The Fairburn sentinel. (Fairburn, Ga.) 1871-1872, March 01, 1872, Image 3

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Silt' Jfairlnmt |nifiml Church Diiectory. Paptibi hdkcr -S» coml Sunday an Saturday be ore in each month, r.ei J ht> S Dodd, l’a<eor ilcTUo sc 'hi hcii -On lhe Fouril Snmliyin each inouiii. R ,f. il.i well, Paste . Aiasot.i c. PAip.r.rr. Locais, F A.- M . M ets SeComl and F iintli Seu-day ni h s in eieh tn >nth. T. IV. Lat.iam, \V. M. F. M l'nrwst.L, Si'c’y. Town Council Meets ever y Mo. el:.y tgid A. ‘.A HKS « Istenriaat. O gk Can rk L hr. Fai.vuckn, Gkorcia, Ms r.cii 1, ls'2. foa>~ it , -I will ,>|)"n ,1 sett •>1 I'.. ■ . !■ M aid iy 3 i Mar lr» at my K i r‘. Luu-i.*l p i tt. tinge lies ed. i. l in* $I 25 ill : 111 My (i i\ . in I‘iitrf M 2 M. 11. Smiiii 8e?“ I'akk N tick Hi- etuf ir w,- liivi- lic.'ii V'iy i"iN\ with thus" wi ll ve miulg.'.f, lint tin- tin C Ii Hi' 11 1 win'll wo an- 11)111(11 111 it lull V til: >■•• \ tu carry on our Mi-ii e-.~. n I mils. ! uigi: utir friends o .om • I• a ward atnl si ttlr iiiiiiii-ni iii ly. \\ rln v* placed our bni ks and mccoihi's m tlie Ii iiids o! L. S. R ’ati, K-q , tor c> lli-et:• *n. \V< Li | c hose indebted to us » ill not w.nt for a call 1 1 < mu Inin, but come up and j pay We rip ret to mukr t.its nj po::i but necessity il.inaiuis it. Ss»~ W e ate pleas'-d to learn that j Col. E U Mobley opened uU scho il on Monday last at this place, under lavor Jublc prospects We can say for Cl Mobley, that Ire is a man of iuatiin iiili’o'.cl, an t has no stipe ior as a teacher. As Col Mobley lias ase ret school -and will give nia enti e itt uis lion io ttie ad vane me it o! ms students we Would advise all to avail themselves I of tins opportunity. S&f Married.-At the residence of the brides lather, on the 23ili Inst, by ! Ro v. S. littv-y. Mr. J. S Whalli y, ol r'letioia, and Miss Helen F Smith, "t j tliis place May the r lives be as genial as the brut of tie bride. We wish tnem i much happiness. The usual pi,liters received ami thanks ieturned tor Same. We respnettully call the utten of tie- public g .n u.illy to tin' advertise- | im. lit ol I’. and I indium, witch ill be iniind lit another column, lie is a live ly dealer ill 15." ts, Shoes, Shoe Finding' I and Family (iiocelies 1 none lu ll'-etl if any tiling in tits line w-mki o well j In cad on 'situ, as he pays Cash lot all . Ids good, which will enable him to hi I 1 as clieap or dheap a than any house in Fan burn. . iiair- We would tn»'it 1 the attention of . nr leadeis and the public general ly to the advertisement o' Th anas u and Oh .minus, which wi I he lon Ii i 3 . tl" i column V\ wu and adv-c al toil ate iti heed ol 15 is u' .Si-"'Slo call I'll tnem Tu - V can ;rl vays In found at tie If sh >p ill tile J 'llliso'i building at f n il.m u Give them a t ail and try »I • i Wok. rsa?* V country new-p-to r t|o| a thousand miles ll'om Ibis place, coang'H Ms pnblieati n day evny tv k. It s Ii r I in l' il when t i sck y a ■ e o" s an Y\ h nit ' flies .Kit II looks II e ill" T'lll unit I lit' b mi -lei | mg or in asleep on I nolle,r i unit Is mat iv tu -c Ihe .ml. s ri lot s luo m u "Ci oibt it u .. is. is hi oli. r konng f o-1. JOT lIKMGt Cs Rev R J 11 irwel! pm ,eu.-d ..t me Methodist chinch a.-l StlmiaV R v Hi. Fuller, of \ lbinta, pi ' ach e l *t the o iplis chinch ill pi .IT t>i last M i day night in behalf of i !••• o p a,in’ 11 an", at Marietta. Mr. F ll .l 1 *i is an able divine, and presented ti" ci ms of tlie ll'me in an el jm u’ and (feel ive manner. 