The Fairburn sentinel. (Fairburn, Ga.) 1871-1872, July 21, 1871, Image 2

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.&|if fairli.iuiit El>rT<(u.v*T*o , n r *:{9 f v,' (CeosGii, . ffm a,h*7i .uamai ' .■ Bfamlng. ■ a-« 'Cn.xrti IJttii, Ga, Jtd? IS, H7l. notice tiavifrg been jjivfii ,fgr ft tttilrmwi minting to convene nt *tt>is place to diy, quiteafifttwlxT of t fe cit ix> no from wsrlotas -part* of thi# (T)<n'igltt«"s finality .wore present. Aim, <>! Campbell ntid other vouut c». - , . On motion of M. Edge, Esq t Mujot 2. A. Rice wn» called Jo the'chair, must. •M Edward* nrH 0. f -Soflfftttr-Artjffe •quested tnaet p* wcr'tnrfea. Major &&-, th* n explained the .widest «f the 4poeUfiff, .wldqh is t<* consider the prospect of the Georgia Western R t a?!rond passing through this /Cooiitjr.nnd to offer soch inducements ;t> gegstd to the tight of way &)£. Mihacrrliiug funds for the building of said road as the people of thc-pouiity may feel able and willing to do. On motion of J. M. Sdge, Esqthe chairman a /tumqilttee of three to repeat MtUabie .matter for the consideraliwp the meeting. The ,Committee «ppsd»ted were J. M. Edge, jM. M. Smith and 3. B Lore. ..While the c<BSrnittoe ware preparing /their report, Col. R, J. Toggle, of Camp hell, in rpspotyie to a general request, addressed ilie meeting upon the Impor tance of the entpr.pi.ise, in jrl.ich lie presented In a eery clear and -forcible ( mannerof a^T|« ( ntj»ges and benefits i (that would accrue from said road when J . ■ {.t l|ke 4}«wc’i».si..n of Col. Tuggle’s I spceift. the dLrnm'lt tse offered the fol*. j lowing jrao'uUnn, to-wit: 1. Resolved, That we will grant the ,right, us way tu the Georgia Western jßiiiil,ro:iil thraigh Douglas comity, and extend- all the aid and facilities in our jji'iwer to the,company. 2. Resolved, That we Dir,tier xqcow mend to the.qqrop.gny |o cross dlm/Jhat tah/inqbqc t ( lie <4 Sweet wttjter Ctttkj whvfeby ,tlio rontj! will .pass the great watyz power wu as jtlm old Jhc qtoMJhatti rrtWt* now in operation <>n jthat stream, tlaMkce near tint faotory ytnd mills on Anawakee creek, thence jby the jp.til!s and great water power Dojf rircr, SituJ mi the southern of tluc counf.y, in the twain direction ;vs indie tied by tint Hoard of Directors. * 3 Rof'lviri, That aronum'tee ofnine he appointed to solicit subscription for flso, to seen re the right of ,y/ay, and to eo-open. wtitit the Board of Director# of said contemplated road The above resolutions were received and separately con tillered and each adopted. The chairman appointed a committee of lution, i) ( mj on ion, the chairman added the committee After the adoption of (he above reso lution:! ihe Rev. 0 K. Moor ivaa loudly geperudy ci lb-d foY to address the. meeting; fist recorded in Ids useal eloquent and impressive style, In which Jie present) (1 vuti'.its valid restm,.# why ’ ( 1 he people of this county should *ub« jffHiiao liberally to this road. „Vt t!i» conclusion of this speech, a committee was up ointed to prepare a (form for stock, which was prepared and adopted by tbu meeting. The meeting was largely attended,. particMibuly by the unn»t wealthy and inOorptial citizens of the county. A g«H,d deal of enthtirtiasni and interest ;vas manifested, and in tl.c main, it* action an« sswtipient was hamonious. F’ use littu 1 differener of oppiiy.ii c niatcd as to the most unit i!