The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, December 09, 1921, Image 3

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THE NEWNAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1921.- IsocietyI |L - TELEPHONE 447 _ J >|l .•'.rr-^.jp ... The most brilliant event of the social season wob the initial ball of the Norfolk German Chib, given last evening nt the . Ghent Club, at which time the debutantes . of the season were formally presented to society. The ball-room was beautiful ly decorated with palms and ferns, 'the debutante figure was especially beauti ful, each debutante carrying a largo arm . bouquet of American Beauty roses, and at its conclusion they were presented r With lsiver monogramed dorlns ns sou venir s.^-Norf oik (Va.) Ledger-Dispatch, . gOth ult. Among the debutantes presented at this function was a former Newnnn girl, .{referred to by the Norfolk paper as fol lows: “Miss Mildred Clower, daughter ;of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Clower, who wore a, frock of white French taffeta embroid ered with silver and trimmed with tulle .'.and silver flowers. Miss Clower’s yarf;- ; ner was Mr. Berryman Green. ’ ’ * ; Mrs. H. C. Arnall, jr., was hostess fer tile Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club this ; week at her home on LaGrange street. The spacious living-room was prettily . (decorated with quantities of roses, nr- \ ranged in baskets on mantel and cnbi- i.Wets. Mrs. F. L. Stevens made top score V«’and was presented with a pair of silk '^hose. After the game a salad course was - ’ served. _____ \ Mrs. Wm, G. Arnold entertained her y bridge'club Wednesday afternoon at the < home' of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Gibson, on Temple avenue. Miss Olive "Pringle won the prize, a deck of cards. The > house was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Assisting in entertaining were Mrs. Gibson and Miss Elizabeth Gibson. After the game an elaborate salad course was served at the small card tables. Mrs. Pal Bradley entertained for her husband at a six o'clock dinner Satur- ; day evening. 'The table had as a central decoration a vase filled with kink rose buds. The guests included Messrs. Amos Wilkinson, John Sewell, Russell Wilkin- • son, Bob Wilkinson, W. S. Carswell) Paul Kugler, E. M. Camp, Dwiglit McLain, N. E. Powel and J. H. Powell. Mrs. T. G. Farmer, jr., entertained the Tuesday Morning Rook Club this week at her home on LaGrange street. Those present were Mesdames Paul Manget, T. J. Fisher, W. A. Turner, J. H. Powell, E. G. Cole, D. T. Manget, V. E. Manget, W. L. Woodroof, T. S. Parrott, T. S. Bailey and Nellie Hopson. Mrs! Cecil H. Williams and twin daughters have returned to Chattanooga, after a visit, of several days with New- nan relatives. Mrs. Mabelle Edgar ac companied her home, but will return in a week or so and spend the wjnter here. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hunter, of Turin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to George Young Chest nut, the marriage to be solemnized Tliurs- ► day afteruobu, Dec. 22, nt the homo of the bride’s parents, in Turin. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. ,Camp, of Mordy land, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jamie, to Dr. Charles Joseph Collins, of Savannah, the dato of the mar riage to be announced later. No cards. Mrs. Mattie H. Strickland, Mrs. T. J. Fisher, Mrs. H. C. Fisher, Mrs. W. A. Turner, Mrs. W. C. Kinnard and Miss Nellie Potts went to Atlanta Wednesday evening to hear John McCormick. Mr. and Mrs. William Kendall Fielador, of Cednrtown, announce the engagement of their daughter, Nelle, to Dr. Spencer Atkinson Kirkland, of Atlanta, the wed ding to take place in February. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jarrell, of Green ville, announce the engagement of their daughter, -Veola, to E. Harvey Estes,, of Gay, the marriage to he solemnized in January. No cards. Mrs. Paul Manget was hostess for' her rook club Friday evening at her home on Greenville street. Beforo the game a four-course dinner was served. Thirty guests were invited. Mrs. Harry Jones was hostess for the Young Matrons’ Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon at her apartments on Green ville street. Sixteen guests wore presnt^ Mrs. W. K. Stringer and young daugh ter, Callie Freeman, of Anderson, S. C., arc guests of Judge and Mrs. R. W, Free man this week.* The Benevolent Union will meet at the County Club next Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, All members are urged to be present. Mr.- and Mrs. Ralph Huie and little Miss Dorothy Huie, of Decatur, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harda way, jr. Miss Fannie Teaver, Miss Sudclle Wortham and Mr. Herman Blakeley spent Sunday in LaGrange. Mrs.. Thos, A.