Newspaper Page Text
riio Irwin Comity News
Entered se limit matterot ihcspcnnd-olnss
nr ri (Sycamore, Ga., Poatotltee.
. TJU 8 C__—
Ofiiclni Organ of Irwin County.
P^ulDlished "W©ekly-
.T.T, MA1JN1>, Editor.
Mr. A. D. Ross is our regluur au¬
thorized agent, at Ruby Ga., arm
will receive and receipt lor all sub¬
script ions dim us there.
Money for adtevtisewents ore due offer
first inlurtom vales* different arrangement*
are made before inserting.
A Few Notes From Rambler.
On-The \\ ing, U. S. A., )
Feb; nary, 1893. j
Mr. Editor Would you and
your readers like to have a lew lit¬
tle jottings—a mixture—-a medley
from Rambler as he stops a little
while to rest by the way?
IIow refreshing it is to get out of
the noise and confusion of railroad
and city life, and to spend a little
while in your quiet, modest little
town. The traveler may rest assur¬
ed that friend Dopson and wife and
charming little daughter will ever
make it as restful and pleasant for
him as possible.
While in your little city the Ram¬
bler means to be just as good as he
knows how, lest violent hands be
laid on him by your efficient Mar¬
shal, who seems to he ever on the
lookout for evil doers, and who is
said to make all delinquents “stand
up to the rack, fodder or no fodder.’
Doubtless he can explain following :
A jug of rum,
A drunken man,
A hungry horse,
And Swan-e-^raa.
The Rambler picked up the fol¬
lowing four lines, which can cer¬
tainly be explained by a young M.
J)., and by another who sometimes
makes the welkin (anvil) rirg.—
Listen :
Two double teams often seen,
Inclement (Clements) though the
weather be;
As smoothly on the wings of speed,
They travel eastward—do you see?
And this :
Bis Charlie, Bel, and Kl-ino-rs,
With Wilbur, F., and Marcus P ,
Bat in a circle, round and round,
While Democrat &1., <&1.
A present Cross,
An inward smart ;
An absent Cross,
A happy heart.
It is said that an ece'esiastic,
well known in these parte, became
a little nervous recently when a
certain couple came in church a
little late, after “Madam Rumor”
had gotten in some pretty good
work ; but said ecclesiastic explain¬
ed his nervousness as the effect of
a dose of quinine taken the night
By ihe way, the Rambler had an
opportunity of attending divine ser¬
vice in Sycamore several weeks
ago, and be it said to the praise of
the people, they were ordeily and
attentive, and entered with spirit
into the singing which was good--
heightened by the skilful touch of
the organist. They seemed to en¬
ter fervently into tbe service. Your
minister seems to be well cared for
which may speak well alike, for the
Christian liberality of the people
and for the good work of the oflieL
aiu ol the church.
My time is now out and the train
will he here in a little while. These
rambling thoughts have caused the
Rambler to pass, almost unnoticed,
the hour—so pleasantly it came
and went.
Success to you and your worthy
enterprise, and to all the good peo¬
ple of Sycamore.
Very truly yours,
From IrwituviHe.
Irwinville, Fob., 20, 1893.
Mb. Editor Did you get a val¬
entine? A certain young lady with
whom are acquainted did ; ii was a
sight. She wants another, but the
gpe ehe wants must breathe rnascu-
line ifir, an 1 then we are of the
opinion that the m-x*. thing wanted
will be a ronrjinge license, then a
cook stove, washing machine, sew-
ir.g machine, an ox and lust, but
not Irani, a J v.
[If the boy is in tbe notion for a
pair of marriage licenses, all right,
we think the girl is.—E d.]
March winds will bring back to
our midst a sheepskin and another
gentleman, whose energy, pluck
and perseverance will soon place
hiir. in the front ranks of his pro¬
fession, and Irwinville will, no
doubt, greet him with much and
lasting appreciation. The sick will
he healed, the lame made to walk
and tbe blind receive their sight
from tire able phd , John Luke, M.