>' • route for the ro»f} to pass thrwugli the county, but all manifested, a willingneso and deter initiation to ms, to the full extent of their means, the enterprise, provided it is located through thi* comity. On motion, it was resolved to ha»*i the pioceediuga of this meeting pub* Msbed in the city papers of Atlanta, also in the Taimjcrs Sestint’.. The meeting then adjourned to meet again at thip p'*c**, on Saturday the 22d inat. Z A Kiev, Ch'n. M Kpw/bds, ) 3l . clcUrlrs I’. Bow EM, J ytuo* Fever jm Socth Cmottva Charleston C<’«irier, of the 16th, pava; Dr. R >pert Lobby, City Regis par;m<*nt, n trip to Bullrivor last week, »iid rued Friday night. He says the et * Undent p nntde by the ikaufo-d tit***, that tUo;,e yellow feaver on U»*il»cr, was b*sed on a casn of bilMoufr fever, beca«*o it had strong features of that type. The clcvn vessels at that point were all visited and carefully inspected, and found io be fne* us aickneas. The two vossels, one from New York and the other from Savannah, .which bad been '.l'd at were released. I Y "**, July SO.—At the Irish .meeting night Sir, Stephen Jus-gf j Meniy wa# the principal speaker ! He naked,- **H/»w can we avenge the 1 blood of tlic men which has been sln and ? Cuw are we to iwctwe propei prop c> tl-B in this.eoontry for Hie men f otn imthlttg’sm rule this city ? Mevei ! w**t !- tu ter !” 'Jlmll .u- Wednasday last tnr fw-rruititcil sgjpnv? Xevi-r ! »i TerV Wheiivbe-pctw.ibe dend of Weduewlajr ..hi*.blood curled In hi* «oul, anfl he prayed to G,-i that he miglit live so see tluridsy wimn the net jvottld be revengeii. [Oboer*. J It Wna hard tir *cc nrun-d J Rnftt pinking down jiaoCctrt rnen. *iid Wn fnuti for the crime yf looking-n , l'i*iui|i Orangemen, Women -had hoCn -lu.vti I widow* mid oliildi-cn ur-phai* fvr ,ifb‘- 1 caprice of nip; mw -vti Mhtvtiy., iwho ■ cami! to Slew rtev.dke-the ibu mane 'Uil'-r us /t he ildivy-o-r, (f A virtue *- "Hang hiiy mi •tlwHlrt«jp ! pu*t , f , ’'J ' •"'fkp, no, my ft lend-; J (p;l«dtje rttfiwtf ifeirt every drop us \slw£ tslmd -on i owt -d.^v' shall be legally nawrngod it!l»ew-g,e law in Xew Tut'h.'. ’ W*-WV’r '•gfhicitu/ri •rgnnized -r-ii6*M itw 4v * Irish .cttiuwis, «nho4n»v? ftwtWift Ao.-wp-' hold the iWf A'he 'Giriit«d' Stntes. jTiw moat yiKihfUk *o*Ai p>r.ocese'Ums -in fu t o rq. '© wihwlW never ngai-n -recajis-e wotes */f il4#lwoen ; i.»-r! pevsMjl T-t-e W * Tivi'is IcitAiir -ssys In -'la- Anppreairt.-. *4 iflhc Pattiis KUurwotum-, Sft,'! 000 fdwMtrs -w.ere w»g!ldArtid, jirv 'j eluding .€,Bo® -wuiuenn .mod .erti'iili’Jinie Xirirty ipris'»uer* •*»«*,.■ itn!k«vi,' and the p law *-ae iuifki trg fig more. AtBAVT, .fully fas* X/aip w.-is thrown (from by a I>roc«-« rail. All ;l j i t e Xonc »f Ifte Vfr-ys - Ibiirl ! tbongli the itr'sw tuinirte. Mnwrm.x, i,*ly yes-er day mowing ji.yi'a-y.a itJwsitiU mu tbo M*;ri|f.|i- Oiud <*)t.a-t.les-pn Itsidn jid one «a«t .of 4/ga«iij Jniftciliioiu,— 1 lie cas4 ws-rd hot.ort train, I'v^iiii.;iterti der, 4i*ggttg*> and two p ***#»£#* #»** wet nt Into « ditch, klilti.wg (fitilUljs, tbu engineer, aud Mwtg.Mijt-ry, » rnan. Vwver-d IDS S%'| ihiVint Tlae Irish mjaia* taeettiiAyf in New York lost n-Igt f.wtaed fiw.rtsi tion* d<‘n»nufcti)ig for permit ting <l*e (irag-emgw jsrot't*- sit'll. , '■■ ■ r There was nil eartl.qiiack at Coliflord, N. H., to-ds)-. The shock wt bo sevoru n* to riag chtirch btljji. A distinct earthquake shock of four seconds was fill at Portlanh, Mil., oru- o'clock yesterday m. ruing. Havin' t, July ‘fij —A dispatch from Boston says: There was a seven'earth quake this morning. Saco and Biddel ford were well shaken. No damage repotted. The shock was severe at brntwwi. k. A mux / iT.u.LY vyuiiMKi —The Rich mond (Va ) Whig, of the ‘ifili itjjßta/it, saya that a getdWm»|D Us ;’i,ig in Wilki*n C iuntv, N C, sold land to a neigl.bor for J 1.000 Business calling him away soon after,'he hft the money with his wife Do ri turning he stopped i.ver at night with a fiiend 'yii m.Jep fr-m ilia hum-'. Hejrea ped that rpcti bad e:.