The Irwin County news. (Sycamore, Irwin County, Ga.) 189?-1???, March 10, 1893, Image 3

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Irwin Co., Hews. MBMI CASH I FOR GASH OILY. -§§ — On, and after this date, FEBRU¬ ARY 18th, the firm ol HAYES, 8MITH & CO., do not propos e to be undersold by any house in Sou¬ thern Georgia. And in order do this we must sell for SPOT CASH, —We Mean What We Soy—- Bring us a bill from any firm in this country and we will duplicate it in price and quality of goods. AT COST- All of our XYoolen or XXLnter Goods will he sold square down at COST. This is don" to make room for our Spring and Summer stock goods which i- now arriving. This stock is competed of everything usually found in a first-class dry- goods and graoery house. Ladies and Gents furnishing goods of every description, Children and Misses and, in fact, anything you may call tor from a box ot hair pins down to the finest qual¬ ity of ladies and gents shoes. t We expect to sell goods cheaper than ever before sold in this sec¬ tion. But the CASH must accom¬ pany all orders. Give us a. trial and be convinced. Hues, Siiil ai Go. Leaders and Controlers of LOW PRICES. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Irwin County News, MOW. 75 cts. For the next Twelve Months. Rice Euller. - : §§:- AT CYCLONETA. I take this method of inform¬ ing the public that I will soon be ready to Thrash, Hull, Pol¬ ish and grfde their rice. My IIuller is of the latest patent of 1890, with a capacity of hull¬ ing one bushel every 2 minutes My charges ore reasonable, 1-8 ltice and 1-2 chaff or bran. Respotfully, D, G. Ir.y, Mang’r. SOUTH OF THE Potomac, --NO SUCH- Furniture and Carpet House, as that of Payne k Willingham. Well known in Georgia as the largest FURNITURE and CAR-. PET HOUSE in the Southern States. We invite comparison of .prices with Cincinnati, St. Louis, Baltimore, and Chicago. fcgrWARE ROOMS, Corner Cherry & 2d. Street ISTT ACTORY, On Bqundry Street. Macon , Georgia. april-2st.6mo. gpEPThose who are behind with their subscription need not ask us to stop their paper .until ui] arrears are settled up, for we will apt stop them until a settlement L made. 1 LOCALS. Fen-Foints for Peo¬ ple to Peruse- Read all of the new advertise¬ ments in today’s paper, ■ — — 1 4V — - College- Thomasmlie, Bustness ...... ■■■—-• O- 9 • Hunting violets, is just, a little better than no excuse at all. Col. Frizell of McRae spent * :o or three days in Sycamore this week. ————--— -«* ■*. -*-•—- 73® GETS THE c 1 LAY I N CO NEWS FOR 12 MONTHS. —• «. ^ -► *. Mrs. Maund spent last Thursday in Ashburn with her friend, Mrs. Moore. ----------- —If you want meat at 12 1 2 cts. per pound, call on Hayes, Smith & Co ------ « -•-«- Sheriff Nelson, of Worth county, has been disposing of the J. XXL Smith goods, this week. , Mr. John Griffin has the lumber on the ground for putting a nice picket fence around his home. —-- Mr. John Nelson, and Mr. Gun¬ ter. of near Ty Ty, assisted in the selling of the J. W. Smith stock today. ------- Dr. Story has fixed up his well, putting a fence around his yard and otherwise improving his corner property. ------♦ -*. fi -»♦ ------------- - —U.-ual price of Dixie plows is $1.75. XYe have a large lot of the best Dixie Plow at $1.40. Hayes, Smith & Co.' ---- ♦- if) -«.*-- Dr. Anthony taken six Batches in the leg of one of Smith & Bus¬ sey’s hands, this week. The negro had cut himself with an ax. XX’e clip the following item from the Hawkinsville Dispatch and News: Farmers are very busy preparing for a crop. They talk of planting the Sea Island cotton mostly, as the short staple is not so much in demand. Judge Wiley XX’hitley, one of Ir¬ win’s best intensive farmers, killed last, week two fine porkers which weighed 470 and 320 pounds, We presume the Judge will have greasy turnips when the spring opens. Mr. John Bishop and Miss Mamie Garrison were married last Sunday morning at 4 o’clock. They left for Abbeville immediately after tlu ceremony was performed where they will take the train for Ala. Our school at Pine Level is pro¬ gressing nicely. The Sabbath school is flourishing also, and prospects of a grand success are just ahead. Mrs. Lewis XYilcox is very