The Irwin County news. (Sycamore, Irwin County, Ga.) 189?-1???, October 20, 1893, Image 3

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I—a Co. Hews. ■ flaaggaa .Loc a,l and. iPersoneci ------ .Tack Frost appeared it, Sycamore last Sunday morning. -------- ® ------ —Fresh lot of garden seed at Hayes, Smith & Co ® -y o-— The next meeting of the Mite Society will be the most interesting one in the history of the society, and you will miss a treat u you fail to attend. -♦4— —Gloss Starch Sets a pound, at Hayes, Smith & Co. Hayes, Smith & Co. are receiv¬ ing a fire lot of new goods. ^------ —-- Mr. Goo. C. Price, a distinguish¬ ed young polUican of Macon, died lest Wednesday evening from a ■stroke of paralysis. <*■ —Now is the time to buy ycur : ady-made clothing. We are soli¬ ng out at a great sacrifice. Hayes, Smith & Co. The young men of the town have organized a debating society with Dr. Story ea president. We ubv some fine talent in tbs' town and we predict that the society will be o f vast interest. •-*------ We have some chronic courtships in the town which we fear will never materialize. VOF. DV8PESFSIA, Indication, Ei’.OWK and S Stomaeh mow BITTSak dL^rdora. take All doaJ.srs koop it, SI per bottle. Genuine t .-.3 treH j-f.'.iuL and croe£iedrQd iisceon wr -O- <& t The friends of Solicitor General Tom Eason regret to learn that his hmdsome home at Mel’to, was totally destroyed by fire this week. The News takes great pleas- -ure - ip calling tho. attention of its readers to the meritorious firm of Ilayes, Smith & Co., who carry all the time, one of th« completest and most select stock of goods to be found in this part of the state. We say that, from a two years contin uous patronage of this firm, you cannot buy goods cheaper at retail, in Macon or Atlanta than you can from this house. The firm is composed of strict¬ ly conscientious gentlemen and will not oiler to sell yon one article"below cost in order to swindle you in something else. Bring them your cotton and other produce and they will pay you the highest market price; o Ripanslabmes V. Ripans Tabules are com- pounded from a prescription medi- ;; widely used by the best .: cal authorities and are pre- sented in a form that is be- s coming the fashion every¬ where. i 1 W- RIpans Tahulea act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; constipa¬ cure : | dyspepsia, habitual tion, offensive breath and head- I ache. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, distress ’ biliousness, dizziness, after eating, or depression and quickly of spirits, will surely difficulty. remove the whole Ripans'fabules may be ob¬ tained of nearest druggist, Ripans Tabules ifei are easy to take, quick to act, doc-te and /%-™|F save many a tor’s bill. mp Dots From Ilnby. Ruby, Ga., Oct., I7tu, 1803. Editor Nows: News in scarce this work, times is sorter dull but cotton is looking up a, little and we hope the farmers will come out all right. The farmers will soon be done gathering their crops end as a gen¬ eral thing will make hog and hom¬ iny euongh, except those who lost and are losing their hogs with chol¬ era. We have some good farmers about lrere and they will give you some of the results of their labor us soon as they can gather them. Orr neighbor, Mr. Kelly, is in¬ disposed this weak with a case of lagrippe. We attended church at Little River last Sunday. Elder Gibbs baptised three at 10 oclock am and then retired to the church and most excellent eoul-stiring sermons 1 y Rev. II. A. Lawrence arid Elder James Gibbs, after which the door of the church was opened and