The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, November 18, 1921, Image 7

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1921. Nothing will turn ambi tion into ill-tempered laziness quicker -, than constipation.', And nothing will ren- der the body more.liable to dangerous diseases than this game poisonous condition. Don't be constipated! It isn’t safe! It im't sensible! - It isn't necessary! Be well—but don’t rely on ordinary laxatives to help you. Try instead the newest (cientind treatment (or constipation— RICH-LAX J This preparation not only overcomes con- 6 tipation, but it does away with.all. the nausea, cramping and deranged digestion caused by ordinary laxatives. Ulrehsse price.' John R. Cates Drug Co., Newnan, Ga. Professional Cards* J. W. POWELL, AttHier-at-Lan. Will practice In all the courts, both State and Federal. Offlcp over First National Bank, MYRON H. FARMER. M. D., Fhralcln >ni Sarreoa. Office over T. G,, Farmer & Sons Co. Office 'phone 60S; residence 'phone 72. I,. E. MOORS Attorney-at-Law . : Will practice in all courts. Prompt loans made! on improved (arms tn Cow eta County. Over Cates Dj-tig Store. W. L. STALLINGS, Attorney and Conneellor nt Law. Will practice In all the Courts. Spe- eial attention given to preparation " wills and the administration o( esta In the Court o( Ordinary. Office In Court House, 'phone 414. of estates T. 8. BAILEY. Physician and Surgeon, Office upstairs In Kirby building, 11% Greenville street. 'Phone 87. (office end residence.) JOB B, PBNISTON, Physician and Surgeon. Office hours 8 to 10 a. m.; 3 to 6 p. m. Office with Dr. Paul Peniston. Office end residence 'phone 80. A. SIDNEY CAMP, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office tn Arnall Bldg.. Court Square, R. H. MCDONALD, Physlcinn and Surgeon. Office 3% East Broad Street, upstairs. Office hours . 9 to 11 a ,m. and' 3 tb 6 p, m. Office ’phone 65; residence 'phone 39J WM. H. LYDAT, Physician and Surgeon. Office over Lee-King* Drue Co. Idence ’phone 464. Office 7 phon Office Hours—9 to 11 a. m„ 2 \o 4 p. bl, and 7 to' 8 p. m. Sunday—9 to 11 m. and 2 to 4 p. m. Res- phone 216. T. B. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. Office—Sanitorlum building. Office ^>hone 6—1 call; residence 'phope 6— W. A. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to Burgery end diseases of women. Office 19 Spring street. 'Phone 280. D. A. HANEY, r Physician and Surgeon. Special. attention to eye, ear, nose end throat, and diseases of chest. W. L. WOODROOF, Physician and Surgeon. Office 11% Greenville street. 'Phone ML Special attention given to dis eases of children. J. LITTLETON JONES, Atteraey-at-Law. Prompt' attention to legal business. Loans made on farm lands. Office over K C. Amall Mdee. Co.’s. THOR. G. FARMER. JR— Attomey-at-Law. Will give careful and prompt atten tion to all legal business entrusted to Be Money to loan. Offico in court house. WILLIAM Y. ATKINSON, Attorney-et-Lnw. Office oyer Cuttlno's store. K. W. STARR, Dentist. Office over H. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.'s •tore. White patronage exclusively. Residence 'phone J82-L. Atlanta and M Point RAILROAD ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AT NEWNAN, GA. EFFECTIVE NOV. 6. 1981. Subject to phange and typographical errors. NORTHBOUND! No. 42 6.45 A- m> No. 18 9.30 a. m. No. 38 10.00 a. m. No. 40 1.00 p. m. No. 20 .1 6.30 p. m. Nol 34 is 5.06 p. m. No. 36 j4 10-10 P- m - SOUTHBOUND! No. 36 7.00 a. m. No. 19 8.50 a. m. No. 33 10.21 a. m. No. 39 2-46 p, m. No. 17 5.20 p. m. No. 41 6.52 p. m. No. 37 7.19 p. m. J. P. . BILLUPS, G. P., A. PURE WATER The three most important needs tor man are air, food and water, and in each case purity is necessary. Pure water is a luxury as well as a neces sity, The abundant use ot pure water promotes health, while to be deprived ot it is a hardship. Impure 1 water. Is disappointment and it may be 'a positive danger. A good public water supply is a valu able municipal asset, not only enhanc ing civic pride, but attracting to the community manufacturers who use wa ter ini their industries and who desire ample fire protection for their prop erty.. The hiBtory of sanitary engineering tells a sad tale of the misery and death resulting fvqm drinking water infect ed with the germs ot such diseases, as cholera, typhoid fever and dysentery. The' term “purp water” is not a sat isfactory one. In the first place pure water does not exist in nature.