- to red his lions-, innrderwd his wife atid two children, st-den his motley,- and destroyed his property. He *hk- and a peddler to accompany him ut once to bin lux e. Qo anivitig he found his wife murdered, .Uvi t\v« .men counting out the mopey he had left with her.— He and the peddler being armed, fired upon the men and killed They turned out to bj tin- nop to j whom he had sold the land him son An old lady rcasTsm item In one of the pipers the other day, deserihing how a grindstone burst in a saw factory and killed four men. She happened to remember than there was a sutaii grind stone down in the cellar, leaning up against the wall. So she went nut and go* jo accident insurance policy, and then, moiling her -servant girl, and holding the pie board in front of hor, so tu at If tin; thing exploded her face would not be injured, she had the stone take 1,1 out in the ylley, where twenty-four bypkets of water weie jhrown on it, and a stick was jtuck in the hole, bearing a placard ‘dangeyo«*.’ j She says it* a mercy the whole house was not blowtj tq pices by the thing before this. To Kuits Nwjiutssu —A New Ussnd shire gentleman says: "Taka two large tablespoonful* of coUrgioe and two toaspooufuls of tine salt- mix «b- m togptlwr in a smail bottle; every time yon liaye an acute afli-rtion of the facial tierces, or neuralgia, simply breathe the fumes in your nose trotu the bottls snd youj- ji/iti be immediately i-cfisved. Oxa SrjiTs.y-.i ini tnbor pf tho . Ar- I k« nn*s legislature, iu. spi'ivXitigptrsi extraviigaut ai, nxclnimi and: ■‘Oetiil.flii n,talk ‘a(!< q-imte cimpr-naati'iH of public-eerr.nii ; w .y, sir, during the.late wsr I was i I thirty-iCven--butth'S, w»* .'vuund |tl ifK-en tna; * |;i U ! ntitl th ww/tiy:vw»y3 i ci-ivi-d *.o tje !-fMl»rs.i(i Confederate money, ’in irt-of-wich'l gale for one glss t . jtry.- wtri.-rkcy ” -~— ! Mrs Amy Melissa L:une;., v'4f<T oi j Morgan fl L -in-.-y, f-xyiei ly of iliis State, cl.iud id CMUAlitiipitip- •*; Fayette .vIRCj Ai k in*<n<, on thi‘ 2!)ti< of Jun< last. 3he Jgts a M .Ss _s•. ek, an I wi ll uwght .npft'!io;'i',f ; ( < c. ji .<} . A criiAty old i.i.i n-i i .’ic:' •’•lUsv-v ’‘-i i* wri tcin and busirnvs,*e<>n*its' •iitig- ..(f * ji*tile ai;ig.biiig, a-little an vu-v, * Urtle dywg, mid » deal us .lying ’ 'l't vW'.m* j*S> ihql :i.i 'Munlg., Ala rMt**' swijr ;i,ip»! 'W. i*k l *r-»u ( [joapiwiii# if,. JWilMi ■* (firiltti iWk-sfov/fro I twtjf kftir s*kWWvt , F»is . - ; I TS . ’ S-NWSSwsra k*l>rwt- .Suu>rfl4 1-871. MlftH VjV&i' (5 *i<l»Wi "S;)t)f.l**ii<l ■ Jtvmtiiy *oUixWor.--wwiy i|)Sie,gi«.|i(tb*jisnic.«' *1 a/Vbitfk * !l* ,o>« *l|« Wivti iku-,«*-ffsilv- lUjfit.M su« iifflji!-’, -0 'K(orl>i:,r|i ill j»soI II.IH'IT p *»t jK..((S.)B’Bi YKRS,t»Vtf’y. * usas t*r v, * w '' WJM- )b« ai|tA Astor.r rbr Court fi<»Me <l«ir ir.liv. iUs»,4. ,ig * ni*. am <iU» ifkAt 'W .aurw -ul. nsii'jjf -w.itltln 081- mile,of IK* stbiMiie- >* *f mtum <ds*M4. bss «f ii» B*r, ,as> •w&Xi*f4 J-ud go<at w*l-*r . f K4,m l)ried Xnl^Vr', ri> *'.<sl anting srJIS Air «vml wit* rbe tlsK .«U*V *rjbsss« -DC Sff ;%M*ibs .or--it (CaW-auS «m-nb«f>taw.- A- MYfJAI-f*, . 3l*l -ttli fritsH*i# r*rm U»r s»ie TVfllt'KK ibHm .Irciii] •EioirUiru 'anj fTnirix jranfc.i'i • sini(>l '!