The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, November 04, 1921, Image 1

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The Newnan Herald ubWNAN HERALD I Conspltdnted with Coweta Advertiser September, 1886. I ” Established 1866. f Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1816. I NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1921. Vol. 57—No. 5 County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. TURIN. We attended the Western Baptist As- .•socintion in Senoin last week, nml great ly enjoyed - mooting old friends and brethren. We first attended the associa tion ns a delegate in 1807—fifty-four years ago—but not one who was with us at that meeting was present last week. All have passed away, and are now at rest. Others will follow soon, and still others after them. Thus generations come and go, and ’twill be ever thus mntil the end of tbno. Rev. W. E. Fuller, of Newnan, was elected moderator, and the sessions were interesting and harmonious. Tlifc dele gates and visitors were entertained most hospitably by the good people of Senoin. The association win meet next year with -the church at Sargent, on the second Wednesday: in October. On Sunday evening last, at the resi dence of Bev.' H. S. Bees, Miss Bnby Benfroe and Mr. Merrell Weldon were bapiiily united in marriage,- the writer officiating. The couple have the best wishes of many friends. Bev, W. S.’ Gaines occupied the pul pit at tliQ Baptist church Sunday, and preached an excellent sermon. We regret to learn of the death of •our old friend, Mr. Win. Banks, which occurred at his borne near Euymond on Friday last. Only a short time previous ly his brotherJjeander passed away, and now-they are again united, to pnrt no more. Both good men. Many idle hands hunting work, with no employment open to them, and they know not what to do. little J. C. Thompson, the latter return ing home Sunday. Mrs. ,r. M. Morrison visited Mrs. Lewis Pritchett, at Dresden, on Wednes day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Browil and son, J. F.., and Miss Simie Crain, of New Hope, wore guests of Mr. and Mrs, . Eddie Brown Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Fannie Brown and Mr. Emmett Brown visited Dr, and Mrs. H. B, Jack- son, at Dresden, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Webb visited the latter's parents in Newnan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilkinson nnd children, of Newnan, motored out to their farm here nnd spent Sunday after noon. o CORNER BRANCH. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cline and Miss Gladys Stephens spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pritchett, at Dresden. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brooks, of New nan, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Monroe Talley, of ’Possum Trot, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Brooks Sunday after noon. Mrs'.' Eddie Brown attended the school fair at Dresden on Wednesday after noon of last week. Mr. Clove Newman, of Vienna, spent Friday night with Mr. 0. B. Brooks rind family. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Harris and Mr ,T, P. .Gentry- spent Thursday night With . -'Mr,rand'; Mys. .BeiA'DaVis, IPhey .-warn- accompanied home ,by’/Mrs| ‘ Davis and MIDWAY. Mr. E. H. Kidd and family, of Wel come, spent Sunday 'nt the home of Mr. Jim Kidd, and enjoyed a ’possum din ner. Messrs. Geo. Barrow and Cleveland Newman, of Vienna, visited in our com munity last week. They were' accompa nied home by- Bov. F, J. Amis of Wel come, who preached by special request at the Baptist church in Vienna on Sun day. Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Hern don—a son. The rains this week did the turnip pntclies and small grain crops n lot of good. More small grain has been sown in our community than ever before. Our school is progressing finely under the management of Miss Belle Todd. She is a fine teacher, and wo hopo this will bo our most successful term. Mr. J. T, Cash attended the Western Baptist Association at Senoin Inst week. Our B. Y. P. U. at Eliin was well at- EAST NEWNAN.’ s The following program was given Fri day afternoon by the higher grades of our school- Motlon song, 1 ‘ The Grnsshoppors. 