The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, October 21, 1921, Image 2

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THE NEWNAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 THE NEWNAN HERALD -NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, OCT. 21 Official Organ of Coweta County. . u». E. Hi own. O. W. I'UBHttvam. BROWN & PASSAVANT IMIliirt nnd 1‘nlillahfr». The Herald oflleo Is located In the ’■Goodrum Building, 111 Jucknon Stroot. ’Phone 0. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ■Senator Harris\Renders Colton ~Formers\a Great Service. Lust week Bonn tor Wm. .1. Harrln urged the U. 8. Department, of Agrir.ul tore to Include with Ifb forthcoming re- .port showing the total number of baled •of cotton ginned up to Oct. 18 an call male of the actual condition of tho crop on tho Bamo date. Acting upon t-liix re quest, the Director of the Cciihub Bll rcau informed Senator Harris later that through an arrangement with tho Bu rcuu of Crop Estimates the information •nought would be furntuhcd In the manner 'suggested. This is highly important to the far mors of the South—especially in those sectioim that have suffered so dlstiB trously from the ravages of the boll woevi).—and Sonntor Garris could not huve ronderod thein a greater service Tho “bear” Interests hnvo Imd no sub stnntlnl basis upon which to roly in their •gambling operations except tho abnpr malty heavy ginningB nince the season •opened. This him been duo to the early maturity of the eron under drouth condl lions, und not to tho prospect of any thing like a normal yield, or even half of the South’a usual production. Seun tor Harris knows this to bo true, so fur as Georgia is concerned, beenuse he re turned only recently from an extondod tour of the State and observed condl diona ns they actually exist. That tho ginningH up to Sept. 25, (tho date of tho first report,) were unusually ’heavy, and that tho report now due will be oqunlly misleading, is most unfortu nate. Take the ginning figures for Cow- -eta county, as an illustration. Up to Sept. 25 the giunings totaled it,004 bales, which compared with only 1,078 bales ginned to the snntc (Into Inst year—yet the county’s total crop this year will •scarcely reach 7,000 hnles, as compared ■with a crop of 10,000 bales last year. Carroll county, olio of our next-door neighbors, had ginned up io Sept. 25 0,300 bales, which compared with 143 •bales reported for tho same date Inst •year-yet Carroll will not. make half ns ’■•much cotton tills year as she did in ’1020. These conditions prevail in nearly every county in Georgia, if at 'in the entire cotton bdt. Indeed, wo ' believe tho November nnd December gin ning reports will show such a- shortage •rs- will 'Btnrllo the cotton world. Senator Harris knew wlmt he was •About when lie naked that the -glnnera’ report for Oct. 18 shew also the condition on that, date, nnd in so ••doing earned the gratitude of every far- 1 mor in the South. Tho truth is, tie iv- gin’s popdhtr nnd able Senator is al ways 11 on the '.iiili.' ’ He scorns never to sleep. foliar yon turn over to n stranger in stead of your home town merchant is going to be spent among strangers, too, and you'll not have n elmnce to gut a penny of it hack, Bo, since common sense tenches you that you are going to lie the loser in the long run, why not re solve to Hpoml your money with the men who spend theirs with yon. HON. WM. C. WRIGHT ADDRESSES VOTERS OF CARROLL. Carrollton ’IHmes, 7tli Inst. * Congressman W. C. Wright addressed the people of Carroll at tho court-house at. the noon hour Monday, and gave an interesting and satisfactory account of Ills stewardship. Mr. Wright Is a native of Carroll county and 1h nt. homo here, where lie Is well known and grcntly admired, His speech wns well received nnd lib erally npplnudod, Ho called attention to the tardiness of the Rcpublirnii Administration nnd the Republican Congress to do any real con struetivo work. Having an overwhelming majority in the House—so great and so partisan a majority that they denied the right of the minority to participate in tho milking of any legislation, further than to help thorn keep n quorum and vote when voting time came around. Nor do tho RcpuldieaMH really care whether they vote nt ull. only when their votes are nended to keop a quorum, or to check some of