8/fcjp* We respectfully Call tie atleii tit in of uitr readers to the standing Di est or v of tlie Chinches, M .sonic Lodge and town Council, of L'l.tuini, which will be infoini ttion, am! a!s. Intel .'ting to all. EL." A 15. other, will keep C li st it illy "ll hand Omit. Fhun, 15an i an I Hay, which they will bond far liters With approved s.-r.nitv, payable first of Novell ber, 1872 h *S" de suing pmduce ‘ni toe ah ve t* ims will call at the next door to W. F Landrum's. rna 1 3m. Bee Stings—A cti espondent of the Scientific American says that “a good” will ea-e tile pain of stings “The best absorbing substance that I have tried is lean fresh meat. Th s will relieve tin* pain of a wasp almost instint'y, and has been recommended for the cure ol rattlesnake bites. 1 have also used it with marked effect in , rysip.'! .8.” ; Tlie Date of the Crucifixion. lb ii K .ILtiie Geiinan savant, in a “"lit l - eel by published, shows t al heie was a total eclipse of the Ri mil concomilaiilly w li■ die nll hqui, k that ‘•‘■lined wiien Julius t'timar was ns -assinuti and oil Ihe loth of M uch, 15. C. 1 lie ii .s also c.ili;u! .ted the J< wish i . iidi i to A. D 41, a;,d the lesiilt . ! ;or iuliy conlii ins tin- facts, .Coded by il«. K.aligi lists ol lie ' -n. 1 bid pliys e.d even's t at sKseof*. • . ,1 the ciucilixaiu. Astroiioinie..! i • ! .1' us prove, wl l hull t a .had .u .I doubt, that on ihe i4ln day of H e Jewish month Nisan (Ap il G) lee was a total eclipse ot lin: sun, wne h .s ai'c.imp.lined 1 i til pi ill dull Iy . y tile eat II cju die, “ wli'-n I lie v.-il ol l o I'emple Has lent fiuhi the t"p to lilt In.ltoui, and 11 o' e ii |h .Jld quake, and the rock,’’ (.Miithew xxxii, 51.) A ode Ft Luke lit M-rib.'S ll.e ‘-clips 111 ih -se unit,: “Ami il l lie six ii 11 -ni (1 1 on,) ali i tia'i w was a dai km Ss overall I e land liii I lit* lillllll lioU' (3 o’enek t si.) md tri> sun w.ih d..ik 11. ss." (L ike xxi ,44 ) Tlie mode lit leckoinllg eor rfs pi i|i s piebclly with the insult ot anothei i eafculali. :i our auillor made by recks oning back said Inin the gieat loin!! A; 1 1 il, 1518, allowing for llie and fl" t.eiwe* :i tin: old and n w sly ii s, whicli also gavi April G as lie date ot tin. m u moos in the year A. 1) 31. As He ‘final eijninox ol ill. yeat liil on M.och 25, and the JeWs ale then E 1-lei Lamp, and coli braleil tueii /'lib Paxsoh, 111 Feast ot till l’ass . over, on lie iodowmg new, ft Is ! cle.r A,oil G was jndtrn litied wilhj Nisuil 14 ol b e Jewish ealelidal, I will'll muei'V'l' Was oil Fiiday, the i Para- k< on-, or day ol prepui atnui for die rN.IMI.Io, Slid this agiees \\ 1 1 h the Hebrew TaiuiU‘l. Thus, by die nulled , ie limony ol aslioiioiiiy, aiclaed gy, | l r.iilitnoial and Biblical liislmy, llieie e ill be but little doubt dial die and ile ol ill • Cine iixi. n was Apnl G, A 1) 31 Imp ihtan’t t> JusnoEs r the Reaie. Tee Pillowing act ot Hit: Geneial As.-embly, nppioved December 12ih, 1871, will be (oillid of imporliiiiee to llie various Jus l ices ol the Peace ihiouglnnll 'he country. Sect in,l 1 i’l* dint Justices of I lie Peace and Notaries Public, who are ex offilio Justices of the Peace, shall k"<' i sep irate dockets of all cans ■ •s, civil and criminal, disposed of by tlnon, the actual disposition ol each caitse and the amounts “1 Costs Collect ed, and (i 111 w Hill. Section 2. Pioviib s that these of ficers-, shall lay their dockets before the Giacil Jn;i"H of their respective e iiiu'ies, the tiisl session for their in spect imi. riection 3 Provides, that a failure to do so, shall be deemed a crime, fa which these officers shall he indicated, and the trial of th 'ir cases shall have precedence over all other Cases, civil or eiiminal, and if convict and shall he punished by a fine le t to exceed one thousand dollars, six month,' in j 'il "t both in the discretion “I the Court, ol io wink i. the chain gang twelve months ,s lli" (.’ ni t. may del 'i mine. The Fre-iph on the Pacific Haii, WAV A Laifuie City dispatch "I the 20 Ii makes tliis re resentation of al tail .st 0 i ai'C'.iint f neatly all the Oiotin lain side wnler-<'"it'Bes fit three hull drill mill's west lie ng fi ll'd willl an al .ill soil, wliii It rapidly gives way to ; the pn-ssiii r of water, great damage I the load must ensile, as the water ran .mIV e ip" over I'lilll iiikriieiits and j 11 1 r oigh them In previous years, with i out—for ll "f the present fall of slow, t has cans ll delays and perpetual la hor lei days m order t • keep the li n k in snap 1 for Gains to pass, and it is believed 11. a t the water will Cause a greater delay than the snow lias done No ti a ins have al rived from the west, Irieuigb sh- weather is very warm " Fatliei 0 ni" 11 'tile.” —I ie Macotl j :0a ) T'lrgiaph is responsible for the j following: "A few nights ago a young lady, | who seems to live been very food ~f sin iog “Please father, come home,” j had been arnusing herself upon I he vr r ! anda for some time by humming hei fa V lid" air. A CI'.'SS baehelo who occtlpi | t i a room near by , lint being aide lo ap j .reriate such pathetic music, raised ! t'; s sh and said in rather angry tones to her * ‘ It you’ll stop singing that > si is g I'll go and bring your infernal ohi daddy home to you. Ol coui'S" tlie j lady hushed, but the Lest part of the | jog.* is that some ofhis friends heard and and well, we Won’t tell the next j part "f the story for fear of a challenge for a foot t -Ce ’ N. S Gilliam. Esq , a distinguished i of Alabama, in speaking of Darbys ! Prophylactic Fluid, sas: “ I know o j no family -v Fein" epual to U.” ' 0 JIRADFIELQ 1 . FEMALE REGULATOR: •Woman's best krikno,’" j til biitig on ihe iielistS u fell lhe\ ' tmve not lain (St a UllsUeU, whin they have been supp;essed (loin tin* m.tuial causes. Ui;i ell e Rheluilal ism and Neill algia of the back anil “"mb t\j|i eure Paiulnl Mensliua til'll, ill.! i. Inar ti e head, back ad fins ..I ths ' and is[ 11 's- g* pa 11 a ai c s \\ i ! eh. ,I, mem a i hag i a ni j ''excessive ii i“ .” Will cure “\\ InP s” j and billing ol th" Womb, wlnm il is the "•suit ol I "lax a lion Ol had In til h Il Is as .'ll:" nil,' 111 all p.,. nlmve ills, asi s ,|S Quinine IS in Chills and | F.wr. I Lad s Can cure tlamselves of all if" till" " diseases will,out .evealing 'hell Compl, to any peiH.ui, which i always mollify mg p, their pi u i,. and nnaiisiy. It ,s n c.mimended aid used by dll' last physicians 111 llieii private |'t n'liei'. Fla history of the übme diseases, ci'i'l itii'Hles ol its wond -rliil cures and din cM ms, tin- ie.. ei us ie!. i, and 1., tlie wrapper mound Ihe Pottle. Manulac- I tired ands, >l.l |,y lifTAIiFIM I) X- Cos , Atlanta Ga . Sld by Ml Diogjists |>, me $| 60 Fa i i'i!i lit Aliirkets. t oia e. ted c.\| essl v ni Ta. F mneiiN Sentinel i BrJo-rPU BIU.NTI.KY. Corn il Uu.-tiel $l to Meal •• I Flour i- lies. $15U106 OIJ I'a.'on— Shoulder .. . jU I . 7 „ Go ..i ,i.1.'