11 Recitation, “Family Prayer”—Lueile Reynolds. Song, ‘ ‘ Plnylnnd ’ ’—Bess McCullough, lisslo McCullough, Nell Moore, Clara Bowie. Folk dance, 11 Looby Loo ’ ’—Fifth grndo. Recitation, “The Safe Way Is the Best Way”—Bess McCullough. School jokes—Willie Harris. Play, “The Buggies Family.” The following pupils of East Newnan school mndo ill) in oneli subject this month, with 90. in deportment; no ab sences, nnd no tardy murks. First grade, Doris Smith; second grade, Geuovn Christian, Jeff Easter- wood, Roy McMiohnel; third grade, l’ete Hendrix; liftli grade, Norn Crnustoq; sovonth grade, Nell Goodroe. A number of the pupils’ purents vis ited our- school Friday afternoon, Bev. Mr. Higgins, of Athens, pnstov of tho Baptist church, was here Sntur day and Sunduy, and pronchod able sor mens to largo congregations. Tho ordi nance of baptism was administered to two candidates who were received into tho church during tho August meeting. Our Sunday-school needs n generhl re vlvnl. There arc hundreds of children here. Come out and let’s havo one of tlm best Sunday-schools in the county, Mrs. N. F. Pitts and children motor'- od to Hognnsvillo Sunday, Mrs. J. T. Lawson, of Atlnutn, was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holton Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs, W. A, Hines; Mr. and, Mrs. Jim Gray, Mrs. J. H. Reynolds, Mrs. C. H. McCarty nnd Mr. Clurence King attended the funeral of Mr. W. II. Banks at Mt. Gilead church--Sntur- day. Mias Allie at home .from tho sanitarium at Newnuu, where she underwent an operation for- appendicitis n few days ago. Mr. J. W. Hines, of Clem, was -the week-end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Hines, Mr. Walter R. Reynolds, of Camp Benning, Was with Ids parents, Mr. am Mrs. J. H. Reynolds, Saturday and Sun day. Mr. Geo. Moore has received his (list present, among them Miss Virginia Glov er, of Newnan, who gave an interesting talk on her trip to Europe, which was much enjoyed. Miss Belle Todd entertained her sev enth and eighth grades and others very delightfully with n. Halloween party Monday night at tho school-house. It was a jolly occasion. MT. CARMEL. The llaloween party .lit the school- house Monday night was greatly enjoy ed by the large crowd present, both old and young, Mr. nml Mrs. C. 8. Story and baby spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. 0. C. Story ami family, at Ilomowood. JJv. Matt Mooro, of Mobile, Ala., who has been visiting relatives here, return ed home Friday. Miss Lorine Collins, county homo demonstration agent, attended the Hnl- loWeen pnrly bore Monday night. Mr. and Mi's. Gone Payton- had ns guests Sumlay Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Legg nnd children, of Snrgont. Mr. Bob Ingram, of Alabama, spent few days Inst week with Mr. M. R, Story nnd family. Mr. M. B. Story nml children, Hugh and Knthorino, and Mr. Bob Ingram i pent tho wcok-oml with Mr. nml Mrs, jnnsoll Ingram, In Grnntvlllo. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Robison nnd son, Lee, and Miss Alice Ingram, of New- tan, spent Sunday with Mr, M, R; Kory nnd family. „ j Mrs. M. L,; Story was in Newnan shop ping Friday. Several from our community attended the funeral of Mr. John W. Summers nt EProvidonco church last, wook. , Mish Manollc Wnllace, who is toneh- ink at Bothcl, spont the week-end with her parents horo. Miss Ethel Story and Mosers Leo Pay- ton nml Charlie Story, of Homewood, at tended Sabbnth-school horo Sunday af- ternpon. r. nnd Mrs. J. A. Beavers and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. Jimmie Lucklo, nt Homewood, Mr. G. C, Nowmnn, of Vienna, spent a few days last week with Mr. C. S. Forbns nml family. , Rs-forma? Busy us women are reforming the nen, they're not neglecting thell- owe lorms.i—Wnslfliminri Post. # ‘Modart’ Corsets — ARE ONLY- 4.50 to 1150, Connelly Fitted { ® And the comfort is so much great er you sooo forget the price. So all that is left 'J'HE violent paroxysms of coughing jgN is comfort and a good Corset. @ (Just what you want.) tended Sunday. Several visitors were- clm 1 r ? e , from “ '“".'P ™ South Carolina, -- and is here on a visit to lus fathov, Mr soon eased by Dr. King's New Discovery, Fifty years a standard remedy for colds. Children like it. No harmful drugs. All druggists, 60c. Cleaning Baskets. Reed anil willow baskets are hest lieunetl by rubbing wlili a .stiff brush, if pot,wnxeil lln.-.v imiy l-.e .Nranhbijd Vitli soupy water, rinsed and dried. J. W. Moore. Mrs. C. D. Cooper, of Thomriston, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harris. 5 Mrs. J. A. Otwcll nnd children spent the week-end with relatives at - Whites, burg. Dr. Kinfi’s New Discovery For Colds and. Coughs © Fittings cheerfully ^ But never urged ^ to buy. Some Sarcasm. An English novelist took bis first look nt Broadway nflntiie with light.' He rend the Hashing and leaping signs and' mild: “How mueh Inorp namderlul dt \v(xulrb-be-,fer. a..iui.n:i,\v,h(lS^te ioblrin’f rend." >• V'-Wfl Make Bowels Normal. Nature’s way i? the way of Dr. King’s Pills— gently-and firmly regulating the bowels, eliminating the intestine clogging waster At all druggists, 25c. PROMPT! X, f KERSEY & PRATHER ■WON’T GRIPE. ’SPUlS =)C DC Dune ir DC O F We will sell the following used cars next Saturday, Nov, 5, in front of the Court-house at 2 o’clock to the highest and best bidder. Come and buy an automobile at your own price. All sales are cash, or terms for half of purchase price: Three Ford Touring Cars, three Overland Touring Cars, Model 90, one 1917 Buick Touring Car, one Maxwell Touring Car. D. W. BOONE «& CO. DC DC DC DC DC DL DC DC DC DC DC