sick, and there is more sickness in our community, ail of which we are sorry to record. Some unknown culprit entered the smokehouse of Parson Harden a few nights ago and took a cart load of his meat. XVe truly hope the guilty parties will be found and justly dealt with by the law. Mr. James W. Barnes will leave today, Feb. 22d, for Blstckshear, where he contemplates entering in¬ to business. ----- School Enumerators for Irwin. The Board of Education, in sess¬ ion at Irwinville, last Tuesday, ap¬ pointed the following gentlemen to take the school statistics of Irwin county: Fourth district, XXL D. Dormioy ; Second and Third, C. Clements; Minnie and Fifth, J. C. Fletcher; Sixth and Roberts, J. Y. Fletcher. -—--— Married. At Ugrv’s Mill, near Cycloneta. on Sunday afternoon, March 5th, Mr. John Will", of Sylvester, to Miss Winnie Colley, ReY. J. XV. Connors officiating. o The Spring Meeting Of the Cordele Holiness Associa¬ tion will convene (D. V.,) on Mon¬ day after the 3rd Sunday in March at Ty Ty, Ga., running one week. All seeking, and those in possess¬ ion of the blessing of Sanctifica¬ tion are invited. We ask an inter¬ est in the prayers of all Christians, for the presence of the Holy. Ghost in cur midst. J. Lawrence, Secretary. Found u Testament. Mr. P. IT. Meares, of this place, brought to our office this week, u rest ament that he carried with him, after the battle of Chancelors- ville, during the entire war. Mr. Meares found the hook in a knap sack, belonging to a northen soldier, on the battle ground after the fight. On the flv leaf of the hook is this entry, “Theodore C. Foret, Capt. Otis’ Co., N. Y. S. V., Co- I) ” We are requested to say that, should any of the friends of this gentlemen see this notice and de¬ sire. the return of the book, if they will write him at Sycamore, Irwin Co., Ga., that he will forward same them. KffceiveiV Notice. Ail parties indebted to the late firm of J. XXL Smith, either by note or account, is requested to meet me in Sycamore on Friday aDd Saturday next, March 17b and 18h, and come prepared to settle their indebtedness as I will bo there on the above dates for that purpose. G. S. Nelson, Receiver, Advantages of Good Roads. A country without roads wm re¬ main undeveloped, its hidden treas¬ ures stored away. Where poor roads prevail every¬ thing else is apt to be poor, the horse, farmer and merchant. If two horses haul ths load of four, one tyagnh haul the load of two, oue set of harness haul the load of two, one drtver serve to, two and six miles instead of tim e be made per hour, the aggregate saving would double the net income of the average farmer — The desideratum can only be ac¬ complished by the means of good public roads. The effect of good public roads upon land value is to increase the value of such lands. Experience has shown that the value of ground is in direct ratio to the good condition of the streets or roads which traverse them. A road system is the means of fa¬ cilitating intercourse. Inter communication is the backbone of business. Good pub¬ lic roads are the primary necess¬ ities of civilized life and national prosperity. Notice ! TO TEACHERS. The first session of the Monthly Institute vvill be held at Irwin vills on the 4th Saturday in March, ’93. All the teachers are requested to attend on the above date. J. Y. Fletcher, C.S.C.I.G. Irwinville, Ga., Mch. 7, 1S93. The Horse Shoe- Doubtless our reader? have often been amused by the importance at¬ tached by some persons to the ac¬ cident of finding & horse shoe. It is considered a mark of good luck by. superstitious people, and very many persons even among the enlightened people of our own country, cannot entirely divest themselves of the idea that there “is something in it.” This regard for the horseshoe is a relic cf superstition handed to us from very remote times, and it is apparently Celtic origin. The reason why it is a sign of good luck to find the article is be¬ cause the horseshoe operates as a charm to keep off evil spirits. Hence it is nailed up over the door to prevent the entrance of those obnoxious witches. The magi tell ub the Evil One has a tendency to move in circles, and consequently when once inclo¬ sed in a horseshoe cannot