.1 Slues . . . B'4 Clear Sides 9 | hard fd It. lit-.;! Ciiease ■■ 18 io 70 * j Bailor yl “ 7o Hint doz 1 '. C nek 'he melt 20 to 5 Sugars yd lb l , Itl AP.lasses <jP Ml 83 to 40 i ice fj In in ' "I" “ 5* @l6 C'.iidt.'S " “ J;> Salt “ sk 2 2) Kaeiory i't.iead, )d bunch 1 7 . . Slerii-i_.s . . pel' yd 10(5 Id's Prints " " 10(312 Tobacco. per It. 07(a 1 il iv Tuuothy. ~. pr 101111.- 2 75 Iv. ros lie tnl 'y tl 46m 0 IV.r., • '• ■■ it Weiglits nut MetlsiiK's. Pr n. . i.iis. wTi.'.e. .. i;» Shelli'tl Coi (it) Corn in car . 7u Pen (in live . 60 ah 82 B irley . . 48 Irish I’olatoes (in •witt Pol does tin White Ben ns (in Pastor Le ans 45 Mover seed tin Tumulty se 1 4o ! 1., X Sve. I . Mi IPniip Sfap 4 1 Blue "ra-H seed PI Buck wi.. il ... 52 Dried pi-achi 4h Dried nr,plus 24 Onions 5n •Sail 5o Stone Coat * 80 Malt ' 3H limn 20 Turnip* 55 Pb.storinchair 8 U'islark" I l.h.H! 8" u’Si IIAIR RESTORATIVE TRADE Jkr-AE-ID. CONTAINS NO LA. SULPHU - NO SU GAR OF LEAD-NO LITHARGE NO N TRA T c OF SILVER, AND IS EN TIRELY FREE FROM THE POISONOUS AND HEAI TH-DESTROYING D r UGS USiD m other HAIR PREPARATIONS. Tr rN*piren» cJ'- ir as crvHlal if will m t iht* fiiioet fitbtic pitf.iily SAFE. CI/E aN ;»n l JR' l HJIENr -- (Jihgl' i at L'fNO S UGiJT FOu AND FOUND AT Last l If regrore-nnd prevents thn Hair from !»«• coiniftr (i ray - imj nts fi "1 m-hj apj.pnro upp. r»‘rnovf.« Dandruff, iw g r»l ;nnl r* t if; ar *<> the head. check* the Hair Ir m fallii »wd r< stores <t to a un-nt <*x? nt when pivm ituru Iy I )«f. prevents H<*«uiacheH. curen all humor* cut>»nt'i.ii<* »*rupri<nis. an<l unriatur I lu-at. S A DRK- I\r; FOR HIE HAIR IT I ~ THE REST AKI IRU; IN T.iE MARKET. DR. G. SMITH , Patent!-*', Ayer. Pr**j)ari*(l <»nly by RKOCTER RRO'i HERS, fjlloucG-ter. M.i-l The genuine put up in a pi;;. i 'll - mi! ;>i • Iyi m i ji. with the name of the arfich' blown In t!o* 1 A*k your Dnij.'mi-i for N-UCUisa Hair UstHTOKA tive. an I take no ofht r. /pir* Si nd iwu cent to Procter Brothers for a * Treatise on th * Human Hair Tb<‘iniormartou contains is woitli $500,00 t » any pe« sou. 31cLAUL\ \VI LLI A RS, DKAbi'RS IN’ DU Y GOODS, Clio ice I'aniilv Gto dies, COUNI P> ¥ 1‘ It 0D l' I E. IX x* <3. ~uxr x' , BUGi'ri AND alluh.-., HATS AND CAPS. Store Johnson building (Old Conit li' use). Fa.i t urn. (in. Highest puces paid f r al! kiDd ol country produce. teblO 6,n An Or ile . c mHiei l mpeiuok curs’*. February L nn 7872.] It apne " Court in in.p' c* Dos ol til" . at » necessity exist mr aH a.ljnnr and a o on C,"il l It i» ordered •hal Ci.u.'i am ,4 adj,mi ned, unt.l the ocund Monday in April m il. Ja.o'9. p.riiea, wirntß-ee Aitoiutys and nflicers o' Court, and ali parties at luterert w 11 take notice ot itisord. r And .hat the same be puulisbt'd in tb" FilKßriiN .Sknti»r.!.. and Palmetto Gazelle. W, F. WHiGH TANARUS, J. 8. C. T. C. N E\V SIOP K , Fail burn, ... Georgia. 1. 15. SWANSON HIS just ope ed a splendid slock of Maple a. and l.mcy Dry Good'. Cutlery, Crook i y anil Tin-W ul v, lliiidw a. e. Ac. And a In.l iue I ul s"amilj Groceries, and evert thing t-..-ek.-pl , 1 1 M coUutrt st rt* all ot \s icti In* is dolt r J mitie<l lo mII av cheap as they cau b - .olttl at ; reiml or cash iuiywluro hi' m. m tm* mmi ul .(’lorios. fa 1 1 aioj -■»* yo.ii s\*i V' • i ! corn t. Fun bum, (J*l .; : ,i SOMKTIIINO NlilV ' the riiurotiianis a.\d Hijßi;oi\ js F Xi.hU.ED oa sh-rt noiici; in the liivi ; artistic manner, of all sizes and styles. cial uttentmu g*veil toeopy.ijr and mi -1 from u!