In Nownan, the guests of Mr, nnd Mra. W. W. Robison. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Robison, of New nnn, sjient Saturday night with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. anil Mrs. J. W. Story. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Story and chil dren, accompanied by Mr and Mrs, Grady Robison of Newiian, spent Sun day in Carroll county, the guests of Mr. Robt. Rigsby nnd family. J^ILLS RATS • ‘ / and mice—that’s RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes In cakes—no mixing with other food. Your money back If It fails. Stic, slue (1 coke) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. nr,®, slaie (2 cakes) for Stricken House, Ooops, or small buildings. *J.2B size (a cukes) enough for al! farm and out-bulldlngs, storage build ings, or factory bulldlngn. r , 1 Sold and Guaranteed by . LEE-KINO DRUG COMPANY. COWETA DRUG & ROOK COMPANY. NEW HOPE. Miss Irene Turner has returned to her home near Palmetto, after spending a week with her uncle, Mr. Ray Potts. Mif^JJiinmie Ruth O’Neal spent the week-end with Miss Mary Overby, near Newnnn. , / Several from our community attended “homecoming day” exercises at Elim church Sunday. Several of our young people atotnded a party given by Miss Mary Overby, near Newnan, Saturday night. Our Bchool closed Friday, and our pop ular teacher, Miss Susie Crain, has re turned to hor home. JAKE IT IN TIME Juot Paopli * Score* of Newnan Have,, Waiting doesn't pay. If you neglect kidney backache, Urinary troubles often follow. i Doan’s Kidney Pills are , for kidney backache, and for other kidney ills. Ask'your neighbor! iraTSKsrs» Ne.wnan, says: “My kldreys botn- ered me soine years ago. and don’t know what caused the trouble.- My back ached and ,>p.alned from morning until night and was so weak, that I always, felt run down and miserable. My kidneys were also weak .and .as li result of,this weakness my hands and feel swelled. I had dizzy spells and blurred sight was a common occur rence. Iran’s Kidney Pills proYed to be the medicine that my buck ano kidneys needed for they .soon e- .lieved me. One box of Doan's' com pletely cuied me.’’ Price 60c, at aljl, dealers. Don’t 1 simply ask- for a kidney reiBedy'—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Carroll had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ( Complete the Beginning of a Very Essential - Foundation for the New, Fashionable, and Beautiful Dresses; All in All, this Early Showing of Autumn and Fall Merchandise Eclipses 14.50 to Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, Han Dollars are Nearer the 100% Efficiency Mark, Now, than in Several Years— COME SEE THE NEW THINGS-COME OFTEN j-.* . - ■ lake Tel! Calls From Home \, The Bell telephone in your home is the same sprt of long distance instrument as the one in your office. You can talk to New. York or Chicago from your home as easily as from your of- Matters that slip your mind during the stress of your business day .can be attended to. by long distance telephone from .your home at night. , • , . After 8 :30 o’clock you can save from 50 to 75 per cent by using station to station service. ~ Ask Long Distance for rates and details. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY