The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 30, 1921, Image 1

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The Newnan Herald .mtwnaN HERALD I Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1888. ( N Established 1866. f Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1916. I NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1921 Vol. 56—No. S3 County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During tho Week by Our Regular Correspondents. \ SENOIA. Messrs. Frank Hollberg and Frankie Lee Banks left Saturday to enter Geor gia Tech., Atlanta. B Dr and Mrs. W. R. McCrary, of De catur, and Mrs. Luther Randall and lit tle daughter, of Kentucky, were guests of friends here last week. Mrs. Lee Hand is spending a few days with Mrs. Harry Callaway, in La- ■Graage. The U. D. C.’s gave an entertainment at the school auditorium last Friday ■evening for the benefit of the library. Mrs. R. W. Freeman entertained at a .dinner party Wednesday evening, com plimentary to Mrs. J. C. Arnall, of ■Oklahoma City, Okla. Mr. Iverson Mann left Tuesday morn ing to outer Mercer University, Macon. Hr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunter spent last Thursday ■ in Atlanta. Miss Louise Freeman, of Atlanta, was the guest of Miss Margaret McKnlght Sunday. Mr. C. C. McKnight, who was m At lanta for several days for examination njid treatment, has returned home. We are glad to note that his condition is much improved. Mrs. J. C. Arnall, who has been the guest of Mrs. Nixon Arnall for the past week, has gone to Newnan to visit Mrs. Z. Greene. Mr. W..D. Gibson, who is buying cot ton at. Lavonia this season, was in the city Monday. Mr. Geo. Ware, jv., of Atlanta, visit cd his mother, Mrs. E. 8. Ware, Sunday. Miss Margaret McKnight is spending a few days in- Atlanta. Mr. ,T. W. Caldwell spent Tuesday at Alvaton, where he was a guest at a "birthday dinner given for his sister, "Mrs. J .W. Lyle. Mrs. Fred Sibley, of Brooks, ■ spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. T. H. Mitcham. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church observed Thursday •as a day of prayer. Miss Edith Atkinson left last week for Milledgeville, where she has matric ulated as a student at the G. N, I. GoL. lege. Rev. S. B. Strout and family have re turned from a two weeks’ vacation visit in Southern Alabama. Miss Ella May - Freeman entertained at tea Friday evening, complimentary to Mrs. Wm. Anderson, of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mrs. Harry Callaway of La- Grange. Miss Edith Culpepper is spending a few days "in Atlanta. Mrs. Ed S. Ware, Mr. Arthur Ware, Mrs. W. H. Mashburn, Mrs. ,T. T Ar nall and Mr. Mrs. S. Travis attended the Fourth District Woman’s. Missionary meeting at LaGrange Wednesday. Dr. and- Mrs. J. L. D. Tench, of 'Gainesville, • Flat,' are guests of Mrs. Annie Davis this week. DODSON. Everybody is rejoicing over tho line rain that fell Tuesday. Miss Alleno Glass has returned to East Point, after spending awhile with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glass. Mrs. J. D. Lambert visited Mrs. W. H. Tanner, at ’Roseoe, Wednesday after noon. Mrs. L. P. Sewell was in LaGrange Wednesday on business. Mr. P. H. Gibson returned Saturday from a ten-days’ fishing trip to Florida. Born, on the 25th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Witcher—a son. Miss Emmie Rae Gibson was the week end guest of Miss Evelyn Moore, at Happy Valley. Messrs. Onnie Lambert, Golden Hyde and Cnuley Hayes attended the singing at Bvooks Sunday. Misses Paulino and Edna Holeman, of Sargent, spent Sunday with relatives )iere. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Carter had as dinner guests' Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L, G. Whittlo and son, of Sargent. Mr. G. W. Byram, of Newnan, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. T. B. San ders. Mr. Claude Pitts, of Newnan, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Dukes. Mr. Walter Ward is at home from the Navy Hospital in Florida for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sanders visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Evans, near New nan, Sunday. Little Miss Louise Whittle, of Bar gent, spent Sunday with Misses Eva and Floyce Hyde. Mrs. Martha Carmichael, of Roseoe and Mrs. W. H. Summerlin spent Mon day night with Mr. and