The Irwin County news. (Sycamore, Irwin County, Ga.) 189?-1???, March 17, 1893, Image 2

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County Entered ss mail nmi ier 01 the -class nr it xyeHittore, Ga., PSnstnfllee. Otfleiai Organ of Irwin County. «»•». *« met ION *1 .:*0 \ VK III IN ' A li V ANC ' K . Bu'blis'hed "Woel-cly- .t.T. MAUNI», I iiimr. Mr. A. D. Rosa is onr regluar au- tlioOzcd agent, at Rohv Ga., and Vi;! receive mid receipt for all sub¬ scriptions doe us there. Money for adrertinements tire due after fiixt insertion vale** different arrangement* arc nmde before inxerting. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1893. IRWIN SUPERIOR COURT. October Adjourned Term, 1892. — March 8th, 1893. We, the Grand Jurors called, chosen, and sworn, to served dur¬ ing the present term, in closing our labors beg leave to submit the fol¬ lowing G in oral Presentments: We have examined the list of widows of Confederate Soldiers en¬ rolled as entitled to pensions, re¬ siding in our county, furnished by the Secretary of the Executive De¬ partment and find same correct. M. Henderson, Commissioner of Roads and Revenues, presented bis account for transacting county bus¬ iness, from March 8 , 1892, to Feb¬ ruary C, 1893 inclusive, amounting to $211,81 which we approve and recommend that'he draw his war- rent upon the county Treasurer in favor ol himself in settlement of the same. We find that the office of Notary Public and Exofficio J. P., of the 1421st and 432d Districts, G. M., are vacant, the former by expira¬ tion of term of Geo. Mixon, the lat¬ ter by failure of Norman Dorminy to take up commission, and we rec¬ ommend John A. Tomberlin to fill the vacancy in 1421st dist., and L. J. Prescott to fill vacancy in 432ud dist. We find three vacancies in Boaid of Education to wit: Wm. Rogers, resigned ; M. Dixon term expired; Elbert Paulk resig¬ ned, and we recommend far ap¬ pointment to fill said vacancies, S. E. Coleman, L. D. Taylor and L. R. Tucker. We recommend that members of the Board of Educa¬ tion be paid two dollars per day for services, that they receive pay for the time in actual service and meet only at such times as required by law. We recommend that all cases pending in the Superior Court, which come under the jurisdiction of the County Court, be transfared at once to the same. We further recommend that Judged. B. Clements appoint Col. Tom Eason Sol. Geri’l. of the Coun¬ ty Court to prosecute said trans¬ ferred cases. We find the public roads in the 1388th 932nd and 432nd road dist’s. in bad condition, especially portion of the Bowden Mill road near resi¬ dence of Samuel Walker, Sr., and Joe Young, col., in 1388th dist. Also portion of the Irwinviile and Sycamore road in 982nd dist, near the residence of Wm. Taylor. Also portion of Irwinviile and Jack¬ sonville road below residence of Joshua Troup, and we present the board of commissioners of all three of these districts for failure to per¬ form the duties required of them by law. We have appointed from our body, Messrs. Benj. Drew and Geo. K- Wilcox, as a committee to ex¬ amine the boobs ot the various county officers and report to our body, which report we aefapt as a part of our general presentments. To the Grand Jury, October Adjourn¬ ed Tern, 1892, Irwin Superior Court: We, the Committee, appointed from your body to examine the books of the various county officers beg leave to submit the following report: clerk superior court. We find the hooks of this efficer Mr. W R Clements, neatly and cor¬ rectly kept. county commissioner. We find, by reference to vouch¬ ers and accounts in this office there should be in the diffeient funds in the county Treasurer at the close ot business, September 26,1892, the following amounts : General Funds, $1475.77, Pauper Funds, 205,41, We take pleasure in reporting this officers books nicety and systemat¬ ically kept. county treasurer. According to the books of this office we find in the treasury, at dose of business, September 2 5th, 1892, of the several funds, the fol¬ lowing amounts: Oereral Funds, $1464,77, Pauper Funds, 265,44. The diffmeuce as shown in gener¬ al funds on hand by Commission¬ ers books and that of the county Tressurer, is owing to an error in statement of Jury Script rendered by Clerk of the court, amt., $11,00. ordinary. „ We have examined the books be¬ longing to this office and find some inaccuracies