The Lumpkin independent. (Lumpkin, Ga.)
- Title:
- The Lumpkin independent. : (Lumpkin, Ga.) 1872-1924
- Place of publication:
- Lumpkin, Ga.
- Geographic coverage:
- Publisher:
- Benjamin W. Key
- Dates of publication:
- 1872-1924
- Description:
- Began in 1872; ceased in 1924?
- Frequency:
- Weekly
- Language:
- English
- Subjects:
- Lumpkin (Ga.)--Newspapers.
- Stewart (Ga.)--Newspapers.
- Notes:
- Also on microfilm: Athens, Ga. : University of Georgia Libraries.
- Description based on: Vol. 12, no. 28 (Sept. 1, 1883).
- Latest issue consulted: Vol. 54, no. 44 (Dec. 1924).
- Merged with: Richland news (Richland, Ga.), to form: Stewart-Webster journal.
- sn 89053484
- 20121908
- Holdings:
Check OCLC WorldCat for more information on this title.
- Record