easily get out at the heel. Upon this principle we would auggest that instead of a horseshoe a Ualf peck measure be put over the door for the purpose of preven¬ tion ; for that presents a complete instead of a broken circle. Moreover, there are such small devils about in these latter days that one of them could trot all clay in a half-peck measure without once suspecting that he was im¬ prisoned, About Murriagp. No test of character is more try¬ ing than the test matrimonial, if the contrasting parties are not per¬ fectly harmonious. Marriage can become obnoxious from excess of attention, if not in¬ dulged in the right spirit, and equally from neglect and indiffer- u nee. A wife may make such demands upon her husband’s attention and time as to make him feel himself little better than a slave, and sla¬ very is galling to the most sub¬ missive. Such a wife puts shackles on his feet, a palsy to his Lands, a burden to his shoulders.. Each should have perfect confi¬ dence in the other. Should one remain away from the other any length of time unac¬ counted for by him, let silence bs your monitor until a voluntary re¬ turn reveals the secret of the ab¬ sence. Both men and women, united in the marriage relation, are necessa¬ rily tried and perplexed at seasons, when silence should close their lips until moderation takes possession of them. Jealousness of even trifling nat¬ ure should uef. r C Vi i*i - single moment. To prevent all such misunder¬ standings, persons entertaining the sacred ordeal of married life should acquaint themselves with the dis¬ position, tastes, and unavoida¬ ble rebuirements of their part¬ ners, and then resolve to govern th< mselves *s much as possible ■ he re by. -* a> Blasts From Ram’s Mont. Aw lies are great travelers. The riches that run to us soon dr <\ v* ay. The greatest of all duties is the present one. A bad man hates the thing3 that can do him good. When we try to please everybody we shall please nobody. No would can hurt so badly as the one inflicted by a friend. A lie turns pale whenever it finds out that truth is on its track. It is easier to backslide at camp meeting tnan it is in a shipwreck. There are too many people who are only pious when things go right. The world is full of heroes whose names will never be known in this life, Some people would sell their 80 ula very cheaply for the promise of spot cash. No man has ever yet been able to climb into heaven on a ladder of his own make. If you stop to debate any ques¬ tionable matter with the devil be will outwit you. The kind of religion that warms and cheers is the kind that is full of snnshine. If stinginess is a disease there are a good many people in the church who are not healthy. It is more than likely that in go¬ ing to the marriage the five foolish virgins were at the head of the pro¬ cession. G- S & F- JR, PL- •o LOCAL -:- SCHEDULE. -NOT,TIT BOUND,- Day Passenger, Accommodation,... ........ 1 21 p. m. Day 7 20 p. m. --SOUTH BOUND. Day Passenger, 1 55 a. m. Day Accommodation,... 5 20 a. m. -NIGHT TRAINS.- Going North,.......... 12 59 a m. Going 4outh, .......... 1 34 p. m. All night trains, (Nos. 3 and 4) will stop between Cordele and Tifton only when tinged 16TH; (8CH.8DUI.J8 Hf EFFECT SINCE OCT., T.JLHGE vxa SIS FEED SALfE AND LIVERY STELES, A S H B U R N, G A. ---**•*♦■ Our tournouts are first-elass, and safe. Those in. need of eoveyances will find it to their interest to of give Hotel us trial, Your . Sta¬ bles in the rear respectfully Clyde. patronage is solicited.. iu-10*92. T. A . J UDGE & SONS. S. A, ani I. R. B. H. H. Aa\vkitis& T. E. Humble ton, Khj’s. SCHKDUI.K IN EFFECT DEC. 18, 1S92. goivg wuar Leavs Savannah, 7 25 a. m. Leave Lyons, 10 00 a. m. Leave Helena, 11 45 a. m. Leave Abbeville, 12 37 p ui Leave Cordele, 1 11 p, in. Leave Amerieus, 3 01 p. m. Leave Richland, 4 04 p. m. Leave Hurtsboro, 6 17 p. m. Arrive Montgomery, 8 50 p. m. GOING EAST. Leave Montgomery, 7 07 p ui Leave H imsboro, S) 35 p m L ave Richland, 11 45 p m Leave Americas, 1 00 p in Leave Cordele, 2 08 p ni Leave Abbeville, 3 14 p m Leave Helena, 4 10 p m Arrive Lyons, 5 85 p in Arrive Savannah, 8 05 p m ALBANY DIVISION. In Effect January 15th, 1893. Nr 9 Lv. Cordele 8 20 