pertaining to the re¬ cent sale of ungranted lands and the settlement for the same wiib the proper authorities. The follow¬ ing statement we take from the re¬ cords relative to this transaction : SALE BILL. Lot 10, in 21 dist., sold to Bettie Paulk for $ 234,00 Lot 10 . in 3rd district, sold vo Joe Fletcher, for 238,00 Lot 100, in 3rd diet., sold :o John Clements for 1001,00 Lot 100 , in 4th diet, sold to T. B. Young for 150,00 Lot 100 , in 5th diet, sold to Wm. Grantham for 105,00 Lot 10, in 6 th dist,, sold to Thos. B. Young for 1500,00 Lot 100, in 6 th dist, sold to George Young, for 75,00 Total, $3303,00 Leaving a total amount of $3303,- 00 unaccounted for, due the state, less Ordinary’s commission and ex¬ pence of sale. Respectfully submitted, Benj. Drew, G. K. Wilcox. Committee. Upon investigation we find that lot of land No. 100, in the 3rd dis¬ trict, sold to John Clements at the late sale of ungranted lands by the Ordinary, was bid off by Mr. Clem¬ ents at $1006,00 instead of $ 1001,00 as appears upon the sale bill of said lands. We recommend that the Ordina¬ ry in future, refuse to take any one man on mere than two official bonds, executed before him. We find our public jail in fair condition. The floor, however, is rather filthy and we recommend that the jailer have the same thor¬ oughly cleansed,and the bed clothes used by the prisoners, washed and present his account for same to the proper authorities for settlement. We further recommend that the County Commissioner buy spit¬ toons for the use ot prisoners con¬ fined in the jail. We fined our Court house in good condition, ex¬ cept the floors which need cleaning. We recommend that the County Commissioner take credit upon his account on general funds for $ 11 , covering the difference existing be¬ tween his and the Treasurers cash balance on account of general funds, oco*sioried by error in state¬ ment of Jury Script. We recommend that the various Justices of the Peace and Notaries Public and Exofficio J. P’s., exer¬ cise greater diligence in the appre¬ hension of crime committed, by promptly issueing warrants for the arrest and committal of the offen¬ ders, when the fact ( hat a crime has been committed comes to their knowledge. How often do these officers suffer offenders to go unmo¬ lested by law, and it is their plain duty to apprehend them, thus leav¬ ing such offenders to be looked af¬ ter by Grand Juries, who, in order to get at them, must dispatch mou¬ nted officers very often to secure evidence, after they have entered the jury room, at heavy expense to the county and loss of time. In this connection, but without any insinuation upon any particu¬ lar one whatever, or intention of the same, we most respectfully call attention to the growing lenient treatment of the Court and officers of the same generally towards de¬ faulting witnesses, jurors, etc. In later years it is, in our bumble judgement, too often the case that witnesses,in particular, duly sub¬ poenaed, fail or refuse to appear, and in order to secure their atternl- *nce on the courts Railift’s are 8 tnt for them at the county’s expense and the penalty for such failure omitted, very often without a mild reprimand. We recommend that these Gen¬ eral Presentments be published in the Irwin County News and Haw- kinsviile New and Dispatch. In dealing our labors we return thanks to His Honor, J. L. Sweat, lor the able manner in which he has presided at this term of Court, and to our never tiring, Solicitor General, Tom Eason, we return thanks for courtesies shown our bodv. frwinville, Ga., Mch. 8 , 1893. GRAND JURORS. David Ewing. Foreman, B Sumner, Lucius Paulk, Laac Gibbs, B \V Williams, G R Cooper, D J Henderson, J W Henderson, W F Paulk, G K Wilcox, J B Clements, J A J Henderson, Ge<>. VV HortoD, Jacob Dormiriy, Sami. Walker, Jr., J G Roberta, Ben). Drew, L C Tay¬ lor, S P Troup, Wm. Branch, A E McLeod. GEORGIA,—-Irwin County: It is ordered, by the Court, thyt these General Presentments be published as requested. Irwin Su¬ perior Court, October Adj turned Term, 1892. J. L. Sweat, Judge S. C. B. C., i’ri iding. Tom Eason, Solicitor General. GEORGIA,—Ire in County : I certify that the foregoing is a true extract from the Minutes of Irwin Superior Couri, October Term 1892. J. B D. Paulk, C.erk S. C. I. C. Jedge Waxem’s Politi’I Proverbs. Some stiles of patriotism won’t wash. A statesman kin afford