►««- Mol itVm TraiisSi*in"» far.»i.,,est' *v <Vsoi#la) * ibw**i« .hi (arm htmslirstl 'stsl »i*qr SOr-w. lUnittv five seressf sylstikitl .IjoKi'Ui, ihWiO’ i«? sivrtb-VieiiniP. -i V.riling slid ouu rtiaw-H* w-nm HP* limn-v-meiit tv go-d .ir-MOtasw. a fib nils sll-wriSie* *'or fi|,rt‘ er iJiiMßKsmbiia 1 ss 'ill.«» M'mi SVaaitinra. *t bl» .re*i .ttnapr iw .vulfrssi Him. as .< -G. Jotitinsiu, JP*ir* linri-, Xi*, (l-.all oyufim*v <o-e a ti*r ‘ Ji'fltl FwhfMirs Mi-,’* Sritssl. ; 'iHttt it*t*.i;u»rs eS -rtu» ]n*tit-utj*n wall. *c I. r-Miwwi-iliaiu Uvmli,r.,'Uif 24 h iuH., in»i«.i* ,1/ itiUe list *tmd*v An »»* •m at It l-sd is nor ,cm ftWUnr.. .'W-wsei rremi wt from the State sa *ai iMm Clc*»iW*ii lohiio! L».w will be t r#u iT-Mlrti SH»* rat'll pihgil * Amount Os latrfliß, ymsaoM. WSU ibt'beta WuiiH for the ramsw-fl'-r IS# osiaona- »eCHT‘lin| W Itie rsltt piit hsh-* im iV'-y is/ cY>.!tlr«f uu x*vewt<- .catiAnt fin*.» more ; iiKAj-Oty loeatioa in Uir State. !in»r:l »v ?b*»P or cheay.r iban »av itinn In lll* couotv! j - Lm£ k Mom vs, Aeauciaie Te-i firt/v. Rfftfeiibo— try di. Goo If. put /or ja Boy and Alible,! ON W-d.-ehlajt. the t'Jik Inst., Johu H, Pei well ItW-my b-u«e witveny -male wilh the frtuuei: to rtlurn the pext npirmnif, Was jia' o .the n«xt day in en.l F»irbuin Hying to sell tin- male. is sappoesd is he making Ui- « r > to where be hat t-een living iiir th*• lust lour month*. The Hoy ia oboat lS y- ari oVI IHt l,g -ff above the knee Sark eves, ilark bwr ria/k ci Vi|*l xion. rvell grown wei .bmg about l£ i the. The mule ,« , me'lium site horse b*r color tiranSeS’oa txrth slisiilSers wilh the lettrr 0 and baa iwo white •a-Mt e on left ride ei back ottfl cue on tb« right. - Any information so that I oan get my male ye,tt lie Oian-. UI.J rec-i-- - sod *tu|,lv r waril e-t, iIKAH A. l OVtIU . .. County Litiiij Up. (la. vi .i li Q NS i W \ <iOX 4t ii a . C . ROGERS, tlEAl.r* 1M Saddles, lIatHCM, Carriages, SUHM.t NtKUWtitE, etc., t»o 1:1 ft opp-'f'te she K'inti-I; ll<m>a IN n Idlti >u <0 inv former st ek, f hjiv-' juti rtceive-l from 'ho " MILLBL’RN WAGON COMPANY, - ’ a cat In*.l of iron *vle Wagona. (one *nd two, horse wsgiutf.) Amjiig IHe loi I have to t-x --hibit on sale tlie WJ.IOW (Lctvi* Patent 1W0.) 11l *f be wnrrnttted, and t«»r u ain*»M of work.'dur» bililv.FNtc , mul prices exccedmg low, they c«n. not be excelled in umrktf Fanners and citi?r- ns ueDerallr. ; n the «nr* rOpHMJiug country, will do wHi to tali and * x araint Vies% r* making tueir purchase®. -\RW YORK. 4» TfJlf K I Ge"!igu Tll£ WO W OS D Ell LAPIK> FINE FANCY GYPdEY HATrf at *1.50. Other style! At Yorlx Cos/* t,«rli*«’ Walking rtbo*< »» tbe low price <;f II -hi p«r pair. A Fine Ul of Drew CeAi at (act! Xloalid 18 ct* ; l.euo and 30 ct»., and everything in our store at - on.— Call soon.*- those inducem- nta vt ill he eitended no longer than the tint of Anga-t ne*!. HY need money aad must have it. Cos ■ e and hsy a bargain. W. 11. ANDREWS, W. T. ROBERTS. j 1 111 in Saleeoen. Gcargls, foaophetl faulty. F-ijl V W FtJC* Alter date, applicatien will be made to the.Couriof Oidinarv, of taid cmnty, at the tires regular teim alter ripire tion ol four week* t.'nh, thie notice, for Gave to ail the lands to-wit: Up. Oat Hundred aud Fify Two flil). One Hundred and Fifty three t (153). and One Hundred and eixty e ght. con taining in all three honored and thirty (font nerve more or le«», all in the 7ih District ol originally now Campbell c-unty. Also Lour acres off-•! lot No. the 9*b Oiitirtct ol Fayeitc now Cumj.beli coun ty, iKslo- gtiig it-c estate 01 Beiijamiu Hend late of said county deceased, for the benefit el heir* aud creditors of said deceas-d. Tki> July 13, 1871. J(,»UN N. BQRUM, jH4t Executor Xt-o R, R. . HAD WAY’S HKApY BELIEF (CUES THI. WOftsr J'A.D* ■ Tr«* «f t t* T v*tpr IlMtrt. f ter leadinv this ndvertiseinent need Any On. r BUFFKK WITH PAIN. tADWYY S READY REIIEF W A CURE ' FOB EVERY PAIN Mt was the first ana * hr Only Khm Kr^viy 1 ‘ a’.oily stop- ihe-nnv-t - xrvuu.Ai na i. s. ml*. » I’.fla .inniiions, and/t)r>-^y u, l*v* t'li'i, w*' her of th t.u gs siotnacb. IJi wei «J other g suds >ror-ju«», by me. -pfiUa itioii IHFRCIM g.\f 10Tp’.tiNTY MINUTES no nis*t<*i howwion-fit or excrue.nt'tig the pan. 'he -.IIEUMATIC.It and r;,,lnfirm CV I pod -Nprvous. N-lira doc or pri.eii at-d with illeea m-.j eutl r RAOWA Y’-S READy RELIEF WIH i. RFO dl 1 siiV-T.-t h . i.\ E. IN'FLAP Matin ■-K TIIK Klfic KYe IMFI.AWMAT". ' IFTHE Bl.'tn INF! AM’fari v F 'ip n w i.s c Niiiirt'i.' r hi; u --r.s f nr THKiiAt, i iFFicnr bp> athi.'x r.t: PIT.tTIo.N F THt. EKAKI nvsTSßic.*, cn n*. niprtp r.u ctrar. it, p.Fursz.t ■ IIEA-S.trrv. .TO- TKA :|TF. Mliß RHFI'iUTISM C' -I.D I'RII.LS, AOF OHII.Ls . The .ppl ; cal!i>!i ol the Ready Relief to th*- part or par's pheri th' paiii or d.fßcnli y ex,*!- will .sffotd ease andaCiildlurt Ta.-n'y drone ini: .U * '.unihler ->f wau-r mil In a few momeij»*pTir-,Clt A MPS,9P \ MW,SOUR 3TOMACJH. JddfARTHURN SICK HEAD ACHE. DI AllKll-E OY3ENI'E(t Y, CullO. WIN'D IN THE BOW ELa a> and all INTERNAL PAdNR. T av. I-re ehould alwuya carry a bottle ot laitty’i ffe*dy Rrftaf with tb, m A tew «F<tp- ipjv.siti' wql preyetrt aickueM or paio» pf water. Ui r than EVtatcli Rrabdy or HiilArs oe e Alirtrulunt rfevutt A.\D AUCE. FU'fiK AND AdiU-E oared lor Xlt-y ycnli. tnbfirc .is not # r.-,niitdJ:U agent in world tins' -WitM cure l ever nnd Ague and nil other VjUOUou* £ lions, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, aOHiUt&br Fevguyilajded l.y Ui.DWAi'* P-ILI.S) siajtti k os KAWAYa XEADi' Jlk-LKIF. Sfc> 'Sent* pur -tMWMe. * HEM U T IJ j B K A L T Y U STMKiO ASH K*i JtlCß I.VCP.FaIIE l-F i ■rt.Rlffl AKD 'WKIGIIT —CLEAR SKIN' AMI) MAi’Tim. ciiMSux-ti.fT stcrato to all -jPFxr, Wt A A GARSiP/UUttIAN WSOLVENT has irk wmi AST. I* isms <t. cubsa; *0 *CICK **• BaWD ABF. THS TR BISOT tTfitrUHOsKa, I’XtEB TRF I'N'Vtft.t-C T. or this TKIU.T BronißWi-j. ««me:mc, THAT tMff Nf N iMrNMklfMasd Wright k Nee* us fedi, T«E GRCtT rt RiriEK. Evsjit SMts# M <he SARSXPARIM4AN iJewnuhicates throuab tie Blood Swcst.TJrine.And other Su: da and juice* •of Use #y*V»' THririooit of Ufa. tor it repair* ihe waste* A f «ihb arm and sound ! material Scaoici.a ftynuus, CoveCMFrio.v , Gt.ANSCi.Ak piaxAscs. Uia:kns is th« tbsoat | Viocm icmora. Nonna is ra* Gland* and J *ikerp*ti«ol thi- sytt-'n. Son* Else Sthlm 1 OKOE* ptaCMARUKa tiutM TS5* JSatta, and the j -worat /arm* of Ngu, aiatiaaxa, EhVftiom.Fsvkh so*t*s. Scalp llcap, Dno Worm. Salt ku*cm, *Ei-T*»(Kla«, 'hems. Rliox hoots Works in mx Flash. T.r'auß# C*>crtM ,a.totk Wosd and a1! weakening and painful di charges. NToor swoats, Lo s r eekrs and all waKoe 01 the life principle, are within the curative rang* of this won rr of Modern Oheiuixtry ,*od A few days’.n*e will prove toanyperson using ■ i- lor either of these fortnuof dieeasc ii pot.*t poeer to cur* ihsm .Not only <lo < tbe'* ILidtEs r excel all kn.. n remedial a.'- me tu the ejr* of Chronic. #crofu!ott«, Constitutional, and tkio*; hat it is the ouly po-i ivi our* 'o" Kidßrr Ja iitubltt Complaints, Vtiffmrj.jtpd Womb and a'A-es,G .TogcJ.Djwßoios. Dropsy. •tpppAife of Water, qJ Unwa. JMiaflrs .isiase, Album.ntiri*. and tn all ca'-i-s whvre there or* bri-i-tluiK 4«|>wett«. Br. RADWAT’S PERFEC PURGATIVE PILLG, pertiCtiy ta-t.