- Be cause of its great dissolving power, foreign substances are always pres ent, even though unseen. These sub stances, mineral or organic, solid or gaseous, living organisms, perhaps, give' to different waters the various properties that collectively determine its quality, or, as we say, its purity. In the second place, these various for eign substances act differently and the amounts of the substances pres ent, as well as their nature, determine the quality of the water. A good drink ing water' may be a bad water for use in the laundry, and it may corrode pipes. On the other hand, a good water lof boilers maybe dangerous for a per son to. drink. The term “pure water,” therefore, does not have a definite meaning, The first characteristic of a water fit to be used for drinking, tor brush ing the teeth; for cooking and for the miscellaneous uses ot the household, is safety from infection; that is, freedom from the germs of disease. Bitter ex perience has shown that water may cause typhoid fever by transporting the living typhoid germs from sqme per son sick of, the disease to some well person. This is a simple mechanical transfer of the germs. The water plays no other part than that of floating the tiny things along, unless we may say that it keeps them from drying dp. The typhoid germs do not multiply in the water, but, on the contrary, die out lit tle by little, 'and so lose their power to do harm. The germs of these various diarrheal diseases, typhoi'd feVer, cholera and the like, leave the bodies of ,sick people lii urine find bowel discharges. Sew age is always liable to contain them. If sewage finds its way into a lake or stream, or if the contents of a cesspool dr privy soak Into the ground and per colate to some well, the germs of these diseases may' be carried along, ready to start the disease in some one who drinks^the infected water. *"*•' Water that is contaminated with sewage or with, fecal discharges is dan gerous to drink. It may not always cause sickness, because the sewage may not always contain germs from persons sick of typhoid fever and oth- qr water-borne diseases, but 4t is al ways dangerous. The surest and best method of safe guarding the quality of a public water supply is by some means of artificial purification. This purification may be carried on by boiling, filtraton, sterii ization with chloride of lime or liquid chlorine. It is always well to consult the State Board of Health in relation to waters that need any type ot puri fication. It is safe to say today that almost any watep can be purified and. made safe and wholesome. Always remember the following facts in relation to a water Bupply: 1. Pure water is a luxury. Pure water is a necessity.. Pure water is cheap. Impure water is dangerous. Impure water is expensive. Surface water must be purified, Qualities to be sought in water 1 — wholesomeness, cleanliness and softness. Filtration makes water clean. Filtration pakes water reasona bly safe. Filtration Bhould be followed by sterilization. Hapd water may be softened. Filtration has been justified by experience. TIME NOW TO KILL BOLL WEEVIL D. C. Hritowoi'i Cotton Expert, in Wall Street Journal, With moderate help and good advice the grasshopper was checked, and dually conquered. The boll weevil is not be yond our strength. That the presout eotton crop is nbout half the size of that of lnst 4 yenr is a certainty. In a largo measure title is the result of the boll weevils’ doproiTationB. As cotton pro duction is the principal Industry of the South, and .the insect now covers the whole producing region, there Is no ox- eggerntion In saying that.the' weevil pre sents one of our greatest economic prob lems, The invasion calls for n prompt and vigorous dofenso. Loading men of the South recognize the fact that there is danger of small farmers yielding to panic and