«l ani'-ruiy pes anti da,u , n.’i rt*o i\\ua. 1 bo’O tiesim.ij well e.\icuii*d Jjkt iit.sses u! liicnisel ves ad trio tula are iuvi.ed loc.d earl us my stn> wui be brief R.-meiiibci ibe Chilli i- House. F iiburu j ff .V..J. UIIAM. TitOfograjffu'r. 1' II K P£ 0 Pl.£' S p A P £li | FOR FO l |{ DO J. £ v |{ s ! llit* sa vim Mali Adii'i tiser «ii.b hi; m.ullu io vou Daily, ONE YEAR. THE ADVEHTISKR ri'BUSHKS s mucii HcadniK Maiigi , i8 » ,v Paper in die Sti'tc. I'ln, AHiocinleil Press Dispatelns nnd G,'l. " S l ie, ia!- 1 1 . in 1 1 1 on,. ,ind o." P. L .is rtture, A Weekly Commercial Revniv, elabo. ately compile i, And, in tact, is a thoroughly Live, (onrii'flu'nsivc Yrtvipiptr, «s-.. ~wtm. >... ' ~—tin i— —»- - furni.-lnd at a price that has abendy given it noiiii.f: the giuculation or Any Otiicr Gcoigia Daily. Triweekly l.diiinii $2 per Aoinim: a Geek One 110 lai and a Hull 1 i Agents Wants'll. HE Ali D & KIM BA L la, I’i'oi.rii tors, j Sai niniiili. Ga. DRUGS, MEDLINES, CHEMLALS, &C I’t-Jf BIfUTON, TAYLOR it CO j WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, j Atlanta, ... Georgia, ! INVITE ihe attention ui Mt’ifliunfp, l'i/ c.uua umi clUcib lu their ul Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals., I'a inis. Oils,* G lass, I’ulfiil Jlediciiu'B, Fancy Goods, kc., kc., "hioh, lor quality ands w prices, Defy Cons pel it ion in the South ' e solicit an I'xamination ..f i.ur Stock an Prices. v\ t, will make it to-your interest t< trade with as. ip:’ ii FKMItI RTON. TAYLOR & ‘'o. C. it. Tho.m; Cotton linyei i.ud C otton Com mission ilercliant, (Ofli e Ml J. D. i Ill'll. I t \\ a, .-h"UMe ) ILoad Stmt, A PLAN!A, GA. I ji&' riinci |»« r.suu.- 1 nt»fj jtlvcii ro con niiieiils ul Cotiur id liiiy , • Msh i I it• ,0“■ inude ou col tun m .. • 'J 6MITIJ A MOIEB’ AXU* GALXiEIIT PATESTTSD. ( /''jinit i/y Kuhn tb Smith.J, ]}A!tl'll£B v is. 11 nn; Adaiita won Id ds well la Citll ul ihe old Pioneer i (Tilb-iy iind . xmmic Hj-’ccin. n oi beuutilu> Ficturen. • v uch ii.- aif made* daily at our rot.ins. Foi bfituiy of fi idi and ile-like .tp[ie«r;tncp un 'Ui pa- a tl. i . 11 J 8 a call, we w ill ase you « Mills rr over it.ii p & Floyd’s Jevva liy .>ioi Nw 2U. it io. led i street. Alla •)•** G 11. HAYDEN, MAMJ-ACTCRKK c ¥ Saddle, Hanu Ih idles, Collate , <£•■., On Broad between MilClie! & Hunter , Atlania, (di., Sell - cheaper than the caeapest. Rc irirrn done r.iih ucatne«s and tu order. Call and see eml preco d**c22 4m JOHN T. ALEX.iNDEU ! FI A E F. 1 MIL Y GRO C E Y ~r wig i.-sale and rktaii,, In the New Brick Store, Corner i) hitchedl and Pete.t h Sht, jittanla IKId'.P Family -upplies of the yi iy beg.: quality. No rn'erinr m liclei geld I, .dies are requestr-d tocall auil examice our stock. NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS ! NEW ARTICLES! »£- Highest market price paid I r Country Produce John T. Alexander. dov 17 6m BERRY VENABLE & COLLIER, PR A G TIC A L I) RUG GIS T S Wholesale and K' tail Druggists, nEAI.FRS IN' Faints, Oils, Window Giass, Falent, Dye stuffs. Foreign and Domestic Goods, Corner Peachtree ami Decatur streets, 0i'2712m Atlanta, Ga A i LAN I A STEAM BUEV\ FRY. C. A. GOODYKAK’S CEIJJBHAI'FU SOuthorn Alos A_\ D FOliT Kls . P. 0. Bex. No 518. Cut. W. I*. TLATT, Tr n sliu;; Agent. np'J S-ts 'JOSKPU BRANTLEY i 1 inn nix, akonoi .l, lu:ai n: p; o O T T C 3ST tun] all kind- of Icoc %T H V CH<)s)l (' 1: , X> X* y CJr OO cl S3, /’ .1 m 1 l y all 0 01: i! 1 s , C o ii f eel i o 11 e r i <■ ;i, Aml Genet :i I .Meidiandit . \CTS with gomlenws and tlmrougtmegii upon ll] 1 l.ivei ninl Gem t'iicaiallau-koept i iln* in \ ;tlaral Million and Cl. an*, s ilia j s*r lin hum all hupij’iftes. ~C" Nt*vrr ’ail.