tin* dissensions in their own ranks; which, by the way, lacks a groat, deal of being solid. He said that about ninety-nine times out of u hundred lie ivns in Iiih place when there wns any business going on, and that lie always voted “yes” or “no,” never shirking by simply culling out “present.” Ho invited the people not. to hesitate to cull upon him for nny service that he gaa render them. There is not in tho entire Georgia delegation a more untiring or zealous worker than iH Will Wright, nor one more capable or willing to serve ids con stitnents. Others have been there longer and hnd more experience, but none of them stolid higher in the estimation of their fellow-members. runnt iif heneflelarlfia and heirs-at law the Court of Ordinary of nald County for | of I,. A. Perdue, deceased, late of said | tetters of administration on the estate “Thu lute Champ Clark,” said a man, “was an out-and-out American, lie Imted all kinds of affectations and fads. He wouldn’t let you call a sitting room a living room, or u silk hat n top Sunday afternoon oil the boardwalk at Atlantic City. ‘Hello, boy, what you doin’ down Imre?’ he nsked me in his hourly way. 1 1’m down hero for my week-end,' said I. Champ gave n- sneer. ‘Oh, Im said, 'something wrohg with your bend, eh?’ ’’ n Tim skirt-makers seem to think brev ity Is also the soul of fashion New Advertisements. REGISTRATIONnNOTICE. The Registration Books of the City of Newnan will be open at this office Monday, October 24, 1921, and re main open until Wednesday, November 22, 1921, for the registration of voters for the general election to be held Saturday, December 3,1921. J. P. SHACKELFORD, City Clerk. OUAIIDIAN’S SALE. i. ... -- --- , . «rn ot auminiHtrnuon on me esiaic or-nnoia r-nui.t. f’ountv noun'tv will value all of the property of 13. R. C. .Sewell, deceased, all OEOROtA—(Coweta county - ' - ' lw - ,n ‘'V 8 °n? concerned arerequired to show \ _ °[. r ®" t ed at the OotSber ni, 1021, will be sold nt public out- v before tho court-house door of said county, between the legal hours ordinary of said county. | *•' A. R. CAMP) Ordinary. ^alc of Louise and Lucy Jones, minors, lo- wlt: . „ , , A certain H art or pm cel of land in the town of Oruntvllle, Coweta countv, Ga., and bounded as follows: Begin at the corner of Eliza Ros ser lot and run in an easterly direc- AN ORDINANCE. IiCttcrM of AilmlnlMfrollon. GEORGIA—Coweta County: , . • i fim \fnvni* Ml. M ,%m * Hattie B. Ely having applied to Be it onlmneil b> tho Maym and he Court of Ordinary of said county for •Iprnion of tho City ot Isownnn, nnd it lettera of administration on the es- it hereby ordained by authority of the late of Lewis Brooks, deceased, „„ „„„ M vi . . mi jv.iiro P, 11 persons concerned are required to *i on aion^ Cemetery street 120 feet, same, That from and art" tho show cause In said Court, by the first theWdo a southerlydtroetlon 80 of this ordlnanee it slmll lie unlawful Monday In November next, If any they vard3? thence inn westerly direction for any. person to drive or operate an be VXSr e d“-T<uS P Oot ^ t, 4°" 1021°' """ " ‘ automobile, motorcycle, bicycle or nay «■ nlea j. other vehicle in the corporate limits ot tin- i-itv of Newnan within one hundred Letter* of Adml»l*t ration, yards of any fire trucks when the sal.I OHOROIA-Ooweta County: J u , ' I,.., n rp n'arm .Mrs. Lula L. Ballard having applied to trucks lire nllsweiing a i re a.Jim. t h o Court of Ordinary of said county for Bo it. further ordained, that fill or-1 letters of administration on the estate tlin/niees or parts of ordinances in con-1 of Pearl Smith, Deceased, all flirt with tliis ordinance lie art! the same | SSL c pn°«« e 4, «•« requIretV to show erty of snlrl doceased, the following described lands, to wit: ,ns A certain tract or parcel of in,,, lying nnd bolng In the First IhuiI .iu. trlct of said county nnd la the Lnvn are hereby ropenletl. -Vilonted in open Council Get. 17, 1U2I. why said application should J. I’. SHACKELFORD, wanted. This Oct 4 mi. City Clerk. J. A, r. camp. Or cause In said Court by the first Mon day In November next, If any they can, not be dlnary. TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. Second Rnund. Letter* of Guarilinn«lil|>. I OEOROTA—Coweta County; _ . _ . ,, ,. A i for letters of guardianship for Bon Huralstin, Monday, Oct. 24, I) to 11..UJ I Leigh Strickland, lunatic, all persons ’concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Monday In a. ill , a# i n„i o,i in .. Ann i n l hhiia uouri oy me nr«i JVLonaay in I limit Moniluy, Ott. 1- noon 10 November next, if any they can, why 2 n. in. Hald application should not be granted. Sharpsburg, Monday Oct. 24, 2 to Th,s Act, ». mt. 0rdtnary . 