leaving the land, or perhaps being stampeded into devoting their whole time and re sources to new and untried crops. Sea sonable diversification will bo necessary, and is desirable. Indeed, one great as surance of tbo South today is tho fact that this year it raised- unusual crops of foodstuffs. But cotton must always lie the great surplus crop of the South, raised on a smnlltjr acreage with a larger yiold per aero, ■ This meanB' that, tho Southern farmer must adopt towards the weovil the slogan of the soldiers in France—“ Trent ’em ough 1 ’ ’ There is much that can be done noW. Entomologists who have ex perimented with tho weevil’ say that if the Btaiks are destroyed ns soon as pos sible aftor picking, millions of tho in sects will be killed whiob otherwise would breed next year.' , The renson is thnt the insect feeds on nothing but the cotton plant. Deprive It of its food and it mUBt die, • -, Dr. W. D. Hunter, of the U. S. Bu reau of Entomology, is authority for the statement that even after killing frosts weevils are active, so that thiey may be destroyed in this way until the weather gets so cold they must hiber nate. This statement should be suffi cient to send the formers through every cotton field to destroy every single ves tige of weovil food. Then comes the question of winter shelter and cover. Possessing the power of adapting itsolf to climatic changes, the weevil lias marched northward as it gradually became acclimated, so that it can stand any climate eotton can stand. it needs is a little covering an the winter. The farmers can meet it hove by cleaning up and burning all trash in the fields, clearing around stumps anti fences and burning over the banks if ditches, and not permitting hay-stacks to remain near the cotton fields. Thnt there will be weevils next year is certain; but by destroying their food and shelter now the numbers can be materially lessened. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. o Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA—Coweta County: All creditors of the estate of S. H. Todd, late of Coweta county, Ga., de ceased. ..are hereby notified to render •n their demands to the undersigned according to law; and ail persons in debted to said estate are required to ■bake immediate payment t> tpe un dersigned. This Nov. 8. 1921. MRS. SARAH E. TODD. Executor. Ib F. D. 2. Newnan. Ga. Atlanta, Ga., September 2, 1921, Dear Editor: I wish the State Board ol Health were financially able to subscribe for your paper; we could know you bet ter and knowing you more Intimately we pould, if possible, appreciate you more. We are under lasting obliga tions to you for your aid in the pre vention of disease in our State. The work will be greatly handicapped the next two years, as we have been se verely cut in our appropriation. With your help, we hope to continue our educational work, and will gel out a page similar to this about every 60 days. We hope that you can use ev ery article, and if yon cannot, and do not care tor our copy, will you not drop i*e a line frankly so stating If you have any suggestions to make as to the kind of matter, we will ap preciate your saying so. We thank you. Yours very truly, JOE P. BOWDOIN, M. D. Deputy Commissioner of Health “Poor folks have poor ways;” this common expression will more than « is estimated that this important Board can operate on. Similarity. "Sometimes you see' a man,", said Senatpr Sorghum, "who behuves to ward his country the same as he does toward bis wife. The more he says he loves, her, the worse he -seems willing to treat her." , Worm as Thin as Straw. Samoa boasts aVsemvnrm of ex treme slenderness, like a fine straw, .vliicli Is eaten, .like the oyster, both aw nnd cooked. Harden House Plants. If' you have • been, "ktartlng house plants In the house, he sure that you harden them o(T well before you trans fer them to the open ground. This means gradually exposing- them'to the outside air, or. better still, setting ihem In a cold freme. which can be covered at night. If you hnveD’t any glass for such n frame, you can cover It with prepared cloth, which Is much chenper nnd Inst hs satisfactory. RENEWED TESTIMONY ■ No one in Newnan' who; suffers backache, headaches, or distressing urinary ills can afford to ignore this Newnan man’s twice-told story. It hr confirmed testimony that no Newnan resident can doubt. H. M Jennings, machinist, 87 B. ott . ... „ J year*, bad ibeen subject to attacks ot kidney complaint which -would come bn alter over-exertion or through catching cold At such times my kidneys act ed irregularly and my back pains and acties.. My back alao becomes weak and If is hard fwt me to do any work of a bending nature. Doan's Kidney Pills have always quickly relieved me of such attacks.” (Statement given February 20, 19J1.) in June 17, 1918, Mr. Jenninga said: “Doan's Klduney Pills are a fine remedy and. I gladly recommend them. I don’t have any more trouble with my back or kidneys but I use them occasionally- as a preventive end they keep my kidneys in healthy condition.” «o c ; U all dealer-,. Foster-Mllburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. WINTER EXCURSION FARES via WEST POINT ROUTE To destinations in Alabama, Arizona, Cuba, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mls- isslppi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Tickets good for stop-over. Tickets on sale daily October 1 to April 30. For further information apply to IVest Point Route.ticket agents, or the undersigned. J. P. Billups, General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. Fraternity. The true reslsiancu. of man against catHstrophles is an augmentation of humanity. Love one another, old one nnother. Solidarity of men Is the re tort to complicity of mysterious facts. It is thus that Is established on enrth the third .term of the griiitd human formula, Fraternity. Governments put obstacles in the wny of Liberty and Equality, they will 'cpme lu their time, In spite of the monarchy; Equality In kplte ot the aristocracy. But Fra ternity Is the opening door, the empty ing purse, the helping hand.—Victor Hugo. ' C he Kidneys n-.v.ilTWi’ ■ Send your name and ad- dress to « Box 084, Atlanta, Gh ad you will receive by | return mail a free copy of ‘he book entitled, "The itory of the Cells," and directions for using Your , Own Mind with Regener- I ator * for all Kidney J Trouble. ^generator * t f "vr RATS and mice—that’s RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes In cakes—no mixing with other food. likely be applicable to the State Board Togr money backt MMgftjUfc, Pantry , of Health in its expansion, as the re- — • cent Legislature gave them twenty thousand dollars less money than Kitchen or Cellar. OS*, else (3 cakes) for Chicken HoUBe, coops, or small buildings. •ms size (S cakes) enough for all farm and out-bulldlngs. storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by and Guaranteed by LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY. Their Medicine Chest For 20 Years I fT is characteristic of (elks after they pais the allotted "three ecote years eud ten," to look book over the days that are gone and thoughtlully live them over, nd myself, At seventy-one, frequently 1 find myielf, At seventy-one, frequently -—compound to my friends: nnd whet wss then known only Medicine for Btomsch, U< Complaints. vegetable compound to eustomers—what “ Dr. Lewie' “ and Bowel •tie, and upset the eystem of the user) [eh was due to the fact that they were ‘ "ilrr""“ not thorough enough tn their notion, aome simply noting on the upper or small intes tines, while others would act only on the lbwer or large lnteetlues, and that they almost Invariably produoed a habit re quiring augmented doses. • . t believed thst a preparation to produce the best effect must first tone the llverj then not on the stomach and entire nllmen- •-ry eystem. If this woe aaoomplielied, the edlelne weald produce a mild, bnt lorough elimination of the waste without ie usual sickening sensations, and make .e user feel better at ones. and. does more than any laxative on the market today. The thousands of letters from users have convinced me I was right, and that tho user of Hatan'e. fisamfy »» *■ ramlly tttedluluc, oven though he may have- used It for twcnty-Uve years, novel hs* to increaso the