- Avera and young son, of RoMcy Mount, N, C„ are visiting'Air. ami Mrs. J. R, Herring. Miss Annie Pickett has returned from visit to Mrs. OBcnr R. Moseley, at Giee^sboro. Mrs. J. D. Sprnyberr.v lips returned from a visit tq relatives in Meriwether county. Miss Louise Byram spent the week-end with -Miss Lois McMillan, in Palmetto. Miss Ruth Thompson spent' the week end with Mrs. Andrew Lane, in Macon. Aliss Josephine Hancock spent the week-end with friends in Atlanta. was nervuus and restless at night, couldn’t sleep well, and had that worn- out, good-for-nothing feeling nil during the day. Why, I was so miserable I didn’t. feel like doing any kind of work. “About fifteen months ago I bognn taking "Tanlac, and the modieino built mo up and made mo feel like I wanted to feel. It. gave me a fine appetite, sot my stomach in order so that my food Bond Salesman Out With Facts Chicago Man Says he Knows From His Own Expe rience What Tanlac Will Do. 1 ‘ Those who are looking for something to sharpen their appetite and give them new life nnd energy ought to try Tanlac, for I have taken fcho medicine myself and know)what v *1t will do,” said Homer H. Dickson, Sherman Hotel, Chicago. Mr.. Dickson came to Chicago from Miami, Fla., where he 1ms lived most of his life, and is now connoctod with the Bond Sales Department of the Hool Roalty Co. “When I began taking Tanlac I was weak and run down and badly in need of something to build up my systom and give me some strength. My appetite had failed me, and even what I managed to eat gave me very little nourishment. I East, West, Home’s Best. “COME AGAIN” SEND US: Suits Overcoats Evening Gowns- Evening Wraps Blouses Curtains Blankets Draperies Furs Sweaters Gloves Carpets Rugs The reason that we give so much care and attention to your every order is Just this: We want to keep you for a customer. It’s just pure selfishness. We know that you’ll keep coming back if OUR WORK IS ALWAYS FAR AND ABOVE ANY RESULTS YOU HAVE • EVER SEEN BEFORE. By this method friends have told friends until we’ve become a Southern NECESSITY. “Parcel Post Your Package —Look To Uo For Befits'* Capital City Dry Cleaning & Dye Wks. ATLANTA, GEORGIA J. S. SMITH 33 Court Square Fancy & Staple Groceries Fruits, Vegetables & Produce Newnan, Ga. Phone 98 1 .Dear Madam:- I have obtained a lease on the building formerly occupied by Mr. McCalla at number 33 Court Square. Having purchased the drug store.fixtures and placed in them a fresh* clean stock of fancy groceries. I claim to have one of the neatest and most sanitary grocery stores in the South. All shelf goods -are kept in glass cases where dust, flies and ra.ts cannot reach them. We want you to come in and see for yourself; we rest assured that you will say it is the neatest grocery store that you have ever"visited. We carry a complete line of staple and fancy groceries, fruits, vegetables, and produce; and our prices are as low as it is possible to make them. Our goods are of the highest quality and we strive to serve in an indivdual way, making you satisfied with every purchase. Below.we shall give you .a partial list with this week's prices of a few articles carried by us: Bartlett Pears, No. 2y 2 can 39c Libby’s Desert Peaches, No. 2 1 / 4- can 32c Sun-Maid Raisins, package 25c Pat-A-Cake' Flour, package 15c Calumet Baking Powder, 1-lb can. ,25c Stokley String Beans, No. 2 can .. .15c Glen Valley Peas, No. 2 can 18c Lye Hominy, No. 2]4 can 12c Welch’s Grape Juice, pint 40c Welch’s Grape Juice, quart 75c Tomatoes, No. 2 can 12c Sunshine Pimentos, can 19c Olives, large size .30c Celery, bunch ; 15c Stokley Corn, No. 2 can 15c Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Iceburg Lettuce 20c iV i >. Full line of- National Biscuit Company's crackers and cakes; full line of cereals, fruits, vegetables and produce; full line of groceries, flour, meat, lard, sugar, meal, etc. We need and will appreciate a portion of your patron age. Give us a trial order, compare prices, quality and service ; and be convinced. Phone us your needs and we will deliver promptly._ Phone number 98 for quick delivery. 0 Yours for s.ervice and quality, J. S. SMITH. . . ' A | . 1 East, West, Home’s Best. gave mo strength and energy, and I was soon rid ol’ that weak, wornout fooling nnd enjoying tho best of health. My sloop became sound and refreshing, and 1 just, felt like a man made new. 1 have been feeling fine over since, nnd boliovo Tanlac will do the work for any- ono else.” Tanlac is sold by loading druggists everywhere.—Adv. East, West, Home’s Best. East, West, Home’s Best- 66 6 will break n Cold, Fever and Grippe- quicker thnn anything we know, pre venting pneumonia. East, West, Home’s Best.- A Superb Christmas Gift Pathe Phonographs )less than Brunswick Phonographs half price Records: Bargain Prices, 40c. Three for $1.00 hundreds of Attractive Gifts FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Books, Stationery, Toilet Goods, Ivory Sets, Fountain Pens, Big Stock Holiday Goods. SPECIALITY LOW PRICES Look over our off erings. before buying. We save you money. J. R. McCalla piiiiiiiniiiinifiiiTi % (The Best We’ve Had in Months) -SPECIAL LOT OF- **v Garments in-the lot worth from $29.75 to $99.75 Some just received—all especially purchased Offered FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! KERSEY & PRATHER ^iMiniiiwfiiiiiiiiiiniiwn mmifmmmm miiwiiuiiiniiiuiiuiuiiiuiiiiuiiimii ' itiiiMiimniffiiniiiiviiiiiiiriMT) rwmt