Mrs. Geu, Sowell, near Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hyde and chil dren spent Sunday with relatives near Roseoe. Mr. iPierce Sewell, of Roseoe, Mr, Tom Ferrell, of Happy Valley, and Mr, L P. Sewell motored down to Raymond Friday evening, where they furnished music for - a .concert, - " • Bp.' .IS..'id. !Byde. left. Friday for Co lumbus, whore he has accepted a posi tion. Mrs. Emma Dial, of Newnap, spelt tile week-end with Mrs. T. B. Sanders. LUTHERVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKoon, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Goo. McKoon, jr., spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Irving Mc Koon, in Atlanta. Mr. nnd Mrs. dim Clinmbeas, Mr. Altoii Hobbs, Mrs. EJlen Hobbs nnd Miss Bes sie Lassetter attended services Sunday at Flat Rock church, Allle. Mr. Robt. Cousins left this week to enter Mercer University, Macon. Misses Louise nnd Kathleen Thorn ton, of Jacksonville, Fla., nro visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Nath Upshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spratlin lmd ns guests Sunday Mr. nnd Mrs. Loyd Es tes, of Palmetto. Mrs. Alvnn Clmn'dlcr and children were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, 'ns. Estes, in Newnan. Miss Estelle JustlsB, of Gay, was tho. guest of relatives here for the week-end. Miss Janie Taylor, of WhitoBbuvg,-vis ited her sister, Miss Louise Taylor, Sat in day anil Sunday. Mrs. R. A. Hardaway ontortnined her Sundny-seliool class (nineteen in num ber) with a picnic last wook at Mr. Robt. Teaglo’s pond. Different games were enjoyed, after which delicious cake and cream were served. Miss Popie Plant and Mr. Frank El kin wen tup to Moreland Monday after noon, and were quietly married at the Methodist parsonage there, Rev. H. E. Stipe officiating. Botli nre very popu lar here, and their many friends wish for them much success and happiness in tho years to come. Miss Louise Taylor visited relatives nt Whitesbnrg last week, Mrp. I. 0. Albright is visiting rela tives in Carrollton this week. Mrs. M. S. Archer and Mrs. Will Cochran were in Newhnn Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Archer and little sons visited Rev. H. E, Stipe and family and Dr. nnd Mrs. L. S. Young, nt More land, Sunday. Mrs. Robt. Brannon ami children hare returned to Florida, after an extended visit to relatives here and nt Morela id. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Jnckson enter tained as guests Sunday Rev. F, A. Bone of Grantville, Mrs. Fred Martin of Turin, Mrs. Jas. A. Ball arid Mr. and Mrs. Van Braswell. Tho lady was complaining to her dairy- man some time ago regarding the qual ity of: Ids milk. “Short, o’ grass feed, mum—short o’ grass feed this time o’ year,” said tho jocular milkman. “Bloss you! them cows o’ mine nro just ns sorry about it ns I nm, 1 often stands nnd watches him cryiu’—rog J lav oryin’, mum, be- enuso they feel ns how their milk don’t do ’eiro credit. 'You don’t bcliovo it.” “Oh/.yes! I lioliovo it,” said the Indy i “but. I wlsli in .future you’d see that they don’t drop their tears into your Clin.” WELCOME. The long drouth was broken Tuesday afternoon when a-fine rain fell. Guess we can now sow turnips again, the first sowing having been killed by the hot September sun, Lucile and Horace MoKoy, of Newnan, spent the week-end with their grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKoy. Mrs. A. B. McKoy spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Lon Bishop, at Haralson. We are glad to report' 'little Sybil | Summer better at this writing. , She had- toe misfortune to fall off a pile of Turn- her some time ago, sustaining injuries „. wlueli caused her leg to abcess. She has ing her sister, Mrs. S. S. Kidd, been quite ill for the past two'Weeks. Mr. Andrew Houston and children, of oewnan, spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. C. F. Wood, Mr. Hamp Kidd and family spent with Mrs. Susan Kidd, MIDWAY. Mr. E. H. Kidd and family, of Wei come, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Caswell Sunday. “Aunt” Donie Jackson visited her daughter, Mrs. T. N. Smith, at. Spring "view, last week. Married, on Sept. 25, Mr. Frank Cash and Miss Sarah Carnes. We wish for this popular young couple a . long and happy life. Mrs, P. A. Herudon is visiting her son this week near Palmetto. Mr. and Mrs. Vf. S. Kidd spent Sriri day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hardegree, in Heard county. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Story and Mr and Mrs. Albert Lyle, of Buckeye, wen guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stephens at a birthday dinner Sunday. Miss lima Kidd spent Saturday with her cousin, Miss Ximena Davis, in New nan. Mr. and Mrs. J. T .Cash entertained their children and grandchildren at a family dinner Monday. Mr. J. McDowey and two sisters, of South .Georgia, visited relatives in our community last, week. Mrs. Huckaby, of Carrollton, is visit- Just Turning a Handle Drains the Buick Crank Case You don’t have to crawl under a Buick to drain the crank case. The oil drain, like many conveniences found on the new Buick models will give you utmost pleasure and comfort from motoring. With these refinements are the sturdy, powerful Buick Chassis and Valve-in-Head Motor. See the new Buiek models—To-day. DRESDEN. The “poor old farmer” seems al ways in hard luck. He tries to be loyal; takes all the advice handed down to him from “on high.” As a result he will have sorghum syrup and potatoes to spare, with possibly a surplus of com; but at present prices, if he should put them on the market, it would hardly pay the expense of hauling. Mrs. W. H.'Meriwether returned home Sunday, (--after- spending several months with hrir daughter, Mrs. J. A. Dickin son, in Valdosta. Mrs. J. H. Orr and son, I. N., of Enon Grove, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bilbo Saturday afternoon, Miss Ralph Bilbo had as guests Sun day Miss Annie Belle Chandler and Mr. Roy Chandler, of New Hope, and Mr. Bon Davis, jr., of Corner Branch. Miss Martha Fincher, who is attend ing school in Newnan, spent the week end at home. Little Billie Meriwether, of Newnan, spent several days this woek with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mer iwether. ■ -Dr. and- Mrs. H. B. Jackson had as guests Sunday Mr. and- Mrs. W. E. Webb, Mrs. Will Webb and Mrs. Fan nie Brown, all of Corner Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Will Furlow, of Bethel community, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Thompson Sunday. Miss Gussie Gooilson, of'Franklin, rc- turne dto her home Sunday, after spend ing the week with Mrs. J. E. Bilbo. Mrs. Sophie Crowder,'Mrs. M. L. Ste phens and Mrs. Wayland Lyle, of Han ily, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen dricks Crowder Sunday. Miss Annie . Ruth Davis, who has entered the public schools at Newnan, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis. SHARPSBURG. Mr. Horace Haines and family, of Senoia, spent Sunday witli Mrs. 0. A, ’ Haines. I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cole went over to Sunday Handy, Mr.' and Mrs. J. C. McKoy, Mrs. J.Moreland Sunday. „ A Johnson and baby nnd Mrs. J. E I Sa11le Wynn, of Newnan, is Boone and daughter, Eugenia, spent' spending the week with her son, Mr. E. iuesilay with Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Sims,, G. Wynn. T , „ at Hogansville Mr. and Mrs. John McLean and Mr. Bnlph Harper is on the sick list this an(1 Mrs - Jolm Haines s P cnt Wednesday week. | in Hogansville. Mr T. c. Dickson left last week fori Mr. and Mrs. Inis Cole Mrs. Roxie Florida, We understand he lias been 1 Bridges and Miss Louise Bridges spent offered a good position there, and if Suada / in Newnan the guests of Mr. r - ■ and Mrs. Will Prather. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bridges have return ed home, after spending the summer in North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pitman, Mr. W. E. Maynard, Mr. J. R. Cole and Dr. H. G. Wallis attended the W. M. U. in La- Grange Wednesday. . Miss Laura Spence is spending a few days in Newnan. Miss Lucile Sanders spent the week end with her parents at Dodson. Pleased he will move. We should regret 0 much to lose this estimable family ■min our community, v' lr ' ,9 s . e Hubbard, of Florida, has o" visiting Coweta relatives. 1 1 an, l Mrs. Ralph McKoy were ten- f lp , a reception Friday at the home a the groom’s father, Mr. J. L. Me lt'’'’ about fifty guests being present. f ' !u } 1 } Mr^faMcKoy were accompanied ‘rem -JountvnBSby Mr. and Mrs. Wm. "’h° were also married last V-ir 811,1 ^ rs - J- B. Boone, Mr. Lewis p ,Mrs. Frank Chappell, Mr. W. teniio'i a| i? eU 811,1 M1sa Beo Chappell -at- it,J ,,, e Spradlin-McKoy marriage at 'tulle on Wednesday, 21st iiiBt. in'liis'. aslli . n . eton man Ben1 ' a sma11 1S) y neighborhood to deliver a note to taut '"l lai1y filing a few blocks dis- to',, e gave the boy a quarter i nd Itlie " ,n 10 l!urr J’- After a short time I thr. , m(iise nger returned and, handing ,.