I)., late of the Louisville College of
medicine. Success to hnr.
We much regret- to hear that the
school near Irwi viile, G 11 , taught
by Miss Vio a Hall,of Eastman, baa
been discontinued. Her smiles and
pleasant face will be missed by the
surrounding community.
Dear M——, thou art an early bird,
And now since “Cieve” controls
You'll not let. other birds get worms,
And leave you watching holes.
You did that once when ‘Clove’ w ent in
Now you must go for all that squirms,
For you know, and I know d—<1 well,
That there’s more birds than worms.
Yours, W. G.c.
All Sorts .
Columbus, Miss., has gone “dry”
Boston has two negro council-
Pennsylvania State Convention
at harrisburg, June 1.
Rhode Island probitionist, held
her State convention 22iust.
Canibaliem is still practiced in
fourteen piacies in the world-
A Texas woman ownes seven
hundred thousand acres of laud.
Five million pounds sterling is
spent anualy on whiskey in Ireland
Pennsylvania produces more ci¬
gars than any other State in the
Mormons can now vote in Idaho.
The house passed the bill by a vote
of 33 to 2.
The widows of India would out
number four cities like London
One third of the fifteen thousand
arrest for drunkenness in Doublin
last year were women.
Evrey college in the land ought
to have a prohibition club. We are
glad to see the effort that is being
made along this line.
The “hip pocket” appendage in
Georgia should be made to go.
Pistois are entirely too numerous
and handy, sayes the Thomasville
Matches are small things and
cost very little; but it takes a big
concern to make them and controie
the market. The match trust cap¬
italized at $7,500,000, has increased
its stock to $ 9 , 000 , 000 .
Application for Exemption.
GEORGIA,-Irwin Co:
James M. Brown has applied for
exemption of personalty and set¬
ting apart and valuation of home¬
stead, and I will pass upon the
same at 12 o’clock, a. m., at tny of¬
fice in Irwinville, on the 6 th day
of March, 1893. This, February
10th 18})3.
Daniel Tucker, Ordinary.
GEORGIA,—Ii win County;
Will be said on the 1st Tuesday
in March next, at the Court house
in Irwinville, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following property
to- wit:
Ninety acres of lot oi land, No.
8 in the 3rd district of said county,
levied on as tbe property of E. B.
Chapman to satisfy one tax fi fa,
issued by the tax collector of said
c.'unty for State and county taxes
for the year 1892. Levy made and
returned to me by A. J.JVIose, L. C.
this, January 24, 1893.
Also, at the same time and place
200 acres on the south side of lot
of land No. 56, in the 4th dist., of
said county; levied on as the prop¬
erty of Mobley & Fussell to satisfy
cne mortgage fi fa, issued from Ir¬
win Superior Court. April term,
1892, in favor of S. Guckenheimer
<fe Sons , vs. Mobley & Fussell. This
Feby. 2,1893. *
Also at the same time and place,
Two lots of land. Nos. 55 and 53, in
the nth dist., of said county, con¬
taining 8 <j 0 acres, more or less, and
levied on as the property of Mobley
& Fused! to satisfy one mortgage
ii fa, issued from Irwin Superior
Court, Oc.ober term 1892, in favor
of Mohr Bios., vs Mobley & Fussell-
This, February 2d, 1 Ss 3 .
Also, at the same time and place,
800 acres, more or less, of lot of land
No. 54 in the 4th dist., of said coun¬
ty, said 1 nrl being on the east side
of Red Bluff Creek, and known as
the W L Mobley pb c».and levied on
as the property of W L Mobley to
satisfy one mortgage (i 7», issued
from Irwin Superior Court, October
term 18Q2, in favor of Meinheard,
Bros, ife Co., vs. Moldy & Fussell.
This, February 2d, I8o3.