dose. My knowledge of medicine and the re sults of its use In my own family and. among my friends, before I ever offered It. for sale, Caused'me to have great faith hs- Natm’s fiMssdy th# vory first And now as I find myself nearing the age- v\ hen I must bow to .the Inevitable and go to another life, my greatest.pleasure Is to •It each day and read t he letters that each mail brings from people os old.or oh' than I, who tell of hkVtni a for ten, fifteen-and ow they and hlldron have I It Is a consoling thought, my frlepds, for a man at my age to feel that ash hie own suoceis, —■ of having used Mttsrs’o teen and twenty years, nd their children and.- e been bsnefitted by it. own suodeie, on. for his fellow, man. happier people for it be one of thi done something greatest sstlsfso- isss today, is tho ht more than one 1 hope you will I A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO., Bt. Louie. Mas. JOHN R. CATES DRUG CO., Newnan, Ga. TONIGHT- Tomorrow Alright Get a 25 c Box feBRSBiSiSai Mow Mamy objects in This Picture Begin With the Letter “C" The above picture contains a number of objects beginning with the letter “C.” Just take a good look at the picture—there are all sorts of things that bcgll) With the letter “C”—like cow, calf, . cap, etc Nf.UtliiJ.-l* hidden; you don't have to turn the picture upside down. Make a list of all the object* In the picture, 'he names of which begin with the letter "C." Hqvc the whole family Join in—-etc who can find the most. Don’t miss any. Fifteen cash prizes will be awarded for the fifteen best lists of'words submitted. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of visible objects shown In this picture starting with the letter “C” will be awarded first prize-, second best, second prize, etc. Youths and Old, Jciii in The Fun . ; Tho Atlanta Constitution announces today a Yuanie in which all can participate—from the .tiniest child to grandfather and ffroat-ffrandina. \No object is mo Miitalf but that the poorest eye sight-can see It. it Ih a tost of skill. Your ablilty to find '‘C-Words”, determines the prize you win. Might after/ supper this evonlnK, grathor all the members of your family together: Klve each of them a pencil and a sheet or paper r-and oee who can find the mojt "C-Words," 'YojTII be eurprfafld to find hoV Inrco a list of wordrf you eon get after a few* minutes* study. Kit, dov.n mow and tvy It—then, send in your list and try for the b!p? prizes OR BUICK SIX TOURING CAR The “C-Word” Picture Puzzle Gaum In n campaign to Jncrciyje the jtopulorlty of The Alluntn Constitution. It fOHtM nothin? to hike i’(irt. and you do not have to aend Ih u ftlnnh! NiihMcripllon to win a prize. if your Hat )f "C-Words" la awarded FIIWT, RECON'D or THIRD nrhie by the judge*, you will win but If you would like lo win nnr« than $SH, we ore making flic following ami-in) offer wheroby you can win blnecr enah tiriKc-R by Ncnrilnff in ONE or T\yo aubacrlptlpna to Tb* Atlnr.ta Comdltmion. tho "C-Word” Picture J'HIItJ) prize and you _ aubacrJplJon to Tbo Atlanta Conn HUM I on o t ft'.00, you will receive fU30 inaterd of -fflS: fourth prize, ni;o: fifth prize, $100, etc. (Bee acoond column of figure* in prize lift.) OIL 1f your nnawor win* PIR8T, SECOND or THIRD prize, ami you hove? nrrt In TWO alx-montli aubaorlptlona to 'Jlio Atlanta Conutltuilon nt l.’i.OO, or ONE yearly mibscrlptlon to The Comrtllutbin nt $0,CO, you will receive $1,000 In place of W5: fomtli prlz», $300; flftl ' ** * - of /Iff * -THE PRIZES- Inning answers will receive prizes as follows: ■ s. him tint H Prim aim III Pflie, III ,,srl» ^ M0 .uhcsilsllons • .ubitrl,. or !—r, moi. tub- ..".1™" tlun I. .Dill nrio'.loni or, loot j r lst I’rizo. .ssti.00 $350.00 J W/5i,ooo.oiJ4t 2nd fit *• S . iISjOO , 350.00 f 1,000.00) 3rd •• .. 35.00 360.00 V^J.OOO.Oftl 4th a '.. 20.00 ! 160.00 * % "ooTm)o Glh ... 16.00 100.00 200.00 Otis ft* .. 10.00 76.00 iGO.OO 7 til •e .. 7.50 40.00 80.00 Hth e# .. 6.00 30.00 60.00 Oth «* .. 3.00, 20.00 40.00 10 th •ft .. 2.00 15.00 30.00 IlUt •• .. 2.00. 15.00 30.00 12th «• .. 2.00 15.00 30.00 13th »ft .. 2.00 15.00 . 30.00 14th «• .. 2.00 15.00 30.00 inti, a .. 