The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, December 30, 1921, Image 2

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THE NEWNAN HERALD was the guest of Mrs. W. 6. Sadler NEWNAN. GA., FRIDAY, .DEC. 30. Wednesday, _ Miss Dot Sorrell, of Houston, Texus, Official. Organ of Coweta County. .. in, E. Brown. O. W. Passavant. ’ BROWN & PASSAVANT Editors and Publishers. The Horald oWee Is looatod In the Goodrutn Building. 12 Jaokoon Street. •Phono 6. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE »2.00 A YEAR IN AH VANCE. SENOIA. An event of unusual ilitorCBt to their many friomls was the marriage of Miss LonnU'Jones und Mr. 0. U Starr, which was solemnized Sunday cvonlng at tho home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. .rones, Itcv. Mr. Carey, of Fayottovllle, officiating. The eoromony took place in tho presoneo of only the immediate relatives of the brldo and groom and n few close friends. Mr. and Mra. Starr will make their home in Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Banks, of At lanta, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. L, Bunks. Miss Ena Tigert, of Nashville', On., is tho guest of Miss Georgia Mliy Har ris. / Mr. Clyde Nelson, of Birmingham, Ala., was tho guest of Miss ltomola DuvIh Sunday. Miss Virginia Farrar, of Atlanta, is '-the guest of Miss Annette Aloxandcr. Mr, and Mrs, E. It. EHtes and children .-spent Sunday at Gay. . ■Mrs. Mullls Einch nml Miss Francos Gray roturnod Friday to their home at, Bake Charles, La. Col. and Mrs. W. C. Turpin, of Mil ■con, spout Sunday with Dr. and Mrs W. F. Culpepper. Mrs. Frank Slbloy, of Griffin, was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Arnull Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hand hud as guests for tho holidays Mrs. A. J’. Moses and little daughter of Ohattnnoogu, Mr. and MrH. Harry Callaway of LaGrango, Mr, and Mrs. Gluts.' Moses of Houston, Tex., Messrs. Hugh and Jim Moscb of Atlanta, and Miss Elizabeth Lindsey of Barnes villc. Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Ingram on "tertainod at a turkey dinner Tuesday in compliment ■ to Mr. and Mrs. Hand’i guests. Mrs. .1. T. Tribble, of Jefferson, vis • Ited relatives boro this weok. Mr. and Mra. E. R. Bogle, who linvo -been visiting bore, returned to Nnslivillo, Toon., Monday. Mrs. Otio SusHor, of Newiian, is spond ing tho weok with relatives hero, Mr. Goo. Ware, Jr., of Atlanta,, is spending tho weok with Ids mother, Mrs, E. S. Ware. Mrs. Gussie Edwards’1b spending tho week in Atlanta, tho guest of Miss .Ellon jliser. Mr. ami Mrs. C. C. McKibght, Mr and Mrs, J. D. Hunter,. Mr. and Mrs Lee Hand, Mrs, A. J, Moses, Mrs. Har* ry Callaway and Mrs, G. L.- Bow wero , guests at; a b!x o 'clock dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dominick, of Tu .rin, Tuesday. Mrs. 0. B. McDaniel and children, of Nmvnuii, are spondliig tho weok with \ Mrs. W. S. Travis. . Mr. Wilbur Sasser,/of Atlanta, spout ■Sunday with Ids parent's, Mr. nml Mrs, H. B. Sasser. Mrs. J. W. Hogg returned Sunday .from Atlanta. Miss Mary Loo Hogg no* -eompaideir her mother home. Mrs. Sal lie Jones, of Zelnilon, is the .guest, of Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Jones this ' week. Col. C. H. A inn II. of Newnnn, spout the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Cora ■ ■ Arnnll. Tho college boys home for tho holidays are Messrs. Fleming Armill, Jim W. Ar- * nail, Frankie L. Banks, ltobort Steed, ; ■ J. B. Thurmond and Glonn Camp. Mr, and' Mrs,' B. E, MoKniglit'enter- ♦•'tamed «t n six.o’clock dinner Tuesday. ' 'Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. • J. H.. Jones, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Tribble, ■Mr. 1 and.Mrs. W. D, .Gibson and Mr. and . Mrs. Nixon Arnnll.