-le--.. tleguntiy ousted with sw«et gum purge, regulate, puiity, cleanse, and strengthen Kadwsy’s pills, for tbe cure of ell disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, BiAdder.Nejvous Dinsses.lleaduche. constipation, Co-tjreu-Ai indigestion. Dys pepsin. Ril.Rueoe-s. Ri'lioop fever, Infiamtha- Hoe of jtr-Rels, Pile#, aud all ®t fit 1 ’it.-row; Viscera. Warranted to - fftet a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, coni*ib’ing no mercury, minerals, or dele eriou.s drugs. A few dares ol Kauwat's PiU," will fire the sy-u-oi from all the Above named disorrlers.— Pr c.e Vi ce: L’ J") Box. (PliißV Drcuosts. Kean K.ilai: a*d Vuck’' Send out- letter* -mul)' to I-ALWaf A VA#., No 67 Maiden l.*ne New Yo k. 10-uru'e l /,"* T" r, i ! thousands will be aetl- von. t» A K IS V a PKOI’IIYI.AC TIC FLUID t 1 111.3 jnvi'u blc Family Mtalicine, for puri 'yi'i/ kinds ol sickness; far ligr/ns. sogee. wound*. Stings; for Erys pclas, rb< uteatiem. and all skin diseases; for catarrh sore mouth, sore throat, dfphitsriq; for colic, diarrhor. cholera; as a wash to solten pad oeauttfy tbe skin, to remove ihks'.ots mildew, frdit'staine; taken Internaliy M *"'».. l U,X».' 'V ■■■ 1 "UIL 1 ' sosi'wiai ii ■ as wi ll us qpp.ied exiernally; s-r highly r.-com maHaaaam^MHLMiiamsiiabm^aaaMi^mßMaiwsiaaf b^adHl/rujuisla^iu<l^ouotr^hf«chant»^od mi^btoirilereUitMil^nls^^^ D4HB-Y I’I.OPHYLYUHG CO., 161 Wiliiiim Mreoi, N. Y, htste of Ucssrgia. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, ) AtLasta. Jclt C, 1871. f ORDERED: B bis Excellency, tbe Governor that bi* Procli* nation of June fish. 1871. off ring a re ward of One thousand Dollars tor tbe appro* honsion and delivery of .Ma'tbew Harris, with evidence t*. convict, to tbe sheriff of Jackson county, be. end th* aame is kt-reby. revoked, | aim tbe Secretary ot Stale give public notice 1 thereof • - • I Girts sutler my band and seal of office. David G. Corn**, j jli4*4t Sacretary ot^tase. SEwTnd MACHINES, I '(Vi persens wishing to purchase the best 1 SEWING MACHINES, would d/> ereP to Call am s i Mite E»o U-yuold*. as she is the agent lor the Howe Uacini,e. It is ibe best M-tcuine known to to# pubLc. It wit Uem. Stitch. Fell, Tuck. Braid, Embroider, Ac. Ia tact it will do all that'caa be done with tfct I needle For further particu'ar? sddreee ot i. Wuiil, IV ® Oat, Af»tiU, Sak rmaFl*ott.Cnl.,tßr i U $L. X-T. nfU/VOffl BfO>T«s'.i"y»|i®tbdf C«r®t!w EfTrct®. ▼ifMffar Blttm u* so c ft rt‘» Pn*?f Dtink, M*sd*t of Poor Timm, Wh\»k9t, Proof >9o!rlr® and ttofkoo Ltaiero, 4or* tered, »a4 rooeUoot %o limm iko teAa. o®U«d ** Tonloa,'* •• Appott***." -ilosiofoflk ’ that s«»d tbe tlpolvr og to drickristieoi nod rxfa, ®r« » tra# W#die!o#, n&J# from tb« 2f®V.v« RootA n«rbd of OrflJtertiia, fVoo fVcm r!j fill BAT nLOOO PITRIFIEII anil A LIFE UITINU rUi.’fUIPLK, ft Koaorotor tad cf lb#’ Srtm wirf laooffali poJ^onouY ftad blood t«fth«ftl*.b t oondltloa No personate Uk« \h%m Sitters aoftorllnf V» dirvctlpu **od Mmaifk loa* ■OOftU. orcrrMffd thefr boaM V* BOt dMtrorftd Vs oriaowioffifton or other iseuft ftad *th* *!fel bfftt* oft«:*d bry-Dd the pc!at of rtpclf. . Tbornron Clentlo Punrntlvo a® rreli jyi a T#*le* ?o*oeMicCi al®o, tbe ?