The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 16, 1921, Image 8

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# THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1921 County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During tho Week by Our Regular Correspondents. \ SENOIA. Mim* Ruby .Cox, of Atlanta, was the •vroek'enfl guqst of Mina Currie Bello Arnnll. , Mr, nml Mrs. A. W. Barrett and lit tle son, Alvn, of Albnny, were guests of Mr. ami Mrs. C. C. McKniglit last week. Dr. ami Mrs. O’QuInn of Wnycross, have liecn the guests of Mrs. May Beg garly for several (Inys. Bev. S. B. Strout and family nro visit ing relatives in Southern Alabama. Mrs. W. M. Keith has returned from a visit to relatives In Nownnn. Mrs. Otie Bnsser, of Newnan, Bpont last week with Bonoia friends. JCisB Carrie Belle Arnall loft Tucsduy for Wesleyan College, Mncoh, On. Mrs. W. tt. 'Jones and Miss Lillie Jones, of Greenvillo, ami Mrs. Henry Pcrkorson, of Birmingham, wore recent guoBts of Mrs. J. ,H. J.ones. Mrs. E. 8. Ware, Mr. Arthur Ware, and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sasser spent Sunday in Ncwnnn. the' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sanders. Prionds of Mrs. W. A, Peek will be delighted to know that alio is improv ing, oftor an illness of sovernl weeks. Miss Ina May Cnrmichacl and Miss Kathleen Fowlor left'Wedncsday *for the 0. N. & T. Collogc, MiHcdgovillo. Mr. and Mm. Wnllncc Gray, of/Tew- n*n, were guests of Mr. tynl Mod; but Gray Sunday. ltov. W. M. Winn nml daughter, Mrs H. B. Sasser, are spending a few days in Atlanta, the Ruests of Mr. Arch Winn. Mr. Junior Simms has returned to his home nt Selma, Ala., after a visit to J)r. nml Mrs, .1. C. Cardin# Mr. nml Mrs. Henry Estes, of Gay, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Estes. v Mrs. W. F. Culpepper and daughter, Edith, are spending several days in At lanta. Miss Nan Sims hun returned from a visit to friends nt .llmosboro. Mrs. Frank Stror.ler nml daughter, of Greenville, and Mmses Florins, Mary nmPLudie Gay, of Clay, have boon the guests of Mrs. 10. Jl. Estes for several days. ‘ , Mrs. 8. 10. Jones, of Zobulon, is with Mrs. J. If. Jones this week. Mr. nml Mrs. 0. C. McKniglit en tertained about, seventy-live relatives and friends nt a barbecue Saturday, eoinpli- uiontnry to their guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Barrett, of Albany. Mrs. 8. 10, Jones, of Zolnilon, iH witli dinnor party Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Barrett, of Al bany, (lie guests of Mr, and Mrs. U. C. McKniglit. Tim indies of the Baptist Missionary Society entertained Mr. Khun Domcken with n surprise party Wednesday, that being his ninety-first birthday. “Undo Klnm,” us lie is affectionately known, inis been confined to Ids „ lied for several yoars. lie is an old Confederate sol dier, nml the oldest eitlsion of our town. Each member of the Missftmary Society carried him a present, of some hind. Mr. 0. C. McKniglit is quite sick, we regret to note. He suffered an attack of gallstone Friday morning, nml those nt- tacks have recurred since at intervals of live nr six hours, cunning much distress. Mr. McKniglit Is ono of our most use ful nml popular citizens, and it is hoped that. 1m mny soon be relieved of Ills suf ferings. _"0 ;—r-gt— HARALSON. Miss' Myrl Wood returned this week to Bessie Til't College. Mr. .and Mrs. W. O. Herndon were in Newuau • Monday. Mr. L. O. Hutchinson is serving on the jury in Nownnn this week. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Wood were in OriHin Friday. Mr. Ben Taylor and family left Sat urday for Decatur, whore they will innke their home in future. Wo regret to lose thia excellent family from our community.. Our school opened Monday with a good attendance. It is desired that patrons semi in their ohildroir at once, in order that they may get an oven start with other pupils enrolled. LUTHERVILLE. Mr. J. U. McKoon and family spent Sunday with relatives nt Woodbury. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Groves and buliy, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Have taken apartments with Mrs. Ada McWilliams for the fall and winter months. Mr. ami Mra, Lassettcr Massey and children, of Grnntvillc, were guesta Sun day of Mr. nml Mrs. Geo. Ncwsio. Miss Claudius Matthews Is spending a fow days with rolativeB in Atlanta. Mr. Virgil Moreland, of Birmingham, with his mother, Mrs. Will Moreland, and brother, Mr. Byron Moreland, of Wood bury, visited relatives nml friendB here 1 this week. Prof. Pnul Cousins leaves this week for Shorter Collage, Rome, where he will resume his duties us a member of the faculty of that institution. Mr. nml Mrs. Ed Avcrij, of Atlunta,' wore week-end guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joo Malcolm, neirr town. Miss Estelle Justiss, of Gny, was the week-end guost of Mrs. Lovlck* Sewell. Prof, and Mrs. C. C. Nnll, Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Loviek Sewell nml Dr, nnd Mra. M. S. Archer attended the funeral of Mr. Emmett Sowell, nt Lone Onk, Sunday. Misses Irene Sewell nml Eddie Rolle Smith loft this week to attend Wesloyan College at Macon. , . Mr, Joel Norris, of Atlanta, was the wook-oml guost of Mr. Allen Chandler nnd Mr. nml Mrs. Herman Chandler. Mr. Joe Will Scogin, of Nownnn, spent u few ilnys last week with his cousin, Miss Claudius Matthews. Mrs. W. I. Upshaw Ima returned from a visit of several wcoks to lior sister, Mrs. Metus O’Kelly, nt LogniiBvillo. o— MADRAS. The young people of our community met Friday night nml organized an Ep- worth League, which will moot every Sunday night nt 7.30 o’clock. Miss Nuncio Arnold left Tuesday for MModgovillo to enter the 0. N. & I. College. Mr. Lynch Turner ami little daughter, of Nownnn, were guesta of Mr. ami Mrs. W. B. Cook on Suiulny Inst. Mr. .1. It. Wise went over to Carroll' county Sunday afternoon on official bus iness. Mr. nml Mrs. F. A. Bnrrott, of Tul sa, Okln., are spending some time with Mr. nml Mrs. Marion Beavers. Rev, Mr. Todd and wife, of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. Lula Oates tills week mill conducting religious services at the school-house ouch night. Our section is sufferingVfrom a pro tracted drought, jio rain Imviig fallen in several weeks. Gardens, late corn and turnips are sorely in need ol' a-few show ers. We miss the hum of the gins that we are amistomeil to hear lit this time of the year. The boll weevil hasn’t left enough cotton to pay the ginnery, to operate. Don’t see how we can farm without raising some cotton; but there is. u solution for ovory problem, nml it is the wIho farmer who will turn his ntten- ton to growing other Crops than cotton, Messrs. T. B. Hyde and P. H. Brown went up to College Park Sunday after noon. Miss Lnurn Arnold and brother, Boh, were in Atlanta Sunday, Several from our community are at tending court in Newnnii this -Week. Our school is progressing nicely under the iimnageinent of Prof. Murphy nml Miss Mary Pnliner. o WHITE OAK. Misses Mildr'etl Graves and Eunico Upshaw, of Shnrpsburg, visited Mrs. Ralph Bowers Sunday Miss Clara Young 1ms returned from a week’s visit to her sister, Mrs. Robt.. Johnson, at Turin. Miss Lucile Walthall gave a pnr'.y Friday night in honor of her visitor, Miss Viola Bexley, of Bexton Miss Ednu Lee, of Nownnn, spent the- week-end with Mrs. J. E. Walthall. Our sehood opened last week, with MORELAND. Master Robert Fitts, son of Mr, ami Mrs. It. L. Pitta, has become the sweet potato champion of this section, nml perfliipH of the entire county. While digging some potatoes rt few days ago lie found one measuring twenty-six inches in circumference and weighing seven pounds. Ro|^rt was delighted over his ilscovery ami placed the monster po tnto on exhibit at Curoton-Cole ■ Co. ’s. Many persons pronounced it about the largest they had ever seen. After keep ing the potato on exhibition for a rea sonable) length of time lie presented it to Prof, and Mrs. Tnff, who greatly ap preciated the gift. Robert is a bright, promising boy of 10 years. He is in the fifth grade, anil makes an excellent record in hie studies, ns well as in general deportment. He also studies music un der Prof. Taff, ami has indicated con sidernble talent in this art. May he con tinue to grow nml develop physically and mentally, and be all the stronger anil wiser to produce other monster potatoes. Our school opened Sept. 5 with an en rollment of 132 students, but the num ber has grown until now it approxi mates 160. Let us boost our school and muBic class, for if we do not, who will? Parents, teachers and pupils, let us lebil our hearts, heads nnd hands in co-opera- tion toward making this the very best yoar of school and music in the. history of our fair city, Profs, ill. H. McNlcl and J. H. Childs, of Macon anil Atlanta, respect ively, both talented musicians, were re cent guests of Prof. O. W. Taff. We congratulate the Moreland team upon winning another game over Man chester on Snturdny last by a Bcore of 5 to L ' o LONE OAK. A large and sympathetic throng gnthored at Prospect church Sunday morning to pay a last tribute of love and respect to