3.30 p. in. _ Stmoiil, Tuesday. Oct. 25, I) a. in. to Application for Leave to Sell, 12 noon. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Riivniimd Tucsduv, Oct. 25, 12 noon J. P. Dunbar, administrator on the estate of A. H. Arnold, deceased, to - ])■ ni. having applied to the Court of Ordl- Pnlmotto, Wednesday, Oit. Jo, v to| nar y 0 f sa td county for leave to sell 11 „ m> I lands and personal property of w'.i.i w.wlneudnv Oet 2(1 ] l 05 said deceased, all persons oon- McLoil in , Wetlnisilny, ut t. ‘O. i-» oerned are required to show cause in n. in. to IJ..1O p. 111. _ I said Court by the first Monday In No- Miidrns. Wednesday, Oct. 20, 12,-lu (olvember next, If any they can, why said •application should not be granted. This Oct. 4. 1921. 120 feet to ssld Rosser lot, thence In a northerly direction 00 yards along ssld Rosser line to the beginning point. The Interest of suld minors In said lot to be sold being a remain der Interest. Terms—CASH. This Oct. f>, 1921. Prs. fee, 90.72. NANCY JONES. Guardian. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. GEORGIA—Coweta County; By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Coweta county, Ga., granted upon the application of D. R. Mothvln, as administrator on the estate of Thomas W. Mothvln, deceas ed, for the purpose of paying debts and distribution, there will be sold before the court-house door, at pul)- Mrs. Pearl Leigh Strjclcland having lit; outcry, to the highest bidder, In applied to the Court of said county, the city of Newnan, between the le gal hours of sale on the first ‘L’uos- di lay In November, 1821, as the prop- of Senoln, Ga., being a brick st-u-.- house and lot, fronting on th P e .. s . side of Main street twenty feet ul.l extending back east of even width fifty-five feet, and known and tllstin gutshed In the plan of said town nt Senola as lot No, 2. section to. Also, one house nnd lot in said tou-ti of Senola fronting on the west s|,u of Main street one hundred feet, moiv or less, und extending back west alone the south side of Hunter street' of even width two hundred feet, more or less, and known and distinguishes ns the Thomas W. Methvln home- place. Also, a vacant lot situated at tin- northeast Intersection of Main and Hunter stroets, fronting south on Hun ter street one hundred feet, more or less, and extending back north ot even width along the east side of Main street two hundred feet, more or less containing one-luilf acre, more or less Also, a vacant lot situated on the west side of the public read or street leading from sgld town of Senola to Fayetteville, and known as the Brantly and Shields fishpond property or lot, containing one acre, more or less. Terms of sale CASH. This Oct t 1921, Prs. fee, 913.82. ' * D. It. METHV1N, Admr. on estate of T. W. Methvln deceased. Pay your subscription. 2 p. in. Red wine’s Store, Thursday, Oct. 27, I) tu 10 n. m. Roscoc, Thursday, Oet. 27, 10 to 11.30 n. m. J. A, H, CAMP, Ordinary. 1 Application For Leave to Sell. I GEORGIA—Coweta County: H. C. ARNALL Merchandise Co. “The Store That Underbuys and Undersells” rV.' . TJeS.intr n..t no o ,, m I w - L. Stallings, administrator on the Grani-Ville, L' relay, Ut t. -8, J ft. in, estate of Chan. H. Newton, deceased, to 12 noon. I having applied to the Court of Ordi- St. Hilaries, Friday, Oct. 28, 12 noon nary of snid county for leave to sell , i - lands belonging to said deceased, all to i p. in. „ , persons concerned aro required to show Moreland, Friday, Oct. 28, .1 to 3 p. m, I cause in said Court by tho first Mon- Sargout, Saturday, Oct. 20. 0 to 10,30 day in November next. If any they can, | * STEPHENS I why said application should not be J. A. STEPHENS, Tax Collector. granted. This Oct. 4. 1021. J. A. R. CAMP, Ordinary. BANKRUPT SALE. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Coweta County: L. A. Johnson, administrator on the . , estate of Mrs. J. B. Slaughter, de- Umler and by virtue ot an order of ceased, having applied to the Court of . . , . . T „<t- Hon .1 G. Sullivan. Raferoc in Ordinary of said county for leave to per, or a shoe store a boot shop. Get non. . • « . sell lands of said deceased, all persons wlmt I moan. I ran ncross Clark one Bankruptcy, he umd ^signed, iis ti) ,st •? concerned are required to show cause m bankruptcy or the Coweta Drug & in said Court by the first Monday in- ^ !1 * 11 -l*-*-..1.1! a iTvovembor next, if any they can, why Book Company, will sell nt public ^ ^ny thcy cM whv cry at 10 o’clock a. in. on the 81st day I TiRs Oct 4. ??21 b ° friant<5d ' of October, 1921, at Newnan, Ga., c-n - ~ tho premises formerly occupied by -tatd bankrupts, -the entire stock in trade of Application for Leave'- to sell, said bankrupts contained in. the' drug GEORGIA—Coweta County: store and book store operated b.V .them, LMS&gSi 1 together with all fixtures, viz: I bur R. fiewell, deceased, having applied The drugs, tobaccos, cigars, toilet nr-1 to the Court of Ordinary of said county tir.lnu nml ..flier aii.1i iimn-linntlise im-1 ? or leave to sell Liberty Bonds and tieies, nntl other such lnorcunwuise us lttndH belonging to said deceased, all ually handled by drug stores, inventory I pi-esoils concerned are required to show •tfi,700.00, ami the fixtures in snid drug cause In said Court by the first Mon- stnrn iiivantnrv 107 fl-17 00 I “ ! V y 1,1 November next, If any they can, store, imentory '?t,tlli,UU why said application should not bo The stock of goods at the book store I granted. This Oct. 3. 1921. inventory approximately $4,000.00, and | J. A. R, CAMP. Ordinary, tho fixtures $0,000.00. I , “ ~ “ " All stock is fresh, elenn nntl in good 4®®**®"**^" * or *' r * v , e to s *' n - condition. All fixtures arc modern, ill- .^“1" 4 eluding two liandsomo soda fountains, J mlnlstrators on the estate of J. A. mahogany nnd glass show-cases nmtjcotm- iltompson, deceased, having applied to ra ■ ' 1 I Court of Ordinary of said county The property will be offered for sale sMd^dVcoasetl, 80 ^! ‘persons^Tonccfned sopnratoly and as a whole, with (lie fare required to show cause in said right reserved to accept or reject n.TT^l 0 bids. \ »« COUNfY BOUCRMRlt I rlIGHE NT paT f m r D^ N caPE C COPVUIOMTIO JACKSON, MO. H *GHtST pate NT SO to llAF ■} • Credit Should Mean Confidence The wngo-eimier or salary-worker who ■did not got ids money when it-fell duo would feel very much nbiisod. -Tho Credit Men’s Association of Al- 'exandrin, Vu„ trying to populnrizo prompt pnymont of IiIIIh, suggests tlint every such worker is rosily a moroluiut, selling hire effort and skill. But how Jiliout the mereluiuts who sell goods. 11 Unfortunately there are ninny folks who Imve n wrong itiea about a ‘charge iaccount.' Some seem to think it a spo- i lnl dispensation to pay when they idouse. Mole often jieople jrlltnv flit- first and 'tontli of the inoiitli to pass by thought- Messly, forgetting their responsibility to Utilise wiervliniits who have been waiting for pay day,” Credit, as this association points out, means confluence, it. is the basis of the bulk of the world's business. To abuse the confidence of n merchant, is a breach of faith. It is also a wrong to the reottiimiuity, and, in the long run. a wrong •to oneself, it - it were not for the litrge percentage of buyers who pay their bills promptly, selling costs would iie higher, ■ and so prices would be higher, If every •'body, on any community, would tie Ids vliost ;ti> pay bills when due, it would lower prices, create jobs, improve busi ness ami promote prosperity. CITATION. Ill re ornate of S. H. Todd. Court of Ordinary of Coweta county. Petition for probate of will In solemn form. To Lilia Mno Abbott, heir-at-law: Mt-s. Sarah E. Todd having applied, as executor, for probate ill solemn form of the lust will anil testament of S. H. Todd, late ot suld county, you, ns one of the lielrs-nt-law of said S, H. Todd, being a noil-resident of this State, aro hereby required to bo nnd uppour at tho Court of Ordinary for said county on the first Monday In November. 1921, when suld application for probate will be hoard, nnd show cause. If nnv you Imve or can, why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be had and allowed. This 14th day of October. 