*wLiu merit of ftetiftf u ii powerful B-eenfia relierfn® 0oo»e» •Wwa efvlodfttni&fttioa of tbe Xlrer, ead Os nil tbe , Timer*! Ur®**v*. T 9 ft PI.IfALt COW PLAI rrsm obefW to yewßc or okL aerrlol or »ie®l«, ftt tbe 4«wn of oome&beod or at tbe tors of Use, tbeoe Toole BIV sere here bo boocl- Por laflfuamsfory bad Chronic &bei« matlom ail (loot* Uftpepefe or la* (fewiln* JUlUooo* aa4 Inter wit teat Krrorn* Dlmiimi* of 4110 l.lftr, KMaoyi t»4 fllt(4tr« ***** Mttoro been woit ftoece—f*L Ancb Dlooaooo est oocukd b t Tltinto4 Bleed* which )• orDereUf prodaeed t>f ef the Dtfoell vo Oniie BVDfEPOIA OK IKDIOKHTtON, Reedeehe, Peln In the Ohoolderb Coughe, Tigbv now of the Chen, Diotaw, fkMir Bruotetioiyi qg tbe Stomocb, Bed Toete to the Moetd, BtUoeui ▲tuck* l*nipltftUoc of the Meert. leßemmtton of the Luttge, Fein to tbetvglonft of the Kidney*, end e toiftdred oeb«r _jwja>ul ujnptomM ere tbe off •prtog* of Dyepepel*. £bey slrwSgorete thefKomech ft/rd OrimnUie tte torpid Jtie*r end JBewele. which render them of KAeqaeßed efflcocy to cleenetog tbe (deed es eli Un poelttoe, end impnweing &ew hfe |bf>4 vigor te tbw 1 whole BjMtom. MB •KIK plKKAra9*Sr.!rfl«t«.T«t%or Sell Khernn. jßotcb«e Piatplee, BotU, Cerbanclm, lUng- Vortce, Bao:42lmil.4o*e Bree,Brysipetoe, lech. Beurfe, Dtooekeeffliw "ttb.* Rein. Hu snort and Dlereaet us tbe Hirtjv «rs wiiza eeer auMcee or nnutro, w litom&ir deg ep-eM mur> ried uttt wf tbe eyeUm in e tbort ttoee by tbe c«e cf ebff«e Bitten. One Uwttie U eucU am e lii *mm~ vlrwfe the moet incTodnlove of their oturetlve effect. Ulowae tbo Ttnoiod Blood orboMT«ryo« find Me iagnritieo borettog through tho akie to Brapcloru or Soroe ; cioenee it wbm jroo find it j obotmeted end elempeb in the tdar; dmoeo H when it ia foui.end ywr fe*.D\ga will wU yon v» jbeiL. beep tho biood puns, end tbe health of the will fellow. ri»* end other W OtM», urktn* ia tbe eratren of 00 feeny thooKude, ere effee««eiiy deatrofod end removed. OOLn BY ALL OBtKKUiIT* AND DBA LB BA. J. WALKER, ProTtrletor. - a. H: MCDONALD 4t CO., bruwwiata end Oon. Agent a* bon PrarcUoo OeL. end Wood fe Commacro otro«t. New for®. MARK W. JOHXSOX** AGBIC r I, TUBE WABEiIOUSf,' i JMA Saul store, Cos TVlnitcetail Srr*st. ATLANTA, 0 A , ’ Is Li-lrtg fills I rp '.ti:b Mowsh anfi Rif4i»ers JJjraalsere •aft Separatoit Fas Mills, Grain Uracii^a, 1 Farm Euxiuts, California Smutters, Cider Mills aud Ilorse Ha*. Hark*, Churns, Straw jCui it t*, Jtc., AND nil other Htrvcrt'iig v.J Impruvod La-bor Saving Mftctiine-. lie Is *)ve agent for the beautiful and useful' Hunt’s Patent Fan St Fir Driver, which all shoold have. Bcnd without delay :or Price List, ac t be ready for harvesting the Golden Gtsin MARK W JOHNSUN, aptß-3m P. O Box ISO, Atfants, Oa. ». J gnSNsTO*. JV. H. ANT-RBWc JOHNSTON & ANDREW?, BEAL ESTATE AGENTS, Fa! bcp.n. Okosoia tO~ Will give attention to all busi ness intrusted to their care. Persona having real estate for sale or wish ing to purchase would do well to give as a cal!. Ail property advertised, but no charges meid» trade is effected, or the property tsken out of our bands without our consent Valuable Kesidence far Sales. I\'K offer for sale a house and lot in F»ir- V v burn, on the ca-t side of tbe railroad, owned bv D Burand. This is a most desira ble residence, and will be eok! j|U JOHMTON A ANDBpWJ. A Dtwirable farm for Sale. TT’OUR miles Nortb-eost of Fairborn and U near the Atlanta k. West Point Railroad, can be hen ght a ryrv desirable tOO acre farm with good dwelling and out-inousn go*d water and a good orchard. Seventy iveacres under a good tense and th# remainder in the woods. 25 acres bottom land. Good aoeiety. conve nient academies and churches. Will act: a bargain, as I have more land than I need and want money. For particulars addres* J. W. MASON. jlli-tf Ealrburn, G*. SOMETHING SEW 1 . NO Btencil Cotter shoold be without pnt ton's Stencil and Key Cheek ontfit. Re member that at the Stencil business money is easily nnde Address B. Z DUTTON, Box 351. Atlanta SteocM works, Atlenta, Ga. mal9-’sm j ('umpbr)l Sberifi't Sfiirs, V V in the town Ot Pairtnxwv c.