Mr. Emmett Sewell, who died at n private sanitarium in Atlanta on Friday night last, following an op eration for appendicitis, Mr. Sewell spent his boyhood days and most of his young manhood here, moving to Grant- villo several yenrh ago, nml his friends wore numbered by his acquaintances. His pastor, Rev. Felton Williams, delivered a comforting funeral discourse, and spoke in loving terms of the beautiful Christian life lie hml lived. He leaves a wife and five children, who have the sympathy of n host of friends in their grief. The Moral offerings were beau tiful, nml^the remains were ..laid to rest in old Prospect cemetery, whore repose the ashes of many of his loved ones, Mr. nml Mrs. Billy Barrow, of Hel ena, spent a day and night with Mr. John Barrow last week. He tnlked in terestingly of how they had met -ami mastered the boll weevil in South Geor gia by raising swoct potatoes, building curing-houses,/ growing potato slips, dairying,, eta. Mrs. Park Sewell Iuib returned from a week's stay with Mrs. Leroy Sewell, at Hogansviile. By the way, Mr. and JJjTrs. Sewell have announced the recent birth of a daughter. Miss Ruby Powledge 1ms returned to her work in Atlanta, after a week’s vacation with lionuifolks here. The Done Onk ginnery is again in operation. # Mr. dim Culpepper nnd sister, Mrs. Zorn Sewell, of Lutherville, spent Sim- lay with relatives hero. . v Miss Biby Turner left today to re sume her studies at. LaGrange Female College. Miss Ruth ^Turner is attending the public schools in Ncwimn. Misses Lurue Wise and Lizzie Lee are at Athens, while Miss Ruby Clyatt is at Young Harris College. Mr, nnd Mrs. H. L. Culpepper and chil dren spent Sunday in Forsyth. Mrs. 8. W. Wallace returned with them for n stgy of several dayB with/ relatives here.' 14'Ji acres, which belongs to the es tate of said deceased, and which will be sold. Said property to be sold to Where the Grouch Errs. All that the grouch needs to. do la '.o get In step with his fellows. All :hat alls him Is tlint he Is trjfing to teep step with himself and moke ivei'ybody else rmne to time with him, ind no man ever was big enough to Jo thnt yet.—Exchange. RATS and mice—that's TtAT-SNAPj the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes In cakes—no mixing with other food. Your money back If it falls. ORe. also (1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. • 05c. alse lit cake*) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. *1.3K alae (K cake*) enough for all farm and out-bulldlngs, storage build ings. or factory build): ' ‘ Guf Sold and lings, [iaranteed by for ... -at-law. Terms of sale—cash „„„ 26, 1921. J. FRED, RUSSELL Administrator of J, ( S. Price, dec'll. LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY. | COWETA DRUG A BOOK COMPANY. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—Coweta County: By virtue of an order from the f!ourt of Ordinary of said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Octo ber next, to the highest and best bid der, between the legal hours of sale, before the court-house door in said county, the following described prop erty belonging to the estate of J. S. Price, late of said county,- deceased, to-wit: Lot of land No; 39, situate In the Sixth district of said county, contain ing 202% acres, more or less; also, the north half of ,lot of land No. 32, situate in the Second district of said county, containing 101% acres, more or less, and one acre in the northwest corner of the south half of said lot No. 32. The interest of the estate of said Price in *the above two tracts of land is* represented by a bond for title thereto made by R. W. Freeman on Dec. 11, 1914, wherein said Freeman agreed to make a quit claim deed to said Price upon the payment by said Price of his note for $3,780.00 princi pal. due on Dec. 11. 1915. The balance due upon said note on Oct. 4, 1921, will be $4,008.66. Said Freeman agrees that the entire title to said land may be sold, and that out of. the purchase price he be paid said sum of $4,008.66, and only <the balance, if any, to go to the estate of said Price, as represent ing the value of^the equity owned by his estate. / Also, will be sold at the same time and place, the following described tract of land, viz: A certain tract of land, triangular in shape, beginning at the southeast corner of* the north half of said lot of land No. 32, and running southwesterly to the west, north and south lino of said lot, so as to cut off 16% acres, one acre of wtylch, in the northwest corner of Kersey & Prather GREENVILLLE STREET Presenting an unfailing index to the mode of the .new season at uniformly moderate prices. .Miss Mary Jean Mattox as principal ami Mr. Roy Hutchinson, who is taking Miss Eunice Chestnut as assistant. the theological course at Emory Uni versity. is at home on a month’s vaca tion. Messrs. J, W. nml Lewis Hutchinson loft Wetmosilay for Emory University, «ind Mr. Frank Taylor has entered Ga. "Tech. • Mrs. Hester, of Camp Hill, Ala., is visiting Mrs. W, O. Herndon. Mrs. W. ,1. L. Herndon is visiting relatives in Atlanta this meek. Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Hutchinson, of Senoiu, were with relatives here .Sun day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lou Bishop were in At lanta Friday. o • i- *'*' McCOLLUM. Despite the drouth and boll weevil, our farmers are busy picking cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Burr Martin, of New- berry. 8. have returned to their home, after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ellis. Mrs. S. 8. McCollum, who lias been quite sick, is much improved, we are pleased to note. Mr. and Mrs. Will .lake Brimer visit cd Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bradley, at Pal metto, Sunday. Mr. Harry Albright, of Atlanta, spent the week-pud with Messrs. Leon and I’ressloy Park. After a pleasant visit to relatives and friends at LaGrange, Miss Oliver Phil lips has returned home. Miss Opal Alexander is spending a few days with friends in Newnan. Miss Janie Mae Phillips, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. W. M. Phillips. Mr. Morris Denson, of Atlanta, visit ed friends here Sunday. Several from our community attend ed the baptizing at Itaiuali church, near Palmetto, Sunday. o Fortunate is the man- whose conscience Is a guide rather than a goad. Rev. R. S. Harris 1ms returned from Alabama, where lie conducted a two- weeks’ meeting. Miss Annie Carmicnl has returned to the State Normal College, Athens, after the summer vacation The two circles of the Ladies’ Mission ary Society held a joint meeting nt Smyrna A, R. P. church Monday after noon. Miss Martha Mattox spent Saturday nml Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. W. McLendon, nt East Pont. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lee, of Lone Onk, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Young. Mr. Joe Roland Young attended a party Saturday evening nt the home of Miss Eunice Upshaw, in Shnrpsburg, Mrs. Wilson Bowers and baby are spending a week or so with Mrs.' John W. Summers, near Welcome. Everyone interested in the White -Oak school library is requested to return bor rowed books as early as possible. Do nations of other books would In' much appreciated. « HOMEWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. Yollie Howard spent Sunday with relatives at Mt. Canuck' Messrs. Joe and Charlie, Story spent the week-end with friends nt Central hutch OO. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Story attended services at Antioch church Sunday hud dined with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hnrdegreo. Private Luther Whitehorn. who Inis been stationed at Columbia, S. C„ spent a few days last week witli Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Story. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Beavers, of Mt. Carmel, spent the week-end witli Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Story. Mr. Joo Story spent Sunday afternoon nt Sargent. Our Sunday-school was slhnly attend ed Sunday afternoon. Hope ev will come out next Sunday. everybody Laced-In Is ' Front Corset Properly Fitted T O these few words we add the suggestion that the corset be*a Modart, •In the combination of M ODART QORSETS FRONT LACED * _ and our expert fitting service lies the secret of style satisfac tion and comfort for every woman.. Not onfv do we carry the Modart in complete line for every type of figure, but we have developed- kn effective organiza tion of courteous expert enrsetieres who have been specially trained in the correct method of fitting. We urge our patrons to have their next corset fitted, for a trial fitting takes the uncertainty out of corset buying. I Prices 4.50 to 12.50 KERSLY & PRATHER 25.00 tQ 60.00 Blouses 1.50 to 12.50 Dresses 9.75 to 59.00 r Petticoats 2.00 to 7.50 5.00 to 16.50 Sweaters 54)0 to 16,50 Gloves, ! Hosiery, Silk Lingerie,. Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Hand Bags, 'Neckwear, Fine Luggage and a variety ot other merchandise such as is'Qur custom to feature. Ourplesasure is to how them, with no obligation on the pfart ot Co trie—come often. % ; x KERSEY-& PRATHER