two more were received into the church. We met our old friend Judge W. \V. Hill and was glad to see him looking so cheerful. Say Judge, who was that you carried oat Sun¬ day? we would like to know. Chula. © -♦4- The Orphan’s House. The News calls the attention of its readers to tho present urgent necessities of the Orphan’s Home. It is a positive obligation ret-ting upon the people of Irwin and Worth counties, as well a3 else¬ where, to help in some measure to sustain this institution. There are twelve children now in tho home from these two counties, one from Irwin and eleven from Worth. Rev J. P. Wardlaw, the agent of tho home, reports that collections are very slow and that provisions must ba made ter the coming cold weather. They need every thing that your children need at home, so it is useless tor us to debate in our minds whether have anything about us that could be given to ike orphans-. The people of Sycamore have responded moat liberally to tho call for help to keep up the home, The Orphan’s Home is a non sectarian institution kept up by the South Georgia Conference, and its doors are open to. all children with- out parents and homes. Those of this community who subscribed and have not paid up. a^e requested by Bro. Wardlaw to settle same with Miss Stella Dasher or A. G. DeLoaeh, Please pay what you subscribed and give more if you possibly can. For Mite Society, Which Meets at the Residence of Mr. «V. I». Dasher, Oct.. S7th, 1893. Song,—Great is tha Lord, by The Society. Roll call and payment of duo*. Minutes of last meeting. Local business. Instrumental duet. Mrs. DeLoaeh & Miss Fields. Reading,—Ganderfoot’s Letter. Elmore Hayes. Recitation,—Carl Dasher, Vocal duet, Misses Swearingen and Dopson. Essay,—(subject selected.) By Mis Stella Dasher. Insrumental solo, Miss Margaret Smith. Reading,—“Elder Lamb’s Dona¬ tion.” by Edwin Smith. Recitation. Mias Susie Cockrell. Vocal solo,—“Mary and John.’’ May Stubbs. A letter to be read by Mr. E. R. Smith,, (A history of this letter will be given by Mrs. Fields before it is read.) Instrumental solo, Miss Fields. Reading,—“Mite Cracker,” • Dr. Anthony. Song,—“God be with you.” By The Society. Miss Pearl Stubbs, Mis- Florrio Smith. . Committee. Grand Jurors. Drawn for The April Term of 1891 R. W. Clements, Jehu Branch. R. VV. Williams, j, A. Sutton, F. H. Moore, J T. 1' ••> Marcus Lake, J. A. Ion i-rson, W. J. Royal, Jno. A. .Rnmoh’ Wna. Grantham. Win. It J. il. Harper, J. F. Bishop, Riley IUrpor, M, !). Young, L. It. Tucker, J.-m McMillan, L, L. C. Harper, W. 10 Coleman, John Clernei s, W. I Isaac Gibbs, Jno. T. NoBsnith, A. J. Jam 3 Whiddon * j J. R. Sutton, ?• n Dickson ** P n Petit Jru Newton Henderson, II, T. Paulk, J. Pv. Paulk, 7,1‘wrr-. D. IT.rrper, Geo. Fletcher, Jno. W. Paulk, David Whirldon, W. T. Ba s, E. J. Gapque, W. J. C omenta, Elisha Tucker, Eml i Globe, Daniel Gray, E. A. Johnson, E. N. Taylor, Geo. W. Fletcher, Love Young, Joe Fletcher, 11. D. Sincl.iir, J o J, L r ?e, Joe Pafford, J. W. Fletcher, J, \V . To; iberlit;, M. G. Hunter, Jaa. W. Whidden sr. D. J. Henderson, J Alonzo Jones, L. L. Harper, J. B. Eleteher, J. H. Faulkner, J. Y. Paulk, J. Ii, Whitley, R. B. Watson and J. J. Lea. uj uGilitiil? TElIUlh, •h h-sf-n WALE AMD FEMALE- SYCAMORE, ;; GEORGIA. English. Classical and Scientif¬ ic Course; with Physical Cul¬ ture. Under its present ABLE MAN¬ AGEMENT, no other school in the south offers SUPERIOR 1TIES for obtaining A FINISHED EDUCATION. The commodious school building, having been thoroughly renovated, and FURNISHED with MAPS, CHARTS &c., is now one of the BEST EQUIPPED Schools in Georgia. Rates of tuition, $1.50 per mo. After Jaa. lat 1894 $1.00 per mo, to ail who arc within public school ages : viz : from 6 to 13 years, Good board can be had in the best of families for $8.00 to $9.00 per month. For further in forma- Goa axi. Mrs. M. E. Fields, A. M. Pria. or E. R. Smith, Sec. Bd. The Enterprising SIvrahants Agree that it pays to . IN THE NEWS, TRY IT3 ii m .vide hedge. No. 315 F & A. y.