* , -Mr. and Mra. Ponvy and children, who ■ have boon tho guosts of Mr. and Mrs. ... A. H. Jonos, returned to tliolr homo at _ Pinoliurst WodnoBdny. Mr. and Mrs, S. L. Jones, of Atluntn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. HI Jones. is the guest of Miss Leonn Lctson Wo are pleased to learn that Miss Mabel Andrews will be with us after Christmas, fjht; will take Miss Odom's plneo In the high school. ■ Mrs. C. 8. Colley entertninod lit a Christmas dinner Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Orr and children of Newiian, Mr, mid Mrs. Brack Blniock nml young son of Fayottovllle, Mrs. W. A. Ward, Miss Ella Zellnrs Word and Mrs. Margaret O’Kolloy of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Leigh nml Mrs; C. B-. Hntchor. After Jnn. 1 the Colley-Liimbort Co, will occupy the corner where the W. A, Bohannon Co. is now located. We will be pleased to sco all our friends at our now location. Many changes will be mndo, ami the prleos will bo inpro at tractive thnn ovor, At tho last regular communication cf .Grailtville Lodgfc, No. 285, F. & A. M„ lew officers wore elected for tho ensuing year ns follows— Luther Watkins, W. M. Paul Bugg, S. W. John Jenkins, J. W. Sowell Dixon, Secretary, J. A. Latimer, Treasurer. F. H.‘ Letson, Chaplain. Clarence Barnes, S. D. Aubrey Shnddlx, J. T). Walter Copelnad, S. 8. Ed Jenkins, J. S. .rolin Slmddli, Tyler. ; Mr. and Mra, Geo. Haynes, at Moreland. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Sprayberry, Misses Pearl and Buth Sprayberry, Mr. and Mrs W. L. Brimer and children, MrH. Otis Tarloton und baby, Mrs., B. L. For- rail mid children and Master Doris Sprayberry were spend-tlio-duy guests of Mr. aud Mrs. H. J. A. Sprayberry. in Newiian, Tuesday. . Mr E. M. Smith and daughter, Jmvol, of Madras, spent Saturday night with Mr. A. F. Smith. Mr, Tom Ferrell spout Saturday night with Mr. Onnlo Lnmbort, at Dodson. Mr. Stacy Moore, of Madras, and Mr. Albert Jones, of WoBt Point, visited our community Monday evening. Mr and Mrs. Pope Sewell, ot Itoseoe, and Mr. and Mrs. Boll, of Buchanan, wore guests of Mr. (and Mrs. Marion Sewoll Sunday. Mrs W H. Sewell spent a few days in Newiian last week with her sister. Mr. CliHB. Dukes, of Dodson, is visit ing Mr. Harris Dukes. ' ' “Grandpa” Moore is on tho sick'list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sprayberry and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, H. J. A. Sprayberry,-in-Ncwnun school department with a weenie roast. Each occasion was thoroughly enjoyed by the pupils. „ Mrs. 0. N. Strong, and daughters, Buth und Nancy Leigh, visited Mr. und Mra. F. a. Watkins, at Decatur, tills weok. We are glad to report llttlo Aiiun Summers’ condition much improved tills week. Hera's hoping that Tho Herald and its renders will have a happy, prosperous Now Year. o- Court of Ordinary of said county for lotlers of uilmlntstratlon on the estate of Mrs. Snlllo Howell, deceased, all per sons concerned are' required to show cause 111 said Court by tho tlrst Mon day In January next. If any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Dec. 5, 1821. J. A. It. CAMP, Ordinary. Twelve Months' Sun port. GEORGIA—Coweta County: The return of the appraisers sotting apart twelve months' support to the family of J. W. Summers, deceased, having been (lied In my Office, all. GRANTVILLE. ((Items from Colley-Lnmbort Company’s Weekly Trado Bullotlii.) , Mr. Walker K. Love, of Burlington, N. C., speut several days in Grailtville •this