- ; •''-r • OH. O".S\ PHOPhI I1 S 'i !|,; V; '"' i Mini = s-Torp and iij. nt. L>y.-pepsin. la-Ji-- 10:1. L,o • ! <'l ape ilo. Ncn--fa. ?*owr simiiMch. Il«?\rr Bin® } Debility, Low spirit. C 1.1 frY r an.l ! Ccstivctu s*, Listlcssne!-*, Cube. Chronic i>iu na. ami Chronic Chids ml K vt-r. Compounded in strict >aeord;ince with j chemistry ni and scientific phnrtn icv.thu j I ureiy V<*u iHble Ci tn|>«i ull * I has lift**/ the .-e j : . I ■ .. p , ■ “-•■'ll fi.L BRATEO !! '-' . h«* »>je(l IV = • ■ Mil 1; Mu. ’'•‘live a (I Kecupuaiii by Mte toned t„n tnimny ni 1 InujN.imls u>in_ it; so hat niouiously adjusted that it deeps the Liver in healthful act 1 11; and when the directions are observed dt* pro es> us vv.i 11* nnd r* plcnishuieut. in the human -v-'i'in C'lirimies ii' inienuptedly to a upe • and ape, and man, like the patriarchs ot » ld. and < ps into the urav.-lull o years, without* a Ptiu L. wln'ii. ver Death elm in.'-h s prerogat v 11 !' and t. 1 Li '"°a .-•■!. iSLIVER M l)lb!Nt|H f t-mpee am ini ami = - mlmsi con - 1 *' nti'iii, it ra'i bi gi vi u ivi :li , (|im l sorty a .it oriaiiily ■:Mi , in tin- youlf;' clnlii. invalid (udy or >t: 11,111 nmn iiol i>i£ o s I'Kornm ANODYNE PAIN KILL IT 1.11 I'AU I.\'u! wh s iai\s i\ t \ in fcs 11, ('IIi!KS i’liiiiß in tint Uuoli, Obi-t, Hi, sot -J [,lulls. Uliiuitm>ti.*m, .NYur.ilgiii. Cuilktlm OI'U. J lroiKilijill a’l'.-olmns, y Dii, ion .-,. lover Complaint, Colic. Minina Morbus l lenrii-y Auibaia, Heart, Hum, T otbaebe Ja Audi E oiiclie, Hem!ache, sprains. Hi t.i», s i a s. ( oiiiiisiuiis. salt"!. i rateil V\ cainte .'Cal,lf. I til ins Chill Hiding. Frost lines. I ■■l ell I't" vepelalii, 1,1 in. Vs. . t 111. am.-' •. -«i.. a .wr ..e-*-,. ■ JL'» AIN Xi 2 X X a *2. iln* Ki'itieOi, h ,-ver ilircuviml no .In ulie.o Mittei ilia hutiim.ity. this is me In ,-t l ain Mmii cainr known lo ini do il science, ’1 Ijo cuiv i pel'll) llll'l pel inallenl 111 I lie .Oust il.Vecl at diseases this is no 11 u1111111 e, lid a gmii' nifO ical disc 'H'lj. A I’a;.. On nt,i mi ltd it" pe '"l to ii, tl itui', p., i a lot ~r dll V. I lie ill It iin uni 111 m Upon an .in, real men Its , ili neiie) I- trniy vuniih 11 it 1 * Uki ii S is Insian- i tan hoi's ll is desl ined In Imiusli pans an Jones, wounds and biutscs, I j ill the la e .-I ill <-nl 111. IliivlO NEW DRUG STORE A’l FAIRnURX, GEORGIA. I) If. GOOD >1 A A S. CO. HAVE op"»el tl Vew D up Store ini he llumplirics' liuililinp. under (lie Masouic Ua I. Colin- iipht inic i. I,uy yaur !tiil T 4i’, I»Vg; Sil'l'l ', I*,HITS, 0 L VARTJSd I.A HPN, I*i' I ICO and li t lIOSIMi OILS, and every arihle usually kept in a Drue Store We deal in pure Dinas, under the supei iu leiidanciMil an el 1 hyg ciilu il we sell you any thing lloil i» not peuu iie, le[ rll il ami pel y.nir uii.iiey. W e will keep a good stnek ol Patent Medi cines, sued', as V i is<‘k«r Ilitlm, 11 :t«lwtiy’s Mi divines, Ayer’s AI edit iues, Globe Flower, &. Conic and see fnr yourselves. Nkaii Knox Cnrim ( Campbell couiiiy, Oeolgia. { Dll. J Ooori.MAN : Dka Sill: V« are nn. piised ol the laci thai uiy wile Inis t,ecn v.-rv ninth ifilicicd lor Iw jenr- pas and I Imve lii'il a gleni variety ol' mrdieiuee in lo r case, and 1 am glmi toinhirm vi-u. Ilia, yniii Sar-apa rill' liiliers and Veg, Table Liver Pill. . have benellib and her more than all oilier medienc.s -he has laken. Hoping thai ills may 1,.