-. Regular eoau: nications 3rd F. H. Taylor, W. M. R.W.Clements Sec m ii tiUUkOLoi n n U r 11 ? j ? RUBY, Q-Aa- —DEALER IN— Dry (loodg. n/u: ivO® lions of every description. He has, also, a complete stock oi CANNED GOODS, MEAT, LARD, SUGAR, COFFEE, RICE, TO¬ BACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, CANDIES, CRACKERS, TIN AND WOODEN WARE, and In fact-, anything usually found in a first-class country store. My goods are fresh, of best quality and prices to suit the hard times. Give mo a trial when in need of anything in my line. Respectfully, B. IL Cockrell apr.l4,yl.93. flows YourTimil We are now able to make the people of Irwin Oo. THE MOST LIBERAL CLUB BATES Ever offered to any people. The Irwin County News and Ttye Weekly Constitution one year for only $1.25. The News and The Daily Journal one year for only $4.75, This oiler will be withdrawn af¬ ter 30 days. ■ ■ ! Irwin’s Leg q| A Road Notice. * GEORGIA—Irwin Co. J To ail wh tn it may concern: j All poraons interested are hereby no i.'i ■ j t cut if no pood tfi'V-f- tc j .bo c antrary ho shown, an order ! v»il! oc graded by the undersigned. • t.ho first Monday in Ndvemhur p tablishir.g the following ! eh’i.nge in the Irwinville and Doug- ‘i: 1 -'. road in BUS ro-'d district of 1 said County, to-wit: n ofiamencin at the old pasture pat s or said road nori’> west of the residence <> Jno. Whitley, leaving paid < dual 1 to the left going ;n?thw(t*4 'A arj • , J at the ra near the eor- f old field J. R. D. Paulk. ptorn her lol’u, 1893. M EKDEROCX. Com. T'i^ i .0,1' , '1 C v i .‘,. ! V , 3. , . *.» ( . / l [ A,—I twin Co. \ r : ■.-.]{ ■ ■ r. m it fflfi ct aceru. AH r ti a s. ro hereby notifief > good ea 'i J i'i fX to the contra- •f be 3howu, an on or will he grant¬ - ed by tlv> undersigned, on the first Monday in N 0V6: i-ihlng a new road, as marked out e?oaJ commissioners unpointed "or thfit purpose, eotn" encing at or : -<>. r- rpai-leiicc of Jordan Him ■on on the Irwinvillc and Jackson¬ ville Road, in the 432 road district of said County, running through land a of Marion Dickson, through lands and by the residence of Jor¬ dan Andrews and John Green, thence via Dorminy’s Mills and Irom thence in a south-westerly di¬ rection intersecting the public read loading;from the ford of the Satilla creek on the Paulk and McMillan road to Sturgeon Crock Primitive Baptist church, at or near the pres er:t rm-ddenoe of Levteru k bMupaoi. col., ihence south along said road about 800 yards, and from thence a southwesterly direction back ,o 1 and intersecting with said Ir- vviaville and acksonvi'lie road at ., necT-Jorck-of braneh- Be»f-tbe Banker Hill old court grounds. September 15th, 1393, M. Henderson, Com, Ron. 1 Notice. GEORGIA—Irwit; Co. To all whom it may concern. All pereone udereatsd are hereby notified, that if no good cause to tin contrary bo shown, an order wilf be granted by the undersigned on the first Monday in December next, establishing the following change in the Old Union Rord, in m d Riad Diet, of said county ; commencing between the residen¬ ces of M. Powell and C. L. Royal, leaving orgional rend to the left and running in a