a. in. Ar. Al¬ bany 10 45 a. m. No. It Lv. CorJele 2 15 p.ra. Ar Al¬ bany 3 42 p. in. No. 13 Lv. Cordele 8 20 a. m. Ar. Al¬ bany 9 45 a. in. No. 10 Lv. Albany 4 40 p m. A.r, Cor¬ dele 7 00 p, ret. No.12 Lv.Albany II 35 a.m. Ar, Cor¬ dele 12 58 p. m. No,14 Lv. Albany 4 40 p.m. Ar. Cor¬ dele 6 03 p. m Nos. 9 and 10 will be run daily, ex¬ cept Sunday. Nos 11 and 12 will be run daily. Nos, 13 and 14 run on Sundays only. Connections at Savannah, Albany, Amerieus and Montgomery with the va¬ rious diverging lines, and at Abbeville with the Abbeville and Waycross R. B. C. B. WILBURN, Gen. Pass. Agt. Amerieus, Georgia. THE WOELD’S FAIR, -AT .-• CHICAGO-- Bid’s fair to be the Greatest Exposition OF MODERN TIMES. --------— Tkere will be assembled from all quar¬ ters of the globe, everything in all the arts, sciences, and products of every na¬ tion ; and while t“e people of every na¬ tion are looking forward to the great exposition with pleasure—the world and the people pause, and wonder—why it is PADRICK BROS. can sell goods so much cheaper than' other dealers? The good people are re¬ joicing over the fact that that they have found the place to buy goods at prices that make it e pleasure to go trading at PADRICK BROS. People MARVELOUSLY cant see how we can sell goods so CHEAP, and say we will not hold out long Any one can sell goods when they are bought, right Our GOODS and our PRICES talk. We believe in HONEST QUANTITY— —HONEST QUALITY. Sell Cheap—Sell aheap—and keep always at it.. NEXT G GODS coming all the time. Every Saturday Special Bargain Day Don’t fail to come. We will save you many of these $ $ $ $ PADRICK BRO’S. ASHBURN - GA. Tifton, - - Ga. july,8-1892,6ino-5 PROFESSIONAL Cards. Dr. W, L. STORY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Sycamore, - G-a- Bell-kept Stock of Fresh aad Pare Drags. Prescriptions carefully Compounded. Calls Ery Telegraph or otherwise at- teuded te promptly. Dec4-ly J. F. GARDNER, Physician and Surgeon, ASHBURN, GA. day. ' Call* 'Office promptly at - VVL attempt^. A. wurray’s , »!ght or residence at J. K Pattoa’s. S- U. BREW TON, A TTO H S K Y - A T—L A W, IRnlXVlLLE • .• v O KOBvcitA Practice respectfully solicited C :m»j | lion* a specialty. Oo c TitOItNTOK, A . DENTIST, i Sy cam or 3, •• •• Q*a aug.-7th,1801-l,yr. j. XI. WILKS, M. D. PHV-ICJAN ANT PENTIST, • Tifcon, a, Dentistry a specialty. XX’ill work is Sycamore and"* surrounding country. jpST’Wi'l give notice when IM be in Sycamore. Jos. E. Wells. Practical Watch maker, Jew¬ eler and Engraver. ftp Jp 2S2AND DEALER IXH2SS Watches, Diamonds, and Sil¬ ver-ware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses. 303 Secon d Street, W!acon^ Ca. april, THE QUESTION w Of Clothing need cause you very little concern, if you know where to get the best value for your money Ell, SEEL- U GO. 552 and 554, Cheer t/3 MACON c Will make it to your inteoos’. to call on them when wanting clothing for MEN, BOYS & CHILDREN -OF THE- LATEST STYLES No other house EVER DID or EVER WILL sell such XVeli-marle and Perfect-fitting Clothing at the prices we oiler. Give us a trial, ap.lstjimo. Georgia South'rn & Fla. Rfi — 8 bit a nee River Rouse.-- Schedule in Eflect October 16. 1892.^ Head dowil. Read op V ■ M . A. jYI r m A. M O 00! 5 45 0 45 8 40 CD * 30j 35 9 7 00 00 Jaekronville LakeCit 8 « 25 30 7 ? 40 4 v - Oi 23 9 53 Jasper 5 33 4 43 O 38 14) 58 Y 7 aides ta •) 27 3 43 A. M. P. M I 12 18 14 44 Tifton 59 2 13 1 47 2 R Corde;e j 1 25 12 o 45 4 30 4 50 V- scon 10 20 10 05 7 15 8 05 Atlanta 710 6 50 A. SI. PM. 1 25 12 55 Chattanooga 212 12 51 7 20 A. 6 M. 25 j Nashville 9 P. 05 M. A, 7 M Si) 20j A. >l. P. M. 1 20 10 Evansville 1 30 7 25 7 301 St. Louis 7 35 10 40 lvChieago.ur 4 00 I A U . P, M.l A, M. i*. M. Short Line to World’s FH. > Sleeping Car on Night Tiaina bfilwecH M acmi and Palatl a. Double daily Pullman Sleeping cars t»e^, tween Jiieli’ville, FIs. CHANGE. and JssiLoals, WITHOUT ., Connects in Union Depot at JttuvAn with AI. * N., Ga. K. R , 'k it. R-, ami Sontbw,’stern R, It., corih and¬ ned in Union Depot at Pa laths with ail trains from Points in Florida, east. wo»t and south. A C. KN '.tV, II. BURNS, Try. Pas. Agt. Traffic Macon,Georgia. Mati’gr, 2i.aimi.Gi. Ib-M oc