to do a good deal of sufferin fer his coun¬ try for five thousand dollars per annumn. All the legislates in the world can’t make a law that nobody can brake. Holdin office is a bad habit that is mighty hard to brak 6 yeiself ov. The Amerikin Eagle has been knode to crow when he might a? well kept his mouth shut. A congressman aint alius infal- ible. Politics is something like corn; the biggest vers don’t alius grow nighest to the top of the stalk. Farmers has got to know a durn site u ore about politics before per- taters is legal tendjr. When a man’s party just suits him to a t-y ty, thar ain’t enuff of it left to run a campane on. Biied shirts and white collars ain’t goed campane dockyments, out-ide of the city limits. The horny-handed son of toil ain’t much bettern the rest of ub, except to talk about, fer politikle purposes. Icte a heep site rutber heer a hen crow than see a woman votin’ et elecehuns, and they kill crowin hens whar I live. A commitee of the railroad pres¬ idents and otner officers represent¬ ing the railroads of Georgia were in Atlanta a few days ago to go be¬ fore the Railroad Commision and beg the privileg of chargeing high¬ er freight and pasenger rates, The claim is made that the roads are not earning their salt and that they are liable to go to the devil if the privilege of chargeing higher rates is not granted. The counry is buying meat on a credit, mules on a credit, fertilizers on a credit, farming utencils on a credit, whiskey on a credit, in fact evrything on a credit, and raiseing making and manufacturing noth¬ ing to sell for cash, except cotton, and the price is now lower than it can be raised for. What eh&l the harvest be? Debts and dissatisfac¬ tion. It was reported not long since that Peter Turner, governor of Ten nssee, who has been sick, was dead. A gentleman called on the govern¬ or and informed of the report. ‘Yes,’ said the governor, ‘'and I knew it was a lie as soon as I beard it.” A bout all of our Georgia colo¬ nels are colonels by courtesy, there fore snouid not ptesume that their titles give them any advantage o- ver privates, Nevertheless most of the Georgia colonels are after the political kernels. Citation.- GEORGIA,—Irwin Co: To all whom it may concern: Jno. B. D. Paulk has in due form applied to the undersigned for per¬ manent letters of administration on the estate of R. L. Paulk, late of said county deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the 1st Monday in April next. Given under my hand official signature, March 7th, 1893. Daniel Tucker, Ordinary. Road Notice. GEORGIA,—Irwin Co: Office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues if Said County. To all whom it may concern. All persons interested are hereby noti¬ fied. that, if no good cai’se to the contrary be shown, an Order will be granted by the undeisigned on the first Monday in April, 1893, es¬ tablishing a new road as marked out by the Road Commissioners appointed for that purpose, com¬ mencing at the corporate limits of the town of Sycamore in the 9824 road dist,., of said county, running the dividing line between lands of i W A Story and S A Thornton,then- ce ac.oes the lands of Jonah Dmi- iels, as the settlement road now runs, crossing Hat Creek at the old ford, thence across Ends of T H McMurrian, fallowing the new road cut out by II W Bussey to the sou¬ th line of lot land No. 111 in the 2d land dist., of said county, near the residence of IC McMurrian, thence down said land line to within 100 yards of the corner of said lot thence across the corner of said lot to the west line of lot No. 112, cross¬ ing said line 100 yards from the south west corner of said lot thence across lot No. 112, in a northwest- ernly direction, continuing same direction through south-east corner of iot No. I 2 g, through lot I&iterlnh No. 128, and through lands of R B & Bro., to the bridge on Deep Creek known as the Luterloh bridge. This March 3rd. 1893. M. HENDERSON, Com. I. C. Fair Warning. Those who owe me on account, 18g2, that wish to save cost on same, will please come and settle. I shall place in suit all notes and accounts that are not arranged at once. W. L. STORY, M. D. Weights and Measures. The following are the standard weights of most farm products, as fixed by statutes in the different States:— 60 pounds wheat, one bushel. 56 pounds shelled coru. 70 pounds ear corn. 48 pounds corn meal. 60 pounds peas. 56 pounds rye. 32 pounds oats. 46 pounds barley. 