* -niis.' U". Oil,- op thw ifif y , ne*r, , ttii h tot *Tt-'lvgZl hostt« of‘sAle.' ttietSlfriing , property,t«ye»r!2l **'raf*T Xt^t: OneJrit Os n#e lyjgg tft-sb? t*,b ; Distilef Os originally Fayette now Campbell eoonty «*st*!a!rtg Jot i-8 »*fe*,m«rc oflea., LeTi.d on to sstfoty-a ft- ft>. in favor of Jqpeph I Hornsby ohwV' egwfwst- William' L. BCrnwhy, which tie obt*Sa“l sgrtlnrt fftit. L. Hornsby at j the Campbell Superior Co.trti An fast Term, i ISC?- (rit* hy'the plaint:? \ ants levied'(k ■*/■*«* Thfs Jane fS.'IWH. j, Ida . D.P. HITE, D.6. I GewtfG, CsMfWa XwiNi>| '■■•■•■■■sa* XpOUR weeks alter date, applicst'om erfll bs> X m«d«-to the-Court cf Ordinary o! sold c.uua'y at rite diet regular term a’ft. r the es piration of mar from this notice, for ! ie*ve to sell part of lot of land namber ono 1 hundred ar.d f»rty four (1«) io theSih District originally Payette n Campljell county, be longing to tb.- relate o' Bbt Ib-y Watson, rtee'd, for the ben. fit ul the beire of said deceased June 26. 1671. JUMX.WaT*ON. j. 30 *t Adm’r .»t'h wilt ■ -RTsd. a ui" ■ m Leor/b, t ttasphvll teepiy FUCK weeks alter date, a plication will be made to the ourt of -Urdmary of said county at tbe first r-gnlar terra after exprr*. I t un "f tour weeks from this notice, for 1 -wva |'« sell part*.ot Joie at land, naratnrrs one han deed and thirty nine (139) and one hundred I and forty four J**) arid oae humUed ortpdUe i (14$) a'l in 9th DieUlct.of Fayette originally ■ uow Camptiell county r j:ontaining in all one I hundred and forty nine acres after the widow’* dower is taken off belODgtbg to the estate of Thus. F. Thwstier. deed, for. the benefit of the heir* of dvce*?Bi]l.' June JC. TB7l. J.Bt) *t /UQN ■xTa’f." DR. P. M. TiDWtLL lI7OULD most revps-wtfully tender his aet*. vs vice j r.asndlng country to the preeLce es Tnedicmt. ! Having eighteen yextre eVp-rtfieoee be bopee. j by close exteatiee ve books oari pwawmle 3m *O - ceive a liberal shore (ff puteweage. He bae a very ado* wsoorfcKtoat «ff noffir.'Attw : and will take pieaaare in £l4vqg sa-eanr'*Oiw» for Physirjiwj*.' W»!B efioe ko*fi « weppfiw »f ! family and. ytote** mmAiomeet,, *& mt txDdkftr will soil low five-«a*tti. He has a ,eo*e *4 *&sr* fibw leu stromewte. emf -wSaS ttatfce ix imrnvm-- tag say e*<etrsxa«t isle Irltwrf, ssay <radmire, as twodereX* Cbsrjse, Also a eowpieuc aswar-gtsgsxt ass for feaueSe 3f«ay a*f whkA.„ he bo* out b.-*!to»es- 5* *ayiatg. ewmwd Ve wya oesefußy lot’s! iciZamt sheer sue. Oi 6oe tarn d.«*r the>w* eSoe.' ‘ yn 3» ftOYisLVJs ftUKUPvItIKE. Predggr Oralrt# »m 4 COUSimiQX MERCHANT?, ffo, 8©„ H 'hit* hail SX., AtUuOt. G# AttewtinA jp'vea te>«3 fl-oeSgs.- ojeuv **4 The •inters tvr Srruime tad Grt^.riea ftr-Qffrn sited *t tju- fiesseef TrtfS I’rice npaa *.b« 4*y ae-y :«-■<• »al9-3« T ' _ SIIVfR m *LATFD V?Asf S OIIUUT niPORfATtoV ' or / ■ fit* HuutfrrJ CnUu UtsijMrf TkP’.l. AND FOC&ET p U T v a R TANARUS, TE 1 TRAYS), ASSORTED GRATES, >VINIK)W GLASS, i,(JOKING GLASS PLATFB# We v&er asowtoJ Cratb# for F-cod for TO HOUSEKEEPERS offer the Cheapest and Best linff of House-Keepers’ Goods i:> the city f) Atlanta. Cutlery, 8 poops, Keives, Waiters, Uastnrs, Vases and Toilet Sets. In fact, anything needed it: a we! kept house. Cali with the cash. apJl-Hm MfBRIDE ft CO^ O. A. FAIRBU-RN, GEORGIA, . DKJA.KB TH POPULAR FAMILY MEDICINES, BOOTS. SHOES, Hardware, Family Groceries, PURE LIQUORS, ft c TERMS STB IC TbY CA SB apls-tf