Also, at the same time arid place,
All of lot of land No. 209 in the 4h
dist., of said county containing 49()
acres, mere ot less ; levied on as the
property of W B Fused! to satisfy
one mortgage ii fa, issued from Ir¬
win Superior Court, October term
1892, in favor of Meinheard, Bros.
& Co., vs Mobley & Fussell. This,
Ftbruary 2d, 1898.
Also, at the same time and p’ace
300 acres, tnoie or less, of lot of
land, No. g4, in ihe 4th dist., of said
county, said land being on the east
side of Rod Bluff Creek and known
as the \V L Mobley place; levied on
as (lie, pioperty of W L Mobley, to
sati.-fv one mortgage £i fa, issued
from Irwin Superior Court, October
term 1892, in favor of M. Ferst.s,
Sons (fe Co., vs Mobley & Fussell.
This, February 2d, 18 3.
Also, at the same time and place,
All of lot of land No. 2yS, in the 4b
<ii?t., of said county, containing 40
acres, more or less ; levied on as the
property of W B Fussell to satisfy
one mortgage fi fa, issued from Ir¬
win Superior Court October term,
1892, in favor of M. Fersts, Sons &
Co., vs Modley & Fuseell. This,
February 2d, 1893.
Also, at the same time and place,
300 acres, more or less, of lot of
land No. 54, in the 4th dist., of said
county, said land being on the east
side of Red Bluff Creek and known
as the W L Mobley place; levied
on as the property' of Mobley &
Fussell to satisfy one mortgage fifa
issued from Irwin Supeiior Court,
October term 18-'2, in favor of Bax¬
ter & Kohn, vs. M'.blev & Fussell.
1 his, February 2d, 1803 .
Also, at the same time and place,
All of )ot of iand No. 88 , in the 3rd
dist., of said county, except 100
acres in the north-west corner of
said lot, and 25 acres cm the south
side of said lot of land ; levied on as
the property of J W & J M Brown,
to satisfy one Superior Court, fi fa,
issued October term Irwin Superi¬
or Court, 1893, in favor of F M Tay¬
lor, vs. J W and J M Brown, prin¬
cipals, J \Y and Wtn. Fletcher, ’ se
curities. This February 0 1893.
ARo, at the same time and place,
All of lot of land No. 88, in the 3rd
district of said county, except 100
acres in the north-west corner, and
25 acres on the. south side of said
lot of land ; levied on as the prop¬
erty of J M and J W Brown to sat¬
isfy one Superior Court fi fa. issued
from Irwin Superior Court, October
term J8s2. in favor of F M Taylor,
vs. J M Brown, principal, and J W
Fletcher, security. 'I his, Febru¬
ary 6 th, 1893 .
' Also, at the same time end place,
Fifty acres, more or less, of lot oi
land No. 213, in the 2nd district of
said county ; levied on as the prep
erty of E T Iseial to satisfy one
Superior Court fi fa, issued from
Wilcox Superior Court, September
term 1890, in favor of Lewis, Leo¬
nard & Co., vs. E T Iseral and Ben-
uitt Pate. This, Feb. 6 , 1893.
Also, at the same time and place,
Seventy-five acres, mote or less, of
lot of lard No. 24, in the 4th, dist..
of said county; levied on as the
property of Bird Mobley to satisfy
one fi fa issued at the December
term, 1892, of Irwin County Court,
n favor of J D Weed & Co., vs
Bird Mobley. Levie made and re¬
turned to me by Wm. Rogers, L. C.
This, February 2d, 18»3.
Tenants in possession of a]{ the
above sales, have been duly no¬
Also, at the same time and place,
One bay mare mule, about nine
years old. named Emma; levied on
as the property of J W Brown, to
satisfy one Superior Court fi fa, is¬
sued October term, 1892, from Ir¬
win Supeiior Court, in favor of F
M Taylor, vs. J W and J M Brown,
securities. principals, J W and Wm. Fletcher,
This, Feby. 6 ,1893.