60 pounds Irish potatoes. 55 pounds sweet potatoes. 57 pounds onions. 32 pounds cotton seed. 20 pounds bran. 50 pounds corse salt. 55 pounds fine salt. 38 pouud? dried peaches. 24 pounds dried apples. 55 pounds turnips. 25 pounds peanuts. I 96 pounds flour make a barrel. 200 pounds beef or pork make one barrel. -Mark antiiony, FF /f?/-ju‘can J 7 anc/Gz/ ui ? SYCAMORE, GA. Will be located, for the present, at the Dopson,House. Patronage respect¬ ful) solicited. AIIOUNCEIEIT. 0 . mm & go., MANUFACTURES Harness, Saddlery, Collars, Bridles, Flow Gear of every description. Bay from first hands and save money. Shoe findins of every description always on hand at whole¬ sale prices. Mill and Turpentine HARNESS MADE TO ORDER. 450 , 452,454 & 458 CHERRY ST. MACON, GA- ap.l,1892,tf. Hayes, Smith & Co sycamore, ga. -------- CAREFUL AND PRAYERFUL CONSIDERATION Should be given each and every article purchased—and live Merchants have some New Novelties Arriving all the time. Such as Banderburg Olotlies, Penangs’ Cotton and "W'orsted Zephyrs, IDeBaise and French INDIGO SUITINGS, Are some of our latest attractions. Also, We have just received the largest lot of Notions ever hand¬ led in Sycamore, or Irwin county. OUR STOCK OF HOSIERY IS UNEQUALED ANYWHERE, SHOES’ SHOES’! T# \vs&- r Of every variety, kind and style, all of the best quality a. ,d at prces to suit the Hard Times. See u sj before buying. •o Our stock of Glothmg !$ CoMp In Our ‘il ock af Ladies and Gents Underwear is of 1 superior quality. We have them in suits or any quantity desired. J)f the finest texture, and latest designs. They are bound l < 1 fell when seen. We also keep a full line of Hard-ware, T!n-wa: ef, Gla« 8 -wire, <fec. Ora stock of Caned Goods and Groceries of all kin is, are full to oversow¬ ing. New goods constantly arriving and vfa} propose to sell all of these goods at New York prices to mail 3 room for more. dfGive us a trial. While in town make our stt >re headquarters."®® Headquarters for Good Cheap Hayes, (Smith & Co, Goods. mob.25-92,if. HT’Country . produce, such as Chickens. E ggs, Butter, Syrup, Lard, etc., etc., bought. Highest . market price paid for Business Institute -- 0 -- phy, Book-keeping, Phonography. Telegra- Terms taught by experienced teachers, easy. Call on or address, G. W. H. STANLEY, apr.l5,lm. Thomas ville, Ga. P. P. P. CURES SCROFULAR. =p. p. p - CURES BLOOD POISEN. IP P p.z CURES RHEUMATISM. IP P P.I CURES M A L A RI A . IP p p- CURES DYSPEPSIA. ?. p. p. Cures Sy p h I i s* Lippman Bros-, Proprietors. SAVANNAH, GA. —FOR SALE BY— HAYES, SMITH & CO., SYCAMORE, : : GEORGIA. mch. 25-1892. lv. BYC’MOKE For - Boys - and - Girls. — 00 :: 00 - The Tpring Session opens the first Monday in January and con¬ tinues six months. Your patronage to the school is respectfully solicited. With the ex¬ perience of 8 years in the school room we think that with a fair trial and your co-operation we can give satisfaction. Discipline .-—Mild, bat firm. A first-class Assistant wid be in Primary Department. -o 0 :: 0 o- —TUITION:— Primary class, per month, $1,50. Intermediate, “ 2 , 00 . Higher class, “ <4 2,50. -oO:: Oo- Mathematics, Book-Keeping and Penmanship a Specialty. For further information, apply to or write R.H.SUTTON, ■’ «f. Principal. or P. Fountain, Sec. Board of Education/ sep.30-’92.10m. 950. w. MARVIN, I‘rEWEfi.‘ *‘ ~---"~-.\L 15311;! Vice President. ‘_ ?he First National Bank of Gordele- This Bank is now OPEN tor Business, and Solifits the». Accounts of Lumbermen, Bianufacturera, Merchants, Firms, and ndividuals. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. J05. E,fBlVlNS;C'*=sne fmff‘w‘" *“MJ'M—W‘ " MM T,vT,.,"‘.“-—*——M“"‘ “ SYCAMOhE LODGE. N0 210.F &, A-M Regular Cpnhmunicatjons 2 nd. Saturday at 10 o’clock & m, and 4 h Saturday at 7 :30 p. nr.. All M. M. in good standing in, v^ted. W. L. Story, W. M. J. F. Royal, Secretary. The floDson louse H. B. DOPSON, Proprietor. ^Guests will find the au¬ sine of this popular house xin- surpassed in any country town. Airy comfortable rooms an J attention to patrons, are two distinguishing Terms features. reasonable. ~hotelclyde, Ashburn, Ga. J. C. HENDERSON, Proprietor, | [d e My market table is affords, famished with nicel^ be y I rooms attentivl Jrnished and polite and Isrvanls. Convenient to the dejwffl Ind business portion of town. J|