week. Mrs. A. M. Fuller spout Monday with ■ her sister in Atlanta. Mrs. Ida Sewell, of Alexander. City, Ala., is the guest of Mrs. Willie Mno Sowell. Miss Blanche Lambert, who is teaching at Yntesviilo, is at homo for the holidays, Mrs. Carter Worley and little son, Carter, jr„ of Elbortau, and Mrs. .Ins. Adams nml llttlo daughter, Beth, ‘.of "Tignnll, nre with Mrs,; T. A. Andrews tills week. Miss Elizabeth Farley, of Columbus, is the guest of Miss Love Fonder. Mrs. Oscar Boss and little daughter, • of Atlanta, wero guests of Mrs. Clydo Lambert Wednesday, Mr. Jim Ponder is at home for the holidays. , Mr. Sewell Dixon spout Christmas with his parents wt Buford. Mrs. W. W. Mnreliniit, of Orangeburg, S. a, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. T. White. Miss Laura Brooks, of Columbus, spent a -few. days this week with Miss Clara Bruscli. Miss Cordio Hopson, of Atlanta, and Mr. Clifford Hopson, of Selma, Ala,, were guests of their mother, Mrs. W. F. Hopson, Inst! week. Mrs. John Latimer entertained the col lege girls at n dinner party Tuesday even ing. Those present wore Misses Sara and Leona Letson, Mnrtha and Lida King, Mildred Andrews, Annie' Latimer, Emiiy mid Mellie Zellurs, Blanche aud Frankie Lambert. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cline bad as guests at a family dinner Sunday Mrs. L. B. Cline, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Cline, Miss Katharine Cline, Mr. ami Mrs. •Jehu Market nml Miss Lillian Dye, of LaGrangc. Miss Clara Braseli spent Sunday and Monday with Miss Barbara Arnold, in Fnimetto; Mrs. Marshall Braswell, of Atlanta, TURIN. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Moses announce the birth of a daughter on tho 16th inBt. Oil Saturday. night last Mr. Paul Ar- ball’s store was burglarized mill goods to tho value of several hundred dollars were stolon, the tlilovos effecting i^n eh trnneo by breaking open tho roar door. On the same night tho depot at Sharps- burg was brokon into and. all the cash in tho drawer taken. No clue has been obtained ns yet that gives promise of leading . to tho apprehension of tho tlilovos. ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. TIiob. Shell nro rejoicing ovor the ndvont of a young son into their homo. Mr. A. A. Bees mid family, of New- nen, and Mr. J. B. Shell were guests Sunday of pel. and Mrs. R. W. Adam son and Miss Bobie Roes. The writer received quite a number of presents and kind romombraneos from friends during tho holidays, mul takes this opportunity to thank them, one and all. Theso friendly tokens choer. an old mail’s lionrt more thnn ho can express in words. On Sunday Inst we celebrated our ninoty-fiftli Christinas. So far as we know only two other men In the comi ty nro ns old—Rev. W. J. Cotter, of Newiian, nml Mr. Harrison Nixon, of Haralson. Tho formor is Hourly 100, mid tho latter 05. Those old citizens form an interesting trio." Tho remains of Mrs. Wm. P. Smith were laid to rest in the cemetery at Coke’s Chapel one day last week. She was a daughter of tho Into Judge Glonn Wynn, mid at one time n near neighbor of tho writer. Wo tendor to the ibe-' relived velutivos our sincere sympathy. .Mrs. E. L. Merrill wns delightfully oiitmtiiinod by her daughter, Miss Dora Morrill, with a surprise dinner party on Thursday of last week. The sitting and (lining 'rooms were artistically decorated with holly' and foliage plants. In the coutor of tho table was n handsome cake bearing lighted tftpors in ealobvution of M rs. Morrill’s birthday. CoVei's were laid for Miss Nora Pago, Mrs.' Jimmie Powell, Mrs. John Hunter, Mrs. B. M. Drake, Dr. and Mrs. E, L, .Morrill, An