Printer’s fee, $3 00.
Also at the same time and place,
One Eric City engine, one Frick
Boiler, one Saw Mill and all at¬
tachments belonging thereto, also,
two yoke of oxens, described as fol¬
lows : One named Berrv, and cream
color; one white, named Jim; one
black with white spots on side and
beiley. named Buck, and one black
epeckeled, named Henry, also. one
Log Cart; said oxens and cart be¬
ing the ones at present employed
at said mill. J. jvied on and to be
sold as the property of W T Pcavev
& Bro., to satisfy one Mortgage fifa
issued for April term, 1893, frwin
Superior Court in favor of Elijah
Z»rne. vs. W T Peavev & Bro.
This, February 8 h, 1893.
Printer’s fee, $4 50.
Sheriff, I. C.
Weights and Measures.
The following are the standard
weights of i. ‘arm the products, different us
fixed by statutes 111
I States:—
00 pounds when*, one bushel.
66 pounds shelled corn.
70 pounds ear corn. rueu!.
48 pounds corn
60 pounds peas.
56 pounds rye.
32 pounds oats. barley.
46 pounds pounds Irish
(to potatoes.
55 pounds sweet onions. potatoes.
57 pounds
32 pounds cotton seed.
20 pounds bran.
60 pounds corse salt.
55 pounds fine salt.
88 pounds dried peaches.
24 pounds dried apples.
65 pounds turnips.
25 pounds peannts.
I 96 pounds Hour make a barrel.
200 pounds beef or pork make
one barrel.
Gr* S IP. P?,. PL.
LOCAL -: - 8 C II E D U L E .
Day Passenger,........ 1 21 p. m.
Day Accommodation,... 7 20 p. in.
Day Passenger,........ 1 55 a. m.
Day Accommodation,... 5 20 a. m.
Going North,.......... 12 59 a m.
Going South 1 1 34 p. m.
All night trains, (Nos. 3 and 41 will
stop between Cordele and Tilton only
when tinged.
» - *«ea»aastaj«iBito
e. SERNS & G
Harness, Saddlery, Collars,
Bridles, Plow Gear of every
description. Buy from first
hands and save money. Shoe
findius of every description
always on hand at whole¬
sale prices.
Mill and Turpentine
: o:
453, 452,454 ii 455
nr I. 1
S- II. Aawkins & T. E. Hambietou, Bee’s.
schedule in effect dec. 18, 1892.
Leave Savannah, 7 25 a. m.
Leave Lyons, 10 00 a. m.
Leave Helena, 11 43 a. m.
Leave Abbeville, 12 37 p.m
Leave Cordele, 1 41 p. m.
Leave Americas, 3 01 p. tn.
Leave Kichland, 4 04 p. m.
Leave Hurtsboro, 6 17 p. m.
Arrive Montgomery, 8 50 p m.
Leave Montgomery, 7 07 p m
Leave Hurtsboro, 9 35 p m
Leave Richland, 11 45 p m
Leave Americas, 1 00 p tn
Leave Cordele, 2 08 p m
Leave Abbeville, 3 14 p m
Leave Helena, 410 p m
Arrive Lyons, o 85 p m
Arrive Savannah, 8 05 p ra
iu Effect January 16th, 1?93.
No. 9 Lv. Cordele 8 20 a. m. Ar. Al¬
bany 10 45 a. m.
No. 11 Lv. Corlele 2 15 p.m. Ar Al¬
bany 3 42 p. in.
No. 13 Lv. Cordele 8 20 a, m- Ar. Al¬
bany 9 45 a. m.
No. 10 Lv. Albany 4 40 p m. Ar. Cor¬
dele 7 00 p. in.
No.12 Lv. Albany 11 35 a.m. Ar, Cor¬
dele 12 58 p. in.
No.14 Lv. Albany 4 40 Ar. Cor¬
dele 6 03 p. m.
