The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, December 30, 1921, Image 3

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p THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1021. J2i Mrs. Mike Powoll onteitainoil with u masquerade party at the Country OIUli on Friday evening last. All the guests wore character, costumes, ami for the best ones prizes were given Mrs, .1. T, Kirby and Mr. Bryan Blackburn. Those best masked were Mrs. Loyd Brndfield, of LaGrauge, Mrs. Tom Fisher, Mr. J. T. Kirby, and Mr. Itussell Welkin- sen. Dr. W. G.'Lee, of Macon, and Mr. Jnek Powell wore awarded prizes in an other contest. Those who assisted in. en tertaining wore Mrs. Annie F. Orr, Mrs. R. 0. Jones, Mrs. jW. G. Post and Miss Nelie l.ob Walton. The club rooms were beautifully decorated with Christinas bolls, holly and ferns. In front of the mantel was a large Christmas tree, with lighted candles and a gift for each guest. About fifty couples were invited, Little Billy Smith, of 1)4 Jackson street, called twelve of his young ploy- mntes to come over to his liouso Saturday afternoon.- To thoir surprise ho had in- Vited Santa Claus, too. After several games Santa invited them into an ad joining room, and from a bcnutlfvU Christmas treo presented onch with u Christmas remembrance. He then served fruits and cundios from the pack on his back. Those invited were Kate Hardy, Sara .lane Holbrook, Ethel Stnllings, Mhry Lillian Camp, Mary Willie Bowen, Lula Tgruer, Roy' Power, Robt. Hol brook, .Ins. Stripling; T. G. Hamilton, 01ms. Farmer, Fleet Hardy. —To our friends^, and' customers, (and we hope all our customers are our friends, and that all our friends will be our customers,) we give thinks for their patronage in 1921, and hope that 1922 will bring them happiness and permanent prosperity, assuring them that we will continue to give that personal, individual attention to their needs that makes it pleasant to have their appreciated business. J R. PARKER 5 SPRING ST.—-PHONE 43 J. Wishes all his friends and cus tomers a happy New Year, and thanks them for their patron age in 1921, hoping for its con tinuance, with the assurance that it will always be the policy of his business To-make every transaction worth while to the Customer. ; €) On the job in 1921- Still More so in 1922 Appreciating your busi ness always; asking, for more of it: We Thank You Miss Augusta Maim entertained at [meeting with Mrs. H. C. Flslmr ; leader, rook Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Miss Corinno Sltnrll. Bradley Davis, of West Columbtn, Tost., Circle" No. If—Attendance, 0; next the guest of Mrs. T., B, Davis. The meeting with Mrs. Ed Owens; leader, homo was prettily decorated with the Mrs. Kate Hardy. Christmas colors—red and green. After I Circle No. 10—Attendance, 0; next the .game a delicious salad course was meeting with Mrs. R. W. Jackson;'leader, served. The guests included Mrs. TUob. Mrs. Jim t’iko. A. Avcirn, of Rocky Mount, N. C„ Mrs. Circle No. 11—Attendance, 10; next Wm. Banks and Mrs. Stowart Colley, of meeting with Mrs. .T. R. King;'lender, Grnntville, Mrs. J. R. King, Mrs. KogorIMr^ H. C. Glover Bryant, M rs. Sam Cook, Mrs. J ns. Trap- Circle No. 12—Attendance, 28; next- nell, Mrs., Myron Farmer, Mrs. Robt. mooting with Mrs. J. K. Lewis; loader, Marini Mrs. J im Fnrmor, Miss Francos Mrs. Evans. Arnold and Miss Ethel Arnold. | Circle No, 111—Attendance, 22; next meeting with Mrs, J, C. Ozmoro; lender, Miss Atlmgciie Kersey was the cluiriii-1 Mrs. W. (1. Ozmoro. ing hostess for her Sunday-school class, Circle.No. U—Attendance, :t; next .the 11 Willing Workers,” at n Christmas meeting at the jail; leader to be appoint- tree party Monday evening at liof homo od from Circle No, 111., on Robinson street: Games wero played, Circle No. 15—Attendance, !); next and then the tree was called on to givo mooting with Miss Jennie Cates; leader, up its present/!, end) young. Indy roeeiv- Mrs. Roswell Atkinson.