* oi seme service t . tin salt* and general ciiculai ion ol your valuable nu-dicints I lake a pleasure in suhu iuing it to you A'ours, very respectfully. l!r.iiono Lick. Faith fits'. Campliell co .Ga ,1 eb. We, Ihe undersiniieil. huvmg used m .• | (amilies It!'. John (iiiodmari's •• Vegetable Lie er Fills '* do most cordially recommend them 1 o ilie public aa u sale and valuable lamily inedieine. A. li. Hulsey, M. I).; J. Welch, It. C. le avers. Oleinary Campbell County; A,]). t>i u n,s, H. A Camp. O. A. Cantrell, Thomas w’ Latinam Attorney »t Law; MH. Wooddull, Clerk Sup rinr Court. KKAD! READ!! READ!!! Art! Ail! Act ns this man did! Nkaii Faikbuiim Cami bi- i.i. Coi.n i y Ga.. Dit. J iiv (iiinpMA.v: Ihvr Sir: Mu j hrahh hns hrvH wrrtched lor Kcmraf and l '/(/(;<■ tru'd Karinas rrmiilws tor rrltr/. I *jiTi<! |SO last yrar for mrdi ■inrs in Eric Yuri: and u enved but httlr hi 1 nr jit l harr. hue ii talrnaj your Vrjrt ablr I.irrr Rd/sand Sarsajiardla Ultimo /iw two month*, and l tret ltin a now man. My Imalth « bailor than it ha* bran 1,1 jiru year* I may comscien tioudy i's. *mPlimt you. virdicinr* to thu ojjticled ercryvliio a. Your, Re.vprdfidly, E. JJt.Mi’unjps Atlanta (Ja AptTl In. is Du. John Goodman: Dka Silt: i l ave your \ egeiable lav,., 1 . nipl a | I roiiounei* them lo be, in my jn.i.n. best pills now in I Xislenee. HJ ( - M ARNl'I.n. a a Kl Alls ARNOLD & FEVKS, ATTOi, Nt. Y, s .) t LA IP s' lla.ik Uiotk.) j cotIT «or AtlniHa. X 5., X?.. KA DU VV -> iiF.VIrV Ui'.LIFF I tkES Tt!: H tilts 1’ PiIAS a lilt i Lis,* to i u n? y .Hi nitt e * -Not <);:«• Iliuir :. .and ieadi ni ili,. .i.ivei tiiemeul r.ei 1 anj ear • •Tl ■i; \t: n pain. : v'AI -■ id \f>V FI I IFF :.S A PURE i ' 'it LVI'.IiV F UN. ll wn Hie id,a and a i'* ■*' ’'>ti S)' S l .'! ill 5! i- ut t- and f ’■* ; bily :| s Ike im .j, riiisiaijpg l' ■ 1 , i,.! i t.nue«. 1 ■ v i■l a, -. i ..'li. ] dor els, ' ■ f bl' i' I• < , ~i 4 . ■ pplioaliotl IN’ FROM OX I: : i ; ' \"i v MINUTES, * 1 ■'■ : >11..: , 1 ■.ei'uede.ine Die pain 'lf ' HI I'MATIC.Idd I'litdon,]niirm,(.’ii|>p!cd, N 'o'i- ah iitalyi", or p: ",id willi di»ea»« may su'Kr. R A D W A Y’S READY RELIEF nill alt’ord instant relief, ;\r ■: •• trips' "F tuk nipncyh. Mr! A.'"! A .1 )X OF Till’ RI.ADDF*. IFF I'd i-t I .N OF THE BiiWELS. <■' iXr.t arioN of the I.tMiA .I'dti' " MI, MFi"l(’t;i,T BRFIATITIS’P. FA: FiT.tTIOX i.F THE BEAST. Cit'd • niFTHKHU. CATAHI'H, INFLVFV7A, MFAbAi'UF, i'I'oTHACnF, ’ f'-ra-ou, p.u;:nuTi-u. c-ii b rmr.Ts, .•' (•'■: cmi.iA. 1 hi 1 ’! !■’ • "• "i ol ih- Rcr.dy Relief to the |uirt nr {din "her* f! . p.n n or dillicult) will alibi'd fa- ■ and cumlort, 1 - enly ill ops in Fall a tumbler of ttaterwill ill a lew 111"Ili- Ufa Cilia C, ■ [Ups, s] asms, aolir l"nun'll, lo rill'll II sill, h, ."In. |,e, Diarihw, dysentery, Colic, wind :n iL- Lov.vis, and all iuiernal paint T av. lrrs si,""111 ys c .irya bottle el Eaduay's lliiidy Hi iiei with tlmm A few ilri.pre in water will joe'.'-nt sickness or pains Iriiin I'hange ot water, ll is I, tier than French Urumly or Hitters as a stimulant. ITIVRR AND ACJfK. 1 I.i !,R AND A’7L K cured Ini'li.'ty cenls. 1 1 :, ii niil ni" medial agent in this world It"it vrillvire 1 , ver and Ague, auil all other 'I ’ o rlet. Typhoid, Yellow, uni "Mill ' .idl'd by RADWAYS FILLS) so ipiii k a: n.UHVAVij HEADY iu.lfif. iliy Cents p< r bottle. U K A 8. T SI ! B ?•- A U TV!! STIiONG ANb IT HE mill Ills on INCREASE OF lit! AND WEIGH.' —CI.EAR SKIN AND ltH. inn I. C" *ll Fl.