Nos. 9 and 10 will bo run daily, ex¬
cept Sunday.
Nos 11 and 12 will be run daily.
Nos. 13 and 14 run on Sundays only.
Connections at Savannah, Albany,
Americas and Montgomery with the va¬
rious diverging lines, and at Abbeville
with the Abbeville and Waycross R. R.
C. B. WILBURN, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Americas, Georgia.
Hayes, Smith & Co
Should” be given each and every article purchased— and live
Merchants have some Notv Novelties Arriving all the time.
Such as
Panangs’ Ootton and.
"W r orsted Zephvrs-
X3 eBaisa and Frenc hr
Arc some of our latest attractions. Also,
We have just received the largest lot of Notions ever hand¬
led in Sycamore, or Irwin county.
SHOES! ' - . A'--A-
SHOES!! it
Of every variety, kind and style, all of the best quality and at
prees to suit the Hard Times. See us before buying.
Our stock of Clothing is GoMpIste.
Our Stock of Ladies and Gents Underwear is of a superior quality. W»
have them in suits or any quantity desired. Of the finest texture,
and latest designs. They are bound to sell when seen.
We also keep a full line of Hard-ware, Tin-ware, Glass-ware, &c. Oun
stock ing. of New Caned goods Goods and Groceries of all kinds, are full to overflow- * J
of constantly arriving and we propose to sell all
these goods at New York prices to make room tor more.
H3F“Give us atrial. While in town make our store headquarters."®]!
Headquarters for Good Cheap Goods. Hayes, Smith h Co.
mr°Country Lard, produce, such as Chickens. Eggs, Butter, S
etc., etc., bought. Highest market price paid forJl
Business Institute
Book-keeping, Phonography, Telegra¬
phy, taught by experienced teachers.
Terms easy. Call on or address,
Thomasvillk, Ga.
P p -p
zF P P.=
=P P P-
=p p p-
CUP.ES dyspepsia.
p. p. p.
C yj f e is Sy p h Ii s>
3Ai-Dpman Bros-,
For - Boys - and - Girls.
-—°0 = : 0 °-
The Tpring Session opens the
first Monday iy January and con-
tinues six months.
Your patv i age to the school is
respectfully solicited. With the ex¬
perience of 8 years in the school
room we think that with a fail trial
and your co-operation we can give
Discipline;— Mild, but firm.
A first-class Assistant will be in
Primary Department.
--o 0 :: 0 o--
Primary class, per month, $1,50.
Intermediate, “ 2 , 00 .
Higher class, “ it 2,50,
Mathematics, Book-Keeping and i
Penmanship a Specialty.
0 her inf0Fmation ’ ap
too Write
R.’ -: - H. -: - SUTTON,
or J. P, Fountain,
Sec. Board of Education.
GEO. W. MARVIN, President. J. S. oJGordele. 1’ "E, Vice President.
The First Nationai Bank
This Bank is now OPEN for Bnc‘inefl.’ and Solicits 3%:9 Accounts of
Lumbermen, Manufacturers, Merchants, Firms, and Individuals.
Interest Paid ‘ ‘ E. 3.1%:
WW‘W‘“ ‘
INTo- 210, PJ .A.- Xv
Regular Communications;
2 nd. Saturday of each morfi at
10 o’clock a. m.
Ail M. M in good standi a-
W. L. Story, W. M.
J. D. McKenzie, Secretary.
n Hi*IDG, bnnea
H. B. DOPSON, Proprietor.
-; 0 :--
Guests will find the cut-
sine of this popular house U1Y
surpassed in any country town,
Airy comfortable rooms an j
attention to patrons, are two
distinguishing Terms features.
J c Ashburn, 6a.
- - HENDERS0J?,-7ftoprieter.
ty laal 0 18 furnished with be St
_-e market affords, rooms nice,
urmshed and polite and attentiv. H
servapfg. Convenient to the depo
anu Dijainess portion of town.