interesting social event of Inst weok was the marriage of Miss Mary Hunter, of Turin, nml Mr. Young Chest nut, of White Oak, tho coremony taking plneo at tlio. homo of the brldo’s pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Hunter; on Thursdny afternoon, 22d inst., Rev. R. S. Harris officiating. Immediately pre ceding the. coremony Mrs. Wm. ffuntor .sang “I Love,You,” accompanied by Mrs. Bobt. Dominick. To tho strains of “Mondolssohu’s Wedding March” tho little ribbon-bearers, Janet Hunter aud Will Christopher, entered. They were followed by the bride and groom; who Btood before an improvised ultar formed of ferns and Southern smtlnx while the minister performed ..the solemn rites which cemented their lives for weal or woo, Tho brldo wns attractively gown- mi in a traveling spit of bluo, with ac cessories to. match, and wore a corsage of brido's roses. Aftertho ceremony tho couple left for Atlanta on a Bhort wedding trip, and upon returning will be nt lmine to their friends nt White Onk. ’ - Mondny. , , , ... _ Several of our boys attended the Kp worth League, at Madras, Sunday night, Mr. a lid Mrs.. Ferrell, of Newnnn, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Alvnu Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown and baby spent Monday with relatives at ltieo. LONE OAK. The many Lone Oak friomls and rol- ntivos of Mr, Marvin Sewell were shock ed and griovod to hoar of his shdden death hi Atlanta on Christmas Day. He wns roared and Bpcnt. his early manhood here, and held a warm place in tho henrts of his friends. He belonged to one of our oldest and best families, and we ex tend our slncovo sympathy to the be reaved relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nall compliment ed tho young folks with a party Friday night. Needless to say, it wns much en joyed. Mr. add Mrs. Early Johnson ontortnin- ed informally Monday evening. Miss Willio WoodB, Miss.Buby Pew- ledge ami Mr. Norman Powledgo, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with rela tives hero, Mr. "Billy Powledge accom panying thorn home Mondny. V Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nall spent Sntnr- day night nud Sunday with Mrs. Haynes, at, Lutherville; Misses Lizzie Led and LaRue Wise, students nt tile State Normal School, Athens, are ppoiuliiig the holidays with hoinefolks here . MIhh Ruby Olvntt, who is attending Young Harris College, is nt home for a week or so. Onpt. Henry, W. Lee, who Ih profnssiii' of military training nt Clemson College, S. C„ is spending the holidays with rela tives here nml at LaGrangc. . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson, of Shiloh, visited relatives here Monday. Mr. nml Mrs. Ant Johnson,. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keith am) Mr. nml Mrs. Wnlbire, of Atlanta,'spent the week-mid •with Mr. mid; Mrs. Enrly. Johnson'. Misses Sarn Lee and- Floveifq Gnlpen- liev attended n Christinas celebration i(i Fayette enmity, at the school',taught by Prof. Will Speer. Mr. H. ,L. Cnlnoiinnr nud family- at tended the annual Christmas reunion nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Culpep per, in -Greeiiville, Sunday. ' MT. CARMEL. The Christinas tree at the school-house Friday nftornoou wbb laden with useful presents for both old nml young, nml, heedless to say, the occasion Was greatly enjoyed. • ' While engaged in a friendly tussle Tuesday Mr, Clifford Story foil und hurt his left arm, causing pniuful bruises. While cranking his car Thurs day the refractory . machine back-fired and kicked Mr. J. E. Wood, breaking ■throe of Ids fingers. These were the only accidents reported during