northerly direc- lion through lands of *-*. L* Royal, DiJ. Parker and II. IL Tift, and by. the residence of D. J. Parker, thence in a north-westerly direction n terse cling road about 33 yards acuta of the 14 mile post on said road. This Oct. llih 1893. M. Henderr-on, Comr. Roads & Rev. I.C. 3-25 r-9. Notice. I fern-Tura any person from trad- lug for S notes given by me, Aug,, 3-d, 1893 to Mr. Wright Mixon, as I will not pay them. The 3 notes matures as follows : First one, Oct., 18 3 for $130.00; second one, Nov., 1893 for $10003; third one, Dec., 1893 for $100.00. Andrew Rainey. Vic, Ga., Sept., 30th, 1893. REPAIR-SHOP- I am prepared to do all kinds of repair work on buggies, wagons , carts, etc. Horse siloing a spec¬ ialty. Respect fully, Marcus Luke. Irwinviile, Ga. ■ • L % i •SAl ■ii ......... Wk M3, ft; gp m hy m *i- 3 i'j • CM fj n Ai p - 3 . L . SYCAMORE. GA. a 0 UH a sha-'Ing Public. mi r=i ,' 4 It’ 3* a hit* >y A ’p p ^ 7171 f *PWI All f f 1 . . . ■ . . «Aa Wliu. ....... tP MjS .JLJL V,J KniSP C vp wr, k 4* -• stow m ; 1 ■ .a, our v,A > fN3.T2j*. Rl ■: R J iHc-.Mi:: vary xc ■ •• ; ■ wRon wo offer to Q sP f N t \T1 : X.J kCJ Kp At A » CHEAP AS 1 -• .L\ 1 'HOUSE / ' OEM.‘COX DUu-> a legiti¬ mate business. wove US . 4 trial and if we cant do .'/ we will consider oarsri; es oad 0 . Hie business- WE MAKE i i i \ I KJ I NT 'Bo curry the OOMP l 1 STOCK. 01 . ... .. IBaciias and. Orsnts Fii¥£ FOO”’ ' U/UKB to be found in Wire-grass Georgia Our “Smith. Sfcoo” beats anything in the state for the money. V ' 5 ; h./ 'Teas '■ Mb Nam Head to Foot for less money than you, could imigme. Winter is comin : and our Sum: icr Stock of clothing must go re- gnrdiess of co.d:, to make room for goods in season. r ,V i , id;; ill pay you the highest market U i mice for, all farm products. i i iu i w axis Jb. -a' ... b ^ your Hayes 0/ Smith 0 ©. 9 22-tf RvcaNoke, Ga. W-witattKOSaaa 'zs.mstii ; ■ .6p3?2u»K?3«c*BaraH **.**•. WAP* ^ I 8 tore i ! '-f; 1 | Hf | kj VV f 6 AT AKHBURN Having opened a new and complete line ot DRUGS, PATENT 11EDICINE3, DRUGGIST SUNDRIES and ev., tVik ■; usually kept : a a First-Class Drug Store. 1 respectfully solicit ;!■■!■; la ci’ tho ucoplo of Sycamore ami surroumiiuir couutrv. Jiy- line of— Fluid nnd Solid Extracts, and pure chemicals, including the new Concentrated Remedies used by Physi¬ cians is complete. When iu need of anything in the Drug line call at my store and you will he pleased. I will continue the practice of MrCDICINE and SURGERY in all their branches; will attend the calls of responsible parties promptly, DAY OR NIGHT. Respectfully, T. P. M .U FtS.JCi A A ■ • 15 I». Sep.l3,1803,tf. ASfintJJiN, GA. GE«. W. MARVIN, Pretiident. ,J. S. FATS, Vice I 4 csideut. >tv) U'XcnX Uooik of GordeSe- Thie Bank is now OPEN for Business, and Solicits the Accounts of Lumbermen, Manufacturers, Merchants, Firms, and Individuals. interest Paid on Time Deposit -JDS. E/ B1VIMS, Gashie.. ctMtmrrtxttcrn-varrrj- s-ubwiri _• r. ✓ \ .■ MILES UU .3 STIFF COMPANY, -MANDFACTURERS OF- The Cooper Piano! ■DEALERS IN- Planes, Organs and Sliest Music! 134 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. aug.lO.’O'-i.fimo. nr—, ^“-nmnirrmf—------irriTTii-i-wir n rtfi f i w iTtiT i fiiMiijiiiiii BMW YOU3S GOTTOM --TO-- W. B. & O. G. Sparks MACON, GA. ----------— Parties Georgia, shipping to us on Through Bill Lading to Savar- imh, care of Union Compress, Macon, Georgia, will save 50 per cent, of freight. Railroad Agents will explain mode of shipping in this wan, ,/llro dray age of 70 cents ver ‘bal * will h( ■■■: ■ ' . W'.R. <$ {). G.SBARKS 1