- , ing a gift friiii tho teacher, while the Circle No. 10—No report; next moot-, elnss mode mi appropriate gift to her. lag with Mrs. Reckmmi; lender, Mrs. A delightful evening was spent, and E 0. Reese. % everyone .thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. Union service of the "Woman's Prayer • - ■ . Circle Sunday uftornoon lit J o’clock, in Mrs. Wolhom Davis ontortalnad with the Methodist, elmrcli. All members arc a Christians tree Saturday afternoon for urgently requested to nttem). her little danghtor, Mary Powoll, and for Col. nmi Mrs. Orman Powell’s two A TRIBUTE TO RACHEL MASON, children. Others invited were Mrs. O. Measured by Christ’s standard, "He W. PnBsnvnat, Billy Pnssnvant, Mario that would be. greatest among you, lot Nolan, Miss Aanlo Powoll, Mrs. Lynch Iiiim serve," site was great beyond our Turner and young danghtor, Lula, Mrs. I understanding. Robt. Mnriii and little danghtor, Bessie. Day in and day out, slm was a servant Toys were given the children, and hot nearly, nil of her inoro titan seventy years, chocolate niul cake wore served. | faithful; cheorful, efficient. How many hundreds of visitors at. the W. A. Bran- An onjoynblo affair of tho wook was I noil’s have epjoyed the food lior skill a six o ’dock dlijfior given Tuosday by glorificil; and, as j ‘ Mammy ’ ’ aim was Miss Boyce Rowland, covers being laid endlessly kind and patient witli the dill for. six. A silver plateau, on. which rest- droll. Homes were liora for the taking, od a put-glass bnskot filled with roses, but she chose to spend hor last yours lit formed tho central docoratlon of tho tlie County Farm, whore she was comJ table. The guests were Misses Gladys fortnblo and happy. ' and Evelyn ^tooro of Roseoo, Mrs. J. E. Rnehcl Mason was. a philanthropist. Travis of Chattanooga, Messrs. Verliri She took into her homo an orphan boy Reid,- L. B. Millions nmi Hardy Johnson, and brought him up t.o a .useful jimnliood . —ono wlio had no claim of kiusmji, So Col. mid Mrs. Orman Powell and ehil- far as I may bestow titles, I prefix the, dron of Corpus Cliristi, Texas, Miss beautiful word "pleasant’' t ‘ to her Lutlo Powoll nmi Mr. Billy Powoll of name. Pleasant Mnson she wns (delays, Atlanta, and Mr. Steve Powell of Flor- for the thirty or more years I had kiiowri 5 ! idn, nro spending the holidays with Mi-s. her; never too sick, never too tirod, to Stovo Powoll. answer in a plensant voice when spoken —t— I to; nnd to look at. you with a srnilo. Mr. and Mrs. Lum Swlnt of Macon, I Could ariy tribute be too groat for such Mrs. Rebecca Carson of Atlanta, and a. person f Mr. Tom Lumpkin of Bnrnesvillo, spoilt This "faithful, good, useful Christian several days Witli Mrs. Jane Swpit this nogro woman who passed into tho other week. life Dee. £1, lived a life in this county ' —-— , for upward of sevonty yenrs tlmt in its Mrs. L. R .MjlUnns' had as dinner excellence and usefulness niul beauty whb guests Wednesday Mrs. J. Ei.Travis, of an oxnmpln fit for nil to follow. Chattanooga, Miss Boyco Rowland, Miss Lily Reynolds*. Gladys Moore and Mrs. J. B. Moore. Moreland, Go., Deo. 20," 1021. , Rub-My-Tism, nn antiseptic and pain killer; for infected sores, tetter, sprains, neuralgia, rheumatism. Notice lo Debtors nmi Creditors. GEORGIA—Coweta Countys All aroiHtnt-s of tho ostnto of E. E. Wltldom. late of Oowota county. (In., doooasort, nro hereby notified to rondor In thoir donninds to tho undersigned iiooortllng to law; and all persons In debted to Bald estate are required to mako ImmedlAto payment to the un dersigned. This Dec. 22. 1921. J, IN CURBTON, Ailmn'r. Notice to Debtors nnd Creditors. GEORGIA—Coweta County: -A 11 creditors of tho estate of John D.. Rimma, late of Coweta bounty, Ga,. de- ooaHod, are hereby notified to render In their domnndn to the undersigned', nc.cnrdlng to law; and all persons In debted to said estate are required 'to- make Immodlato payment to tho un-' doi'signed. Tills Nov. 2B. 11121. .1. H. IUM.MS, Exeoutor. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Davis, of At-1 ' WHEN HEARTS ARE TRUMPS, lantn, ami Congrossmun Hatton . Sum-1 If you'hnvo no child of yotir own,-you liers, _of Dallas, , SRO'd. Monday | lnUB (. borrow or beg ono for Christmas ove; for it. is the time whoa the worl(l Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Arnold mid MImI’M* happiness with . a ahild"s .iav, Lyda Arnold, of Royston, aro guests of | J)"^ 8 f n r ,'„:' aaies VtulC0 ’ tbo Hindis Mr, and Mrs. T. G, Farmer, jr, ' " Mrs. Ella Brown. and State Jouriml. Only ii child may have tho right of way oil Christmas eVo. If you do not stand in with the children, you must stand aside. It is the hour when the world mnkos a cradle its shrine; when not only .wiso men from the East, hut grown-tlps .from all points, of the compass slip down over the hills of memory toward childhood’s dawn, sayiitg under thoir breath: "We. have scon His star in the East and nr' come to worship Him. What a wonderful tiling is this yearn ing of the old-world for the happiness of children - that elimaxeH at Christmas? Tho better side of Inunnn nature comes t<x tho front. Wo throw off our cynicism, Meanness is shamed into generosity, and for a little while on Christmas ove tho Mrs. J, E. Travis, of Chattanooga, is I ^8 ht '™(ls pf ear ( th liave^i look-in oil ppr- spending the liolidays with lier parents, |a 80- Tho young men members of tho Country Clrib will entertain with a dance Thurs day evening in honor of tho visiting young Indies. Miss Louise Hutehoson, of Decatur, is speeding a few dayB with her mints, | Misses Mary Lou and Julia Harris. MrJ Cliff Turner, of Now Orloans, was tho guest of his' mother, Mrs. J oo Tur-, I ner, for several days this week. Miss Vilda. Smith, of Detroit, Mich., I is tho guest, of Mrs. T. B. Davis, and I will spend sevfiral days liore. 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. j; Kite. Mr. E. J. Merck, of Covington; and Mr. Chaa.-.Morck, of Atlanta, aro guests of Mrs. C; A. Merck. Dr. nnd Mrs. Bradley Davis', of West Columbia,! Texas, nro with Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Davis this ,wcek. Miss Marie Taylor, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with! her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. L. F. Taylor. " Mr. and Mrs. Henry Israel and baby are visiting relatives in Boritli Georgia, MIbs Annie Davis, of Atlanta, was the guest this week of Mrs. Welborn Davis. Mrs. Roy Cole has returned from mpnth's Btny at St. Petersburg, Fla.. Mr. P. M. Martin is visiting friends at Andalusia, Ala., this week. : Mrs. Quin, of Macon, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Murray. C. . , ■' .f » . T Was there ever a sweeter cagornoss, a holier joy, a more heavenly anticipation, than that which all through the lihuso is felt on Christmas eve? Everyone is thinking of making somebody happy, Tho delicious soeretivenoss of it inten sifies tho thrill. Care Is forgotten. Ex pectation is ringing the bells. Pence is over all the world. And the lioto is a child. Thank God for children I "Of such is the kijigdom of heaven. ’ ’ It is a sin to disappoint a child. Thou it must please God when we make tho children- Miss Pirik Starr, who is teaching in happy, tlie public' schools at Greer, S. C., is If there is no child in your home may- spending the holidays with her mother, .bo thero is one,on your doorstep, wait- Mrs. 0. M. Starr. | ing for yOn to bo its saint on Christmas Cve. There are certainly some there in the Mr. C. Howard Candlor. and son, of street. They are looking at tho toys in Atlanta, wore guests of -Mg. Geo. J. Mur- tho wiridow with wistful faces, and won- tin Thursday. doring what the lover of children will ... .. .. - bring them. It is your time to