2.001 16.00 30.00 HERE'S IlOW: If your anawer to th Puzzle win* VlJlHT, SkCUND or TH have M'cnt in ONE Hln-fnonth aubacrip Ati’i o.woiiilk FHJCB—As a SDCOJH) ni-lze for the best ofloi-i shown in the game, w» will allow the participant having the best Uni of G-WorUs, -of the first throe prize winners (If fully qualified), the choice of 41,6(10 cash or a new 1S22 BUICK hlX TOURING CUR. valuo »1,715 f.o.b, Atlanta, !This riir I* nw <tn dlNiilny a! the John Smith Sal.* IIIMIINH. .N„. IDO tv. I’.n.hlr.e St., Allan!*, on. (Hoe (bird column i if til prize, 4300, etc, riff urea In prize Hat.) How la thnt for a liberal offer? But. LOOK, there art threo 41,Geo piker. Therefore, if you r.tand FIBBT, SECOND or THIRD and havo rent in TV/O alx-montli auhacriptlona at 45.00 or one ye.irly aubacriptlon nt 40,50. you will win' M,000, NOW, FURTHER, aa a SPECIAL OFFER, we w:)l allow the participant hiving the best lint of '*C-Wordfl«' of tlio Tlrat Threa Prlzo Wlnnor* (If fully qualified), the choice of 41,000 in cash or a new lp£2 Buick Six Tooling Car, value 41,710 f- o. b. Atlanta. mum. Vou jnif do this with very enbaerlptlon 4/nL 4*unt. We can alao take aubacrlptlona to start at nny*future dote. Juat mark on your order when you want the “tarted. and we will not commence delivery until you *ay. Subscription Rotes—Payable in Advance Illy Mull, Carrier, or Affenl.) DAILY AND SUNDAY Six Months 45.00 DAILY AND SUNDAY I One Year OBSERVE THESE RULES 1. Any man, woman. *irl or troy Ily ins bi Georgia or any adjoining atato who la-not an employee of The At lanta Cfautltutlon, or a member of an employee'* family# may aubmlt an anawer, It edata - nothin* to try. 2. All tnawara mind be mailed by Norawbor lt)lh, 1021. 2. Aniwcra tshould bo written on one aide or the paper only and word* numbered conKcutirely, 1, 2, 3. etc. Write sour full name and add it si on each page In the upper right-hand comer. If you dealre to write anything dee. uae e aep- arsto ilieet. 4. Only word* found Id the Kng- U*h dlrtlonory will be counted. Do not im hyphenated, compound or obvolcte word*. Van either the dngular or plural, but wlwre the plural la ueed. the dngular can not be counted and vice mu, r,. Word* of the eame rpelllng can be ti*cd only ooce, ereii though used to detlgnate dirfertint object*. The tMtms object can bo named onlr oneci bowercr, any part of the ob ject may alao be namad. 6. The aniwer haring the Urged and ncareat correct lift of name* of vlalbkf object a ahown In the pic ture that begin with Uu letter 'TV' will bo awarded first prtec. EXTRA PUZZLE PICTURES FREE ON etc. NeatntM. ityle,; or handwrit ing have no bcartm upon deciding tho winner*. 1, Candida tea may eo-opernte In amwcrlng Ilia puaalc, but only one E rlto will bo awarded lo any one ouarhold; nor will prlzt-a he awarded to more than ono of any group oubdikr of the family, where two or more bare Iwcn working io- getlie-r. g. In tho event or » Ik for any prize offered tho full amount of mob prize will be paid* to each tied participant, 0. All anawrre' * will receive the game conaldaratlon, rrgardki* or wbetber or not w •ubecilpUon for Tho Atlanta ConaUtuilon ia aent in. JO. There will t>o throe Independ ent Judge*, having no counectloh will) Tit# ConaUtuilon, who will Judge the anawer* rubmltud and award the prize* at U)« end of tb* puaalo game and participant* agree to accept tho dccUlon of the Judgra a* Dual ami comdutlic. 11. The Judge* will meet right aft er Uwj cloee. and th* announce ment of the pflao winner* and cor rect Mat Of words will b« publUhed lu Tbo CootUtutJoii Ju*t aa oulck- I lv thereafter a« po»*1»,Je. REQUEST In cities ni tdAT DAIITC Th!« offer applies to rural route patrons as well as subscriber* living In cities n.UIv'jL IvUU and towns. If you are already recoWJn* The Constitution, your subscription Cl IRCPPlorDC v/IU be extended from It* present expiration. Send In a yearly oubsoriptlon at jUDiTILiUDLAJ jD.fJO, or two six-month subscriptions, at 46.00. and qualify for tho bi|? prizes. This I* an easy way to win 41.000 or a Huick Tourlnu Car. j. u decker, Tiip ATI A NT A rnNCTlTIITION ATLANTA ’ puzzle M„it 1flL n 1 LAll 1 n LV/Iid 111 U 1 IV/lv ceor-