(,? lle y to his patron, said: »ee J ? nes says she will be glad to : HmJt 11 , an ‘ght, but she didn’t want Lie > Tr , U '■ — *itlu U imlong ,to the type they associate ELDER’S MILL. Mr. S. J. Elder’s syrup mill is running on full time now. Mr. Clarence Ross has returned home, after a course of treatment under Dr, Gable, in Griffin. Mr. Ed Hancock, of Fanmlalc, visit ed his sister, Mrs. J. R. Couch, Sunday. Mr. Geo. Couch’s children are attend ing school in Turin the present term. Mrs. J. T. Neill, who was taken sud denl.v 11 Friday, is reported better to day. Thursday and Friday are ginning days at Elder’s mill. o ■ Secretly, every man thinks he could run a house better than his wife, and with half the work. MADRAS. This section was 'blessed with a fine rain Tuesday. It was greatly needed Miss Bettie Cooper, from near More land, was the week-end guest of Miss Clara Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, of Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ferrell Sun day. Ro.v. W. E. Brown and little daugh ters, of Brooks, spent a few days with Miss Annie Brown the past woek. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Hughs and Mrs Lee Smith, of Newnan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Beavers Sunday, Miss Latham Langus, of LaGrange is visiting Mrs. J. K. Beavers. Miss Mary Palmer is on the sick list this week, we regret to note. Hope she will soon he able to resume her school work. Mrs. Moore, of Hock Spring comma nity, was buried at Jones Chapel last Friday. Miss Emma Brown, who has been vis iting her brother, Rev. W. E. Broivr: at Brooks, is now at home. PRICES 22-4-34 22-4-35 22-4-36 22-4-37 22-6-44 22-6-45 PRICES. $935.00 22-6-46 $2135.00 .975.00 22-6-47 2435.00 1475.00 22-6-48 2325.00 1650.00 22-6-49 1735.00 1495.00 22-6-50 2635.00 1525.00 F. 0. B, Flint, Mich. w. NO MORE or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP. It's a Buro rodent killer. Try a Pkg. and irove It. Rats killed with RAT-SNAP eave no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch It. , Guaranteed. :We. alieo (1 enke) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 05c, alxe (2 cukes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. *1.25 sice (s cakes) enough for all farm and hut-buildings, storage build ings, or faotory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed 'by I.ISR-KING nave COMPANY. COWIST* DHIIG & BOOK COMPANY. Y. BARNES NEWiNAN. GA BUICK DEALER FOR Coweta, Meriwether and Heard Counties When your subesriptiqn expires the paper must stop. Baby’s Clothes i MT. CARMEL. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Story and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Robison, in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Story spent the week-end with Mr. T. J. O’Neal and family, in New Hope community. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sewell spent the week-end with the former's brother, Mr. Raymond Sewell, at Happy Valley. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Story and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Story and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Mil- iians, in Newnan. Mrs. J. B. BenverH, who has been vis iting her mother at Leoma, Tenn,, is now at home. Mr. Lee Payton, of Homewood, vis ited here Sunday afternoon. Our fourth quarterly conference *ill be held at Mt. Carmel church on Fri day, Oct. 7. Everybody cordially in vited. For washing baby’s dainty little gar ments there are many reasons why you should choose a powdered soap, instead of bar soap. You should not rub baby’s clothes as you must rub them when you use bar soap. With Grandma’s Powdered Soap you just squeeze out the pretty little things he wears. Soak baby’s clothes with Grandma. You do not need to rub them nor boil them. Grandma is a powdered soap which you use without wasting. You haven’t the work of chipping and slicing bar soap. You get a big, generous sized package for 5c. The most economical soap you can use. Powdered SOAP Tnj This Powdered Soap Today 'Your Grocer Has HI The GJote SoaBJCbmoamj Cincinnati. ;>j: ■ 'i