nlav. Miss Mary Nall is spending a few (u , d hearts are trumps! days m Greenville, the guest of Miss | What a tragedy if a single child .in your town should have Christmas eomo Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mann and children | a "^ , B ° w ‘ t * l0u - t an ecstaey 1 are visiting relatives in Elberton this I 0 week. CHRISTMAS DOES NOT STAND ' < • ALONE. Rev Dr. Dadd M. Steele. If Christmas stood alone it would be uri idle mockory. But it does not stand alone. It is part of a. year. It is tlmt brief jieriod in which .the child rules tho world. It marks nowadays the culmination of a Civilization which has had a leading principle Tho selfish, the hard, the grasping and tho unsparing are out and, apart that one week from the great flowing tide of the development of the world’s progress. Tlie man or woman who does not know this, or see it, or feel Mrs. T. J. Williams visited relatives ** alien to the Christmas spirit, and Atlanta this week. . | to all the products wrought, by tho Christ spirit in the twpntv centuries last past. WOMAN’S PRAYER CIRCLE. Tlie attendance at different meetings aloud a prophecy. The message is that Wednesday .morning, together'witli meet-1 gentleness is stronger far than force nnd ing places appointed for next Wcdnes- j that tho geatest power on earth is the day, gre given below— compelling power of tenderness. Circle No, l—Attendance, 33; next Every Christmas treo is lit with that meeting with Mrs. Puttie Drake; lead- light. The great flood of presents bears er, Mrs. C. C. Owens. > this ns its message. The cheer and char- Circie No. 2-,-Attemlance, 16; next ity of the whole season are fed by this meeting with Mrs. Emmett Thornton; love. leader, Mrs- Geo. Meyer, t If the result of this process in only a Circle No. 3—Attendance 9; next century tlower, however, or one that meeting with Mrs. L. S. Reese; leader, I blooms, even only once a year, then of Mrs. Reese. what nee is this more than that, this Circle No. 4—Attendance, 13; next grotesque fqet than that stranger plant i, meeting with Mrs. T. J. Fisher; leader, It is a curious phenomenon only, n hot- Mrs, Bam Hill. I house spectacle ami not an 'abiding food Circle No. 5—Attendance, 7; next | product, meeting with Mrs. Jack Powell; leader. Miss' N. L. Walton. Circle No. 6—Attendance, 27; next meeting with Mrs.' J. R, Cox; leader, M CTrdo R Na 0l 7—No report; next moot-1 wiU break a Co,a > Fever and Grippe ing with Mrs, Gug Bpratling;. leader, quicker than anything we know, pro- 66 6 Account Books FOR THE- NEW YEAR Every business will need Account Books to strart the year, and we in vite your attention to our line, the most complete in Newnan, consisting of cash books, ledgers, either single or double entry, (of all sizes) day books, journals, memo books, etc. You will find prices more reasonable than you expectly. , Better look over your office sup plies, and stock up from our store. We l\ave it. We hope all our friends will have a happy and prosperous New Year. J.R.McCalla Announcement - —On and after January 1,1922, we will conduct our business on a Cash Basis. This change has been made imperative by conditions with which you are all familiar. —We sincerely appreciate the pat ronage we have enjoyed, not only in 1921, but in all the years since our business has been established. Under the cash system we will make every effort to merit a continuance of that patronage, 6y continuing, to sell only merchandise of the best quality, at prices as reasonable as can be made. —It has always been our pride to sell goods we believed in—goods we knew would bring satisfaction to the purchaser as long as they had them. We will continue to sell such goods, and we want you to feel that you are not only getting good merchan dise, but also good values. —To each and all we extend hear tiest wishes for a happy and pros- ‘ perou*> New Year. Barnett-St. John Company