1921. J- A. R. CAMP. Ordinary. Notice of Appraisement. GEORGIA—Coweta County: To Mrs. L, A. Perdue, administrator on the estate of L. A. Perdue, deceased; Mrs. L, A. Perdue and Mrs. Nina I > , Davis, heirs-nt-law of L. A. Perdue, deceased, postofflce, Decatur, Ga., R. F. D. 8; J. A. Stephens, Tax Collector of said county; und H. J. Fulhrlght, State Tax Commissioner: You and otu-h of you are hereby notified that on the 28th day of October, 1921, ot the court-house In said county, at !l o'clock u. m„ the undersigned, by agree You have no right to say you are using “the best flour” un- o less you have tried accept or reject nil loourtiby tho first Monday In Novcm- 1 J 'bor nex(, if any they can, why said applfeatton should »of b e granted,. For further information ,«ntl inspeo.-1 This Oct. 5. 1921. tion see tite undersigned. J. It. BROWN, Trustee in Bankruptcy, Ijrownnn, Gn Hall & Jones and Garland M. .Tones, ..C" TAX J. A. R. CAMP, Ordinary. •SCHOOL Legal Notices. AS'SCSSMENT' FOB PURPOSE*. GEOROTA—Coweta County: Court of G'orrvmlslonors of Roads and ; Attorneys. I Revenue of said county, sitting for • I county purposes', this Sept. ffO; 1921 r Ordered, that there be collected 1 by the Tax Collector of skid’ corrnty lot- the year 192T, ln> addition to all other taxes, for the purpose of raising a> » „ „# lw , i sinking fund to meet maturities on Letter* of lll*mt**lon. I School Bonds and t"o pay interest oit> GEORGIA—Coweta County: I same, in the Starr School District of F. T. Meachnm. exeetrtor of the es- said county, 20 centir on the owe liam-- late of Doo Moreland, deceased, I dretl dollars, and the st.-ne is hereby having applied to the Court of Or- I loyied upon all tho taxable property dlnary of said county for letters of 1 situate and being ln| the said' Starr dismission, nil persons concerned arc Iof saitS county. This required to show ennse In said Court | se Pt. SO. 1921. by the first Monday in November next. | order of the Board: If any they uin, why snM application I „ /t. G. FARMER; JiRL, should not lie granted'. Tills Oct. +. |<”erk Commissioners Rtmdts andl Rev- T 9 4- T * * —— — . — -M m I; 011 II .4 |T1\!«ta4-a AA4.Ml.ti*- fNU Ph— 342 WE DELIVER Pt-ne S3 H. C. ARNALL MDSE. CO. J. A. R. camp; Ordinary. onue. Coweta county,. Gin Twelve Month*' Siiinmf. GEORGIA—Coweta County: The return of tho appraisers setting apart twelve months’ support to the family of W. M. KoitlV, deceased,, having been filed in my office; alT per sons concerned are cited to sh-ow cause by the first Monday in November, X9-2T, why snid application .for twelve months’ support should not be granted.. This Oct. 4. 1921. J. A. R, CAMP. Ordinary. Letter* of AdmfJrtstrniioro. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Mrs. Sara 1. Sewell having; a®p.l!le(i to A glance nt the mail-bags reaching rNcwufui nowadays shows tlint the big * Chicago and New York mail order ’.houses are pushing their ” fall cam paign.” They an' Hooding tho country with circulars and catalogues, and mail •onler papers tire carrying their glaring “Free” and “Don’t Pay tt Penny Un til You Get the Goods" advertising. And that thousands full for those cheap- john offers is evidenced by the fact- that ('licit' Sam’s latest postal report shows tho Chicago postofflce to lie doing__a larger business than any other office in the United States. But there is one tiling to remember. The dollar you send nwoy isu’t going to help business or iiviug conditions here -nt home, and it ' isn ‘t going to come back home. The To the Public! Below please find prices for grind ing feed— Ear Com .... Velvet Beans . . . Cut Com with Beans 20c per 100 pounds 20c per 100 pounds 25c per 100 pounds Cut Com without Beans, 30c per 100 pounds Oats in sheaves Cornstalks . . . Shucks, Hay, etc. Molasses . . . 30c per 100 pounds 35c per 100 pounds 40c per 100 pounds 17 l-2c per gallon TERMS POSITIVELY CASH POTTS & McBRIDE We are selling Formaldehyde and Blue Storne for treating both! wheat and oats. 2. Treat your wheat, corn and peas with Carbon Bisulphide to kill weevils. 3. Give the ants a knock-out blow with Sodium Arsenate. 4. We have many items to use in Fall cleaning, such as Bon Ami, Dutch Cleanser, Soaps, Disinfectants and Deodarants. $. Now is, the best time to paint. We have a full stock of Paints, Oils, Tints, Varnishes, Brushes, etc. 6. Standard Sizes of Window Glass. 7. Hallowe’en Goods. LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY “A GOOD DRUG STORE" TWO PHONES 6G USE OUR PHONES— PROMPT DELIVERY