the holi days. - Mr. and Mrs.' W. W. Robison and sons, Fred and Lee, and Miss Alice In gram, of Newnnn, spent Sunday with relatives here. Messrs. Henry Wood and Otis Houston spent Sunday night with Mr. Odel Hous ton and family, at Moreland, Miss Mnncllo Wallace, who is teach ing at Bethel, is spending the holidays at homo. Boy and J. W. Sewell, of Happy Val ley, are visiting their pncle, Mr. Aaron Sewell. Missos Mattie Pearl and (jussie-How ard, of Sargent,, spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Johnnie Johnson. Misses Nell Austin and Mattie Sue Bridges, our efficient t(inciters, nre spend ing the. holidays with liomcfolks at Sari persons concerned are cited; to show cause by the first Monduy In January, 1922, why said application for twelve Application For Leave to ,Se|| GEORGIA—Coweta County: .1. H. Simms, executor of the of John D. Simms, deceased, havlm, applied to 'the Court of Ordinary or said county for leave to sell lands or said deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause In s ,,,h Court by the first Monday In January next, If any they can. why said aonii. cation should not lie granted Tin- Dec. «, 1281. J. A. R. CAMP, Ordinary. gent'. given by Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Johnson Saturday night was g reatly enjoyed by the young people. o ; A writer tells how she undertook to subjugate a country school that hod got into a disorderly condition. She invited tlie mothers to come to the school, and discussed the situation with .them. It wns suggested that’they form a mothers club, -to meet at the school every two weeks. They were to spend, some time at eneli meeting listening to the children’s reci tntions, and examining specimens of their work. The result was that the cbil- d,reh became anxious to make a good ap penrnnee before the assembled mothers, and began to work hard • to read better, to spell more accurately, and to show up the best looking papers. The tone of tlie school was transformed. _ - . u. 1 0 ■ ■■‘■■a'ao.l “Mamma,’’ said five-year-old Archie ‘ come out on the lawn and piny foot- bull with me. ” ■ ‘I can’t piny football.” ' “Huh!” exclnimeij the little fellow, •“that’s w(iat coim>B of having a woman for a mother.V. i ———o-—I WELCOME. The holiday season is being pleasantly spent by,the people of our community. Tho ninny friends of Mr. Thos. A, Me- Koy, of Camp Jackson, S.C., will be sur prised to. hear Of his recent marriage to Miss Nearly, of Columbia. ex tend congratulations. Mrs. Lula Summers is spending Christ inas with Mr. niid Mrs. L. W. Bowers, jr., at White Oak. Rov. and Mrs. F. J: Amis entertained at dinnor on Thursday of last • week, Among the guosts were four generations —Bov. F. J. Amis, Mr. C. M. Amis and Mr. Tom Amis and baby. Our school closed Friday ' for. a two' weeks’ vacation, and the teachers are spending the holidays at their respec tive homes.. School will resume on Jan. 2, On Friday each - teacher entertained in her room; Miss Copeland' had a Christmas tree, together with appropri ate oxorcisos. Miss Jolly„ served re freshments, consisting of. fruits, and. Miss Hnrville ontortained the. high The ensieBt wray. to become flu object of suspicion is 'to go to a small town where you nre unknown and attend strictly .Ho your onto, business. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fe ver and LaGrippe. It’s the most speedy remedy we know. New Advertisement*. Legal Notices. , Letters of A4mi«lntratlon. GEORGIA—-Coweta County: SEJmmett Sowell having applied to the HAPPY VALLEY. Rescue came over Thursday afternoon and pluyod basketball against Happy Valley. Happy Valley mndo tho Rosuoo champions ashamed of themselves, and they'went back with long faces. Happy Valley can’t be bent at anything. Miss Mario Brimer gave a party Mon day night, which was greatly enjoyed by those presont. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell, of Now- mill, spent Saturday nightwith Mr. mul Mrs. .1. W. Sprayberry. Misses Lillie Maude, Emma Kate and Mattie Lou Lambert, of Dodson, spent Monday night with Misses Annie Lou mid Ora Dukes. Mr. and Mrs. Olinrlie Turner mid chil dren, of Surgont, are spending n few days witli relatives here. Messrs. Thomns and Joe Brant. Lang, of Atlanta, spout Suday mid Monday with homefolks here. Mr. mul Mrs. Bobt. Moore, of Locust. Grove, and Mr. Ernest Moore, of Chatta nooga, are spending tlie holidays with their parents. Mr. mul Mrs. W. .1 Moore. Mr. and -Mrs. Bob Ferrell and children spent tlip week-end with relatives in Newiian. Mr. nml Mrs. Glenn Sewoll and son spent tho week-end with Mr, Dave-Sowell nml family, in Atlanta. Mr. mid Mrs.- S. G. Dukes and chil dren, of Dodson, spoilt Monday - witli Mr and Mrs. W. P. Dukes. Misses Sarah Starr, Ruth Starr, Pearl Smith, Buth Tarleton, Hattie Mae Lang, and Mr, Tommie Lnug spent Monday with Miss Georgia Starr, at Roscoe. Misses Mary Sprayberry and Erma Lou Brimer were dinner guests Sunday of Miss Venn Redwine, near Rico. Mrs. OGs Tnrloton and daughter, Frances, of Atlanta, are spending the hol idays with homefolks here. Mr. mid Mrs. Clarence Sewell spent- the week-end with the latter’s -parent The firm of FULLER BROS, has been dissolved by mutual consent, and the business formerly conducted by them will be carried on by A. L. Fuller. It has been a pleasure to serve you the best we could in' the past year, and we thank you for the business we have enjoyed. We ask for your patronage in 1922, on the basis of goed merchandise, fair prices, quick service and courteous treatment. With Be* Wishes for 1922 A. L. FULLER Always the best ualue in automobiles for the money NOW BETTER THAN EVER! Four-34 2-passenger Roadster.. $1045 Four-35 5-passeriger Touring. 1090 Four-36 Coupe -1—_ —. 1465 Four-37 5-passenger Sedan........... 1570 Six-44 Roadster... .i._ 1540 , Six-45 5-passenger Touring'..1570 Six-46 3-passenger Coupe.2085 Six-47 5-passenger Sedan. 2375 Six-48 4-passenger Coupe .1 —2280 Six-49 7-passenger Touring. 1 1770 Six-50 7-passenger Sedan .......... 2595 PRICES DELIVERED IN HEWN AN W. Y. BARNES NEWNAN, GEORGIA BIiTICK DEALER l • , , _ * • • ■ • , >V' • For-Coweta, Heard and Meriwether Counties WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM b Notice ot OlacharEe In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United, States, fbr the Northern District of Georgia No. 7578. In Bankruptcy: In re Grover C. Moore, Bankrupt; ■ A petition for discharge having been filed In conformity with law by above- named, bankrupt, and the Court hav- . ing Ordered that the hearing-upon said. I petition be had on'January 21. 1922, at ten o’clock a. m. at the united States District Court-room, In .the city of-At- lanta, Georgia, notice is- hereby givieh' I to -all creditors and other persons In Interest to appear at said time and place and show cause, If my they have, why the prayer ,ot the bankrupt tor discharge should not be granted. O. C. PULLER. Clerk. sincere appre ciation for the custom we have enjoyed in 1921, and with a firm resolye to continue to merit your trade by the exercise of every ef fort to make your business relations with us eminently satisfac tory from every stand point, we wish to each , * ' ■ i . ■ ■ • and all of our friends and patron's, a — COMPANY f O JACKSON ST. PHONE 47