* Xb N SECURED TO ALU SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS M AUK Uli-: Moss ASTi»NI;,HINO CURKSJ SO QUICK, Sii RAPID are: the CHANGES THi h' i»v CM'Ki s, unijkr tiie inkluknck (f THIN 1 JlL'i-Y WtiNOUIELL ifKDICI.NK, THAT ‘ vc: y fi»ny an Surrcfisf in rie*h and \V>lght L sent u?td Fell* i H LKK\ TB h 0 Ii PURIFIER. Iv. v ! AV i t lhr* rSAIiS.ULvKILLIAN i’! ' 1 ‘■ \L . I • uiMniificulf.M fhroii/h th* Bh" I . iUMt, l. rii;<l olhcr f iifl ami juices ol in i a.: VKioi; op i ife, for il repairs fhu 'nf ihu bo y wiih iit;w net! kjiieul i< iiai Scm.Ln.A. >.vr*i*, Consumption, ( iI-ANPUf.Ai: DIM. \SK>. I l l.'U S IN HIE THROAT, »i;m«nts. Xoi'Ki i.\ i'UK (jlands mul uihcr pa 11 h ol ifit* .vNi-t mi. Soul? Lyes. Bthcm - OUol'.S DIX'II \H<]KS FROM TDK EaKS. Utid ibo UnU'l Ibim-of v v K • N DISEA.-sLS, Kh CPTKIN.FI.YKIt -U».!leaD, I VVuii.M. Balt HIiLUM. bIiVMF, iX. -\(ME. I> 1 A( K WoRKS IS Hi’- !'!.!• ; It it,i j, s in* this Womb, !,| l ' ;i " and painful di.chaigrp, N lE'HT \Yi;.kTS Lo S 'K fI’KUM Ulld all WUHtffl ol the lih.- priuuiplu, :u- within the cuifttive , :t; ; i* ; ‘ aon rr of Aloderu (Jh(*inihtry,and a 1.',,' (! \ up*** \vi;l |»rove loany person using it lor either ol i. » luini-of di '-a.-e it potent po 1 « r so cure I Item Not oil y tilt, s lit*- s \ l ':•>,\ I’AHILI.I\ N KksoI.VKNT • xi el all knu 'ii mu. iia I a_-t nis in I he care of t hi uim . v i o!umu'.. Consiiiuiional. and Skin diM'.-M' ; but it i- flu* only po.-iiive cure for Kidney & Bladder C omplaints, l rlaary, iml \\ mbd, ' i-es. Gravel, Diabete*. lLo| .‘-y. Sh»| ji.ige of W ,111• r, of \ v -inc*. Bi i>ini i: !.*•!■, A Ha]mmuria. and in . ; 'li e .!-.*•> \sh if there are brijk-du.«t deposita. ! X>i*. XA U WY’fil PEK FE C • PURGATIVE PI L S, ! 1 1 ci.y la.*feb clef anfly coaled with sweet .-‘iin. I'Di'; 1 i< f n iii.'*. [tii lily, cleanse, and *■ l l j niIn•(! I Lllfumy’ Bills, for the cure of B 1,- o: 111 : s (if the Stomach. Liver, Bowels, bo , Bladder,N•• i vons Diseaßc.'Jieadache 1 ii|aiiwii. (’u'tiveness, indigestion, Di ii.i. Ibl'Otisne. s, |>iliouH Fever, liiilamma ■ a.,! tin- Bowels, Bibs, and all Derangements of Bi- I iternal Viscera. Warranted to effect V core. Bundy Vegetable, containing uo mercury. iniHeiahs, or deh*teriou« drugs. A lew iJi'H'K ol Kadw ayV Dills will free the syxem Jroin all ihe above named disorders.— i'rte., \ib cents pi r Box. Sold by Dulugstp. b* cl i'.M-SE and I hue ’ Send one letter lump io Rahway & Cos., No. 87 Maiden Laue N. w o k. in ormation worth thousands will b»- > nt ) ou. HKD LUST PIiOOF OATS: Fifteen Hmidteil HualirU. MAKE W. JOU.NSO.X, Opi oiiite C otton Wurt In uve, Broad Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Hits also: W 0 buslr- la Selected Seed Barley •J., I'll-, tula Seed Rye, to arrive. ftf'O bushels Seed v\ beat. 210 bushels lied Clover. 21 bti.'hels lied Top or Iltrdts G raps. 2 1 bushels Orchard Grft?s. ] CO ! o-*|jelri 'Fall Meadow Ott Ginns. 170 bu.sheis I; ti Grass, and all oih* r us* lul Grasses, ere. 600 cu t. Fresh Turnip Seed. Sea Fowl, Etiwan and other Guanos for W lie at, Etc. W ATT r LOW’S. 1 Horse,.. $ n y,O - “ C.FO I endorse the Walt i'low in lull. i -’-i o-YOO Dixie and o'her FI. ws from yi-Yl'i ¥5 SB. - llEAl’k R that, l.t »»»»*- m *<h- S(*tM»fer> ’’ Also—l’.,. Kill,', r .',' t Grail, Drill, for s*'v\ ;ng v\ heat. au*. Also Ev I n thii. y ,-1,. Denied in the Atrrl cu 1 1 u r h( ar K MAKK w. JOWSGX'ri ■ |2{F,„r. PO. Box 2.10, .Vlmbli,,